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Cathay Wagantall MP Yorkton/Melville
Page 6 Where good things happen
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Yorkton Film Festival
The Yorkton Film Festival has had a reputation and a long history for providing one of the premier events for filmmakers and film enthusiasts in Canada. 2020 would have been no different, then the global pandemic COVID19 happened forcing the postponement of the May 21 -24 festivities. “Postponing the festival was not a decision that we took lightly, but it was the right thing to do for all involved including festival delegates, speakers, and staff. This was a tough but necessary call, and we are confident that the festival will be delivered at a later time. Our team is working on new ways to connect and honour the filmmakers who have submitted their work to the Golden Sheaf Awards,” said YFF executive director Randy Goulden.
This meant that much of the regular scheduled programmes and activities on the Festival’s agenda such as student day, which focuses on student filmmakers; film screening for the public at the Gallagher Centre and the showing of a featured film at the Painted Hands Casino on opening night would not have been possible this year.
However, North America’s longest running festival wanted to continue its tradition of honouring Canadian filmmakers, especially the future of the Canadian film industry, the emerging filmmakers. And after many consultations with its partners and interested parties, it was announced that the 73rd Yorkton Film Festival Golden Sheaf Awards will be virtual. The ceremony will be broadcast on Thursday June 18, 2020 at 7.00pm (SK time) on Access7 and streamed online https://www.myaccess.ca/Live/YFF/ Randy Goulden, YFF Executive Director “I’m pleased to thank our partners Java Post Production and Access Communications Cooperative for the support and assistance in the Virtual Golden Sheaf Awards. The tradition continues”.
This tradition will be a mini version of the whole festival experience but there will be an announcement of nominees that are the best in Canadian short films in their respective categories. And the awarding of coveted Golden Sheaf Awards which will signify the best of the best for 2020.
As we adapt and continue to grow, the Yorkton Film Festival is looking steadfast to 2021, May 26 – 30. For four days in May we will expect to put on a festival that is more in line with our growth and grander vision. We will still continue to provide some of the traditions that we are beknown for by filmmakers and our audience such as; opening night,
Continued on Page 7

Sheila Bobb General Manager Petro Canada’s 2005, 2008, 2007 & 2009 Phone: (306) 786-8832 500 Broadway Street West • Yorkton, SK • Fax: (306) 786-1895 S3N 0P2 • Email: kgcsmgr @ gmail.com Presidents Award Winner 6