YUSU Policy Briefing Pack - Term 3, Part 1

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Policy Briefing Pack ­ Term 3, Part 1, 2016 ­ Getting your feedback on Ideas is an extremely important part of the Policy Process here at YUSU. A lot of the Ideas we get from students and societies can be actioned immediately, but there are some (like those in this pack) where we need your feedback before a decision is made. This pack is being sent out through our Networks (each headed by a Part­Time Officer), our Colleges and via the Full­Time Officer team so that it can reach as many of our members as possible, leaving us with a broad range of feedback that best represents our student body. The pack is designed to give you the information you need to make a decision/give feedback on whether or not you believe that YUSU should adopt these Ideas as policy. Full versions of all of the Ideas can be found at this link ­ ​ goo.gl/2PvH1o There are Six Ideas in this pack; 1. ‘Toilets For All!’ ­ Gender Neutral Toilets ​ [Submitted by Lucas North and the Trans* Committee]

2. Bye­Law Change 1: By­Law 11 (Accountability) and By­Law 9 (Creating Policy), changes to aid transparency ​ [Submitted by Richard Crawshaw & Johannes Huber]

3. By­Law Change 2: By­Law 4 (Policy & Review Group), changes to PRG remit [Submitted by Richard Crawshaw & Johannes Huber]

4. By­Law Change 3: By­Law 4 (Policy & Review Group), changes to PRG handover requirements ​ [Submitted by Richard Crawshaw & Johannes Huber] 5. By­Law Change 4: By­Law 10 (Student Opportunities), Increasing Society

Flexibility: Allowing Societies to Appoint their Committee ​ [Submitted by Chris Wall] 6. By­Law Change 5: By­Law 1 (Membership), Introduction of an Associate

Membership fee for non­YUSU Society Members ​ [Submitted by Chris Wall]

How Do I Give Feedback? You can provide Feedback using this form ­ ​ http://goo.gl/forms/PAqaDGDCvK​ ​ ­ or by emailing ​ policy@yusu.org​ directly. You can also email the Sabbatical Officers and/or the Part­Time Officers with your Feedback, as well as commenting on their social media sharing of the Briefing Pack.

What happens once we get your feedback? The Policy Review Group, working with the Full­Time Officer team and YUSU’s Democracy & Campaigns Coordinator, look through the feedback and try to determine; A. Whether the feedback is substantial/representative enough of the student body to be taken into consideration B. Whether or not the feedback showcases consensus on an idea a. If there is positive consensus on an Idea it will become Active Policy b. If there is negative consensus on an Idea it will not c. If there is a very mixed reaction and no common consensus reached then the Idea will be moved to a Referendum

Timetable ­ When Should Things Happen? ­ Week 1 This Policy Briefing goes out to you ­ by email and in meetings, as well as in a blog by the YUSU President (and on YUSU social media). It contains each of the Ideas under discussion as well as information on each.

Week 2 This is the start of the Consultation Period proper, where Ideas are discussed within Networks, Colleges and other groups ­ as well as by Individual members of YUSU.. We’re looking to get as much feedback, from as broad a range of people as possible.

Week 3 Consultation continues ­ Officer Group Meetings, College Chair Meetings and Network Committee Meetings all play host to discussion, as does social media.

Week 4 The Friday of this week is the deadline for the Policy & Review Group (PRG) to receive your feedback ­ send it to ​ policy@yusu.org​ , use the form provided or comment on the website/social media.

Week 5 The PRG will meet this week and go over all of the feedback they’ve received in order to come to a decision on whether or not an Idea will become Policy. Their meeting/s will be minuted.The PRG’s decision is announced in a blog on the YUSU website, as well as on our social media channels. Attached to the decision will be the minutes from the PRG’s meeting as well as the feedback they received so that the process is open and transparent.

1. ‘Toilets For All!’ ­ Gender Neutral Toilets ​ [Submitted by Lucas North and the Trans* Committee]

There are several Gender Neutral toilets (or non gender­specific toilets) across campus, in James JCR, and Biology amongst others. This idea proposes that YUSU work towards providing GNT at their events, and work with other groups (like the University and Colleges) to do the same. The Idea being turned into Policy would not mean that gendered toilets would cease to exist. A copy of the full Idea can be accessed via this link ­ ​ goo.gl/2PvH1o What would happen if it became Active Policy? If this idea became Active Policy then; ● YUSU would work with the Idea proposers and relevant third parties to build provision of GNT into event setup. ● YUSU lobby the University to ensure that new buildings on campus have GNT provisions. ● YUSU would work with the University to introduce GNT in all locations where doing so will not affect gendered provision. What would happen if it failed to become Active Policy? YUSU’s own building has GNT, and we would still be able to work alongside the Trans* Network and other interested parties to improve our facilities ­ but we would not be mandated to by Policy, nor would we be mandated to lobby the University.

2. Changes to By­Law 11, and By­Law 9: Putting into Bye­Laws a requirement for Union Documents to be Available Online [Submitted by Richard Crawshaw & Johannes Huber]

This Idea would put into the Bye­Laws a requirement for all documents relating to members of the Union to be available on the YUSU website, as well as making physical copies easily available (for example, from the YUSU Helpdesk). In essence, the changes would mean that any document not deemed to be ‘publically available’ would be unenforceable. A copy of the full Idea can be accessed via this link ­ ​ goo.gl/2PvH1o The Bye­Laws, and other YUSU documents, are available on the YUSU Website at ​ yusu.org/aboutus/documents What would happen if it became Active Policy? If this idea became Active Policy then; ● YUSU would be mandated to include all of the listed documents on their website, in an accessible location. ● YUSU would be mandated to provide printed copies of those same documents in an accessible location ­ for example, the YUSU Helpdesk ● The PRG would be able to say whether or not a document fulfils the public availability criteria, and if it did not such a document would be deemed unenforceable. What would happen if it failed to become Active Policy? These documents would still be available on the YUSU Website, as having them available is good practice for an organisation of YUSU’s size ­ and it is in the interests of our members to be able to easily access their governing documents.

3. Changes to By­Law 4: Allowing PRG to Review Results of Policy Process [Submitted by Richard Crawshaw & Johannes Huber] This Idea would allow the Policy & Review Group to go back to earlier stages of the policy process if new evidence comes to light that they feel has unfairly impacted the process. This may be due to an error in the Policy Briefing, consultation groups being misled in some way or a consultation leader giving false information as part of their feedback. A copy of the full Idea can be accessed via this link ­ ​ goo.gl/2PvH1o The Bye­Laws, and other YUSU documents, are available on the YUSU Website at ​ yusu.org/aboutus/documents What would happen if it became Active Policy? If this idea became Active Policy then; ● The PRG would be able to investigate allegations of unfairness in any part of the Policy Procedure, so long as these allegations are brought to light within three months of the original decision. What would happen if it failed to become Active Policy? The Policy Process would remain as is ­ with the PRG unable to return to previously approved, or rejected, Ideas for policy.

4. Change to By­Law 4: Putting into By­Law a requirement for PRG documents to be made available for future PRGs [Submitted by Richard Crawshaw & Johannes Huber]

This change would put into writing a requirement for the PRG to ensure that a proper handover takes place ­ applying specifically to the availability of PRG materials to future Policy Coordinators and Policy & Review Groups. A copy of the full Idea can be accessed via this link ­ ​ goo.gl/2PvH1o The Bye­Laws, and other YUSU documents, are available on the YUSU Website at ​ yusu.org/aboutus/documents What would happen if it became Active Policy? If this idea became Active Policy then YUSU would; ● Ensure that PRG documents ­ whether online or digital ­ were passed over to any new incarnation of the PRG. What would happen if it failed to become Active Policy? This handover would not be written up in the Bye­Laws, but would still be carried out as best practice.

5. Change to By­Law 10: Increasing Society Flexibility: Allowing Societies to Appoint their Committee [Submitted by Chris Wall] Currently societies are only allowed to elect their committees and questions have been raised around if this is the best method, and does appointment allow for better candidates. Changing the Bye­Laws to allow societies to elect and appoint increases the flexibility of how societies are able to be run. A copy of the full Idea can be accessed via this link ­ ​ goo.gl/2PvH1o The Bye­Laws, and other YUSU documents, are available on the YUSU Website at ​ yusu.org/aboutus/documents What would happen if it became Active Policy? If this idea became Active Policy then YUSU would; ● Amend the above By­Law so that societies can decide how best to form their committees. ● It’s important to note that there would be no obligation for societies to change from an elected committee (or position) to an appointed one, the change just gives societies the ability to choose what is best for them. What would happen if it failed to become Active Policy? If this Idea did not pass, then; ● The By­Law would remain as it is, and all society committee positions would continue to be elected.

6. Change to By­Law 1: Introduction of an Associate Membership fee for non­YUSU Society Members [Submitted by Chris Wall] Current Societies and Clubs have non­YUSU members partaking in their activities. At the moment there is no regulation to this. Introducing an Associate Fee would allow non­University members to hold membership of YUSU Student Groups whilst giving something back to the groups. A copy of the full Idea can be accessed via this link ­ ​ goo.gl/2PvH1o The Bye­Laws, and other YUSU documents, are available on the YUSU Website at ​ yusu.org/aboutus/documents What would happen if it became Active Policy? If this idea became Active Policy then YUSU would; ● Charge a £10 Associate Fee to non­students (i.e. people who are not members of YUSU) who want to YUSU Student Groups. ● Be able to keep track of non­student members of YUSU Student Groups. What would happen if it failed to become Active Policy? If this Idea did not pass, then; ● The By­Law would remain in it’s current state, and non­student members would be able to continue joining YUSU Student Groups without an Associate Fee.

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