2 minute read
Water security agency in the field for snow surveys
The Water Security Agency (WSA) is once again preparing to undertake snow water equivalent sampling to help create a complete picture of the spring runoff potential for Saskatchewan.
“To ensure the province’s water needs for communities, farmers and ranchers, industry and recreation users, the Water Security Agency manages the province’s water supply year-round,” Minister Responsible for WSA Jeremy Cockrill said. “That’s why every February, as part of our regular monitoring, WSA personnel gather snowpack data to help fill in other data gathered from other monitoring sites.”
WSA staff will be in the field at over a hundred sites later this month, carrying out snow surveys to help forecast the runoff potential, providing information on water supply and flood risks. Much of Saskatchewan’s runoff comes from snowmelt, so these surveys are a key piece of information for forecasters.
WSA staff will collect a column of snow- pack using a graduated tube, weigh the samples and then calculate the average snow-to-water equivalency for that area. Surveys from across the province contribute to the runoff potential map released every spring. Gathering and publishing this information helps municipalities, producers, industry and other users plan ahead. This annual process is one of the many ways WSA manages Saskatchewan’s water resources to improve our quality of life every day.

Thank you for supporting the 46th Annual Easter Seals Snowarama!

Easter Seals works to enrich the lives of every individual experiencing disability in our province. Each year we provide services to children, youth, adults, and their families through programs offered by SaskAbilities, owner and operator of Easter Seals Saskatchewan. We are fully dedicated to enhancing the quality of life, self-esteem, and self-determination of individuals experiencing disability, through such programs as Camp Easter Seal, Summer Fun, and Adaptive Technology Services.
Camp Easter Seal - this year will be camp’s 67th season in operation. Over the years, so many people young and old consider this wonderful place to be a home away from home. As the only completely wheelchair-accessible camp facility in Saskatchewan, Camp Easter Seal provides a safe, fun, and barrier-free experience to all campers who participate in extracurricular, recreational, and personal development activities. It is truly a place where campers can put their daily challenges aside and just have fun! Camp Easter Seal is located at Manitou Beach near Watrous. Boasting views of lush greenery, rolling hills and calm, it has been referred to as one of the most picturesque locations in Saskatchewan.

Summer Fun - Summer Fun is a program that was created when SaskAbilities recognized the need for more social interaction during the summer months for children and youth who experience dis- ability. Summer Fun is aimed at fostering community inclusion, encouraging social skill development and increasing the self-confidence and selfesteem in program participants. With life enrichment as their goal, this program creates hope for children and youth who experience disability to have the same excitement and anticipation for summer holidays as every other child.

Adaptive Technology Services - This program is dedicated to using technology to create opportunities and increase independence for people experiencing disability. If an individual can control one muscle function - like blinking their eye, turning their head or controlling their breath –we can apply switches to that movement to increase their freedom, choice and safety. Individualized services including assessments, installation and training can open the door to a new world of possibilities for people experiencing disability. The freedom to make choices and act on opportunities!