2 minute read
Know where you’re going
They say men find it difficult to ask for directions. I have, myself, seen proof of this. Years ago, the words “I know where I’m going” were often said, before eventually asking me to wrestle with the paper road map which, incidentally, never folded up the same way again.
Today we have talking maps! Siri can be set to sound feminine or masculine, with your choice of accent, as well. I prefer the less-irritating male, Australianaccented intonation to boss me around when I drive.
Recently I travelled solo to the lake near where our camper sits. It is over three hours away from the city where we currently live.
Let me make this clear. I knew how to
I thought, “Maybe I can get there faster!”
I keyed in the name of my destination and chose “quickest route”. My GPS immediately directed me to a “highway” I’d never taken before but, not long after turning onto it, the road turned into gravel.
I rechecked the GPS directions but that deep, soothing voice assured me that I was on the correct course.
I shrugged, naively thinking, “This short bit of rough road must turn into pavement soon, since this is called a highway.”
As the sand and stones continued, and continued some more, I listened with relief as my masculine “mate” told me that just a few kilometres ahead I’d be turning onto a different highway.
“Oh good!” I thought.
“The one I’m on must just
PATTIE JANZEN Laugh at Life... Revisited

resembled nothing more than a cow path. I didn’t panic, however, because there were indeed, cows so … I stopped and took a picture (sure) before slowly venturing forth, still blindingly trusting the Aussie I picture inside my phone’s GPS. Because I hadn’t been precise enough when keying in the details, I wasn’t aware this form of Siri was taking me to the opposite side of the lake. It finally twigged did take me very close to the edge of the lake. I sat for a few moments, enjoying the still, peaceful water, taking in it’s beauty and charm from that new perspective.
NOT! After whipping the car around and refiguring things, I did eventually make it to my destination on the correct side, but I would have arrived much sooner if I’d gone the “long way” around — you know — on actual paved highways, and with no need for that
My husband, who has my phone pinged on a “Find My Friends” app, chuckled as I scrambled out of my vehicle. “Took the scenic route, did ya?”
“Yes, I did,” I admitted, proudly. “My goal was to get here faster.”
“How’d that work out for you?” he asked, knowing full-well it hadn’t.
“Well,” I answered. “It wasn’t faster because what Siri considers highways are not, but I no longer have to wonder what the lake looks like from the other side.”
After getting the slow leak fixed from a nail my back tire found on my travels that day, all was well.
Interestingly, since then, we travelled
Golf Tournament
Texas scramble golf tournament. Registration includes golf fees, golf cart and steak/chicken supper.
Event Schedule

Registration Shotgun Start Supper
12:00pm 1:00pm 6:00pm
$75 /Person
First Place Prize Sponsored Hole Prizes
Register Online: https://bit.ly/LegacyCoopGolfTournament together to a destination unknown to us both. As I pulled out my phone to access the GPS, these familiar words rang out from the driver on my left. “No need for that. I know where we’re going.” Just a few short minutes in, however, Siri did lend a hand. Paper or digital, some things never change. I key in wrong destinations and trust a computer program and he … is still a man. Happy Father’s Day to all you men who know where you’re going! Keep up the good work! (pdjanzen.com)
Register In Person: Legacy Co-op Admin Office Yorkton Food Store with Ashley Gristwood. Cheques made payable to Legacy Co-operative Association limited.

Registration Deadline June 26, 2023.