Q1: Which of the following hormones causes the secretion of testosterone hormone in male and progesterone hormone in female?
a. LH b. FSH c. Oxytocin d. Prolactin
Q2: Which of the following bones starts with head and ends with two processes?
a. Femur b. Tibia c. Radius d. Ulna
Q3: Which of the following hormones is in the highest concentr ation in the blood of an adult female on the 12th day from the beginning of menstruation?
a. FSH b. LH c. Estrogen d. Progesterone
Q4: Which of the following regions whose length doesn’t change on the relaxation of the skeletal muscle?
a. Region (I) b. Region (A) c. Region (H) d. Region (Z -Z)
Q5: What is/are the type(s) of movement that plants (X) and (Y) share in?
a. Continuous only b. Positional only
c. Continuous and positional d. Positional and total
Q6: Which of the following link between two different tissues?
a. Ligaments only b. Tendons only
c. Cartilages and ligaments d. Ligaments and tendons
Q7: The opposite figure represents a part of the human vertebral column, if vertebra (Y) is the second vertebra, what is the number of the pair of rubs connected to vertebra (X)?
a. 9th b. 10th c. 11th d. 12th
Q8: Which of the following essentially enter(s) in the structure of th e cell walls of cactus plant epidermis?
a. Cellulose only b. Cellulose and cutin c. Cutin only d. Cellulose and lignin
Q9: Which of the following graphs is correct regarding the Narcissus bulbs growth?
a. b. c. d.
Q10: The movement occurs because the nerve impulse is transmitted through the terminal arborizations of the motor nerve fibers, which of the following will be affected directly by then nerve impulse?
By: Mrs Doaa AdelFinal Revision - Chapter 3: Reproduction
Q1: In the life cycle of malaria Plasmodium, where are the gametes matured?
a. Human blood only b. Mosquito’s stomach only
c. Human blood and mosquito’s stomach d. Human liver and mosquito’s stomach
Q2: The opposite figure illustrates a longitudinal section in a flower, which parts continue in growth for a period of time after fertilization?
a. (1) and (5) b. (2) and (3)
c. (2) and (4) d. (3) and (5)
Q3: The produced individuals from the sexual reproduction are always similar to their parents:
a. Functionally and not morphologically b. Morphologically and not functionally
c. Genetically and functionally d. Genetically and morphologically
Q4: A woman gave birth to three infants in one delivery including identical twins, how many fertilized ova led to the formation of this twins?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
Q5: Which of the following doesn’t characterize region (A) in the opposite figure?
a. It is protected by flat bones
b. The sperms are formed in it
c. It has components affected by the male hormones
d. It is present inside the body
Q6: Which of the following isn’t correct about placenta?
a. It is connected to the embryo by the umbilical cord
b. It is rich in blood capillaries
c. It prevents the arrival of alcohols and drugs to the embryo
d. It acts as a temporary endocrine gland
By: Mrs Doaa AdelFinal Revision Chapter 5: DNA
Q1: The following equation illustrates a biochemical reaction inside the body, where does this reaction occur?
a. Free small ribosomal subunit b. Free large ribosomal subunit
c. Small ribosomal subunit in the ribosome complex
d. Large ribosomal subunit in the ribosome complex
Q2: On which of the following forms Franklin depended in her studies?
a. Single strand b. Nucleosomes c. Crystals d. Chromatin
Q3: If the anticodon of proline amino acid is (GGA), what is the triplet code on DNA strand from which the codon is transcribed?
a. CCT b. GGA c. CCU d. GGT
Q4: If the number of turns in DNA sample is 600 turns, what is the number of nitrogenous bases in one strand of this strand?
a. 6000 b. 9000 c. 12000 d. 15000
Q5: Which of the following statements is correct regarding the following figure?
a. The structural non-histone proteins control the transcription rate no. (3)
b. Molecules (1) consist of the attraction of amino acids and nucleotides
c. Molecule (4) can’t reach molecule (2) in the c hromatin
d. The number of nucleotides forming molecule (3) is equal to the number of nucleotides between two nucleosomes
Q6: Which of the following characteristics the tRNA molecule in the opposite figure?
a. It doesn’t enter the peptidyl site
By: Mrs Doaa Adel
a. Muscles and tendons b. Bones and ligaments c. Bones only d. Muscles only
Q11: Some algae were taken from fresh water and put into salty water. What is the change that is expected to occur to the cells of these algae?
a. Photosynthesis will stop b. Their cell membranes will expand c. Their cell membranes will move inwards d. Their cells will become turgid
Q12: Which of the following hormones doesn’t affect the heartbeats when its secretion increases?
a. Noradrenaline b. Thyroxine c. Adrenaline d. Secretin
Q13: On carrying out an examination for a patient by magnetic resonance, a simple tumor was found in the parathyroid glands which causes the hyperactivity of these glands. What are the expected results that appear in this patient’s blood analysis?
Q14: What happens to each of blood and urine osmolarity when increasing the secretion of VH hormone?
Q15: A myofibril consists of 18 sarcomeres, in the light of this, calculate:
(a) The number of Z-lines
(b) The number of dark bands
AdelBy: Mrs Doaa
Q7: From the opposite figure, what is the number of divisions required for converting structure (X) to structure (Y)?
a. Two mitotic divisions
b. Six mitotic divisions
c. Three mitotic divisions
d. Four mitotic divisions
Q8: What s the similarity between the stages of spermatogenesis and oogenesis in human?
a. The multiplication stage occurs during the embryonic stage
b. The growth stage occurs during the puberty stage
c. Reducing the number of chromosomes during the maturation sta ge
d. Producing four gametes of haploid chromosomal set
Q9: Which of the following doesn’t smooth muscles?
a. Fallopian tube b. The vaginal wall c. Endometrium d. Fallopian tube’s tunnel
Q10: Which of the following is a reason for the sperm inability to move to reach the ovum?
a. The acrosome contents absence b. The midpiece damage
c. The prostate gland hypersecretion d. The neck absence
Q11: Which of the following age stages is/are known as “the uterus s ilence”?
a. Puberty stage b. Childhood and puberty stage
c. Fertility stage d. Childhood and menopause stage
Q12: Which of the following phases in the life cycle of Plasmodium cycle of Plasmodium are diploid?
a. Merozoites b. Merozoites and zygote
c. Zygote and ookinete d. Ookinete and sporozoites
Q13: Which of the following differentiates the unicellular organisms budding form the binary fission?
a. The disappearing of the parent individual.
b. The unequal size of the resulted cells
c. The equal chromosomal number for the resulted cells
d. The decrease in the number of the resulted cells
Q14: If a conjugation occurred among all the cells of two adjacent Spirogyra filaments, where one of them contains 10 cells and the other contains 6 cells.
What is the number of the formed zygotes? (with explanation)
By: Mrs Doaa Adel b. It enters the aminoacyl site first then the peptidyl site c. It enters the peptidyl site first then the aminoacyl site.
d. It does not enter the aminoacyl site
Q7: Which of the following isn’t from the ligase enzyme function?
a. Breaking of hydrogen bonds
b. DNA replication
c. DNA repair
d. Formation of recombinant DNA
Q8: Which of the following graphs expresses the relation between the number of ribosomes
(X) in the cell and the translation rate (Y)?
a. b. c. d.
Q9: Which of the following whose number won’t increase by increasing the number of alkyl groups during the formation of a polypeptide chain?
a. The linked carboxyl groups b. The formed peptide bonds
c. The free amino groups in the chain d. The removed water molecules
Q10: Which of the opposite figure bonds are formed on gathering two tRNA molecules together on the same ribosomes?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
Q11: Which of the following has a role in determining the chromatin building structure?
a. The non-histone regulatory proteins
b. The non-histone structural proteins
c. The histone regulatory proteins
d. The histone structural proteins
Q12: Which of the following represents a mutation?
a. Rotating a part of the chromosome around itself by 360oC
b. Replacement of segments from homologous pairs of chromosomes
c. Replacement of segments between non-homologous pairs of chromosomes
d. Changing the triplet sequence from ATT to ATC on DNA template strand.
Q13: What does the opposite figure refer to?
By: Mrs Doaa Adel Q4) B Q5) C Q6) B Q7) C Q8) A Q9) C Q10) D Q11) C Q12) D Q13) The level of parathormone hormone increases
The level of calcium increases
Q14) The increase in VH hormone secretion (vasopressin hormone) acts on the decrease in the blood osmolarity, because it reabsorbs water from kidney nephrons into blood. So, the amount of urine decreases and the salts concentration increases for example the urine osmolarity increases
Q15) (a) The number of Z-lines = The number of sarcomeres + 1 = 18 + 1 = 19 (b) The number of dark bands (A) = The number of sarcomeres = 18
By: Mrs Doaa Adel
Q15: What are the types of movement that are obvious in the ciliated sperms? And what is their importance?
Answers: Q1) B Q2) D Q3) A Q4) B Q5) B Q6) C Q7) C Q8) C Q9) C Q10) B Q11) D Q12) C Q13) B Q14) 8 zygotes 6 cells – scalariform conjugation 4 cells lateral conjugation
Q15) Continuous and total movements As the cytoplasmic movement (continuous) occurs to distribute the substances on all the parts of the cell, while the total movement occurs for moving the ciliated sperms from antheridia towards the position of egg in archegonia
By: Mrs Doaa Adel
Q14: The forensic investigations found a person’s blood group drop in the crime scene. The microscopic sample shows the presence of (X) and (Y) structures, which of them can be used in revealing the identity of that person? And why?
Q15: There is a type of antibiotics that inhibits the action of transcription enzyme, what would happen to the bacteria when they were treated with this antibiotic? Answers:
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