You Are Valuable Magazine - Admire

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Making extraordinary impact!

Admire Premier 2015 | 1

Living Life with purpose

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Making extraordinary impact!

Admire Premier 2015 | 3

Living Life with purpose




Keep Calm You Are A Human Being...


The Man Image

15 This is Woman 21 Discover Your Purpose 26 The Encouragers 30 Bump n Chic 32 It’s All About Love 35 Admire Parcel A Home 36 Distraction - Proof Your focus 39 Grace for Excellence 40 Admire Nations 42 Your Body - Unlimited Capacity 46 Admire Career 47 Radiate Woman 50 Praise and Worship Impact 53 Upperroom


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Founder & Director: Adeola Disu Administrative Director - Tunde Disu Editorial Team: Mercy Chieza, Tanya Hendlesby, Oge Akinola, Nyari Garande, Sarah Stephen, Ife Disu, Debbie Musendeki Creative Director - Adeola Disu Established Designs - The Kingdom Publications Tel: 0797 665 8386 Email:

You Are Valuable Magazine - ADMIRE Tel: 0797 665 8386 Email: Website: Facebook: You Are Valuable Magazine

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Living Life with purpose

Dear Admire Reader, It is with joy and excitement that we launch and introduce you to “You Are Valuable” Magazine, ADMIRE. Admire is a prestigious publication designed as a must-read for every household for personal development and successful living. Admire ignites the value of people regardless of their ethnicity. You are special and unique with attributes of love, wisdom, authority, strength and creativity for your ultimate success. Admire references kingdom of God principles based on His Word, the Holy Bible (we term it the ‘Manual for Successful Living’). The Word is light that shines in darkness bringing hope to every people. The Word, if adhered to, is proven to have ultimate principles for successful living. It paints the real picture of mankind’s origin, identity and purpose for existence. It unveils the heart, plan and Will of the Father towards His children who are created in His image and likeness. Mankind is the most superior being of all God’s creation with supernatural abilities for dominion in all areas of their life. Where purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable! This publication reveals the beginning of everything - the origin, identity and purpose of mankind and the secret to accessing keys to successful living. The Admire Team and our contributors have a passion to see people set free from the lies and deception of false identity - allowing them to take a hold of their true purpose in God. We pray that Admire helps reveal your true identity to enable sound decisions that lead towards your destiny. You are :

AdmirableDainty Meticulous Influential Rejuvenated Exquisite You are Valuable! Today your story is changing from this moment onwards! A big thank you to all our contributors and Admire Team for taking time to refresh one another. God is the rewarder of those who diligently serve Him and His purpose. Most of all, I give God all the glory and for leading me by the Holy Spirit, directed me in the path of Bishop(Dr) David Oyedepo, my very own Pastor David Oyedepo Jr and mentors Dr. Myles Munroe, Dr Joyce Meyer, Drs Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Bishop T.D Jakes who opened up my eyes of understanding to the word of God, trained and developed me to take hold of all that God has destined for my life . I honour you. Be refreshed in the Lord!

Ade Disu x

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Making extraordinary impact!

You were born for a purpose


an is the reason God created the universe. He was originally positioned on earth to have relationship with God and be in His presence at all times. You are a peculiar treasure set aside for God’s purpose. The Bible says in Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations”. Genesis 1: 26-28 God said let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So “So God created

man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created he them.” And

God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Walking with God upgrades your level. As many as receive Him, He gave power to become the sons and daughters of God, Luke 11:2-4. God wired man with

unique attributes of wisdom, authority, love, creativity so he can dominate earth, not to oppress and put people in bondage, but to rule over, manage, take care of, invent, fashion and develop earth with the wisdom of God imparting his generation and leaving the same legacy for generations to come. Embracing the purpose of God for your life allows you to live life effectively maximising the ideas, talents, resources and energy in fulfilling His desires and plans for your life and worship Him. Proverbs 20:5 “Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.” Becoming a member of God’s family gives you access to these goodies of the kingdom of God. Redemption repositions you spiritually with triumph and victory. Salvation automatically repositions you to the kingdom of God Colossian1:19. You are translated into the kingdom of his dear son. Your citizenship is of heaven and you become an ambassador of Christ on the earth - 2 Corinthians 5:20. You are a heavenly being in human form sharing divinity in God. Everyone that is born again shares a DNA of God; the same vision, the same wisdom, the same order, the same creativity, the same power, and the same authority infused into him/her. You share His nature and His purposes but need him in your life to actualise these attributes. AT AdmirePremier Premier2015 2015| |77 Admire

Living Life with purpose

UNIQUE LIFE MENTALITY The purpose of a every product is determined in the manufacturer’s factory and not in the marketplace. It is God that made us (mankind) - Psalm 100:3 Your purpose on the earth was determined before you were conceived by your parents. “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou comest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” - Jeremiah 1:5. Everything you need in life for your ultimate success God gave you at conception. You are complete, a geneous and an original. God created you to bring glory to Him You are in partnership with the God of all possibilities Destiny is an adventure not a destination Nothing defines destiny like mentality. For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Begin to understand your powerful make up!

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Living Life with purpose

Discover purpose and maximise your potential as a Man


our identity is key to who you are and not determined by what you do. Your heritage is in God and full details can be found in His Word, the Bible. God made you in His image and make available to you incredible life resources for your ultimate success on the earth. At creation, a seed of leadership was planted on the inside of you. You have dominion DNA embedded in your make up for a transformational assignment in the realms of light, revelation and visionary. Although you live in the natural world, you have supernatural power and authority available to you to provoke change in this world Know Your Heritage The Man Image is not defined by his masculinity, social status, intelligency, accolades, his marrital status and wealth accumulation. He is defined by his heritage in God, the seed of greatness downloaded into his DNA at creation. The question of identity is worldwide. You are designed to be purposeful, confident and a builder of society. Where there is no knowledge of identity and purpose, confusion, anger and destructive behaviours take over. There are lots of conflicting signals regarding the maleimage in the society. Therefore it is necessary for man to discover his God given purpose and responsibilities. Man was put on earth with leadership responsibility over all of God’s creation(Genesis 1:26-27) but lost this divine assignment through Adam’s violation of God’s instruction in the garden of Eden. However, God had a plan to reinstate man through Jesus the Christ by redemption. Through this transmission of the grace, man has another opportunity to access and function in his original status of fellowshiping with God and awake the supernatural attributes for dominion and success in all aspect of life (Hebrews 2:8-11).

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Discovering your purpose Embracing the purpose of God for your life allows you to live life effectively. Through redemption, every believer have available to them the potential to maximise the supernatural benefits and resources in fulfiling their preplanned purpose in life. Proverbs 20:5 says “Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.”

Discovering your purpose enables you to focus without distraction. Men have a primary responsibility on the tone and direction of society by virtue of his position in God’s order. In Proverbs 19.21, the Bible says, “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails”. You have to discover the purpose for which you were born from the word of God and be committed and faithful to fulfilling it. When you are on the right track towards your purpose, there is a sense of peace and confidence with no confusion or stress for success. Discovering your purpose enables you to focus without distraction. Nehemiah 6:3 -Nehemiah refused to be distracted by being focused on his project. Where purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. The creator or manufacturer of a thing knows best the reason and function of the product he created, not the other way round. God does things intentionally and meaningfully. God’s plan comes with 100% success guaranteed! He created everything with the ability to fulfil His preplanned purposes for each of them. He establishes his purpose first before creating what fulfils it (Isaiah 14:24). He said to Jeremiah “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou comest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” - Jeremiah 1:5.

Making extraordinary impact!

God planned to dominate and establish His Kingdom to rule on the earth through mankind. So He created the earth with everything in it and then said “Let us create man in our image and likeness...” He created man-the spirit in His image, then placed him in two physical houses, male-man and female-man. Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created he them.” ) Man-the spirit dwells in both the male(male-man) and female (femaleman). The difference between both male and female is their physical and functional nature; not their indespensable qualities. The purposes of man-the spirit and the maleman are different although related. Mankind is the reason God created the universe. The male-man is made to serve the needs of mankind to enable the fulfilment of God’s purpose.

Mankind’s Makeup Mankind is the most superior being of all of God’s creation; He created them in His image and likeness meaning they look like God. You Look Like God! He did not create animals, plants or angels in His image. He created man to have fellowship with Him. (John 4:24). God is spirit and his worshippers must worship him in spirit and truth. God is the father of mankind. He was created to reflect God’s character and personality. Psalm 82:6 says “I said ‘You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High’”. Man has the DNA of God; the same vision, wisdom, order, creativity, power, and authority was infused into him at creation. He shares God’s nature however, to actualise these attributes, man needs to be in relationship and fellowship with God as his father. The responsibility for rulership and supremacy over the earth was given to man the spirit (male and female spiritually). He instructed and empowered them to have dominion, supremacy and authority

to rule, manage, invent and develop earth to the next level. Genesis 2:8, says “Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. The garden of eden was a spot for glory connection point where God communes with man. Eden means delicate, delight or pleasure; the garden of eden reflects an enclosed place of delight and pleasure on the earth where the kingdom of God principles and lifestyle is established on the earth. Mankind is to spread this throughout the earth.

The primary purpose of the male is to be in God’s presence. A place where he could walk and talk with God in the cool of the day. A place he could hear God’s voice, a place of communion, fellowship and oneness with God.. The Male-Man God created the male with inherent characteristics and attributes for functioning and fulfilment of his unique purpose. The primary purpose of the male-man is to be in God’s prescence. A place where he could walk and talk with God in the cool of the day, hearing God’s voice, a place of communion, fellowship and oneness with God. The male man is not created to function outside of God’s presence. The male-man was made firstly as a prototype for all human family’s purpose for being created for God’s pre planned purpose for the earth. In order to build any kind of structure, the foundation must be solid, and dependable, able to withstand the weight of that structure in relations to its other parts; usually not necessarily seen physically. The foundation of a structure has to be solid and well grounded for it to withstand the weight Admire Premier 2015 | 11

Living Life with purpose

of other parts of the structure. The male-man designed by God to be the foundation of the human family pioneering His intensions and purposes for them on the earth. Men are like the foundation which the family (wife and children) depends on with the assurance that they would collapse. God started to build the earthly society with one person the male-man and the bible is the instruction manual for building the structure from the foundation level. The woman and the children were designed to rest on the male-man for support. God is raising and restoring strong foundational men whose wives and children can rely on as their stabilizer, strength and the priest of their households as they are created to be.; that is a man that leads his family forward in the purposes of God. The priest of a household does not necessarily connote a preacher. You can be in a business, a successful career or an employer of labour in accordance to God’s plan. Abraham and Issac in the bible were businessmen yet refered to as the servants and friends of God,

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The male-man is created with a clear leadership assignment instructions for fulfilment of destiny. Genesis 2:15-17 says the Lord God took man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.. “And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die”. The need for God’s presence in a Man’s life The male-man was instructed with responsibilty of executing God’s Kingdom principles for living on the earth before the woman was created. He was charged to be a visionary leader over God’s creation and to guide those who come after him with the same. This does not mean women don’t have the capacity to be visionaries and leaders. By virtue of position in creation, God gave his plans and purposes for the world to the male-man first. The male is to be responsible for everything under authority. When it all went wrong in the garden of Eden, God looked for Adam and questioned his failure of leadership decisions.

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The male-man’s leadership position was initiated by God in His order of the creation of mankind. God first equipped male-man to carry out His purpose on the earth. The male-man was already living and working God’s plan and purposes for his life when God then said, it is not good for man to be alone, I will make him a helper suitable for him - Genesis 2:18 The male-man is built with a desire for God’s presence in his life and this is the reason why all men are searching for God one way or another to satisfy their desire and passion for a supernatural connection. Whatever it may be called, its just a confirmation of a deep hunger to believe in something or someone greater than themselves. This passion to seek God is what leads to all sorts of cultism. It is a cry for God and nothing can fill the place of this cry...not fame, authority, influence, money or anything except God Himself. The first step towards living in God’s plan for your life: The step to getting into God’s plan and purpose for your live is to receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour. In order for a person to partake of the inheritance of a family, they have to become a member of that family. Except a man is born again he cannot partake of the master’s plan and purposes for their lives. Becoming a member of God’s family gives you access to the supernatural. Regardless of the issues that may be confronting you, because you have the DNA of your creator and His mind, you have the solution on the inside of you. The Word of God says He has empowered you for dominion over every living creature. To become a member of God’s family, say out loud the following:

CONGRATULATIONS! We would love to share in your joy and testimony... Connect with us Facebook You Are Valuable Magazine. Email:

References/Mentorship Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men - Dr Myles Munroe Bishop David Oyedepo ( Dr Kenneth & Sister Gloria Copeland ( Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr (

The Admire Team

“Lord Jesus, I come to you today to become a member of the Kingdom of God family. I repent of my sins, wash me clean, come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour from this day forward. Now I know that I am “born again” and I begin to walk in supernatural ability in me. Admire Premier 2015 | 13

Living Life with purpose

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And the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him... And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam,and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man” - Genesis 2:18-24h


he real function of a product is only known by it’s manufacturer. The purpose of a thing determines it’s nature and it’s nature determines it’s needs. For instance, the manufacturer of a car is the one who knows fully well the function of it. The users will need a manual of instructions provided by the manufacturer to understand the car’s purpose and function. God created the woman with unique instinctive treasures of wisdom, authority, love, feminity, care and creativity for the fulfilment of her purpose. God created the earth and all in it, then He said “Let us create Man in our image and likeness.. Genesis 1:27 says “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them”. The man spirit dwells in both the male (male-man) & female (female-man). He created everything with the ability for it to fulfil purpose. He said to Jeremiah “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” - Jeremiah 1:5.

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Living Life with purpose

The Word of God, the Bible is a spiritual mirror that describes the picture of humanity (Psalm 40:7). (Isaiah 29:11-12; James 1:22). Over the years there has been a lot of beliefs and opinions about the identity of the woman which leaves many women struggling to recognise their identity, worth, position and stand in the family, society and the world as a whole. Cultures and traditions played a big a role in this distortion. These issues results in being misunderstood, misinterpreted, manipulated and held back from fulfilling her full purpose in destiny. What is woman and her purpose? God has a purpose in mind when He created humanity (Isaiah 14:24). He never created anything and hoped that it will turn to something viable. He decides it’s purpose and destiny.

Something to think about Why are humans different from animals, Why is a bird different from a fish, Why is a woman different from the man. 16 | You Are Valuable Magazine

Everything is the way it is because of the purpose for which they were created. I will make a Help Meet for him. A ‘Help’ means to make it easier or possible (for someone) to do something by offering one’s services, resources to assist, aid, help out, lend a hand etc Dear Wonderful Woman, You are 100% equipped for your purpose. Think of this ...surely the very vessel that receives, incubates, grows, births and nurtures life cannot be weak. You have to be full of vigor, agility, strength and wisdom for you to incubate and birth presidents, doctors, teacher, engineer, air pilot, inventor, business owners, athletes etc.. To be created by God in His image and likeness certainly does not connote weakness and timidity. You are infused with the supernatural strength, power, wisdom, ability, and love from your heavenly heritage. You are a human being with special intricacies for a special assignment. You are a mission vessel deployed to fulfil and establish His mandate of replenishing the earth. The reason you face so much oppression is because you are valuable and the enemy is scared of you. You will succeed and flourish by adhering to your calling and purpose.

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You Are


Proverbs 31 helps you to see the potential of the woman God created. “Who can find a virtuous woman?” The word ‘virtuous’ does not mean quiet, timid, fearful, shy, mousy, ineffectual, unassertive and the list can go on. According to the bible, a virtuous woman is a mighty, principled, exemplary and brave woman that is full of strength and overcoming power. The same word is used to describe David’s bravery when chosen to be Israel’s king. The fire in her for accomplishment Like David said in 2 Samuel 22:29-36, the secret to the virtuous woman’s courageous nature and strength is the grace of God. “You are my lamp, O Lord; The Lord shall enlighten my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop; by my God I can leap over a wall. As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven;

Her life is a living display of triumph, victory and the glory of God

The Instintive Treasures of Woman described in Proverb:

She is faithful to her husband and greatly enrich his life. He can trust her even before they meet. She is inventive and resourceful She is a diligent and an excellent leader She is an excellent business woman She is physically strong and no weakness in her. She is full energy, strong and uses her time wisely. She works diligently to fulfil her daily business. She is not idle. She is courageous. She is dignified and modest in her dressing. She is royalty, a woman of worth and beauty. Her inner beauty radiates from Jesus. She assists her husband to obtain honor and respect. She is a great tutor of life principles.

He is a shield to all who trust in Him. For who is God, except the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God? God is my strength and power, and He makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of deer. And sets me on my high places. He teaches my hands to make war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You have also given me the shield of your salvation; Your gentleness has made me great.”

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Living Life with purpose

She receives praise and respect from her children who stand and bless her. Her husband praises her: She reverences God. She has a fruitful life and is rewarded for outstanding accomplishments. Rise up and embrace your strength and dignity. Take hold of your inheritance in God. You are a blessing to your world. To partake of the inheritance of a family, you have to be a member of that family. Being born again is the access code to awake the instinctive treasures in you for fulfilment of your destiny. When a person becomes born again, they literally become a child of God and part of God’s family (Ephesians 2:19; 1John 3:1). Every born again person belongs to a new lineage, the God lineage. It is a realignment of your lineage and only what is permitted in God’s lineage is what is permitted in your life.

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To activate the access code to becoming a member of God’s family, say out load the following: Lord Jesus, I come to you today to become a member of the Kingdom of God family. I repent of my sins, wash me clean, come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour from this day forward. Now I know that I am ‘born again’ and I begin to walk in the supernatural ability in me.


We would love to share in your joy and testimony... Connect with us Facebook - You Are Valuable Magazine. Email: References and Mentorship impart: Understanding the Purpose and Power of Woman - Dr Myles Munroe ( Bishop David Oyedepo ( Dr Kenneth & Sister Gloria Copeland ( Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr ( Dr Joyer Meyer (

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Living Life with purpose

Know first of all that insecurity is a bait from the enemy to focus on self. The purpose is to cripple and confuse you of your identity. In the word of God is the accurate description of who you are, your purpose and your future. The revelation of your identity as pictured in the Word of God will fizzle out any insecurities in existence. God’s word is the guardian of your future (Psalm 40:7). Your true potential can be found in the Word. The knowledge of your royal identity will set you free from any attack launched by the enemy. You are created for dominion!!! Redemption provides you with a greatness potential package. You are redeemed to walk in dominion, you are to reign as king with the DNA of God infused in you. As a child of God, you are here as a territory taker, owner and ruler (Revelations 11:15). Christ loved you so much He gave His very life to rescue you. Your calling as a child of the King is not to wallow in insecurity, but to joyfully turn outward and share His amazing love with others. You cannot be harassed, tormented or oppressed. By a single command from you, every devil must flee; every oppression must end and whatever you say is law. Where the word of a king is, there is power (Ecclesiastes 8:4). Carry yourself with kingdom dignity and operate as somebody with a royal mentality. Nothing can squeeze out your royal identity. There is no insecurity or timidity in the kingdom of God. You are empowered with authority and power. You are deployed for a special duty of transformation on the earth. You are created as a star and the whole of earth is waiting for you to show up (Romans 8:19) You cannot be the salt of the earth and remain in the salt shaker. Breakout of your comfort zone, pour yourself out and begin to bring taste and delight to sour places on the earth. Be strong and very courageous, be agile!

20 | You Are Valuable Magazine

Making extraordinary impact!

What is my purpose according to God’s plan for the fulfilment of destiny?


veryone on planet earth is living for something and that something is purpose. Whether we know it or not we are all living a purposeful life. We are all meeting needs one way or the other, and the purpose we are living for is either ours or someone else’s. Either way we are all fulfilling purpose. However the question is: what purpose am I living for? A problematic purpose or a solution provider purpose? Please understand that a solution provider purposeful life is the man God created in Genesis 1:26-28 and perfected him in all things. God created you and I to

manage the affairs of the earth. In Genesis 2:5-7 and 15, man was created “to till the ground” which connotes to make the ground fit for the right planted seed to grow and bring forth good fruit, otherwise tares would choke it and destroy the seed’s potential to bear fruit. Jesus told this parable in Matthew 13:24-30, but the problem is not the tares that grew but rather man, who was assigned to till, cultivate, nurture and prepare the ground, but instead fell asleep. To fall asleep means to drift away from the plan of God for our life. Can you imagine if Joseph slept off spiritually? Thank God Joseph did not sleep off in prison if not he wouldn’t have been able to deliver the people from dying of hunger during the farming season, also known as economy crunch, Genesis 50:20. Jesus also

said “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil”, 1 John 3:8. This is why I define purpose as “the existed problem which you and I were created for with the possible solution”. ‘Possible’ means fulfilling purpose is by choice and not by force. On the other hand, the problematic purposeful life is the purpose that emerged after the fall of Adam in Genesis chapter 3. Just as we have it in the world today, there is no disaster that doesn’t have a connection with human decisions and actions. This is influenced by the nature of sin, which inspires many to construct and invent things which are not used positively, thereby causing natural disaster and sicknesses which today Admire AdmirePremier Premier 2015 2015 || 21 15

Living Life with purpose

many are blaming God for. The good thing is the more problems humans create the more God is raising a generation of solution providers to bring about divine solution to life’s unbearable problems. The solution provider army are the believers that know their God, Daniel 11:32, Romans 8:19. The following helps us to simplify Purpose for practical understanding of it. What is Purpose? • It is the existed problem which you and I are created for with the possible solution: Genesis 50:20, 1 John 3:8, Genesis 2:5, 15. After creation, God needed someone to do the labourer’s work so He created us in His image that we might do it the way He would have done it. Why did God create us with purpose in mind? • To deliver us from investing our life, time, energy and resources wrongly: Deuteronomy 30:19, Proverbs 14:12 and Proverbs 16:25. If God did not have a purpose for creating us, the world would be worse than it is today, but I just can’t imagine what tragedy that would be. • To give us an identity: Psalm 49:20, purpose is the only true definition of our true identity. It is you defined by what God has created you for. Why must I fulfil purpose? • To contribute my part to the world and not deny it of the solution I carry within me. • To continue the fulfilled purpose of the previous generation, if Jesus tarries. • To unlock the potential and purpose of the next generation: John 14:12, Psalm 36:9, Numbers 15:23, Genesis 18:19. I can’t imagine where or what I would be today if Dr David Oyedepo did not answer divine calling to ministry or Dr Myles Monroe refused to answer the call of God upon his life. They have influenced me greatly and helped to unlock my purpose. 22 | You Are Valuable Magazine

PILLAR OF DESTINY MINISTRY This ministry seeks to help youths discover destiny and empower them to pursue it, thereby delivering many from being destitute and drawing them to Christ.

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Living Life with purpose

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Living Life with purpose

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Making extraordinary impact!


eedless to say it’s vitally important for one to create a peaceable home environment, a place of serenity, joy and belonging. A safe haven where one finds sanctuary escaping from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. A place which we often refer to as “There’s no place like home” “Home is where the heart is” If only we can identify the need of peace in our homes then home would be so much more enjoyable.

candles they are very affordable and come in all scents and sizes. This creates a stunning setting visually aiding to a charming interior. We like to light them at night whilst having dinner or watching TV just to help us relax and they do add a very nice touch to the fireplace.

How we chose to do it… Tranquilly and relaxation was our focal point so we chose to have a crisp décor with a contemporary feel featuring white walls for most of our rooms and a pretty pastel grey for the hallway to complement the striped carpet on the stairs and landing.

Delightfully Eniola loves music and there is nothing more beautiful to add to that welcoming ambience than gospel music, it really does set the scene and as I’m a lover of Jazz and classical music when I get a chance I shall be adding to Eniola’s playlist.

As lovers of all things relating to nature, fresh flowers are a must. We place these on both the coffee table in the front room and the dining table in the kitchen. Whilst most would assume the cost of this would be relatively high, an inexpensive way to maintain this look is to pick up flowers from your local florist or even better at supermarkets in the evenings at the discount aisle. Allowing lots of ligh throughout our home gives it an airy feel so not having clutter is essential, however items like our cushions and throws add texture and colour to our neutral décor and gives it more character. Our biggest loves are scented

reminder that we are one and also I’m very talkative. Giving of gifts is a beautiful and sincere reminder of acknowledging each other which for us extends to family and friends. Apart from it being scriptual to be a cheerful giver and to sow in all season, you’d be amazed by what a small box of chocolate once a month or getting the car cleaned as a surprise could do to a person’s countenance. It’s not the size of the gift or the monetary value that’s it important, its the gesture of the gift and appreciation of the person. By Eniola and Sarah Stephen

Quite times together is often a tool we use to bring harmony to our home. Once a week either on a Thursday or Sunday Eniola and I would talk about the events of our week any pressing issues and places or friends we may need to visit. It’s a great time for us to share exciting news or seek each others opinion. I particularly adore this time spent together as it’s an active

References: designaround fireplace,, magnificient Beautiful Home Interior Design living room -

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Living Life with purpose


am Oge Akinola, Lifestyle Consultant and Senior Stylist at Bump n Chic. Bump n Chic is a Lifestyle and Well-being Consultancy Firm with the sole aim of empowering and challenging women to lead a transformed and healthy lifestyle as well as a mindset change through Nutrition, Fitness and Styling. It is God’s desire for us to be in good health, and this is what Bump n Chic promotes. We hope to encourage, inspire, and challenge women to take a hold of their body to exude confidence and poise as God intended. ( Prior to marriage, I did not put much to my eating habits. On the other hand, my husband was a promoter of living a healthy lifestyle. During courtship, I noticed that he was so much into taking care of himself, exercising and looking good. He cooked amazingly well and always made very healthy meals that even my fussy self couldn’t resist. He was also very much into exercising which I never was interested in. When we married, we became pregnant with our first child then things began to change. A woman’s body is not quite the same once pregnancy sets in. I put on a lot of weight, I

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know this comes with pregnancy, but then I also indulged in so much junk food. Of course, I put on so much weight. In return, I didn’t like the way that I looked and felt at the time. My desire to do something about how I felt at the moment pushed me into dieting. I did it for a while, lost a bit of the weight and then regained it once I got off the diet. Less than three months after I had my first child, I got pregnant again. But this time I was determined to do things differently. As the bible says ‘My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost’ and based on this I am required to take care of my body because Christ lives in me. I didn’t know how I was going to do that, but the scripture ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’ became so real to me. I wasn’t interested in dieting anymore. I was overjoyed by my baby and the bump. I invited God into my journey. I sought Him for direction on how to fulfill my duties as a new mum, a wife and about to be mother of two. My mindset about how I looked at myself, the things I ate changed completely. I became more focused on adopting a healthy lifestyle and finding ways of staying active. Secondly, I had a lot of duties to fulfill, so it was important

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for me to look after myself. I had my baby, I had my husband, I had the baby bump and I had myself to take care of. My second pregnancy taught me that the basics had primarily to do with food and engaging in some form of physical activities. Once those are put in place, everything else falls into place. I then made a decision to take responsibility in making daily choices about my lifestyle. Eating healthy and exercising helps me stay in shape and stay fit. As a wife, a mother of two and an entrepreneur, to be able to accomplish my tasks and fulfil all my responsibilities; I have to take care of myself. Who says a woman can’t have it all? If you make the right choices and stay on course, you can look CHIC, FAB and SOAR… My husband has been of great support to me on this journey. He is my number one cheerleader and every encouragement from him has helped me achieve my goals and overcome my fears as well as challenges. He is very practical in the way he supports me and this has helped me overcome get to where I am today. I exercise with my husband and we have our date nights on Fridays, most times we stay home and we make lovely dishes, we watch movies and also cooking channels. It’s ‘us’ time away from the girls. It keeps our relationship fresh and exciting and these take care of our emotional and mental self care.

‘My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost’ and based on this I am required to take care of my body because Christ lives in me.

God has been at the centre of everything from when this journey started. Involving God every step of the way has made this not only enjoyable, but also a success and I can see the benefits of staying in His will and purpose for my life. Now I know that nothing we go through in life is a mistake. God allows certain situations in our lives for a reason to bring us into His will and purpose for our lives. The decisions I made to get to where I am now, the success of how it worked for me and the need to help other women find that God driven purpose for their lives through nutrition, fitness and fashion led to the creation of Bump n Chic. I will be writing more about this journey, as well as sharing my awesome experiences as a godly wife, mother, entrepreneur and fit fashionista.

Feel free to check out our website at to learn more, as well as connect with me on social media @bumpnchic.

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You were created out of LOVE!

Nothing is outstanding without understanding.

The ultimate reason for the creation of man was and is LOVE. 1 John 4:8, 16 says ‘God is Love’ The word of God teaches that God is Love… His primary motivation in the creation of man was LOVE, because He wanted to share His love with man whom He created in His image.

When you get born again, (not in the physical sense, but spiritually, that is accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour) you are restored back to the presence God, your royalty status as a member of God’s Kingdom is reactivated, you have full access to supernatural power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessing of God. “Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.” Revelation 5:12 (KJV). You have access to all good things of life (2 Peter 1:3). Your royal mentality is restored, a new capacity is deposited in you and you have a new birthright that crowns you a royal kingdom citizen. (Philippians 2:13; 4:13).

Here are some love letters written to mankind in the Word of God: Ephesians 2:4-5 says “Because of his love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ” Jeremiah 31:3 says The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.” How great is the love of the father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! 1 John 3: Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love… John 4:16 says “Whosoever lives in love, lives in God, and God in him. Genesis 1:26 “Let us make man in our image and likeness and let them rule”. You were created to share God’s authority. He wanted man to share in what He has. “What is man that you are mindful of him” Psalm 8:4. The Word of God is a spiritual mirror that reveals who you are from God’s perspective and the potential of the greatness package made available to you by redemption, Jesus’ death and ressurection did for you in destiny (James 1:22-25; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 11:11). The bible is the deed of God’s plan for you. It contains the will, the plan, the agenda and description of you. (Psalms 139: 15-16; 40:7). The It shows you the ‘real you’ , the kind of person you are and the multifaceted nature that God has packaged into you (2 Corinthians 3:18). The purpose of Redemption and mankind’s successful living on the earth. Understanding why Jesus Christ had came to earth.

There is no limit to what you can do or achieve as born again Christian. (Colossians 2:9-10). Believers can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Our old nature has gone away and all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Like a drag race, where old cars are fitted with new engines, the old you by redemption has a new capacity. The potential becomes elastic with no limits. The sky is your starting point. Greater works than what Jesus did is what you will do (John 14:12).

You can make that decision where you are right now... To become a member of God’s family, say out loud the following: “Lord Jesus, I come to you today to become a member of the Kingdom of God family. I repent of my sins, wash me clean, come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour from this day forward. Now I know that I am ‘born again’ and I begin to walk in supernatural ability in me.

CONGRATULATIONS! We would love to share in your joy and testimony... Connect with us Facebook - You Are Valuable Magazine. or/and email us: The Admire Team

Jesus came for the restoration of what we lost in the fall of Adam at the Garden of Eden (John 10:10; Hebrews 2:8-11). The love of God is the reason why Jesus had to come to earth to restore mankind back to God. Admire Premier 2015 2015 || 33 33

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Living Life with purpose


ocus is the root of concentration. It is born out of vision. In today’s world, so many things demand and place pressure on our concentration and attention. It can be difficult to keep focus on the correct priorities and at times distractions can easily take your attention. Distractions are designed to defocus you from fulfilling your destiny. Sometimes they seem inevitable; but the key is to identify them and refocus in the right direction to help you fulfill your purpose. What are distractions and how do you identify and eliminate them? Distractions can be defined as a prevention of concentration or an agitation of a person’s mind, thought process or focus. They come in many forms in life, but in order to overthrow them, you have to identify them! We know that the enemy is the master of all distractions and his main purpose is to stop you from fulfilling destiny. The book of Genesis describes how Satan distracts Eve, convincing her

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to disobey God’s instructions, leading to the fall of man and eventually their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. In the bible, Jesus told His disciples that the principle key to identify, confront and overcome distractions is to know how God instructs us to operate His Kingdom laws by speaking into existence the solution to life’s distractions. In particular, Matthew 21:21 and Mark 11:23 illustrates an example how Jesus deals with distraction through the parable of the fig tree. Relating this to our present day, a wrong mind set can become a distraction. As an employee, you may want to progress in your career, but feel limited due to an overload of work, managing a team and studying. Or as a business owner, spending time solving various problems that are necessary for everyday progress, but take time away from the visionary aspect that you are to provide. Distractions come in many forms, which can be physical or

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Directional focus in the pursuit of destiny

vides guidance in the pursuit of destiny.

Direction is a universal factor that can be applied to all areas in our lives. Direction is being able to deal with distractions and set the course for your journey to destiny. To have direction you must understand vision and take relevant steps to fulfilling and establishing it, with constant review of progress at different stages of development.

We read in the book of Jeremiah that God gave commands and information as to what to say against the kings of Judah and other nations. In pursuing your destiny you need to train and develop your vision, research your vision and gather information on organisations or people who are already established in the same kind of vision and seek wisdom for execution. James 1:5 talks about asking God for wisdom which is freely given to you. God is our primary source, but in addition, we need to train and develop our potential to enhance our knowledge and skills set.

Every journey to destiny requires a standardised approach. In Jeremiah 1: 4 – 8we are able to de¬pict a blueprint of how God requires us to pursue our destiny.

3 Principles to be cultivated in the pursuit of destiny. 1. Mentorship and Accountability 2. Wisdom 3. Self-Assessment internal. Internal examples include fear, doubt, lies, deception, while physically, crowded environments and social media are commonly referenced. It is said that the average person spend 3.2hours a day on social media, browsing the internet and posting things online, [1] and every 8 minutes a smart phone is checked for text messages [2]. Within the work place, it is suggested that it takes 23 minutes for a person to refocus back to an original task [3]. This can be due to a number of reasons such as someone coming into the office or your desk frequently, answering calls, coffee and lunch breaks just to name a few.

• Mentorship and Accountability Within society today, there is a significant increase of entrepreneurship especially through start-ups, technology and media to name a few. People of all ages, young and mature are developing and expanding their ideas in business and

• Self-Assessment

We are to develop a self, unbiased assessment of current goals, plans and developments toward our destiny. Jeremiah said that he was unable to speak, as he was a child, this can be interpreted as fear; which is true, but can also depict a current mindset. At times we have to assess ourselves. This can be a sensitive and vulnerable place but is very necessary. It highlights areas to develop and work on, areas of weakness and potential limitations to progression. An honest assessment, can significantly increase wisdom, knowledge and expertise base. With this type of accountability structure, your mentor/advisor is able to suggest possible routes forward, propelling you even further, just as God did with Jeremiah. By taking these steps you can refocus your life, eliminate distractions, refine your direction, and pursue your destiny. References: [1] Gernsbacher, M. A,. (2014). Internet Based Communication. Discourse Processes. 51 (5-6), 1-13. Available: PMC4553240/pdf/nihms685497.pdf. Pg 3. [2] Rijn, J. V,. (Oct 2015). The ultimate mobile email statistics overview. Available: [3] Silverman, R. E,. (2012). Workplace Distractions: Here’s Why You Won’t Finish . This Article. Available: SB10001424127887324339204578173252223022388.

Focus for success

It is important to set success goals and staying focused in achieving them no matter what! Focus is an important skill for success. With focus you can achieve anything. James 1:8 says “A double minded man is unstable in all of his ways” There’s a saying that “your mind is like a magnet, whatever you focus on you will attract”. Proverbs 23: 7 furthers this adage with an insightful, yet simple truth: ‘For as he thinks in his heart, so is he’. Whatever you focus on will develop and with disciple and dedication you will become. It is as simple as that. But success requires a target, and success is all about being focused on specific priorities. You must engage your task with all of your heart and creativity.

• Wisdom.

industry and this is to be celebrated. But in the pursuit of destiny, it is important to have mentors or advisories for guidance in the development of your divine purpose.

Ben Hendlesby is a man passionate about reawakening a reverence and awe for God. His desire is to create a ‘kingdom culture’ a generation who know and honour God, see His glory, manifest their purpose and orient their lives on the transformative truths of the Bible. A worshipper and a seer, Ben is a teacher gifted with a powerful revelatory anointing. A lead in Quality & Risk within the independent healthcare sector, Ben is married to Tanya Hendlesby, co-founder of Establishing His Kingdom ministries. As a couple, Ben and Tanya are under the spiritual covering and guidance of Bishop Tudor and Pastor ChiChi Bismark.

CEOs, founders and presidents of companies have an accountability system through boards or directors, deputies or stake/shareholders. Accountability to a person or system allows the sharing of experiences, setting goals (including personal goals) and developing boundaries and also pro-

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Living Life with purpose

Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm. It shows up in varies forms...doubt of the truth, a feeling of impending danger, anxiety over the unknown, stress from an overworked mind, fear of completely trusting a trustworthy Saviour... Fear comes from a place of darkness, it is the torment of the devil to keep you from fulfilling destiny. it is a strategy to keep you from achieving your purpose. The understanding of who you are as a believer, would Knock-Out every shaken and fear spirit on the inside of you (Proverbs 30:30). God has not given you a spirit of fear but of sound mind… “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 Man was created to have dominion (Genesis 1:26-27). He lost that dominion through Adam’s fall in the garden of Eden but Jesus brought man back into his place of dominion and authority by redemption (Hebrews 2:8-11). You have been repositioned with Christ in heavenly places far above all principalities and powers. As a child of God, you are here as a territory taker, owner and ruler. (Revelations 11:15). You cannot be harassed, tormented or oppressed. By a single command every devil must flee; every oppression must end. New birth in Christ is your first step to attaining this light, authority and power. You have to have God as your heavenly father through Jesus Christ to gain full access of the inheritance of God’s family Where there is light, darkness cannot dwell there. Fear must vacate when the presence and the peace of God shows up on the scene! You can flip the switch to light today and begin to enjoy peace that passes all understanding.. THERE IS NO FEAR IN LOVE (God is Love). EVERY BARRIER IN LIFE IS OVERCOME IN GOD. TAKING DELIVERY OF YOUR GLORIOUS DESTINY. God’s Word is prophetic. It speaks to your future. It is designed to come to pass. Have Peace that God will do what He says - Isaiah 34:5 Avoid faith deflating discussions, keep company of people who build you up “BECAUSE YOU CANNOT DO SOMETHING TODAY DOES NOT MEAN YOU CANNOT TOMORROW”.

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he pursuit of excellence in our every day living is a wonderful and admirable thing. Every time you fail to choose excellence you open the door to average and mediocrity. Excellence is not a skill but an attitude and mindset BUT the truth of the matter is there is a level of grace that one needs to be rooted in a lifestyle of excellence. Without God’s grace we are likely to find ourselves in a head on collision with confusion, envy, bitterness, anger and doubt. God’s grace to achieve excellence is like a vehicle that carries you out of the land of doubt and fear. The reason God makes sufficient grace available as you pursue excellence is because the devil cannot comprehend the concept of grace. Grace is God himself. The man at the pool of Bethesda (John 5;7) KJV had been in his situation for thirty-eight years but one day grace worked for him! He said to Jesus “I have no man to help me”. Grace is not man. Grace is God. Beloved, don’t give up in your pursuit of excellence because there is no man to help you. There is enough grace to see you through it! God will not leave you stranded or short of ideas. God does not abandoned his own. Yes, some issues may have tarried in your life and excellence seems far fetched and impossible to achieve but if you persistently and diligently hearken to the voice of God, you will find His grace is sufficient for you no matter what. Jeremiah 32:27 says ‘’ Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for me? (KJV) When God made a promise to Abraham, it didn’t look like anything was going to happen, because Abraham and Sarah were both advanced in age. To confirm the surety of His Word, God went as far as making an oath. In other words, God was saying He is bound by His Word to perform it because of His covenant. In the same manner, I encourage you that the God you serve watches over His word to perform it. He will provide sufficient grace for you to reach your highest potential and empower you to tirelessly pursue excellence in Jesus name! Begin by pursuing and persisting excellence in little matters and it will soon develop into a lifestyle. You can do it! You will make it! The Grace for Excellence is on you!

God will not leave you stranded or short of ideas. God does not abandone his own.

Pastor Mercy is a sought after, no holds barred, blazing trail with a kingdom assignment to transform lives, heal hearts, and win souls. Known for her profound bible teaching Pastor Mercy is the founder and president of Equipped for Excellence Women’s Ministry International - An Organisation that is dedicated to train, teach, mentor, inspire, empower and propel women into greatness. She is facilitator and keynote speaker of Leading With Grace Mentorship Programme: A dynamic one day mentorship crash course with programmes designed and aimed at capacity building women to spearhead great leadership revivals in their organisation, church, family and community. Pastor Mercy is also the founder of thriving young adults community discussion groups called Soaring Singles which has pockets spread in different cities around the UK. Pulling on her Pastoral and Professional background experience in HR and Personnel Consultancy, Pastor Mercy provides Career Guidance and Etiquette classes for young adults, students and businesses who wish to develop their communication skills for today’s globally competitive marketplace. Pastor Mercy is also host of KTV (Keys to Victory) Women’s Talk Show. She writes monthly devotionals addressing day to day challenges that ordinary women face. She is wife to Pastor John-Luke and a proud mother of two children. They make their home in the United Kingdom.

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Living Life with purpose


eutschland ist ein wohlhabendes Land, das mit warmherzigen und stets fleißigen Menschen gesegnet ist. Sie sind wertvoll. Sie sind einzigartig. Sie sind kostbar.

Sie sind ja zum Abbild Gottes wunderbar gemacht, deswegen hat Gottes Plan für dich nämlich drei Absichten. So lautet Jeremiah 29 v 11 HFA, „Denn ich allein weiß, was ich mit euch vorhabe... Ich, der Herr, werde euch Frieden schenken und euch aus dem Leid befreien. Ich gebe euch wieder Zukunft und Hoffnung.” Gesegnet werden Sie sein, wenn Sie heimkommen und wenn Sie wieder losgehen. Sie wurden doch mal gemacht, ohne Schwierigkeiten Leben zu genießen.

Sie wird in eine neue Welt gebracht werden, jeden Tag Gott besser kennenzulernen. Das heißt, erneute Freude und Frieden für sich, in Ihrer Familie, Karriere, Firma und die Erfüllung Ihres eigenen Schicksals. Von jetzt an können Sie nach dem Prinzipien Gottes Himmelreich Leben erfahren, damit wird Ihr Leben folglich völlig transformiert werden. Erzähl Jesu mal, Ich nehme dich als meinen Herrn und Retter an. Ich bitte dich, komm in mein Herz, vergib mir meine Sünden. Frag ihn heute, den Herrn Ihres Lebens zu werden.

English Translation

Germany is a prosperous nation, which is blessed with a wonderful, warm-hearted and invariably hard-working people. You are valuable. You are unique. You are precious. You are wonderfully made & created in the image of God, and as a result God has three intentions for you as an individual. Jeremiah 29 v 11 reads, “I know the plans that I the Lord have for you; to give you peace and a hope and a future…” Blessed will you be when you come in and blessed will you be when you go out. You were created to experience life without struggle. Knowing God brings you into a new realm of Joy, Peace in yourself, your family, career and business. This new relationship with God also instructs you in how to fulfil your God-given destiny. You can begin to live according to the principles of the Kingdom of God and see your life transform. Ask Jesus to come into your life and be your Lord and saviour. Ask him to forgive your sins and become the Lord of your life today.

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With large rural parts of Germany remaining relatively undiscovered to mainstream tourists until now, it is no secret that Germany has much to offer – vast vineyards, medieval, enchanting castles and idyllic hills & valleys. Visiting the Rhineland in western Germany gives you the perfect opportunity to unwind and enjoy nature at its purest. You can embark on a hiking holiday in the Moselle valley, or on a historical tour through picturesque authentic villages like Trier, Boppard and Rüdesheim am Rhein. Once you’re in the Rhineland region, a visit is not complete without going on a cruise along the river Rhine by night or day. Enjoy the splendid views across the river, while taking in a glimpse of the renowned Siebengebirge (Seven Mountains), a protected area of natural beauty. Like much of the nation, there’s true beauty in its modest surroundings and a genuine appreciation of green space, which proves to be a constant reminder of God’s awesome creation in this small part of the world. (visit:

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Living Life with purpose

As I sit here, thinking about HEALTHY DIET health, a Scripture passage Eating a balanced diet is important for a healthy body. Carbohydrates provide an comes to mind: 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 (MSG) ‘Or didn’t you

realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don’t you see that you can’t live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body.’


od is able to heal us of every disease but simultaneously, He gives us the responsibility to look after the temple He has given us; making it is our job to take care of our bodies and reduce the risk of developing preventable diseases. Health can be defined as ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’[1] Here is some advice on how we can improve certain aspects of our health…

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instant source of energy, whilst eating proteins help to build muscle. Fats help to absorb certain nutrients, whilst maintaining our core body temperature. [2] Fruits and vegetables provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals. Some foods should be avoided.… 1. Foods high in saturated fats raise your cholesterol. Reducing your intake of these foods helps to lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. 2. Reducing your salt intake reduces your risk of developing high blood pressure. 3. Eating too many carbohydrates can lead to weight gain and eventually obesity (along with other chronic diseases), as your body stores the excess sugar into fats. Therefore controlling your portion size is essential.

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IS NECESSARY As well as losing weight and keeping your body in shape, exercise can make

you feel good, as it leads to the release of endorphins in the body. Endorphins are chemicals, which cause you to feel euphoric, encouraging you to exercise more. Exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood. It also improves self-esteem. [5) Even slim people require regular physical activity, as small amounts can lower the risk of developing major chronic diseases i.e. coronary heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes, by up to 50%, and cut the risk of premature death by 20-30%. [3] Simple ways to incorporate exercise into your day include: using the stairs instead of taking the lift, walking rather than driving short distances or going to the shops instead of shopping online.

MENTAL HEALTH EXERCISES ARE SIGNIFICANT Worldwide, about 25% of the population will suffer from a mental health problem in the course of a year. In Britain, anxiety and depression are the most common mental

Making extraordinary impact!

disorders. [4]

a change the appearance of the Regular mental health exercises keep nipple (i.e. becoming inverted) or discharge from the nipple. [11] you mentally stimulated, improving your memory and concentration. Exercises i.e. reading and meditating The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age, therefore in the can help to: slow the progression UK, the Breast Cancer screening of Dementia, relieve stress, reduce programme is offered to women anxiety levels (lowering your blood pressure) and make you feel calm. [6] between ages 50-70, every 3 years, with the aim of detecting cancer early.

IMPORTANT HEALTH CHECKS 1 in 3 people are diagnosed with Cancer, at some point in their lives; therefore it’s important to be aware of the heath checks available.


Screening for abnormalities in the Prostate Worldwide, over 1.1 million cases of prostate cancer were recorded in 2012. [7] In the UK, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, with - 40,000 new cases diagnosed annually. [8] Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by the prostate. Men normally have small amounts of PSA in their blood, which increases with age. However, a raised PSA level may be a sign of prostate cancer. [9] The risk of developing prostate cancer increases with age, therefore men aged 50+ should have their PSA tested.

pressure/features/treating-hypertension-naturally 7. 8. Introduction.aspx 9. getting-diagnosed/psa-test 10. WWW.BREASTCANCER.ORG 11. ( 12. ( Pages/Introduction.aspx)

If you experience any of the symptoms listed above or have concerns regarding your breasts, please seek advice from your doctor. A BIT ABOUT ME…

My name is Barbara Nnotum; I graduated in 2012 from Guy’s, King’s and St. Thomas’ (GKT) Medical School, in Cervical Screening Programme London. For the past 3 years I have been working as a The cervix is the lower part (neck) of doctor across many different specialities within the Medical the womb. Annually, - 3,000 women field. The reason I became a doctor is because I wanted to are diagnosed with cervical cancer. impact the health of populations across the world. I believe Cervical cancer can affect any that educating people about health empowers them to woman who is sexually active, but make lifestyle changes, which will reduce their risk of in the UK is more common between chronic illnesses and help to avoid those diseases that are preventable. I also believe that God is the ultimate Healer! ages 30 to 45. [12] He can use a doctor to partake in His miracles but He also requires us to play our part! Screening starts from age 25, and occurs every 3-5 years. [12] The programme focuses on detecting abnormal cells on the cervix early, to prevent the development of cancer. REFERENCES 1. Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, 19-22 June, 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61

FOR WOMEN Breast Screening

In the UK and U.S, Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer amongst females.

States (Official Records of the World Health Organization, no. 2, p. 100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948. 2. 3.

Examining your breasts regularly (monthly) is important; to familiarize yourself with what’s normal for you. [10]

health.aspx 4. 5. Callaghan P.. Exercise: a neglected intervention in mental health care?

Symptoms to look out for are: a lump (in the breast or armpit), a change in the appearance (skin, size or shape) of one or both breasts,

J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. 2004;11:476– 483.[PubMed] 6.

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omiwa is a seasoned professional of the investment world having 15 years experience since graduating with a LLB Law Degree at Queen Mary and Westfield College London in 2000. Currently working as a Consultant advising investment companies on trading surveillance and monitoring. Recent consultancy appointments include Aberdeen Asset Management and JP Morgan Asset Management both in 2014. Prior to Consultancy, Tomiwa worked as a Senior Portfolio Analyst at Schroders Asset Management and Fidelity

Investments – a firm which manages over $1.5trillion globally. At

Schroders Asset Management he was responsible for trade replication,

fund trading and portfolio implementation on the Multi Asset Funds in Europe, whilst at Fidelity he assisted in the daily fund activities of over 40 funds and a total of over £200B in assets under management. Tomiwa previously worked in Renaissance Asset Managers as a Fund Managers Assistant, reporting to the Global head of the African Fund management team. The team specialized in African equities, derivatives and special situation deals, from research, trading to fund management. He was in charge of the operational structure and set up of various special situation deals and the various Renaissance African funds. Between 2004 and 2010 Tomiwa worked at Millennium Partners LP ($11B multi strategy hedge fund) and Barings Asset Management. At Millennium he supported the FX and High Yield team, specializing in complex fx and credit derivatives. At Barings Asset Management he supported investment team in implementing asset allocation moves on portfolios. He holds the Investment Management Certificate and The Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA). He is the founder and Managing Director of Geektech Innovations Ltd a boutique private equity firm which invests and develops the witty Ideas and inventions of individuals and small companies. He is also the co-founder of Cornerstone Capital Partners LLP – a firm which provides capital raising ideas for companies in Nigeria. He is also a director at Everock Properties Ltd Nigeria, a property investment company that develops and sources large scale land on behalf of financial institutions. You can contact Tomiwa for investments and development of Witty inventions:

Email: 46 | You Are Valuable Magazine

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tion in the realm of the spirit before we see the in-

teachings. A lovely lady I had the privilege to pas-

tangible natural. We are called as women of prayer to speak forth the power of life into the atmosphere and override every death-filled words over our nations, communities, workplaces, churches, homes, marriages and relationships, over our children and over our own lives (Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

challenges and would never amount to anythng. Do you know what a joy and great pleasure it was to watch her grow in the Word of God and in the renewal of her mind, to such a point she began to follow long repressed dreams of becoming an author. Today she is twice published and has another offering on the way! Psalm 119:130 The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.

Radiate Woman was spoken into be- fluence and power of that prayer manifested in the tor and mentor was told she had mental health ing in 2008 by Pastor Nyarai Garande. The vision of Radiate Woman stems from the scriptural reference found in the book of Hebrews 1:3 (NLT) The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God, and He sustains everything by the mighty power of his command. When He had cleansed us from our sins, He sat down in the place of honor at the right hand of the majestic God in heaven.

Just as the Son, Jesus Christ RADIATES the glory of God and expresses His very character and essence, so we too as His daughters in His image are called to Radiate that same glory in our lives and day to day walk. We are called to be women of prayer and consecration. Women who fear God above all else and revere Him so much that we live Christ - centred and Christ - led lives. We are living in a day and age where women of God need to make their stance and allegiance clearly known as to whose kingdom we belong to. We are called as women to birth change and transforma-

The other mandate of Radiate Woman Ministry is to speak the uncompromising Word of God into the issues women go through, to see souls saved, lives healed and transformed. Pastor Nyarai is a great encourager of women and loves to see women boldly step into their God - ordained callings and purpose. It has been a pleasure seeing women who had serious confidence and self-esteem issues, transform through the entrance of the Word of spirit-filled

The Radiate Woman mandate is keep on teaching and preaching and healing until Christ appears. Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. Nyarai T Garande (Mrs) Pastor MBA(Fin); BScBIS; DipPsy; DipMktg

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Living Life with purpose

Q1.What is authentic Praise and Worship? A The word of God says in John 4:23 (KJV) - But the hour cometh, and now is,

when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. Authentic Praise and worship is a genuine praise, genuine worship that flows from a true heart of worship to God Almighty. It is not about us, it is not about who we are but, it is giving to God a genuine and true heart of worship, surrendering ALL (our will, our emotions, everything) to Him, acknowledging Him as God. We are to put away our ego, pride and giving God our heart, our soul, praising Him and worshipping Him in the beauty of His Holiness with everything within us.

Q2. Where did Praise and Worship originate from? A Praise and Worship belongs to God ALONE. It originated from God before

time began. The angels of God worshipped Him in the beauty of Holiness (Rev 4: 9-11) (Rev 7:11) and all living creatures were created to worship Him (Col 1:16).

Q3. What happens when we praise and worship the Most High God?

A God inhabits our praises (Psalms 22:3), therefore when we Worship, His

glory comes down, the atmosphere becomes thick with His awesome presence (Isaiah 6: 1-4) and reveals Himself to us and grants us His favour and His Rest (Exo33:14) 50 | You Are Valuable Magazine 50 | You Are Valuable Magazine

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Q4. How do you enter the presence of God? A God knows the intent of our heart (Jeremiah 17:10). He is

Pure and Holy and there is no way to enter into His Presence with an unclean heart. In the old testament, Numbers 18, it was important that the Levites and Priests who worshipped God worship Him with a clean heart and hand, they had to carry out various ceremonies before they could come into His presence, any other person but the Levites and Priests were not allowed. Thank God for the new covenant, that made us right with God, we can now all come into His Presence to worship Him, but with a clean heart, with genuine worship and true honour to Him. We also enter His Presence through thanksgiving, through singing and confidence in God. Psalms 95:2, having faith that God exist and receive our offering of worship.

Q5. What do you aim to achieve when you lead a congregation in praise and worship?

A To lift up God’s name, to acknowledge His Power and His

might, to worship God Almighty in the beauty of His holiness, to lead God’s people into His presence and to bring down His Glory and His Awesome Presence.

Q6. What are your experiences when you worship?

A. I love the song – Your presence is heaven by Israel

Talk about the Fruit of my Lips The fruit of my lips is a 13 track album of Praise, Worship and Thanksgiving all to God Almighty given by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and written by myself. In the past, through the grace of God, I wrote a few songs and visited the studio a number of times but just when the project was to about to be concluded, I would just not have the release within my spirit to venture the songs out. A number of times after my ministrations, there were people who encourage me to release an album, but I knew within me that the timing was not right yet. During an encounter I had with God in 2012 I received three songs , even after receiving these songs, I still needed to prayerfully decide if it was the will of God. Then, I had the peace of God to go ahead with the release and with this, I took the bold step of faith and God proved Himself faithful and He provided more songs and the resources to go ahead with this project. Then, after concluding the studio stage project and praying about what the album was to be called, the verse Hebrews 13:15 (Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that openly profess his name KJV) dropped in my spirit, I still wanted to be very sure about the title. Then the next day, it was confirmed by God’s servant (Daddy Adeboye) during my devotion in the Open heavens devotional on February 21, 2015. The album is set to be released in November 2015.

Houghton. It is God’s presence I experience, I want to experience and always want to experience His glory, His power and His Might.

Q7. What does it mean when we say the ‘’the Glory of God came down and was present?’’

A. It is an unexplainable experience. It’s the beauty of God’s

presence in our midst. It is experiencing the sweetness of God’s presence. A presence that is too sweet for words to describe, it is experiencing the thickness of His presence, His heavenly presence here on earth and it’s the manifestation of God’s presence.

Q8. What kind of worship music would you advise for glorifying His majesty?

A. Worship music that are Jesus centered, worship that

focuses on God not on ourself, worship that is all about giving our ALL to God. Worship that Honours God’s Name, Worship that acknowledges God’s Power and His Might, Worship that carries the presence of God. Give a word of encouragement on how to enter His presence. A pure heart is very important. Also, coming boldly into His presence and giving Him an undiluted praise and worship.

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