leaves them feeling empowered, smart and safe. Every child is different , and you can not use the same teaching method on all kids. I have gotten into a class and I could tell from their level of education, social status and financial position which words would work best and which tone would be better to use. There isn’t one style to teach children about sex as there are so many ways and most of these styles differ with age.
A Guide to Sex Chats
By Ann Holland
Your children are their own people, with their own emotions and feelings, and sex may one day be part of their lives no matter how much you wish it wasn’t. Your job is to help guide them and equip them with the best knowledge possible. You want a happy and informed child – not an unhappy, secretive and uninformed child. You need to put in the work to create a relationship where your child feels safe and not judged. The sex talk doesn’t have to be a one-time thing. It could be something that evolves into an open door, where you and your child offer information and safety. To do this, you have to be openminded, do a lot of research and allow your child’s curiosity to be fed. It will only be awkward if you make it awkward.