11 minute read
Humboldt author chronicles the ghost towns of Saskatchewan
By Nicole Goldsworthy, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter (Humboldt Journal)


A Humboldt author has written a book documenting the ghost towns of Saskatchewan.

Terry Brown started writing his book, Blowing in the Wind: Ghost Towns in the Saskatchewan Grid, with a tank of gas and a road trip in search of ghost towns in Saskatchewan. Driving over 10,000 kilometres on the grid roads, Brown has discovered 137 listed ghost towns in Wikipedia, but said there is likely closer to 150 in Saskatchewan. He’s compiled over 10,000 images of many of the uninhabited settlements and villages throughout Saskatchewan.
He will be at the Reid Thompson Public Library in Humboldt discussing his book on Wednesday, April 19 at 6:30 p.m.
Brown grew up in Saskatchewan, and after marrying his wife, Rita, moved to the Northwest Territories, where they raised their family for many years. In 2010 they returned to the prairies settling in Humboldt to be closer to family. Brown developed a passion for historical and military research. He has also been instrumental in assisting people in finding the whereabouts of several Second World War veterans who were listed as missing in action.
He was an accountant by trade but Brown said he always liked writing and often wrote poems. In early retirement, he took an interest in researching various topics on the internet, mostly pertaining to my family history and military research.
“My interest in photography began once we started to travel the grid roads of Saskatchewan in seeking adventures, which led to searching for ghost towns and cemeteries.”
From a few old and abandoned buildings and crumbling foundations, one cannot help but wonder why the early settlers chose to build up a community in a particular location and then have the entire population disappear years later, Brown said. Some of these communities are still occupied by residents who have chosen to stay on, without the convenience of a grocery store, post office or gas station, prairie peacefulness and solitude at its best.
The idea for the book came from him googling Saskatchewan ghost towns and a list of 137 names popped up. He printed off this list, got a Saskatchewan highway map and started to circle all the names he could find.
“The closest ghost town to Humboldt on the map was Romance, just 40 minutes away. On a sunny summer day, Rita and I hopped in our car and went to look for it.
We were very excited to see the few remaining uninhabited buildings that were once a town. It was also sad to see but it sparked an interest.”
Six years passed by before he got serious about putting a book together. He credits his daughters for really pushing him towards getting the book actually published and said they were instrumental in encouraging him to take this next step.
Specifically in the Northeast, in terms of ghost towns there are Romance, Stornoway, Handsworth, Tate, Jasmin, Jedburgh, Insinger, West Bend, Reynaud, Tarnopol, Smuts, Tiny, and Sinnett, to name a few.
Brown said since over the period of one year, he sold over 200 books. He is already thinking of his next project and has already written his second book, a sequel, titled Blowing in the Wind: Tombstones on the Saskatchewan Grid, which was just published on April 10.
It covers the same roads, this hardcover coffee table book contains 388 coloured photographs of tombstones and grave markers from 176 prairie cemeteries, the final resting place to over
300 early settlers born in the 1800s. Historical accounts are written about the Métis heritage at Round Prairie, Lebret, Lindsay and Batoche.
“My next project is to complete a commemorative book of photographs of gravestones of the pioneers born in the 1800s where I grew up in Indian Head and Wolseley and District. Wolseley is celebrating its 125 anniversary this August.”
Brown also developed a passion for historical and military research. He has also been instrumental in assisting people in finding the whereabouts of several Second World War veterans who were listed as missing in action. Brown had the spotlight on him in 2019 in a Saskatoon StarPhoenix article about his uncle who is a Second World War veteran whose Vickers Wellington plane vanished over the Bay of Biscay on summer morning during the middle of the war. When he found out what happened to his uncle’s bomber – he tracked down the families of the other six crew members who went missing.
Spring snows
A late April snow was not ideal for area cattle producers in the midst of calving. It meant a need to get out even as the snow fell to add bed- ding for the new calves and their mothers. Fortunately the heavy, wet snow has largely melted already.

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GAWRYLIUK — Elaine. In loving memory of a dear sister who entered God’s Heavenly Kingdom on September 26, 2011. Of all the many blessings
However great or small
To have had you for a sister
Was the greatest gift of all
The family chain is broken now
And nothing seems the same
But as God takes us one by one
SHIELLS - The family of the late Jennifer Shiells wish to thank friends and neighbours for your cards, visits, flowers, gifts of food and generous donations, in her memory, to Palliative Care. To those who attended Jenn’s service, thank you for coming. Your thoughts, prayers and support bring comfort in our loss and are sincerely appreciated. - The Shiells Family
The chain will link again. — Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by brother Ed, sisters Sylvia & Lorraine and their families.
WEGNER — In loving memory of Albert Wegner, February 14, 1921 to September 23, 2009.
He had a nature you could not help loving, And a heart that was purer than gold., And to those that knew and loved him, His memory will never grow old.
Houses For Rent
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The family of the late Kirk Neibrandt wish to extend our heartfelt thanks for the numerous cards of sympathy, flowers, gifts of food, the generous donation Education Trust Fund, visits, phone calls and support from relatives and friends following the loss of my husband and our father. Thank you to the Doctors, Nursing Staff of ICU and 1st West, Home Care Treatment Nurses and Palliative Care of the Yorkton Regional Health Centre. The Doctors and Nurses of the Allan Blair Cancer Centre, Regina, Regina General Hospital and the Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, for their care of Kirk. A special thank you to Dr. van Heerden and staff and Louck’s Pharmacy also. We also wish to express our thanks to Vern and staff at Christie’s Funeral Home for their professional service, Pastor Dan Moeller for officiating the service, Jackie Guy - soloist, for her special songs, the Rhein Lion’s Club for the use of the hall and the many people who helped with set up of hall, lunch and clean up. Thank you to everyone who shared with us and our families, Kirk’s Celebration of Life on August 15, 2012. Your support was overwhelming. “You can shed tears that he is gone, or you can smile because he lived; Smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
— With healing hearts, tears in our eyes, Wendy, Brandi and Dana Neibrandt.
SPRINGSIDE HOUSING Authority is currently accepting applications for a 3 bedroom home. Fridge and stove included. Well kept, clean and quiet neighborhood. Rent is based on income. No Pets. For more information and applications please call Morlie at 306-792-2222 or 306-621-7815.
Assessment Notice
— Ever remembered, forever loved, Elsie and family
1100 Cards of Thanks
The Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of Orknev No. 244 for the year 2023 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Thursday, April 24 to May 25, 2023.
The family of the late Dennis Kuzek would like to thank everyone who supported us through Dennis’s illness and after his passing. The gifts of food, cards, phone calls and donations will never be forgotten. Thank you to Father Mel Slashinsky, cantor, choir, pall bearers and the Orthodox Ladies for serving the lunch after prayers, Ron Sebulsky and Cheryl Bilokreli for preparing the lunch in Theodore after the funeral and a thank you to Garry Gawryliuk for the eulogy. Also a special thanks to the staff at Bailey’s Funeral Home for their caring and professional matter for getting us through a difficult time.
A Bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required.
The family of the late Pauline Spelay wish to extend their heartfelt thanks for cards of sympathy, mass cards, flowers, gifts of food, donations, visits, phone calls from relatives and friends following the loss of our mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Thanks to the doctors and nursing staff at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre, Pasqua Hospital - Regina, St. Peter’s Hospital - Melville for their care. Also a special thank you to St. Paul Lutheran Care Home, Melville for your excellent care during this past year. We also wish to express our thanks to Larry and staff at Bailey’s Funeral Home for their professional services, Father Ray Lukie, Father Peter Pidskalny, Father Joakim Rac for officiating the services, the cantors, choir and the Knights of Columbus for leading the holy rosary, the grandchildren and great grandchildren for being pallbearers, crossbearer, epistle reader, and giving the eulogy, the luncheons as served by the St. Mary’s Cultural Centre after the prayers, and the Royal Canadian Legion after the funeral service. — Dennis, Michael, Trudy, Dave and Family
Any person who wishes to appeal his or her assessment is required to file their notice of appeal with the applicable appeal fee to: the Secretary of the Board of Revision, Western Municipal Consulting, Marlene Hassard, Box 149 Meota, SK. SOM 1X0, prior to 4:00 p.m. on Monday May 25, 2023
Dated this 24th day of April, 2023 Bridgette Rushkewich Assessor

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2, from A-Agricultural to C1 - Highway Commercial and Light Industrial.
Affected Land The affected land to be rezoned is legally described as NW 24-25-4-2 twelve proposed 3.5 acre parcels shown within the bold dashed outline on the following map.
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1) To accommodate subdivisions of the quarter section for proposed twelve (3.5 acre) parcels for the intended use of highway commercial and light industrial.
Public Inspection Any person may inspect Bylaw Z2/12 at the municipal of ce in Yorkton, Saskatchewan during regular of ce hours between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Copies are available at cost.
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Any person(s) may make a written submission to council regarding proposed Bylaw Z2/12. Submissions will be accepted either by mail