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1100 Cards of Thanks 1120 Announcements
Advertisements and statements
1130 Coming Events
Granite, Bronze, Marble Monuments, Grave Covers, Vases, Artificial Flowers, Cemetery Inscriptions & Cremation Urns.
Main St. South, Box 476, Ituna, Sask. S0A 1N0 Ph. (306)795-2428
1050 In Memoriam
GAWRYLIUK — Elaine. In loving memory of a dear sister who entered God’s Heavenly Kingdom on September 26, 2011. Of all the many blessings
However great or small
To have had you for a sister
Was the greatest gift of all
The family chain is broken now
And nothing seems the same
But as God takes us one by one
The chain will link again.
— Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by brother Ed, sisters Sylvia & Lorraine and their families.
In loving memory of Dora Unick

WEGNER — In loving memory of Albert Wegner, February 14, 1921 to September 23, 2009. He had a nature you could not help loving, And a heart that was purer than gold., And to those that knew and loved him, His memory will never grow old.

— Ever remembered, forever loved, Elsie and family
As we look upon your picture, sweet memories we recall of a face so full of sunshine and a smile for one and all.
1100 Cards of Thanks
You gave us many things in life, gifts both great and small. But most of all you gave us love, the greatest gift of all.
Dear God take this message to our dear Mother (Baba) up above. Tell her how we miss her and give her a hug and all our love.
Vichnaya Pamyat! Eternal Memory!
The family of the late Dennis Kuzek would like to thank everyone who supported us through Dennis’s illness and after his passing. The gifts of food, cards, phone calls and donations will never be forgotten. Thank you to Father Mel Slashinsky, cantor, choir, pall bearers and the Orthodox Ladies for serving the lunch after prayers, Ron Sebulsky and Cheryl Bilokreli for preparing the lunch in Theodore after the funeral and a thank you to Garry Gawryliuk for the eulogy. Also a special thanks to the staff at Bailey’s Funeral Home for their caring and professional matter for getting us through a difficult time.

Forever remembered by your children & (great) grandchildren
— Val & Family
What I would give, if I could say
“I think I’ll go see Mom today”
As time goes on without you
And days have turned into 25 years
We hold a million memories
And a thousand silent tears
The special years will never return
When we gathered all together
But Mom, we hold your special love
Deep in our hearts, never to forget For it will remain forever
I miss you and love you Mom
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by only daughter Olga and son-in-law Mike
The family of the late Kirk Neibrandt wish to extend our heartfelt thanks for the numerous cards of sympathy, flowers, gifts of food, the generous donation Education Trust Fund, visits, phone calls and support from relatives and friends following the loss of my husband and our father. Thank you to the Doctors, Nursing Staff of ICU and 1st West, Home Care Treatment Nurses and Palliative Care of the Yorkton Regional Health Centre. The Doctors and Nurses of the Allan Blair Cancer Centre, Regina, Regina General Hospital and the Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, for their care of Kirk. A special thank you to Dr. van Heerden and staff and Louck’s Pharmacy also. We also wish to express our thanks to Vern and staff at Christie’s Funeral Home for their professional service, Pastor Dan Moeller for officiating the service, Jackie Guy - soloist, for her special songs, the Rhein Lion’s Club for the use of the hall and the many people who helped with set up of hall, lunch and clean up. Thank you to everyone who shared with us and our families, Kirk’s Celebration of Life on August 15, 2012. Your support was overwhelming. “You can shed tears that he is gone, or you can smile because he lived; Smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
— With healing hearts, tears in our eyes, Wendy, Brandi and Dana Neibrandt.
The family of the late Pauline Spelay wish to extend their heartfelt thanks for cards of sympathy, mass cards, flowers, gifts of food, donations, visits, phone calls from relatives and friends following the loss of our mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Thanks to the doctors and nursing staff at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre, Pasqua Hospital - Regina, St. Peter’s Hospital - Melville for their care. Also a special thank you to St. Paul Lutheran Care Home, Melville for your excellent care during this past year. We also wish to express our thanks to Larry and staff at Bailey’s Funeral Home for their professional services, Father Ray Lukie, Father Peter Pidskalny, Father Joakim Rac for officiating the services, the cantors, choir and the Knights of Columbus for leading the holy rosary, the grandchildren and great grandchildren for being pallbearers, crossbearer, epistle reader, and giving the eulogy, the luncheons as served by the St. Mary’s Cultural Centre after the prayers, and the Royal Canadian Legion after the funeral service.
— Dennis, Michael, Trudy, Dave and Family
1120 Announcements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’ s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www. swna.com.
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MUSIC MAKERS - Music & Movement classes for children birth through age 4; PIANO LESSONS for all ages & styles. Call Diane at 641-9887.
PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 550,000 readers weekly. Call this newspaper NOW or 306-649.1405 for details.
1130 Coming Events
FALL SUPPER; LOCATION: BURGIS BEACH HALL, DATE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2012. Two sittings - 4:00 and 5:30 p.m. Walk-ins Welcome. ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT CANORA PHARMACY, CANORA AND ALEXANDER’S MEN’S WEAR IN YORKTON or call Linda at 563-4885 or Dodie at 563-4174.
ADULTS $12.00, 4-12 YEARS $6.00, UNDER 4 FREE (Children’s tickets available at the Door). All proceeds will go to replacing the playground equipment that was destroyed in the 2010 flood.
1140 Companions
LOOKING FOR a female companion between 55 and 65. I enjoy dancing, dining, cooking, and shopping. Please respond to Box E, c/o Yorkton This Week, Box 1300 - 20 Third Ave., Yorkton, SK, S3N 2X3
1150 Personals
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Certificates? Maybe late issued. Maybe I could help correct the record at Vital Statistics. Call John @ 306-563-6883.
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PleaseContact WarrenVandenameele RoyalLePagePremierRealty 306-743-7761
2 BEDROOM apartment in quiet adult apartment block in Melville, SK. Call 306-728-1048 or 306728-2294.
Yourdriver'slicencemustbewrong. Youcan'tpossiblybe80. Maybe40yearsoldwith 40yearsofexperience!
HappyBirthday, AlexanderGreschuk!
Wishingyouhealth&lotsmore opportunitiestoenjoyfamily& friends,goforcoffee,catchfish, getdrawnforhunting,quadrides, fillyourhummingbirdfeeder, singyourfavouriteJohnnyCash song,watchhockey&baseball andmakeatoast"diborja!"
2 BEDROOM main floor unit. Heat supplied, water to reasonable amount. References and damage deposit required. $800. Text or call 306-621-9584
RENOVATED SUITES available. Good location. First Choice 306621-5050
LotsofLove, Diane,Susan,Shelley&Kelly, Sandy,Jennifer&Kevin,Jason& Kwan&yourtengrandchildren.
John 3:16 bold dashed outline on the following map. Proposed parcels on the NW 24-25-4-2 Reason The reasons for the amendments are:
Do you need prayer?
SPRINGSIDE HOUSING Authority is currently accepting applications for a 3 bedroom home. Fridge and stove included. Well kept, clean and quiet neighborhood. Rent is based on income. No Pets. For more information and applications please call Morlie at 306-792-2222 or 306-621-7815.
PREVIOUS OWNER of Lil Eva / Voodoo, a black female cat rescued from the shelter in Yorkton, SK would like to speak with new owner to see how Lil Eva / Voodoo is doing. Call John, 306-853-7056
Please call: 306-516-0038 or 250-217-5294 or 306-783-8540
1) To accommodate subdivisions of the quarter section for proposed twelve (3.5 acre) parcels for the intended use of highway commercial and light industrial.
HAY FOR SALE. Excellent quality square alfalfa/orchard grass bales. $8 each. Call or text 306-620-6108
Visit heavenlanguage.com

Public Inspection Any person may inspect Bylaw Z2/12 at the municipal of ce in Yorkton, Saskatchewan during regular of ce hours between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Copies are available at cost.
Written Submissions Any person(s) may make a written submission to council regarding proposed Bylaw Z2/12. Submissions will be accepted either by mail or at the public hearing. Mailed submissions should be forwarded to: Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244 26 - 5th Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 0Y8.
LOOKING FOR honest and sincere gentleman, aged 75-85 years, as friend and companion. Please mail Box JJ c/o Yorkton This Week, Box 1300, Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3
SWM seeking female 65-70 years old for companionship. Someone who likes country and western music. Preferably a non-smoker, nondrinker and is easy going. If interested please reply to Box 1642, Yorkton, SK, S3N 3L2
Public Hearing Council will hold a public hearing on October 11, 2012 at 10:30 a.m., at the R.M. Of ce at 26 - 5th Avenue North, Yorkton Saskatchewan, to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed Bylaw Z2/12.
Statement Of Ownership
Published weekly by Boundary
Publishers Ltd., a subsidiary of Glacier Ventures International Corp.
The Glacier group of companies collects personal information from our customers in the normal course of business transactions. We use that information to provide you with our products and services you request. On occasion we may contact you for purposes of research, surveys and other such matters. To provide you with better service we may share your personal information with our sister companies and also outside, selected third parties who perform work for us as suppliers, agents, service providers and information gatherers. Our subscription list may be provided to other organizations who have products and services that may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to participate in such matters, please contact us at the following address: Yorkton This Week, 20 Third Avenue North, Yorkton, S3N 2X3. For a complete statement of our privacy policy, please go to our website at: www.yorktonthisweek.com or stop by our office and pick up a copy.
Yorkton This Week is owned and operated by The Prairie Newspaper Group LP, a division of GVIC Communications Corp.
Position begins immediately. Successful candidate will oversee the public works department for the Town of 800+ residents as well as supervise staff.
• Operation, maintenance, and repair of the Water and Wastewater systems;
• Providing hands-on support on equipment;
• Ensure proper records are maintained by staff and provide written reports, analysis, and recommendations on public works to Administration and Council;
• Be able to prepare and present departmental budget, determine resource needs and financing requests; and,
• Have thorough knowledge of street construction and maintenance, water and sewer system operation and maintenance, and building maintenance through relevant experience.
Qualifications required:
• Able to Operate Heavy Equipment; certification on heavy equipment is an asset.
• Strong oral and written communications
• Leadership skills
• Possess knowledge of safety principals and practices
Annual Bull Sale
SK For Sale - Misc Livestock
40 Two Year Old Black Angus Bulls 10 Open Black Angus Heifers Robin 306-743-7490
9 miles South of Langenburg on Hwy #8 Bar H Land & Cattle Company Anderson Cattle Co. Bull Sale 50 Red & Black Angus yearling and two year olds. March 28/23 Swan River, MB 204-281-3560 www.andersoncattle.ca Open House March 11 & 12 DIRECT SUPPORT workers needed. Permanent full-time positions. 12-hour shifting. Wages dependant on contract. Please send resumes to yadams@yailharbor.org
• Team player and work with minimal supervision
• Clear Driver’s Abstract, Criminal Record Check, and Vulnerable Sector Search
Qualifications Preferred:
• Class 1 Level 1 Water Treatment & Distribution Certification
• Class 1 Level 1 Waste Water Treatment & Collection
The position is full-time, 40 hours per week, permanent position with on call availability once per month. Required to be within 30- minute proximity to the Town of Churchbridge for responding to emergencies. Benefits include: Dental, Vision, STD, LTD, Health, and Municipal Pension. Signing Bonus and Moving Allowance may be available for the successful candidate. The Town of Churchbridge thanks all applicants for their interest; however, only those candidates selected for further consideration will be contacted. This competition will run until the vacancy has been filled. Please submit a cover letter, resume with three references, salary expectations, certifications, driver’s abstract, criminal record check, and vulnerable sector search to:
Attn: Renea Paridaen, CAO TOWN OF CHURCHBRIDGE Box 256 Churchbridge, SK S0A 0M0 Fax (306) 896-2910 Phone (306) 896-2240 Email: churchbridge@sasktel.net
General Employment Auctions QUICK SOLD AUCTION serving SE Saskatchewan. Let us help you get the best price in the least amount of time. Get Canada and USA wide coverage on our Online auction. Specializing in estate, antiques, collectibles and vintage sales of all kinds. Certified antique and personal property appraiser. Bonded and insured. Don’t throw anything out until you talk to us. Free consultation Phone: 306-7307310 www.quicksoldauction.com PL#508277.
1.866.783.6766 parklandcollege.sk.ca Instructor, Medical Lab Assistant (MLA) • • • • • • • Closing Date: March 1, 2023 at 12:00 PM Please send your application electronically, quoting competition #72-2223 to: careers@parklandcollege.sk.ca ParklandCollege-Instructor_3x77.c24_R001192????.indd 1 2023-02-15 3:31 PM
Part-time/Full-time Work Available
Long-time certified organic grain farm located 15 driving minutes north of Melville or 30 driving minutes (25 miles/40 km) southwest of Yorkton along Hwy 47 North has openings for experienced farm workers for the upcoming growing season.

Must be reliable, highly motivated, display common sense and work well alone and with others. Knowledge of operating and maintaining farm equipment from the late 90’s/early 2000’s essential. Welding experience would be an asset. Part-time and full-time positions available. Competitive wages between $22.00 - $32.00 hr. based on experience and performance.
Retirees are also welcome to apply.
Please contact:
Rolling-Hills Farms P.O. Box 347 - Melville/SK. - SOA 2P0
Phone: (306) 728-3732
Email: benefarms@sasktel.net
• Installing signs, culverts, etc.
• Ability to work with other employees, as well to work alone safely.
• Communication and positivity.
• Communicating with Council, Administration, municipal employees and ratepayers in a positive manner.
The Candidate is required to :
• Have a valid class 5 drivers licence; But class 3A is preferred.
• Operate heavy Equipment.
• Mechanical background and skills.
• Certifications in Power Mobile Equipment, WHIMIS, First Aid, Ground Disturbance and First Aid is an asset; or the candidate would be willing to obtain.
• Be willing to take direction from Council.
The R.M. offers a competitive salary, benefits package and Municipal employee’s pension plan.
For more information, contact the RM Office at 1-306-742-4233.
Interested Candidates are invited to submit their resume by March 30th, 2023, including qualifications, experience, salary expectations and 3 work related references to: R.M of Calder No. 241 • Box 10, Wroxton, Sk S0A 4S0 Email: calderrm@sasktel.net • Fax: 306-742-4559
MARCH 9 General Employment General Employment General Employment General Employment General Employment General Employment some extra cash (possibly of up to $400/month depending on route size), get exercise and work only a few hours a week too! Be a Yorkton This Week Carrier!
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Only 2 days or less per week
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