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Qatar and the Gulf Crisis Kyle Orton

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Published in 2017 by The Henry Jackson Society The Henry Jackson Society Millbank Tower 21-24 Millbank London SW1P 4QP Registered charity no. 1140489 Tel: +44 (0)20 7340 4520 www.henryjacksonsociety.org © The Henry Jackson Society, 2017 All rights reserved The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and are not necessarily indicative of those of The Henry Jackson Society or its Trustees. Title: “Qatar and the Gulf Crisis” By: Kyle Orton ISBN: 978-1-909035-39-3 £7.95 where sold

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Qatar and the Gulf Crisis Kyle Orton


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Contents Summary


1. Introduction: The GCC Schism


2. Promotion of Extremism 2.1 Troubling Dissidents 2.2 Shi’a Islamists 2.3 Extremism in the Media

9 9 12 14

3. Sponsorship of Terrorism 3.1 Financiers of al-Qaeda’s Rise in Syria 3.2 Activities in Libya 3.3 Palestine 3.4 Ransom Payments

19 19 26 29 30

4. Qatar’s Human Rights Record 4.1 Social and Political Freedom 4.2 Women’s Rights 4.3 Labour Conditions

36 36 37 38

5. Conclusions and Recommendations


Appendix: Quartet List of “Qatar-linked” Individuals




About the Author



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Summary •

Since June Qatar tar ha hass be been subject bject to an in international ternattional bo boycott ycott by Sa Saudi audi Ar Arabia, a b ia , ab Si nce Ju ne of 2017, Qa en su Ba ahraiin, th ited Ar ab Em irattes, an d Eg gypt – the the Qu arrtet. Sa audi Arabia Arab bia has has closed closed Bahrain, thee Un United Arab Emirates, and Egypt Quartet. Saudi Qa tar’s onl and-border, and and Doha Doha was was pr evented fr om access access to th rritoriall Qatar’s onlyy la land-border, prevented from thee se seaa in th thee te territorial stattes. Fu rthermore, the the Qu arrtet ban ba nned Qatar Qatar fr om using using their their ters of the the four four states. waters Furthermore, Quartet banned from wa sttrictions on Qatari Qatarri residents, residents, in al gypt or dering ai rspace and and imposed imposed re es excep airspace restrictions alll cas cases exceptt Eg Egypt ordering n ci tizens to le ave Qatar Qatarr wi thin 14 da ays. th eir own their citizens leave within days.

Qa Qatar tar ha hass fo forr so some me tim timee pos positioned itioned itself itself as a me mediator diator an and safe-haven afe-haaven fo forr di dissidents. ssidents. d sa ffices to Do fter its pol itical tr oubles fo mascus, HA HAMAS MAS mo moved ved its of offices Doha ha af after political troubles forced rced it out of Dam Damascus, Talliban ha plomatic pr esence in Qa tar, an d ma any Mu slim Br o th e rh o o d th thee Taliban hass its di diplomatic presence Qatar, and many Muslim Brotherhood Qatar in 2013 af fter th litarry co up liq uidatted mbers an d supporters supporters fled fled to Qatar olent mi me members and after thee vi violent military coup liquidated gypt. But But the the role role of mediator, mediaattor, already already intended intended to further further elected government government of Eg th thee elected Egypt. tar’s so ft-power and and pol iticall in fluence in th ggiion, has has long long since since crossed crossed over over in to Qa Qatar’s soft-power political influence thee re region, into otther Br o th e rh o o d inspired Islamists. Islamists. pport for for groups groups like like HAMAS HAMAS and and other d-affffiiliated or --inspired su support Brotherhood-affiliated ggrravated Qa attarr’s ne ighbours, an d Qa attar’s hab bit of hos ting wa a n te d is policy policy ag Th This aggravated Qatar’s neighbours, and Qatar’s habit hosting wanted dividuals from from the the ot ther Gu tizenship and and air air time time in its lf st ates an d providing providing them them ci in individuals other Gulf states and citizenship ggiion-wide me dia redoubled redoubled the neighbouring states stattes that that view view Qatar’s Qattarr’s behaviour behaaviour the fury fury of neighbouring re region-wide media bversive. as su subversive.

Though ough th thee Quartet Quartet accu accused sed Qatar Qattaarr of a number number of things things that exagggerated or that were were exaggerated Th fa abricated, it also also levelled levelled a lot satiions th att ar true. fabricated, lot of accu accusations that aree true.

number of state-linked state-linked Qatari Qatari individuals individuals ha have ave been been implicated implicated in fin financing ancing th thee ri rise se of A number rtly ope rough su pport fo rar alShaam wh ich ope ratted in a al-Qaeda in Syria, Syria, par al-Qaeda partly openly nly th through support forr Ah Ahrar al-Sham which operated al mi litary alliance alliance with with Ja abhatt alrtly mo re am biguously th rough purportedly purportedly Nusra, an d par military Jabhat al-Nusra, and partly more ambiguously through pr ivate individuals individuals who who funded funded alrectly. Qat tarr has, ition to th Nusra di has, in di rect oppos private al-Nusra directly. Qatar direct opposition thee Quarrtet, given given support support to Isl amist forces forces in Libya, though Qatar Qattar fo rmally icies of the the Quartet, Libya, though policies Islamist formally pol internationall pol itical se ttllement that thatt the the Em irati an d Egyptian Eggyptian pr oxies ar pports the the international supports political settlement Emirati and proxies aree su allenggiing by force force on the the ground. ground. challenging ch

Qa Qatar tar ha hass be been en cen central tral to a range raange of hos hostage tage re releases, leases, particularly paarticularly wi with th alal-Nusra, Nusra, pr providing oviding yment of ransoms raansoms on a scale scalle that that is ope ratiionaally im portan nt for for these these or facilitating facilitating the the pay payment operationally important ght, th is is a da angerous an sttaabilising pol icy bo rrorist groups. groups. Cast Cast in the the be st lig d de terrorist best light, this dangerous and destabilising policy born te rn of em otion, an d Qat tar’s ne ighbours vi ew it as a mo re sinister sinister pol siggn ned to fu nd te icy de emotion, and Qatar’s neighbours view more policy designed fund terror rro r e a lth . by st stealth.

Gi ven th at Qat Given that Qatar tar pr presents esents its support many any of th these ese ext extremists, tremists, at hom homee an and d ab abroad, road, support for for ma fence of hum an n ri ghts fo thoritarian re ggiimes, Qa tar mi gh t as a de defence human rights forr pe people ople pe persecuted rsecuted by au authoritarian regimes, Qatar might ave an im pressive dom estic hum an ri ghts record. be exp ected to ha record. Th is is not th e. expected have impressive domestic human rights This thee cas case. Qa tar is ru led by th ame co nservattive in terpretattion of Isl amic la aw as Sau udi Ar a b ia . Qatar ruled thee sa same conservative interpretation Islamic law Saudi Arabia. ough Qa Qat tar is so cially an d pol itically so mewh hat mo re ope n th an its la arge ne ighbour, on Th Though Qatar socially and politically somewhat more open than large neighbour, status of women women to the the treatment foreiggn n workers, workers, number of issues issues – from from the the status treatment of foreign an anyy number ake up 80% of th ople living tar – is al so a cau living in Qa se fo concern. o ma wh who make thee pe people Qatar also cause forr concern.

Br Britain itain sh should ould avo avoid id publ publicly icly taking taakkin ing sides sides in th thee br broader oader di dispute sputee be between ttw ween th thee Gu Gulf lf st states, taates, provide for for re ggiional st ability, par rticularly in th and d should should work work for for reconciliation reconciliation to provide regional stability, particularly thee fa face an ce agggrression from from revolutionary revolutionary Iran. n Behind Behind th enes, how ever, th ere is ro om to the aggression thee sc scenes, however, there room of the ntinuing to press press Qa ttaar on th an nce wh Quartet’s grievances grievances sues lik terror fin ere th continuing Qatar thee is issues likee terror finance where thee Quartet’s co leggitim itimatte an d dov etail wi th Br itish in terests. aree legitimate and dovetail with British interests. ar

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1. Introduction: The GCC Schism A di diplomatic plomattic cr crisis isis erupted erupted on the the Gulf Gulf on 4 June June 2017: Sa Saudi audi Ar Arabia, abia, th thee Un United ited Ar Arab ab Em Emirates, ira te s , Ba ahraiin, and Eggypt severed severed diplomatic diplomatic relations relations wi th Qatar. Qatar. Saudi Saaudi Arabia Arab bia closed closed the the only only landlaandBahrain, and Egypt with border Qatar Qatar had; had; all all the the states stattes ba anned Qatar Qattaarr from from using using their their airspace airspace an territoriall waters. waters. The d territorial The border banned and imposed re sttrrictions on Qatari Qattaari residents residents and and would-be trants, an d al four governments governments imposed would-be en four restrictions entrants, and alll excep exceptt Eg gyypt ordered ordered their n citizens citizens to leave le Qat tarr wi thin 14 day ys. their own Egypt Qatar within days. 1


Co ming a day nister’s Twitter daay after affter th ckkiing of the the Bahraini Baahraini Foreign Foreiggn n Mi Twiitter acco unt, some some Coming thee hac hacking Minister’s account, in terpreted the acttions of th Sau udidi led bl raccy. interpreted the actions thee Saudi-led bloc oc as an ov overreaction erreaction to an act of onl online ine pi piracy. Subsequent analysis analysis laid laaid st tress on Qatar’s Qattaar’s more more cordial cordial relations relations with with the the Iranian Iraanian revolution. revolution. Subsequent stress Qatar’s restoration restoration of full full diplomatic diplomatic relations relations wi th Iran n on 24 August, August, a calculated calculated snub snub to its Qatar’s with rivalls, increased increased th rivals, this is te tendency. ndency.



lens of th ever, is not th iving fo rce of this this st re audi-Iraan rivalry, rivalry, how an ndoff. Qa tar’s mo The lens thee Sa Saudi-Iran however, thee dr driving force standoff. Qatar’s more conciliattory relations relattions wi th th nian th Qat eocracy ar d of themselves themselves the the problem. problem. Qatar Qatarr conciliatory with thee Iran Iranian theocracy aree not in an and sh arres a ga ld wi th Tehran, Tehran, so has has to ha ave a de ggrree of eco nomic cooperation cooperattion with with the the Islamic Islaam m ic shares gass fie field with have degree economic ther st attes an d en tiities within within th lf Co operation Co an n an d Republic. Ot uncil (G CC), Om Republic. Other states and entities thee Gu Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Oman and Du bai mo retain economic economic tie th Tehran. Tehran. Om an n also st obviously, obviously, retain also has has functioning functioning diplomatic diplomatic Dubai most tiess wi with Oman relations wi th revolutionary revolutiionarry Iran, Iran n, despite despite its mi sggiivings about about the the re ggiime, an d ha en a broker broker relations with misgivings regime, and hass be been aling wi th Tehran. Tehran. There objection bjectiion to these thes policies GCC. for the the West West in de There is no ob ese pol icies from from the the GC C. for dealing with 5

The primary primarry di rect poi nt of contention contention is Qatar’s Qatar’s instrumentalisation instrumentaalilisattion of Isl amists as pa art of The direct point Islamists part udi-led “Quartet” “Quarrteet” find find threatening threatening to regional reggiional stability, stability, Doha’s bid bid for for influence influence in a wayy th Doha’s thee Sau Saudi-led n internal internall security. securityy. This This dynamic dynamic has has been been particularly particularly salient salient since since the the “Arab “A rab eir own and indeed indeed th and their armed revolts like Syria Syria and and Libya, Libya, where wh h Spring” uprisings descended descended into into extended extended armed revolts in in places places like here Spring” uprisings Qa tar’s enthusiastic enthusiastic embrace embrace of of the the revolutions revolutiions – or, or, rather, rather, fac ctions within wiithin them bilised the th e them – mo Qatar’s factions mobilised oth her Gulf stattes to to blunt blunt Qatar’s Qatar’s policies. policies. In Syria, Syria, the the consequences consequences of of the the intra-Gulf intra-Gulf Gulf states other compettition harmed harmed the the opposition oppositiion in in a manner manner that that itit did from. The The origins origgiins of of this th is competition did not not recover recover from. dispute are arre much much older, older, however, however, going going back bacck to Qatar’s move move toward towarrd not an lo long-simmering ng-simmering dispute to Qatar’s not just just an but a competitive, competitive, anti-Saudi anti-Sa Saaudi foreign foreiggn n policy policy in in the the 1990s. 1 9 9 0 s. in independent, dependent, but 6



nce th up in Qa ne ave be en se rious tensions tensions in th audi-Qatar re lationship si tar in Ju Th ere ha There have been serious thee Sa Saudi-Qatar relationship since thee co coup Qatar June hat br ought Ha amad d alThani, th ther of th rrent em amim aal-Thani, l-Thani, to pow e r. ir, Ta 1995 ttha that brought Hamad al-Thani, thee fat father thee cu current emir, Tamim power.



Kabbani, Kabbani, N., N., ‘‘The The high high h cost cost of of high high stakes: stakes: Economic Economic implications implications of of the the 2017 2017 Gulf Gulf crisis’, crisis’, Br Brookings Bro ookings Institution Institution, 15 15 June June 2017, 2017, available av available at: at: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/markaz/2017/06/15/the-high-cost-of-high-stakes-economic-implications-of-the-2017-gulf-crisis/, htttps://www.brookings.edu/b blogg/markaaz/ z/2017/06/15//the-hi high-cost-of-high-staakes-economic-implications-off--the-2017-gu ulf lff--crisis/, llast ast visited: visited: 13 October October 2017. 2 foreign minister minister hacked’, hacked’, Reuters ‘Bahrain ‘Bahraain says says Twitter Tw Twitter account account of of its foreign Reutter errs, 3 June June 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-bahrainhttps://w //w ww ww.reuters.com/aarticle/us-bahraincyb cybercrime/bahrain-says-twitter-account-of-its-foreign-minister-hacked-idUSKBN18U07E, ercrime/bahrain-saays-twitter-account-of-its-foreign-minister-hacked-idUSKBN18U07E, last last visited: visited: 15 15 O October ctober 22017. 017. 3 Distraction’, Th Erdbrink, Erdbrink, T., T., ‘For ‘For Iran, Iran, Qatar Qatar Crisis Crisis Is Is a Welcome Welcome Distraction’, Thee New New York Yo ork Times Tiimes, 4 July July 22017, 017, available aavvailaable at: at: ht ttps://www.nyytimes.com/2017/07/04//world/middleeast/for n-qaatar-crisis-is-a-we -welcome-distraction.html, llast ast vvisited: isited: 15 O ctober 2017. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/04/world/middleeast/for-iran-qatar-crisis-is-a-welcome-distraction.html, or-iraan October 4 ‘Qatar ‘Qataar restores restores diplomatic diplomatic ties ties with with Iran Iraan n amid aam mid Gulf Gulf crisis’, crisis’, BBC C, 224 Au August ggu ust 2017, 2017, available available at: at: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-41035672, ww w ww w w.bbc.co.ukk//news/world-middle-east-41035672, last last visited: October 2017. visited: 15 October 5 in the the Middle Middle East, Coffey, Coffey, L., L., ‘As ‘As the the US Restores Restores Credibility Credibility in East, It It Should Should Not Not Ignore Iggn nore Oman’, Omaan’, Her Heritage rriittage Foundation Fouun ndation, 26 26 April Ap A pril 2017, 2017, available av available at: at: www.heritage.org/global-politics/report/the-us-restores-credibility-the-middle-east-it-should-not-ignore-oman, October 2017. www. heritage.org/globaal-politics/reporrt/the-us-restores-credibility-the-middle-east-it-should-not-ignore-om oman, last last visited: visited: 30 October 6 as Seen Seen in in Riyadh’, Riyadh’, Th Alyahya, Alyahya, M., M., ‘‘The The Rift Rift w with ith Qa Qatar atar as Thee Atlantic Atlantiicc Council Couun ncil, 1133 June June 2017, 2017, available available at: at: t www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/theww ww ww w.aatlaant nticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/t /tthehe -wiith-qaatar-as- seen-in-riyadh, last last visited: visited: 30 30 October October 22017. 01 7 . rift-wi rift-with-qatar-as-seen-in-riyadh, 7 Redux’, Th redux/, Stephens, Stephens, M., M., ‘The ‘The Arab Arrab Cold A Cold War War Redux’, Thee Century Ceen ntuurry Foundation Fouun ndation, 28 28 February Feebruary 2017, F 2017, available available at: at:: https://tcf.org/content/report/arab-cold-war-redux/, http https://tcf.org/content/report/araab-cold--war waar-re last last visited: November visited: 8 N ovember 2017. 8 lff--waar, We Weiss, iss, M., M., ‘The ‘The Syrian war’, NOW L Lebanon ebanon, 2277 March March 2013, 2013, available available at: at: https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/commentaryanalysis/the-syrian-gulf-war, https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/commentaryanalysis/the-syrian-gulf Syrian Gulf Gulf war’, la last st vvisited: isited: 8 N November ovember 2017. 20 1 7 . 9 by His His Son’, Son’, Th ‘Qatar ‘Qataar Leader Leader Is Sent Sent Packing Packing by Thee New New Y York or ork Times Times, 27 27 June June 1995, 1! 995, available av availaable at: at: www.nytimes.com/1995/06/27/world/qatar-leader-is-sentww www.nytimes.com/1995/06/27/world d/qatar-leader-is-sentpa ck kiing-by-hiss-son.h html, la st vvisited: isited: 22 22 October October 2017. 2 01 7. packing-by-his-son.html, last 1

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! Pr Prior ior to that, thatt, Qa Qatar tar ha had d been been something something of a Saudi Saaudi dependency. dependency. Un Under der Hamad’s Haamad d’s le leadership, adership, ught to chart chart its own n co urse. There th ol d di sputes Do Doha ha so sought course. There were were attempts attempts to co come me to te terms, rms, wi with old disputes 10 over land laand settled settled in 2001, but but ul ultimately timately Qatar’s Qatarr’s pol policies icies necessitated necessitatted a co collision. llision. On Onee of Qa Qatar’s attarr’s over ch osen methods methods for for trying trying to re shap pe th iticall en vironment in its fa avour – an d, by im plicattio t n, chosen reshape thee pol political environment favour and, implication, aga ainst the the Saudi-led Saaudi-led bloc bloc – was was by fo station, Al-J -Jazeera, to carry carry unding a satellite satellite television television station, against founding Al-Jazeera, Qa tar’s me ssagge acr oss th ab b wo rld. It was thatt led led to a breakdown break kdown n in relations relattions in was this this channel channel that Qatar’s message across thee Ar Arab world. th th udis wi thdrawing th eir ambassador ambassador ov veragge on Al-Jaz -Jazeera Se ptember 2002, wi er co September with thee Sau Saudis withdrawing their over coverage Al-Jazeera 11 famatory. de emed de deemed defamatory.

isis la st bu rst into into public public in Ma arch 2014, an d th ree Gu lf st ates wi thdrew th When this this cr When crisis last burst March and thee th three Gulf states withdrew their eir Qattarr, their their primary primary charge charge against against Qatar Qatar was was interfering interfering in their internal affairs afffairs from Qatar, their internal ambassadors from ambassadors harrbouring wan nted me n and and supporting supportting the the Muslim Muslim Br otherhood – and and reneging reneggiing on an by harbouring wanted men Brotherhood aggrreement, signed siggn ned in No vember 2013, by wh ich Do ha ha d pr omised it wo uld ceas ng so agreement, November which Doha had promised would ceasee doi doing so.. 12

Qatar ha Islamists throughout throughout the the region, reggiion, accelerating accelerat atiing this this pol icy dur ing th ab Qatar hass supported supported Islamists policy during thee Ar Arab thatt began began in 2010 in Tu nisia an roughout th ggiion. W Whe hen th lf st ta te s revolts that d sp read th revolts Tunisia and spread throughout thee re region. When thee Gu Gulf states amework agreement aggrreement to Qatar Qatar in Ap ril 2014 fo storation of re lattions, a ke pr esented a fr presented framework April forr th thee re restoration relations, keyy demand was implementation mplementatio on of the agreement grreement th that att wo would end Qatar’s atar’s su support pport fo forr was the the im the 2013 ag uld en d Qa demand Islamist groups, oth herhood specifically. speciffiically. Qa Qatar tar was haalt its su support pport fo forr th thee Islamist groups, the the Muslim Muslim Br Brotherhood was to halt Br ethren, gypt, an d el sewh here; Br otherhood ope ratives we re to be exp elled fr Brethren, n, in Sy Syria, ria, Li Libya, bya, Eg Egypt, and elsewhere; Brotherhood operatives were expelled from om Qa tar; an d Qat tarr wa turalising Isl amists wh o ha d le ther Gu lf co untries an d ft ot Qatar; and Qatar wass to ceas ceasee nat naturalising Islamists who had left other Gulf countries and them wi th platforms plattfforms to agitate agggiitate against against the the Gulf Gulf countries. countries. In deed, Qatar’s Qatar’s media media in providing them providing with Indeed, general was was to be reined reined in. in. general 13



June 2017, th Quartet issued issued its in itiaal list list of 13 de mands through through Ku wait to Qatar, Qatar, a In June thee Quartet initial demands Kuwait max ximaalist ope ambit th att Do aked to th ess. In July formal list list of si maximalist opening ning ga gambit that Doha ha le leaked thee pr press. July 2017, a formal sixx pr inciples wa artet. From From both both doc documents, uments, one intended privatte and and one sued by th intended to be private principles wass is issued thee Qu Quartet. was once once again again clear clear that that Iran Iran wa ain is sue. Qa tar co uld mai intain mi nimall public, public, it was wass not th thee ma main issue. Qatar could maintain minimal diplomattic and and all all economic economic relations relations wi th Iran; Iraan; n; th ice of re conciliattion was was to eliminate eliminate any any diplomatic with thee pr price reconciliation mi litary relations relations with with Tehran Tehran and and to exp Islam mic Revolutionary Revolutionary Guard Guard Co el members members of the the Islamic rp s military expel Corps Iraanian n state state that thatt orchestrates orchestrattes international internattional terrorism. terrorism. (I RGC), the the arm arm of the the Iranian (IRGC), 16

media channels, channels, specifically specifically Al-Jazeera, Th man nds focused focused on: shuttering shuttering media Al-Ja -Jazeera, regarded regarrded as Thee de demands promotting terrorism; with terrorist terrorist organisations, organisattions, which terrorism; severing severing ties ties with which in the the GCC GCC conception conception promoting Brotherhood; cu tting off offf all all funding, funding, state statte and and pr ivatte, that thatt flows flows from from Qatar Qa Qattarr includes the the Muslim Muslim Brotherhood; includes cutting private, and organisations organ nisattions de siggn nated by GCC GCC st ates an d th attes as te rrorist; ha and United St individuals and to individuals designated states and thee United States terrorist; hand figgures”, those those wanted wan nted by GC attes fo subversion and ther act tivities; ceas C st and ot over “terrorist “terrorist figures”, over GCC states forr subversion other activities; ceasee ternal af ffairs of ot ther GC C st attes by for exam anting citizenship citizenship to ple, gr interference n in th interference thee in internal affairs other GCC states by,, for example, granting

‘Saudi ‘Saudi and an and Qatar Qatar End End 35-Year 35-Year Border Border Dispute, Dispute, Sign Siggn n Accord’, Accord’, Al Al-Bawaba l--Bawaba, 2211 March March 2001, 2001, available av availaable at: at: https://www.albawaba.com/news/saudi-and-qatarhttp https://w ww ww w w.albawaba.com/news/saudi-and--qaatarend-35-year-border-dispute-sign-accord, end-35-year-bo border-dispute-siggn n-accord, last last visited: visited: 22 October October 2017. 11 Sharp, Shaarp, J.M., J.M., ‘‘Qatar: Q atar : B Background ackggrround and and US US Relations’, Relations’, Con Congressional ngressional Research Research Office Offfiicce, 22 22 March March 2005, 2005, available available at: at: https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/eoir/legacy/2013/06/13/Qatar%20Background%20and%20US%20Relations.pdf, October 2017. htttps://www..justice.govv/sites/deffaullt/ffiles/eoir//legacy/2013/06/13/Qatar%20Background%20and%20US%20Relations.pdf, last last visited: visited: 22 October 12 2014]’, CNN ‘Translation ‘T Traanslaation of of Agreements Agre Agreements [made [made in 2013 2013 and aan nd 2014]’, N, 1111 July Ju uly ly 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2017/images/07/10/traanslaation.of.agggrreementsupdated.pdff, last last visited: visited: 30 October October 2017. i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2017/images/07/10/translation.of.agreementsupdated.pdf, 13 Hassan, Hassan, H., H., ‘Making ‘Makkiing Qatar Qatar an an Offer Offer It It Can’t Can’t Refuse’, Refuse’, Fo Foreign orei eign Policy Po olic icy, 2222 April April 2014, 2014, available av available at: at: http://foreignpolicy.com/2014/04/22/making-qatar-anhttp://foreignpolicy.com/2014/04/22/making-qaatar-anoffer-it-cant-refuse/, of ffer-it-cant-re refuse/, last last visited: visited: 13 13 October October 2017. 14 ‘Translation ‘T Traanslaation of of Agreements Agre Agreements [made [made in 2013 2013 and aan nd 2014]’, N, 1111 July Ju uly ly 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: 2014]’, CNN i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2017/images/07/10/translation.of.agreementsupdated.pdf, i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2017/images/07/10/traanslaation.of.agreementsupdated.pdf, last last visited: visited: 30 30 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 15 ays to to meet meet 13 13 sweeping sweeping demands Wintour, Wintour, P., P., ‘Qatar ‘Qatar given ggiiven 1100 d days demands by by Saudi Saudi Arabia’, Arrabia’, Th A Thee Guardian Guardian, 23 23 June June 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: nds-to-endhtttps://www.theggua uaardian.com m/world/2017//jun/23/close-al-ja al-jaaazzeera-saudi-arabia-issues-qaatar-wiith-1313 demands last visited: visited: 15 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/23/close-al-jazeera-saudi-arabia-issues-qatar-with-13-demands-to-end-blockade, to end blockade, last 15 October October 2017. 2017 . 16 process”’, Th Khan, Khan, T., T., ‘Arab ‘Arab countries’ countries’ six principles principles for for Qatar Qatar “a “a measure measure to restart restaart the the negotiation negotiaation process”’, Thee National National, 1199 July July 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://www.thenational.ae/world/gcc/arab-countries-six-principles-for-qatar-a-measure-to-restart-the-negotiation-process-1.610314, October ht ttps://www.thenaationaal.ae/world/ggcc/arab-counttries-six-principles-for-qaatar-a-me - -restart-the-negotiation-process-1.610314, llast ast visited: visited: 2200 O ctober ! asure-to 2017. 10

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! citizens on the citizens the run run fr from om GC GCC C governments, governments, and and ceasing ceasing all all contact contact wi with th the the political politicall opposition opposition in ates. thee fo th four ur st states. 17

The Qa tarri government government defends defends its re lattions wi th nonsttaate act ors, including including Isl amist groups, groups, fr om The Qatari relations with non-state actors, Islamist from wi t h th e wa a n t in d iv id u a ls fr o m Gu l f hum a n i t a r i an n Sy ria to Libya, Li b y a , an d e d st a t e s, an d Syria and with the wanted individuals from Gulf states, as a humanitarian and i m proggrressive pol icy of engagement engageement with with opposition opposition and and dissident dissident figures figgures to the the regional reggiional despotisms. despottisms. progressive policy of internal internal and an nd external externall policy is detected detected on on the the other other side, side, where wh here Sa audi Arabia Arabi b a and an nd This unity unity of policy is This Saudi have cracked craccked down down n on on the the space spacce for wiithin their their own own n borders, b o rd e rs, for extremist extremist expression expression within the others others have the regarding this this domestic domesttic policy policy as as an n extension of the the effort effort to Qatar’s behavior. behaavior. Because Because extension of to change chaange Qatar’s regarding Qatar is opposed to to the the authoritarian au uthoritarian status sttaatus quo quo upheld upheld by by the the Quartet Quarrteet – which which often often uses uses the th e Qatar is opposed constrict dissent dissent – and and because because Qatar Qatar presents presents its cover of of counter-extremism counter-extrremism to to indiscriminately indiscriminately constrict its cover acttivities iin n the the language language of of liberalization liberallization and and humanitarianism, humanitarriaanism, Doha Doha ha attracted ssupport upport for for its its activities hass attracted pol iciees from unusuaal quarters, quarrters, su an ri ghts or from unusual ch as We stern hum oms policies such Western human rights organisations, whom a ganisattions, one of wh recently referred referred to Qatar Qattaar as ch arting a “p atth of progress proggrress for for the the Arab Arab world”. world”. recently charting “path 18



This report report will will seek seek to exam ine th charges made mad de against against the the Qatari Qaattari government, government, to determine determine if This examine thee charges oggrressive pa th, sh eltering an d gi ving sp indeed pur suing a pr ace for for expression expression to political political it is indeed pursuing progressive path, sheltering and giving space unjustlly by autocratic autocrattic governments, governments, as it claims, claims, or wh ether Qat tarr is en gaged in ted unjustly dissidents hun dissidents hunted whether Qatar engaged politics, bo lstering groups groups and and individuals, individuals, many maany of whom whom are dan ngerous radicals, rad dicals, that are dangerous that power politics, power bolstering neighbours. undermine its neighbours. undermine

g will examine examine these these issues issues by fo report will cusing on th ree ma tte rs : The report focusing three matters: T

: Qatarr’s alleged alleged hosting hosting of subversives subversives under under the the cover cover of providing providing asylum asylum to dissidents. dissidents. ! Qatar’s wan nted individuals individuals from from neighbouring neighbouring states stattes to live live on its territory, territory,. Doha allows allows wanted That Doha That grants a considerable considerable number number of them citizenship, and and allows allows th spacce in the the media media to them citizenship, em space grants them criticise neighbouring neighbouring governments governments is not in doubt. stion their views views and and criticise doubt. Th promote their promote Thee que question whether th is is an act of hum anitarian me rcy, or th omottion of individuals individuals wh o is whether this humanitarian mercy, thee pr promotion who spread d hatred hattred and and endanger endanger regional reggiionall security. security. spread s g groups. The The accusation ! Qatar’s Qatarr’s support support for for terrorist terrorist groups. accusattion is often offten t ma de that thatt Do ha supports supports made Doha Qattarri government government is alleged terrorism, and and the the list list of groups groups the the Qatari alleged to support support is extensive, extensive,s ! terrorism, Islamic State, Statte, al-Qaeda, banese Hi zballlah, th meni Huthis, Huthis, an al-Qaeeda, Le including: the the Islamic d including: Lebanese Hizballah, thee Ye Yemeni and ahrain and and the the Ea steern Pr Saaudi Ar abia. For various violent violent Shi’i Shi’i groups groups in Ba ovince of Saudi For various Bahrain Eastern Province Arabia. section of the deal with, with, for for example, example, Qatar’s Qaattarr’s the report report will will not deal scope, this this section reasons of scope, reasons controversial figures figgures like the wealthy wealthy businessman Kham mis al-Khanjar al-Khan njarr in Ira q, like the businessman Khamis support to controversial support Iraq, whom some some regard regard as a so urce of instability. instaability. It will will focus focus solely haave – or solely on those those who who have whom source ave – received received Qatari Qatari support support an d can fai irly be de scribed as te rrorist. ar aree alleged alleged to ha have and fairly described terrorist. 21

d w Wintour, Wintour, P., P., ‘Qatar ‘Qatar given ggiiven 1100 d days ays tto om meet eet 13 13 sweeping sweeping demands demands by by Saudi Saudi Arabia’, Arrabia’, Th A Thee Guardian Guardiiaan, 23 23 JJune une 2017. 20 1 7 . 18 in line’, line’, 13 13 September September 2017, 2017, Th Hassan, Hassan, H., H., ‘New ‘N ew S Saudi audi policy policy will will ensure ensure clerics clerics fall fall in Thee National National, aavailable vaila il ble aat: t: https://www.thenational.ae/opinion/newhttps://w www. ww.thenational.ae/opinion//new-will-ensure-clerics-faall-inll line-1.628123, last last visited: visited: 8 November November 2017. saudi-policy-will-ensure-clerics-fall-in-line-1.628123, saudi-policy-w 19 repressive. Now Khashoggi, Khashogggii, J., J., ‘Saudi ‘Saudi Arabia Arabia wasn’t wasn’t always always this this repressive. Now it’s it’s unbearable’, unbearable’, The The Washington Wash hiington Post h Post, 1188 September September 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/global-opinions/wp/2017/09/18/saudi-arabia-wasnt-always-this-repressive-now-its-unbearable/, h ttps://w ww ww w.washingtonpost.com/news/global-opinions/wp/2017/09/18/saudi-arabia-wasnt-allways-this-repressive-now-its-unbeaarable/, last last visited: visited: 8 November November 2017. 2017. 20 available at: Whitson, Whitson, S.L., S.L., ‘‘For For Qatar Qatar the the Gulf Gulf ccrisis risis iiss a human human rights rights opportunity’, opportunity’, Mi Middle iddle East East Eye Eye, 3 August August 2017, 2017, available October 2017. www.middleeasteye.net/columns/qatar-gulf-crisis-human-rights-opportunity-1054931766, www.middleeasteye.net/columns/qatar-gulff--crisis-human-righ gh hts-opportuniity-1054931766, llast ast visited: visited: 15 October 21 Saddam regime Khamis Khamis al-Khanjar al-Kh Khanjar is is a deeply deeply polarizing polarizing figure. fig u urre. Accused of looting looting his his wealth wealth from from the the Iraqi the Saddam reggiime collapsed collapsed and and helping helping to to Accused of Iraqi people people as as the h qi insurgency, finance finance the the Iraqi Ira support the the US-backed US-backed “Awakening” al-Khanjar’s main years has has been been to to create creat e a insurgency, before before switching switching to support “Awakening” forces, forces, al-Khanjar’s main effort effort in in recent recent years federal Araab zone within Iraq. lobbying in in the thne federaal Sunni Sunni Arab zone akin aakkin to the the Kurdistan Ku K urdistaan region reggio ion within Iraq. Al-Khanjar A All-Khanjar works works to to promote promote this this cause cause in in and and through through foreign foreiggn n states, states, lobbying Gu lf aand nd iin n tthe Gulf West, Atheel he W est, and and working workkiing inside inside Iraq Iraq with with Turkey’s Turkey’s clients clients – At al-Nu ujayfi, tthe ormer governor governor of of Ninawa, and his his brother brother Usama Usama alalheel al-Nujayfi, he fformer Ninawa, and ne o soon Nujayfi, one off IIraq’s presidents. Al-Khanjar works raq’s vvice ice pr esidents. A l-Khanjar also orks with Nu ujayfi, o also w with Sunni Sunni politicians politicians like like Rafi Rafi al-Issawi, al-Issawi, the the former former finance finance minister minister who who was was purged purged soon after by the the Iranian-aligned Iranian-aligned Prime Nuri a-Maliki, a-Maaliki, aand affter the the US US withdrawal withdrawal by Prime Minister Minister Nuri ven Shi’a Shi’a politicians. politicians. Some Some Sunnis Sunnis bristle bristle at at al-Khanjar’s aall-Khanjar’s selfselff-! nd eeven promotion, pr omotion, but the the options options are are limited. limited. To To many many Shi’is, Shi’is, al-Khanjar al-Khanjar is is a sponsor sponsor of of terrorism terrorism and and a sectarian, sectarian, and and his his proposal proposal for for a “Sunni “Sunni region” reggiion” is is 17

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! Qatar’s Qatar’s dom estic hum an rights rights situation. situ uation. Given Given that thatt Qatar Qatar frames frames the the sanctuary saanctuarry r it domestic human provides to citizens citizens on the the run run from from neighbouring neighbouring governments governments in terms terms of human human rights, rights, provides ri g h ar e de f e n de in te r n al lly Th i s sh o u l d pr ovide th e re p o rt wi l l exam i n e we l l su c h t s d . the report will examine how well such rights are defended internally. This should provide p s s Qattarr’s sincerity. sincerity. indicator of Qatar’s an indicator helped with Qatar hosts hosts a si ggn nificant American American airbase airbase at Al-Udeid, with counterterrorism counterterrorism Al-Udeid, which which has has helped Qatar significant ! ther Western ggiion. Qatar Qatar is a ma ajor supplier natural gas. gas. An d and ot Western interests interests around around the supplier of natural the re and other region. major And ! Qatar can also entially pr ovide us eful su pport to th ggiional an international ef ffort, sh d international o u ld also pot Qatar potentially provide useful support thee re regional and effort, should n revolution. revolution. The The ideal ideal solution, solutiion, therefore, therefore, is one that unted, to contain contain the the Iranian Iraanian that one be mo mounted, ty and and pr eserves Qa tar as an al ly, while while br inggiing ne gative as pects of he policy to restores Gulf Gulf uni restores unity preserves Qatar ally, bringing negative aspects herr policy an en d. Th is report report will will explore explore this this pos sibility. end. This possibility. a


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er not nothing hing short shorrt rt of ttreasonous. reasonous. See: See: Parker, Parker, N., N., ‘Could ‘Could a millionaire millionaire businessman businessman save save Iraq’s Iraq’s S Sunnis?’, unnis?’, Re Reuters uterrs, 1 June June 2016, 2016, available availaable at: at: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iraq-khanjar-insight/could-a-millionaire-businessman-save-iraqs-sunnis-idUSKCN0YN4XF, last visited: visited: 7 November N ovemb er htttps://www.reuters.com m/article/us-iraq-khanjar-insigh ht/could ld-a-millionaire-businessman-saave-iraqs-sunnisis idUSKCN0Y YN4XF, last 2017; Mansour, Sunni Predicament Predicament in in Iraq’, Iraq’, Ca Mansour, R., R., ‘The ‘The Sunni Carnegie rrn negie, 3 March March 2016, 2016! , available available at: at: carnegie-mec.org/2016/03/03/sunni-predicament-in-iraq-pubcarnegie-me mec.org/2016/03/03/sunni-predicament-in-iraq-pubNovember 2017. 62924, last last visited: visited: 7 November

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2. Promotion of Extremism 22.1 . 1 Troubling T r o u b l i n g Dissidents Dissidents At the the outset outset of the the 2017 ro und of th isis, th artet an d its surrogates surrogattes di sseminated a lo round thee cr crisis, thee Qu Quartet and disseminated lott of sattions against, against, and and fac cts, ab tar and and its re lationship wi th var i o u s ext t r em i s t s . ol d accu out Qa Th old accusations facts, about Qatar relationship with various extremists. The s t e planner, Kh allid Shaykh Shayyk kh h Muhammad, Muhammad d, was was given given a job job at th ter De partment in Qa tar in 9/ 11 planner, 9/11 Khalid thee Wa Water Department Qatar anned th ottottype fo trocity in th ar Ea ojinka pl ot.22 A at at st, th called Bo 1996 as he pl planned thee pr prototype forr th that atrocity thee Fa Far East, thee soso-called Bojinka plot. Qattari royal royal family, faamily, who haave an official offficial position position in the the government, government, member the Qatari who did did not have member of the allegedly hos ted th under of th Islam mic State State (IS), (IS), Ahmad Ahmad al-Khalayleh al bu Musab Musab alal al-Khallayleh (A allegedly hosted thee fo founder thee Islamic (Abu Zaarqawiy), after affter dhe wa cted fr ome Af fghanistan in 2001.23 Usama Usam adma bin bin Lad Ladin din was was sa said aid to bha have ave Zarqawi), wass evi evicted from Afghanistan thought Qatar Qatar a suitable suitable re fuge for for his amily,24 and and in the the af aftermath ftermatth of Bi Bin n Ladin Lad din be being ing ki killed lled in thought refuge his fa family, thman an d Mu hammad, di did id seek seek re refuge fuge in Qa Qatar, tar, jo joining ining th their eir br brother, other, Um Umar ar 2011 hi hiss sons, sons, Ot Othman and Muhammad, din, wh ar’s one tiime-wife, Za aina alSab baah; an d Um arr’s bin Ladin, who o ha had d le left ft alal-Qaeda Qaeda in 2000; Um Umar’s onetime-wife, Zaina al-Sabah; and Umar’s bin Lad mo ther, Na ajwa Gh anhem, Usama’s Usama’s fir fe.25 st wi mother, Najwa Ghanhem, first wife. Th conduct of its accusers, accusers, and and it is Qattarri response, response, qui te reasonably, reasonab bly, has has been been to point point to the the conduct Thee Qatari quite true that that th Saaudi Ar ab bian n government government funds aces lik snia in th funds enabled enabled al-Qaeda al-Qaeda in pl true thee Saudi Arabian places likee Bo Bosnia thee 1990s in a ma anner th att wa d re mains deeply deeply de structive, though though even in th at mo st se rious manner that wass an and remains destructive, that most serious Ira a n sp i e s th at a t or c he s t r a t e d an d co n t r o l eg gr r eg gi i jih adisst ad ci r cu m s t an ce wa s ’ s l ed th e mo s t o u s circumstance it was Iran’s spies that orchestrated and controlled the most egregious jihadist i r 26 be haaviour against More re to the Saaudis admitted admitted against Westerners Westerners and and Western Western interests. interests. Mo the point, point, the the Saudis behaviour from insufficient insufficient regulation reggu ulation of charities charities and and the banking nk kiing sector, sector, the the freedom freedom their their pr problems oblems27 – from the ban ext tremists had teriall in th ucattion curriculum curriculum – an extremists had to preach preach in mosques, mosques, the the troubling troubling mat material thee ed education and d 28 re formed their Hass Qatar Qatar similarly similarly re reformed? formed? Th Thee evi evidence dence su suggests ggests 2000s. Ha reformed their policies policies in the the mi mid-2000s. d-2000s th there ere is wo work rk to do. artet published published a list list (reproduced (reproduced in fu tities Th pendix) on 9 Ju ne 2017 of 12 en Thee Qu Quartet fullll in th thee ap appendix) June entities an d 59 pe ople that that it considered considered terrorists. terrorists. Mo st of th individuals, wh ail fr om ni ne co untries – o ha and people Most thee individuals, who hail from nine countries Ba adhraiin, Eg gypt, Jo rdan, Ku uwait, i Li bya, Qa tar, Sa audi Ar abia, Un ite,d Ar ab b Em irattes, an d Ye meen – Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen ar alleged to ha ave received received su pport from Qattarri government. government.29 from th aree alleged have support thee Qatari naames of individuals individualls who who are are undoubtedly undoubtedly terrorists terrorists but but have haave ve unc learr The The list list contained contained the the names unclear connecttions to Qatar, Qatar, certain certtai ain Shi’a Shi’a Islamist Islamist groups groups in pa articular (se ction 2. 2), and and people people who who connections particular (seee se section 2.2), an nce an d ha ave not me th an yth hing like like the ight of Qat tari la aw are involved involved in terrorist terrorist fin the full full we are finance and have mett wi with anything weight Qatari law ction 3.1). 3.1). (see se (see section

22 Clarke, Clarke, R.A., R.A., ‘‘We We aalways lways kkn knew new Qatar Qaatar was was trouble, trouble, as as the the 1990s 1990s escape escape of of terror terror mastermind mastermind Khalid Khalid Sheikh Sheikh Muhammad Muhammad showed’, showed’, Th Thee New New York Yorrk Daily Daiily News News, av aavailable vailaable aat: t: www.nydailynews.com/opinion/knew-qatar-trouble-article-1.3306729, ww www.nydailynews.com/opinion/k kn new-qaatar-trouble-arrticle-1.3306729, last last visited: visited: 22 October October 2017; Al-Ansari, All-Ansari, S., A S., ‘How ‘How the the 9/11 9/11 mastermind found found safe safe harbor harbor in in Qatar’, Qaatar’, The The Hill Hill, 5 August Au A ugust 2017, 2017, available av available at: at: thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/international/345437-how-the-9-11thehill.com/blogs/punditsits blog/international//345437-how--the-9-11mastermind mastermind-found-safe-harbor-in-qatar, mastermind-fo visited: October found-safe-haarbor-in-qaatar, llast ast vi sited: 22 O ctober 2017. 23 to Iraq Iraq Qaeda Qaeda Cell’, Cell’, Th Tyler, Tyler, P.E., P.E., ‘Intelligence ‘Intelligence Break Break Led Led US US to to Tie Tie Envoy Envoy Killing Kiilling to K Thee New New York Yo ork Times Tiimes, 6 February February 2003, 2003, available available at: at: ntelligence-break-led-us-tie-envoy last visited: visited: 22 October www.nytimes.com/2003/02/06/world/threats-responses-terror-network-intelligence-break-led-us-tie-envoy-killing.html, www.nytimes.com/2003/02/06/world/threats-responses-terror-nettwork-in envoy-killing.html, last October 2017. 24 Al-Saleh, Al-Saleh, H., H., ‘‘What Wha W haat Bin Bin Laden Laden documents documents reveal reveal about about his his relations relations with with Qatar’, Qatar’, Al Al-Arabiya l--Arrabiya, 2266 May May 2017, 2017, available available at: https://english.alarabiya.net/en/perspective/features/2017/05/26/What-Bin-Laden-documents-reveal-about-his-relations-with-Qatar.html, ht ttps://engglish.alarabiya.net/en/perspective/features/2017/05/26/W Wha haat-Bin-Laden-documents-reveal-abou ut-his-relaations-wiith-Qaatar.html, llast ast vvisited: isited: 2222 October Oc tober 22017. 017. 25 Levy, Levy, A A.. & Sc Scott-Clark, ott-Clark, C. C.,, The The Exile: Exxile: The The Flight Fllight of of Osama Osama bin biin Laden Laden n, (Bloomsbury (Bloomsbury Publishing, Publishing, 2017), p. p. 456. 26 Orton, Orrton, K K.,., ‘‘From F rom B Bosnia osnia to to Guantanamo’, Guantanamo’, The The Syrian Syyrriiaan Intifada Intifada, 2233 January January 2016, 2016, available av available at: at: https://kyleorton1991.wordpress.com/2016/01/23/fromhttps://k kyleorton1991.wordpress.com/2016/01/23//frombosnia-to - -guan ntanamo/, last last visited: visited: 22 22 October October 2017. 2017. bosnia-to-guantanamo/, 27 session)’ [23:10 [23:10 to ‘In C Conversation onversaation with with HE HE Ad Adel el aal-Jubeir, l--Jub Jubeir, M Minister inister of Foreign Foreign Affairs, Afffairs, Saudi A Saudi Arabia Arrabia (full A (ffull session)’ to 23:45], 23:45], Ch Chatham atham House House, 25 25 October October 2017, 2017s, avai available lable at: h https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw4AWD_7Dl4, ttps://w November 2017. ww ww.you utube.com m/watch?v=X Xw4A AWD_7Dl4, last last visited: visited: 6 November 28 Hassan, Hassan, H., H., ‘‘Old myths yths p perpetuate erpetuate poor analysis of of Saudi’, Thee National National, 1177 January January 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://www.thenational.ae/opinion/old-mythshttp https://w ww ww w w.thenational.ae/opinion/old-my mythsO ld m poor analysis Saudi’, Th perpetuate-poor-analysis-of-saudi-1.181003#full, poor-analysis-off--saudi-1.181003#ffull, llast pe rpetuaate-poor ast visited: visited: 22 October October 2017. 29 designated terrorist ‘The ‘T The full full list of of designated terrorist individuals individuals and entities’, entiities’, Th Thee National National, 9! June Ju un ne 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: https://www.thenational.ae/world/the-full-list-ofhttps://w www.thenational.ae/world d/the-full-list-of off-de siggna naated-terrorist-individuals-and-enttities-1.46479, llast ast visited: visited: 13 October October 2017. designated-terrorist-individuals-and-entities-1.46479,

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! ! In between bettw ween was was a more more difficult difffiicult category: category: of extremists exttremists who who have haave some some measure measure of support, support, pa ssive or active, acttive, from from th Qattari state, stat ate, but but are are not openly openly and and explicitly explicitly involved involved in terrorism. terrorism. passive thee Qatari dividuals threaten threaten disseminate disseminate hatred hatred an d incitement, incitement, and Th ese in and at their their worst worst can threaten threatten These individuals and re ggiionalloorder. falll into into a legal leg,all and and mo ral gr ay area area covering covering issues rights of. order. They They also also fall issues from from the the rights regional moral gray re fugees to free free expression. expression. refugees

the most most prominent prominent figure is cat egory is Yu suf alPr obably the figgure in th Qaaradawi, th ad d of th Probably this category Yusuf al-Qaradawi, thee he head thee Internattional Un ion of Muslim Muslim Scholars. Scholars. An Islamist Islamist cleric cleric of unrivaled unrivaled influence, influence, al-Qaradawi, al-Qarradaw wii, International Union gyptian n by bi rth an d resident resident in Qat tarr, is as sociated wi th th slim Br otherhood, in cluding an Eg Egyptian birth and Qatar, associated with thee Mu Muslim Brotherhood, including in th l Qaaradaw wii is th esident of th ropean Co uncil fo ttw wa an d Re search, for st (alfor thee We West (al-Qaradawi thee pr president thee Eu European Council forr Fat Fatwa and Research, exam ple). For For ma any year s, al-Qaradawi al-Qaaradaw wii had d a pr ime-time show show on Al-Ja -Jazzeera. Al-Qaradawi Al-Qaarad daw wii long long example). many years, prime-time Al-Jazeera. pos itioned hi mself wi thin a mo derate religious religious current, current, al al-wasatiyya l--wasatiyyyya (the (tthe mi middle ddle wa way), ay), y advocating advocat atting positioned himself within moderate maake their their wayy in the the mo dern world, world, with with democracy dem d wi thout things things like likeg fo forr Muslims Muesli.ms to make modern and without o ocraccy an femalle circumcision. circumcision. Bu Butt alal-Qaradawi Qarrad daw wii al also so had had a ha habit abit of su supporting pportting ext extremist tremist pol political itical pos positions, itions, female mbinattion of mainstream maainstream am religious religgiious authority authority and and political politicall radicalism radicallism has has helped helped and and this this co combination entrench ext tremist id eas throughout throughout th reggiion. entrench extremist ideas thee region. 30


The most most in faamous example example is al-Qaradawi’s al-Qa Qarradaw wii’s April April 22001 001 fat twa pe rmitting su icide-attacks during during The infamous fatwa permitting suicide-attacks the Second Second In tifaad da ag ainst Israel Israel (2000-05). (2000-05). The were “heroic” “heroic” operations, operations, not The suicide suicide bombers bombers were not the Intifada against dr iven by despair despaiir but a righteous righteous need to “cast “cast terror terror and and fear fear into into the the hearts hearts of of the the oppressors”, oppressors”, need to driven saiid al-Qaradawi. al-Qa Qaaradawi. Cl Classical assical IIslam slam strictly strictly fo forbids rbids su suicide, icide, and and the the traditionalist tr traditionalist clergy clergy have have upheld up,held said deed, al-Qaradawi’s al-Qaaradaw wi’s i lic ensed fo suicide bombing bombing came came in in response response to to Abdul this this prohibition. probhibition. In Indeed, licensed forr suicide Abdul azz, th rand mufti mufti of of Saudi Saudi Arabia, here the the clerical clerical establishment esttab ablishment adheres adheres to o an Arabia, wh Aziz Aziz iibn bn B Baz, thee ggr grand where form of of state stat a e salafism salaffism that that is often called is often called “Wahhabism”, “Wahhabism”, ruling ruling – against against considerable considerable austere austere form popul ar pressure pressure – that that suicide suicide bombing bombing was was incompatible incompatible with wiith the tenets of of Islam. Islam m. Al-Qaradawi Al-Qaaradaw wii the tenets popular his fatwa fattw wa in the war war in in Syria Syria – provided provided the the expanded expanded his in 2014 2014 to to permit permit suicide suicide attacks attacks as part part of of the ope ratiive was was acting acting within wiithin the the confines conffines of a group ggrroup and and not as as an an individual individuaal – and and then then revoked revoked it operative Butt it it was was too too late. latte. In the the first ffiirst place, placce, al-Qaradawi al-Q Qaradawii walked walked back in Ju ly 2016. Bu back his his edict edict by insisting insisting July thatt it had only ever ever been been specific specific to the the circumstances circumstaances of ns at that had only of the the Palestinians Palestinian at that that moment moment in the the wii refused refused to disavow disavow suicide suicide bombing bombing in ggeneral eneral and and did did n ot m e n t i early y2000s. 2000s. Al-Qaradawi Al-Qarradaw early not mention ong b And, more more iimportantly, mportan a tlly, aal al-Qaradawi l-Qarrad daw wii had d breached breached a tr traditional ad ditionall ba barrier arrier th that att ccould ould not not Syria at at all. all. And, Syria repaired. Suicide bombing has normalised in a wa ay it co ave be en wi th o u t now be Suicide bombing has been been normalised way could uld not ha have been without be repaired. with h al-Qaradawi’s al-Qaaradaw wii’s st attu ure. someone with the stature. the support support of someone 32





30 Schenker, Schenker, D., D., ‘Qaradawi ‘Qaradaawi and and the the Struggle Strugggle for for Sunni Islam’, Islam’, Th Thee Washington Wash hiinggtton Institute h Institute, 16 16 October October 2013, 2013, available available at: at: www. washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view w/qaradawi--and-the-struggle-for-sunni-islam, last last visited: visited: 28 28 October www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/qaradawi-and-the-struggle-for-sunni-islam, October 2017. 20 1 7 . 31 Calls On On Ending Ending Female Female Circumcision, Circumcision, Considers Radwan, Radwan, M., M., ‘Qaradawi ‘Qaradawi Calls Considers It It Banned Banned In In Islamic Islamic Law’, Law’, Ik Ikhwan hwan Web Web, 2233 March March 2009, 2009, available av availaable at: at:e www.ikhwanweb.com/article.php?id=19661, 28 October October 2017. 2017. www. ikkhwa hwaanwe w b.com/article.php?id=19661, last last visited: visited: 28 32 Bombers’, Lo Slackman, Slackman, M., M., ‘Islamic ‘Islamic Debate Debaate Surrounds Loss Angeles An A ngeelles Times Tiimes, 2277 May May 2001, 2001, available available at: at: Surrounds Mideast Mideast Suicide Suicide Bombers’, articles.latimes.com/2001/may/27/news/mn-3226, articles.latimes.com November 2017. m/2001/may/27/news/mn-3226, last last visited: visited: 7 November 33 In Sa the Hadith The The Qur’an Qur’an prohibits prohibiits suicide, suicide, e.g. e.g. 4:29 4:29 and and 6:151, 6:151, and and the Hadith is is even even more more explicit. explicit. In Sahih hiih al-Bukhari all--Buukkhari, one one of of al al-Sihah --S Siihah al-Sittah all--Si Sittah (The (T The A Authentic uthentic Hadiith]), the saying that thaat anyone anyone who commits commits suicide suicide is is condemned condemned to to repeat repeat the the act act forever forever in hell: hell: “H Six Six [Books [Books of of Hadith]), the Prophet Prophet Muhammad Muhammad is is quoted quoted saying “Hee suicide by by stabbing stabbing himself himself shall shall keep on who commits commits suicide suicide by throttling throttling shall shaall keep keep on on throttling throttling himself himself in in the the Hell Hell Fire Fire (forever) (forever) and he he who who commits commits suicide stabbing himself thee H Hell-Fire.” imself in th ell-Fire.”k staabbing h e 34 Suicide Terrorism’, Terrorism’, Th Paz, Paz, R., R., ‘‘The The Sa Saudi audi Fa Fatwa atwa against against Suicide Thee Washington Washington Institute Institute, 2 May May 2001, 2001, available available at: at: www.washingtoninstitute.org/policyww ww ww w.washingtoninstitu ute.org/policyanalysis/view/the-saudi-fatwa-against-suicide-terrorism, visited: 7 November November 2017. 20 1 7 . analysis/view w/th /t saaudi-faatwa-against-suicide-terrorism, last visited: /the35 ‘Sheikh ‘Sheikh Al-Qaradhawi All-Qa A Qaradhawi Retracts Retracts Fatwa Fattw wa Permitting Permiitting Palestinian Palestinian Suicide Suicide Bombings: Bombings: No Need Need For For Them Them Anymore’, MEMRI EMRI, 1177 November November 2016, 2016, available availaable Anymore’, ME w.memri.org/tv/sheikh-alOctober at: h ttps://w www ww w wi-retracts-fa faatwa-permitting-paalestinian-suicide-bombings-no-needneed them-anymore, last last visited: visited: 28 October https://www.memri.org/tv/sheikh-al-qaradhawi-retracts-fatwa-permitting-palestinian-suicide-bombings-no-need-them-anymore, al qaradhaawi ! 2017. 36 Hassan, Hassan, H. and and Salem, Salem, O., O., ‘The ‘The Brotherhood seen as as moderates’, moderat!es’, The The National National, 1122 February February 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: Brotherhood must must not not be be seen ht ttps://www.thenaational.ae/opinion//the-brotherhood-must-not-be-seen-as-moderates-1.5612, last last visited: visited: 16 November https://www.thenational.ae/opinion/the-brotherhood-must-not-be-seen-as-moderates-1.5612, November 2017.

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! The The political political and an nd revolutionary revolutionary understanding understanding of the the religion religgiion promoted promoted by by al-Qaradawi al-Qaaradaw wii dovetails d o v e ta ils wi th Qatar’s foreiggn n policy, policy, especially especiallly since since the th he Arab Arab revolts the region reggiion in in 2011, 2011, and and this th is with Qattaarr’s foreign revolts swept swept the vi sion – co mbined with wiith al-Qaradawi al-Qaaradaw wii framing fram ming his his 2013 2013 call call for for Muslims Muslims to to assist assist their their persecuted p e r s e c u t ed vision combined brethren in in Syria Syria the th he most most starkly sta rk klly sectarian sectarrian terms terms37 -- me meant ant that that al al-Qaeda, which hich ssaw aw in in the the “Arab al-Qaeda, wh “A ra b brethren an ideological ideologgiical and an nd security securityy vacuum congen e ial spring” spring” an vacuum itit could could exploit, exploit, also also viewed viewed al-Qaradawi al-Qaaradawi as a congenial 38 Usama bin bin Ladin’s Ladin’s diary diary reveals. reveals. force, force, as Usama

Another ma an n lis ted by th arrtet is Wa ajdi Gh onaiim, an other Eg gyptian n pr eacher an d su pporter Another man listed thee Qu Quartet Wajdi Ghonaim, another Egyptian preacher and supporter Brotherhood. Gh onaim resided resided in the the US unt til 2005, when the Muslim Muslim Brotherhood. when he was was exp elled fo of the Ghonaim until expelled forr overstayying hi thereaffter banned baanned from from reentry because because of his fundrais i ing sa an d thereafter his advocacy advocacy and and fundraising overstaying hiss vi visa and re-entry HAMAS. Ghonaim Ghonaiim has regularly encouraged encouraged hatred hatred ag against gainst Eg Egypt’s gypt’s Co Coptic p tic behaalf of HAMAS. has regularly on behalf Ch ristians, celebrating celebratiing the the death death of the the Coptic Coptiic Po pe in 2012 by as kkiing Go d to exact “r evenge” Christians, Pope asking God “revenge” unbelief”, an and d in Ap April ril 2017 sa said aid IS IS’s fr om an “accursed “accursed criminal” criminal” who who wa ead of unbelief”, ’s from wass th thee “h “head ptiic churches churches in Tanta Taanta and and Alexandria Alexandria were were just just retribution retribution for for the the Ch ristian ns’ bombings Coptic Christians’ bombings of the the Co Eggyptian tyrant tyrant Abdelfattah Abdelfaatttaah h al-Sisi. al-Sisi. Ghonaim Ghonaim documented documented so some with th “disagreements” wi me “disagreements” support support of Egyptian would not support support the the US-led Coallition against against them. them. “I shall shall never never join join hands haands with with IS but US-led Coalition but said saaid he would atttack ack my fe llow Mu slim”, Ghonaim Ghonaiim said, saiid, having haaving de nounced “criminal “criminal America” America” a Crusader fellow Muslim”, denounced Crusader to attack Usama bi n Ladin Ladin and and throwing throwiing hi body into into the Ghonaiim criticised criticised the “heroic” “heroic” Usama the sea. sea. Ghonaim for bin hiss body for killing killing the figghting with with ot ther Muslims, Muslims, rather ratther than than co mbining forces wagge war waar against against nonnon IS in Libya for fighting other combining forces to wage Libya for Ghonaiim be lieves ar maajority st ates, provided provided they they are om Ghonaim lowed to live live in Muslim-majority Muslim-ma Muslims, whom believes aree al allowed states, are Muslims, wh su b ju g a te d . subjugated. 39





avoid “d Septtember 2014, Ghonaim Ghonaim le ft Qatar, Qatar, ostensibly ostensibly in order order to avoid iscomfort … to th arr In September left “discomfort thee de dear Brethren”, and alittyy unde Saaudi pressure. Ghonaim onaim we went and in re pressure. Gh nt to Turkey. Turkey. While While in Qatar, Qaattar, Brethren”, reality underr Saudi Ghonaiim had had appeared appeared on Al-Jazeera Al-Ja -Jazeera and continue to appear nettw work from from Ghonaim and he would would continue appear on the the network August 2017, th Turkkiish government prosecuteed Ghonaim Ghonaim for for hi disrupttion of exile. In August government prosecuted exile. thee Turkish hiss disruption diplomattic relations relations after affter Ghonaim Ghonaim declared declared the the pr esident of Tunisia nfidel”. Tunisia to be an “i Turkey’s diplomatic Turkey’s president “infidel”. 44


alTarrek al-Zumar, al Zumar, al so Eg gyptian, is se cretary-generall of alHizb alBan nna wa al-l Taanmiya (T he Tarek also Egyptian, secretary-general al-Hizb al-Banna wal-Tanmiya (The Co nstructiion and and De velopment Party), Parrtyy), the itical wing wing of al-Gamaa al-Gaama m a alIslamiyya, a USreggiisttered the pol Construction Development political al-Islamiyya, US-registered organisattion. Ha Having aving been been in pr prison ison si since nce 1981, pi picked cked up in th thee dr dragnet aggn net af after fter Eg Egyptian g y p tia n terrorist organisation. terrorist Sad dat wa assassinated, alZumar wa leased as pa art of th gyptian n re volution in ruler al-Sadat wass assassinated, al-Zumar wass re released part thee Eg Egyptian revolution ruler Anwar Anwar al46



the sad sad demise demise of of a Muslim Muslim scholar’, scholar’, Th Hassan, Hassan, H., H., ‘‘Hatred, Haatred, violence violence and and the Thee National National, 2288 January January 2014, 2014, available available at: at: https://www.thenational.ae/hatredhttp https://w ww ww w.thenational.ae/hatred-the-sad-demise-off--a-muslim-scholar-1.305107, llast ast visited: visited: 28 O ctober 2017. violence-and-the-sad-demise-of-a-muslim-scholar-1.305107, violence-and-t October by the Hassan, Hassan, H., H., ‘Bin ‘Bin Laden Laden journal journal reveals reveals he he was was shaped shaped by the Muslim Muslim Brotherhood’, Brotherhood’, The The National N a ti o n a l , 2 N November ovember 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://www.thenational.ae/world/the-americas/bin-laden-journal-reveals-he-was-shaped-by-the-muslim-brotherhood-1.672646, brotherhood-1.672646, last November htttps://www.thenaationaal.ae/world//the-americas/bin-laden--jo journal-reveals-he--was-shaped-by--the-muslim-br last visited: visited: 8 November 2017. 39 last visited: ‘Wagdy ‘W Wagdy Ghoneim Ghoneim on on a new new terrorist terrorist list by by Arab Ara A rab states’, staates’, Al Al-Bawaba l--Bawaba, 9 June June 2017, 2017, available av availa ilable at: at: www.albawabaeg.com/93148, ww www.aalbawabaeg.com/93148, last visited: 13 13 October October 2017. 40 ‘Egyptian ‘Egyptiaan Cleric Cleric Wagdi Wagdi Ghoneim Ghoneim Praises Praises Allah Alla Allah For For The Th The Death Death Of Of Pope Pope Shenouda Shenouda III: “May “May Allah Alla A llah Exact Exact Revenge Revenge From Fro F rom Him Him In The Th T he Hellfire”’, lfire”’, Helllfire exactMEMRI ME EMRI, 1188 March March 2012, 2012, available av availaable at: at: https://www.memri.org/tv/egyptian-cleric-wagdi-ghoneim-praises-allah-death-pope-shenouda-iii-may-allah-exacthttps://w www.memri.org/tvv/egyptiaan-cleric-wagdi-ghoneim-praises-allah-death-pope-shenouda-iii-may-allah-exact revenge-him, October ctober 2017. re venge-him, llast ast vvisited: isited: 28 O 41 Ghoneim: Churches Churches Attacked A ‘Egyptian ‘Egyptiaan Islamist Isla laam mist in Exile Exile Wagdi Wagdi Ghoneim: Atta ttacked Because “Despicable-Sisi”’, ME MEMRI EMRI, 8 April April 2017, 20 1 7 , Because Coptic Coptic “Crusaders” “Crusaders” Supported Supported “Despicable-Sisi”’, waagdi-ghoneim-churches-attacked-because-coptic-crusaders-supported/traanscript, last last visited: visited: available available at: https://www.memri.org/tv/egyptian-islamist-exile-wagdi-ghoneim-churches-attacked-because-coptic-crusaders-supported/transcript, htttps://www.memri.org/tv/eggyyptian-islamist-exile--wa 28 October October 2017. 42 Ghoneim: No No to Crusader Crusader War ‘Exiled ‘Exiled Egyptian Egyptiaan Cleric Cleric Wagdi Wagdi Ghoneim: War against aga agaainst ISIS’, MEMRI EMRI, 1166 September September 2014, available ISIS’, ME 2014, avai lable at: at: htttps://www.memri.org/tv/exiled-egyptian-cleric-wagdi-ghoneim-no-crusader-war-against-isis/transcript, last last visited: https://www.memri.org/tv/exiled-egyptian-cleric-wagdi-ghoneim-no-crusader-war-against-isis/transcript, visited: 28 28 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 43 “Rebels”: “Go Infidels … We We Should Should All ‘Wagdi ‘W Wagdi Ghoneim Ghoneim Criticizes Criticizes ISIS ISIS For For Fighting Figh Fighting Libyan Libyan “Rebels”: “Go Fight Figh F ight The Th The Infidels All Unite Unite And An A nd Join Join Hands”’, Hands”’, ME MEMRI EMRI, 2266 February Fe bruary 22016, 016, available available at: at: https://www.memri.org/tv/wagdi-ghoneim-criticizes-isis-fighting-libyan-rebels-go-fight-infidels-we-should-all-unite-and, https://www.memri.org/tv/wagdi-ghoneim-criticizes-isis-figh hting-libyan-rebels-gols figght-infidels-we-should-all-uniite-and, llast ast visited: October vi sited: 28 O ctober 2017. 44 downplayed’, Gu Al-Sherbini, Al-Sherbini, ‘Expulsion ‘Expulsion of of Brotherhood Brotherhood from from Qatar Qatar downplayed’, Gulf ullf Ne News ws, 14 14 September September 2014, 2014, available availaable at: at: gulfnews.com/news/gulf/qatar/expulsiongulfnews.com/news/gulf/qataar/expulsionof-brotherhood-from-qatar-downplayed-1.1384766, October 2017. off--brotherhood-from-qaatar-downplayed-1.1384766, last last visited: visited: 15 October 45 ‘Turkey ‘T Tu urk rkey Prosecutes Prosecutes Wajdi Wa Wajdi Ghoneim Ghoneim After Afte A fter His His Attack Attack on on Tunisian Tu T unisiaan Political Politicaall Figures’, F Figu igures’, CNN N, 2255 August A Au ugust 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: https://arabic.cnn.com/middlehttps://araabic.cnn.com/middleeast/2017/08/25/tunisia-wagdi-ghoneim, east/2017/08/25/t /2017/08/2 unisia-wagdi-ghoneim, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 2017. 46 ‘Foreign ‘F Foreign Terrorist Terrorist Organisations’, Organisaations’, US De Department epartme men nt of of State State, available availaable aat: t: https://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/123085.htm, http http!s://w ww ww.staate.gov/j/ct/rls/otherr/des/123085.htm, last last visited: visited: 28 October October 2017. 37


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! ! ! !2011 and and spoke spoke of abandoning abandoning violence violence as a me means ans of pol politics. itics.47 Al-Zumar Al-Zumar fled fled Egypt Eggypt after affte ter the the litarry coup coup against against the the elected elected Muslim otherhood government government in 2013, and and to violent violent mi military Muslim Br Brotherhood took ok shelter in Qat tarr. AlZumar has has appeared appeared on Al-Jazeera Al-Ja -Jazzeera to condemn condemn the the putschist putschist Egyptian Eggyptian shelter Qatar. Al-Zumar reggiime. regime. i e te case case of the the di fficulties involved. ff involved. On the the one hand, haand, some some of his his statements statements Al-Zumar is an acu Al-Zumar acute difficulties and perhaps perhaps even inciting inciting to violence Eggyptian n regime. reggiime. On the the other otther hand, haan nd, violence against against the the Egyptian are radical radicall and are whatt is sa aid about about the the repression repression in Eg gypt is not in its elf wr ave a ong, an d al-Zumar al-Zumar doe much of what much said Egypt itself wrong, and doess ha have fear of pe rsecuttion in his tarr can th ake a re asonable cas his home home state. state. Qat erefore ma well-grounded fear well-grounded persecution Qatar therefore make reasonable casee human nitarian norms norms by sheltering from Cairo’s Caiiro’s extradition extradition demands, demands, nds ding humanitarian sheltering al-Zumar al-Zumar from to be uphol upholding iticall te rms it is not cl ear th att al lowiing alZumar to sp read hi eologgic ical vi xic id ews is and in pol and political terms clear that allowing al-Zumar spread hiss to toxic ideological views more damaging daamaggiing than than n the the United United Arab Arab Em irates an d other oth her Gulf Gulf states stattes helping helping to orchestrate orchestrate the the more Emirates and 48 coup in Eg gypt, which which has has not only only us ushered thee mo most brutal utall government Egypt’s gypt’s mo modern hered in th st br government in Eg d e rn coup Egypt, e y, but s space permanently destabilised destabilised the the country, country, opening opening up spacce for for terrorists terroristse an history, histor but has has permanently and d insurgents like Sinaii. like IS in the the Sinai. insurgents

22.2 . 2 Shi’a S h i ’ a Islamists Islamists The accu sattion th att Qatar Qatar supported supported Ira anian-contrrolled or -backed -backed Shi’a Islamist leaders lead ders and Shi’a Islamist The accusation that Iranian-controlled and groups, specifically specifically in Ba ahrain, wa ong the the most most unexpected unexpected pa arts of th artet’s indictment indictment groups, Bahrain, wass am among parts thee Qu Quartet’s daamning, popul arrly-pol politically in th ggiion. and the the mo st damning, – and most popularly-politically thee re region. , s t Qatar’s co nnectiions wi th the the Bah hraini oppos itiion ar aid to be de monstrated by ffour our te lephone Qatar’s connections with Bahraini opposition aree sa said demonstrated telephone ttw ween th then-Qattari Em cial Advisor, Advisor, Hammad Haammad d bin bin Kh alifa Abdullah Abdullah h alconversattions be ir’s Spe conversations between thee then-Qatari Emir’s Special Khalifa 49 At tiya, an d Ha ssan Al Muhammad d Juma Sultan, once once a parliamentarian paarliam amentarian for for al -We W faaq q, which which Juma Sultan, Attiya, and Hassan Alii Muhammad al-Wefaq, aked. Su ltan’s citizenship citizenship was was st tripped in 2015.50 During During th thee conversations, conversattions, al-Attiya al-Attiya ma made we were re le leaked. Sultan’s stripped de reference to being th Ay attollah Sha ayk kh h Isa Ahmed Ahmed Qassim, spiritual leader lead der of alreference being in contact contact wi with Ayatollah Shaykh Qassim, the the spiritual Wefaaq q, and and one of the voices in the the Bahraini Baahraini opposition, opposition, wh o ha also lost lost hi the most most radical radical al voices Wefaq, who hass also hiss 51 citizenship an d is cu rrently on tr iall fo rruption. Al-Attiya AlAl Attiiya sa says ays that thatt Qatar Qattaar is doi doing ng th thee ba bare a re citizenship and currently trial forr co corruption. rms of the the collective, collecttive, Sa audi-led response response that that minimum minimum to me meet et its GC GCC C ob obligations ligaattions in te terms Saudi-led gaarrisoneidp ke nstallattions and and institutions institutions in Bahrain Bah hrain as it w as rocked rocked by by protests protests in in 2011. 2011. (In (Ine garrisoned keyy iinstallations was facct, this this is not not quite quite true: true: while wh hile Al-Jazeera Jazeera feigned feiggn ned neutrality neutralittyy over Bahrain, it it largely largely did Al--Ja over Bahrain, did not not cover co v e r fact, the 2011 2011 anti-government an nti-government protests protests and and when wh hen itit did did adhered adhered to to the the government government line, line, portraying portraying the th e the 52 as controlled controlled b ran. ) An And solicits fr from om Su Sultan ltan th thee na name ame of somebody somebody wh who pr otesters as d al-Attiya al-Attiya solicits o protesters byy IIran. -Jazeera to represent represent al-We -Wefaq’s poi nt-off--view. Su ltan di rects alAttiya to Ta ah er appear Al-Jazeera al-Wefaq’s point-of-view. Sultan directs al-Attiya Taher can ap pear on Al-Ja wii, th ad of al-Wefaq’s al-Wefaq’s me dia ope ration.53 al-Musawi, thee he head media operation. al-Musaw


47 Perry, Perry, T. T.,, ‘In ‘In free free Egypt, Egypt, Jihad Jihad leader leader says says time time for for gun ggu un is is over’, over’, Reuters Reuters, 18 18 March March 2011, 2011, available available at: at: www.reuters.com/article/uk-egypt-islamistww w ww w w.reuters.com/article/uk-egypt-islaamist- e mi litancy/in-fre jihad-leader-saays-time-for-gun-is-over militancy/in-free-egypt-jihad-leader-says-time-for-gun-is-over-idUKTRE72H63F20110318, free-egypt--jih over-idUKTRE72H63F20110318, last last visited: visited: 28 28 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 48 used street street protests protests to to stage stage a coup’, coup’, Th Ketchley, Ketchley, N., N., ‘‘How H ow E Egypt’s ggyypt’s ggenerals enerals used Thee Washington W a sh hiington n Post Post, 3 July July 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/07/03/how-egypts-generals-used-street-protests-to-stage-a-coup/, htttps://www.washinggtonpost.com m/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/07/03/how-egypts-generals-used-street-protests-to - -staage-a-coup/, last last visited: visited: 28 October October 2017. 49 Mohamed Sultan, Sultan, Son Son of of Opposition Opposition MP’, MP’, Amer ‘Bahrain: ‘Bahraain: NSA NSA Targets Targets Mohamed Americans rriicans for for Democracy Dem mocracy and and Human Huuma maan Rights Riights in in Bahrain Bahrain, 26 26 June June 2017, 2017, available av available at: at: www.adhrb.org/2017/06/bahrain-nsa-targets-mohamed-sultan-son-opposition-mp/, www.adhrb.org/2017/06/baahrain-nsa-targets-mohamed-sulta October 2017. taann son-opposition-mp/, last last visited: visited: 1155 Oc tober 2017. 50 last visited: visited: ‘M ‘MOI OI Statement: Staatement: 72 72 individuals Bahrain ahrain News News Agency Agen ency, 3311 January January 2005, 2005, available av availa laable at: at: bna.bh/portal/en/news/651916, bna.bh/portaal/en/news/651916, last individuals stripped stripped of of citizenship’, citizenship’, Ba 15 O October ctober 2017. 51 n-to ‘Bahrain ‘Bahraain to try top top Shi'ite Shi'ite cleric cleric for for money money laundering’, laau undering’, Re Reuters uterrs, 1166 July Ju uly ly 2016, 2016, available av availaable at: at: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-bahrain-cleric/bahrain-tohttps://w www.reuters.com/aarticle/us-bahrain-cleric/bahrain - try--top-shiite-cl cleric-for-money-.laundering-idUSKCN0ZW11U, last try-top-shiite-cleric-for-money-laundering-idUSKCN0ZW11U, last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 52 T., ‘Al-Jazeera revolutions’, Th Erdbrink, Erdbrink, T., ‘A All--Jazeer Jazeera TV TV network nettw work draws draws criticism, criticism, praise praise for for coverage coverage of Arab Arrab revolutions’, A Thee Washington W a sh hiington Post Post, 1144 May May 2011, 2011, available availaable at: at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/al-jazeera-tv-network-draws-criticism-praise-for-coverage-of-arab-revolutions/2011/05/08/AFoHWs2G_story.html, htttps://www.washinggtonpost.com m/world/al--ja jaazzeera-tv - -nettwork-draws-criticism-praise-for-coverage-off--arab-revolutions/2011/05/08/AFoHWs2G_story.html,5 last last visited: visited: 8 November November 2017. 20 1 7 . 53 Gulf policy ‘Exclusive: ‘Exclusive: Recordings Recordings show show Qatar Qataar conspiring conspiring against aga against Gulf policy in Bahrain’, Bahraain’, Al l--Arrabiya, 17 17 June June 2017, 2017, available availaable at: at: ! Al-Arabiya https://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/2017/06/17/Behind-the-scene-Recordings-show-Qatar-conspiring-against-Gulf-policy-in-Bahrain-.html, against-Gulff--policy-in-Baahrain-.h last htttps://engglish.alarabiya.net/en/News/2017/06/17/Behind-t -the-scene-Recordings-show-Qatar-conspiring-agai html, la st vvisited: isited: 1155 October Oc tober 22017. 017. !

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! !It is worth worth noting notting two two things things in relation relattion to these these telephone telephone calls. callls. First, First, Sultan Sultan fled fled Bahrain Bah hrain in 2011 and now lives lives under under the the protection protection of Iran’s Iraan’s most most successful successfful overseas overseas project, project, Hizballah, Hizballah h, in and Leban non. And a ces of these these cal ls is co ntested. One at at alAnd second second that that the the circumstances circumstan One version version says says th Lebanon. calls contested. that At tiya wa tually in Ba ahrain wh en he ecause he mad de them hest of th he ma de the the cal ls, b he made them at th Attiya wass act actually Bahrain when made calls, because thee be behest thee Ba adhraini monarchy, monarchy, which which was was looking look kin iing for oppositiion dur ing the the crisis. crisis. As As such, shuch, for channels channels to the the opposition Bahraini during the Quartet Quartet is misrepresenting misrepresenting what wh hat al-Attiya alwas up up tto. o.54 On the the other other hand, hand, Bahrain Bahrain denies denies that thatt it al Attiya was it the the Qataris Qataris to to speak speak to to the the opposition opposition on on the the island ever allowed allowed the island in in any any way. way.55 are accusations ties to the the Huthis There are accusattions th att Qat tarr has has ties Huthis in Yemen. Yemen. Sometimes Sometimes these these accusations accusattions There that Qatar 56 sa a i to fin an n c ial l an d lo gis g is tic al l, and an d some so m e go as fa far a r as to say sa ay y th that a t wi without t h o u t Qa Qatari t a r i as assistance, sistance, are said d be financial and logistical, are in co llusion wi th Ira an, th this wo uld ha ave be en de feated already already and and the the internationallyinternationalllycollusion with Iran, thee Hu Huthis would have been defeated recoggn nized government sttored.57 The The vi visible sible links links Qatar Qatar has has to the the Huthis Huthis pre-date pre-datte government of Yemen Yemen re recognized restored. Maarch 2015 Saudi-led Saaudi-led in tervention and ake th rm of Qa Qattarri me diation ef fforts wi th the the the the March intervention and ta take thee fo form Qatari mediation efforts with Huthis an granting of citizenship citizenship to Huthi Huthi mi litants.58 Doha’s Doha’s role d the the granting role iny prior prior attempts attempts to reach reac ac h a Huthis and militants. settlement be ttw ween th faallen government opposition in Ye men wa ways settlement between thee nownow-fallen government and and the the opposition Yemen wass al always somewh hat co ntroversial since since the the government government accused Qatar of inciting inciting the the protests protests against against it vi somewhat controversial accused Qatar viaa -Jazzeera.59 Qat Qatar tarr deployed deployed 1,000 1,000 tr troops part art of th thee Ye Yemen men ope operation, ration,60 Al-Ja oops in September September 2015 as pa Al-Jazeera. ma any it se audi ci ty of Na ajran ne arr th meni bo rder,61 th though ough Qatari Qatari troops troops ha have ave many seems ems in the the Sa Saudi city Najran near thee Ye Yemeni border, 62 r. Qat Qatar’s tar’s involvement involvement in th thee Sa Saudi-led audi-led coalition coalition in be been en ki killed lled inside inside Yemen Yemen during during the the war war. Ye men wa affter th isis be gan in Ju ne.63 There There is no evidence evidence Qat Qatar tar ha hass armed armed th thee Yemen wass suspended suspended after thee cr crisis began June. Huthis an ard evi dence of ot ther support, support, either either – whether whether in terms terms of funds funds or Huthis and d there there is no ha hard evidence other though there there is ag be irati of fficialls that that Qatar Qatar provided provided intelligence – though lief among among some some Em intelligence belief Emirati officials n s e deaths e Huthis that thatt led led to the deaths of servicemen. servicemen.64 n the Huthis th co ordinates to the coordinates no public public evidence evidence of Qat Shi’i opposition tarri support support for for Sau udi Ar abian Shi’i opposition groups, groups, and and no Th ere is is no no There Qatari Saudi Arabian is proffered proffered during during private private re petition of these these claims claims by Gulf fficials an d surrogates. surrogat ates.65 Gulf of evi dence is evidence repetition officials and imarry pi emerge so so far far ar that thatt Q ataar att least has supported supported Saudi Saaudi There primary piece ece of evidence evidence to to emerge Qatar least has Th ere pr oppos itionists, though thouggh not Shi’is, Qataar’s then-emir, Hamad oppositionists, Shi’is, is a te telephone lephone conversation conversation between between Qatar’s then-emir, Hamad Thani, and an nd Libya’s Libya’s ruler, ruler, Muammar Muammarr al-Qaddafi, al-Qaddaffi, wh hich w as le aked in May May 2014. “Wee have have al2014.66 “W al-Thani, which was leaked co nnecttions with wiith all all the the opposition opposition [groups in Saudi Saudi Arabia]”, Arabia]”, says sayys al-Thani. all-Thani. “We “We are are the the country c o u n try connections [ggrroups in o th at ccaused aused Saudi Saudi Arabia Arabia a lot The Qatari Qattarri emir emir boasted boasted of of hosting hQosting Saudi Saudi oppositionist lot of of trouble”. trouble”. The oppositionist that a


Author Author interview, intehrview, October October 2017 2017 n : Author Author interview, interview, November November 2017 2017 Houthis’, Eg Sayed, Saayed, N., N., ‘‘Uncovered Uncovered secret secret ties ties between bettwe ween Qatar Qatar and and Houthis’, Egypt gypt Today Today, 2211 July Ju uly ly 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: https://www.egypttoday.com/Article/2/13003/Uncovered-secret-ties-between-Qatar-and-Houthis, htttps://www.eggyypttttoday.com m /A Arrticle/2/13003/Uncovered-se secret-ties-bettwe ween-Qaatar-and-Houthis, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 2017. 57 Saudi Arabia’, Arabia’, As Habtor, Habtor, A.H., A.H., ‘‘Analysts: An A n a l y st s: Q Qatar atar Backed Backed Yemen’s Yemen’s Houthis Houthis with with Iranian Iranian Coordination Coordination to to Target Target Saudi Asharq sharq al-Awsat all---Aw Aw wsat, 2244 July July 2017, available available at: at: ht ttps://engllish.aawsat.com m/abdul-hadi-habtoor//news-middlee-east/analysts-qaatar-backed-yemens-hout h thi h s-ira iraanian-coordinattion-target-saudi-arabia, last visited: https://english.aawsat.com/abdul-hadi-habtoor/news-middle-east/analysts-qatar-backed-yemens-houthis-iranian-coordination-target-saudi-arabia, last visited: October 15 O ctober 2017. 58 Citizenship’, Br ‘20,000 ‘20,000 Houthis Houthis Given Given Qatari Qatari Citizenship’, British riitish Middle Middl dle East East Ce Centre Cen ntree for fo orr Studies Studies and and Research Researcch (BMCSR), (BMCSR), 12 M May ay 2014, available available at: htttp://bmcsr.com m/20000-houthis-given-qaatari-citizenship/, llast ast visited: visited: 15 O http://bmcsr.com/20000-houthis-given-qatari-citizenship/, October ctober 2017. 59 signing’, Re ‘Yemen's ‘Yemen's Saleh Saleh says saayys objects objects to Qatar Qatar at at peace peace signing’, Reuters uteers, 28 28 April Ap A pril 22011, 011, available av availaable at: at: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-saleh-qatar/yemenshttp https://w ww ww w.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-saleh-qaatar//yyemenssa saleh-says-objects-to-qatar-at-peace-signing-idUSTRE73R5XU20110428, leh-saays-ob bjects-to-qaatar-at-peace-siggn ning-idUSTRE73R5XU20110428, last last visited: visited: 28 28 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 60 ‘Yemen ‘Yemen crisis: crisis: Qatar Qataar “deploys “deploys 1,000 C, 7 September September 2015, 2015, available av availaable at: at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-34173544, http http://w ww ww w w.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-34173544, llast ast visited: visited: 1,000 troops”’, troops”’, BBC 15 October October 2017. 61 Yemen border’, Kovessy, Kovessy, P., P., ‘Defense ‘Defense minister minister visits visits Qatar Qatar troops troops near near Yemen Doha oha News News, 19 19 June June 2016, 2016, available available at: at: https://dohanews.co/defense-ministerhttp https://dohanews.co/defense-ministerborder’, Do vi sits-qaatar-tro - ops-near-yemen-borderr/, last last visited: visited: 15 October visits-qatar-troops-near-yemen-border/, October 2017. 62 ‘Three ‘T Three Qatari Qatarri soldiers soldiers killed killed in Yemen’, Yemen’, Reuters Reuters, 13 13 September September 2016, 2016, available av available at: at: http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2016/09/13/Threehttp http://english.aalaraabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2016/09/13/T ThreeQatari-soldiers-killed-in-Yemen-.html, rs-killed-in-Ye last October 01 7 . Qa atari-soldiers -Yemen-.h html, la st vvisited: isited: 1155 O ctober 22017. i d 63 d‘Qatar ‘Qatar pulls pulls out out of of Saudi-led Saudi-led coalition coalition on on Yemen’, Yemen’, TR TRT T World World, 7 June June 2017, 2017, available available at: at: http://www.trtworld.com/mea/qatar-pulls-out-of-saudi-ledhttp://w ww ww w w.trtworld.com/mea/qataar-pulls-out-of-saudi-led coalition-on-yemen-374372, coal ition-on-yem yemen-374372, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 64 September 2017 2017 Author Author interview, interview, September 65 ! eptember-October 22017 0 17 Author Author interviews, interviews, S September-October 66 actly w hen th onversation was was recorded; recorded; some 2008: ‘Leaked ‘Leaked recording recording between and It is u unclear nclear ex exactly when thee cconversation some reports reports suggest su uggest 2003 and and some some say after affter te 2008: between Qaddafi Qaddaffi and ! httt2ps00:/3/www. rmer Em ir’, Al Hamad Former Emir’, Haamad al-Thani, al-Thani, Qatar's Qatar's Fo Al-Arabiya -Arrabiya, 7 JJune une 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoHHvhs6nm8, youttube.com m/waatch?v=BoHHvhs6nm8, last last visited: visited: 7 November November 2017. 2017. 55 56


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! ! ! !Sa’ Sa’ad ad al-Faqih al-Fa Faqih on Al-Jazeera. Al--Ja Jazzeera. A Al-Faqih l-Faqih aand nd his his Movement Movement for for Islamic Islamic Reform Reform in in Arabia Arabia (M (MIRA) IR A ) nated in in 2004 2004 by by the the U.S. U.S. Treasury and the the United Nattions for for providing were were designated desiggn Treasury and United Nations providing material material support to to al-Qaeda, al-Qaeeda, a designation desiggn nattion that that was was revoked revoked in in 2012. 2012. AlAl Al-Thani Thani went went on on to to say say that thatt th thee support Sa audi monarchy was destined destined to n and and Qatar’s Qattar’s p olicy was was to o as sist this this by by fostering fostering an Saudi monarrchy was to be overthrown overthrown policy assist “ax is” of oft opposition opposition groups groups inside inside th ingdom – a provocative provocative statement stattement and and policy any policy in int any “axis” thee K Kingdom n interview amad d bin Jassim appeared appeared to to confirm conffiirm the th e co ntext. In aan interview on on 26 26 October October 2017, 2017, Ha bin Jassim context. Hamad au thenticittyy o this leaked leaked conversation conversatiion between bettw ween al-Thani al-Than ni and and al-Qaddafi. all-Qa Qad ddafffii. authenticity off this 67



22.3 . 3 Extremism E x t r e m i s m in i n the th h e Media Media Among the the de mands made made by th audi-led bloc bloc were were th att Qa tar ceas ing me dia pl attfor o ms Among demands thee Sa Saudi-led that Qatar ceasee us using media platforms th att Do ha fin anciaally supports supports to pr tremist ideology ideology and otther threats threatts to th ternall omote ext and other that Doha financially promote extremist thee in internal st abilittyy of the Quartet. Specifically, Speciffiicallly, it was demanded that that Qatar Qatar cl -Jaazeera satellite satellite channel channels the Quartet. wads demanded ose Al-Ja stability close Al-Jazeera n websites websites that thatt Qatar Qattar al rectly or indirectly, Arabi21, an d sh ut down legedly supports, supports, di indirectly, including: including: Arabi21, and shut allegedly directly Nettw work (RNN), (RNN), Al Al-Araby l--Ar Araby Al-Jadeed All--Jadeed (The (The New New Arab), Arab), and and Middle Middle East East Eye ws Network Ra ssd Ne Eye Rassd News Qatar rejected reejected this this demand demand as one th that att trespassed trespassed on its “s “sovereignty overeignty an and d fo foreign reiggn n pol policy”, ic y ” , (MEE). (M EE). Qatar say ying it wo tters related related to the llecttive se curity of th C ”. saying would uld only only discuss discuss ma matters the “co “collective security thee GC GCC”. 70


outtlets vary vary in appearance. appearance. RNN rdly hi des its Qa tar lin ks an d is op enly ru These These online online outlets RNN har hardly hides Qatar links and openly run n by sympathizers if not me mbers of the the Mu slim Br otherhood. RN N ha been responsible responsible fo sympathizers members Muslim Brotherhood. RNN hass been forr arrtet, pe rhap ps most most saliently saaliently the the recordings recordings showing showiing th releasing stories stories that that embarrass embarrass the the Qu at releasing Quartet, perhaps that i sttreet demonstrations demonstrattions that thatt pr ecipitatted the the coup coup in Ca airo in 2013 we ontaneous,r re not a sp the street the precipitated Cairo were spontaneous, revolutionary, outpouring outtpouring but but pa art of an orchestrated orchestratted cam paiggn n be ttw ween the the Eg gyyptian n mi litary, th revolutionary, part campaign between Egyptian military, thee opposition Ta Tamarod amarod (R (Rebellion) ebellion) mo movement, Saudi audi an and Emiratti monarchies monarchies to bring vement, and and the the Sa d Emirati bring opposition n the the elected otther end end of the the spectrum, spectrrrum, MEE down elected government. government. At the the other MEE has has an editorial editorial line line fa avourable to th tarri government government and oth herhood, while atly de nying an favourable thee Qat Qatari and the the Muslim Muslim Br Brotherhood, flatly denying anyy lin links while fla ks to Qat tarr at all. Somewhere mewh here in be between ttw ween is Th Thee Ne New Arab, ab, wh which ich ha hass public all. So w Ar public links links in its funding funding to Qatar the state, state, even as it claims taal in rattions. As wi th MEE, MEE, the the pro-Doha pro-Do the claims to total independence dependence of ope operations. with Doha coverage, re al or pe rceived, at Th ab is st, not as troubling troubling as th ese out uttlets w Ar coverage, real perceived, Thee Ne New Arab is,, fo forr th thee We West, these outlets platfform for for an ti-Western co propaggan nda, such such as that that IS was was providing a platform nspiracy theories theories and and propaganda, providing anti-Western conspiracy stiffy mi litarry intervention Interestting as th these ese cas cases the West West to ju world. Interesting ess created eby the intervention in the the Muslim Muslim world. created justify military 72



att Al-Jaz -Jazeera wa portaant ta arget. are, that Al-Jazeera wass th thee mo most important target. are, there there can be no doubt th st im

67 ‘Treasury ‘T Treasury Designates Designates MIRA MIRA for for Support Support to Al Al Qaida’, Qaida’, U. U.S. S. De Department epartme men nt of of Treasury Trreeasuurry, 1144 July July 2005, 2005, available available at: at: https://www.treasury.gov/presshttps://w ww ww w.treasury.gov/presscenter/press-releases/Pages/js2632.aspx, centerr/press-re releases/Pages/js2632.aspx, llast ast visited: visited: 7 November November 2017. r 68 set to to come come off Charbonneau, Charbonneau, L., L., ‘Exclusive: ‘Exclusive: Saudi Saudi dissident dissident set off U.N. U.N. al al Qaeda Qaeda blacklist’, b la c k kllist’, Reuters Reuteers, 30 30 June June 2012, 2012, available available at: at: www.reuters.com/article/usww ww ww w.reuters.com/article/ussaudi-dissident nt-un/exclusive-saaudi-dissident-set-to - -come-offff--u-n-al-q last visited: visited: 7 November November 2017. 20 1 7 . saudi-dissident-un/exclusive-saudi-dissident-set-to-come-off-u-n-al-qaeda-blacklist-idUSBRE85T0L020120630, al aeda-blacklist-idUSBRE85T0L020120630, last 69 ‘Former ‘Fo ormer Qatari Qatari PM PM under under attack attack after after TV TV interview’, interview’, Eg Egypt gypt Today Today, 3311 October October 2017, 2017, available av available at: at: https://www.egypttoday.com/Article/2/30265/Formerhttps://w ww ww w w.egypttoday.com/Article/2/30265/F FormerQatari-PM-under-attack-after-TV-interview, Qa atari-PM-under under-attack-affter ter-TV V--in nterview, last last visited: visited: 7 November November 2017. 70 une 2017. 20 1 7 . Wintour, Wintour, P., P., ‘Qatar ‘Qatar given ggiiven 1100 d days meet by Saudi Saudi Arabia’, Arrabia’, Th A Thee Guardian Guardiiaan, 23 23 JJune ays tto om eet 1133 sweeping sweeping demands demands by 71 Gulf countries’, countries’, Th ‘Qatari ‘Qatari FM: FM FM: We We will will not not negotiate negotiaate al-Jazeera aall--Jazeer Jazeera or our foreign foreign policy policy with with Gulf Thee New New Arab Arrab, 10 A 10 June 2017, available available at: at: https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2017/6/10/qatar-says-al-jazeera-foreign-policy-are-sovereign-non-negotiable-matters, htttps://www.alaraby.co.uk k/engllish/news/2017/6/10/qaatar-saays-al-ja -jazeera-foreiggn n-policy-are-sovereiggn n-non-negottiable-maatters, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 2 017. 72 Daragahi, Daragahi, B., B., ‘Recording ‘Recording reveals reveals Sisi’s Sisi’s political political ambitions ambitions in in Egypt’, Eggyypt’, Fi Financial inanciial Times Times, 16 16 October October 2013, 2013, available av availaable at: at: https://www.ft.com/content/e5c8f42e-359b-11e3-952b-00144feab7de?mhq5j=e5, October 2017; Giglio, M., ‘A ‘A Cairo Cairo Conspiracy’, Conspiracy’, Th ht ttps://www.fftt.com m/contentt/e5c8f42e-359b-11e3-952b-00144f 00144feab7de?mhq5j=e5, last last visited: visited: 15 October Giglio, M., Thee Daily Da aily Beast Beast, 1122 July July 2013, 2013, available av availaable at: at: https://www.thedailybeast.com/a-cairo-conspiracy, https://w ww ww.thedailybeast.com m/a-cairo-conspiracy, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017; Frenkel, Frenkel, S. S. and Atef, Ateff, M., M., ‘How ‘How Eg gyypt’s Rebel Rebel Movement Movement Helped Helped Pave Paave The The Way Way For BuzzFeed uzzzFeed, 1155 April April 2014, 2014, available av availaable at: at: Egypt’s For A Sisi Sisi Pr Presidency’, esidency’, Bu https://www.buzzfeed.com/sheerafrenkel/how-egypts-rebel-movement-helped-pave-the-way-for-a-sisi-pre, D .D ., htttps://www.buzzf uzzffeed.com/sheerafrenkel//how-egypts-rebel-movement-helped-paave-the--way waay-for-a-sisi-pre, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017; Kirkpatrick, Kirkpaatrick, D.D., ‘Recordings Military Pushed Pushed Ousting Ousting of of Morsi’, Morsi’, Th ‘Recordings Suggest Suggest Emirates Emiraates and and Egyptian Egyptiaan Military Thee New New York Yo ork Times Tiimes, 1 March March 2015, 2015, available av available at: at: 15 htttps://www.nyytimes.com/2015/03/02//world/middleeast/recordings-suggest-emirates-and-egyptian-military-pushed-ousting-off--morsi.html, last last visited: visited: 15 https://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/02/world/middleeast/recordings-suggest-emirates-and-egyptian-military-pushed-ousting-of-morsi.html, of the the 2013 2013 Egypt Obama’, Th October Oc tober 2017; 2017; Hertsgaard, Hertsgaard, M., M., ‘Secret ‘Secret Tapes Tapes of Eggyypt Coup Coup Plot Plot Pose Pose a Problem Problem for for Obama’, Thee Daily Daily Beast Beast, 1100 May May 2015, 2015, available availaable at: at: t https://www.thedailybeast.com/secret-tapes-of-the-2013-egypt-coup-plot-pose-a-problem-for-obama, egypt-coup-plot-pose-a-problem-for-obama, last last visited: ht ttps://www.thedailybeast.com/secret-tapes-off--the-2013-egyp visited: 15 October October 2017. s 73 on free ‘“An ‘“An attack attack on free thought”: thought”: Middle Eye responds responds to Saudi Saudi demands’, demands’, Mi Middle iddle le East East Eye Eye, 2233 June June 2017, 2017, available av available at: at: Middle East East Eye www. www.middleeasteye.net/news/attack-free-thought-middle-east-eye-responds-saudi-demands-1572259574, middleeasteye.nett/news/atttack-free-thought-middle-eas east-eye-responds-saaudi-demands-1572259574, October 2017. 1572259574, last last visited: visited: 15 October !AAuugust 2017, 74 ISIS Go?’, Go?’, The last Kila, Kila, S., S., ‘‘Its Its End End Has Has Come, Come, But But Where Wh W here Will Will ISIS The New New Arab Arab, 4 August 2017, available av available at: at: syrianobserver.com/EN/Commentary/33104, syrianobserver.com/EN/Commentaryy/33104, last vi sited: 22 October visited: October 2017. !

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! ! ! !The The discontent discontent of the the Arab Arab states stattes wi with th Al-Jazeera Al-J -Jazzeera goes goes back bacck a long long way. waay. Al-Jazeera Al-J -Jazeera was was set set up in ggiional st andarrds, an ope n an d liv ely de batte on ma any ma tters th att ar 1996 and and pr provides, ovides, by re regional standards, open and lively debate many matters that aree ot therwiise ta aboo in th ggiion, su ch as government government re lations wi th th st, dom estiic co r r u p tio n , otherwise taboo thee re region, such relations with thee We West, domestic corruption, and political political repression repression – except except as th ttaarr. Ma any commentators commentattors have have ese th ings ap ply to Qa and these things apply Qatar. Many Arab states sttat ates from from the the aset Jazeera for for their their collaboration collab borattion with wiith the the West, condemneed Arab West,, set of of Al-Jazeera Al--Ja condemned par rticularly iiff Arab Arab ggovernments ch as as Iraq, Iraq, in in the the mid-2000s mid-2000s estern troops. troops. The overnments – su 2000s – hos The particularly such hostt W Western pr esence of the the m American Al-Udeid Al-Udeid A irbase, within within walking kiing distance distance from from Al-Jazeera’s Jazzeera’s assive American w a lk Al--Ja presence massive Airbase, st tudios iin Doha, is is not not a subject subject on Jazeera’s staff staff and and guests guests dwell. dwell. This This is is not not by by edict n Doha, on which which Al-Jazeera’s Al--Ja e d ic t studios of the the Qatari Qatari government, government, exactly. exactly. Though Though cen sorship wa rmally lifted lifted in 1995, penalties penaallties censorship wass fo formally remain in pl atee or Islam, Islam, and and se lff--censorship ace fo ression deemed deemed in sulting to th remain place forr exp expression insulting thee st state self-censorship maiins en demic.75 therefore re therefore remains endemic. December 1998, th Arab governments governments pa ssed a resolution resolution in th ab St ates Br oad d c a s tin g In December thee Arab passed thee Ar Arab States Broadcasting -Jazeera from from membership membership on th Un ion banning baanning Al-Ja grounds that that the the channel channel violated violated the the “code “code Union Al-Jazeera thee grounds Iof hon ab me dia” th att “p romotes br otherhood between bettw ween Ar ab na tions”. In Au gusgt our of th honour thee Ar Arab media” that “promotes brotherhood Arab nations”. August rdan wi thdrew its am bassador from tar af fter co mments we ade di spaaraggiing th from Qat re ma 2002, Jo Jordan withdrew ambassador Qatar after comments were made disparaging thee royal family, faamily, and nth h the the Saudis Saaudis pul led th eir ambassador ambassador after affter the the Saudi Saaudi government government and the the next next mo royal month pulled their was accused accused of betraying betraying the the Palestinians Pallestinians on an Al-Jazeera Al-Ja -Jazeera program. proggrram.76 The The Sau Saudis udis did did not send send an was ck to Qatar Qattaar until unttil 2007.77 ambassador ambassador bac back The events events in in Egypt, Egypt, from from the the fall fall of of Egyptian Egyptian ruler ruler Hosni Hosni Mubarak Mubarak in in 2011 2011 th rough to th The through thee el ecttion of of Muslim Muslim Brotherhood Brotherhood candidate candidate Muhammad Muhammad Morsi Morsi as president, president, were were bitterly bitterly opposed opposed election by Sa audi A rab bia aand nd the the U niteed Arab bE mirates att every every stage. stage. Qatar, Qatar, by contrast, embraced the Araab contrast, embraced thee Saudi Arabia United Emirates Eg gyyptian rrevolution, evolution, an d th ise to power power in the the most most populous populous Arab Arab country country of of an n allied allie allied Egyptian and thee rrise movement w as one one of of Doha’s Doha’s signal siggn nal al successes successes in in the the “Arab “Arab b spring”. The violent violent military military coup spring”. The coup movement was ag gainst the th he Brotherhood, Brotherhood, ssupported and partly partly orchestrated orchestrated by by tthe he S upported and audis an dU .A.E. iin n 22013, 013, against Saudis and U.A.E. 78 was deeply deeply resented resented by by Qatar, Qatarr, and and Al-Jazeera’s Jazzeera’s ccoverage overagge reflected reffllected this. th his. Al-Ja Al-Jazeera -Jazeera m made Al--Ja ade was refference to to the the illegitimacy illeggiitimacy of of the the putschist putschist regime reggiime in in Egypt, Egypt, and and provides provides space space to co consistent nsistent reference to Eg ggyyptian o ppositionists, many many of wh hom are arre members of whom members or or supporters supporters of of the the Muslim Muslim Brotherhood. Brotherhood. Egyptian oppositionists, This has has been been a primary primary irritant irritant in round of of the the dispute. cember 2013, th Eggyptian n in this this round dispute. In De This December thee Egyptian p -Jazzeera staff stafff members members in Ca airo: Au stralian Pe ter Gr estee, Can naad dian n government arrested arrested three three Al-Jazeera Al-Ja government Cairo: Australian Peter Greste, Canadian Mo hamed Fah hmy, and and Eg gyptian Ba aher Mohamed, Moham med, sentencing senteencing Ith em to man ny years years in pr ison on Mohamed Fahmy, Egyptian Baher them many prison leggis islattion for for alleged alleged connections connecttions to the the Muslim Muslim Brotherhood. Brotherhood.79 And And Al-Jazeera Al-Jaz -Jazeera unde terrorism legislation underr terrorism 80 nned in Eg gypt in Ma ay 2017. whole was ban banned Egypt May as a wh ole was isis wa rway, at th d of July, July, Al-Jazeera Al-Ja -Jazeera ran n a report report cal ling for for th Two Ho Once the the cr ly Once crisis wass unde underway, thee en end calling thee Two Holy parrated fr om pol itics,81 an audacious audacious de demand mand fr from philo-Islamist platform. atfor o m. om a phi lo-Islamist pl Mosques to be se Mosques separated from politics, the link link between bettw ween Al-Jazeera Al -Ja Jazzeera and and Qatari Qatari foreign foreiggn daay later latter the the Qatari Qaattarri Demonstrating Al-Ja n pol policy, icy, a day Demonstrating the government filed with th Nations accu sing Saudi Saaudi Ar abia of politicizing politicizing the the filed a complaint complaint with ited Nations government thee Un United accusing Arabia , g



Sharp, Shaarp, J.M., J.M., ‘‘Qatar: Q atar : B Background ackground and and US US Relations’, Relations’, Co Congressional ongression nal Research Researcch Office Offfice, 22 22 March March 2005. 20 0 5 . Rugh, Rugh, W.A., W.A., Ar Arab rab Mass Mass Media: Media: Newspapers, Newspapers, Radio, Radio, and and Television Teellevision in in Arab Araab Politics Politics, (Praeger, (Praeger, 2004) 2004) p. p. 233 23 3 Kirkpatrick, Kirkpatrick, D.D., D.D., ‘3 ‘3 Gu Gulf lf C Countries ountries Pull Pull Ambassadors Ambassadors From From Qatar Qaatar Ov Over er Its Its Support Support of of Islamists’, Islamists’, Th Thee New New York Yo ork Times Tiimes, 5 March March 2014, 2014, available av available at: at: htttps://www.nyy- times.com/2014/03/06//world/middleeast/3-pe persian-gulff--staates-pull-ambassadors-from-qaatar.html, last https://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/06/world/middleeast/3-persian-gulf-states-pull-ambassadors-from-qatar.html, last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 78 Redux’, Th Stephens, Stephens, M., M., ‘The ‘The Arab Arrab Cold A Cold War War Redux’, Thee Century Ceen ntuurry Foundation Fouun ndation, 28 28 February February 2017. 20 1 7 . s 79 ‘Al ‘A All JJazeera aazzeeraa sta staff s ff sentenced sentenced to jail jaailil in Egypt’, Egypt’, Al Al-Jazeera l--Jazeerra, 29 29 August Au A ugust 2015, 2015, available av available at: at: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/08/verdict-expected-egyptianhttp://w www.aljaazzeera.com/news/2015/08/verdict-expected-egyptiantrial trial-al-ja al-jaazzeera-staaffff 150829041359781.html, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. trial-al-jazeera-staff-150829041359781.html, 80 newsas media media crackdown crackdown widens’, widens’, Al ‘Egypt ‘Egypt bans bans Medium Medium as Al-Jazeera l--Jazeer Jazzeerra, 1122 June June 2017, 2017, available availaable at: at: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/06/egypt-bans-62-newshttp://w ww ww w.aaljaazzeera.com/news/2017/06/egypt-bans-62-new ! av websites-latest-media-crackdown-170612164646323.html, October 2017. websites-laatestst media-crackdown-170612164646323.html, llast ast visited: visited: 15 October 81 Al-Jazeera Al-Jazeer -Jazeera Arabic, Arabic, Twitter Twitter p post, Julyy 2017, available https://ttwitter.com!/A AJA Arrabic/status/891055683876962304, last last visited: visited: 22 O October ctober 2017. ost, 28 Jul available at: at: https://twitter.com/AJArabic/status/891055683876962304, 75 76 77

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! ! ! !ha haj aj.82 The The Saudi Sau udi government government interpreted interpreted this this as a cal calll fo forr in internationalising ternationalising th thee governance governance of pa part a rt ggrressive act an d a de clarrattion of wa ar ag ainst th The ot other ther states stttaates of its te territory, rritory, “an ag aggressive and declaration war against thee ki kingdom”. ngdom”.83 The the Quartet Quartet condemned condemned Qatar’s Qattarr’s demand deman nd and and laid laaid blame blame for for the the pr oblems of Qatari Qattari citizens citizens of the problems performing th pilggrrimagge at Doha’s Doha’s door. door.84 performing thee pilgrimage -Jazzeera largely laargely came came to Western Western attention attention in the the wa ake of the the 9/11 9/11 atrocity. attrocity. y One One scholar scholar noted, noted, Al-Jazeera Al-J wake affter ext ten e sive vi ewiing of the the channel channel in October att wh ile Al-Ja -Jazeera ““may maay not of fficially be October 2001, th after extensive viewing that while Al-Jazeera officially the Os am ma bin annel … he is cl arr”.85 The The channel’s channel’s anti-Western anti--We Western an animus imus could could bin Laden Laden Ch early its st the Osama Channel clearly star”. btle. Al-Ja -Jazeera wa ways lexicographically lexicoggrrap phically car efful: Af fghanistan wa slamic Em irate of be su subtle. Al-Jazeera wass al always careful: Afghanistan wass th thee “I “Islamic Emirate Af fghanistan n”, the the na ame given given to the the areas areas of th untry th liban ha d co ntrolled; th ar on Afghanistan”, name thee co country thee Tal Taliban had controlled; thee Wa War Terror was was “s American ns were were wa ggiing a “war “war on Ira Iraq”; o-called”; the the Americans q”; and and the the terror-insurgency terror-insurgency of Terror “so-called”; waging th vement in Iraq Iraq was was a “resistance”. “resistance”.86 Other Otther times times the the channel channel could could be bl blatant, atant, as in its thee IS mo movement -Jazzeera and and its staff staff ope nly ag giitated fo dd daam coverage coverage of th thee Ira Iraq q in invasion vasion its itself, elf, when when Al-Jazeera Al-Ja openly agitated forr a Sa Saddam Hu sayn vi There were were ef efforts fforts by the engage gage th thee channel, channel, but but they they cam camee the US government government to en Husayn victory. ctory.87 There an nted co fff colour to little little,, an and d US ra rage ge at th thee sl slanted coverage occasion to an of off-colour verage of the the channel channel led led on one occasion stroying its he adquaarters.88 esident Bu sh ab out de jo joke ke by Pr President Bush about destroying headquarters. -Jazzeera’s reporting reportting on the the uprisings uprisings in the the Arab Arab world world th att began began in la te 2010, am id ver Al-Ja Al-Jazeera’s that late amid veryy mi nimall coverage ab b pr ess, gai ined th channel some some grudging mirattion even fr coverage in the the Ar grudging ad om minimal Arab press, gained thee channel admiration from itics, East East and and West, West, and and al ayed a ro le in th ntaggiion of revolution revolution fo rmer cr most certainly certainly pl former critics, almost played role thee co contagion sp read ding fr untry to country, country, pul n one dictatorship dictatorship after affter another. another.89 From From the the out outset, se t, om co ling down spreading from country pulling -Jazzeera’s coverage coveragge was was partial, paartial, clearly clearly favouring faavouring the the oppos ition over Al-Ja Al-Jazeera’s opposition over the the governments, governments, bringing bringgiing at ttention to to social social media media and and other other means wh hile building building a narrative narrattive in means of of mass-mobilisation, mass-mobilisation, while attention which the the sstation tattion was was the the voice the voiceless. repressiveness pressiveness and illegitimacy ggitim itimacy of th these voice of of the voiceless.90 The re and ille e se which reggiimes meant meant that thatt Al-Jazeera’s Al-Ja -Jazeera’s favourability favourab bility to to the the oppositionists oppositionists was maany as regimes was not pe perceived rceived by many criticism. much of a criticism. much arose as the the brief brief initial The problem problem arose initiaal revolutions revolutiions in Tunisia Tunisia and and Eg gypt, co nsisting mo stly of street sttreet The Egypt, consisting mostly protests with with the the violence violence only only originating origgiinating with with the the regimes, reggiimes, gave gaave wayy to pr ottracted armed armed protests protracted -Jazzeera’s coverage coverage began began n favouring faavouring strands sttraan nds in surrections in Libya Libya an d Sy ria. At that that poi nt, Al-Jazeera’s Al-Ja insurrections and Syria. point, 91 within th specificallly the Islam mists. In Syria, Syria, this this meant meant Ahrar Ahrar al-Sham al-Shaam and and in the Islamists. ese insurgencies, insurgencies, specifically within these ant fig gu ures lik Abdelhak kiim Be k lhaj (se Section 2). 2). Groups Groups like like al-Qaeda al-Qaeda also also saw saw the th e Libya Libya it me meant figures likee Abdelhakim Belhaj (seee Section they could could take take of of this this situation. in the the di ary found found with wiith him him at situatiion. Usama Usama bin bin Ladin Ladin in at advantage advantage they diary 92 Abbottabad wr rote, “A azeera, tthank hank God, God, carries caarri rries the the banner ban nner of of revolutions”. revolutions”. Abbottabad wrote, “All JJazeera,

‘A AQ Qatari ataari Complaint Complaain nt to the the United United Nations Nations Accuses Accuses Saudi Saudi Arabia Ara Arabia of politicizing politicizing the the haj’, haj’, CNN N, 2299 July July 2017, 2017, available availaable at: at: https://arabic.cnn.com/middlehttps://araabic.cnn.com/middleeast/2017/07/29/qatar-saudi-un-pilgrimage, October 2017. eas t/2017/07/29/qatar-saudi-un-pilggrrimage, last last visited: visited: 22 October 83 ‘Saudi ‘Saudi FM: FM: Qatar Qataar call call to internationalize in nternationalize holy sites an an “act of war”’, Al-Arabiya l--Arrabiya, 3300 July July l 2017, available available at: at: holy sites “act of war”’, Al https://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/gulf/2017/07/30/Saudi-Arabia-rejects-Qatar-s-attempts-to-politicize-pilgrimage-.html, udi Arabia-reejects-Qaatar-s-attempts-to last October ht ttps://engglish.alarabiya.net/en/News/ggul ulf/2017/07/30/Saudi- -politicizeze pilggrrimage-.html, la st vvisited: isited: 2222 O ctober 22017. 0 17 . 84 to a “declaration “declaaraation of Toumi, Toumi, H., H., ‘Qatar ‘Qatar call call tto o internationalise internationalise Haj Haj operations operations tantamount tantamount to of war”’, war”’, Gu Gulf ullf Ne N News ws, 30 30 July July 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: gulffnews.com/n / ews/gulff/qatar/qatar-crisis/qatar-call-to-internationalise-haaj-j operattions-tantamount-to - -a-de declaration-off--waar-1.2066623, llast ast visited: visited: 22 gulfnews.com/news/gulf/qatar/qatar-crisis/qatar-call-to-internationalise-haj-operations-tantamount-to-a-declaration-of-war-1.2066623, Oc tober 2017. 2017. October 85 Ajami, Ajami, F., F., ‘‘What Wh W hat tthe he Mu Muslim slim W World orld Is Watching’, Watching’, The The New New York Yo ork Times Tiimes, 18 18 November November 2001, 2001, available available at: at: ht ttp://www.nyytimes.com m/2001/11/18//magaazi zine/whaat-the-mu world-is-waatching.httml, last last vvisited: isited: 15 15 O http://www.nytimes.com/2001/11/18/magazine/what-the-muslim-world-is-watching.html, muslim--wo October ctober 2017. 2017. 86 Perspective, or or Jihad Jihad TV?’, TV?’, The Pearl, Pearl, J., J., ‘‘Another An A nother Perspective, The New New York Yo ork Times Tiimes, 17 17 Januar Januaryy 2007, available available at: at: www.nytimes.com/2007/01/17/opinion/17pearl.html, 15 October October 2015. 2015. www.nytimes.com/2007/01/17/opinion/17pearl.httml, last last visited: visited: 15 87 Noujaim, Noujaim, JJ.. [[director]. Control ntrro oll Room Room (2004). Magnolia Magnolia Pictures Pictures director]. Con 88 Jazeer “plot” dismissed’, dismissed’, BBC st vvisited: isited: 13 13 October October 2017. 20 1 7. ‘Bush ‘Bush al-Jazeera aall--Jazeer Jaze a “plot” C, 2222 N November ovember 2005, 2005, available av available at: at: news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4459296.stm, news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/u uk_politics/4459296.stm, la last 89 Mi Miles, le s, H H.,., ‘‘The The Al JJazeera aazzeera Effect’, Effect’, Fo Foreign ore reiign Policy Po o lic y, 9 F February ebruary 2011, 2011, available available at: at: foreignpolicy.com/2011/02/09/the-al-jazeera-effect-2/, foreignpolicy.com/2011/02/09/the-al-ja -jazeera-efffect-2/, llast ast visited: visited: 15 Oc October tober 22017. 017. 90 ‘The Arab Redux’, Th Stephens, Stephens, M., M., ‘The Arrab Cold A Cold War War Redux’, Thee Century Centuurry Foundation Fouun ndation, 28 28 February February 2017. 20 1 7 . 91 Carlstrom, Carlstrom, G., G., ‘‘What’s Wh W hat’s the the Problem Problem With With Al Jazeera?’, Jazeera?’, Th Thee Atlantic Atlantic, 2244 June June 2017, 2017, available availaable at: at: ht ttps p ://www.theatlanttic.com m/internaational/archive/2017/06/al--ja jazeera-qa qatar-saaudi-arabia-muslimslim brotherhood/531471/, last last visited: visited: 15 https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/06/al-jazeera-qatar-saudi-arabia-muslim-brotherhood/531471/, 15 October October 2017. 2017 . 92 by the Hassan, Hassan, H., H., ‘Bin ‘Bin Laden Laden journal journal reveals reveals he he was was shaped shaped by the Muslim Muslim Brotherhood’, Brotherhood’, The The National Nation nal, 2 N November ovember 2017, 2017, available available at: at: ! https://www.thenational.ae/world/the-americas/bin-laden-journal-reveals-he-was-shaped-by-the-muslim-brotherhood-1.672646, brotherhood-1.672646, last November htttps://www.thenaationaal.ae/world//the-americas/bin-laden--jo journal-reveals-he-was -wa -shaped-by--the-muslim-br last visited: visited: 8 November 2017. ! 82

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! !There There have have been been issues issues surrounding surrounding editorial editorial independence independence even even att Al-Ja -Jazeera English, English,93 though though Al-Jazeera general the the channel channel has has gotten gotteen increasingly increasingly pr offessional over over time. time. Al-Jazeera Al-Ja -Jaazeera Arabic Arabic remains remaiins in general professional both its em who promote promote generalised generalised deeply troubling troubling in terms terms of both ployees an d its gu ests, 94 who deeply employees and guests, th h a st trrong te ndency to ward an ti-Americanism and tisemitism, al o n g sid e conspiracy theories, wi with strong tendency toward anti-Americanism and an antisemitism, alongside conspiracy theories, cttimology, ch au uvinism, an d sectarianism sectarianism th att ha blended very very easily easily into into advocacy advocacy fo a Sunni victimology, chauvinism, and that hass blended forr Sunni vi 95 Isl amism. Islamism. Th st hi gh-proffiile cas aysal alQassem, th Al-Itija l--Ittija al-Muakis aall--Mu Muakkiis (T (The he Opposite Opposite Thee mo most high-profile casee is Fa Faysal al-Qassem, thee hos hostt of Al Direction), hi mself a Dr uze, wh o has has engaged engaged in the the most most lurid ctarian n incitement. incitement. In Direction), himself Druze, who lurid se sectarian hammad d Hu ssein, an Isl am mic sc holarr, pl edgged al leggiiance to IS liv November 2014, Hu ssein Mu November Hussein Muhammad Hussein, Islamic scholar, pledged allegiance livee 96 al-Qa Qassem’s program. proggrram. In May Maay 2015, al-Qassem al-Qassem or organised ganised an opi opinion nion pol polll as asking kiing wh k whether e th e r on al-Qassem’s Al awis, th Syrian tyrant tyrant Bashar Bashar alAsad d ha ails, had d “b rought genocide genocide upon Alawis, thee se sect ct fr from om which which Syrian al-Asad hails, “brought guests and and suggested suggested that that this stion”: The themselves”, and and then then turned turned to his his guests this was was a “weak “weak que themselves”, question”: The que stion should ther, alQassem sa aid, ab out “w ip[ing] out th aw wiites in th eir en tiretty, ese Al should ra question rather, al-Qassem said, about “wip[ing] these Alawites their entirety, Al-Qassem Qassem was during the the mid-2016 mid-2016 including th eir ch ildren”.97 Alwas accused accused of pro-IS pro-IS broadcasting broadcasting during 2016 including their children”. of ffensive by th qi government government an anian n-run mi litias to get get IS out of Falluja. Faalluja.98 This This wa wass an offensive thee Iraq Iraqi and Iranian-run militias d Ira em otional moment sectarian passions passions in the the re ggiion at la arge, pa artly be cause Ira an’s pr emotional moment of charged charged sectarian region large, partly because Iran’s proxy oxy mi litias re allly di d be haave appallingly appallingly to warrd Sunni Sunni civilians civilians in Fal Falluja. Rat ther th an se ek to cal militias really did behave toward Falluja. Rather than seek calm m tuattion, alQassem ch ose to in fla laame it. Th is is a hab bit of Al--Ja Jazzeera’s: pl ayying back back the the mo the si the situation, al-Qassem chose inflame This habit Al-Jazeera’s: playing most st ruinous pa ab, pa articularrly Su nni, audience, audience, in eir ssions among among its Ar stead of trying trying to challenge challenge th ruinous passions Arab, particularly Sunni, instead their th ink kin ing. In late late 2016, al-Qassem al-Qassem returned returned to an ear lier th eme by en couraggiing at tacks on Al aw i thinking. earlier theme encouraging attacks Alawi thnic cl eansing of poc kets of mi norities, par rtiicularly Shi thin th nes he ld by ar eas an d the the et ’is, wi areas and ethnic cleansing pockets minorities, particularly Shi’is, within thee zo zones held argely-Sunni in ria.99 AlAl-Qassem Qassem remains remains an em employee Al-Jazeera -Jazeera an and surgency in Sy ployee at Al-Ja the la d the largely-Sunni insurgency Syria. contiinues to host shows. continues host one of its most most influential influentiaal shows. The leader leader of al-Nusra, al-Shaara (A mad d al bu Mu ham mmad al-Jo -Jolan ni), ga ave hi st publ al-Nusra, Ah ic The Ahmad al-Shara (Abu Muhammad al-Jolani), gave hiss fir first public 100 interview to Ahmed ansour in 2015, wh oad dcast by Al-Ja -Jazzeera. Al-Shara Al-Sharra was was not Ahmed Ma ich wa interview Mansour which wass br broadcast Al-Jazeera. though he did did none th heless gi ve so me interesting taiils about about his seriously challenged, seriously challenged, though nonetheless give some interesting de details his organ nisation. Al-Shara, Al-Shaara, for for instance, instaance, spoke eologgic ical kinship kinship with with Sayyid Saayyid Qutb, Qutb, the the spoke of al-Nusra’s al-Nusra’s id organisation. ideological Muslim Br otherhood ideologue ideologue after affter its fo under, Hassan Hassan alBaanna. Qu tb, wh most important importaant Muslim o most Brotherhood founder, al-Banna. Qutb, who gypt in 1966, le ft be tions – pa articularrly th amic wo ted in Eg hind not ea th at th was execu rld was executed Egypt left behind notions particularly thee id idea that thee Isl Islamic world faallen into atte of ja jahiliyya ahiliyyya (p (pre-Islamic re-Islamic ignorance) iggn norance) that Islamists am mists must must rectify rectify by into a st that Isl has fallen by has state implementing religious religgio ious rule rule “so “so that thatt [Islam] [Islam m] seeps seeps into into the the depths depths of of the the human human n soul”, and th thee implementing soul”,101 and hakimiyya akkiimiyya (g (god’s od’s sovereignty) sovereiggn nttyy) – that thatt continue contiinue to shape shap pe the the discourse discourse of jihadijihad d iconcept concept of ha

93 ‘Al ‘A All JJazeera aazzeeraa employees employees complain complain of of editorial editorial bias bias with with Egypt Egypt coverage’, coverage’, Do Doha oha News News, 5 September September 2013, 2013, available availaable at: at: https://dohanews.co/al-jazeerahttp https://dohanews.co/aal--ja jazeeraemployees-complain-of-editorial-bias-with-2/, complain-off--editoriaall-bias-with-2/, llast visited: November ovember 2017. employees-com ast vi sited: 7 N 94 Carlstrom, Carlstrom, G., G., ‘‘What’s Wh W hat’s the the Problem Problem With With Al Jazeera?’, Thee Atlantic Atllaantic, 2244 June June 2017. 20 1 7 . Jazeera?’, Th 95 Kessler, Kessler, O, O, ‘The ‘The Two Two Faces Faces of of Al Jazeera’, Jazeera’, Mi Middle id d le E East ast Quarterly Quarterly, Win Winter W in nter 2012, 2012, available av availaable at: at: www.meforum.org/3147/al-jazeera, www.meforum.org/3147/al--jaz jaazeera, llast ast visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 96 ‘Islamic ‘Islamic Scholar Scholar Pledges Pledges Allegiance Allegiaance To To Isis Emir Emir Abu Ab Abu Bakr Bakkrr Al-Baghdadi Al-Baaghdadi Live Live On On Al-Jazeera All--Jazeer A Jazeera TV’, TV’, ME MEMRI EMRI, 2 November November 2014, 2014, available available at: at: https://www.memri.org/tv/islamic-scholar-pledges-allegiance-isis-emir-abu-bakr-al-baghdadi-live-al-jazeera-tv, October ht ttps://www.memri.org/tv/i /islamic-scholaar-pledges-allegiance ance-isis-emir-abu-baakr-al-bagghda hdadi-live-al-ja -jaazzeerara-tv, last vvisited: isited: 1155 O ctober 22017. 017. 97 20 1 7 . ‘Aljazeera ‘A Alja ljaazzeeraa Arabic: Araabic: S Should hould W Wee Kill Kill All All Ala Alawites?’, Alaawites?’, Yo YouTube uTube, 9 May May 2015, 2015, available av availaable at: at: https://youtu.be/ULtNYSUqYHw, http https://youtu.be/ULtNYSUqYHw, last last visited: visited: 17 17 October October 2017. 98 ‘Faisal ‘F Faisal al-Qassem al-Qa Qassem depicted depicted as as Daesh Daesh member member on on Twitter’, Twitter’, Al Al-Bawaba l--Bawaba, 3311 May May 2016, 2016, available available at: at: https://www.albawaba.com/loop/faisal-al-qassemhttps://w ww ww w.aalbawaba.com/loop/faaisaal-al-qassemde depicted-daesh-member-twitter-846706, picted-daesh h-member-twitter-846706, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 99 ‘Al-Jazeera ‘A All--Jazeer Jazeera TV TV H Host ost Faisal Faisal Al-Qassem All-Qassem Incites A Incites to to Ethnic Ethnic Cleansing Cleansing of of Shiites Shiites in in Sunni Sunni Regions Reggiions in Syria’, Syria’, Yo YouTube uTube, 21 21 September September 2016, 2016, available available at: at: ! htttps://youtu.be/qIV VY YwhPFGuc, llast ast vvisited: isited: 15 O ctober 2017. https://youtu.be/qIVYwhPFGuc, October 100 regime’, Al ‘Nusra ‘Nusra leader: leader: Our Our mission mission is to defeat defeat Syrian Syrian regime’, Al-Jazeera l--Jazeerra, 2288 May May 2015, 2015, available at: www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/05/nusra-front-golani-assadww www.aaljljazeera.com/news/2015/05/nusra-front-golaani-assad! availaable at: syria-hezbollah-isil-150528044857528.html, syria-hezbollah-isilOctober 2017. h 150528044857528.html, last last visited: visited: 15 October 101 Islamic Book Book Services, Services, 2002), 2002), p. p. 32. 32 . Qutb, Qu u tb , S S.,., Mi Milestones ileston nes, (K (Kazi aazzi P Publications, ublications, 11964; 964; reprinted: reprin nted: Islamic


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! ! ! !sal salafism. lafism.102 AlAl-Shara Sharra said saaid Qutb’s Qutb’s works works were were taught tau ught in al-Nusra’s al-Nusra’s sc schools hools and and ot other ther indoctrination indoctrinat ation centres to prepare preparre new new members. members.103 centres the interview, interview, Mansour Man nsour appeared appeared eager eagger to present present a positive positive image imagge of al-Nusra, al-Nusra,104 and, and, long long In the before al-Nusra al ave disaffiliated disaf affiliated fr om alQaeda, Al-Ja -Jaz J zeera’s st aff we re instructed instructed to before al-Nusra claimed claimed to ha have from al-Qaeda, Al-Jazeera’s staff were ferring to alNusra as “alQaeda” or even “alQaeda af fffiiliated”.105 The The US government government has cease re cease referring al-Nusra “al-Qaeda” “al-Qaeda affiliated”. has thatt certain certain members members of Al-Jazeera Al-Ja -Jazzeera are are members members of al-Qaeda otther Islamist Islamist previously assessed that al-Qaaeda or other previously assessed The ver veryy fir first st interview interview with with al-Shara, late te 2013, wa wass co conducted Tayseer yseer Al Allouni, lo u n i, al-Sharra, in lat nducted by Tay groups. groups.106 The who has has been Spaain fo cilitating fin anciall su pport to alQaeda.107 who been convicted convicted and and imprisoned imprisoned in Spain forr fa facilitating financial support al-Qaeda. erican n re gency in Iraq q, th -Jazeera In the the mid-2000s, mid-2000s, the American regency Iraq, there ere is no doubt th that at Al-Jaz Al-Jazeera the years years of the the Am ga ave ver sympathetic coverage coverage to the Maansour, who who is regarded regarded as be the IS movement. movement. Mansour, in g gave veryy sympathetic being pe rsonally sympathetic sympatthetic more more to the the Muslim Muslim Brotherhood Brotherhood ver sion of Islamism, Islam mism, has has a long long history history personally version abetting jihadists jihad dists with with his his coverage coverage on al Al-Ja -Jazzeera, most most famously fam mously in Fa alluja in 2004,108 when when IS of abetting Al-Jazeera, Falluja 109 mad de its fir vernan nce. To the the pr present, esent, Mansour Man nsour continues continues to make mak ke extremist exttremist made first st attempt attempt at go governance. att th gyptian de spot, Ab delfattah alSisi, is a Zi onist wh o wa ars ag statements, statements, su such ch as th that thee Eg Egyptian despot, Abdelfattah al-Sisi, Zionist who wars against ainst Isl am an d Muslims. Muslims.110 An arrest arrest warrant waarrant has has been been issued issued by the the Egyptian Eggyptiian government government for for Mansour, Man n so u r, Islam and has placed placed Western Western st attes in a very fficult si tuattion.111 which which has states very di difficult situation. Al-Ja sum, Al-Jazeera Al-Jazzeera can be re garded as bo th am ong th eest me dia sp aces in th ab wo rld, ab In sum, regarded both among thee fr freest media spaces thee Ar Arab world, able le ventilate ma ttters th att ar boo on nearly nearly all all other otther me dia, an station that that gives gives succor succor to d a station to ventilate matters that aree tab taboo media, and Isl amists an d ot ther au thoritarians, whether whether in government government or th statte re allm. Th is doubl Islamists and other authoritarians, thee nonnon-state realm. This doublee ga ame of tolerance toleran nce an d terror-promotion terror-promottion ha left the the West West somewhat somewh what be fuddled in tr ying to de all game and hass left befuddled trying deal wi th Al-Ja -Ja J zeera, often offten falling fallling bac ck a pos ture that that looks looks solely solely through through the the lens lens of press press freedom. freedom.112 with Al-Jazeera, back posture This is a mi stake be cause Al-Jazeera, Al-Ja -Jazeera, particularly paarticularly th Arabic channel, channel, cannot ought of si m p ly This mistake because thee Arabic cannot be th thought simply tlet: it is fir mly or iented to co th Qat tari st ate interests. at interests.113 As part paart of Qatar’s Qaattarr’s dia out mply wi as a me media outlet: firmly oriented comply with Qatari state to olkkit it fo omottion of its so ft pow reiggn n pol icy, it is th thin ot thers st ates’ toolkit forr the the pr promotion soft power er an and d its fo foreign policy, therefore erefore wi within others states’ ri ghts to re garrd the the Qa tarri government government as acco -Jazzeera’s out put. untable fo rights regard Qatari accountable forr Al-Ja Al-Jazeera’s output.

Maher, Maaher, S., S., Sa Salafi-Jihadism: allaafi-Ji -Jiihad dism: The The History Historry of an Idea Idea, (H (Hurst, urst, 22016). 016). Fareed, Faare reed, A., A., ‘Nusra ‘Nusraa Front Fro F ront leader leader admits admits ideological ideological links links to Muslim Muslim Brotherhood Brotherhood in Al Al Jazeera Jaazzeeraa interview’, interview’, Ara Arab ab News News, 5 July July 22017, 017, available av availaable at: at: www.arabnews.com/node/1124681/middle-east, November 2017. www.arabnews.com/node/1124681/middle-east, llast ast visited: visited: 5 November 104 Lister, Lister, C., C., Th Thee Syrian Syyrriian Jihad: Jihad: Al-Qaeda, All-Qaeda, th A thee Islamic Islam mic icc State Statee and and the the Evolution Evo olut lutio on of of an n Insurgency Insuurge rgen ncy, (C (C.. H Hurst urst & C Co. o. Ltd L Ltd, td, 22015), 015), pp. pp. 3353. 53. 105 ‘Al ‘A All JJazeera azeeraa instructs instructs staff staaff ff to refrain refraain from from calling calling al-Nusra al al-Nusra Front Front “al-Qaeda”’, “al-Qaeda”’, Mi Middle iddle le East East Eye Eye, 22 22 September September 2015, 2015, available av availaable at: at: www.middleeasteye.net/news/al-ja -jaazeer zeera-instructs-stafff--refraainiin calling-allast visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. www.middleeasteye.net/news/al-jazeera-instructs-staff-refrain-calling-al-nusra-front-al-qaeda-1671552331, al nusra-front-alal qaeda-1671552331, 1671552331, last 106 A., US Government Government Designated Jazeera Journalist Journalist As “Member “Member Of Al Qaeda”’, Qaeda”’, Th Currier, Currier, C. Greenwald, Greenwald, G., G., and and Fishman, Fishmaan, A., Desiggn nated Prominent Prominent Al Jazeera Thee Intercept Inteer ercep pt, 8M May ay 2015, 2015, available /2015/05/08/u governmen available at: at: https://theintercept.com/2015/05/08/u-s-government-designated-prominent-al-jazeera-journalist-al-qaeda-member-put-watch-list/, htttps://ttheintercept.com/2015/05/08/u-snt-desiggna naated-prominent-al-ja -ja -ja jazzeera--jo journalist-al-qaeda-member-put-wa -waatch-list/, h la last st vvisited: isited: 2200 O October ctober 22017. 017. 107 nterviewed by by journalist journalist convicted Jos Joscelyn, celyn, T., T., ‘Head ‘Head of Al Al Nusrah Nusrah Front Front iinterviewed convicted in in Spain Spain on on controversial controversial terror terror charges’, charges’, Th Thee Long Lo ong War War Journal Jouurrrn nal, 2277 De December cember 22013, 013, available available at: at: https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2013/12/head_of_al_nusrah_fr.php, h t t p s: / / w ww ww w w.longgw warjournal.org/archives/2013//12/head_of_al_nusrah_fr.php, last last visited: visited: 28 28 October October 2017. 108 Lynch, Lynch, M., M., ‘Islam ‘Islam Divided Divided Between Between Salafi-jihad Salafi--jih jihad aan and nd the the Ikhwan’, Ik kh hwan’, St Studies udiees in in Conflict C on nfffllilict and and Terrorism Terrrrro orriism, 1155 September September 2009, 2009, available av availaable at: at: www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10576101003752622?src=recsys&journalCode=uter20, 20 October October 2017. 2017. www.tandffonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10576101003752622?src=recsys&journalCode=uter20, last last visited: visited: 20 109 in the the 2004 2004 Fallujah Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘The ‘T h e L Leader eader of of the the Islamic Islamic State State in Falluj u ah B Battles: attles: U Umar mar Hadid’, Hadid’, The The Syrian Syyrriian Intifada Intifada, 3300 January January 2017, 2017, available av available at: at: htttps://kyleorrton1991.wordpress.com m/2017/01/30//the-leader-off--the-islamic-staate-in--the-2004-fallu ujah-baattles-umar-hadid/, last last visited: visited: 20 October October 2017. https://kyleorton1991.wordpress.com/2017/01/30/the-leader-of-the-islamic-state-in-the-2004-fallujah-battles-umar-hadid/, 110 October Ah Ahmed med Mansour, Mansour, Twitter Twitttter pos post,t, 22 September September 2017, available available at: at: https://twitter.com/amansouraja/status/911270551242530816, htttps://twitter.com/amansouraja/status/911270551242530816, last last visited: visited: 15 October 2017. 111 bid’, Mi Alsaafin, Alsaafin, L., L., ‘Mansour: ‘Maansour: Egypt Eggyypt targeted targeted Al Jazeera, Jaazzeera, Qatar Qaatar with with arrest arrest bid’, Middle id d le E East ast Eye Eye, 25 25 June June 2015, 2015, available av available at: at: www.middleeasteye.net/news/mansour-egypt-targeted-al-jazeera-qatar-arrest-bid-1392170345, www.middleeasteye.net/news/mansour-egypt-targeted-al-jaz October 2017. -jazeera-qaatar-arrest-bid-1392170345, last last visited: visited: 28 October 112 Fe Fernandez, rn a n d e z , A A.M., .M., ‘‘Defending Defending And An A nd Attacking Attackkiing A Mythological Mythological Version Version Of Of Al-Jazeera All--Jazeer A Jazeera T Television’, elevision’, ME MEMRI EMR M I, 3300 June June 2017, 2017, available availaable at: at: 16 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . ht ttps p ://w ww ww w.memri.org/reports/deffend ding-andand attacking-myythologgiical-version-al-ja al-jazeera-television, last visited: visited: 16 https://www.memri.org/reports/defending-and-attacking-mythological-version-al-jazeera-television, 113 World Cup Cup controversy controversy by by Al-Jazeer Samuel-Azran, Saamuel-Azran, T., T., Assaf, Assaf, I., I., and and Salem, Salem, A., A., ‘Is ‘Is there there a Qatari–Al-Jazeera Qaatari–Al-Jazeer -Jazeera nexus nexus?? Coverage age of the the 2022 FIFA FIFA World Al-Jazeera -Jazeera ! Cover ver versus sus Sky Sky News, News, CNNI CNNI and ITV’, ITV’, Gl Global obal Me Media dia and and Communications Commu m un nications, 4 November November 2016, 2016, available available at: at: t jo urnals.saagepub.com/doi/aabs/10.1177/1742766516676208, last journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1742766516676208, last visited: visited: 28 28 October O!ctober 2017. 20 1 7 . 102 103

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3. Sponsorship of Terrorism

3.1 Financiers Fii n a n c i e r s of o f al-Qaeda’s a l - Q a e d a ’ s Rise R i s e in i n Syria S yrr i a “There are are ei ght to twelve twelve ke figgures in Qa tar ra aising mi llions of poun ds fo adis”, a lo cal “There eight keyy figures Qatar raising millions pounds forr th thee jih jihadis”, local diplomatt told told The The Da Daily aily Telegraph Teleggrraph in 2014. “T “There’s here’s not even mu much keep Western diplomat ch attempt attempt to ke ep Western it”.114 Almost Almost all all of these these donors supportiive oof Jabhat Jaabhat al-Nusra/HTS, al-Nusra/HTS, though though quiet donors were were supportive quiet about about it”. arent or ganisattion, IS, in 2013-14 it is during period of chaos chaos as al-Nusra al-Nu Nusra split split from from its pa parent organisation, during the the period astray. possible resources went went astray. possible resources the ccentre entre of of the the Qatar-based Qattarr-based web web of of financiers finan nciers of of al-Qaeda al-Qaeeda in in Syria Syria is is Abdurrahman Abdurrahman alAt the 115 Nuayymi, an individual individual san sanctioned nctioned for for terror terror financing finan ncing by tthe he U U.S. .S. T Treasury reasury in in December December 2013. 2013.116 Nuaymi, In 2003c and ed as a su neral, nan d and 2004,e al-Nuaymi al-Nuaymi act acted supporter pporter of th thee Ira Iraqi insurgency general, and qi in surgenscy in ge specificallly al-Nuaymi ad “f facilitated si ggn nifican nt fin an nciaal su pport to [IS’s al-Nuaymi ha [IS’s predecessor] predecessor] al-Qaeda al-Qa Qaeda specifically had “facilitated significant financial support d se rved as an interlocutor interlocutor be ttw ween alQaeda in Ira q le ad ders an d Qat tarr-based don ors”, q, an in Ira Iraq, and served between al-Qaeda Iraq leaders and Qatar-based donors”, kh k htar Ro bow and ayykh Ha ssan Aw noted. In 2012, al-Nuaymi al-Nuaymi se nt fu nds to Mu and Sha Treasury noted. eys Treasury sent funds Mukhtar Robow Shaykh Hassan Aweys th then-sanctioned nctiioned ope ratives of alQaeeda’s Somali Somali br anch, alShaabab bab, an d in th ame year then-san Ali, bo Ali, both operatives al-Qaeda’s branch, al-Shabab, and thee sa same ni, wh o ru ns a charity charity in Ye men th at fin ances AQ AP. In sent money money to Ab dulwahhab alHumayqan sent Abdulwahhab al-Humayqani, who runs Yemen that finances AQAP. 2013, alal Nuaymi “o rdered th ansfer of ne arrly $600, 000 to alal Qaeeda” vi “alQaaeda’s al-Nuaymi “ordered thee tr transfer nearly $600,000 al-Qaeda” viaa “al “al-Qaeda’s ria”, Mu hammad alBah haya (A bu-Khallid alSuri), an d “intended “intended to tr ansfer representattive in Sy representative Syria”, Muhammad al-Bahaya (Abu-Khalid al-Suri), and transfer 2ne t am, wh arly $50, Bah haya wa Ahrarr al Sha o had d be en ap pointeds 000 mo re”. Alen-deputty of Ahrar alnearly $50,000 more”. Al-Bahaya wass th thee rth then-deputy al-Sham, who been appointed Qaeeda’s re presenttaative in th vant by alQaeda’s le ad der, Ay man alZaawaahiri, to me diatte as alal-Qaeda’s representative thee Le Levant al-Qaeda’s leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, mediate the dispute dispute between bettw ween al-Nusra al-Nusra an d IS the and IS..117 Al-Nuaymi’s ties ties with with the the Qatari Qatari government government are are numerous numerous and and important. importaant. Al-Nuaymi Al-Nuaymi had d been been a Al-Nuaymi’s 118 proffessor at Qa tar Un iversity unt til 2009, despite despite an arrest arrest fo forr ext extremism tremism in th thee 1990s 1990s.. Alhistory professor history Qatar University until Nu ayymi is al tar Football Football Association Associattiion an d wa unding me Nuaymi also so a fo former rmer pr president esident of the the Qat Qatar and wass a fo founding member mber of th haayk kh h Eid Eid bin bin Mohammad Mohammad d al aritab ble Foundation, Foundattion, one of th ggest charities charitiies in al-Thani Ch thee Sha Shaykh al-Thani Charitable thee bi biggest amed fo mber of the the Qat tarri ru ling Ho use.119 Also Also on th ddle East, East, created created in 1995 an d na thee Mi Middle and named forr a me member Qatari ruling House. o a , ard of the arity Founda oundation is Hashim Hashim alAwad dhi, a Qa tari bu sinessman wh o eru thee bo board Charity Foundation al-Awadhi, Qatari businessman who runs th the Eid Eid Ch ns taj aj Ho tels an d Ho spitality re al es tate company. company. The The Eid Eid Charity Charrity has has been been accused accused of th thee Re Retaj Hotels and Hospitality real estate supportting te rman n in telligence be rrorism in th st, and and Ge lieves Eid Eid supports supports Islamist Islam amist supporting terrorism thee pa past, German intelligence believes 120 ext tremism in Ge rman ny. Al-Awadhi’s Al-Awadhi’s son, Muhammad hammad bi bin n Hashim al-Awadhi, Awad dhi, wa wass ki killed lle d son, Mu Hashim alextremism Germany. fig ghting in Sy artet sa ay Mu hammad al-Awadhi al-Awadhi wa anks of IS though o u gh fighting Syria. ria. Th Thee Qu Quartet say Muhammad wass ki killed lled in th thee ra ranks IS,,121 th wiitzerland-based al-Karama, al-Kaarama, an this this is contested. contested. Al-Nuaymi Al-Nuayymi wa wass also also a founder founder of the the Switzerland-based Sw

. r Gi Gilligan, lligan, A A.,., ‘‘The The ““Club Club Me Med d ffor or tterrorists”’, errorists”’, Th Thee Telegraph Tellegraph, 27 27 September September 2014, 2014, available av availaable at: at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/qatar/11125897/The-Club-Med-for-terrorists.html, visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . htttp://www.teleggrraph.co.uk k/news/worldnews/middleeast/qaatar/11125897//The-Club-Med-for-terrorists.h htm t l, last visited: 115 Blair, Blair, D. D. and an d S Spencer, pencer, R., R., ‘Former ‘Former head head of of human human rights rights charity charity accused accused of of leading leading double double life life as as terrorist terrorist fundraiser’, fundraiser’, Th Thee Telegraph Telegraph, 20 20 September September 2014, available available at: at: www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/qatar/11110928/Former-head-of-human-rights-charity-accused-of-leading-double-lifeww ww w.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/qatar/11110928/Former-head-off--human-righ hts-charity-accused-off--leading-double-lifeasas-terrorist-fundraiser.html, last November st vvisited: isited: 8 No vember 22017 0 17 -terrorist-fundraiser.html, la 116 Al-Qa’ida S Yemen’, US Dep ‘Treasury ‘T Treasury Designates Designates Al-Qa’ida Supporters upporters in in Qatar Qaatar and and Yemen’, Department partme men nt of of Treasury Treasuurry, 1188 D December ecember 2013, 2013, available available at: at: https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/jl2249.aspx, ht ttps://www.treasury.govv/press-center/press-releases/Pages/jl2249.aspx, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 117 ISIS and Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘Al-Qaeda ‘‘Al-Qaeda Rules Rules on on the the Dispute Dispute Between Bettw ween ISIS and Jabhat Jabhat al-Nusra’, al-Nusra’, Th Thee Syrian Syyrriian Intifada Intifada, 3 April Ap A pril 2014, 2014, available av availaable at: at: ht ttps://kyleorrton1991.wordpress.com m/2014/04/03/al-qaeda -jaabhat-al- nusra/, llast ast vi sited: 15 O https://kyleorton1991.wordpress.com/2014/04/03/al-qaeda-rules-on-the-dispute-between-isis-and-jabhat-al-nusra/, da-rules-on-the-dispute-between-isis-and-ja visited: October ctober 2017. 118 ‘Al ‘A All N Nuaimi uaimi w was as promoting promoting Brotherhood Brotherhood ideals’, ideals’, Gu Gulf ullf Ne News ws, 1199 December December 2013, 2013, available available at: at: http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/qatar/al-nuaimi-washttp://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/qatar/al-nuaimi--was wa promoting-brotherhood-ideals-1.1268824, October 2017. pr omoting-brotherhood-ideals-1.1268824, last last visited: visited: 15 October 119 illions to to al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda, US says’, Wa Warrick, rrick, J. J. aand nd R Root, o o t, T T.,., ‘Islamic ‘Islamic charity charittyy officials offficials gave m millions says’, Th Thee Washington Wash hiington Post h Post, 2222 December December 2013, 2013, available available at: at: a0b9https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/islamic-charity-officials-gave-millions-to-al-qaeda-us-says/2013/12/22/e0c53ad6-69b8-11e3-a0b9ht ttps://www.washinggtonpost.com m/world/naational-secu urity rityy/islamic-charity-offficials-gave-millions-to - -al-qaeda da-us-says/2013//12/22/e0c53ad6-69b8-11e3-a0b 249bbb34602c_story.html, 15 October October 2017. 2017. 249b bb34602c_story.httml, last last visited: visited: 15 120 groups are ‘Gulf ‘Gulf state staate groups are “supporting “supporting Salafists Salaafists in Germany”: Germany”: report’, report’, Th Thee Local Local, 1133 D December ecember 2016, 2016, available av availaable at: at: https://www.thelocal.de/20161213/gulfhttp https://w ww ww w.thelocal.de/20161213//gu /g lff-state-groups-are-supporting-salafists-in-germany-report, are-supporting-saalafists-in-germany-report, last visited: staate-groups-ar visited: 28 28 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . ! 121 ‘Qatar-linked ‘Qatar-linked people, people, groups groups on on terror terror list’, Gu Gulf ullf Ne News ws, 9 June June 2017, 2017, available av available at: at: http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/qatar/qatar-linked-people-groups-onhttp://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/qataar/qataar-linked-people-groups-on onast visited: visited: 15 October terror-list-1.2040686, terror-list-1.2040686, llast October 2017. ! 114

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! ! ! !organisation organisattion th that att – under under the the cover cover of hum human an ri rights ghts an and d civil civil advocacy advocacy – ag agitates giitates fo forr th thee release release of Isl amist pr Al-Ka Karrama recently recently had had its co consultative nsultatiive st status attus at th thee Un United Islamist prisoners isoners worldwide. worldwide.122 Al-Karama ite d Nattions Ec onomic an d Social Social Co uncil (E COSOC) wi th d ra w wn be cause of th alleggat ations about about its Nations Economic and Council (ECOSOC) withdrawn because thee allegations connecttions to te rrorism.123 connections terrorism. Affter the the Saudi-led Sau udi-led bloc bloc moved moved against against Qatar Qatar in mi d-2017, alNuaymi ma de hi pport fo Qa ta r After mid-2017, al-Nuaymi made hiss su support forr Qat Qatar itter pos ts on 4 Ju ne. “T fitna [se [sedition] dition] must must be oppos opposed thee se sensible, [who ho clear in tw o Twi his fitna ed by th nsible, [wh [w clear two Twitter posts June. “This iggn nore the the me dia propaganda. propagganda. I ask country and and the the be lievers”,124 alshould] media ask God God to protect protect our country believers”, should] ignore Nu ayymi wrote, ggiion ha ave proven proven th att a st ate of Nuaymi wrote, ad adding: ding: “T “The he latest latest de developments region have that state velopments in our re [Saudi Ar abia]] is th anction states states [Qatar] [Qattar] and ab ominattion [Saudi inciting the the West West to sa abomination Arabia] thee one inciting sanction and Among ot other ther things, things, this this indicates that att despite despite being being de designated siggn nated as a terrorist terrorist by th thee individuaalls”.125 Among indicates th individuals”. UN an d US, alNuayymi re mains fr ee in Qat tarr. and al-Nuaymi remains free Qatar. nt to to note note that that wh ile there there are arre st ate-related and an nd private private individuals individualls in Qatar Qattarr acting actiing tto o importan It iiss important while state-related dists at at their their own own n initiative, initiative, aal-Qaeda l-Qaeeda has has pe ople who wh ho are are effectively effectively agents aggents operating operatting in in support jihadists jihad support people Qa tar to tr ansfer resources al Qaeeda’s ba ses in in Afghanistan Afghaanistan and and Pakistan, Pak kiistan k n, through through th resources from from alQatar transfer al-Qaeda’s bases thee wh “secret deal” deal” with wiith the th he Iranian group’s “co re pipeline” pipeline” in in Iran, Iran, which which operates operates under under a “secret Iranian group’s “core al-Qaeda’s branches branches in in the the Middle Middle East East and an nd North North h Africa Africa – al-Qaeda al-Qaeeda in in the th e government,126 to al-Qaeda’s government, Arabian Peninsula Peninsula (AQAP), (AQAP), al-Shabab, all-Shabab, al in the the Islamic Islamic Maghreb Magghreb (AQIM), (AQIM), and an nd previously p re v io u sly Arabian al-Qaeda -Qaeeda in IS when when it it was was known kn k nown as all Qaaeda in in Iraq Iraq (AQI). (AQI). what is is now now IS as al-Qaeda what notes that Al-Nuaymi was was one one such such agent. aggent. The The Treasury Treasury designation desiggn nation notes that al-Nuaymi aall-Nuaymi “oversaw “oversaw the the Al-Nuaymi transfer of over al-Qaeda in Ira q fo over $2 million million per per month month to al-Qaeda riod of tim e”. Th is p eriod of of transfer Iraq forr a pe period time”. This period just after after Usama Usam ma bin bin Ladin Lad din had had d been been killed, kille k illed, and and that thatt money money came came from e d in K h a lil time was was just from Ez time Ezedin Khalil (Yasin al-Suri), al-Suri),127 th thee head head of al-Qaeda’s al-Qaeda’s network nettw work in in Iran Iran that that operated wiith the the permission permission of, of, and and operatted with (Yasin under the the close close watch watch of, of, General Sulaymani, the the commander commander of the the expeditionary expeditionaary Quds Quds under General Qassem Qassem Sulaymani, Force within wiithin Iran’s Iran’s Islamic Islamic Revolutionary Guarrd Corps wh ho answers answers only only to to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), (IRGC), who I r a n ’s Force Lead der Ali Ali Khamene’i. Kham mene’i.128 Khalil Khalil worked worked closely closely with wiith att least least three three other oth her important a t Supreme Leader importan Supreme 129 oth her one one in in Qatar, Qatar a , one one in in Kuwait, Kuwait, and The ot other ther Qa Qatar-based tar-based funder funder funders another and one one in in Iraq. Iraq. The fu nders – an Saalim aal-Kuwari, ll-Kuwari, wh hose contributions contributions funded funded terrorist abroad and an nd secured th e is Salim whose terrorist operations operatiions abroad secured the release of of al-Qaeda al-Qaeda prisoners. prisoners. Al-Kuwari Al-Ku Ku uwarri also also provided provided logistical loggiistical support for jihadi jihad di fighters fight h e rs support for release transiting Qatar. Qataar. Whether Whether men men or ma teriel, aal-Kuwari l-Kuwari received received these these “primarily th hrouggh al-Qaeda al-Qaaeda “primarrily through transiting materiel, faccilitattors in Iran”. Iran n”. Working Work kiing alongside alongside al-Kuwari al-Kuwarri in in Qatar Qatar ar is is Abdallah Abdallah h al l-Khawar, who wh ho also also facilitators al-Khawar, faccilitatted the messagges, and and other other m aterial the movement movement of of extremists, extremists, and and helped helped “deliver “deliver money, money, messages, facilitated material support to al-Qaeda al-Qaeda elements elements in in Iran”. Iran”.130 support

righ Lake, Laake, E., E., ‘Terrorists ‘Terrorists for for Human Human Rights’, Rights’, Th Thee Daily Daily Beast Beast, 2200 D December ecember 2013, 2013, available av availa ilable at: at: https://www.thedailybeast.com/terrorists-for-human-rights, http https://w ww ww w.thedailybeast.com/terrorists-for-human-righ gh hts, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . Following A Draft ‘Alkarama ‘A Alk lkarama Denied Denied ECOSOC ECOSOC Consultative Consultaative Status Staatus Following Draaft Resolution Resolution By The The UAE’, UAE’, Al Al-Karama l--Kaarama, 28 28 July July 2017, 2017, available av available at: at: ht ttps://www.alkarama.org/en/articles/alkarama-denied-ecos ecosoc-consultattive-staatus-following-drafftt-resolu ution-uae, last last visited: visited: 20 October https://www.alkarama.org/en/articles/alkarama-denied-ecosoc-consultative-status-following-draft-resolution-uae, October 2017. 124 https://ttwi October 2017. Al-Nuaymi, Al-Nuaymi, A., A., Twitter Twitter p post, ost, 4 JJune une 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://twitter.com/binomeir/status/871577190986633220, witter.com m/binomeir/status/871577190986633220, last last visited: visited: 15 October 125 15 Oc Al-Nuaymi, Al-Nuaymi, A., A., T Twitter witter p post, ost, 4 JJune une 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://twitter.com/binomeir/status/871356009322692608, https://ttw witter.com/binomeir/status/871356009322692608, last last visited: visited: 15 October tober 2017. 2017. 126 ‘Treasury ‘T Treasury Targets Targets Key Key Al-Qa’ida All-Qa’ida Funding A Funding and and Support Support Network Network Using Using Iran Iran as as a Critical Critical Transit Transit Point’, Point’, U. U.S. S. De Department epartme men nt of of Treasury Treasuurry, 2288 July July 2011, 201 1 , available last visited: visited: 8 November November 2017. al-Qaeda’s available at: https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/tg1261.aspx, https://w ww ww.treasury.gov/press-center//press-releases/Pages/tg1261.aspx, last 2017. Further Fu Further details detaails about ab about al -Qaeda’s deal deal with were released Exposes Iran-Based wiith IIran ran were released a year year later: later: ‘Treasury ‘Treasury Further Further Exposes Iran-Based Al-Qa'ida All-Qa'ida Network’, A Network’, U. U.S. S. De Department eparrttment of of Treasury Treasuurry, 1188 October October 2012, 2012, available availaable at: h ttps://w ww ww w w.treasury.gov/press-centerr/press-releases/Pages/tg1741.aspx, last last visited: visited: 8 November November 2017. And And again again in in 2014: ‘Treasury ‘Treasury Targets Targets Networks Networ w ks https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/tg1741.aspx, Linked To Iran’, Iran’, U. last Linked U.S. S. De Department epartme men nt of of Treasury Treasuurry, 6 February February 2014, 2014, available av availaable at: at: https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/jl2287.aspx, https://w ww ww w w.treasury.gov//press-centerr/press-releases/Pages/jl2287.aspx, last November 2017. The visited: Department on global global terrorism, terrorism, in mid-2017, mid-2017, reaffirmed visited: 8 November The last last State State D epartment report report on reafffirmed tthat hat tthe he Iranian Iranian government government was was knowingly knowinggly 1 hosting hosting al-Qaeda’s al-Qaeda’s “core “core facilitation facilitation pipeline” pipeline” on on its its territory: territory: Country Country Reports Reports on 3: State State Sponsors ism, U.S. U.S. on Terrorism Terrorism 2016: 2016: Chapter Chapter 3: Sponsors of of Terrorism, Terrorrism Department last visited: visited: 8 November Department of of State, State, 19 19 July July 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/crt/2016/272235.htm, https://www.state.gov/j/ct//rrls/crt/2016/272235.htm, last November 2017. 127 p. 462. 46 2 . Levy, Levy, A. A. & Sc Scott-Clark, ott-Clark, C. C.,, The The Exile: Exxile: The The Flight Fllight of of Osama Osama bin biin Laden Laden n, (Bloomsbury (Bloomsbury Publishing, Publishing, 2017), 2017), p. 128 10 4 . Levy, Levy, A. A. & Sc Scott-Clark, ott-Clark, C. C.,, The The Exile: Exxile: The The Flight Fllight of of Osama Osama bin biin Laden Laden n, (Bloomsbury (Bloomsbury Publishing, Publishing, 2017), 2017), p. p. 104. 129 p. 458. 45 8 . Levy, Levy, A. A. & Sc Scott-Clark, ott-Clark, C. C.,, The The Exile: Exxile: The The Flight Fllight of of Osama Osama bin biin Laden Laden n, (Bloomsbury (Bloomsbury Publishing, Publishing, 2017), 2017), p. ! as a Critical 130 Point’, U. ‘Treasury ‘T Treasury Targets Targets Key Key Al-Qa’ida All-Qa’ida Funding A Funding and and Support Support Network Network Using Using Iran Iran as Critical Transit Transit Point’, U.S. S. De Department epartme men nt of of Treasury Treasuurry, 2288 July July 2011, 20 1 1 , available at: https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/tg1261.aspx, https://w ww ww.treasury.gov/press-center//press-releases/Pages/tg1261!.aspx, last 20 1 7 . available last visited: visited: 8 November November 2017. 122


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! !AlNusra was was crippled crippled in in 2013 2013 by by the the schism schism with wiith its its parent parent organisation, organisation, IS, IS, which wh hich had had to to that th a t Al-Nusra gap. Partly Partly point contributed contributed half haalf of al-Nusra’s al-Nusra’s running running costs. costs.131 AlAl-Qaeda Qaeda stepped stepped in to cover cover the the gap. point through Muhammad Muham mmad al-Bahaya, alhaya, a commander comman nder in in a separate separratte Syrian Syrian Islamist Islamist group, ggrroup, this this was was done done through al Bah Ahrar al-Sham al-Shaam ((see see below), below), and and partly paartly this th his was was done done by the the movement movement of of funds funds through through Ahmad Ahmad Ahrar Sa alam ma Mabruk Mabruk (Abu (Abu Faraj Faraj al-Masri), all-Masri), o al-Zaawaahiri’s most most important important deputies. deputies.132 The The money moneyy ne of al-Zawahiri’s Salama one all-Nusra via via Mabruk Mab bruk was was transferred transferred by al-Qaeda al-Qaeda “central” “central” (AQC) (AQC) in Pakistan P ak kiistan n though though the the Iran Iran n to al-Nusra nettw work into into Qatar Qattarr and an nd then then Syria. Syria.133 network April 2014, the hen, the US Un dersecrettaary fo Terrorism and and Financial Finan ncial In telligence, Da avid Co In April Undersecretary forr Terrorism Intelligence, David Cohen, gaave a sp mented th ates th at pr ovide “f financial su pport fo terrorist eech in wh ich he lam ose st gave speech which lamented those states that provide “financial support forr terrorist organ nisattions”, and and gave gaave Qatar Qattarr as th ost not ab bl[e]” exam ple. Wh ile Qa tar had d in so me organisations”, thee “m “most notabl[e]” example. While Qatar some constructtive partner paartner in countering “r espects … been been a constructive countering terrorism”, terrorism”, it wa nly fu nding HA M AS “respects wass ope openly funding HAMAS were that that it was was “supporting “supportiing ext tremist groups groups ope ratting in Sy ria”. Co hen we an d all all indications indications were nt and extremist operating Syria”. Cohen went Qattarr was was not funding exttremists as state statte pol icy, it had haad become become ea that where where Qatar funding extremists note ”that on to s note policy, financing environment”, environment”, and converggiing with with similar similarr networks nettw works in terrorist financing and was was converging “permissive terrorist “permissive Kuwaiit.134 Kuwait. ports on Terrorism Terrorism for for 2013, re leased th The US State Statee De partment’s Co untry Re ame mo nth as The Department’s Country Reports released thee sa same month Qatar had haad d robust robust le ggis islation on its bo mbattting Terrorism Terrorism Co hen’s sp eech, noted noted that that Qatar oks, th Cohen’s speech, legislation books, thee Co Combatting La aw (2 004) an mbatting Money Money La aundering and and Terrorist Terrorist Financing Financing La aw (2 010), bu while d th Law (2004) and thee Co Combating Laundering Law (2010), butt while enforcement internally, internallly, ma aintaining Qatar’s Qattarr’s historically historically low low levels levels of th ere ha d be en “aggressive” “aggressive” enforcement there had been maintaining dom estic terrorism, forcement of these these anti-terror anti-terror financing financing laws laaws was was “lacking” “lackkiing” when when it came terrorism, the the en came domestic enforcement ternattional sphere. sphere. The The Qat tari government’s government’s “lack “lack of outreach out uttreach … [and] [aand] referrals” referraals” to the to th thee thee in international Qatari st No rth h Af frica Fi nan nciall Ac tion Ta sk Fo rce to en sure that blacck kllisted activities acttivities we that blacklisted Middle Ea re Middle East North Africa Financial Action Task Force ensure were akkiing place placce in its ju risdiction we re “s ignificant ga ps”, th ate De parrtment re port not ed.135 not ta taking jurisdiction were “significant gaps”, thee St State Department report noted. Un like Ku wait, wh ere th ere are are at least least ha alff--a-dozen sa anctioned jih adi fu ndraisers,136 there there are are fa far ar Unlike Kuwait, where there half-a-dozen sanctioned jihadi fundraisers, siggn nations to work work from from in th ttaar, bu siggn nifican nt amount amount of nefarious nefarious activity acttivityy fe fewer wer de designations thee cas casee of Qa Qatar, butt a significant sguised, an d US an d international internatttional de siggn natiions do not se em to re sult in arrests arrests further, further, is undi undisguised, and and designations seem result distinction be ttw ween state-approved state-approved and acttivityy. bl urring the the distinction and non-state-approved non-state-approved activity. blurring between y case is is Ahrar Ahrar al-Sham, al-Shaam, a group A salient of Qatar saalient case ggrroup the the government go overnment of Qatar has Qat has – in collaboration collaborattion wi th with Turkey – long long openly openly supported, supported,137 bu butt wh which hich al also lso rreceives eceives funds funds from from many many donors and donors based based in, in, and Turkey work kiing through, through, Qatar. Qattar. An karra pr Ahrar wi th military milittaary support: support: weapons, weap pons, lo ggis istics, working Ankara provided ovided Ahrar with logistics, Ahrar with with copious copious funds intelligence, an d so on. And And Do ha pr ovided Ahrar funds and and media media exposure exposure that that intelligence, and Doha provided 138 mad Ahrar seem seem more more cen tral to th Syrian in surgency than than n it truly Qatar’s influence influence long made de Ahrar truly was. was. Qatar’s long central thee Syrian insurgency

Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘The ‘The An Announcement nouncement of of the the Islamic Islaamic State Staate of of Iraq Iraq and aan nd Syria’, Syria’, Th Thee Syrian Syyrriian Intifada Intifada, 2 April Ap A pril 2014, 2014, available available at: at: o https://kyleorton1991.wordpress.com/2014/04/02/the-announcement-of-the-islamic-state-of-iraq-and-syria/, announcement-off--the-islamic-staatelast st visited: visited: 8 November November 2017. 2 01 7 . ht ttps://kyleorrton1991.wordpress.com m/2014/04/02//the-annou te off--iraq-and-syriaa/, la 132 Policy’, The Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘The ‘The Demise Demise of of Ahmad Ahmad Mabruk: Maabruk: Al-Qaeda All-Qaeda in A in Syria Syria and and American American Policy’, The Syrian Syyrriian Intifada Intifada, 4 October October 2016, 2016, available availaable at: at: ht ttps://kyleorrton1991.wordpress.com m/2016/10/04/al-qaeda da-in-syria-and-american-policy/, last last visited: visited: 8 November November 2017. https://kyleorton1991.wordpress.com/2016/10/04/al-qaeda-in-syria-and-american-policy/, 133 pp. 477-78. 477-78. Levy, Levy, A. A. & Sc Scott-Clark, ott-Clark, C. C.,, The The Exile: Exxile: The The Flight Fllight of of Osama Osama bin biin Laden Laden n, (Bloomsbury (Bloomsbury Publishing, Publishing, 2017), 2017), pp. 134 New American American Security Cohen, Cohen, D., D., ‘‘Remarks Remarks of of Under Under Secretary Secretary for for Terrorism Terrorism and and Financial Financial Intelligence Intelligence David Daavid Cohen Cohen before before the the Center Center for for a New Security on “Conffronting New New Threats Threats in Terrorist Terrorist Financing”’, Fin F inancing”’, US De Department epartme men nt of of Treasury Treasuurry, 4 March March 2014, 2014, available av available at: at: https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/presshttps://w ww ww w.treasury.gov/press-centerr/press“Confronting releases/Pages/jl2308.aspx, releases/Pages/jl2308.aspx, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 135 on Terrorism Terrorism 2013’, 2013’, US Dep ‘Country ‘Country Reports Reports on Department partme men nt of of State Staatee, Ap April A pril 2014, 2014, available available at: at: https://www.state.gov/documents/organisation/225886.pdf, https://w ww ww w w.state.gov/documents/organisation/225886.pdf, last vi sited: 15 October visited: October 2017. r 136 Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘‘Analysis: Analysis: Western Western Al Allies lies aand nd Terrorism Terrorism Financing’, Financing’, The The Henry Heen nrry Jackson n Jackson Society Society, 1188 March March 2017, 2017, available available at: at: http://henryjacksonsociety.org/2017/03/18/analysis-western-allies-and-terrorism-financing/, last October 2017. 2 017. htttp://henryjacksonsociety.org/2017/03/18/analysis-westernn allies-and--terrorism-financing/, la st vvisited: isited: 15 15 October 137 Zelin, Zelin, A.Y. A.Y. and and Lister, Lister, C., C., ‘The ‘The crowning crowning of of the the Syrian Syrian Islamic Islamic Front’, Front’, Fo Foreign reei!ign Policy Po olicy, 2244 June June 2013, 2013, available aavvailable at: at: http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/06/24/the-crowning-of-the-syrian-islamic-front/, last htttp://foreiggnpol npol np icy.com m/2013/06/24//the-crowning-off--the-sy syrian-islamic-front/, la st vvisited: isited: 1155 October October 2017. 2017. ! 138 surround it’, Hassan, Hassan, H., H., ‘Ahrar ‘Ahrar Al Al Sham Sham and and the the myths myths that that surround it’, The The National National, 1111 D December ecember 2016, 2016, available av available at: at: https://www.thenational.ae/opinion/ahrarhttps://w ww ww w w.thenational.ae/opinion//ahrarurro rround-it-1.175361#ffull, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . al-sham-and-the-myths-that-surround-it-1.175361#full, al-sham-and-th the-myths-that-su 131

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! ! ! !over Ahrar over Ahrarr has has waned wan ned as Tu Turkey rkey ha hass ta taken aken a di direct rect ha hand and in nor northern thern Sy Syria, ria, bu butt its pa past st act actions tio n s wa arrant scrutiny scrutiny because because of the the nature natture of Ahrar. Ahrar. warrant Ahrar es chewed th revolutionarry iconography iconoggrraphy an d th ee Syrian Syrian n Army Army (FSA) (FSA) br anding of of the the h Ahrar eschewed thee revolutionary and thee Fr Free branding ma ainstream Syrian Syrian armed arrmed opposition, opposition, bu rar wa tempting to present present its elf as pa art of mainstream butt by 2015 Ah Ahrar wass at attempting itself part Sy ria’s mo deratee ma ainstream rebellion rebellion – a counterweight counterweight to both both the jihadists that that prop prop up the Shi’a Shi’a jihadists Syria’s moderate mainstream ggiime an d ext tremists lik connecttions between bettw ween Ahrar Ahrar and and al-Qaeda’s al-Qaeeda’s the Asad Asad re But the the connections the regime and extremists likee IS. But ne ttw work – from undattions, wi th alBaahaya an d th o-alo Qaeeda se ed fin anciers – ar from its ver network veryy fo foundations, with al-Bahaya and thee pr pro-al-Qaeda seed financiers aree Days ays after affter Ahrar Ahrar wr wrote ote op op-eds international newspapers newspap pers in th thee su summer mmer of 2015, vi sible.139 Da op-eds in international visible. pr esenting its ggitim itimate Su nni Arab Arab fo rce th att co uld be wo rk ed presenting itself elf to Western Western audiences audiences as the the le legitimate Sunni force that could worked with to counter counter both both forms forms of extremism exttremism in Syria, Ahrarr marred mar marred the the effect efffect by releasing releasing a Syria,140 Ahrar with statement of condolences condolences for for Mullah Mullah Muhammad Muham mmad Umar, Umar, citing citing the the Ta aliban movement movement he had had statement Taliban 141 am mist pol ity. Before Before the Ahrar’s rarr’s founded as a mo del of how to bu ild an Isl the end end of the the year, year, Ah founded model build Islamist polity. t would d le ad dershnip libahn, in publ ic, as a mo del fo vernance.142 leadership Taliban, public, model forr go governance. would again again cite cite the the Tal Ahrar ha been “the “tthe greatest greatest enabler enabler of Jabhat Jaabhat al-Nusra’s al-Nusra’s sustained sustaiined rise rise in in fluence in nor th e rn Ahrar hass been influence northern 143 nature of Ahrar’s Ahrar’s relationship relattionship with with al-Qaeda’s al Qaeda’s network, nettw work, Ahrar’s Ahrar’s ma mai main in Sy ria”. Whatever Whatever the the exact nature alSyria”. ef ffect has has been scendaants a por tal th rough wh ich to in filtrate an d co-opt co effect been to give give al-Qaeda al-Qaeda and and its de descendants portal through which infiltrate and thern Sy ria, dr itiion cau se in to a pol iticall de ad-end.144 the insurrection insurrection in nor iving th the northern Syria, driving thee oppos opposition cause into political dead-end. That there there ha been a flow flow of resources resources between bettw ween Ahrar Ahrar an d al-Nusra, al-Nu Nusra, al lowiing al-Nusra al-Nusra to acces That hass been and allowing accesss with governments governments it considers nfidel” an d gi state funds funds while while avoiding avoiding di rect in teractions with considers “i v in g state direct interactions “infidel” and giving Ah rat r acces att co ntinue to ope rate even wh ave sc aled ba en governments governments ha state fu nds th cks Ahrar accesss to nonnon-state funds that continue operate when have scaled back Ahrarr provided provided pot entiallly exi stential su pport th eir su pport to th surgency, can not be doubt ed. Ahrar their support thee in insurgency, cannot doubted. potentially existential support al-Bahaya’s Bah haya’s be behest, hest, wh when al-Nusra wass cu cutt of off ff fr from om IS in 2013.146 AlAl-Nusra Nusra fighters figghters en alNusra wa to alNusra,145 at alal-Nusra, haave said saiid the weap pons from from Ahrar Ahrarr for for some some battles. batttles.147 The The ext extent ent of this have the group group has has relied relied on weapons this de niable channel bettw ween Doha Doha an d al-Nusra/HTS rarr is di fffiicult to gau uge, ei ther in ext deniable and al-Nusra/HTS vi viaa Ah Ahrar difficult gauge, either extent channel between ent ormer official official in in al-Nusra all Nusra sa said aid that that in in addition ad ddition to to indirect indirect finance finan nce and and logistics, loggiisti or importance. importaance.148 A fformer stics, governance and and image-management imagge-maanagement that that Qatar Qattaar gave gave to o allies alllies Ahrar, the matters of of governance A h ra r, the “coaching” “coaching” in matters which was was then then passed passed on on to to al-Nusra, al-Nusra, was was “priceless” “priceless” in in preparing preparring the th he organisation organisation to to entrench e n tr e n c h which itself and and ggovern overn areas areas of worth noting, nottin ing, how however, ever, th that att the the Jaysh Jaaysh al-Fatah al-Fattaah h in insurgent surgent, of Syria. Syria.149 It is worth itself coalition formed Idlib City City in March Maarch 2015 re ceived Qat tari – and coalition formed to coordinate coordinate the the takeover taakeover of Idlib received Qatari and



139 Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘‘Al-Qaeda Al-Qaeda R Rebrands, ebrands, Marches Maarches on on in in Syria’, Syria’, Th Thee Syrian Syyrriian Intifada Intifada, 2 August Au A ugust 2016, 2016, available availaable at: at: https://kyleorton1991.wordpress.com/2016/08/02/al-qaeda-marches-on-in-syria/, da-maarches-on-in-syriaa/, la last October htttps://kyleorrton1991.wordpress.com m/2016/08/02/al-qaeda st vvisited: isited: 1155 O ctober 22017. 017. 140 Al-Nahhas, Al-Nahhas, L., L., ‘The revolu utionaries’, Th Thee Washington Washington Post Post, 1100 July July 2015, 2015, available av available at: at: ‘The deadly deadly consequences consequences of of mislabeling mislabeling Syria’s Syria’s revolutionaries’, https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-deadly-consequences-of-mislabeling-syrias-revolutionaries/2015/07/10/6dec139e-266e-11e5-aae2ttps://www.washinggtonpost.com m/opinions/the-deadly-consequences-off--mislabeling-syrias-revolu utionaries/2015/07/10/6dec139e-266e-11e5-aae2aht 6c4f59b050aa_story.html, L.,., ‘‘I'm Syrian Isil every every day. 6c4f f59b050aa_story.httml, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017; Al-Nahhas, Alll-Naahhas, L A I'm a S yrian and and I fight fight Isil day. It It will will take take more more than than bombs bombs from from the th e West defeat menace’, enace’, Th We st tto od efeat this t hi s m Thee Telegraph Tellegraph, 21 21 July July 22015, 015, available availaable at: at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/islamic-state/11752714/Im-a-Syrianhttp http://w ww ww w w.telegraaph.co.uk/news/worldnews/islamic-staate/11752714/Im-a-Syrianand-Ifight-Isil fig Isil every-daay.-We-need-more-than-bombs-fromIsilm-the-West-to - -win-this-baattle.html, last visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 2017. and-I-fight-Isil-every-day.-We-need-more-than-bombs-from-the-West-to-win-this-battle.html, last visited: 141 Ze Zelin, lin , A A.Y., .Y., ‘‘Statement Statement ffrom rom Ahrar Ahr A hrar al-Sham: al-Sham: “Condolences “Condolences on on the the Death Death of of Mullah Mullah Omar”’, Omar”’, La Lawfare wffare, 1 August Au A ugust 2015, 2015, available av availaable at: at: https://www.lawfareblog.com/statement-ahrar-al-sham-condolences-death-mullah-omar, htttps://www.lawfareblog.com m/statement-ahrar-al-sham-cond condolences-death-mullah-omar, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 142 Hassan, Hassan, H., H., ‘Jihadist ‘Jihadist Legacy Legacy Still Still Shapes Shapes Ahrar Ahrar al-Sham’, al-Sham’, Th Thee Tahrir Taahrriir Institute Institute for for the the Middle Middle East East Policy Pollicy (TIMEP), (TIMEP), 3 Ju June ne 2016, available available at: https://timep.org/commentary/jihadist-legacy-still-shapes-ahrar-al-sham/, last ht ttps://timep.org/commentary/jihadist-legacy-still-shapes-ah ahrar-al-sham/, la st vvisited: isited: 1155 October October 2017. 2 01 7. a 143 al-Nusra’, Bro Lister, Lister, C., C., ‘‘Profile Profile JJabhat abhat al-Nusra’, Brookings ookings Institution Institution, July July 2016, 2016, p. p. 26, 26, available availaable at: at: https://www.brookings.edu/wphttps://w www.brookings.edu/wpcontentt/uploads/2016/07/iw wr_20160728_proffiling_nusra.pdf, last last visited: visited: 15 October content/uploads/2016/07/iwr_20160728_profiling_nusra.pdf, October 2017. 144 Syria’s Former Former al-Qaeda al-Qaeda Affiliate Is Leading L e a d in g R ebels on on a Suicide Suicide Mission’, Mission’, Th Heller, Heller, S., S., ‘‘Syria’s Afffiliate Is Rebels Thee Century Ceen ntuurry Foundation Fouun ndation (TCF), (TCF), 1 M March arch 2017, available available at: https://tcf.org/content/commentary/syrias-former-al-qaeda-affiliate-leading-rebels-suicide-mission/, 15 October October 2017. 201 7. ht ttps://tcf.org/contentt/commentary/syrias-former-al-qaeda-af afffiliate-leading-rebels-suicide-mission/, last last visited: visited: 15 145 Author Au uthor interview interview US intelligence intelligence official, official, June June 2016 2016 146 20 1 4 , Jihadism’, Ji Heller, Heller, S., S., ‘‘Muhammad Muhammad al-Amin al-Amin on on A Ahrar hrar al-Sham’s al-Sham’s E Evolving volving Relationship Relationship with with Jabhat Jabhaat al-Nusrah al-Nusrah and and Global Global Jihadism’, Jihadology ihadologyy, 9 D December ecember 2014, alavailable available at: http://jihadology.net/2014/12/09/guest-post-muhammad-al-amin-on-ahrar-al-shams-evolving-relationship-with-jabhat-al-nusrah-and-globalhttp://jihadology.net/2014/12/09/guest-post-mu muhammad-al-amin-on-ahrar-al-shams-evolvingng relaationship-with--ja jabhat-al-nusrah-and-global jihadism/, last st visited: 15 15 October October 22017. 017. jih adism m/, la R visited: 147 role in in Syria’, Syria’, Reuters Karouny, Karouny, M., M., ‘Resilient ‘Resilient insurgent insurgent group ggrroup Ahrar Ahrar al-Sham al-Shaam to to play play bigger bigger role Reuterrs, 22 22 September September 2015, 2015, available available at: a5t: i http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-syria-crisis-ahrar-insight/resilient-insurgent-group-ahrar-al-sham-to-play-bigger-role-in-syriam-to ht ttp://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-syria-crisis-ahrar-insight/resilient-insurgent-group-ahrar-al-sham - -play-bigger-role-in-syriaidUKKCN0RM0EZ20150922, id U K K C N 0R RM M0EZ20150922, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 148 We Weiss, iss, M., M., ‘‘Renewed Renewed talks’, talks’, NOW L Lebanon ebanon, 14 14 April April 2014, 2014, available available at: at: https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/commentary/543215-renewed-talks, https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/commentaryy/543215-renewed-talks, last vvisited: isited: ! 15 O October ctober 2017. 149 Interview, Interview, November November 2017 !




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! ! ! !Turkish Turk kiish an and d (re (reluctantly) luctan ntly) Sa Saudi audi – su support, pport, despite despite openly openly containing containing alal-Nusra. Nusra. And And the the former former Qattar has has confessed confessed the possibilittyy that that his his government government had d a “r elattionship” pr prime ime mi minister nister of Qatar the possibility “relationship” wi th al-Nu Nusra, but but insisted insisted th att an ks we re se vered onc Nusra’s na ture wa rstood. with al-Nusra, that anyy lin links were severed oncee alal-Nusra’s nature wass unde understood. 150


The fo rmattion of HTS HTS drew drew many maany of Ahrar’s Ahrar’s most most al-Qaeda-friendly al-Qaeeda-friendly operatives operatives away away from from th The formation thee organ nisattion, and and one pot entiall re ading of the situattion was was that thatt this this was was clarifying clarifying within within the the situation the organisation, potential reading organ nisattion as be ttw ween th “green” (re volutionarry) tr end an d th lack” (j ihadist). In this this organisation between thee “green” (revolutionary) trend and thee “b “black” (jihadist). Ahrar would would now fa all on th tried to straddle sttraddle this this divide. divide. telling, telling, Ahrar fall thee “gr “green” een” side side of the the ledger, ledger, having haaving tried whatt had had happened Ahrarr functioning functioning as a door-opener is wo uld not undo what door-opener fo But, But, first, first, th this would happened – Ahrar forr th thee jih ad di co ideologgic icall confusion confusion within within nquest of Idlib Idlib – and, and, secondly, secondly, to the the extent extent there there wa jihadi conquest wass ideological Ah rar th att had d pa aralysed it fr om act ting ag ainst al-Nusra/HTS al-Nusra/HTS ag ggrression it wa cause th Ahrar that paralysed from acting against aggression wass be because thee organ nisattion had d be en unab ble to shed shed its se lff--definition wi thin th ad di-sallaffiist wo rld. The The organisation been unable self-definition within thee jih jihadi-salafist world. ikhwat kh hwat al al-manhaj l--maanhaj (b (brothers rothers on the right path), patth), am among ong other otther things, things, had had stayed stayed Ahrar’s Ahrarr’s concept concept of ik the right han nd when when alther fa ctions. Only Only onc oncee it wa wass to too late did Ahrar rarr hand al-Nusra Nusra mo moved ved to ne neutralise uttrallise ot other factions. o la te di d Ah re alize th att its tu rn, to o, wo uld come, come, as it di realize that turn, too, would did d in Ju July ly 2017. 152




Qatar evi dently had d contact contact a di rectly wi th alNusra. Th tage ne gations ar earest evi dence Qatar evidently directly with al-Nusra. Thee hos hostage negations aree th thee cl clearest evidence braanding pr ogggrram mme wa ing en couraged by Qat tarr wi th h pr omises of ai this, but but al-Nusra’s al-Nusra’s re d of this, rebranding programme wass be being encouraged Qatar with promises aid eak kiing aw ay fr om alQaeeda, so something mething th that att ha hass it seems effect ffect wi with th ange fo seems gone gone into into ef in exch exchange forr br breaking away from al-Qaeda, itiaal announcement announcement of di ssociation fr om al-Qaeda al-Qaeda wa thee fo formation HTS, even if th thee in initial dissociation from wass th rmation of HTS, insincere. AlAl-Nusra Nusra unencumbered unencumbered with with al-Qaeda al-Qaeeda ties ties would would al also so have haave been been a lever lever for for Qatari Qaattari insincere. Members of of al-Nusra al-Nu Nusra have have said said senior senior al-Nusra al-Nusra officials officials met met directly, directly, in influence influence in Sy Syria. ria. Members in Turkey T u rkey Doha, with wiith Qatari chieffs. Additionally, Additionallly, there there is th thee st strange tra ran nge cas casee of Abdulaziz Abdulaziz Qatari intelligence intelligence chiefs. and and in in Doha, alifa alAttiyah – a fo rmer member member of of Qatar’s Qataar’s state Committee and and a co usin of a bin Khalifa al-Attiyah former state Olympics Olympics Committee cousin bin Kh prime minister minister who wh ho oversees the anti-terror anti-terror finance finance system f,, fo rmer Qatari Qatarri prime oversees the system – who who is accu sed of former accused of, ings, ha aving de livered $20,000 dulmalik Mu ham mmad d Yu su f $20,000 in pe rson to Ab am ong other other th among things, having delivered person Abdulmalik Muhammad Yusuf Ut thman n Ab Saalam m (U mar alQattar ari) in Le ban non. d alUthman Abd al-Salam (Umar al-Qatari) Lebanon. 156




Al-Sallam, a Jordanian Jordanian citizen, citiizen, facilitated faacilitate t d the the transfer tran nsfer of men men and and money money to al-Nusra, al-Nusra, according according to Al-Salam, the US sanctions. saanctions. In 2011, alal-Salam Saalam m de delivered livered th thousands ousands of dol dollars larrs to Muhsin Muhsin alal-Fadhli, Fadhli, one of the nior commanders commanders who who wa an an d la atter be came known n as pa art of th al-Qaeda’s al-Qaeda’s se senior wass th then en ba based sed in Ira Iran and later became part thee “K Kh horasan Group”. th Qa tar ari na tionaal Ib rah him Isa Haji Haaji Group”. Later, Later, al-Salam al-Saalam collaborated collaborated wi “Khorasan with Qatari national Ibrahim Muhammad al-Bakr, al-Baakkrr, wh o is also also a sp eciallly de siggn nated gl oball te atte rrorist (S DGT) by th Muhammad who specially designated global terrorist (SDGT) thee US St State De parrtme m nt for ad di fu ndraiiser fo Qaeeda an d th aliban al ay ba ck to th for his his role role as a jih Department jihadi fundraiser forr alal-Qaeda and thee Ta Taliban alll th thee wa way back thee otting te rrorist st trikes ag ainst American American bases bases an tizens in Qa tar in 2006. ear ly 2000s d fo d ci early 2000s,, an and forr pl plotting terrorist strikes against and citizens Qatar 160



150 laatest realignment’, ‘Turkey ‘T Turkey unlikely unlikely to drop drop Syria Syria rebels rebels in latest realignment’, Th Thee Associated Associated Press Press, 9 August Pre Auggust 2016, 2016, available available at: at: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/08/09/turkey-unlikely-to-drop-syria-rebels-in-latest-realignment.html, htttp://www.foxnews.com m/world/2016/08/09//turkey-unlikelyy-to-drop-syria-rebels-in-laatest-realignment.html m , last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 2017. 151 PM’, Mi ‘Qatar ‘Qatar “maybe” “maybe” supported su upported al-Qaeda aall-Qaeda iin n Syria, Syria, says says former former PM’, Middle iddle le E East ast Eye Eye, 31 31 October October 2017, 2017, available available at: at: www.middleeasteye.net/news/qatarww ww ww w.middleeasteye.net/news/qatar1280907406, last last visited: visited: 6 November November 2017. 2017. maybe-supported-al-qaeda-syria-says-former-pm-1280907406, maybe-supported-al-qaeda-syria-saays-former-pm-1280907406, 152 Thanks Thanks to to Ryan Ryan O'Farrell O'Farrell for for the the green-vs.-black green-vs.-black phr phraseology; aseologgyy; a very very useful useful shorthand. shorthaand. 153 l-Shaam couldn't in Idlib’, Idlib’, Ch Haid, Haid, H., H., ‘‘Why Wh W hy A Ah Ahrar hrar aal-Sham couldn't stand stand up to to HTS's HTS's attack attttack in Chatham atham House Housse, 15 15 August August 2017, 2017, available available at: at: ht ttps://syria.chaathamhouse.org/research//why-ahrar-al-sham - -htss-attack-in-idlib, la st visited: visited: 15 https://syria.chathamhouse.org/research/why-ahrar-al-sham-couldnt-stand-up-to-htss-attack-in-idlib, m-couldnt-stand-up-to last 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 154 M., IS Hassan, Hassan, H. and and Weiss, Weiss, M., ISIS: SIS: In Inside side the the Army Arm my off Terror Teerro rro or, (R (Regan egaan Arts, Arts, 2015), 2015), p. p. 224. 22 4 . 155 Lund, Lu un nd, A., A., ‘Black ‘Black flags ffllags over over Idlib: Idlib: The The jihadi jihadi power power grab ggrrab in in northwestern norrthwestern Syria’, Syria’, IR IRIN IN N, 9 August August 2017, 2017, available available at: at: htttps://www.irinnews.org/anaalysis/2017/08/09/black-flaags-over over-idlib--jih jihadi-power-grab-norrthwestern-syria, la https://www.irinnews.org/analysis/2017/08/09/black-flags-over-idlib-jihadi-power-grab-northwestern-syria, last st vvisited: isited: 1155 O October ctober 22017. 0 1 7. 156 to form Karouny, Karouny, M., M., ‘Insight ‘Insight - Syria's Syria's Nusra Nusra Front Front may may leave leave Qaeda Qaeda to form new new entity’, entity’, Reuters Reuteerrs, 4 March March 2015, 2015, available availaable at: at: http://www.reuters.com/article/ukhttp http://w ww ww.reuters.com/article/ukmideast-crisis-nusra-insight/insight-syrias-nusra-front-may-leave-qaeda-to-form-new-entity-idUKKBN0M00G620150304, mideast-crisis-nusra-insigh last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . ht/insigh ht-syrias-nusra-front-maay-le y leave-qaeda-to - -form-new-entity-idUKKBN0M00G620150304, last 157 Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘Whither ‘W Wh hither Al-Qaeda nS Syria?’, yria?’, Hen Henry nrry Jackson n Jackson Society Society, 1155 August Au A ugust 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: http://henryjacksonsociety.org/2017/08/15/whither-alhttp://henryyjacksonsociety.org/2017/08/15/whitherr-alAl-Qaeda iin qa qaeda-in-syria/, eda-in-syriaa/, la last October st vvisited: isited: 1155 O ctober 22017. 01 7 . 158 ovember 2017 2017 Interviews, In nterviews, N November 159 Minister’s ffamily Gi Gilligan, lligan, A A.,., ‘‘Minister’s amily tie tiess to te terror’, rror’, The The Telegraph Telleggrraaph, 1 N November ovember 2014, 2014, available av availaable at: at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/qatar/11203140/Ministers-family-ties-to-terror.html, ht ttp://www.teleggrraph.co.uk k/news/worldnews/middleeast/qaatar/11203140//Ministers-faamily-ties-to - -terror.h html, last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . ! 160 ‘Treasury ‘T Treasury Designates Designates Twelve Tw Twelve Foreign Foreign Terrorist Terrorist Fighter Figh Figh hter Facilitators’, Facilitators’, US De Department eparttme men nt of of Treasury Treasuurry, 2244 September September 2014, 2014, available av availaable at: at: htttps://www.treasury.govv/press-center/press-releases/Pages/jl2651.aspx, last last visited: visite 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/jl2651.aspx, ! d: 15

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! ! Al-Bakr AlBaakkrr was was close close to Mustafa Mustafa Hajji Haajjjji Muhammad Muham mmad Khan Khan (Hassan (Hassaan Ghul), Ghul), the the first first successful successfful conduit conduit be ttw ween AQC AQC and and the the IS movement, movement, then then known n as as AQI. AQI. Khan Khan n was was operating operating at the the instruction instruction between Abdulbaqi (Abdul (Abdul Hadi Hadi alIraq qi), wh o wo uld later later try try to take taake up the the ro le of AQ of Nashwan Nashwan Abdulbaqi C’s al-Iraqi), who would role AQC’s re ggiionall manager man nagger in Iraq q hi mself. Bo th Kh an an d Abdulbaqi Abdulbaq qi we When Khan Khan n was re arrested. arrested.161 When was regional himself. Both Khan and were C he wa Khalayleh (A arrested arrested in 2004 wass in pos possession session of th thee le letter tter by IS IS’s ’s fo founder, under, Ah Ahmad mad alal-Khalayleh (Abu bn u Musab alal Zarrqawi), la aying out his his plan plan to defeat defeatt the the Americans’ Americans’ project q by ig gn niting a project in Iraq Musab al-Zarqawi), laying igniting sectarian war. waar.162 Information Informattion gl gleaned eaned from Khan led led the the US to a Kuwaiti Kuwaitii co courier urier an and d thence thence to from Khan sectarian 163 Us ama bin bin Lad din in Ab botttab b ad . Usama Ladin Abbottabad. Khan had d been been provided provided a fake faake pa ssport to travel travel to Qatar Qattaarr by Abdullatif Abdullattif al-Kawari, al-Kaawarri, a Qa tari-ba Khan passport Qatari-based based al-Qaeda fin ancier an d security security of fficiall. AlKaawari was was sa anctioned by th Treasury in 2015 at al-Qaeda financier and official. Al-Kawari sanctioned thee US Treasury sam me time time as al-Bakr al-Bak krr an k d Sa’d Sa’d alKa’bi, a Qat tari alNusra fin an ncier wh om th oup ha the same d the and al-Ka’bi, Qatari al-Nusra financier whom thee gr group had requested act as in termediaary on hos tage tr ades. AlKa’bi ““was was sseen een as as the the organiser organ niser of of donations donattions requested intermediary hostage trades. Al-Ka’bi afor al-Nusra all-Nu Nusra in in Qatar, Qattarr, but but these these were not the the most most important important dthing”, th hing”, said said one one al-Nusra-linked all-Nusra2-lin linked were not for jihad dist. “The to free free hostages hosttaages could never have have been been raised raiised from fro m “The sums sums of of money money involved involved to could never jihadist. onors in Qatar. Qataar. That Thatt money came from from the the Qatari Qattarri government, government, but his individual al d but Sa’d Sa’d used used his money came individual donors 164 charity campaigns campaiggn ns as a front front to to conceal conceal government government funding”. funding”. charity Al-Kaawari and an nd al-Bakr al-Baakkrr used used to tr avel with with Khan Khan to and and around around Qatar. Qatar. In early early 2012, al-Kawari al-Kaawari Al-Kawari travel ““facilitated facilitated the the international internattional tr avel of a co urier wh o wa rying te thousan nds of dollars dollarrs ns of thousands travel courier who wass car carrying tens Qaaeda”, Treasury Treasury notes, notes, and ter that that year he “w th alQaeda fac cilitators ear marked fo and lat orked wi earmarked forr alal-Qaeda”, later “worked with al-Qaeda facilitators Qatari fin anciers intended intended to su pporty alQaeeda an the delivery delivery of funding funding from from Qatari to co ordinate the d to coordinate financiers support al-Qaeda and “de confirming th att alQaiida received received fo reiggn n don tar-ba or fu nding fr om Qa ceipts confirming liver re baseds deliver receipts that al-Qaida foreign donor funding from Qatar-based ext tremists”.165 extremists”. ere alAlSaalam an d al-Bakr al-Baakkrr co mbined wi th associates associates in Le banon, wh Saalam wo uld so on be Al-Salam and combined with Lebanon, where al-Salam would soon imprisoned, “to o procure procure and and transport transport we ap pons an d ot ther eq uipment to Syria th th sistance Syria wi imprisoned, weapons and other equipment with thee as assistance Syria-based al-Qaeda al-Qaeda associate”. associate”.166 In 2012, al-Salam, al-Saalam, as par part part of hi hiss ro role procuring funds le in pr ocuring fu nds for of a Syria-based for ad ders in Waz ziristan, wa ceipt of funds funds fr alifa Mu hammad Tu rk kii alal-Qaeda’s Qaeda’s senior senior le leaders Waziristan, wass in re receipt from om Kh Khalifa Muhammad Turki Subaaiy, tari ci tizen. Al-Subaiy Al-Subaaiy is on the Nations sanctions san nctions list list and and was sa anctioned by the United United Nations alal-Subaiy, y a Qa Qatari citizen. sanctioned S ited States Stattes for for providing providing financial financiaal2 support support to AQC AQC in Pak Pa kiistan k n, including including 9/11 9/11 pl an n er the United Un the Pakistan, planner Khalid Sha ayk kh h Muhammad Muhammad before beffor ore hi Haaving be been temporarily arrested, arrested, alarrest in 2003.167 Having en temporarily Khalid Shaykh hiss arrest Su baaiy wa leased on the the understanding understanding a watch watcch was was being being kept kept on him; actiivitiies in 2012 Subaiy wass re released him; his his activities suggest Qatar Qatar fa ailed at th is. AlSubaaiy remains remaiins fr ee in Qat tar, an d, de leggedly being being unde spite al suggest failed this. Al-Subaiy free Qatar, and, despite allegedly underr a tr avel ban n, hi ssport wa renewed in 2017.168 travel ban, hiss pa passport wass renewed

. Fi Fishman, shman, B., B., Th Thee Master Master Plan: Pllan: ISIS, ISIIS, al-Qaeda, all--Qaeda, aand nd the the Jihadi Jihadi Strategy Strategy for for Final Fiinal Vi Victory ictory, (N (New ew H Haven: aven: Yale Yale University University Press, Press, 2016). 2016). Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘The ‘The Islamic Islamic State State Planned Planned For For Sectarian Sectarian War War in in Iraq Iraq From From the the Beginning’, Beggiinning’, Th Thee Syrian Syyrriian Intifada Intifada, 13 13 October October 2017, 2017, available available at: at: ht ttps://kyleorrton1991.wordpress.com m/2017/10/13//the-islaamic-staatete planned-for-sectariaan-waar-inr iraq-from last visited: visited: 15 https://kyleorton1991.wordpress.com/2017/10/13/the-islamic-state-planned-for-sectarian-war-in-iraq-from-the-beginning/, m-the-beggiinning/, last 15 October October 2017. 2017. 163 ‘The ‘T The Committee Committee Study Study of of the the Central Central Intelligence Intelligence Agency's Age A gency's Detention Detention and aan nd Interrogation In nterrogaation Program’, Prograam’, US S Senate en nate Select Sellect Committee Co ommiittee on on Intelligence Intellligeen nce, 1133 December p. 284, 284, avai available https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/7/c/7c85429a-ec38-4bb5-968fDe cember 2012, 2012, p. lable at: at: ht ttps://w www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/_cache/ffiles/7/c/7c85429a--ec38-4bb5-968ff-289799bf6d0e/D87288C34A6D9FF736F9459ABCF83210.sscistudy1.pdf, 289799bf6d0e/D 6d0e 87288C34A6D9FF F736F 736F9459ABCF83210.sscistudy1.pdff, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 164 ovember 2017 Interview, Interview, N November 165 Supporrters of Al-Qaida ‘Treasury ‘T Treasury Designates Designates Financial Fin Financial Supporters All-Qaaida aand A nd Al-Nusrah Front’, US Department Deepartme men nt of of Treasury Treasuurry, 5 August August 2015, 2015, available available at: at: Al-Nusrah Front’, ht ttps://www.treasury.govv/press-center/press-releases/Pages/jl0143.aspx, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/jl0143.aspx, o 166 ‘Treasury ‘T Treasury Designates Designates Twelve Tw Twelve Foreign Foreign Terrorist Terrorist Fighter Figh Figh hter Facilitators’, Facilitaators’, US De Department epartme men nt of of Treasury Treasuurry, 2244 September September 2014. 20 1 4 . 167 ‘Treasury ‘T Treasury Designates Designates Gulf-Based Gulff--Based al al Qaida Qaida Financiers’, Financiers’, US De Department epartme men nt of of Treasury Treasuurry, 5 JJune une 2008, 2008, available available at: at: https://www.treasury.gov/presshttps://w ww ww w w.treasury.gov/press! cent err/press-re releases/Pages/hp1011.aspx, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . center/press-releases/Pages/hp1011.aspx, 168 gave al-Subaiy’s al-Subaaiy’s Qatari as 26563400140. 26563400140. This This can can be checked checked on on the US Treasury Treasury sanctions sanctions gave Qatari ID ID number number as the Qatari Qatari Interior Interior Ministry’s Ministry’s website, website, https://portal.moi.gov.qa/wps/portal/MOIInternet/services/inquiries/others/officialdocuments/!ut/p/a1/jZDdc, htttps://porrtal.moi.gov.qaa/wps/porrtal/MOIInternett/services/inquiries/others/off!ficialdocuments/!utt/p/a1/jZDdc, which which discloses discloses that that his his passport passporrt expires expires on 12 June 2022. Qatari Qatari passports passporrts last last for for five five years. years. 161 162

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! ! ! !The The conviction convicttion against against al-Attiyah al-Attiyah h co comes mes fr from om a Lebanese Leban nese government government th that at ope operates rattes si significantly ggn nificantly at Iran nian cu tout Hizballah, Hizballlah, so ha taaken with with some some cau tion. Ev en so, the the pleasure pleasure of the the Iranian cutout hass to be taken caution. Even so, alAt tiyah di d pr esent a video video in support support of the the Qa tar-based Ma dad d Ah Shaam (M AS) cam paiggn, n Attiyah did present Qatar-based Madad Ahll alal-Sham (MAS) campaign, fficial Tw wiitter pa gee – to co ntribute to in wh ich al-Nusra al--Nusra ha d instructed instructed its followers followers – fr om its of which had from official Twitter page contribute This was was in Au August gust 2013, af after fter alal-Nusra Nusra had d mad made de its al allegiance leggiiance to al-Qa al-Qaeda order to assist assist them. them. This Qaeda order staff taaff wh while ile in ope operation, ration, wi with th hi hiss nam name me an and d te telephone lephone public. MAS had had al-Ka’bi al-Ka’bi among among its st publ ic. MAS number included single flyer flyer that thatt has has been been attributed attributed to the campaiggn n, typically typically as the number the campaign, included on “every “every single the me listed”. Al-Kawari Kaawari appears appears to have haave been been involved involved in MAS, too. first nam listed”. AlMAS, to o. first name 169




Saanctioned at th ame tim allam wa hraf Mu hammad Yu suf Ut thman Ab d al-Sa a la m , Sanctioned thee sa same timee as al-Sa al-Salam wass As Ashraf Muhammad Yusuf Uthman Abd al-Salam, who had haad be vement in 2007, en an al-Qaeda al-Qaeda me mber since since 2005 an d provided provided funds funds to th who been member and thee IS mo movement while fac cilitatting their their co mmunicattions. In 2012, Ashraf Ashraf “and “and an Ira qi exp losives exp ert wo rk ed while facilitating communications. Iraqi explosives expert worked with [al-Nusra] [al-Nu l Nusra]] and and also also sought sought to us sam me year hraff al explosives in act terrorism”. The The same so with usee explosives actss of terrorism”. year,, As Ashraf also with al-Subaiy al-Subaiiy “to “to fac cilitate the the transfer transfer of hundreds hundreds of thousands thousands of dollars dollars … intended intended worked with worked facilitate kiistan”. k Qaeda in Pak for al-Qaeda al-Qa for Pakistan”. 173

Da avid We inberg, in an ext tensive re port on Qa tar an d te rror fu nding, re vealled th at Ab dulmalik alDavid Weinberg, extensive report Qatar and terror funding, revealed that Abdulmalik Sa alam m an Ashraf we re brothers broth hers whose whose father hammad Yu thman Ab d alSallam (A d Ashraf father was was Mu suf Ut bu Salam and were Muhammad Yusuf Uthman Abd al-Salam (Abu Abdulazziz alQattarri or Mu hammad Yu Filistini), a Jo rdanian of Pa alestinian de scent, wh suf alo Abdulaziz al-Qatari Muhammad Yusuf al-Filistini), Jordanian Palestinian descent, who founded a jih adi gr oup, Jund Jund al-Aqsa, al-Aqsa, in 2013 as a pr oxy gr oup in tended fo Nusra’s le adership founded jihadi group, proxy group intended forr alal-Nusra’s leadership to re treat to if alZaawaahiri ru led ag ainst th ave Ib raahim al alBadri (A bu Ba akkrr alBaghdad d i) em an d ga retreat al-Zawahiri ruled against them and gave Ibrahim al-Badri (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi) th IS an d al-Nusra. al-Nusra. Muhammad Muham mmad worked worked wi th al-Zarqawi on af fter Sad dda daam dom inion over over bo al-Zarrqawi so dominion both and with soon after Saddam Hu sayyn’s re ggiime cam n and and was, was, it se vance par rttyy of IS agents agents that that mo ved ems, am ong th Husayn’s regime camee down seems, among thee ad advance party moved trigguingly, by Ma sarr Me dia, an out tlet th in to Syria Syria in 2011 to fo rm alNusra. It is al at so reported, reported, in into form al-Nusra. also intriguingly, Masar Media, outlet that Muham mmad d in itiaally jo ined Ah rar alSham m. Later, Later, Muhammad Muhammad would would be was close close to Jund, Jund, that that Muhammad was initially joined Ahrar al-Sham. sociatee to one of the the IS operatives operattives crucial crucial in knitting knitting together a senior associate together the the caliphate caliphate in Sy Syria, senior as ria , Abdurrah hman al-Qaduli al-Qaduli (A bu Al Anbari). Mu Muhammad ham mmad d tr tried ied to act as a me mediator diator be between ttw ween IS Abdurrahman (Abu Alii al-An al-Anbari). conffllict er upteed be ttw ween the the tw o in lat te 2013. In this, this, Muhammad Muham mmad d did did not and and al-Nusra al-Nu Nusra onc oncee conflict erupted between two late anuarry 2014. Ju nd, th ough it wa nctioned by th succeed and was was ki killed lled by Sy Syria’s ria’s re rebels bels in Ja January Jund, though wass san sanctioned thee succeed and St atte Department Deparrtment as a terrorist terrorist or ganisatiion, evo evolved lved into into a somewhat somewh hatt in independent dependent fo force rce wi with th State organisation, heavy backing back kiing from from Gulf Gulf donors, donors, before before it jo joined ined IS after affter many maany months months of warnings warrnings from from th thee heavy maainstream rebels rebels that thatt Ju nd was was coming coming under under IS’s IS’s sway. swayy. mainstream Jund 174






, 169 We Weinberg, in b erg, D D.A., .A., ‘‘Analysis: Analysis: Qatar Qatar still still negligent neglligent on finance’, Th Thee Long Lo ong War War Journal Jouurrrn nal, 1199 Au August ggu ust 2015, 2015, available available at: a t: on terror terror finance’, htttps://www.longgwa warjournal.org/archives/2015/08/anaalysis-qa qaatar-stillst visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 2 017. https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2015/08/analysis-qatar-still-negligent-on-terror-finance.php, still neggligent-on-terror-finance.php, la last 170 l-Nusra Rejects Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘Jabhat ‘Jabhat aal-Nusra Rejects the the Islamic Islamic State State of of Iraq’s Iraq’s Takeover’, Takeover’, The The Syrian Syyrriian Intifada Intifada, 2 April April 2014, 2014, available av availaable at: at: https://kyleorton1991.wordpress.com/2014/04/02/jabhat-al-nusra-rejects-the-islamic-state-of-iraqs-takeover/, al-nusra-reejects-the-islaamic-staate-off--iraqs-takeover/, last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . htttps://k /kyleorrton1991.wordpress.com m/2014/04/02//jabhaat-al 171 015. We Weinberg, in b erg, D D.A., .A., ‘‘Analysis: Analysis: Qatar Qatar still still negligent neglligent on finance’, Th Thee Long Lo ong War War Journal Jourrna nal, 1199 August Au A ugust 22015. on terror terror finance’, 172 over Al Nusra Khan, Khan, T., T., ‘US ‘US designates designates Qataris Qataris terror terror financiers financiers over Nusra “support”’, “support”’, Th Thee National National, 6 August Au A ugust 2015, 2015, available av availaable at: at: https://www.thenational.ae/world/us-designates-qataris-terror-financiers-over-al-nusra-support-1.47555, ast vi visited: October ctober 2017. ht ttps://www.thenaationaal.ae/world//us-designa nates-qaataris-terror-financiers-over-al-nusra-support-1.47555, llast sited: 15 O 173 ‘Treasury ‘T Treasury Designates Designates Twelve Tw Twelve Foreign Foreign Terrorist Terrorist Fighter Figh Figh hter Facilitators’, Facilitaators’, US De Department eparttme men nt of of Treasury Treasuurry, 2244 September September 2014. 20 1 4 . 174 II: Private Private Funders 20 1 7 , We Weinberg, inberg, D.A., D.A., ‘Qatar ‘Qatar and and Terror Terror Finance Finance Part Part II: Funders of of al-Qaeda al-Qaeda iin nS Syria’, yria’, Fo Foundation uun ndation for for the the Defense Defen f nse of of Democracies Dem mocracies, JJanuary anuary 2017, avai available lable at: h http://www.defenddemocracy.org/content/uploads/documents/11717_Weinberg_Qatar_Report.pdf, ttp://w October 2017. ww ww w w.deffenddemocracy.org/content/uploads/documents/11717_Weinberg_Qatar_Reporrt.pdf, last last visited: visited: 15 October 2017. 175 Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘The ‘Th he Islamic Islamic State’s State’s Official Offficial Biography Bioggrraphy of Caaliph’s Deputy’, Deputy’, Th Thee Syrian Syyrria ian Intifada Intifada, 1188 D December ecember 2016, 2016, available av availaable at: at: of the the Caliph’s https://kyleorton1991.wordpress.com/2016/12/18/the-islamic-states-official-biography-of-the-caliphs-deputy/, October ctober 2017. ht ttps://k /kyleorrton1991.wordpress.com m/2016/12/18//the-islaamic-staates-offficial-bioggrraphy-off--the-caliphs-deputy/, llast ast vvisited: isited: 15 O 176 Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘The ‘Th he S Structure tructure of of Al-Qaeda’, Al-Qaeda’, Th Thee Syrian Syyriiaan Intifada Intiiffada, 1144 August August 22016, 016, available available at: at: h https://kyleorton1991.wordpress.com/2016/08/14/thettps:///kyleorton1991.wordpress.com/2016/08/14/theast vi sited: 15 October October 2017. structure-of-al-qaeda/, structure-off--al-qaedaa/, llast visited: 177 of Jund Jund al-Aqsa’, al-Aqsa’, US Dep ‘State ‘Staate D Department epartment Terrorist Terrorist Designation Designation of Department partme men nt off State State, 20 20 September September 2016, 2016, available available at: at: https://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/266479.htm, last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 2017. htttps://ww ww.state.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/266479.htm, last 178 We Weinberg, in b erg, D D.A., .A., ‘Analysis: und aall A Aqsa’s qsa’s d deep eep Gulf Gulf roots’, roots’, Th Thee Long Lon ng War War Journal Jouurrnal, 1188 N November ovember 2016, 2016, available availaable at: at: ‘Analysis: JJund https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2016/11/analysis-jund-al-aqsas-deep-gulf-roots.php, October 2017. 20 1 7 . ht ttps://www.longgwa warjournal.org/archives/2016/11/anaalysis--ju jund-al-aqsas-deep-gulff--roots.php, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October ! 179 linked brigade brigade leaves leaves for for Raqqa’, Raqqa’, Sy ‘Search ‘Search for for the the dead dead begins begins in Idlib Idlib after after Islamic Islaam mic State-linked Staate-lin Syria yrriia Direct Direct, 22 22 February February 2017, 2017, available availaable at: at: ht ttp://syriadirect.org/news/search-for-the-dead-beggiins-in-idlib lib-affter ter-islamic-staate! -linked-brigade-leaves-forr-raqqa/, last last visited: http://syriadirect.org/news/search-for-the-dead-begins-in-idlib-after-islamic-state-linked-brigade-leaves-for-raqqa/, visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7.

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! ! ! !Be Because cau use just just one Qatari Qatari in Qatar Qatar has has been been sanctioned saanctioned fo forr officially offficially supporting supportting al-Nusra, al-Nusra,180 this this can thatt Doha’s Doha’s problems problems regarding regarding the the group group are are mi “s “seem eem to imply imply that minor”, nor”, Weinberg Weinberg notes. notes. “But “But while this this fig gure is technically technicallly accurate, accurate, it also also dr amatticallly unde restimattes th ber of while figure dramatically underestimates thee num number who were were based based in Qa tar and individual als who and accused accused of funding funding the the group”, group”, as the the above above sketches sketches of individuals Qatar euwari, al-Khawar, rake al-Khawar, th d alSaalam efam mily, alKa’bi, alKaawari, alBaakkrr, an d alSubaaiy ma al-Ku al-Kuwari, thee Ab Abd al-Salam family, al-Ka’bi, al-Kawari, al-Bakr, and al-Subaiy make clear. clear. Despite the the claims claims from from the the Qatari Qattari government government that that “[a]ll “[a]ll individuals individuals on UN and and US sanctions san n c tio n s Despite lists in Qat Qatar ha ave be en arrested, arrested, prosecuted, prosecuted, ba anned fr om tr avelling, an d had d as sets frozen”, frozen”,181 lists Qatar have been banned from travelling, and assets th att doe th he summer summer of of 2017, 2017, the the U.S. Departtment noted noted that that while wh that doess not appear appear to be so. In the U.S. State State Department w h ile countering th finan ncing of terrorism, terrorism, … te an nciers wi thin th there has has been been “progress “proggrress on countering rrorist fin there thee financing terrorist financiers within thee co untry are are st till ab le to exploit exploit Qa tar’s informal informal fin an nciaal system”. system”. m 182 And, And, tthough hough it it is difficult difficult to country still able Qatar’s financial the fate fate ate of uwari and an nd alKhawar – wh o ar presumed to to be free free – there there is ascertain ascertain the of people people like like al-Ku al-Kuwari al-Khawar who aree presumed y den e ce indicating indicattin ing that that al-Nuaymi al-Nuaysmi and an nd alSubaaiy, tw o o f the the most most dangerous dan ngerous sanctioned sanctionetd clear clear evidence evi al-Subaiy, two ofm Qataar, are are still still o n the the loose. lo o se . terrorists terrorists in Qatar, on

3.2 Activities A c t i vii tii e s in i n Libya Libya During the the revolution revolution that that overthrew overthrew Muammar Muammar alQaddafi in Li tar co ntributed bya in 2011, Qa During al-Qaddafi Libya Qatar contributed aircrafft to the the NATO NATO mi ssion that that im country and and sent sent hundreds hundreds of posed a no-fly zo ne ov er th aircraft mission imposed zone over thee country fficials to he ain and and di rect sections sections of the This wa wass a troops and and intelligence intelligence of lp tr the insurrection. insurrection.183 This troops officials help train direct t e operattions for for Qatar, Qattar, so openly openly and and actively acttively getting getting involved involved on one side side dof a new new method method of operations 184 conffllict. conflict. Doha’s critics Qa tar ba cked Isl amist el ements wi th hin th Libyan in surgency and and Doha’s critics point point to one Qatar backed Islamist elements within thee Libyan insurgency be neffiiciary of this this pol icy in pa articularr: Abdelhakim Abdelhak kiim Be k lhaj (Ab Abdullah alSadiq). This This is Abu Abdullah beneficiary policy particular: Belhaj (Abu al-Sadiq). be cau use Be lhaj had had been been the the emir emir of th Libyan br anch of al-Qaeda, al-Qa Libyan Isl amic Fi ghtiing Qaeda, the the Libyan because Belhaj thee Libyan branch Islamic Fighting th th ddaffii re ggiime in th til it wa Group (L IFG). The The LIFG LIFG did did battle battle wi d-1990s, unt Group (LIFG). with thee Qa Qaddafi regime thee mi mid-1990s, until wass suppressed and and its le ad dership, in cluding Be lhaj, dr iven in to exi le in Ta aliban Af fghanistan n in 1998.185 suppressed leadership, including Belhaj, driven into exile Taliban Afghanistan there were were so ma any Libyans Libyan ns in se nior pos itions ar ound Us ama bin La This This migration miggrrattion is wh whyy there many senior positions around Usama Ladin. d in . 1 ck to Be lhaj swa arch 2004 at th ala Lu mipur,186 and and soon soon ha handed anded back ba arrested in Ma rport in Ku Belhaj wass arrested March thee ai airport Kuala Lumpur, Qa ddafi’s Libya. Qaddafi’s Libya.187 de-rad Belhaj was was released released as par rt of a de-radicalisation dicalisattion pr oggrram am ru n by Qa ddafi’s so n, Sai if alIn 2010, Belhaj part program run Qaddafi’s son, Saif Islam. Be lhaj wa sisted in ma akkiing hi otherhood pr eacher Al release by Mu slim Br Islam. Belhaj wass as assisted making hiss cas casee fo forr release Muslim Brotherhood preacher Alii alSala labi. After Affter th tbreak of the the revolt revolt against ddaffi, Be lhaj wo th Qatar Qattar as pa art of the rked wi against Qad the Salabi. thee out outbreak Qaddafi, Belhaj worked with part

Lister, Lister, C., C., ‘‘Profile Profile JJabhat abhat al-Nusra’, al-Nusra’, Bro Brookings ookings Institution Institution, July July 22016, 016, p. p. 31. 31 . Al-Thani, Al-Thani, S., S., ‘Qatar ‘Qatar and and Terrorism’, Terrorism’, Letter Letter to to The The London London Ti Times imes, 13 13 July July 22017, 017, available available at: at: h https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/the-proposals-tottps://w /w www.thetimes.co.ukk/a /aarticle/the-proposals-to - last visited: visited: 28 October October 2017. encour encourage-fluency-in-welsh-qspk7j8v8, age-fluency-in--welsh-qspk7j8v8, last 182 Reports on on Terrorism Terrorism 2016: 2016: Middle Middle East North Africa’, Africa’, US Department ‘Chapter ‘Chapter 2. 2. Country Country Reports East and an and North Dep partmeent of of State State, July July 22017, 017, available av available at: https://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/crt/2016/272232.htm#QATAR, October htttps://www.state.govv/j/ct/rls/crt/2016/272232.httm#QATAR, llast ast visited: visited: 30 O ctober 2017. 2 183 Bl Black, ack, II.,., ‘‘Qatar Qatar aadmits dmits ssending hundreds The Guardian Guarrd dian, 26 26 October October 2011, 2011, available availaable at: at: e n d in g h undreds of of troops troops to to support support Libya Libya rebels’, rebels’, The https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/oct/26/qatar-troops-libya-rebels-support, last st visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 2 0 17 . ht ttps://www.theggua uaardian.com m/world/2011/oct/26/qatar-troops-libya-rebels-support, la 184 Roberts, Roberts, D., D., ‘Behind ‘Behind Qatar's Qatar's Intervention Intervention In In Libya’, Libya’, Fo Foreign oreign Affairs Afffairs, 28 A 28 September September 2011, 2011, available av availaable at: at: t ht https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/libya/2011ttps:///www.foreiggna naaffairs.com m/articles/libya/2011last visited: visited: 15 15 October Octoeber 2017. 09-28/behind-qatars-intervention-libya, 09-28/behind-qaatars-intervention-libya, last 20 1 7 . : 185 Hakim Belhadj’, Belhadj’, BBC ‘Profile: ‘Profile: Libyan Liibyan rebel rebel commander commander Abdel Ab Abdel Hakim C, 4 July July 22012, 012, available av availaable at: at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-14786753, http://w ww ww w.bbc.co.uk/news/world-affrica-14786753, last last visited: October 2017. visited: 15 October 186 “We Ar imply Mu ibyan Re bel Chief Chief Denies 2011, available Ay Ayad, ad, C. C.,, ‘‘“We Aree S Simply Muslim”: slim”: L Libyan Rebel Denies Al-Qaeda Al-Qaeda Ties’, Ties’, Ti Time ime Magazine, Maagazine, 4 S September eptember 2011, available at: at : content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2091744,00.html, cont ent.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2091744,00.html, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. ! 187 of Libya’s Libya’s revolution’, revolution’, CNN Robertson, Robertson, N., N., ‘Former ‘Former jihadist jihadist at at the the heart heart of N, 3 September September 2011, 2011, available av availaable at: at: ed ition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/affrica/09/02/libya.belhaj.proffile/index.html, !llast ast visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/09/02/libya.belhaj.profile/index.html, 180 181

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! ! ! ! bruarry 17 Brigade, Fe February Brigade, one of the the most most cap capable able in insurrectionary surrectionarry militias. militias.188 After Affter th thee fa fall all of Tripoli, Tripoli, Qa tar’s st -Jazeera television television station statiion hosted hosted Belhaj, Belhaj, who who de clared, to the the as tonishment of Qatar’s state-run ate-run Al-Jazeera Al-Ja declared, astonishment th erals l , th att he wa ntrol of th terim government, government, the the socalled Nat tional Tr a n s itio n a l thee lib liberals, that wass in co control thee in interim so-called National Transitional Co uncil (N TC).189 Council (NTC). e terrorist organisation, organisattion,190 es Ansar al-Shari’a all-Shaari’a in in Libya Libya (A SL), a US-designated US-desiggn natted terrorist essentially sentially al-Qaeda’s al-Qaaeda’s Ansar (ASL), rebran nded presence presence in in North Nortth Africa, Africa, carried carried out out the the terrorist atttack on on the the US US consulate consulate in in rebranded terrorist attack four Americans Americans – Ambassador Ambassador Christopher Christopher Stevens, S te v e n s, Bengghazi on 11 September September 2012, murdering murdering four Benghazi diplomatt Sean Sean Smith, Smith, and an nd two ttw wo former former Navy Navy SEALs, Glen Doherty Doherty and and Tyrone ho were w e re SEALs, Glen Tyrone Woods, Woods, wh diplomat who 191 192 an intelligence intelligence capacity. cap pacity. ASL ASL h had ad d “close “close operational operational links” links” to to LIFG. Belhaj lhaj was, was, by serving in in an LIFG. Be by serving eparated from from LIFG, LIFG, and an nd there had d any an ny foreknowledge forek kn nowlledge of this there is no no suggestion suggestion Qatar Qataar had of this this time, time, sseparated this at ttack, b ut it it was was a troubling troubling reminder reminder of of the the company company Qatar Qatar was was choosing choosing to to keep. keep. attack, but

. ading fig Qa tar’s su lhaj ha aneed in th haacj is cu rrently a le gure in pport for for Be nce. Be lhaj Qatar’s support Belhaj hass wa waned thee year yearss si since. Belhaj currently leading figure -W Watan (T he Ho melan nd Pa arty), an Isl am mist pol iticall out tfit. Bu lhaj ha com e Hi zb al-Wa Hizb al-Watan (The Homeland Party), Islamist political outfit. Butt Be Belhaj hass be become ma arggiinal to Li itical an d mi litary trajectory. trajectory. Most Most of Be lhaj’s current current effort efffort appears appears toe be bya’s pol marginal Libya’s political and military Belhaj’s pr essing his legal case case against against Br itish officials offficials he al leges we re involved his legal involved in “rendering” “rendering” him him in pressing British alleges were 2004.193 le in Li bya ha en sc ck in ge Qa tar’s ro aled ba neral. Go ne ar ays of tr ying to dr ive th the da Qatar’s role Libya hass be been scaled back general. Gone aree the days trying drive thee ag genda. At pr plays a mo fensive ro le: to st ave off offf an out trigh ht vi ctory esent, Do ha plays re lim ited and and de agenda. present, Doha more limited defensive role: stave outright victory g ab Em byan al liesy an d clients clients of th irates, wh gypt an d to a degree deggrree by th ited Ar ich ha thee Li Libyan allies and thee Un United Arab Emirates, which hass Eg Egypt and a Sa audi Ar abia in its co rner. Saudi Arabia corner. Qa tar fo rmallly ba cks the the UN-supported UN-supportted proposal proposal for for a Government Government of Na tional Accord Accord (GNA), (GNA), Qatar formally backs National presentatives (H oR), th final remnant remnan nt of the the last last elected elected wh ich wo uld co mbine the the House House of Re which would combine Representatives (HoR), thee final att is now ba sed in To neral Nat tional Co nggrress, th ggis islature of bruk, an d th government th government that based Tobruk, and thee Ge General National Congress, thee le legislature amist Libya awn mi litias th att to ok over over Tripoli Tripoli in 2014, fo Libya Da rcing Ho R to fle e. Th is pos ition the Isl the Islamist Dawn militias that took forcing HoR flee. This position pported by th ropean Un ion an dly. Th A.E., me anwh w h ile , is su d the the West West more more broadly. broad supported thee Eu European Union and Thee U. U.A.E., meanwhile, supports th Tobruk government. government. supports thee Tobruk y , coggn nized General General Kh allifa Hi ftar an d hi byan n Nat tionall Army Army (LNA) (LNA) mi litia , The HoR HoR has has re The recognized Khalifa Hiftar and hiss Li Libyan National militia, ntrols su bstantial areas areas of eas ak kiing in road ds in th st, as th tionaal tern Li bya an d is ma which co which controls substantial eastern Libya and making inroads thee we west, thee na national ggitim itimacy to th ftar is al iggn ned cl osely, y mi litarrily on th ground, wi th A. Hi army, lending lending its le army, legitimacy thee LN LNA. Hiftar aligned closely, militarily thee ground, with Eg gyypt an itically an d eco nomically wi th Sa audi Ar abia an d Ru ssia.194 In d the the U. A.E., as we Egypt and U.A.E., wellll as pol politically and economically with Saudi Arabia and Russia. battling fo with Saraya Saaraya al-Dafa al-Da Daafa alBenghazzi (T he Be nghazzi the the east, east, the forr influence influence with al-Benghazi (The Benghazi the LNA LNA has has been been battling Defence Brigades Brigad des or BDB), BDB), which which is mad de up of various various Islamist Islamist militias, militias, some some of which which have haave Defence made Qa Qattar and and Turkey. Turkey. BDB paarticipaatted in th rattion to dr ive IS received support support from from Qatar BDB forces forces participated received thee ope operation drive


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‘Abdelhakim ‘A Abdelhakim Belhadj, Belhadj, The Th The militia militiaa leader leader turned turned in international nternatio t nal businessman’, businessman’, African A Afric frican Intelligence, In ntelligence, 28 28 April April 2016, 2016, available aavvailaable at: at: https://www.africaintelligence.com/aia/insiders/libya/2016/04/28/abdelhakim-belhadj-the-militia-leader-turned-international-businessman/108146782-be1, htttps://www.africaintelligence.com m/aia/insiders/libya/2016/04/28/abdelhaakim-belhadj-the-militia-leader-tu -turned-international-businessman//108146782-be1, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 189 in wings’, MacDonald, MacDonald, A., A., ‘‘Analysis: Analysis: As Libyans Libyans wrangle, wrangle, Qatar Qaatar in wings’, Reuters Reuteerrs, 1188 N November ovember 2011, 2011, available av available at: at: www.reuters.com/article/us-libyaww ww w.reuters.com/aarticle/us-libyaqatar/analysis-as-libyans-wrangle-qatar-in-wings-idUSTRE7AH1R120111118, last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . qaatar/analysis-as- libyans-wrangle-qaatar-in--wings-idUSTRE7AH1R120111118, last 190 Leaders’, U. ‘Terrorist ‘Terrorist Designations Designations of of Three Th Three Ansar Organizaations and and Leaders’, U.S. S. De Department epartme men nt of of State State, 1100 January January 2014, 2014, available av available at: at: Ansar al-Shari’a al-Shari’a Organizations https://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/266560.htm, last visited: visited: 8 N November ht ttps://www.state.govv/j/ct/rls/other/des/266560.httm, last ovember 2017. 191 Terrorists “affiliated” Jos Joscelyn, celyn, T., T., ‘Senate ‘Senate report: report: Terrorists “afffiliated” with with multiple multiple al Qaeda Qaeda groups groups involved involved in Benghazi Benghazi attack’, The The Long Lo ong War War Journal Jouurrrn nal, 1155 January January 2014, 20 1 4 , ww ww w w.longwarrjournal.org/archives/2014/01/_intelligence_on_al.php, last last visited: visited: 8 November avai available lable at: h https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2014/01/_intelligence_on_al.php, November 2017. 7ttps://w 192 Stephens, Stephens, M., M., ‘The ‘The Arab Arrab Co A Cold ld War War Redux’, Redux’, Th Thee Century Centuurry Foundation Fouun ndation, 28 28 February February 2017. 20 1 7 . 193 ‘Libyan ‘L Libyan wins wins right righ ht to sue sue ex-Foreign ex-Foreiggn nS Secretary ecretary Jack Jack Straw’, S tra w w’, BBC C, 1177 January January 2017, 2017, available availaable at: at: www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-38649683, ww ww ww w.bbc.co.uk/news/u uk k-38649683, last last visited: visited: 28 e Oc tober 22017; 017; Syal, R., ‘Rendition ‘Rendition ccase ase against aaga gainst Jack Jack Straw Straaw must must be be held held in secret, secret, judge judge rules’, rules’, Th Thee Guardian Guarrd dian, 21 21 July July 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: October Syal, R., https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/21/rendition-case-against-jack-straw-libya-must-held-secret-judge-rules, htttps://www.theggua uaardian.com m/world/2017//jull/21/rendition-case-against--ja jack-straawst-held-secret--ju j dge-rules, last ju last visited: visited: 28 28 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . ! w libySae-mu 194 Libyan Power Power Play’, Orton, Orton, K. K. and and Pigman, Piggma man, L., L., ‘Inside ‘Inside Putin’s Putin’s Libyan Play’, Fo Foreign orei eign Policy Po olicy, 1144 September ptember 2017, 2017, available available at: at: foreignpolicy.com/2017/09/14/insideforeignpolicy.com/2017/09/14/insidepower-play/, llast ast vvisited: isited: 15 O ctober 2017. put putins-libyan-power-play/, ins-libyan-powe October !




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! ! ! !out of its de fac facto cto Libyan Libyan capital, capital, Sirte. Sirte. Th There ere ar aree BD BDB B el elements ements th that att ha have ave ties ties to alal-Qaeda, Qaeda, an and d Qatar largely laargely keeps stance fr om th general, it is notable notab able that thatt Qatar Qattar has has exerted exerted much Qatar keeps its di distance from those. ose.195 In general, much le ss in fluence in Li bya th rough its Isl amist al lies th an th gyptiann led bloc bloc has has th rough Hi fttaar.196 less influence Libya through Islamist allies than thee Eg Egyptian-led through Hiftar. 1

Thse GNA is not an ideal Libya Dawn ideal vehicle vehicle for for Qatar. Qat Qatarr. Many Maany of the the Misratan Misratan Libya Daaw wn n militias militias loyal loyal to the the The haave a transactional transacctionall relationship relationship with with Doha Doha because becau use they they need Additionally, in need resources. resources. Additionally, GNA have both the the GNA and Hifttaar camp camp the the lower lower levels Madk kh halis, the the salafi saalaffi strain sttraain that and Hiftar levels are are dominated dominated by Madkhalis, that both thought of Rabi Raabi al-Madkhali, al-Mad dk kh halli, a Sa audi theologian. theologgia iaan. Al-Madkhali AlAl Madk kh hali counselled counselled a strictly sttri r c tly follows the the thought follows Saudi ap olitical approach, approach, which which is why why he was audi was helped helped to prominence prominence in th apolitical thee 1990s by th thee Sa Saudi counterweight to clerics clerics like Saafar aal-Hawali l-Haawalli and and Salman Saalman n alAwda, th aders of government as a counterweight like Safar government al-Awda, thee le leaders itionaal Sa Sahwa ahw wa (A (Awakening) wakening) movement Saudi audi Ar Arabia. abia.197 The The Sah Sahwa hwa mo movement vement movement in Sa the oppos the oppositional co mbined sal lafi precepts precepts with with Muslim Muslim Br otherhood-sttyle political-revolutionary politicall-revolutionary activity, acttivity,198 an and d in combined salafi Brotherhood-style 199 became one of the the central central building building blocks blocks of the the jihadi-salafist movement. The time time this this trend trend became jihadi-saalafist movement. The Mad dk kh hali connection connecttion to Saudi Saaudi Arabia Arabm Qatar, as doe unclear na ture ofdth Madkhali ia concerns concerns Qatar, doess th thee as-yetas-yet-unclear nature thee connecttions between bettw ween the the Madkhalis Mad dk kh halis on either either side: side: because becau use of their apolitical stance, sttaan nce, the their apolitical connections the Mad dk kh halis will will render render to whoever whoever rules, rules, and might perhaps perhap ps even form form a co nduit fo helping Hiftar Hiftarr and might Madkhalis conduit forr helping access GNA areas. areas.200 access Qa tar has ha tr ied to of ffset th ese co ncerns by cu ltivatting cl oser re latiions wi th individuals individualls in the the GNA Qatar tried offset these concerns cultivating closer relations with GNA,, pecially the fence mi nistry, th ough this this ha ovoked opposition opposition fr om se nior of fficials in th es the de especially defence ministry, though hass pr provoked from senior officials thee ayez alSaarraj.201 Qatar Qattar has has invested invested heavily heavily – as ha hass th thee GNA cluding its prime prime mi nister, Fa GNA,, in including minister, Fayez al-Sarraj. ddafi Libya. Libya. There There are are que stions ab out th effficacy of this U.A.E. questions about thee efficacy this U. A.E. –y in the the media media sector sector of post-Qaddafi post-Qad arr reaction reaction la argely went went against aggainst Qatar Qatar af fter the the Qu artset an nounced th ycott. An since popular largely after Quartet announced thee bo boycott. And de si nce popul Qatar does haave le gacy co ntact with with h certain certtai ain mi litias, primarily primarily through through Ali Ali alSaalab bi, an does also also have Qatar legacy contact militias, al-Salabi, Islamist cl tar, wh o sp ddafi’s pr isons. eric based based in Qat ent considerable considerable time time in Qad Islamist cleric Qatar, who spent Qaddafi’s prisons. Al-Saalabi is close Qatari ruling ruling House, the Li close to to the the Qatari House, an im portaant member member of the byan Mu slim Al-Salabi important Libyan Muslim Br otherhood, and spiritual au thorittyy for for Libya’s Libya’s Islamists Islamists more more broadly. broad dly. Al-Salabi Al-Saalab bi is an al and a spiritual ly of Brotherhood, authority ally Belhaj’s, though though al-Salabi’s al-Sallabi’s exact re lat ationship wi th Hi zb al -Wa W tan is unc lear, an d a cl ose as sociate Belhaj’s, relationship with Hizb al-Watan unclear, and close associate wii.202 Al-Salabi Al-Saalab bi also also had d a practical practicall role role in su supporting pportting Isl Islamists amists on behalf behal haalf of of Yu suf al-Qaradawi. al-Qaaradaw Yusuf j g p , Qatar via via his brother, Ismail Ismail alSaalab bi, a mi litia commander commander previously previously with with Be lhaj’s Fe bruary 17 Qatar his brother, al-Salabi, militia Belhaj’s February f Brigad des and and now with with BDB. BDB.203 Brigades

a 195

Author Au uthor interview, interview, October October 2017 2017 M., ‘A ‘A Quick Quick Guide Guide to to Libya’s Libya’s Main Toaldo, Toaldo, M. M. and and Fitzgerald, Fiitzgerald, M., Main Players’, Players’, Eu European urropean Council Couun ncil on on Foreign Fo orei eign Relations Rellaations (ECFR), (ECFR), 15 Ju June ne 2016, availab available le at: http://www.ecfr.eu/mena/mapping_libya_conflict, htttp://www.ecfr.eu/menaa/mapping_libya_conffllict, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 197 as The The Saudi Saaudi Arabian Arrabian government A government moved moved against against al-Awda, al-Awda, specifically, specifically, aand nd a number number of of other other clerics to the the Sahwa Sahwa movement movement that that itit designates desiggn nates as clerics related related to ext extremist remist as part parrt of the policy adopted Prominent Clerics the home home front front of the the foreign foreign policy adopted toward toward Qatar. Qatar. See: See: ‘Saudi ‘Saudi Arabia: Arrabia: Prominent A Clerics Arrested’, Arrrested’, Amnesty A Amnesty In International ternatio onall, 15 S eptember 2017, available September available at: at: https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/09/15/saudi-arabia-prominent-clerics-arrested, htttps://w www.hrw.org/news/2017/09/15/saudi-arabia-prominent-clerics-ar arrested, last last visited: visited: 28 October October 2017. It is is also also interesting note ttitu toward ward it, were were highlighted highlighted when when Muhammad Muhammad Surur in nteresting to n ote that that the the Sahwa Sahwa link, link, and aan nd the the different different attitudes aattitu tt des to Surur died died in Qatar Qataar in November November 2016. 20 1 6 . 198 Press, 2011). 2011). Lacroix, Lacroix, S., S., Aw Awakening waken ning Islam: Islam: Religious Relligious Dissent Diissen nt in in Contemporary Co onteem mporary Saudi Saudi Arabia Arrabia, (H (Harvard arvard University University Press, 199 Hassan, Hassan, H., H., ‘‘The The Sectarianism Sectarianism of of the the Islamic Islamic State: State: Ideological Ideological Roots Roots and and Political Political C Context’, ontext’, Ca Carnegie arrn negie, 13 13 June June 2016, 2016, available av availaable at: at: ic staate-ideological-roots-and-political-contextt/j / 1iy, last last visited: visited: 28 October car carnegieendowment.org/2016/06/13/sectarianism-of-islamic-state-ideological-roots-and-political-context/j1iy, negieendowment.org/2016/06/13/sectarianism-off--islaamicOctober 2017. 200 Author Au uthor interview, interview, October October 2017 2017 201 Mustafa, Mustafa, A., A., ‘‘Row R ow o over ver Misrata Misrata military military delegation delegation in in Qatar’, Qatar’, Li Libya ibyya H Herald eerralld d, 1155 August Au A ugust 2017, 2017, available availaable at: at: https://www.libyaherald.com/2017/08/15/rowhttp https://w www.libyaherald.com/2017/08/15/rowmi ast vi sited: 28 O ctober 2017. over-misrata-military-delegation-in-qatar/, over-misrata-mi visited: October mlitary-delegation-in-qaatar/, llast 202 of “moderate” “moderate” Islamic Islamic democracy’, democracy’, Th Spencer, Spencer, R., R., ‘Libyan ‘Libyan cleric cleric announces announces new new party paarty on on lines lines of Thee Telegraph Teleegraph, 10 Tel 10 November Noveomber 2011, 2011, available available at: at: t www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/libya/8879955/Libyan-cleric-announces-new-party-on-lines-of-moderate-Islamicnew-paarty-on-lines-of-moderate-Islamicwww.telegraph ph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/libya/8879955/Libyan-cleric-announces-new de mocracy.html, last democracy.html, last visited: visited: 28 October October 2017. 2017. 203 McGregor, McGregor, A., A., ‘Qatar’s ‘Qaatar’s R Role ole in in the the Libyan Libyan Conflict: Conffllict: Who’s Wh W ho’s on on the the Lists Lists of of Terrorists Terrorists and Wh W hy’, Jam Jamestown estow wn Foundation Foundattion, 14 14 July July 2017, 2017, available available at: at: ! visiteda: n228d8 Why’, https://jamestown.org/program/qatars-role-libyan-conflict-whos-lists-terrorists/,last October Sullivan, J.,, ‘‘Top Confidentail [sic] - Im Important ht ttps://jamestown.org/proggrram/qaatars-role-libyan-conffllict--who who w s-lists--terrorists/,last visited: O ctober 2017; S ullivan, J. Top C onffidentail [sic] portant Message October Me ssage to to Forward Forrw ward [to [to Hillary Hillary Clinton]’, Clinton]’, 28 28 February February 2011, 2011, available available at: at: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/28627, https!://wikileaks.org/clinton-em emails/emailid/28627, llast ast visited: visited: 28 O ctober 2017. 196

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33.3 . 3 Palestine P a l e s tii n e

Ha arakat alMuqawama alIslam miyya (T he Isl am mic Re sistance Mo vement), be ttter known n by its Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya (The Islamic Resistance Movement), better acr onym HAMAS, alestinian n br anch of th otherhood.204 HAMAS, wa unded in 1987 as th slim Br acronym wass fo founded thee Pa Palestinian branch thee Mu Muslim Brotherhood. bMAS destruction of Israel Co Committed mmittted to th thee destruction Israel an and d th thee us usee of violence violence to acco accomplish mp,lish its ai aims, ms, HA HAMAS nated as a Fo reiggn n Te rrorist Or ganisattion by th atte De partment in 1997.205 wa wass de designated siggn Foreign Terrorist Organisation thee US St State Department ayed a le ad ding role role in th tifada, mo st not ably wi th su icide bombings bombings against against HAMAS played leading thee Se Second cond In Intifada, most notably with suicide HA MAS pl Israe eli civilian civilian areas. thers, Yu wii. areas. This This tactic tactic was was lic ensed by, am ong ot suf al-Qaradawi. al-Qaaradaw Israeli licensed among others, Yusuf za Af fter HAMAS HAMAS won alestinian legislative leggis islattive el ecttions in 2006 an olently in Ga d se ized pow er vi won the the Pa After Palestinian elections and seized power violently Gaza in 2007, Israe el in stituted a bl ockad de to co ch of th rld so ught to is olatte ntain HA MAS an d mu Israel instituted blockade contain HAMAS and much thee wo world sought isolate tarr, by co ntrast, provided provided a pol itical ope ning to HA anciaal th group. Qat MAS and and considerable considerable fin thee group. Qatar, contrast, political opening HAMAS financial 206 iresources l t h When HA HAMAS’s political le leadership ad dership was was fo forced the group. group. When MAS’s political rced out of Syria Syria in 2012, resources to the Qatar, and and Khaled Khaled Me shal and and his his deputies deputiies have haave been been allowed allowed to travel travel and they Meshal and they went went to Qatar, fundraiise without without hi ndrance. fundraise hindrance. “We believe believe HA MAS is a ver portaant part ople”, Qatari paart of th Paalestinian pe Qatari Emir Emir Tamim Taamim bin bin “We HAMAS veryy im important thee Palestinian people”, Haamad alal Thani sai id in la te 2014. “[ d th ey wan nt pe ace. Bu HAMAS] be lieves in pe ace an Hamad al-Thani said late “[HAMAS] believes peace and they want peace. Butt it’s fo forr ther pa arty [i .e. Isra el] to be lieve in pe acce as we d to be mo allisttic”.207 This This statement stattement the ot re re the other party [i.e. Israel] believe peace wellll an and more realistic”. came just just mo nths af fter the the US had d made made its di mad spleasure wi th Do ha’s st an nce on HA MAS pl aiin. In came months after displeasure with Doha’s stance HAMAS plain. finance in Ma arch 2014, Un dersecretarry fo n a n c ia l speech on terror terror finance rrorism an d Fi a speech March Undersecretary forr Te Terrorism and Financial s has, .nly avid Co hen bluntly bluntly stated: stated: “Q atar, a lo ng-time US al maany year s, ope ly, has, for for many Inteleligentce Da Intelligence David Cohen “Qatar, long-time ally, years, openly 208 financed HAMAS, thatt continues continues to unde reggiional stability”. stab b ility ” . HAMAS, a group group that rmine regional financed undermine ir became state to visit visit the the HAMAS-ruled HAMAS-ruled enclave Qa tar’s em became the the first first head head of state enclave in 2012, an d Qatar’s emir and Qatar tar onc oncee ag again ain solved solved HAMAS’s HAMAS’s budget with tens pl edged $400 $400-million in ai d.209 In 2016, Qa budget issues issues with tens pledged $400-million aid. lars.210 The The reality reallity is that accepts paying aying fo forr th thee ci civilian, vilian, millions dollars. that much much of the the world world accep ts Doha Doha pa of mi llions of dol ad ministratiive bu reaucraccy of Gaz za, and captive popul attion, even at the administrative bureaucracy Gaza, population, and the the basic basic needs needs of that that captive the lstering th MAS di ctatorship, because because there there is no evi iticall alternative: alternattive: exp ense of bo dent pol expense bolstering thee HA HAMAS dictatorship, evident political ition fo rces to HAMAS d even if th ey di d not th st vi sible oppos HAMAS are are jihadist jihadist in or ientation an thee mo most visible opposition forces orientation and they did o er upon the p e result humanitarivan n the toppling toppling of HAMAS, chaos and and a humanitarian as sumeepow HAMAS, the th result would would likely liki ely be chaos assume power 211 calamity. The The primary primary go goal, al, th therefore, erefore, has defau aulted to keeping keeping resources haands of resources out of the the hands has defaulted calamity. litary units, units, the the Izzadeen Izzadeen alQassam Brigades, Brigades, an d the the oth her exp licitly te rroristHAMAS’s HAMAS’s mi military al-Qassam and other explicitly terroristctions of th MAS organisation. organi n sattion. lin linked ked se sections thee HA HAMAS where Qatari tar’s role role remains remains troublesome. troublesome. The The gu arantees ab out where Qatari aid aid into into Gaza Gaza is He Here, re, Qa Qatar’s guarantees about ard to mo nitor. Moreover, Moreover, as well itical an d eco nomic wi ngs to Qa attarr, well as moving moving its pol go going ing ar aree ha hard monitor. political and economic wings Qatar,



204 ‘The ‘T The Covenant Covenant of of the the Islamic Islaam mic Resistance Resistance Movement’, Movement’, HAMAS, HA AM MAS, 18 August Auggus ust 1988, available available at: at: avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp, avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp, last last visited: visited: 28 October October 2017. 205 ‘Foreign ‘Foreign Terrorist Terrorist Organisations’, Organisaations’, US De Department epartme men nt of of State Staate, av aavailable vailaable at: at: https://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/123085.htm, https://w ww ww.staate.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/123085.htm, last last visited: visited: 28 28 October October 2017. 206 Ame Amer, r, A. A.A., A., ‘‘Hamas Hamas T Ties ies to to Qatar Qaatar Have Have Cost’, Cost’, Al Al-Monitor l--Mon niititor, 2222 April Ap A pril 2013, 2013, available av availaable at: at: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2013/04/hamashttps://w ww ww w.al-monitor.com//pulse/origgiinals/2013/04/hamasqatar-relationship-independence.html, qaatar-relaationship-independence.h html, last last visited: visited: 28 28 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 207 ast Krever, Krever, M., M., ‘Qatar’s ‘Qatar’s Emir: Emir: We We don't don't fund fund terrorists’, terrorists’, CNN NN N, 2255 September September 2014, 2014, available av available at: at: edition.cnn.com/2014/09/25/world/meast/qatar-emir/, edition.cnn.com/2014/09/25/world/meast/qatar-emir/, llast visited: October 2017. visited: 28 October 208 ‘Remarks ‘Remaarks of of Under Under Secretary Secretary for for Terrorism Terrorism and and Financial Financial Intelligence Intelligence David Daavid Cohen Cohen before before the the Ce Center nter for for a New New American American Security Security on on “Confronting “Confronting New T hreats iin n Terrorist Terrorist Financing”’, Financing”’, US De Department epartme men nt of of Treasury Trreeasuurry, 4 March March 2014, 2014, available av availaable at: at: https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/presshttps://w www.treasury.gov/press-center/pressNew Threats . releases/Pages/jl2308.aspx, releases/Pages/jl2308.aspx, last last visited: visited: 28 28 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 209 Pledging $400 $400 Million Rudoren, Rudoren, J., J., ‘Qatar’s ‘Qatar’s Emir Emir Visits Visits Gaza, Gaazza, Pledging Million to Hamas’, Hamas’, Th Thee New New York Yorrk Times Tiimes, 23 23 October October 2012, 2012, available availaable at: at: www. nytimes.com/2012/10/24/world//middleeast/pledggi ging-400 400-to to-gaza-strip.h html, la st vvisited: isited: 2288 October October 2017. 2 0 17 . www.nytimes.com/2012/10/24/world/middleeast/pledging-400-million-qatari-emir-makes-historic-visit-to-gaza-strip.html, 400 million-qaatari-emir-makes-historic-visit-to last 210 sector workers’, workers’, Reuters ‘Qatar ‘Qatar says saayys gives gives $30 $30 million million to pay pay Gaza Gaza public public sector Reuteers, 22 22 July July 2016, 2016, available available at: at: www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinians-gazaww w ww w w.reuters.com/article/us-paalestinians-gaza! qatar/qatar-says-gives-30-million-to-pay-gaza-public-sector-workers-idUSKCN1021AQ, workers-idUSKCN1021AQ, last last visited: visited: 28 O October ctober 2017. qa atar/qaatar-saays-gives-30-million-to - -pay-gaza-public-sector-wo 211 Author Au uthor interviews, interviews, October October 2017 2017 !

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! ! ! ! AMAS is HAMAS H is,, it se seems, ems, ab able le to pl plan an n te terrorist rrorist attacks attacks in Israe Israel el fr from om th this is exi exile. le.212 Among Among other otther things, things, an Izzadeen Izzadeen alQassam Brigades Brigades commander, commander, Ta alal Abdurrahman Abdurrahman n Sha arim, is be lieved to be an al-Qassam Talal Sharim, believed based in Qa atar, an d Sha arim is in volved in fin ancing HA MAS cel ls on th st Ba ank.213 based Qatar, and Sharim involved financing HAMAS cells thee We West Bank.

3.4 Ransom R a n s o m Payments P a ym ments ween Qatar A re curring source source of tension tension between bettw Qaatar and and the the Saudi-led Saaudi-le led bloc bloc is Doha’s Doha’s payment, paayment, or recurring fac cilitattion of payments, paayments, to terrorist terrorist organisations organisatiions in or der to re lease hostages. hostagges. Qatar Qaatar fla tly de n ie s facilitation order release flatly denies th att it en tarr’s fo reiggn n Mi nister, Kh alid alAttiyah h, ha ated “Q gages in th is pol icy. Qat rmer Fo atar that engages this policy. Qatar’s former Foreign Minister, Khalid al-Attiyah, hass st stated “Qatar paay ransoms raansoms … This This is another another wayy of fueling fueling [t errorism] … [Y]ou call it supporting supportting doe [Y]ou mayy call doess not pay [terrorism] through th ackdoor, and and this this we don al Attiyah mself cr yptically re ferred to ’t do”. do”. However, However, alah hi through thee ba backdoor, don’t al-Attiyah himself cryptically referred Qatar being being prepared prepaared to “mediate “mediate to save saave another another life”, life”,214 and and Western Western diplomats aree in diplomats in Doha Doha ar Qatar an ns in pr actice.215 And And in indeed, deed, it appears ransom ansom little doubt ab about out wh what at th this is me means practice. appears that that one such such ra pa ayment, to Ha ay’at Tah hrir alSham m (H Qaeeda br anch in Sy ria,216 wa wass th thee “f “final final payment, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), TS), th thee fo former rmer alal-Qaeda branch Syria, st traaw” th att de termined th ing of th current round round of the the crisis crisis with with th otther Gulf Gulf states. stattes.217 straw” that determined thee tim timing thee current thee other A hunting hunting party paarty – co nsisting of tw o-dozen Qatari Qattari ci tiizens, am ong th em me mbers of the the royal royall consisting two-dozen citizens, among them members fa amily, an audi ci tizens – was was ki ar La ayya in th than nna governorate governorate of d tw o Sa dnapped ne family, and two Saudi citizens kidnapped near Layya thee Mu Muthanna so uthern Iraq q, cl ose to th Saaudi bo All 26 individuals individualls were rder, on 16 De cember 2015.218 All were southern Iraq, close thee Saudi border, December released on 22 April al, ne gotiiated by Qat tarr an d Ira raan, th att tie d to gether th t of te released April 2017 in a de deal, negotiated Qatar and Iran, that tied together thee fat fate town proggrress of a number exttremist groups groups in the the Levant, Levan nt, specifically specifically four towns ns in Syria Syria and and the the progress number of extremist four Iran n’s pr oxies.219 HTS and and Iran’s HTS proxies. The Qat lier se tari hun ters’ hostage hosttaage deal deal built built on an ear negottiations, which which collapsed collapsed in Au gu st The Qatari hunters’ earlier sett of negotiations, August ttw ween th ardline Sy rian Isl am mist in surgent or ganisattion, Ah rar alShaam, an d th o2015, be between thee ha hardline Syrian Islamist insurgent organisation, Ahrar al-Sham, and thee pr prowhich was was notable notable fo Ahrar di rectlly engaging engaggiing with with Iran, Iraan, specifically speciffiically the the Islamic Islamic Asad coalition, coalition, which Asad forr Ahrar directly Revolutionarry Guard Guard Co rps (I RGC) and banese appendage, appendage, Hi zballah, ab out th t of te and its Le Revolutionary Corps (IRGC) Lebanese Hizballah, about thee fat fate Syrian towns. town ns. In May Maay 2015, Hizballah-led Hizballahh led pro-Asad pro-Asad d forces forces be gan an an of ffensive in th alam m un Syrian began offensive thee Qa Qalamun area between bettw amascus and and the the Le banese border. border.220 Af After fter sweeping sweeping ga gains, ains, the the pro-regime pro-reggiime fo forces rc e s ween Da area Damascus Lebanese began n attacking attack kiing th bel-held towns town ns of Zabadani Zab bad dani and and Madaya Madaya in July began thee re rebel-held July 2015, qui quickly ckly im imposing posing a fforts we re mad de to get get a ceasefire, ceaseffiire,221 unt until til September September when ceaseffiire took took hold. hold.222 siege. Several Several ef siege. efforts were made when a ceasefire ceaseffiire ag grreement left left insurgents insurgents in co ntrol of the the urban urban areas abad dani an d Ma daya, The agreement control areas of Za Zabadani and Madaya, The ceasefire zballah he ld the the surroundings, surroundings, and mmitment and this this compact compact was was co mplemented by a co while Hizballah held complemented commitment while Hi


212 ‘IDF ‘IDF & IS ISA AU Uncover ncover Hamas Hamas Terrorist Terrorist Assets Assets in Hebron’, Hebron’, Israeli Defence Deffence Forces Forces, 3311 January January 2013, 2013, available available at: at: https://www.idfblog.com/2013/01/31/idf-isa-uncover-hamas-terrorist-assets-in-hebron/, October ctober 22017. 0 17 . htttps://www.idffbl blog.com m/2013/01/31//idff--isa-uncover-haamass-terrorist-assets-in-hebron/, llast ast vvisited: isited: 2288 O 213 Schanzer, Schanzer, J., J., ‘Assessing ‘Assessing the the US-Qatar US-Qaatar R Relationship’, elationship’, Te Testimony stimonyy to to the the House Housse Foreign Forreeiign Affairs Afffairs Committee A C om mm mittttee, 26 26 July July 2017, 2017, available availaable at: at: doc docs.house.gov/meetings/FA/FA13/20170726/106329/HHRG-115-FA13-Wstate-SchanzerJ-20170726.pdf, s.house.govv/meetings/FA last visited: visited: 28 A//FA13/20170726/106329/HHRG-115-FA13-Wstate-SchanzerJ-20170726.pdff, last 28 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 214 Kovessy, Kovessy, P., P., ‘Foreign ‘Foreiggn n minister: minister: Qatar Qatar does does not not pay pay ransoms’, ransoms’, Do Doha D oha News News, 30 30 September September 2014, 2014, available av availab ilable at: at: https://dohanews.co/foreign-minister-qatarhttps://dohanews.co/foreign-minister-qa qaatarpa pay-ransoms/, y-ransoms/, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 215 Bakr, Bak krr, A., A., ‘Qatar ‘Qatar pares pares support support for for Islamists Islamists but but careful carefful to preserve Reuterrs, 2 N November ovember 2014, 2014, available aavvailaable at: at: http://www.reuters.com/article/ushttp://w www.reuters.com/aarticle/usspreserve ties’, Reuters ht-idUSKBN0IM07B20141102, last mideast-crisis-qatar-insight-idUSKBN0IM07B20141102, mideast-crisis-qaatar-insigh last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 216 Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘Whither ‘W Wh hither Al Al-Qaeda -Qaeda iin nS Syria?’, yria?’, Hen Henry nrry Jackson n Jackson So Society ciieety, 1155 August Au A ugust 2017. 20 1 7 . 217 Killalea, Killalea, D. D.,, ‘‘Qatar: Qatar: Royal Royal ffamily amily ransom ransom deal, deal, hacking, hacking, terrorism terrorism behind behind diplomatic diplomaatic crisis’, crisis’, Ne News.com.au w s. c o m m.au, 7 June June 2017, 2017, available availaable at: at: ht ttp://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/w /world-economy/qatar-royal-family-raansom-deal-hacking-terrorism-behind-diplomatic-crisis/newshttp://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/world-economy/qatar-royal-family-ransom-deal-hacking-terrorism-behind-diplomatic-crisis/newslast visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 2 01 7 . story/5cf7483d1598e72cd904bbbc52c0d9d2, sto ryy/5cf7483d1598e72cd904bbbc52c0d9d2, last 218 bducted in Ira qd esert b nmen’, BBC ‘Qatar ‘Qatar hunters hunters aabducted Iraq desert byy gu gunmen’, C, 1166 December December 2015, 2015, available availaable at: at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-35112774, http://w ww ww w w.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-35112774, 35112774, last last vi sited: 15 October visited: October 2017. 219 ‘“I felt felt like like life was was beginning beginning again”: aga agaain”: Qataris Qataaris kidnapped kid kidnapped in Iraq Iraq speak speak of of joy joy at at release’, release’, Th Thee National National, 2233 April April 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: https://www.thenational.ae/world/i-felt-like-life-was-beginning-again-qataris-kidnapped-in-iraq-speak-of-joy-at-release-1.31208, visited: October 2017. ht ttps://www.thenaationaal.ae/world//i-felt-like-life-was -wa -beggiinning-again-qaataris-kidnapped-in-iraq-speak-off--joy-at-release-1.31208, llast ast vi sited: 15 October 220 Smaha, Smaha, N., N., ‘‘Why Why W hy Qalamoun Qalamoun matters matters for for Hezbollah’, Hezbollah’, Al Al-Jazeera -Jazeerra, 11 -Jazeera 11 May May 2015, 2015, available available at: at: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/05/150511085809867.html, October 2017. htttp://www.aljazeera.com m/news/2015/05/150511085809867.httml, last last visited: visited: 15 October 221 help broker broker rare rare truce truce in in Syria’, Syria’, Reuters Karouny, Karouny, M. M. and and Perry, Perry, T., T., ‘Turkey, ‘Turkey, Iran Iran help Reuterrs, 12 12 August Au A ugust 2015, 2015, available aavvailaable at: at: http://www.reuters.com/article/ushttp http://w www.reuters.com/article/ussmideast-crisis-syria-ceaseffire/tturkey-iraan last visited: 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . n-help-broker-rare-tr -truce-invisited: 15 mideast-crisis-syria-ceasefire/turkey-iran-help-broker-rare-truce-in-syria-idUSKCN0QH1CQ20150812, in syria-idUSKCN0QH1CQ20150812, last 222 source’, The available at: ‘Syria ‘Syria army, aarm rmy, rebels rebels reach reach deal deal on on Zabadani, Zabadani, Idlib Idlib villages: villages: source’, The Daily Daily Star Star (Lebanon), (Lebanon), 24 September September 2015, available ! http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Lebanon-News/2015/Sep-24/316543-hezbollah-syria-army-reach-deal-with-rebels-on-fate-of-zabadani-idlib-townshtttp://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Lebanon-News/2015/Sep-24/316543-hezbollah-syria-army-reach-deall-wi -with-rebels-on-faate-off--zaabadaani-idlib-townssources.ashx, last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 2 0 17 . so urces.ashx, last !



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! ! ! !from from the the insurgency insurgency to not enter enter two two regimereggiime- and and Hizballah-held Hizballah-held towns, town ns, alal-Fua Fua an and d Ka Kafraya, afraya, y wh which ic h in surgents had thern Sy ria at more me tim insurgents had besieged besieged in the the Idlib Idlib Pr Province ovince of nor northern Syria more or less less the the sam same timee th thee 223 pro-Asad coalition coalition moved moved against aggainst Zabadani Zaabadani and and Madaya. Mad dayya. The The ne negotiations gottiatiions br broke oke dow down n over over a pro-Asad proposal fo population exchange, exchange, wh att critics critics would would call call mu tuall et thnic cl eansing, wh ich wo proposal forr a population what mutual ethnic cleansing, which would u ld haave removed removed the larrgely-Sunni residents residents of Zabadani Zaabad dani and and Madaya Madaya into the largely-Sunni into in surgent-held areas areas in th have insurgent-held thee north, and and moved larrgely-Shi’a residents afraya into into re ggiime-held ar eas in th moved the the largely-Shi’a residents of al-Fua al-Fua and and Ka north, Kafraya regime-held areas thee south. Iran Iraan n fa avoured this; this; Ahrar Ahrar rejected reejected it.224 With With the the end end of negotiation, negottiation, this this never never came came about south. favoured about ontlines more more or less less held, held, with with civilians civilians dying dying in the the regime-sieged reggiime-sieged ar eas,225 until unttil th thee de deal al an and d th thee fr frontlines areas, tarri hun te rs. over Qatari hunters. over the the Qat d th Hussam alShaafi’i, a se nior pol iticall of fficial wi thin HT S, we nt to Qa Qat tarr on 26 Mar rch 2017, an Hussam al-Shafi’i, senior political official within HTS, went Qatar March and thee de al ov er th four to wn ns” an d the the Qa tari hun ters wa alised ed wi th Iran n’s representatives representatiives tw o deal over thee “f “four towns” and Qatari hunters wass fin finalised with Iran’s two 226 day ys lat ter. The The new new de deal al re revived vived elements deal, al, including including a ceas ceasefire effire on th thee four elements of the the old old de four days later. town ns (lasting (lastting ni ne months months this this time), an on the the use use of airstrikes airstrikes in certain certain areas, areas, and towns nine time), a ba ban and human nitarian n access. access. Additionally, Additionallly, th reggiime was was required required to release release 1,500 itical pr isoners, 1,500 pol humanitarian thee regime political prisoners, mostly women, women, though though it appears appears the ggiime re leased mo stly low-level ther th an n the re low-level criminals, criminals, ra mostly regime released mostly rather than 227 opposition activists. acttivists. The The de deal, al, how however, also codiffiied the the sectarian sectarian de demographic moggrraphic change change the ever, al so codified the opposition Iran nians wa anted; 20,000 20,000 pe ople fr om alafrayya an d 40, abadani an Iranians wanted; people from al-Fua Fua an and d Ka Kafraya and 40,000 000 pe people ople fr from om Za Zabadani and d Mad dayya ar get HTS HTS and Ahrarr to accede accede to th this is re required quired pa payment. ayment. Mo Moreover, re o v e r, ved.228 To get and Ahrar Madaya aree to be mo moved. Qattari hun ters we re tak ken by Ka taib Hi zballah h, an Ira anian pr oxy mi litia an d USsince since the the Qatari hunters were taken Kataib Hizballah, Iranian proxy militia and de siggn natted terrorist terrorist organisation organisattion229 th that at has fought ught as pa part art of th thee Ira Iranian-orchestrated raanian-orchestrratted Shi’a Shi’a jihad jihad in has fo designated saave As ad d,230 it re required quired that that Kat Kataib taib Hi Hizballah zballlah be pa paid, aid, to too. Qataris tarris se sent nt a pl plane an ne to Sy Syria ria to save Asad, o. The The Qat Bagghdad on 15 April th ope rattives onb oaard carrying carrying tens tens of mi dollarrs. The The Iraqi Ira Iraq qi Baghdad April 2017, wi with operatives onboard millions llions of dollars. government claimed aware of the deall – though though Qatar Qattar insisted insisted that thatt Iraq qi authorities authorities had had claimed to be una the deal government unaware Iraqi “ffull knowledge” know owlledge”231 – and and im impounded pounded th thee pl plane. ane.232 Nearly Nearly simultaneously, simultan neously, a terrible terrible suicide suicide “full than 100 pe atting Fu d Kafraya, Kaafraya,233 further further delaying delaying the bombing bombing ma massacred ssacred mo more re than people ople evacu evacuating Fuaa an and the the de al. Ultimately Ultimattely th within a week week th deal was implementation deal. these ese is issues sues we were re re resolved solved and and within thee deal implementattion of the was done. done. Qatar’s ri vals on th lf wo uld later later claim claim it had had pa aid $700 mi llion to Ira an’s pr oxies in Ira q an d Qatar’s rivals thee Gu Gulf would paid million Iran’s proxies Iraq and ttw ween th o Isl amist groups rar an d HT th th ajority go ing to llion be groups in Sy ria, Ah S, wi $300 mi million between thee tw two Islamist Syria, Ahrar and HTS, with thee ma majority going The Syrian Syrian Islamists Islamists called called this figure gure “ridiculous”. “ridiculous”.235 They They are are almost almost certainly certainly correct; correct; this fig HTS.234 The HTS.

223 Itani, Itani, F F.. an and dB Barabandi, arabandi, B B.,., ‘In Z Zabadani, abadani, Signs Signs of of a New New and and Worrying Worrying Iranian Iranian Strategy Strategy in S Syria’, yria’, Hu Huffington uufffington Post Post, 1155 September September 2015, 2015, available av availaable at: at: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/faysal-itani/in-zabadani-signs-of-a-ne_b_8097416.html, htttps://www.huf ufffinggttonpost.com/ffaysal-itaani/in-zabadani-sigggn ns-off--a-ne_b_8097416.html, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 224 ‘Ahrar ‘A Ah hrar ash-Sham ash-Sha Shaam Ends Ends Negotiations Negotiations With With Iran Iran Over Over Zabadani Zaaba b daani Ceasefire’, Ceasefire’, En Enab ab Ba Baladi aladi Online On nlline, 6 August August 2015, 2015, available available at: at: http://syrianobserver.com/EN/News/29624/Ahrar_Sham_Ends_Negotiations_With_Iran_Over_Zabadani_Ceasefire, October 2017. ht ttp://syrianobs nob erver.com m/EN/N News/29624/A Ahrar_Shaam_Ends_Negottiations_W With_Iran_Over_Zabadani_Ceasefire, last last visited: visited: 15 October 2017. 225 ‘Despite ‘Despite truce truce with with regime, regime, two two more more Madaya Madaya residents residents die die of of starvation’, starvation’, Sy Syria yrriia Direct Dirreect, 1111 January January 2016, 2016, available available at: at: http://syriadirect.org/news/despitehttp://syriadirect.org/news/despitetruce-with-regime-two-more-madaya-residents-die-of-starvation/, truce-wiith-regime-two-more-madaya-residents-die-off--staarvatio last October t n/, la st vvisited: isited: 1155 O ctober 22017. 0 17 . 226 Mardasov, Maardasov, A., A., ‘Why ‘W Wh hy w was as deal deal to to evacuate evacuate Syrian Syrian towns towns brokered Qaatar and and IIran?’, ran?’, Al Al-Monitor l--Mo on niitor, 7 April April 2017, 2017, available av availa ilable at: at: http://www.alhttp://w ww ww.albrokered by by Qatar monitor.com/pulse/originals/2017/04/iran-russia-qatar-conflict-syria-deal-turkey.html, 20 1 7 . mo nitor.com/pulse/origgiinals/2017/04/iran-russia-qaatar-confffllict-syria-deal-turkey.html, last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 227 release’, Sy pro-oppos Syrians disappointed disaappointed by ‘On ‘On sidelines sidelines of of “Four “Four Towns” Towns” Agreement, Agre Agreement, some some pro-opposition opposition Syrians by prisoner prisoner release’, Syria yrriia Direct Direct, 2244 April April 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: htttp://syriadirect.org/news/on-sidelines-off--‘four-towns’-agreement-some-pro-opposition-syriaans-disappointed-by-prisoner-release/, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October http://syriadirect.org/news/on-sidelines-of-‘four-towns’-agreement-some-pro-opposition-syrians-disappointed-by-prisoner-release/, 2017. 228 ‘On ‘On sidelines sidelines of “Four Towns” Towns” Agreement, Agreement, some opposition Syrians Syria yrriia Direct Direct, 2244 April April 2017. 20 1 7 . of “Four some pro-opposition pro-oppos Syrians disappointed disappointed by by prisoner prisoner release’, release’, Sy 229 ‘Designation ‘Designation of of Kata'ib Kata'ib Hizballah’, Hizballaah’, US De Department epartme men nt of of State State, 26 26 June June 2009, 2009, available av available at: at: https://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/143209.htm, https://w ww ww w w.sta taate.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/143209.httm, m, last last visited: v is i t e d : 15 October October 2017. 230 Smyth, Smyth, P., P., ‘‘The The Shiite Shiite Jihad Jihad in in Syria Syria and and Its Its Regional’, Regional’, Th Thee Washington W a sh hiington Institute Institutte, F February ebruary 2015, 2015, available available at: at: http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policyhttp http://w ww ww w w.washingtoninstitu ute.org/policyanalysis/view w/th /t e-shiite--jih jihad-in-syria-and-its-regional-efffects, last analysis/view/the-shiite-jihad-in-syria-and-its-regional-effects, last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7. 231 ‘Qatar ‘Qatar says saayys Iraq Iraq had had “full “full knowledge” kn knowledge” of of hostage hostaage deal’, deal’, AF AFP FP, 2266 April April 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: http://www.arabianbusiness.com/qatar-says-iraq-had-fullhttp http://w ww ww w w.aarabiaanbusiness.com/qataar-saays-iraq-had-fullknow knowledge-of-hostage-deal-672064.html, ledge-off--hostage-deal-672064.html, llast ast visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 232 Chulov, Chulov, M. M.,, ‘Qatari ‘Qaatari royals royals released released from from captivity captivity as as part part of of Syria Syria population population swap swap deal’, The Guardian Guardian, 21 21 April April 2017, 2017, available available at: at: deal’, The https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/21/qatar-royals-released-iraq-syria-four-towns-deal, October 2017. 2017. ht ttps://www.theggua uaardian.com m/world/2017/apr/21/qaatar-royals-released-iraq-syria-four-towns-deal, last last visited: visited: 15 October 233 bus bombing’, bombing’, BBC ‘Syria ‘Syria war: war: “At “A “At least least 68 68 children children among among 126 126 killed” kkille illed” in bus C, 1177 April Ap A pril 2017, 2017, available availaable at: at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-easthttp http://w ww ww w w.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-eas eastlast visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 39613313, last 234 Solomon, Solomon, E., E., ‘The ‘The $1bn $1bn hostage hostage deal deal that thaat enraged enraged Qatar’s Qatar’s Gulf rivals’, Fi Financial inancia Tiimes, 5 June June 2017, 2017, available available at: at: Gulf rivals’, ! ial Times https://www.ft.com/content/dd033082-49e9-11e7-a3f4-c742b9791d43?segmentid=acee4131-99c2-09d3-a635-873e61754ec6, October 2017. htttps://www.fftt.com m/contentt/dd033082-49e9-11e7-a3ff4-c742b 4 c742b9791d43?segmenttid=acee4131-99c2-09d3--a635-873e61754ec6, last last visited: visited: 15 October 235 Lister, Lister, C., C., Twi Twitter itter post, post, 5 June June 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://twitter.com/Charles_Lister/status/871795176418705409, https://twitter.com/Charle!s_Lister/status/871795176418705409, last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 .

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! ! ! !one jihadi jihad d aactivist di ctivist ffr from rom Idlib Idlib claimed claimed that ttha hat the the real real figure ffiigu ure was was $35 million. million.236 But But it is st still till tr true ue th that att in exchange fo return of the the Qatari Qatari an d Saudi Saaudi hun ters an d some some time-limited, geograp p h ic a lly exchange forr th thee return and hunters and time-limited, geographicallylimited, and and unenforceable unenfforceab ble deescalattions of the the pro-Asad pro-Asad coalition’s coaliti tion’s cam paiggn n, th taris had had limited, de-escalations campaign, thee Qat Qataris sectarrian popul attion tr ansfer and transfer of te ns of mi llions of dollars, dollars, at a secured a sectarian and the the transfer secured population transfer tens millions exttremists. sThe deal had d demonstrated demonstrrated th Iraan across across the nni an d Shi ’a extremists. The deal er of Iran minimu, m, to Su thde minimum, Sunni and Shi’a thee pow power Levant an d the the impotence impotence not only only of Asad, deal made Asad, but but of the the Iraqi Iraqi government, government, which which had had a deal made Levant and ad d by Ira an ab out fo reiggn n nat tionaals wh o had d be en ki hran’s pr oxies in over its he dnapped by Te over head Iran about foreign nationals who been kidnapped Tehran’s proxies fficial Iraqi And in Syria Syria it had d provided provided results, results, i.e i.e.. session of of Iraqi pe rmits.237 And Iraq while while in pos Iraq possession official permits. politicall legitimacy, leggitim itimaccy, and and resources resources to HTS bellion wa truggling political HTS at a time time when when the the mai mainstream mainstream re rebellion wass st struggling survivall. for support support and and survival. for This was was hardly haardly the the first first time time Qatar Qattarr had had helped helped channel channel money money to terrorists terrorists in Syria Syria as par rt of a This part hostagge negotiation. negottiation. hostage s s d o release of 13 Lebanese en Qattar negotiated negottiatted the th he release Lebanese security securityy fo rces, wh o had d be December 2015, Qatar In December forces, who been ki dnap pped by HTS’s Jaabhatt alNusra. Al Nusra officials offfiicials say say that thatt among amo m ng HTS’s predecessor predecessor organisation, organisatiion, Jabhat Alkidnapped al-Nusra. Al-Nusra was Ahmad Ahmad al-Khatib, al-Khatiib, wh ho has as the the son son of of the the first first leader lead der of Do ha’s envoys envoys was has been been misreported misreported as of Doha’s who political opposition, al-Khatib (they (they are are close close relatives relattives but but not not father fatther and and son). opposition, Moaz Moaz al-Khatib so n ). th yriaan political thee S Syrian ad d long long been been a channel chan nnel fo officiaal and and unofficial unofficiaal funds Syriaan insurgents. Qatar was funds to Syrian insurgents.238 Qatar Ahmad h was Ahmad had forr official d sources sources of of paying payying $25 $25 million million as as part parrt of the deal deal to ee these these soldiers. soldiers. accused by p pro-Asad ro-Asad of the to fr free accu sed by Qa tar’s am atted: “Q lar”.239 Al-Nusra Al-Nusra said saaid in a publ public ic bassador in Beirut Beirut st atar di d not payy one dol Qatar’s ambassador stated: “Qatar did dollar”. 240 p p thatt 123 relief relief cars cars were were de and Al-Araby Al-Araby reported reporteed that that the the payment payyment was was $30m statement statement that delivered, livered, and . c and release 16 soldiers. soldiers.241 and was wass to release llion to secure secure the the January Jaan are indications indications that that Qatar Qattarr paid paiid $15 mi nuary 2015 re lease of tw o It a lia n There are There million release two Italian Vaanessa Marzullo Marrzullo and and Greta Raamelli, who who had had been been ab gu st Greta Ramelli, ducted by al-Nusra al-Nusra in Au aid workers, workers, Vanessa aid abducted August 242 2014. September 2014, ta Th lease of 45 Fi ijian n pe acekeepers in September aken pr lan He ig h ts isoner on th Thee re release Fijian peacekeepers taken prisoner thee Go Golan Heights by al-Nu ordinatted e wi th Qa tar. Th ited Na tions in sisted th at “n o ra ansom sra, was was certainly certainly co al-Nusra, coordinated with Qatar. Thee Un United Nations insisted that “no ransom j n oppos paimed that aid”.243 Bu Butt Syrian Syrian opposition ition so sources claimed Qatar paid paaidp$20 mi million llion in or order der to se secure wa urces cl that Qatar cgure wass pa paid”. 244 b th lease of the and Israeli Israeli sources sources claimed claimed that thatt al-Nusra al-Nu received million from thee re release the hos hostages, tages, and Nusra re ceived $25 mi llion fr om Qatar.245 Qatar.


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Author Au uthor interview, interview, November November 2017 2017 hostag age deal’, Hassan, Hassan, H., H., ‘‘The The complex complex backstory backstory of of the the Qatari Qatari hostage deal’, Th Thee National Nation nal, 2233 April Ap A pril 2017, 2017, available availaable at: at: https://www.thenational.ae/opinion/thehttp https://w www.thenational.ae/opinion/thee complex-backstory-of-the-qatari-hostage-deal-1.12336, complex-backstory-off--the-qaatari-hostage-deal-1.12336, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 238 Author Au uthor interviews, interviews, November November 2017 2017 239 did not not pay pay the the money ‘Qatari ‘Qatari Ambassador Ambassador to The Th T he Republic: Republic: We We did money for for the the hostage hostaage exchange exchange deal’, deal’, Al-Joum Al-Joumhouria -Joum -Joum J mh hourriia (The (T The Republic), Republic), 2 D December ecember 2015, 20 1 5 , available available at: http://www.aljoumhouria.com/news/index/276227, http://w www.alljoumhouria.com/news/index/276227, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 240 We Weinberg, in b erg, D D.A., .A., ‘‘Wrong Wrong Wa Way: y: The The Problem Problem With Wiith Al Al Q Qaeda aeda Prisoner Prisoner Swaps’, Swaps’, Na National tional Interest Interrest, 4 January January 2016, 2016, available av availaable at: at: http://nationalinterest.org/feature/wrong-way-the-problem-al-qaeda-prisoner-swaps-14794, ht ttp://naationalinterest.org/feature/wrong-waayy the-problem-al al-qaeda-prisoner-swaps-14794, llast ast visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 241 ste ‘Lebanon ‘Lebanon and aan nd Nusra Nusra “hostage “hostage exchange” exchange” reaches reaches final final steps’, st ps’, Th Thee New New Arab Arab, 5 August Au A ugust 2015, 2015, available av available at: at: htttps://www.alaraby.co.uk k/engllish/news/2015/8/5/lebaanese-army-general-announces-end-off--negotiations-with-nusra, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2015/8/5/lebanese-army-general-announces-end-of-negotiations-with-nusra, 242 freed’, BBC ‘Syria ‘Syria conflict: conflict: Italian Itaalia lian aid aid worker worker hostages hostaages freed’, C, 1166 January January 2015, 2015, available available at: at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-30838375, http http://w ww ww w.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-30838375, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 243 as “heroes” “heroes” as as they they are are released released by by Syrian Syrian al which captured captured th Blake, Blake, B. and ani d A Associated ssociated Press, Press, ‘Fijian ‘Fiijian peacekeepers peacekeepers hailed hailed as al Qaeda Qaeda group ggrroup which them em on Israeli Israeli border’, border’, Th Thee Daily Daily Mail Mail and The The Associated Associateed Press Prress, 12 12 September September 2014, 2014, available av availaable at: at: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2753229/Fijianhttp http://w ww ww w w.daily l mail.co.uk/news/article-2753229/F Fijianpeacekeepers-hailed-heroes-released-Syrian-al-Qaeda-group-captured-Israeli-border.html, October 2017. 2017. pe acekeepers-hailed-heroes-released-Syrian-al-Qaeda-group-captured-Israeli-border.httml, last last visited: visited: 1155 October 244 officiaally announces ‘Qatar ‘Qatar officially aan nnounces its role role in mediating mediaating the release of of soldiers soldiers from from Jabhat Jabhat al-Nusra’, al-Nusra’, As Asharq sharqq al-Awsat al-Aw ll--Aw wsat, 1133 September September 2014, 2014, available available at: at: the release https://aawsat.com/home/article/180471, ht ttps://aawsat.com m/home/article/180471, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. ! 245 eacekeepers’, Haaretz ‘Report: ‘Report: UN UN H Had ad Q Qatar ataar Pay Pay O Off ff Al-Qaida Al Al-Qaaida Fighters Fighters for fo r R Release elease of of Fiji Fiji P Peacekeepers’, Haareetz, 1111 October October 2014, 2014, available av available at: at: ht ttp://www.haaretz.com m/middle-east-news/1.620228, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. http://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/1.620228, ! 237

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! ! ! !Also Also in Se September ptember 2014, th then-Qatari en-Qatari Fo Foreign reiggn n Mi Minister nister Kh Khaled aled alal-Attiyah Attiyah h re reportedly portedly to told ld a Leban nese de legation th at Do ha had haad tried with alLebanese delegation that Doha tried to intercede intercede with al-Nusra -Nusra to secure secure the the release release of Bishop Bo ulos Yazigi Yazziggii of the the Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Ch urch in Al eppo and and the the Syrian Syrian n Orthodox Orthodox Bishop Boulos Church Aleppo hanna Ib raahim, both both of whom whom had had been been seized Daamascus in April April ar chbishop of A leppo, Yo seized in Damascus archbishop Aleppo, Yohanna Ibrahim, aid alAttiyah h, th o bi d fal llen in to th ha nds of IS, and and ne gottiations fo t, sa shops had 2013. Bu But, said al-Attiyah, thee tw two bishops fallen into thee han hands negotiations forr 246 own. n The The two two clerics clerics are are still sttill mi missing. had therefore therefore broken broken down. dow ssin g . th eir re lease had their release American jo urnalist Pe ter Cu rtis wa leased fr om alNusra’s custody custody in Au ggu ust 2014 af fter Qat Qa ta r American journalist Peter Curtis wass re released from al-Nusra’s August after Qatar rtis fa amily’s re quest to me rtis fa amily de att th ere wa h acced ed to th diate. Th ny th acceded thee Cu Curtis family’s request mediate. Thee Cu Curtis family deny that there wass an anyy cas cash 247 tr ansfer in tting Cu rtis re leased. Bu Butt US of officials fficialls quot quoted thee me media said aid th that at Qa Qat Qatar ta r volved in ge ed in th dia sa transfer involved getting Curtis released. aid a ran nsom to get get Cu rtis released. released.248 Cu Curtis’ rtis’ family faamily ha have ave stated stated that that al-Nusra al-Nusra ma made de ra ransom ansom ha had d pa paid ransom Curtis deman nds of between bettw ween $3 mi llion an d $25 mi llion.249 demands million and million. Qa tar ne gottiatted the the release release of 13 Greek Greek Or thodox nuns an d three three ot ther wo men he ld by alQatar negotiated Orthodox and other women held 250 arch 2014. Th ytthing wa aid. Al-Nusra deman nded Nu sra in Ma ny th at an Al-Nusra reportedly reportedly demanded Nusra March Thee nuns de deny that anything wass pa paid. the re lease of mo re th an 100 pe ople de taiined by th million and d “t “the release more than people detained thee [A [Asad] sad] go government, v e rn m e n t, $50 mi llion an Sources urces wi within thin the Hizballah-dominated zballah-dominateed Lebanese Lebanese st state atte claimed claimed that that $16 women”.251 So the Hi including including women”. aid by Qat tarr fo million wass pa paid Qatar forr th thee nuns nuns’’ release. release.252 million wa received about In all, all, aal-Nusra/HTS l-Nusra/HTS might might have have received about $200 $200 million million from from ransom ransom payments payyments by ssome om e bettw ween $$50 50 million million and and $60 $60 million million per per year yearr according acccording to to others. others.254 All All aagree ggrree that thatt th thee acco unts;253 between accounts; ma ajorityy o these payments payments facilitated fac acilitatted or or made made directly directly by by the the Qatari Qattaari government. an majority off these government. This This is is an ope rationa naally significant siggni nificant amount amount of money, money, helping helping towards to owarrds HTS the HTS not only only outcompeting outcompeting the operationally ma ainstream rrebellion ebellion on on the the battlefield batttleffiield but, but, even even more more importantly importantly over over the the long long term, term, helping h e lp i n g mainstream HT S tto o gain gain political political legitimacy leggiitimaccy – for for its governance governan nce and and its ideology eeting the the basic basic needs needs ideologgyy – by m HTS meeting civilian n ns. of civilians. should be ransoms are be noted, noted, however, however, that t h at b ow, kidnapping kiidnapping and k and the the ransoms are no no longer longer the the most m o st It should byy n now, im portaant source the organisation organ nisattion invested ays that thatt have have created source of of income income for for HTS: HTS: the invested its funds funds in w created important ways a sself-sustaining elff--sustaiining economic economic model. model.255 HTS HTS invested real all estate, estate, some some of of it it stolen stolen from from Syrians invested in in re Syrians evicted from from HTS-held areas for for infractions infracctions of their th heir religious and is is able able to to sell who who were were evicted HTS-held areas religgiious code, code, and sell The key key figure figure in in the the creation creattion of of this this business model is is allegedly allegedly Ab u Ah m ed business model such such properties. propertties. The Abu Ahmed Zak kour, th enerall Director Affaairs, who wh ho defected HTS S al also lso Director of of Economic Economic Affairs, defected in January January 2017. 2017.256 HT Zakour, thee G General

246 Aziz, Aziz, JJ.,., ‘‘Qatar Qaatar fforeign oreiggn n minister minister believes believes abducted abducted bishops bishops still still alive’, alive’, Al Al-Monitor -Mo on niitor, 8 S September eptember 2014, 2014, available aavvailaable at: at: http://www.alhttp://w www.almonitor.com/pulse/originals/2014/09/bishop-abducted-syria-alive-qatar-mediation.html, 2017. mo nitor.com/pulse/origgiinals/2014/09/bishop-abducted-syriaria alive-qaatar-mediation.html, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 247 secures release in Syria’, Syria’, Th Ac Ackerman, kerman, S., S., ‘US ‘US denies denies paying paying ransom ransom as as Qatar Qaatar secures release of of journalist journalist in Thee Guardian Guardiiaan, 24 24 August Au A ugust 2014, 2014, available av availaable at: at: ht ttps://www.theggua uaardian.com m/world/2014/augg/244/u /us-deniess-raansom-qaatar-peter-theo-curtis-syria, la st vvisited: isited: 1155 O ctober 2017. 2 0 17 . https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/24/us-denies-ransom-qatar-peter-theo-curtis-syria, last October 248 Takers’, Th Harris, Harris, S., S., ‘‘US US P Pays ays Off Off Hostage Hostage Takers’, Thee Daily Daily Beast Beast, 2299 April April 22015, 015, available av availaable at: at: http://www.thedailybeast.com/us-pays-off-hostage-takers, http http://w ww ww.thedailybeast.com/us-pays-offff-hostage-takers, last visited: October 2017. vi sited: 15 October 249 Fo Foster, ster, P., P., ‘‘Did D id Q Qatar atar p pay ay rransom ansom for for release release of of US US journalist jou urrnalist Peter Peter Curtis?’, Curtis?’, Th Thee Telegraph Telegraph, 25 25 August Au A ugust 2014, 2014, available available at: at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/11055049/Did-Qatar-pay-ransom-for-release-of-US-journalist-Peter-Curtis.html, ht ttp://www.teleggrraph.co.uk k/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/11055049/Did-Qaatar-pay-ransom-for-release-of-US-jo -jou urn rnalist-Peter-Curtis.html, last last visited: v is it e d : 15 October October 2017. 250 nuns - or did Fisk, Fisk, R., R., ‘‘Qatar Q a ta r p paid aid S Syrian yrian rrebels ebels ££40m 40m rransom ansom to to free free nuns did it?’, it?’, Be Belfast elfast Telegraph Teleegraph, 19 19 March March 2014, 2014, available av available at: at: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/qatar-paid-syrian-rebels-40m-ransom-to-free-nuns-or-did-it-30104907.html, or-did-it-30104907.html, last last visited: visited: 15 October October htttp://www.belfastteleggrraph.co.uk k//news/world-news/qatar-pa paaid-syriaan-rebels-40m-ransom-to-free-nuns-or 2017. 251 Three-Month Ordeal’, Ba Barnard, rnard, A. A. and and Saad, Saad, H., H., ‘Nuns ‘Nuns Released Released by by Syrians Syrians After Affter Three-Month A Ordeal’, The The New New York Yo ork Times Tiimes, 9 March March 2014, 2014, available available at: at: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/10/world/middleeast/nuns-released-by-syrians-after-three-month-ordeal.html, nuns eleased-by-syriaans-affterOctober 2017. htttps://www.nyytimes.com/2014/03/10//world/middleeast/nuns-r ter three-month-ordeal.httml, last last visited: visited: 15 October 252 Knickmeyer, Knickkme meyer, E., E., ‘Al ‘Al Qaeda-Linked Qaeda-Linked Groups Groups Increasingly Increasingly Funded Funded by Ransom’, Ransom’, Th Thee Wall Wall Street Sttreet Journal Jouurrrn nal, 2299 July July 2014, 2014, available av availaable at: at: ht ttps://www.wssj.com m/articles/ransom-fills--terrorist-cofffers-1406637010, 1406637010, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. https://www.wsj.com/articles/ransom-fills-terrorist-coffers-1406637010, 253 Idlib-based jjihadi November 2017 2017 Interview In nterview with with Idlib-based ihadi activist, activist, November 254 yrian o ppositionist, November November 2017 2017 Interview In nterview with with S Syrian oppositionist, 255 abhat al with a fformer vember 2017 2017 Interview In nterview with ormer JJabhat al-Nusra -Nusra finance finance official, official, No November 256 Over Resources’, Resources’, Th Haid, Haid, H., H., ‘‘The The T he C Core ore Reason Reason for for the the JFS JFS Fight Fight Against Against Syrian Syrian Rebels Rebels is is Competition Competition Over Thee Atlantic Atlantic Council Couun ncil, 7 March March 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: ! www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/syriasource/the-core-reason-for-the-jfs-fight-against-syrian-rebels-is-competition-over-resources, for-the--jfs visited: November www. atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/syriasource/the-core-reason-fo jfs-figght-against-syrian-rebels-is-competition-over-resources, llast ast vi sited: 24 N ovember 2017. !

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! ! ! !controls most controls most of of the the money money exchanges, exchanges, including including the the largest larges e t in in northern northern Syria, Syria, the th he Qasyoun Qasyoun bureau. HTS HTS ccontrols ontrols the the h staples food and and fuel and is is able able to to impose, impose, mafia-style, maffiia-sttyle, a “tax” “tax” or bureau. staples – food fuel – and or protection rracket acket on businesses businesses in in areas areas itit rules. rules. And And finally, ffiinallly, there th here are are investments investtments being being made mad de by by protection T u rk kiish-controlled zones zones of of Syria Syria and HTS in in Turkish-controlled and Turkey Turkey itself. itself.257 HTS o y Qa tar wa tage tr ades in Sy ria . Qatar wass involved involved in a number number of other otther hos hostage trades Syria. In October October 2013, Qa lease of ni ne Lebanese ttaar ne gottiated th Lebanese Shi d be en captured captured by ’is wh o had Qatar negotiated thee re release nine Shi’is who been the No rthern Storm igad de, a na tiona nallist, Fr ee Syrian Syrian Army-branded Army-branded ar med oppos ition group. group.258 Storm Br the Northern Brigade, nationalist, Free armed opposition nese might might or might might not have haave been been Hizballah Hizballlah operatives. operatives. An official offficial in the the HizballahHizbaalllahTh Thee Le Lebanese ban Lebanese security securityy apparatus apparattus claimed claimed that that Qatar Qatar pa aid a ran nsom to secure secure the the release release of subservient subservient Lebanese paid ransom the “pilgrims”. “pilgrims”.259 Local Local and and Turkish Turk kiish me media dia estimated estimated the the ran ransom nsom paid paaid by Qa Qatar tar at up to $150 the though this this pr presumably esumably in includes cludes alleged alleged compensation compensattion mo money paaid to bo both th Lebanese Lebanese mi million, llion,260 though ney paid e and Turkish Turk kiish hostages. hostages.261 It was was reported reported by Qatar’s Qatar’s own n state state media mem hostages returne$d to and dia that that the the hos tages returned Le ban non on a private privatte jet jet with with al-Attiyah. al-Attiyaah h.262 Lebanon Qatar, with with Turkey, Turkey, was was successful successfful in ne gottiating th release, in Jan nuary 2013, of 48 Ira anian ns Qatar, negotiating thee release, January Iranians captured by th rian rebellion. rebellion. Tehran Tehran and and Dam mascus de scribed the the cap tiives as “p ilgrims”; captured thee Sy Syrian Damascus described captives “pilgrims”; been intelligence intelligence and/or and/or paramilitary paaramilitary operatives operatives of the everybody else else be lieves them them to have haave been the everybody believes Iraanian n theocracy. theocraccy. The The Asad Asad regime reggiime released released 2, rian ja ails in exch ange for for th 130 pr isoners fr om Sy Iranian 2,130 prisoners from Syrian jails exchange thee release of these Iran nians.263 these Iranians. release y 2 s that Qatar Qattar had d enough enough contacts contacts to attempt attempt negotiations negottiat ations for for the the release release of three three It seems seems that American ns – St Sotloff, Peter Peter Kassig, Kassig, and Kaayla Mueller Mueller – captured captured and and later latter mu rdered by even Sotloff, and Kayla Americans Steven murdered e were reportedly reportedly too exttreme to countenance. countenance.264 The demands demands by IS were too extreme IS. The Syria, probably Outside of Syria, probaably the the most most high-profile high-proffile prisoner prisoner trade trad de in which which Qatar Qattar was was involved involved Outside relatting to jihadists aliban pr Guantan namo Bayy jihadists wa ap of fiv isoners from from Guantanamo relating wass th thee Mayy 2014 sw swap fivee Ta Taliban prisoners de tention facility faacility – Mohammad Moham mmad Fa zl, Norullah Norullah Noori, Noori, Muhammad Muhammad d Nabi, Naabi, Khairullah Khaiirullah Khairkhwa, Khairk kh hw a, detention Fazl, and Abdul Abdul Haq ured American American soldier, soldier, Bowe Bowe Bergdahl. Bergdahl. Doha Doha wa Haq Wasiq Wasiq – for for the the captured capttu nt and wass th thee poi point , conttact ac bettw ween the the US and and the the Taliban, Tal Taliban, and and agreed aggrreed to host host the Taaliban detainees detaiinees after affter they the Taliban act between they, of contact 265 were released. released. were Yemen, in February Februarry 2013, a Swi iss nat tionaal, Si lvia Eb erhardt, wa leased af fter sh d be en In Yemen, Swiss national, Silvia Eberhardt, wass re released after shee ha had been ki dnap pped by alQaeda in th abiaan n Pe ninsula (A QAP) ab out a year ear tar wa volved lier. Qa kidnapped al-Qaeda thee Ar Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) about earlier. Qatar wass in involved reiggn n Mi akkrr alQirbi, mi in th lease, an d Ye men’s Fo nister, Ab u Ba nced no wo rds ab out hi ew thee re release, and Yemen’s Foreign Minister, Abu Bakr al-Qirbi, minced words about hiss vi view


t 257

Interview In nterview with with an Idlib-based Idlib-based Free Free Syrian Syrian Army Arrmy activist, A activist, November November 2017 2017 last ‘Freed ‘F Freed Lebanese Lebanese Pilgrims Pilgrims Arrive Arriv Arrive in Beirut, Beiru ut, Turkish Tu Turk kish ish Pilots’, Naharrn net, 1199 October October 2013, 2013, available available at: at: http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/102674, http://w ww ww.naharnet.com/stories/en/102674, last Pilots’, Naharnet visited: vi sited: 15 October October 2017. 259 held for for year year by Syrian Syrian rebels Prothero, Prothero, M., M., ‘Lebanese ‘Lebanese pilgrims pilggrrims held rebels back back in in Beirut’, Beirut’, Mc McClatchy Claatchy, 1199 October October 2013, 2013, available available at: at: htttp://www.mcclatchydc.com m/news/naation-world//world/article24757552.html, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/world/article24757552.html, 260 p. 9, 9, We Weinberg, in b erg, D D.A., .A., ‘‘Terrorist Terrorist Financing: Financing: Kidnapping, Kidnapping, Antiquities An A ntiquities Trafficking, Trafficking, and and Private Private Donations’, Donations’, Co Congressional ongressional Testimony Testimo ony, 1177 N November ovember 2015, 2015, p. avai available lable at: ht http://docs.house.gov/meetings/FA/FA18/20151117/104202/HHRG-114-FA18-Wstate-WeinbergD-20151117.pdf, ttttp://docs.house.govv/meetings/FA A//FA18/20151117/104202/HHRG-114-FA18-Wstate-We WeinbergD-20151117.pdf, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 261 013. Prothero, Prothero, M., M., ‘Lebanese ‘Lebanese pilgrims pilggrrims held held for for year year by Syrian Syrian rebels rebels back back in in Beirut’, Beirut’, Mc McClatchy Claatchy, 1199 October October 22013. 262 hostages‘Syrian ‘Syrian rebels rebels free free Lebanese Lebanese hostages’, hostaages’, Al Al-Jazeera l--Jazeerra, 19 19 October October 2013, 2013, available av available at: at: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2013/10/lebanese-hostageshttp http://w ww ww.aljaazzeera.com/news/middleeast/2013/10//lebanese-hos 20131018203058110445. httml, last last visited: visited: 15 October syria-freed-20131018203058110445.html, syria-freed-20131018203058110445. October 2017. D , . s 263 ‘Syrian ‘Syrian rebels rebels free free Iranian Iraan nian hostages hostaages in swap’, swap’, Al Al-Jazeera -Jazeerra, 9 JJanuary anuary 2013, 2013, available av availaable at: at: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2013/01/201319102949949456.html, October 2017. ht ttp://www.aljazeera.com m/news/middleeast/2013/01/201319102949949456.httml, last last visited: visited: 15 October 264 We in b erg, D p. Weinberg, D.A., .A., ‘‘Terrorist Terrorist Financing: Financing: Kidnapping, Kidnapping, Antiquities An ntiquities Trafficking, Trafficking, and and Private Private Donations’, Donations’, Co Congressional ongressio onal Testimony T Teestimony, 1177 N November ovember 2015, 2015, p. A 11. ! 265 Gl Glenza, enza, J., J., ‘‘US US ssoldier o ld ier B Bowe owe B Bergdahl ergdahl freed freed by by Taliban Taliban in in Afghanistan’, Affgh A ghanistan’, The The Guardian Guardian, 3311 May May 2014, 2014, available available at: at: ht ttps://www.theggua uaardian.com m/world/2014/may/31/bowe-be affghanistan, last last vi sited: 15 O https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/may/31/bowe-bergdahl-free-taliban-us-pow-afghanistan, bergdahl-free-taliban-us-powvisited: October ctober 2017. ! 258



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! ! ! ! the of the Qa Qatari tar ari government’s government’s role. role. “These “These arrangements arrangements made mad de by Qatar Qattarr … mayy ha have ave led led to a aid. “Y emen co nstantly re ejects th ndling of th di disaster”, saster”, al-Qirbi al-Qirbi sa said. “Yemen constantly rejects thee han handling thee release release of ki kidnapped dnapped hos tagges through through the the payment paayment of ransoms.” raansoms.” Other Oth her Ye meni officials offficials blamed blamed the the ransom raansom payments paayments hostages Yemeni AP, wh ich had d been been struggling sttruggling pr eviously. AQ AP was was “h aving cr azy mo fo viving AQ ney forr re reviving AQAP, which previously. AQAP “having crazy money before the the ki dnap p ransoms. raansoms. They haaving to sell sell their thesir guns”, saiid Ya sser alAwadhis, They were were having guns”, said pr oblems s before problems kidnap Yasser al-Awadhi, head d of Yemen’s Yemen’s parliament. paarliaament.266 Be Between ttw ween 2008 an and al-Qaeda Qaeeda an and d its af affiliates ffiliates d 2014, althe then-deputy then-deputty head the revenue from from ki dnapping totalling totaalling at le ast £125 mi llion, mo stly fr om Eu ropean n took kidnapping least million, mostly from European took in revenue 267 with a sixth sixth of that that paid paaid through through Qatar Qattarr and and Oman Oman to AQAP. AQAP. governments, governments, with

Knickmeyer, Knickkme meyer, E., E., ‘Al ‘Al Qaeda-Linked Qaeda-Linked Groups Groups Increasingly Increasingly Funded Funded by Ransom’, Ransom’, Th e Wall Wall Street Sttrreeet Journal Jouurrrn nal, 2299 July July 22014. 014. ! The Qaeda Terror’, Callimachi, Callimachi, R., R., ‘Paying ‘Paying Ra Ransoms, nsoms, Europe Europe Bankrolls Bankkrrolls Qaeda Terror’, Th Thee New New York Yo ork Times Tiimes, 2299 July Ju uly ly 2014, 2014, available av availaable at: at: htttps://w ww ww.nytimes.com/2014/07/30//world d/africa/ransoming-citizens-europe-!becomes-al-qaedas-paatron.html, llast ast visited: visited: 15 October https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/30/world/africa/ransoming-citizens-europe-becomes-al-qaedas-patron.html, October 2017. 266 267



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4. Qatar’s Human Rights Record 4.1 Social S o c i a l and a n d Political P o l i t i c a l Freedom Freedom While the the Qatari Qattarri Co nstitution enshrines enshrines human human ri ghts, in pr actice th ere is si ggn nificant lim itation to While Constitution rights, practice there significant limitation their exercise. exercise. their Fr eedom of expression expression is sharply and sharply cu rtailed, often offten under under the the banner banner of laws laws against against bl asphemy and Freedom curtailed, blasphemy pr offanityy, wh hich ccarry arry heavy heavy sentences. implementattion of “m orality” laws laaws has has involved involved the the sentences. Th profanity, which Thee implementation “morality” imprisonment of Muhammad Muham mmad d al-Ajami alal Ajami fo tensibly vi olatting sh arri’a or dnan nces in imprisonment forr 15 year yearss fo forr os ostensibly violating shari’a ordnances Wah hhabi monarchy monarchy via via a poem poem cr itical of the the ruling ruling House. House.268 the Wahhabi the critical hi The press press is is “guided” “guided” heavily heavily by the the h state statee through througgh mechanisms, mechaanisms, formal formal and and informal, informal, which wh h ch The higgh degree deggrree of of self-censorship. selff--censorship. The The foreign foreiggn n media Qatar is is directly directtly interfered interfered with w ith induce a high media in in Qatar induce when the the state sttaate feels feels it it necessary. necessary. Users of social social media media can can incur heavy penalties penallties if if they they post Users of incur heavy post when politically offensive offensive by by the the government. content deemed deemed politically government.269 content of religion, religgiion, while wh hile there there in theory in in the the constitution, constitution, is is not not available avaiilable in in practice. pracctice. All A ll Freedom in theory Freedom of religggio ious literature literature is strictly strictly vetted vetted by by the the government. government. All All religious religggio ious groups ggrroups must must register reggis ister imported imported religious with tthe he fforeign oreiggn n ministry. ministry. While Wh W hile non-Muslim minorities can and and do non-Muslim minorities do live live and and work work in in Qatar Qatar – with though Buddhism an nd Hinduism, Hinduism, among among others, others, are arre not not recognised recoggn nised as as religions religgio ions by Buddhism and any by the the state state – any though atttempt tto o convert convert people people away away from from Islam in jail jail if if done done as part part of of an Islam can result result in in ten ten years years in attempt organized effort, effort, or five five years years r if if it it is is an n individual individuall enterprise. enterprise.270 organized The right right to to free free assembly assembly and an nd association associatiion is is limited limited legally legallly and an nd even even more more limited limited in in practice practice by by The both public order and and morality morality legislation. leggiislation. Public Public demonstrations demonstrations are are rare. rare. Non-governmental public order Non-governmentall both organisations need need state state permission permission to to operate, operatte, and and no permissions have ever ever been been granted ggrrant nteed for for permissions have organisations in dependent monitors monitors of of the the human human rights rigghts situation situattion in Qatar. Qattarr. There There is a single single trade trad de union union in the the independent country, the the General of Qatar, Qatar, which wh hich is to foreign foreiggn n workers an nd the the legal legall General Union Union of of Workers Workers of is closed closed to workers and country, restrrictions on on the the ability ability to to strike strrike further furtther curtails curtails the the cause cause of of workers’ workers’ rights. rights. Professional Professionall restrictions associattions are but the the hurdles, hurdles, in in terms teerms of of regulation reggulatiion and and finance, ffiinance, are not not banned, banned, technically, technically, but associations 271 larrgeely deter deter their their formation. formation. largely The Qatari Qattari state state pun ishes “i llicit se xual re lations”, wh ich covers covers activity acttivityy between bettw ween co nsenting ad u lts The punishes “illicit sexual relations”, which consenting adults such as sa am me-sex interactions interactions and and adultery, adultery, and ctiims of se xuall and can al so be interpreted interpreted to pun ish vi such same-sex also punish victims sexual nsumption of al cohol is punished tizenship co ntinues to be de nied to alviolence. Co punished by lashes. lashes. Ci violence. Consumption alcohol Citizenship continues denied Murra, a tribe ave been been involved in nvolved in th tempted coup coup in 1996.272 tribe be lieved to ha Murra, believed have thee at attempted



268 El-Ghazzali, El-Ghazzali, K K.,., ‘‘Oral Oral sstatement’, tatement’, U United nited Na Nations ations Hu Human Riights C R Council, ou un ncil, 2222 S September eptember 2014, 2014, available availab able at: at: http://iheu.org/religious-law-prison-forhttp:///iheu.orgg/religio /religious-laaw w-prison-forr maan Rights bl blasphemy-severe-sexual-inequalilty-qatars-human-rights-review/, asphemy-severe-sexual-inequalilty-qaatars-human-righ hts-review/, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . 269 ‘Freedom ‘F Freedom in the the World Wo W orld 2017: 2017: Qatar’, Qataar’, Fr Freedom reedom House Housse, 3311 January January 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2017/qatar, https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom--wo world/2017/qatar, last last visited: 8 November November 2017. visited: 270 last visited: visited: 8 ‘Country ‘Country Reports: Reports: Qatar’, Qatar’, U. U.S. S. Dep Department partme men nt of of State Staatee, 22010, 010, available available at: at: https://www.state.gov/documents/organization/171743.pdf, https://w ww ww w w.staate.gov/documents/organization/171743.pdf, last November November 2017. 20 1 7 . 271 ‘Freedom ‘F Freedom in the the World W Wo orld 2017: 2017: Qatar’, Qataarr’ r’,, Fr Freedom reedom House Housse, 3311 Januar Januaryy 2017, avai available lable at: at: https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2017/qatar, https://ffreedomhouse.org/report/ffreedom--wo world/2017/qatar, last l a st visited: visited: 8 November November 2017. ! 272 012 – Qa ‘Annual ‘A An nnual Report Report 22012 Qatar’, atar’, Amnesty Amnesty International Interrn national, 2244 May May 2012, 2012, available av availaable at: at: www.refworld.org/docid/4fbe391669.html, www.refworld.org/docid/4fbe391669.h html, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. !



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! ! ! !Qatar Qatar formally formallly retains retains th thee death deatth penalty penalty in le legislation, ggis islattion, including including as a punishment punishment fo forr and d apostasy, apostasy, though though in pr practice acctice it is ra rarely arely us used. ed. homosexuality homosexuaalittyy an 273



There is is a 45-seat 45-seat parliament parliament in in Qatar. Qatar. It does does not not have have much much power power and an nd 15 15 of of its its seats seats are are There di rectlly appointed the h eemir, mir, who wh ho wields wields executive executtive authority aut uthor h ity on everything everythi h ng from from foreign for o eiggn n policy appointed by the policy directly sudget,5 checked checked only only by by familial faamilia iaal and and tribal ttri ribal b arrriers within wiithin the the ruling ruling family, family, the the operations operaations the b to the budget, barriers of whom wh hom are arre nearly nearly totally totally opaque. The other otther 30 seats seatts of the the parliament paarliament are are elected, elected, but but elections elections opaque. The for three three years yearrs in All candidates, candidates, when there are are elections, elections, must as were postponed postponed for in 2016. 2016. All when there must run run as were because political politiical parties parrties are arre banned. ban nned. There There are are local local mechanisms mechaanisms of seeking seekkiing in dependents, because independents, though the the decreasing in municipal municipall government suggests that that such decreasing participation paarrtticipattion in government suggests such redress, though redress, aarre not not an an effective effective means means of of registering reggis istering protest. protest. institutions are institutions 276

The judiciary judiciary in in Qatar Qataar is theoretically theoretically independent independent – as the the state state often often reminds reminds foreign foreiggn n The wh ho ask ask why wh hy certain certaain individuals individuals have have been acccusations of interlocuters who been freed freed despite despite accusations of terror-related terror-relatted interlocuters offfencesd– but but in in practice praccatice the th he courts adhere to to the the will wiill nof otf the the political elite on on matters mattters that that concern c o n c e rn courts adhere politi ticall elite offences them. Arbitrary Arbitrarry arrest arrrest and and detention, an nd torture, torture, were were outlawed outlaawed in 2002, 2002, but but are arre still still known kkn nown detention, and wn to them. occur. occur. 277

4.2 Women’s W o m e n ’ s Rights R i gh hts Qatar not only only retains retains significant siggn nificant social social inequality inequality between bettw ween the the sexes, sexes, but but has has enshrined enshrined this this in its Qatar legal code. code. A Un iteed Na tiions report report in 2011 doc screpaancies: umented a num ber of th ese di legal United Nations documented number these discrepancies: s i ! Despite Despite becoming becoming a signatory the Co siggn natory to the Convention nvention on th thee Elimination Ellimination of All Alll Forms Fo orms of Diiscrimiination against aggaiinst Women Women (CEDAW) (C CEDAW) in 2009, Qa Qatar tarr re retains taiins re reservations servattions ab about out th thee Discrimination Co nvention on a num ber of articles, articles, specifically: speciffiicallly: gender gender equality equality in dom estic la aws and Convention number domestic laws and uality wi th h re gard to nat tionaalities; eq uality before before the the law; laaw; and and equality equality in pol icies; eq policies; equality with regard nationalities; equality mar rriagge and and fa amily life tar ha ised th ese ob bjectiions as na tionall, tr ad dittio ionall, ma marriage family life.. Qa Qatar hass rai raised these objections national, traditional, re liggiious and/or and/or cu ltural ma tters, in sisting th implementattion is in compattible wi th its religious cultural matters, insisting thee fu fullll implementation incompatible with inaally theocratic theocratic governing governing system, thod of Muhammad Muham m m ad nom system, based based on the the interpretive interpretive me nominally method rib -Waahhab; n Abd Abd al-Wahhab; al-Wa ibn 278

! Ha aving ratified rattified the the Co Convention nvention on th thee Ri Rights ights of the the Child Child (CRC) (C CRC) in 1995, Qat Qatar Qatarr Having doc umented reservations reservations about about th applicability of certain certain provisions, saaid documented thee applicability provisions, which which Doha Doha said with the the sh shari’a ari’a (Islamic (Islamic la law). aw). Qatar Qatarr lat later ter pa partially artiallly wi withdrew thdrew th these e se inconsistent with were were inconsistent ob bjections, though though retained retained them garrds “n on-discrimination” an d “f freedom of objections, them as re regards “non-discrimination” and “freedom ought an d religion”. religgiion”. In 2001, Qat tar si ggn ned onto onto th Optional Pr otocol of th thought and Qatar signed thee Optional Protocol thee CRC, th ba anning th le of children, children, child ostituttion, and and child child por noggrraphy, though though initially initia tiaally child pr banning thee sal sale prostitution, pornography, wi th reservations reservations about about aspects aspects of the Optional Pr otocol th att mi ght co ntradict the the sh ari’a. the Optional with Protocol that might contradict shari’a. b l p p g

Bearak, Bearak, M. M. and and C Cameron, ameron, D., D., ‘Here ‘Here are are the the 10 10 countries countries where where homosexuality homosexuality may may be be punished punished by by death’, death’, Th Thee Washington Wash hiington Post h Post, 1166 June June 2016, 20 1 6 , available available at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/06/13/here-are-the-10-countries-where-homosexuality-may-be-punished-by-deathhtttps://www.washinggttonpost.com m/news/worldviews/wp/2016/06/13/here-are-the-10-countries es-whe -where-homosexuaality-maay-bey punished-by-de deathvisited: October 2/, llast ast vi sited: 15 O ctober 2017. 274 Oh Ohlheiser, lheiser, A., A., ‘‘There There Are Are 13 13 Countries Countries Where Wh W here Atheism Attheism Is Is Punishable Punishable by by Death’, Death’, Th Thee Atlantic Atlantic, 1100 December December 2013, 2013, available available at: at: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/12/13-countries-where-atheism-punishable-death/355961/, October 2017. ht ttps://www.theatlanttic.com m/internaational/archive/2013/12/13-counttries-where-atheism-punishaable-death/355961/, last last visited: visited: 15 October 275 ‘Death ‘Death Penalty Penalty Database: Database: Qatar’, Qataar’, Co Cornell orrn nell Law Law School School, aavailable vailable aat: t: ww www.deathpenaltyworldwide.org/country-search-post.cfm?country=Qatar, ww ww w.deathpenaaltyywor worldwide.org/country-search-post.cfm?counttry=Qatar, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. t 276 la st ‘Freedom ‘F Freedom in the the World Wo W orld 2017: 2017: Qatar’, Qataar’, Fr Freedom reedom House Housse, 3311 January January 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2017/qatar, http https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2017/qatar, last visited: 2017. visited: 8 November November 2017. 277 la st ‘Freedom ‘F Freedom in the the World W Wo orld 2017: 2017: Qatar’, Qataarr’ r’,, Fr Freedom reedom House Housse, 3311 January January 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2017/qatar, http https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2017/qatar, last visited: visited: 8 November November 2017. ! 278 ‘Qatar ‘Qatar Gender Gender Equality Equality Profile: Profile: Status Staatus of of Girls Girls and and Women Wo W omen in the East and aan nd North Thee United Unitteed Nations Nations Children's Chilld dreen n's Fund Fuun nd (UNICEF), (UNICEF), the Middle Middle East North Africa’, Africa’, Th at: https://www.unicef.org/gender/files/Qatar-Gender-Eqaulity-Profile-2011.pdf, htttps://w ww ww w.unicef.org/genderr/ffiles/Qatar ar-Gender-Eqaulity-!Profile-2011.pdff, llast ast visited: visited: 15 October 2011, avai available lable at: October 2017. 273

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Qattarr is a si Qatar Qa signatory ggn natory to th thee CRC Op Optional tionall Pr Protocol otocol ba banning anning th thee us usee of ch child ild so soldiers, ldiers, an and d servattions ab out it. hass never ha never had had re reservations about ! A notable notable inequality inequallity in Qatari Qattari citizenship citizenship is th that att women women who who ma marry arry nonnon-Qatari Qatari spouses spouses cannot pass pass their their Qatari Qatarri citizenship citizenship to their husbaand or their Qatari men cannot their husband their children, children, while while Qatari men ! can A pa n citizenship fo reiggn n wi ves af fter fiv arriage an d to th eir ch ildren. s ss their their citizenship pass foreign wives after fivee year yearss of ma marriage and their children. sexes. Men Men mayy di right to divorce divorce in Qatar Qatar is hi highly ghly une uneven ven between bettw ween the the sexes. divorce vorce their their ! The The right Qatari woman woman can onl ban nd under under wives for any any reason, reason, whereas whereas a Qatari onlyy divorce divorce her her hus husband wives for circumstances and and bearing bearring the the burden burden of proof. female seeks seeks divorce divorce proof. If a female specified specified circumstances without evidence, evidence, she she can att attain one – onl rrendering her anciaal ri ghts and her fin without attain onlyy by su surrendering financial rights and returning her her dowry, dowrry, and and even then ban then only only if th nd acced es to it. If th baand returning thee hus husband accedes thee hus husband ob bjects, mandatory man ndattory reconciliation reconciliat ation will will be ordered ordered by th ght lat ter gr ant a ate, wh ich mi objects, thee st state, which might later grant rdivorce ifg it ju e conciliatiion has d d dges th att th has fa ailed. divorce judges that thee re reconciliation failed. guardianship laws, laaws, which which make maake the the father father the the legal legal al guardian guardian n of children, children, lead lead to ! The The guardianship di scriminattory out comes in cu stody bat ttles. Should Should a divorced divorced woman woman wi n cu stody of her her discriminatory outcomes custody battles. win custody ! ch anted until unttil the the males malles are are 13 an malles ar Qaattarri ildren, such such is only only gr d th children, granted and thee fe females aree 15. Qatari haave been, been, since since 2007, able avel ab road wi thout th y of a male maale guardian, guardian, able to tr women travel abroad without thee say-so women have ivers’ lic enses ar till only only available available to women women of a male maale relative relative permits permits it. though drivers’ licenses aree st still though dr ! The The inheritance inheritaance laws laaws in Qatar Qatar ar grant grant women women only only half haalf the the share sharre of men. men.


There are are loopholes loopholes in the the legal legal protections protections against against child child marriage. marrriagge. Though Though formally, formally, the the ! There minimum age agge of marriage maarriagge is eighteen eighteen for for men men and and sixteen sixteen for minimum for women, women, courts courts can al allow lo w ! the maarriagee of under-age under-age females femalles if their their male maale guardian guardian permits permits it. Polygyny Polygyny –, the the marriage the maarriagge of one man maan to numerous numerous women legal in Qatar. Qaattar. women – is legal marriage protections against against gender-based gender-based violence violence are are weak weak ak in Qat Qatar. tar. A 2006 la law aw gr grants an n ts ! The The protections right to be free free from from phy sical and and mental mental harm haarm inflicted inflicted by a hus baand, bu women the right physical husband, butt women the ! there there is no specific specific legislation leggis islation against against dom estic violence. violence. Likewise, Likewise, while while rape rape is ille illegal, gal, domestic aw to address address marital maaritall rape, raape, and and in pr acctice the the re coggn nition of such such is di fficult. there there is no la law practice recognition difficult. tMost ligghtly. seriously, “honour” “honour” crimes crimes are are punished punished very very lightly. Most seriously, 280

4.3 Labour L a b o u r Conditions C o n d i tii o n s “W haave been been isolated isolatted be cause we are are successful successfful and and pr oggrressive.” So sai id th Qatari Minister Minister “Wee have because progressive.” said thee Qatari of Foreign Foreiggn n Affairs Afffairs soon soon after affter the the crisis crisis with with h Qatar’s Qatar’s neighbours neighbours erupted. erupted. 281

terms, it can be not ed th In relative relative terms, att, t as ag ainst its accu sers, Qa ttaar is co nsiderably mo re pol itic a lly noted that, against accusers, Qatar considerably more politically audi Ar abia and and Ba Bahrain, ahrain, though though it is not si significantly ggn nificantly di different fferent to th thee Un United ited Ar Arab ab b ope n th an Sa open than Saudi Arabia I irates or Egypt. Eggypt. It can also also be ad added that att Qat Qatar tar doe doess not ha have ave a re record cord of att attacks tacks ony Emirates ded th Em 282






Be Beydoun, ydoun, N.M. N.M. and and Baum, Baaum, J., J., Th Thee Glass Gllaass Palace: Paalace: Illusions Illussiions of Freedom Freedom and Democracy Democraacy in in Qatar Qatar (Algora, (Algora, 2012), p. p. 37-9. 37-9. ‘Qatar: ‘Qatar: Events Events of of 2015’, 2015’, Hu Human man Rights Rights Watch Watcch, 2016, 2016, available available at: at: https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2016/country-chapters/qatar, https://w ww ww.hrw.org/world-report/2016/country-chapters/qatar, llast ast visited: visited: 16 Oc October tober 22017. 0 17 . 1 281 Wi Wintour, ntour, P., P., ‘“There ‘“There is is no no trust”: trust”: Gulf Gu Gulf state statess giv givee u up p hope hope on The Guardian Guard dian, 9 JJune une 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: on Qatar’, Qatar’, The htttps://www.the uaardian.com m/world/2017//jun/09/qaatar-united-arab-emirates-diplomacy, llast ast visited: visited: 15 October https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/09/qatar-united-arab-emirates-diplomacy, Octm ober 2017. r ggua r 282 ‘Country ‘Country Profile: Profile: Saudi Saudi Arabia’, Ara Arabia’, Fr Freedom reedom House Housse, 22017, 017, available available at: at: h https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2017/saudi-arabia, ttps://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2017/saudi-arabia, last last visited: visited: 15 Oc October tober 2017. 2 0 17 . 283 Bahrain’, Fre ‘Country ‘Country Profile: Profile: Bahrain’, Freedom eedom House Housse, 22017, 017, available available at: at: https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2017/bahrain, https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2017/bahrain, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. ! 284 ‘Country ‘Country Profile: Profile: United United Arab Ara A rab Emirates’, Emiraates’, Fr Freedom reedom House House, 22017, 017, available av availaable at: at: https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2017/united-arabhttps://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2017/united-arabvisited: 15 October October 2017. em emirates, irates, last last visited: ! 279 280

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! ! ! !pe peaceful acceful demonstrators, demonstrattors, as bo both th Ba Bahrain ahrain and and Eg Egypt gypt do, le lett al alone one of sa sanguinary anguinary repression repression su such ch ssaccre at Ra abaa by th gyptian st ate in 2013. as th thee ma massacre Rabaa thee Eg Egyptian state 286


Takken ob bjectively, how ever, Qatar’s Qatar’s record record of defending defending domestic domestic human human rights rights an d fr eedom is Taken objectively, however, and freedom not im pressive. impressive. r c m the Qatari has been been the the conditions under Pr obably the siggn nal human human rights rights failure faiilure of the Qatari government government has conditions under the signal Probably workers ha ave labored lab bored in pr epaaration fo FA World te 2013, which guest guest workers World Cup. Cup. Since Since lat which have preparation forr th thee 2022 FI FIFA late and then then fr from human rights rights or organisations, ganisatiions, ha have ave doc documented umented that first in the the pr ess, and om human that reports, first reports, press, mi ggrran nt wo articularly fr om Ne pal, Ba anglad desh, and and India, India, who migrant workers, rkers, pa particularly from Nepal, Bangladesh, who are are doing doing most most of the the work work bject to systematized systematized abuse, abuse, including including the to bu ild the the stadiums stadiums for for the the tournament, tournament, ar build aree su subject the wi thholding pay y, coercion coercion to work work in th heat while while being being denied denied wa ter, sq ualid liv ing co n d itio n s withholding pay, thee heat water, squalid living conditions nfiscattion of pa ssports upon arrival arrival to pr haaving th in cr amped camps, camps, and and the the co event workers workers having cramped confiscation passports prevent thee g ave, even if th opt tion dto leave, le ey co uldi somehow ise th h to do so is am ounts to fo rceds somehow rai option they could raise thee cas cash so.. Th This amounts forced la abour or emically, sl avery. De spite th gerattions ab more pol out th bers of pe ople labour or,, more polemically, slavery. Despite thee exag exaggerations about thee num numbers people haave ki lled, th ath to speciffiicallly to en sure th these conditions conditions have among young young men, men, screened screened specifically eir these killed, thee de death tollll among ensure their arming. fitness, is al fitness, alarming. 288




Qatar claims claims it ha tak ken steps steps to re ctify th is si tuation. Bu Butt th there ere is ever everyy in indication dicattion th that at mu much Qatar hass taken rectify this situation. ch re mains to be don a th hs. Th taalitie l s remains done. e. Th Thee cl clearest earest exam example ple is wo work-related rk-relateed de deaths. Thee num number ber of su such ch fat fatalities am ong In dian nat tionaals in Qa ttaar be ttw ween 2011 an d 2015 wa age of 255 pe nce among Indian nationals Qatar between and wass an aver average perr year year.. Si Since es co ntinue to be re ave be come mo fficult to tr ack be cau se then, though though cas ported, nu mbers ha re di then, cases continue reported, numbers have become more difficult track because ath cer tiffiicate, by wh ich Do ha se eks toe such as altering altering the the process process of is suing a de stegps, such of steps, issuing death certificate, which Doha seeks lability of politically-harmful politically-harrmful information. informattion. Th Thee act of co concealment itself ncealment is its elf the avai suppress the suppress availability su ggeesttive of what suggestive what th this is evi evidence dence would would sh show. ow. 292

Qa tar – and and Ku uwaiit an d th ited Ar ab Em irates – ha ave al so fa stions ab out an even ced que Qatar Kuwait and thee Un United Arab Emirates have also faced questions about itically charged charged concern concern wi th th reiggn n la abourer pr acctices, na amely the the employment employment of mo re pol eir fo more politically with their foreign labourer practices, namely No rth Ko rean ci tizens. Ab out 6, 000 No rth Ko reans wo rk in th wait, as ma any as lf: 2, 500 in Ku North Korean citizens. About 6,000 North Koreans work thee Gu Gulf: 2,500 Kuwait, many 1, 500 in th tar. No rth Ko rean n la abourers ar ave he lped d 2, 000 in Qa lieved to ha 1,500 thee U.A.E., an and 2,000 Qatar. North Korean labourers aree be believed have helped 6 2 A.E. th at ar tii-IS war. waar. Within Within these these expatriate expattryiate exp and th Western airbases airbases in the the U. expand thee Western U.A.E. that aree ke keyy to th thee an anti-IS 5 rth Ko rean sp ies. More portan ntly, of the the $1,000 aid to wo rkers each More im $1,000 pa co mmunities ar communities aree No North Korean spies. importantly, paid workers mo nth, th nstructtion co anaggers, an d ar ey onl receive about about $200: $300 go es to co mpany ma ound month, they onlyy receive goes construction company managers, and around ken by th rth Ko rean re ggiime. Th is life line of ha ard cas $500 is tak ta h, wh ich also also comes comes in th taken thee No North Korean regime. This lifeline hard cash, which thee stau uraants in th A.E., he lps unde rmine th anctions imposed ongyan ng ov er its fo rm of re imposed on Py form restaurants thee U. U.A.E., helps undermine thee sa sanctions Pyongyang over nuc learr--we w ap we pons pol ic y . nuclear-weapons policy. 293



2017. ‘Country ‘Country Profile: Profile: Egypt’, Egypt’, Fr Freedom reedom House Housse, 2017, 2017, available available at: at: ht https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2017/egypt, ttps://freedomhouse.org/report/freedomdom-world/2017/eggyypt, last last visited: visited: 15 15 October October 2017. ‘Bahrain: ‘Bahrain: Systematic Systematic Attacks Attacks on on Medical Medical Providers’, Providers’, Hu Human um man Rights Rights Watch Watch, 18 18 July July 2011, 2011, available available at: at: t https://www.hrw.org/news/2011/07/18/bahrainhttps://w ww ww.hrw.org/news/2011/07/18/bahrainsystematic-attacks-medical-providers, systematic-attacks attacks-medical-providers, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 287 Humanity’, Hu ‘Egypt: ‘Egypt: Rab’a Rab’aa K Killings illings Likely Likely Crimes Crimes against aga against Humanity’, Human um man Rights Rights Watch Watch, 1122 August August 2014, 2014, available availa il ble at: at: htttps://www.hrrw.org/news/2014/08/12/eggyypt-raba-killings-lik ast visited: visited: 1155 O https://www.hrw.org/news/2014/08/12/egypt-raba-killings-likely-crimes-against-humanity, likely-crimes-against-humanity, llast October ctober 22017. 0 1 7. 288 Cup “slaves”’, “slaves”’, Th Pattisson, Paattisson, P., P., ‘Revealed: ‘Revealed: Qatar’s Qatar’s World World Cup Thee Guardian Guardian, 25 25 September September 2013, 2013, available av availaable at: at: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/25/revealed-qatars-world-cup-slaves, last htttps://www.theggua uaardian.com m/world/2013/sep/25//revealed-qaatars--wo world-cup-slaaves, la st vvisited: isited: 15 15 October October 2017. 2 0 17 . 289 ‘Qatar: ‘Qatar: End End corporate corporaate exploitation exploiitation of migrant migrant construction construction workers’, workers’, Amnesty Amnesty International Interrrn national, 1177 November November 2013, 2013, available av available at: at: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2013/11/qatar-end-corporate-exploitation-migrant-construction-workers/, 15 October October 2017. 2017. ht ttps://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2013/11/qaatar-end--corporate-exploiitation-miggrrant-construction-w -workers/, last last visited: visited: 15 290 Cup workers workers really really died Stephenson, Stephenson, W., W., ‘Have ‘Have 1,200 1,200 World World Cup died in in Qatar?’, Qatar?’, BBC C, 6 June June 2015, 2015, available av available at: at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazinehttp://w www.bbc.co.uk k/n /news/magaazzinevisited: 15 October 33019838, last laskt visited: October 2017. 291 ‘Fifa ‘F Fifaa W Wo World orld Cup Cup 2022: 2022: Qatar Qataar “to act act on on worker worker rights”’, righ hts”’, BBC C, 1188 N November ovember 2013, 2013, available av available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-easthttp://w ww ww w w.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east24992982, last October 2017. last visited: visited: 15 October 292 ilablee at: t: Take Urgent ‘Qatar: ‘Qatar: Take U ent Action A tio on to o Protect P otee t Construction Constru u tio on Workers’, Work kers’, Hu Human uman Rights um Rights Watch Watch, 27 27 September Septeember 2017, 2017 available https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/09/27/qatar-take-urgent-action-protect-construction-workers, on p o e on u on wo ke last visited: 15 October O obe 2017. 2017 ht ttps://www.hrw o new 2017 09 27 q ke u en ed 15 ! 293 o e n laborers bo e in n US-allied Gambrell, Gaambrell, JJ., ‘Thousands Thou nd of o North No h K Korean US ed G Gulf u n nations’, on The The Associated A o ed Press P e , 28 28 July u 2017, 2017 available b e at: htttps://apnew ws om m 67 55 6 21e41218770b98 9d5bdd89 last visited: ed 22 October O! obe 2017. 2017 https://apnews.com/67a55cc6c21e41218770b98a9d5bdd89, 285 286

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5. Conclusions and Recommendations There There is no Br British itish in interest terest in ge getting tting publ publicly icly em embroiled broiled in in,, le lett al alone one appearing appearing to ta take ake si sides des in in,, dispute. Qatar Qatar is a Br itish security securittyy partner, parrtner, and and aan n im portan nt source source of foreign foreiggn n the the intra-Gulf intra-Gulf dispute. British important tual interest interest in en att Qa tar is ne ith e r There is, is, therefore, therefore, mu suering th di direct recte investment. invnestment. There mutual ensuring that Qatar neither diplomatticallly isolated, isolatted, nor economically economically we akkened. diplomatically weakened. also true true that that the the Saudi-led has exaggerated Saaudi-led bloc bloc has exagggerated and and even fab bricated charges tar, charges against against Qat ar as It is also fabricated Qatar, this paper paper has has out for tlined; that that under under the the cover cover of security security concerns concerns about about Qatar’s Qatar’s support support for this outlined; Isl amists, th Quartet states state are repressing repressing dissent more generally; generally; th att th authoritarian countercountertes are dissent more Islamists, thee Quartet that thee authoritarian revolutionary trend trend the the Qu artet ar leading, particularly paarticularly in th gypt, put ggiional st a b ility revolutionary Quartet aree leading, thee cas casee of Eg Egypt, putss re regional stability s g ytthing Qat Qa tarr ha e; an d th at on ma sk at le ast as mu ch as an tters lik rror-finance th eere at ri risk least much anything Qatar hass don done; and that matters likee te terror-finance there The tim timing Quartet’s artet’s mo move ve was unffortuna unatte, given given the the urgent urgent und. The ing of the the Qu was unfortunate, are hypocrisies hypocrisies to be fo are found. ck the the Iranian Iraanian revolution. revolution. crisis trying ying to fo formulate rmulate a co coordinated ordinated pol policy icy to contain contain and and roll roll bac back crisis in tr 294

Nonetheless, tthe here has has to be a recognition recoggn nition th at a number number of the the accusations accusattions made made against against Qat tar by Nonetheless, there that Qatar the Quartet are le interests would would be served served if Do Quartet are ggitim itimatte, an d Br itish interests ha ad dressed th ese is sues. the legitimate, and British Doha addressed these issues. Qatar is wi thin th liance cam p an d sh ould therefore therefore be af fforded certain certain se nsitivities th att ar Qatar within thee al alliance camp and should afforded sensitivities that aree not hostile governments. governments. Moreover, Moreover, Britain Britain ha channels of applicable to hostile well-established channels applicable hass well-established n d with Qatar Qaatar to deal deal with with troubling troubling policy policy issues, issues, and and Qatar Qatar ha record of be communicattion with in g communication hass a record being aised in these these diplomatic diplomatic and and intelligence intelligence channels. concerns ra channels. responsive to concerns responsive raised 295

some of these these issues issues already, Qatar ha taaken some some steps steps to address address some already, notably notably the the signing siggn ning of a Qatar hass taken the United United States, States, the ning up of th memorandum of understanding understanding with with the the ope opening thee Qatari Qattarri banking ban nkkiing memorandum sy steem to U.S. fficials, the the amendment laaws to al low the the use use of evidence evidence provided provided by system U.S. Treasury Treasury of officials, amendment of laws allow reiggn n go vernments, and and pressured pressured HAMAS HAMAS to acced gyyptt--brokered re conciliaattion fo foreign governments, accedee to an Eg Egypt-brokered reconciliation ag grreement wi th the the Palestinian Paalestinian Au thority an d relinquishing relinquishing points points of strategic sttra ratteggiic control control in the the Ga za agreement with Authority and Gaza , d n St trip . Strip. 296


Areas wh tion include: include: ere London London could could press press for for mo re act Areas where more action e u t r a l i s i n g designated d e s i g n a t e d terrorists. t e r r o r i s t s . Whether Whether this this involves involves arresting arrestiing or expelling expelling th thee ! N Neutralising individuall will will be handled haandled cas e-by-case. A minimum minimum in terim st ep wo uld be pr e v e n t in g individual case-by-case. interim step would preventing such people d ia . people appearing appearing on state stat ate me such media. sC l o s i n g down ! Closing d o w n terror t e r r o r finance. f i n a n c e . Th is would would include include enforcing enforcing th laaws on th o k s, This thee laws thee bo books, en suring th at an legal loopholes loopholes are the us tari institutions institutions are closed, closed, and and preventing preventing the ensuring that anyy legal usee of Qa Qatari ,

294 We Weinberg, inberg, D., D., ‘Qatar ‘Qatar Is Is Worst Worst In In The The Region Reggiion On On Counterterrorism, Counterterrorism, But But Other Other Gulf Gulf Monarchies Monarchies Are Arre Not A Not Off Off The The Hook’, Hook’, Hu Huffington uffffiin ington Post Post, 2 August August at: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/qatar-is-worst-in-the-region-on-counterterrorism-but_us_598236b7e4b03d0624b0abcc, htttps://w www.hufffinggttonpost.com/entry/qatar-is-wo -worst-in--the-region-on-counterrterrorismm bu ut_us_598236b7e4b03d062.4b0abcc, last la st a 2017, avai available lab Ule at: visited: November ovember 2017. vi sited: 6 N 295 October 2017 2017 Author Au uthor interview, interview, October 296 Th Thee MOU MOU signed signed between bettwe ween the the U.S. U.S. and and Qatar Qatar on on 11 11 July July 2017 2017 did did permit permit some some additional additional technical technical measures measures to to be taken taken by the the U.S., U.S., tthough hough h it it was was mostly by the the U.S. U.S. to to help help defuse defuse Gulf October mostly a political political instrument instrument designed desiggn ned by Gulf tensions tensions and and promote promote reconciliation, reconciliation, Author Au uthor interview, interview, Oc tober 2017. 2 0 1 7. ! 297 with HE HE Adel Adel al-Jubeir, al--Jub session)’ [19:00 [19:00 to 221:00], 1:00], Ch ‘In C Conversation onversa saation with Jubeir, M Minister inister of Foreign Foreign Affairs, Afffairs, Saudi A Saudi Arabia Arrabia (full A (ffull session)’ Chatham atham House House, 25 25 October October 2017, 20 1 7 , ww ww.you utube.com m/watch?v=X Xw4A AWD_7Dl4, last last visited: visited: !6 November avai available lable at: h https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw4AWD_7Dl4, ttps://w November 2017.

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by ext externally-based ernally-based ope operatives, rattives, ssuch uch aass those those al-Qaeda al-Qaeda members members operating operating in in Iran Iran n under under protection of government. V ery specifically, specifically, Do ha has has to to be thee protection th of the the revolutionary revolutionarry government. Very Doha be pr essured to to prevent prevent any any repeat nsom pay yments. Si nce Q atar has has issues issues of of repeat of the the ran pressured ransom payments. Since Qatar p y acity, as well well as will, wiill, London continue offering offering specialist specialist and cap London can continue and technical technical assistance assistance capacity, p f this area, area, which which will will als also im prove trust trust by by giving ggiv iving greater ggrreatter transparency. tran n sp are n c y . in this also improve C u r b i n g hate h a t e speech s p e e c h and a n d incitement i n c i t e m e n t in i n the the m e d i a . Al-Ja -Jazeera has has to be media. Al-Jazeera ! Curbing co nsidered as pa art of Qat tarr’s fo reiggn n pol icy, wh ich mak kes it a mat tter th an can be ra aiised considered part Qatar’s foreign policy, which makes matter than raised wi th th government. The The ar ggu ument fr om Do ha th at AlJazeera is in dependent an d /o r a -Ja with thee government. argument from Doha that Al-Jazeera independent and/or mat tter of its own n in ternal af ffai fairs is si mply not cr edible. Bu till th fficulty th ere is st at ma matter internal affairs simply credible. Butt th there still thee di difficulty that st ate re gulation of th dia is in compattible wi th a fr ee me and as such such th itis h dia, and state regulation thee me media incompatible with free media, thee Br British till, th ere is aan n argument argument to go vernment cannot cannot and and must st not pr ess fo ch an out come. St government press forr su such outcome. Still, there sbe m h ad de that that hat allowing allowiing the the wide wi disseminattion and and legitimation leggiitimation of of jihadi jihad di narratives narrrattives and and wide dissemination made id eology is a form support to these these terrorist terrorist groups. ggrroups. Even Even if that thatt argument arrgument form of of material materiaal support ideology not be be made made in in a legalistic leggalistic sense, sense, itit can be be made made politically politically aand nd m orallly. A nd th ere ar can cannot morally. And there aree me chanisms of re ggu ulation – such control of such as OFCOM OFCOM – that that avo id di rect government government control mechanisms regulation avoid direct sttraaint, yet which nalise an timately te rminatte ch annels ess an d prior prior re d ul which can pe th thee pr press and restraint, penalise and ultimately terminate channels th att tr affic in ha tred an d in Jazeera of fficialls have haave expressed n citement. Some Some Al-Jazeera Al--Ja expressed an that traffic hatred and incitement. officials ope nness to to some some form form of “code conduct”, though thouggh they th hey insist insist that that their their critics critics at at other otther “code of conduct”, openness Ar ab media media stations stattions are are also also bound bound by by it. it. Arab o y A o n t i n u e d pressure ! Continued C p r e s s u r e for f o r improvements i m p r o v e m e n t s in i n human h u m a n rights. r i g h t s . Th Thee not notable able is issues sues are are 298

the status status of women women and and the the treatment treatment of migrant miggrrant workers. Britain in creases its the workers. As Britain increases with the the Gulf Gulf st aattes after affter the the vote vote to exit exit the the Eu ropean Un ion, th is sh oulsd be engagement with engagement states European Union, this should tunity to ra aise mat tters su ch as pr ess an itical fr eedom, wh used as an oppor d pol used opportunity raise matters such press and political freedom, which ic h stability and and thus thus a better maarket environment environment for British investors. investors. better market for British contribute to stability contribute


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Author Au uthor interview interview with with a former former U.S. U.S. diplomat diplomaat in in the the region, reggiion, 20 20 November November 2017. 2! 017.


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Appendix: Quartet List of “Qatar-linked” Individuals The list list of of fifty-nine ffiifty-nine ostensibly ostensibly Qatari-linked Qattari-linked individuals individualls designated desiggn naatted as as terrorists terrorists is documented documented The brief profiles profiles of of the the individuals individuals where where possible, possible, and and an an assessment assessment of of their their links links to to the th e below, wi with brief below, with n d Qatari government, wh hich range range from from clear clear to to tenuous tenuous to to unsubstantiated. unsubstan a n ti a te d . government, which Qatari Murtadha Majeed al-Sindi) (Bahraini): Maajeed Ramadan Ram mad dan Alawi Alaw wii (Murtadha (Murtadha Majeed Maajeed al-Sindi) (Bahraiini): a senior senior 1. Murtadha Baahrain-based, Iranian-backed Iraanian n-backed militant militan nt group, group, Saraya Sarraya al-Ashtar, al-Ashtar, though though member of the the Bahrain-based, member Alawi is act tually ba sed in Iran n Th n. S. St atte De partment de siggn nated Al aw wii as a te rrorist Alawi actually based Iran. Thee U. U.S. State Department designated Alawi terrorist early 2017. There There is no avai available evidence Qatari state statte connection connecttion with with Al Alawi awi or lable evi dence of a Qatari in early A n t Sa araya alAshtar. Saraya al-Ashtar. 299


mad al-Hassan al-Hassan alAhmad al-Daski (Bahraini) 2. Ah Daskkii (B ahraiini) ominent religious 3. Yusuf Y Abdullah al-Qaradawi al-Qaaradaw wii (E gyptian): one of the the mo st pr religgiious figures figgu ures in Abdullah (Egyptian): most prominent th nni Muslim Muslim world, world, ba tarr, an d as sociated wi th th slim Br o th e rh o o d . sed in Qat thee Su Sunni based Qatar, and associated with thee Mu Muslim Brotherhood. wii is fe attured re gularly on Al-Ja -Jazeera Arabic Arabic an Al Al-Qaaradaw d is one of the the most most individually individually Al-Qaradawi featured regularly Al-Jazeera and co ntentious cases, cases, wi th th arrtet st ates de manding he be re moved fr om th rwaves. contentious with thee Qu Quartet states demanding removed from thee ai airwaves. 4. cTa arek r Abdulmaujood Abdsulmau ujood Ib raahim al-Zumar ar (E ggyyptian): th cretary-generall of al-Gamaa al-Gaamaa. alTarek Ibrahim (Egyptian): thee bse secretary-general Isl amiyya’s pol ittic ical wi ng, cu rrently re siding in Qat tarr. Eg gypt ha manded alZumar’s Islamiyya’s political wing, currently residing Qatar. Egypt hass de demanded al-Zumar’s ext tradition. extradition. 5. Wa ajdi Abdulhamid Abdulhamid Mu ham Ghonaiim (E gyptian): an Isl amist pr eacher an mmad Ghonaim d Wajdi Muhammad (Egyptian): Islamist preacher and ng a resident resident in Qa tar an d now unde arrest in su pporter of the the Muslim Muslim Brotherhood, Brotherhood, lo supporter long Qatar and underr arrest tremist incitement. incitement. Tu rkey for for ext Turkey extremist 6. Ya ahya Aqeel Aqeel Sa alman n Aqeel Aqeel (E ggyyptian): a pr ominent Mu slim Br other, it is al leged by th Yahya Salman (Egyptian): prominent Muslim Brother, alleged thee Qu artet th att Aqeel Aqeel is in volved in tr an nsferring in structions an tar to d mo ney fr om Qat Quartet that involved transferring instructions and money from Qatar 6 me Ansar Bayt Baayyt al-Ma Maq qdis, a jihadi jihadi in surgent gr oum p in Aqeel’s Aqeel’s nat tive Si nabi th mbers of Ansar at members al-Maqdis, insurgent group native Sinai that alleggiiance to the the Islamic Islamic St pttember 2014. ore allegiance ate in Se sw swore State September 301

Shawqi (Egyptian): thee younger brother Khalid Mohamed Ahmed Ahmed Sha awqi al-Islambuli al-Islambuli (E gyptian): th younger br other of Kh alid al7. Mohamed Islambuli, murdered president October and wass Islambuli, who who mu rdered Egyptian Eggyptiian pr esident Anwar Anwar al-Sadat al-Sa Sad dat in Oc to ober 1981 an d wa ham med alIslambuli ha amist mi litaan ncy executed April Mohamed al-Islambuli hass be been involved Islamist militancy execu ted in Ap ril 1982, Mo en in volved in Isl since the the 1980s, 1980s, in Af fghan nistan ag ainst th viets an d th en aga ainst th ggiime in hi since Afghanistan against thee So Soviets and then against thee re regime hiss nat country. Driven Driven from from Egypt Eggyypt by th Islambuli re taiined a se nior ro le in alnative country. native thee 1990s 1990s,, alal-Islambuli retained senior role Gaamaa al-Islamiyya al-Islamiyya an d be came tied tied into into al-Qaeda’s al-Qaeeda’s ne ttw works. In 2011, al-Islambuli al-Islambuili wa Gamaa and became networks. wass Iraan, where where many maany of al-Qaeda’s al-Qaeeda’s leaders lead ders were forced out of Iran, were sheltered sheltered by the the Islamic Islamic forced

, Smyth, Smyth, P., P., ‘‘Saraya Saaraya al-Ashtar: al-Ashtar: B Bahrain’s ahrain’s Illu Illusive sive Bomb Bomb Throwers’, Th T hrowers’, Ji Jihadology ihadologyy, 4 March March 2014, 2014, available av availaable at: at: jihadology.net/2014/03/04/hizballah-cavalcadejihadology.net/2014/03//04/hizballah-caval cavalcadesaraya-al-ashtar-bahrains-illusive-bomb-throwers/, November sa raaya-al-ashtarta baahrains-illusive-bomb-throwers/, last visited: visited: 3 N ovember 2017. 20 1 7 . 300 Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘Analysis: ‘Analysis: Ame America ric a P Pushes ushes Back Back Against Against Iranian Iranian S Subversion ubversion on on the the Gulf’, Gulff’’,, Th Thee Henry Heen nrry Jackson n Jackson Society Society, 1177 March March 2017, 2017, available av available at: at: 2 henryjacksonsociety.org/2017/03/17/analysis-america-pushes-back-against-iranian-subversion-on-the-gulf/, lastt vis visited: October he nryjacksonsociety.org/2017/03/17/analysis-america-pushes-back-against-iranian-subversion-on--the-gulf lf/, las ited: 3300 O ctober 2017. 2017. ! 301 of five Al-Hameed, Al-Hameed, A.A., A.A., ‘Profiles ‘Profiles of five Egyptians Eggyyptians on on the the terror terror blacklist blacklist issued issued by by Arab Ara A rab powers’, powers’, Al Al-Arabiya l--Ar Araabiya, 11 11 June June 2017, 2017, available available at: at: 2017. ast vvisited: isited: 3 N ovember 2017. engl english.alarabiya.net/en/News/gulf/2017/06/11/Profiles-of-five-Egyptians-on-the-terror-blacklist-issued-by-Arab-powers.html, ish.alarabiya.nett/en/News/gulf/2017/06/11/Proffiles-off--five-Eggyyptians-on--th!e-terror-blacklist-issued-by by-Arab-powers.httml, llast November 299

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Republic af Republic after fter th thee fal fallll of the the Taliban, Taaliban, and and was was deported deported to Egypt Eggypt where where he wa wass arrested. arrested. litarry ju nttaa, alIslambuli was gypt ag ain Released Released in 2012 by th thee in interim terim mi military junta, al-Islambuli was forced forced to flee flee Eg Egypt again affter the the sanguinary san nguinarry military militarry coup coup in 2013, en ding up in Tu rkey, wh ere he wo rked wi th after ending Turkey, where worked with ratives affiliated afffiliated with with al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda, and and possibly possibly had var ious ope had a leading leading role role in the the sovarious operatives acaleled “Khorasan “Khorasan Group”, Group”, the rattions di vision of al-Qaeda’s bran nch in called the pexternal external ope operations division al-Qaeda’s branch February bruary 2017, alal al-Islambuli Islambuli sp spoke oke in Qat Qatar tarr at a Ga Gamaa amaa alal-Islamiyya Islam miyya even eventt Syria. Syria. In Fe ath Umar Umarr Ab durrahman (“The (“The Blind Blind Sha aykkh” h”), wh o was was convicted convicted in mo mourning urning th thee de death Abdurrahman Shaykh”), who ffences relating relating to the the 1993 bo mbing of the terrorism of the World World Trade Trade Centre. Centre. thee US of terrorism offences bombing th AlIslam mbuli spoke spoke alongside alongside other otther leaders leaders of al-Hizb al-Hizb al-Banna l Taanmiya (T he al-Baanna walAl-Islambuli wal-Tanmiya (The Al Co nstructiion an d Development Development Pa arty), the the pol itical wing wing of Gamaa Gaamaa al-Islamiyya, al-Islamiyya, wh o ar Construction and Party), political who aree tarr, an d th whole event a b ic . sed in Qat event was was car ried live live on Al-Ja Al-Jazzeera Ar based Qatar, and thee whole carried Al-Jazeera Arabic. ba 303



8. Muhammad Muhammad Abdulmaqsud Abdulmaqsud Muhammad Muham mmad Afifi Affifi (Egyptian): (Egyptian): a member member of of the the Muslim Muslim Brotherhood, who wh ho is of organising organ nising civil after the the violent is accused accused of civil disobedience disobedience after violent coup coup d'état d 'é t a t Brotherhood, d 8 in 22013 Afifi is now now said said by by the the Quartet Quartetl to 013 toppled toppled the the elected elected Brotherhood Brotherhood government. government. Afifi in Qatar Qattarr and an nd to to have have issued inciting and and extreme extreme fatwas. fattw was. issued inciting reside in reside 306

Muhammad (Egyptian): member Muhammad al-Saghir al-Saghir Abdulrahim Abdulrahim Mu hammad (E gyptian): a sstaff taaff m ember at at Al-Azhar Al-Az Azharr 9. Muhammad University Un iversity and and the the endowments endowm ments minister minister during during the the rule rule of of the the Muslim Muslim Brotherhood, Brotherhood, Muhammad is is allegedly allegedly a member of al-Gamaa all-Gam maa al-Islamiyya al-Islamiyya and an nd now now moves moves between bettw Muhammad member of ween Qa tar and and Turkey. T u rk e y . Qatar 307

Q 10. Ayman Ayman Ahmed Ahmed Abdulghani Abdulghan ni Hassanein Hassanein (Egyptian): (Egyptian): an an engineer enggin ineer and and former former member member of of the the executive Muslim Brotherhood’s Brotherhood’s now-liquidated political wing, executive committee committee of of the th Muslim now-liquidated political wing, the the Fr eedom and an nd Justice Justiice Party, Paarty, Ha ssaneinnis is accused acccused of riots on on university university campuses campusesf Freedom Hassanein of inciting inciting riots of funding funding the the Helwan ggrroup of of the th he Brotherhood Brotherhood that that Helwan Brigades, Brigades, a small small splinter splinter group and and of in violence violence against agaainst the the Egyptian Egyptian n state. state. Hassanein Hassan nein allegedly allegedly fled fled to Qatar Qattaar after after the the engages engages in Raabaa m assacre . Rabaa massacre. 308

(Egyptian): member 11. Assem Assem Abdulmaged Abdulmagged Mohamed Mohamed Madi Madi (E ggyyptiian n): ssaid aid to be be a m ember of of al-Gamaa al-Gaamaa alalIslamiyya, Islamiyya, involved involved in in the the assassination of Anwar Anw warr al-Sadat, al-Sa Sad dat, and and ccurrently urrently resident resident in assassination of in 1 Qatar. Qatar. 309

Hamada al-Sayed Muhammad Ham mada aal l-Sa Saayed Ibrahim Ibraahim (Egyptian): (Egyptian n): a member member of of the the Muslim Muslim 12. Muhammad Brotherhood, Br otherhood, according according to to the the Quartet, Quartet, who wh ho escaped escap ped the the savage savage massacre massacre by by the the current cu rre n t Eggyyptian ggovernment overnment att the th he Rabaa encampment, and and now now works works from from abroad abroad to to support Egyptian Rabaa encampment, su p p o rt militaant cells cells of of the the Brethren Brethren in Egypt. Egypt. the the militant 310

302 ‘Egypt ‘Egypt arrests arrests militant militaant linked linked to string string of of attacks’, atta attacks’, Reuters Reuters rs, 28 28 August Au A ugust 2011, 2011, available available at: at: www.reuters.com/article/egypt-militantww ww ww w.reuters.com/article/egypt-militant0 idAFL5E7JS07R20110828, last last visited: visited: 3 November November 2017. 20 1 7 . idAFL5E7JS07R20110828, 303 Wa Warrick, rrick, J., J., ‘‘Double Double ggame? am e? E Even ven as as it it battles battles ISIS, ISIS, Turkey Turkey gives ggiives other otther extremists extremists shelter’, shelter’, The The Washington Washington Post Post, 1100 July July 2016, 2016, available av availaable at: at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/double-game-even-as-it-battles-isis-turkey-gives-other-extremists-shelter/2016/07/10/8d6ce040ht ttps://www.washinggtonpost.com m/world/naational-security r y/double-game-even-as-it-baattles-isis--turkey-gives--other-exttremists-shelter/2016/07/10/8d6ce0404053-11e6-a66f-aa6c1883b6b1_story.html, 4053-11e6-a66f 6ff--aa6c1883b6b1_story.html, last last visited: visited: 3 November November 2017. 304 Al-Qaaida R Group’, NP Temple-Raston, Temple-Raston, D. D.,, ‘‘Al-Qaida Reasserts easserts Itself Itself With With Khorasan Kh K horasan Group’, NPR PR, 3 October October 2014, 2014, available availaable at: at: www.npr.org/sections/thetwoww ww ww w.npr.org/sections/thetwoway/2014/10/03/353498827/al-qaida-reasserts-itself-with-khorasan-group, khorasan-group, last last vi visited: November ovember 2017. wa ay/2014/10/03/353498827/al-qaaida-reasserts-itselff--wiith-kh sited: 3 N 305 ‘A A ccondolence ondolence gathering gaathering for for Shaykh Shaykkh h Umar Umar Abdurrahman Ab Abdurraahman organised by by the the Egyptian Egyptiaan Construction Construction and aan nd Development Development Party’, Party’, Yo YouTube uTube, 21 21 February February an organised October 2017. 2017. 2017, available available at: at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0Z5_LtmZ9Q, htttps://w ww ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=H0Z Z5_L LtmZ9Q, last last visited: visited: 27 October 306 ‘Your ‘Your guide guide to Qatari-linked Qataari-linked terrorist terrorist list revealed revealed on on Friday’, Frid F ri ay’, Eg rid Egypt gypt Today Today, 9 June Ju un ne 2017, 2017, available av availaable at: at: https://www.egypttoday.com/Article/1/7064/Yourhttps://w ww ww w.egypttoday.com/Article/1/7064/Yourast vvisited: isite d : 8 N ovember 22017. 017. guide-to-Qatari-linked-terrorist-list-revealed-on-Friday, guide-to-Qaataeri-linked-terrorist-list-revealed-on-Friday, llast November 307 ‘Your ‘Your guide gui guide to to Qatari-linked Qatari-linked terrorist terrorist list revealed revealed on on Friday’, Frid F ri ay’, Eg rid Egypt gypt Today Today, 9 June Ju un ne 2017. 20 1 7 . 308 ‘Your ‘Your guide guide to Qatari-linked Qataari-linked terrorist terrorist list revealed revealed on on Friday’, Frid F ri ay’, Eg rid Egypt gypt Today Today, 9 June Ju un ne 2017. 20 1 7 . 309 guide to Qatari-linked ‘Your ‘Your guide Qataari-linked terrorist terrorist list revealed revealed on on Friday’, Frid F rid ri ay’, Eg Egypt gypt To Today day, 9 June 2017. 310 on the the terror terror blacklist powers?’, Al Al-Hameed, Al-Hameed, A.A., A.A., ‘‘Who Wh W ho aare re the the Egyptians Eggyyptians on b la c k kllist issued issued by by Arab Al-Arabiya l--Arrabiya, 13 13 June June 2017, 2017, available av available at: at: !AArrab powers?’, https://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2017/06/13/Profiles-of-Egyptians-on-the-terror-blacklist-issued-by-Arab-powers.html, ast vvisited: isited: 7 ht ttps://engllish.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2017/06/13/P /2017/06/ roffiles-off--Eggyyptians-on-the-terror-blacklist-issued-by-Arab-powers.html, llast November November 2017. 20 1 7 . !

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13. Abdurrahman Abdurraahman Muhammad Muham mmad Shukri Shukkri r Abdurrahman Abdurraahman (Egyptian): (Egyptian n): said saiid to be be a friend friend of of Muslim Brotherhood Brotherhood Supreme Supreme Guide Guide Muhammad Muhammad Badie, Badie, Abdurrahman Abdurrahman n is is accused accused of of Muslim number of of arson arson attacks attaccks against aggaainst government buildings after after the the Rabaa organising a number government buildings R ab aa organising massaccre. It is is not not clear clear how how Abdurrahman Abdurraahman is to be be connected connected to to Qatar. Qatar. is supposed supposed to massacre. M e d e f 311

Hussein Mohamed Muslim uslim Brotherhood Brotherhood member, m em b e r, Mohamed Reza Reza Ibrahim Ibraahim Youssef Youssef (Egyptian): (Egyptian): a M 14. Hussein according the Brotherhood Brotherhood activists activists acco rding to to the the Quartet, and one one of of those those who wh ho tried Quartet, and tried to protect protect the and civilians who wh ho gathered gaatthered at Rabaa Rabaa to to peacefully peaceffully protest the ouster ouster of of Egyptian Egyptian president president protest the and civilians Morsi by by the the Egyptian Egyptian n military. military. Where Where Youssef Youssef went went after after Cairo’s Cairo’s massm a ssMuhammad Muhammad Morsi sl aughter of of the the protesters in August August 2013 2013 and an nd Youssef’s connections to to Qatar Qattar are arre slaughter protesters in Youssef’s connections unc learr. unclear. 312

15. Ah med Abdulhafiz Abdulhafiz Mahmud Maahmud Abdelhadi Abdelhadi (E gyptiian): a Muslim Muslim Brother Brother involved in nvolved in Ahmed (Egyptian): u fin ancing the the militant militaant cells Hasm, that thatt emerged emerged after affter the cells of of the the Brotherhood, Brotherhood, such such as as Hasm, the financing Ra abaa at tr o c ity b he Eg gyyptian m ilitary, according acccording to to the the Quartet. Quartet. A direct direct link link to to Qatar Q atar Rabaa atrocity byy tthe Egyptian military, u d i not in evidence. evidence. is not 313

Fouad Tafran (Egyptian): on property property and Taafran (E gyptian n): a Muslim Muslim Brother Brother involved involved in attacks attaccks on and 16. Muslim Muslim Fouad forces in in Egypt, Egypt, according to the the Quartet. Quartet. An Anyy connection connection to to Qatar Qatar remains security according to remains security forces opa opaq que. opaque. 314

17. Ay Ayman Mahmoud Sadeq Rifat Muslim man Ma ahmoud Sad deq Ri fat at (Egyptian): (Egyptian): a M uslim Brother Brother and and member member of of parliament parrliaament o unt til tthe he Sisi Sisi ccoup oup did did away awayy with wiith elected elected state state institutions, instituttions, Rifat Rifaatt is is accused accused by by the the Quartet until w Quaarrtet of having haaving orchestrated orchestrrated protests protests against against the the putschist putschist authorities autthor h ities and and of providing providing funding funding fr om the the outside outside for for militant militaant cells Any link link to to Qatar Qattarr is is not not visible visiblet cells of of the the Brotherhood. Brotherhood. Any from the current on the current evidence. evidence. 315

Saad (Egyptian) ad Abdulnaim Abdulnaiim Ahmed Ahmed (E gyptian n) 18. Muhammad Muhammad Sa Saad (Egyptian): property forr the 19. Muhammad Muhammad Sa ad d Abdulmuttalib Abdulmuttalib Abdo Abdo al-Razaki al-Razakkkii (E g y p tia n ): a p roperty manager manager fo the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Razaki all-Razzakkii allegedly alllegedly fled fflled to to Qatar Qatar after the Egyptian Egyptian coup coup and an nd from fr o m Muslim Brotherhood, aaffter the has financed finan nced and an nd incited incited violent violent Brotherhood Brotherhood groups, ggrroups, including there including Hasm. H a sm . there has 1 d e 316

uad Ah med Ja d Be ltaji (Egyptian): (Egyptian): a radiologist rad diologgis ist – the the owner own ner of of Sama Sam ma Scan Scan n 20. Ahmed Ahmed Fo Fouad Ahmed Jad Beltaji ayoum, where wh here it is alleged alleged he attaccks by Ce ntre – in F he funded funded terrorist terrorist attacks by the the Muslim Muslim Centre Fayoum, Br otherhood. It is is not not clear clearr how how Beltaji Beltaji is Qattaarr. is connected connected to to Qatar. Brotherhood. 317

21. Ahmed Ahmed Ragab Ragab Ragab Raggab b Soliman Soliman an (Egyptian): (Egyptian): alleged alleged to be be involved in nvolved in cells cells of of the the Muslim Muslim Brotherhood Brotherhood that th hatt have have returned returned to to violence violence in in Egypt, Egypt, and and to to have have been been sentenced sentenced to to deatth for for such such activity. acctivity. There There is to Qatar. Qattar. death is no no visible visible direct direct connection connectiion to 2 ul 318

A a Al-Hameed, Al-Hameed, A.A., A.A., ‘Profiles ‘Profiles of of five five Egyptians Eggyyptians on on the the terror terror blacklist blacklist issued issued by by Arab Arrab powers’, A powers’, Al Al-Arabiya l--Ar Araabiya, 11 11 June June 2017. 20 1 7 . Al-Hameed, Al-Hameed, A.A., A.A., ‘‘Who Wh W ho aare re the the Egyptians Eggyyptians on blacklist issued issued by by Arab Arrab powers?’, A powers?’, Al Al-Arabiya l--Ar Araabiya, 13 13 June June 2017. 20 1 7 . on the the terror terror blacklist 313 on the the terror terror blacklist Al-Hameed, Al-Hameed, A.A., A.A., ‘‘Who Wh W ho aare re the the Egyptians Eggyyptians on blacklist issued issued by by Arab Arrab powers?’, A powers?’, Al Al-Arabiya l--Ar Araabiya, 13 13 June June 2017. 20 1 7 . 314 Al-Hameed, Al-Hameed, A.A., A.A., ‘‘Who Wh W ho ar aree the the Egyptians Egyptians on the the terror terror blacklist blacklist issued issued by by Arab Arrab powers?’, A powers?’, Al Al-Arabiya l--Ar Araabiya, 13 13 June June 2017. 20 1 7 . 315 AlAl-Hameed, Al Hameed, A.A., A.A., ‘‘Profiles Profiles of of five five Egyptians Eggyyptians on on the the terror blacklist issued issued by b!y Arab Arrab powers’, A powers’, Al Al-Arabiya l--Ar Araabiya, 11 11 June June 2017. 20 1 7 . terror blacklist 316 Al-Hameed, Al-Hameed, A.A., A.A., ‘Profiles ‘Profiles of of five five Egyptians Eggyyptians on on the the terror terror blacklist blacklist issued issued by by Arab Arab powers’, powers’, Al Al-Arabiya l--Ar Araabiya, 11 11 June June 2017. 20 1 7 . ! 317 terror blacklist Al-Hameed, Al-Hameed, A.A., A.A., ‘Profiles ‘Profiles of of five five Egyptians Eggyyptians on on the the terror blacklist issued issued by by Arab Arrab powers’, A powers’, Al Al-Arabiya l--Ar Araabiya, 11 11 June June 2017. 20 1 7 . 318 Al-Hameed, Al-Hameed, A.A., A.A., ‘‘Who Wh W ho are are the the Egyptians Eggyyptians on blacklist issued issued by Arab Arrab powers?’, A powers?’, Al Al-Arabiya l--Ar Araabiya, 13 13 June June 2017. 20 1 7 . on the the terror terror blacklist 311 312


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22. Karim Kar Karim Muhammad Muhammad d Muhammad Muham mmad Abdulaziz Abdulaziz (Egyptian): (Egyptiian): the the M Muslim uslim Brother Brother responsible responsible the violent violent campaign campaaiggn n against aggainst the the security forces in in the the Beheira overseeing overseeing the security forces Beheira Province Province of of Eggyypt, according acccording to to the the Quartet. Quarrtet. Abdulaziz’s Abdulaziz’s Q Qatari atari connections connectiions are are not not visible. v is ib le . Egypt, 319

E i Zaki 23. Ali Al Zaakkii Muhammad Muhammad d Ali Ali (Egyptian) (Egypt.ian n)


24. Naji Naaji Ib Ibrahim al-Azouli (Egyptian) raahim alAzouli (E g y p tia n ) 25. Shehata Shehata Fathi Muhammad Soliman (Egyptian) Fatthi Hafez Haafez Mu hammad So liman (E g y p tia n ) 26. Muhammad Muhammad Mu Muharram (Egyptian) Abu Zayd (E harram m Fahmi Faahmi Abu gyptiian) (Egyptian): 27. Amr Amr Abdulnasser Abdulnasser Abdulhaq Abdulhaq Abdulbari Abdulbari (E gyptian): aaccused ccused of of arson, arson, terrorism, terrorism, and an nd murder mu rder on on behalf behalf of of the the Muslim Brotherhood in in the the wake wakke sanguinary san nguinary clearance clearan nce of th e Muslim Brotherhood of the 2 Rabaa , d Raabaa aand nd al-Nahda all-Naahda encampments. encampqments. No evident evident Qatar Qatar links. lin k s . 320

28. Ali Ali Hassan Hassan Ibrahim Ibraahim Abduldhaher Abduldhaher (Egyptian) (Egyptian) Abd al-Maliki al-Maalik kii Muhammad Muhammad d Yusuf Yusuf Uthman Uthman n Abd Abd al-Salam, al-Saalam, a.k.a. a.k.a. Umar Umar al-Qatari all-Qaattari 29. Abd (Jordanian n): the the son son of of Muhammad Muhammad d Yusuf Yusuf Uthman Uth hman Abd al-l Saalam m (Abdul (Abdul A ziz aal-Qatari), l-Qatari), Abd al-Salam (Jordanian): Aziz Abd al-Malik all-Mal M lik facilitated facilitated the the transfer transfer of of resources resources to Jabhat Jab bhat al-Nusra, al-Nusra, and and earlier earlier worked w o rk e d Abd with a Qatari Qatari national, national, Ibrahim Ibraahim al-Bakr, al-Baakkrr, a US-designated US-desiggn natted terrorist, an nd terrorist, to to move move money money and with A weap pons for for the the Taliban Taliban n and and al-Qaeda, al-Qaeeda, activities activities which wh hich landed landed Abd Abd al-Malik al-Maalik on on the the US Ud S weapons saanctions list. Abd aal-Malik l-Mallik holds holds Qatari Qatar ari identification identificattion papers. papers. list. Abd sanctions 321


of Muhammad d Yusef Yusef Othman Othman Abd Abd al-Salam all-Saalam (Jordanian): ((JJordaanian n): the the brother brother of 30. Ashraf Ashraf Muhammad and an al-Qaeda al-Qaeeda member member for for more more than than a decade, decad de, previously previously providing p ro v id in g Abdulmalik, and Abdulmalik, pport to to IS when wh hen it it was was under under al-Qaeda’s all-Qaeda’s banner ban nner and and since since 2014 2014 in in Syria Syria fighting fightiing with wiith support su Ja abhat aal-Nusra. l-Nusra. Ashraf Ashraf has has residency residency rights rights in in Qatar. Q a ta r. Jabhat 323



31. Hajjaj Haajjjjaj bin bin Fahd Faahd h Hajjaj Haajjjjaj Muhammad Muhammad al-Ajmi al-Ajmi ((Kuwaiti): Ku uwaiitii): a h arak kii-sallaffii shaykh shaykkh h and and one one of of haraki-salafi r te r s o f m ilita a n t I s lam m in S y r ia . H a j jj j a j al l Aj m i w o r the most most prominent prominent supporters su p p o ists ked the of militant Islamists Syria. Hajjaj al-Ajmi worked 3 separately separately but but in in parallel para ralllel with wiith a yo unger relative, relattive, Shafi Shafi aal-Ajmi, l-l Ajmi, tto o ffund und Jabhat Jabhatt aal-Nusra l-Nu Nusraf younger Hajjjjaj w key funder funder for for the th he August August 2013 Ahrar al-Sham al-Shaam in in Syria. Syria. Hajjaj as a key 2013 insurgent insurggent and Ahrar and was offfensive – led led b S, aal-Nusra, l-Nusra, and and Ahrar Ahrar – into into the the Alawite-majority Alaawi wite-maajority areas a re a s o Syria’s coast c o a st offensive byy IIS, off Syria’s thatt resulted August 2014, 2014, al-Ajmi aall-Aj Ajmi was was sanctioned sanctioned by by the the U.S. resulted in terrible terrible atrocities. atrocities. In August U .S . that and the th he United United Nations Nations fo forr funding funding al-Nusra. al-Nusra. The The U.S. U.S. designation desiggn nattion noted Treasury n o te d Treasury and 326



Al-Hameed, Al-Hameed, A.A., A.A., ‘‘Who Wh W ho aare re the the Egyptians Eggyyptians on on the the terror terror blacklist b la c k kllist issued issued by by Arab Arrab powers?’, A powers?’, Al Al-Arabiya l--Arrabiya, 13 13 June June 2017. 20 1 7 . Al-Hameed, Al-Hameed, A.A., A.A., ‘‘Who Wh W ho are are the the Egyptians Eggyyptians on b la c k kllist issued issued by by Arab Ara A rab powers?’, powers?’, Al Al-Arabiya l--Arrabiya, 13 13 June June 2017. 20 1 7 . on the the terror terror blacklist l ‘Treasury ‘T Treasury Designates Designates Twelve Tw Twelve Foreign Foreign Terrorist Terrorist Fighter Figh Figh hter Facilitators’, Facilitaators’, US De Department eparttme men nt of of Treasury Treasuurry, 2244 September September 2014, 2014, available av availaable at: at: https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/jl2651.aspx, htttps://www.treasury.govv/press-center/press-releases/Pages/jl2651.aspx, last last visited: visited: 15 October October 2017. 322 ‘Security ‘Security Council Council Al-Qaida Al Al-Qaaida S Sanctions anctions Committee Commiittee Adds Adds Four Four Names Naames to to Its Its Sanctions Sanctions List’, United niited Nations Nations Security Secuurrriity Council Couun ncil, 2233 January January 2015, 2015, available av avaiilable List’, Un https://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sc11750.doc.htm, at: h ttps://w ww ww w w.un.org/press/en/2015/sc11750.doc.htm, last last visited: visited: 6 November November 2017. 323 Part II: Private Private Funders Weinberg, Weinberg, D.A., D.A., ‘Q ‘Qatar atar an aand nd Terror Terror Finance Fin Finance Part Fu F unders of of al-Qaeda al al-Qaeda iin nS Syria’, yria’, Fo Foundation uun ndation for for the the Defense Deffen ense of of Democracies Dem mocracies, JJanuary anuary 2017, 20 1 7 , ttp://w ww ww w w.deffenddemocracy.org/content/uploads/documents/11717_Weinberg_Qatar_Reporrt.pdf, last ctober 22017. 0 17. avai available lable at: h http://www.defenddemocracy.org/content/uploads/documents/11717_Weinberg_Qatar_Report.pdf, last visited: visited: 1155 O October 324 eptember 22014. 014. ‘Treasury ‘T Treasury Designates Designates Twelve Tw Twelve Foreign Foreign Terrorist Terrorist Fighter Figh Figh hter Facilitators’, Facilitaators’, US De Department eparttme men nt of of Treasury Treasuurry, 2244 SSeptember 325 ‘Security ‘Security Council Council Al-Qaida Al Al-Qaaida S Sanctions anctions Committee Commiittee Adds Adds Four Four Names Naames to to Its Its Sanctions Sanctions List’, List’, Un United niited Nations Nations Security Secuurrriity Council Counciil, 2233 January January 2015, 2015, available av avaiilable at: h ttps://w ww ww w w.un.org/press/en/2015/sc11750.doc.htm, last visited: 6 November November 2017. https://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sc11750.doc.htm, rlast visited: 326 Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘‘Analysis: Analysis: Western Western Al Allies lies aand nd Terrorism Terrorism Financing’, Financing’, The The Henry Heen nrry Jackson n Jackson Society Society, 1188 March March 2017, 2017, available available at: at: http://henryjacksonsociety.org/2017/03/18/analysis-western-allies-and-terrorism-financing/, last October 2017. 2 017. htttp://henryjacksonsociety.orgg/2017/03/18/analysis-westernn allies-and--terrorism-financing/, la st vvisited: isited: 15 15 October 327 of Terrorists ‘Treasury ‘T Treasury Designates Designates Three Th Three Key Key Supporters Supporters of Terrorists in Syria Syriaa and aan nd Iraq’, Iraq’, U. U.S. S. Dep Department partment off Treasury Treasuury ry, 6 August August 2014, 2014, available available at: at: https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/jl2605.aspx, htttps://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/jl2605.aspx, last last visited: visited: 8 November November 2017. 20 1 7 . ! 328 ‘Hajjaj ‘Hajjaaj b bin in F Fa Fahd ahd aal al-Ajmi: l-Ajmi: Na Narrative arrative Summary Summaary of of Reasons Reasons for for Listing’, Listing’, Un United niited Nations Nations Security Secuurriitty Council Couun nci cil, 1155 August Au A ugust 2014, 2014, available av available at: at: ht ttps://www.un.org/sc/suborg/en/sanctions/1267/aq_saanctions_list/summaries//!individual//hajjaaj-bin-fahd--al-ajmi, llast ast vi sited: 8 N ovember 2017. https://www.un.org/sc/suborg/en/sanctions/1267/aq_sanctions_list/summaries/individual/hajjaj-bin-fahd-al-ajmi, visited: November 319 320 321

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that th att aal-Ajmi l-Ajmi ““travel[ed] travel[ed] rregularly egularly from from Kuwait Ku uwaiit to to Syria Syria to to engage engagge in in financial financial activity acctivity on on be hallf of of [al-Nusra] [al-Nusra] and and deliver deliver money money to to the the group”. ggrroup”. Later that month, month, al-Ajmi al-Ajmi moved behalf Later that moved ffr rom Qatar Qattarr back back to K uwait, i and and was was arrested arrested for for one da ay, before before being being released. released. Alfrom Kuwait, day, arrgely disappeared disap ppeared from from public public view view after affter this, th his, though though he he continued continued to to use use Twitter Twi w itte r Ajmi Ajmi llargely unttil October October 2016, when wh hen representatives representattives of certain certtaain Christian Christian n groups ggrroups who wh ho accuse al accuse al–f until abetting genocidal genocidall violence violence against aggaiinst them them served wrrit against agaiinst al-Ajmi al-Ajmi o n the th e served a writ Ajmi Ajmi of abetting on platform. platfform. 329



amid m Abdullah Abdullah Ahmed Ahmed al-Ali al-Ali (K Kuwaiti): an Isl amist cl eric based based in Ku uwait, llisted isted si nce Hamid (Kuwaiti): Islamist cleric Kuwait, since 32. Ha cilitator, and and added added to the Nations tiions sanctions san n ctio n s the US as an al-Qaeda al-Qaaeda fa the United United Na facilitator, 2006 by the “Al-Ali’s l-Ali’s efforts effforts to promote rad dical ideology ideologgyy include include the the provision provision of listt in 2008. “A promote radical lis material support mat support fo terrorist organisations, organisattions, including including those those in Iraq q th at ar ffiliated wi th h material forr terrorist that aree af affiliated with aall-Qaeda.” He also also accused accused of “recruiting “recruiting for” for” al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Qaeda-afffiliated cells cells in Ku uwaiit. The The al-Qaeda.” Kuwait. m states ermissiveness, an stattes that that he ha isstued fa stiffying “t the pe d so m e tim e s twas ju UN hass issued fatwas justifying “the permissiveness, and sometimes suicide operations operattions on the conditiions of crushing the conditions crushing the the enemy enemy (or (or causing necessityy, of suicide causing necessity, featt to the the enemy), enemy), to obtain obtain victory”. victory”. In 2012, four fter he wa four years years af moral de moral defeat after wass desiggn natted, al-Ali al-Ali was was invited invited by the tari Ministry Ministry of Endowment Endowm ment to de liver the the Friday Friday the Qat designated, Qatari deliver tar Gr and Mo Al-Ali Ali has Qattar in its the Qa sque in Doha. Doha. Alhas voiced voiced support support for for Qatar sermon at the sermon Qatar Grand Mosque th its ne ighbours. dispute spute wi with neighbours. di 331




Haakkiim Ubaisan Ubaisan al-Hamedi al-Ham medi al-Mutayri al-Mutayri (Kuwaiti): (Kuwaiti): a gr aduate in religious religgiious st tudies fr om 33. Hakim graduate studies from m University, University, Hakim Haakkiim al-Mutayri al-Mutayri founded founded the Paarty in 2008, a Birmingham the Umma Umma Party Birmingham 3 transnational transnational movement movement of political political or activist acttivist (ha haraki arakkii) salafists. saalaffists. Mo Most st of Kuwait’s Ku uwait’s salafis saalaffiis Sau udi Arabia Arab bia dur ing th occupattion by Saddam Saddaam Hu sayn’s Ira q (1 990-91), and and in fled during thee occupation Husayn’s Iraq (1990-91), fled to Saudi Saaudi Arabia Arab bia encountered encountered the hwa movement movement that that fu traditional salafi saalaffi the Sah sed together together traditional Saudi Sahwa fused with the the activist-revolutionary acttivist-re revolutionary methods methods of the the Muslim otherhood. Up on Muslim Br concepts Brotherhood. Upon concepts with rettu urn to Kuwait, Kuwait, these these salafis—such saalafffiis—such as al-Mutayri, al-Mutayyri, Ha amid alalso on th C lis Ali (a t), return Hamid al-Ali (also thee GC GCC list), Abd al-Razzaq al-Raazzaq alShaayiji— i brought th ese id eas wi th th Al-Muttaayyri’s doctrine, doctrine, in em. Al-Mutayri’s and al-Shayiji—brought these ideas with them. and Abd tance of el ecttions as a veh icle to co its cal calll fo forr th thee accep acceptance elections vehicle come me to pow power, er, th thee re removal moval of foreiggn n troops troops and and influence influence in th Gulf, an d even re castting th lf monarchies monarchies as an foreign thee Gulf, and recasting thee Gu Gulf ongo gacy of Western Western co demonstrattes the the debt the th ink kin ing of ongoing le lonialism, demonstrates debt it owes owes to the ongoing legacy colonialism, thinking fthe Brotherhood. Brotherhood. Al-Mutayri Al-Mutayyrei endorsed endorsed an armed armed revolt revolt in Syria Syria in September September 2011,a at a the till largely laargely pe acceful, an d later later led when the the uprising uprising was was st led the the People’s People’s Commission Commission time when time still peaceful, and Revolution, which which supported supported Islamist Islamist groups groups in Sy the Support Support of the the Syrian Syrian Revolution, for the ria , for Syria, including units units led Libyan-Irishman Ma ahdi alHaarati. AlMutayri le led by Libyan-Irishman apparently including d th apparently Mahdi al-Harati. Al-Mutayri led thee with Irshad Irshad d al -Haajri and and the the notorious notorious ha arakkkii-sallafi ag giitator and and jihadist jihad adist Commission with Commission al-Hajri haraki-salafi agitator Haajjjjaj al-Ajmi. al-Ajmi. Th att bo dy included included Mu barrak al-Ajji, tari fu ndraiiser fo al-Ajjjji, a Qat fundraiser, Hajjaj fundraiser, That body Mubarak Qatari fundraiser forr 335




‘Kuwait ‘K Kuwait releases releases detained detaained cleric cleric suspected suspected of of financing financing militants’, militaants’, Reuters Reuterrs, 21 21 August Au A ugust 2014, 2014, available availaable at: at: ht https://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-crisisttps://www.reuters.com m/article/us-syria-crisiskuwait-cleric/kuwait-releases-detained-cleric-suspected-of-financing-militants-idUSKBN0GL1X120140821, last st vvisited: isited: 8 N November ovember 2017. 20 1 7 . kuw ait-cleric/kuwait-releases-detained-cleric-suspected-off--financing-militants-idUSKBN0GL1X120140821, la 330 Floum, Floum, JJ.,., ‘‘Social Social media: media: a tool tool or or a risk risk for for courtrooms?’, courtrooms?’, Sa San an Francisco Frrancisco Chronicle Ch hrro onicle l e, 4 N November ovember 2016, 2016, available av availaable at: at: www.sfchronicle.com/business/article/Social-media-a-tool-or-a-risk-for-courtrooms-10592248.php, or-a-risk-for-courrtrooms-10592248.php, llast November ovember 2017. www.sfchronicle.com/business/article/Social-media-a--tool-or ast visited: visited: 8 N 331 ‘Treasury ‘T Treasury Designations Designations Target Target Terrorist Terrorist Facilitators’, Facilitaators’, US Dep Department partme men nt off Treasury Treasuurry, 7 D December ecember 2006, 2006, available available at: at: https://www.treasury.gov/presshttps://w ww ww w w.treasury.gov/presscent err/press-re releases/Pages/hp191.aspx, last last visited: visited: 28 28 October October 2017. 20 1 7 . center/press-releases/Pages/hp191.aspx, 332 ‘H ‘Hamid amid A Ab Abdalla bdallaa A Ah Ahmad hmad aal al-Ali’, l-Ali’, Un United niitted Nations Nations Security Secuurrity Council Couun ncil, 1166 January January 2008, 2008, available available at: at: https://www.un.org/sc/suborg/en/sanctions/1267/aq_sanctions_list/summaries/individual/hamid-abdallah-ahmad-al-ali, October ht ttps://www.un.org/sc/suborg/en/sanctions/1267/aq_sancttions_list/summaries/individuall/hamid-abdallah ah-ahmad-al-ali, llast ast visited: visited: 28 O ctober 2017. 333 Qatar Qa Daawa Ministry, Ministry, Twitter Twitter post, post, 1 March Maarch 2012, 2012, available available at: at: https://twitter.com/dawa_tweet/status/175270849597808642, https://twitter.com/dawa_tweet/status/175270849597808642, last visited: October last vi sited: 2288 O ctober A atar Dawa 2017. 334 Al-Ali, Al-Ali, H H.A.A., .A.A., T Twitter witttter p post, ost, 3311 Ma May ay 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://twitter.com/Hamed_Alali/status/869955932549255168, witter.com/Hamed_Alali/status/869955932549255168, last last visited: visited: 2288 O October ctober 2017. 2017. https://ttw 335 Al-Rasheed, M., Al-Rasheed, Al M., ‘Kuwaiti ‘Ku uwaiti activists activists targeted under GCC GCC security security pact’, Al-Monitor Al -Mo on niitorr, 20 M March arch 2015, available available at: at: https://www.alhttt ttps://w ww ww w w.altargeted under pact’, Al-Mo monitor.com/pulse/originals/2015/03/saudi-gcc-security-dissident-activism-detention-opposition.html, November 2017. mo nitor.com/pulse/origgiinals/2015/03/saudi-gcc-secu urity rity-dissident-activism-detenttion-opposition.html, last last visited: visited: 3 November ! May 2014, 336 in the the Levant’, Pall, Paall, Z. Z.,, ‘‘Kuwaiti Kuwaaiti Sa Salafism alafism aand nd Its Its Growing Growing Influence Infflluence in Levant’, Ca Carnegie arrn negie, 7 May 2014, available available at: at: carnegieendowment.org/2014/05/07/kuwaiticarnegieendowment.org/2014/05/07/kuw waiti itisa laafism-and-its its-growing-influence-in-levant-pub-55514, llast ast vi sited: 5 November salafism-and-its-growing-influence-in-levant-pub-55514, visited: Novemb!er 2017. 329

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Syrian Isl Syrian Islamists. amists. AlAl-Ajji Ajjjji was was affirmed afffirmed to be under under al-Ajmi’s al-Ajmi’s supervision supervision in Qatar, Qatar, wh where e re Ajjjji mad de no se cret of hi orattion of Us am ma bi n Lad din an tred of Shi ’is, wh al alal-Ajji made secret hiss ad adoration Usama bin Ladin and d his his ha hatred Shi’is, while ile so liciting don ations for for armed armed in surgents like like Ah rarr alShaam in Sy ria. Another Another of alsoliciting donations insurgents Ahrar al-Sham Syria. tar, Sha haq qer al-S hah hwan ni, wo rked fo nistry of En dowm Aj Ajmi’s mi’s cut-outs cut-outs in Qat Qatar, Shaqer al-Shahwani, worked forr th thee Mi Ministry Endowments m e n ts san o gularly at th and Mo sq u e. d preached preached re and regularly theeeGr Grand Mosque. 338


Muhammad d alSaalabi (L ibyan n): a cleric cleric and and a Muslim Muslim Br oth her, based based in Qat tar, wh o is al-Salabi (Libyan): Brother, Qatar, who 34. Ali Ali Muhammad probaably the the most most important importaant remaining remaining conduit conduit – albeit albeit indirectly bettw ween the the Qatari Qaattari indirectly – between probably Islamist gr and House and and Islamist oups in Libya Libya opposed opposed to the the proxies proxies of the the U.A.E. U.A.E. and ruling groups ruling House Eggyypt. Egypt. 35. Abdulhakim Abdulhakkiim Belhaj Belhaj (Libyan): (Libyan n): currently currently the the leader lead der of the the Islamist Islamist al-Wa -Wattan n party, paarty, Belhaj Belhaj al-Watan ing th bellion th at brought brought down n Qaddafi, Qaddafi, though though did receive receive support support from from Qatar Qaattar dur did during thee re rebellion that 3 that ) an een si thatt support support is much much less less now lhaj hi mself ha a rte t d Be de-lined. While While the the Qu and Belhaj himself hass be been side-lined. Quartet ave concerns concerns that that Be lhaj can ag ain fr ustrate th eir pr ojects in Li bya in th surely do ha surely have Belhaj again frustrate their projects Libya thee imarry reason reason for Belhaj’s inclusion inclusion on the the pr for Belhaj’s the list list appears appears to be political. political. future, the future, primary Bringgiing up Belhaj, Belhaj, who who is well-known because of his his role well-known because role as the the former former emir emir of th Bringing thee Islamic Fighting Fighting Group, Group, al-Qaeda’s bran nch in Libya Libya unt til its de struction in th al-Qaeda’s branch Libyan Islamic Libyan until destruction thee arrtet tie Do ha to al-Qaeda st). 1990s, th al-Qaeda at one st ep removed removed (att be 1990s, thee Qu Quartet Doha step best). 36. Mahdi Maahdi al-Harati al-Haaratti (L ibyan): a Libyan-Irishman Libyan n-Irishman an d fo rmer cocommander of the the Tripoli Tripoli (Libyan): and former co-commander Brigad de, which which was was key key in pul ddafi’s re ggiime and to Syria Syria to ling dow n Qad and then then moved moved ont Brigade, pulling down Qaddafi’s regime onto 3 participate par the revolution revolution against Bashar alAsad unde baanner of Liwa Liwa al-Umma, al-Um against Bashar the banner participatte in the Ummai, al-Asad underr the received money money from from donors rkkiing th rough, Qa ttaarr, at var aldonors based based in, in, and and wo al Haarati received io u s al-Harati working through, Qatar, various conffllict. Al-Harati Al-Ha Haarati was was at th fter end end of th Islamist spectrum; spectrum; his points in the the conflict. his points thee so softer thee Islamist motivations for for being being in Syria Syria were imarily as an ext ti-authoritarian were pr ension of th motivations primarily extension thee an anti-authoritarian waave that thatt had d toppled toppled the the di cttaator in his his home home country. country. wave dictator 340

Ismail Muhammad Muham mmad d al-Salabi al-Sallabi b (L ibyan): a militia militia commander commander in Libya Libya and and Muslim 37. Ismail (Libyan): Muslim Brother, whose whose clerical clerical sibling, sibling, Ali, Ali, works works to provide provide spiritual spirittu ual and and temporal temporal support support that that Brother, usuaally channelled channelled through through Ismail. Ismaiil. is usually B t Sad diq Abdurrahman Abdurraahman Ali Ali al-Ghariyani al-Gh Ghariyani (L ibyan): th grand mufti mufti of Libya Libya since since 2012, alal38. Sadiq Sa (Libyan): thee grand Gharriyan ni had had been been in in Britain, Brittaain, where wh here he he completed completed a PhD PhD at at Exeter Exeter University, University, until u n til Ghariyani August 2014 2014 when wh hen he he fled fflled to Qatar after after the the Home Home Office Offfiice began began examining examining broadcasts to Qatar broadcasts August mad by al-Ghariyani al-Ghariyan ni in in support support of of the the coup the elected coup in in Tripoli Tripoli against against the elected government government by by made by made Islaamist militias Libya Dawn D aw wn n coalition. coalition. Al-Ghariyani Ghariyani is is said said to to have have made militias in the the Libya Al-Gh made the Islamist the transmissions in support the Islamist Islaamist takeover takkeover via Tanasuh TV, TV, a Libya-based Libya-based support of of the via Tanasuh transmissions television channel, channel, and and on website, Tanasuh.com, Tanasuh.com, which which is registered reggis istered to his on his his website, his son’s son’s television house near near Exeter Al-Ghariyan ni’s fatwas faatttw was and and statements statements – on terraced house Exeter city city centre. centre. Al-Ghariyani’s terraced t ’ 341


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Dickinson, Dickinson, E., E., ‘Playing ‘Playing with with Fire: Fire: Why Wh W hy Private Private Gulf Gulf Financing Financing for for Syria’s Syria’s Extremist Extremist Rebels Rebels Risks Risks Ign Igniting iting Sectarian Sectarian Conflict Confflic lict at Home’, Home’, Bro Brookings o o k in gs In stitutio on, December December 2013, available lable at: at: ht https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/private-gulf-financing-syria-extremist-rebelsttps://w ww ww w.brookings.edu/wp-contentt/uploads/2016/06/private-gulff--financing-syria-extremist-re rebelsInstitution 2013, pp. pp. 6, 6, 9-10, 9-10, avai sectarian-conflict-dickinson.pdf, sectariaan-conffllict-dickkiinson.pdff, last last visited: visited: 4 November November 2017. 2 017. 338 Dickinson, Dickinson, E., E., ‘The ‘The Case Case Against Against Qatar’, Qaatar’, Fo Foreign ore reiign Policy Po olicy, 3300 September September 2014, 2014, available av availaable at: at: foreignpolicy.com/2014/09/30/the-case-against-qatar/, foreignpolicy.com/2014/09/30/the-case-against-qaatar/, llast ast visited: 4 November visited: November 2017. e 339 errorists”’, Th Gi Gilligan, lligan, A A.,., ‘‘The The ““Club Club Me Med d ffor or tterrorists”’, Thee Telegraph Teeleeggrraaph, 27 27 September September 2014, 2014, available available at: at : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/qatar/11125897/The-Club-Med-for-terrorists.html, htttp://www.teleggrraph.co.uk k/news/worldnews/middleeast/qaatar/11125897//The-Club-Med-for-terrorists.h htm t l, last visited: visited: 4 November November 2017. 20 1 7 . 340 Fitzgerald, Fittzzgerald, M M.,., ‘The Syrian yria n R Rebels’ ebels’ Li Libyan byan W Weapon’, eapon’, Fo Foreign oreign Policy Po o lic y, 9 A August ugust 2012, 2012, available available at at:: foreignpolicy.com/2012/08/09/the-syrian-rebels-libyanforeignpolicy.com/2012/08/09/tthe-syriaan-rebels-libyan‘The S weapon/, weapon/, last last visited: visited: 4 November November 2017. 2017. ! directing Islamist 341 leader leaves Halliday, Halliday, JJ.,., Stepgen, Stepgen, C., C., Morris, Morris, S., S., ‘Libya's ‘Libya's spiritual spiritual leader leaves UK UK after afftter directing Islamist takeover of Tripoli’, Tripoli’, Th Thee Guardian Guard dian, 31 31 August Au A ugust 2014, 20 14 , takeover of ww ww w w.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/31/libya-spiritual-le!ader-leaves-uk-islaamist-trip ast visited: visited: 8 November available available at: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/31/libya-spiritual-leader-leaves-uk-islamist-tripoli-exeter, https://w tripoli-exeter, llast November 2017. 337 3

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everything ever ytthing from from matters matters of of personal personal status stattus to to Libyan Libyan politics politics – have haave long long been been on the the ext treme end end of of the the spectrum. specttrum. Several Severall months months after affte ter he left left Britain, Britain, the the Home Home Office Office extreme co mpleted its its review review of of al-Ghariyani’s al-Gh Ghariyan ni’s b roadcasts and and issued issued a Ri sk aand nd L iaison Overseas O verse as completed broadcasts Risk Liaison Ne ttw work (RALON) der, banned baanned al-Ghariyani al-Ghariyani fr om returning returning fo fostering hatred hatred and and n (RALON) or Network order, from forr fostering omotting tterrorism. Where al-Ghariyani all-Ghariyani is is now now is is unclear: unclearr: he he was was said saiid to errorism. Where to have h ave pr promoting tr avelled to Turkey Turkey soon soon after afte ft r landing lan nding in Qatar Qataar in 2014, and rumours rumours have have placed altravelled 2014, and placed alGh ariyan ni in in Libya Libya at at various varrious times. times. Ghariyani 342

durrahman bin bin Umayr Umayr al-Nuaymi all-Nuayymi (Qatari): (Qatari): tthe he mo st recognisable recoggn nisable Qatar-based Qatar-based figure fig u re 39. Ab Abdurrahman most the web web of of Gulf Gulf financiers financiers to al-Qaeda all-Qaeeda in in Syria Syria because because of of the th he sanctions sanctions levied levied against a ga in st in the m by tthe he U nited States. Stattes. A l-Nuaymi iiss a long-time long-time fu nder of of al-Qaeda, al-Qaaeda, working w o rk kiing in in hi him United Al-Nuaymi funder ta andem with wiith al-Qaeda’s all-Qaeda’s Iran-based Iran-based n ettw work headed headed by Ez e d in e A bdel A z iz K Kh halil ((Yasin Yasin tandem network Ezedine Abdel Aziz Khalil recting ffunds unds to o the th he jihadi jihadi group’s ggrroup’s branches branches in in Somalia Somalia and and Yemen al al-Suri), di Yemen in in years y e a rs al-Suri), directing pa st, aass w ell as as to to the the IS in Iraq, Iraq q, both h when wh hen it it was was openly openly under under al-Qaeda’s al-Qaeeda’s IS movement movement in past, well ban nner and an nd during during the the period of ambiguity ambiggu uity between bettw ween 2006 and and 2013. Al-Nuaymi Al-Nuaymi is is deeply d e e p ly period of ba banner d to th ataari government, government, serving Qataar University serving as as a history history professor professor att Qatar University until until tie tied thee Q Qatari 2009, d espite prior prior legal legal trouble trouble for for being being an n extremist; extremist; heading head ding up the the Qatar Qatar Football Foottball despite sociation; and and running running various various charities charrities connecting o the th he ruling ruling House House in in Qatar. Qattar. AlA lconnecting to As Association; Nu aymi ttw weeted his of Qatar Qattarr after affter the the crisis in June June 2017, 2017, suggesting suggesting he his support support of crisis began began in he is is Nuaymi tweeted st till ffree. ree. still 40. Sa a lim H asan Khalifa Kha K haalifa Rashid Rashid al-Kuwari all-Ku uwarri (Q atari): a ffi inancier and an nd facilitator facilitator for for al-Qaeda al-Qa Qaeda Salim Hasan (Qatari): financier sed in in Qatar, Qatar, funnelling funnelling money money and and operatives operattives from from Ezedine Ezedine Khalil’s Kha K hallil’s Iran-based Iran n-based ala lba based eda network. nettw work. Al-Kuwari uwarri is is presumed presumed to to be be att liberty liberty since Al-Ku since no no counter-announcement counter-announcement Qa Qaeda en made. mad de. ha hass be been d u lla h G h a n im M a fu z M uslim al-Khawar al-Khawarr (Qatari): (Qattarri): a collaborator collaborator with wiith Salim Salim al-Kuwari all-Ku uwarri 41. Ab Abdullah Ghanim Mafuz Muslim to fin an nce and an nd facilitate faccilitate al-Qaeda’s al-Qa Qaeda’s operations operattions between bettw ween Afghanistan, through Iran, Iran, to th e Afghanistan, through to the finance Ar ab world. world. Believed Believed to to be freely operating operatting in in Qatar Qatar with wiith a passport passport and and national n a tio n a l be freely Arab id entificattion papers. papers. identification alifa Muhammad Muhammad d Turki Turkkii al-Subaiy al-l Subaaiy (Q atari): a ffi inan ncier and an nd facilitator facilitattor for for al-Qaeda, al-Qa Qaeda, 42. Kh Khalifa (Qatari): financier cluding working w o rk kin ing with wiith Khalid Khalid li Shaykh Shaykkh h Muhammad, Muhammad d, the operationall planner plan nner of the operational of the the 9/11 9 /1 1 in including ma ssaccre. Al-Subaiy was once once arrested arrested in in Qatar, Qatar ar, but Al-Subaiiy was but was was released. released. Al-Subaiy Al-Subaaiy att ttimes im e s massacre. ovided funds funds to ham mmad Yusuf Yusuf Abd Abd al-Salam al-l Saalam ((Umar Umar al-Qatari), al-Qatari), aand nd to Abdulmalik Abdulmalik Mu pr provided Muhammad rkd with with Abdulmalik’s Abdulmalik’s brother, Ashraf Muhammad Muhammad d Yusuf Uthman Abd Abd al-Salam, al-Sallam m, tto o brother, Ashraf Yusuf Uthman wo workd nd money money to to al-Qaeda al-Qaeda in in Pakistan Pakkiistan in in the the mid-2000s. Supposedly under under a travel travel ban, baan, alalmid-2000s. Supposedly se send Su baaiy’s pa ssport w as renewed renewed by Qatar Qattar in in 2017. 2017. Subaiy’s passport was 43. Ab dulazziz b in Kh alifa aal-Attiyah l-At Attiyah ((Qatari): Q a ta r i) : o ember of of the the Qa tar Olympic Olympic nce a m Abdulaziz bin Khalifa once member Qatar Co mmittee, aal-Attiyah l-Atttiyah iiss cclosely losely connected connected to to Qatar’s Qatar ar’s elite usin of of Abdullah Abdullah elite – he is is a co Committee, cousin nH amad aal-Attiyah, l-Attiyah, Q attaarr’s fformer ormer energy energy minister nd deputy wh ho minister aand deputy prime prime minister, minister, who bi bin Hamad Qatar’s nt on on to to oversee oversee the the anti-terrorism anti-te terrorism and and -money -money laundering laundering “administrative “ad dministrative control control and and we went tr ansparency agency”. aggency”. Abulaziz all-Attiyah h was was openly openly involved involved in in the tth he Ma dad d Ahl Ahl aal-Sham, l-Sha haam, Abulaziz al-Attiyah transparency Madad ich Jabhat Jabhatt aal-Nusra l-Nusra told told its its members aiised Usama Usam ma bin members to to get get behind; behind; pr bin Ladin Ladin publicly publicly wh which praised


Halliday, Halliday, JJ.. and and Stephen, Stephen, S., S., ‘Libya’s ‘L ib y a ’ s h highest ighest spiritual spiritual leader leader banned banned from from UK UK over over support support of of Islamists’, Islamists’, The The Guardian Guardiiaan, 30 30 October October 2014, 2014, available available at: at: ht ttps://www.theggua uaardian.com m/world/2014/oct/30/llibya-spiritual-leader-baanned!-uk-islaamists, last last visited: visited: 8 November https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/30/libya-spiritual-leader-banned-uk-islamists, November 2017. 20 1 7 . 342

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on his his Twitter Tw wiitter page; page; and an nd is accused accused of of delivering delivering $20, $20,000 000 iin n person person to to Ab Abdulmalik dulmallik hammad Yusuf Yusuf Abd Abd al-Salam. al-Saallam. Al-Attiyah Al-Attiiyah rremains emaiins at at large large in in Qatar. Q a ta r. Muhammad Mu 44. Ibrahim Ibraahim Issa al-Hajji al-Haajjjji M uhammad d al-Bakr all-Bakkkrr (Qatari): (Qattari): also allso a collaborator collaborator with wiith A bdulmalik Muhammad Abdulmalik all-Baakkrr was was designated desiggn nateed as as a global global terrorist terrorist by by the the Treasury Treasury Department Department in al Saalam, aal-Bakr in July J u ly al-Salam, 2015 for for al-Qaeda al-Qaeda fundraising fundraising activity acctivittyy back bacck to to the the early 2000s. Al-Bakr Al-Baakkrr transferred tran n sfe rre d early 2000s. si ggn nifican nt quantities quantities of through Qatar Qatar from frrom the the Iran-based Iraan-b n ased al-Qaeda al-Qaeda network nettw work to of money money through to significant branches in the the Arab Arab b world. In 2006, 2006, al-Bakr all-Baakkrr is is alleged allleged to to have have planned planned terrorist world. In te r r o r is t the branches the st trikes against aggaiinst US US military military installations installlations in in Qatar. Qattaarr. There There is is no no clarity clarrity about about al-Bakr’s al-Baakkkrr’s strikes locattion; he he could could be be in in the the Middle Middle East East or or Southeast Southeast Asia. Asia. current location; current 45. Abdullatif Abdullattif b in Ab d a lla h S a lih M uhammad al-Kawari al-Kaawari (Qatari): (Qattari): a Q attarr-based financier ffiinan ncier and an nd bin Abdallah Salih Muhammad Qatar-based official for for al-Qaeda. al-Qaeeda. Al-Kawari false passport passport for for Mustafa Mustafa Khan Kh K han security official Al-Kaawari once once provided provided a false security (H assaan Ghul), Ghul), the th e p oint-maan for for al-Qaeda al-Qaeda “central” “central” in in its its dealings deallings with with tthe he IS IS movement m ovem ent (Hassan point-man unt til his his capture cap ptture in in 2004. Al was sanctioned san nctioned att the the same sam me time time as as al-Bakr al-Baakkrr for, fo r, Al-Kaawari was until Al-Kawari among other oth her things, things, his in the the Madad Madad Ahl Ahl al-Sham all-Shaam campaign cam mpaaiggn n that that sent se n t his involvement involvement in among mo ney to to Jabhat Jabhat al-Nusra. al-Nusra. money bin Sa’d Sa’d M uhaammad d Shariyan Shaariyan al-Ka’bi al-Ka’bi (Qatari): (Qatari): ssanctioned anctioned by by the the US US Treasury Treasury att 46. Sa’d Sa’d bin Muhammad same time all-Bakkkrr and and al-Kawari, all-Kaawari, al-Ka’bi al-Ka’bi w as a staff staff member member at at Madad Madad d Ahl Ahl ala ltime aass al-Bakr the same the was Sha am and and had had his his name name and and number number on on most most of of the the promotional literatture. promotional literature. Sham al-Ka’bi was a staff member at Madad Ahl alS dul Raheem Raheem A hmad al-Haram al-Haaram m ((Qatari): Qattarri): th uartet says says alHaaram iiss a cl ose as sociate 47. Ab Abdul Ahmad thee Q Quartet al-Haram close associate Abdullah h bin bin Khalid Khalid al l-Th Than ni, a member member of of the the ruling ruling House House in Qatar Qattaar known kkn nown n for for of Abdullah al-Thani, ext tremist connections. connecttions. extremist 343

ssim al-Sulaiti al-Sulaiti ((Qatari): Qatari): the the Quartet Quartet accuse accuse al-Sulaiti al-Sulaiti o being an an “aide” “aiide” to to Jassim off being 48. Muhammad Muhammad Ja Khallifa al-Subaiy, al-Subaaiy, and and thus thus involved involved in in the the financing financing of of al-Qaeda al-Qaeda in in Syria. Syria. In In service service of of Khalifa jihad di ffin inancing, aal l-Sulaiti is also also accused Sa’d al-Ka’bi al-Ka’bi and an nd Abdullatif Abdullatiif aal-laccused of of links links to Sa’d jihadi financing, al-Sulaiti Kaawarr. Kawar. 344

bin Nasser Nasser al-Marri all-Maarri (Qatari) (Qattarri) 49. Jaber Jaaber bin Saeed eed bin bin Helwan Helwan al-Saqatri al-Saqattri (Qatari) ( Q a ta r i) 50. Muhammad Muhammad Sae Muhammad al-Rabban 51. Khalifa Khalifa l bin bin Mu ham mmad al-Ra Raabban n (Qatari): (Qattari): an iimportant mportant business business tycoon tycoon in in Qatar, Qatar, the th e manager Company man Holding Co mpany and and Qatar Qattar Primary Primary Materials Matterials Company ny manager of of Al-Rabban Al-Raabban Holding Compan (Q PMC). AlRaabban was was also also one one of of the the founders founders of ma, an an Islamist Islamist advocacy advocaccy (QPMC). Al-Rabban of al-Karama, all-Karraama organ nisation based based in in Switzerland Swiitzerland that that poses poses as as a human human rights rigghts group. ggrroup. Al-Karama’s Al-Karrama’s organisation co nsultattive status stattus at the the United Nattions Economic Social Council Council (ECOSOC) (ECOSOC) was United Nations Economic and and Social was consultative revoked amid amid the th he allegations alllegations of of connections connections to to terrorism. terrorism. Among Among the the founders founders of recently revoked recently ma were Abdurrahm h an an al-Nuaymi al-Nuaymi aand nd Abdulwahhab Abdulwahhaab aal-Humayqani, l-Humayqan ni, both both of of them th e m al-Kaaram were Abdurrahman al al-Karama saanctioned for ffo or terrorist terroristt finance ffiinan nce by by the tth he US as alleged alleged ties ties to Saafar ala lUS Treasury. Treasury. Al-Rabban Al-Raabban h to Safar sanctioned has

l 343 al-Qaeda’, Al ‘K ‘Know Kn K now the the ruling ruling Qatari Qatari family faam mily member member who who supported supported al-Qaeda’, Al-Arabiya l--Arrabiya, 1133 June June 2017, 2017, avai available lable at: November 2017. https://english.alarabiya.net/en/features/2017/06/13/Know-the-ruling-Qatari-family-member-who-supported-Al-Qaeda.html, 2017. htttps://engllish.alarabiya.net/en/features/2017/06/13/K Know now-the-ruling-Qaatari-faamily-member-who -supported-Al-Qaeda.html, last last visited: visited: 8 November ! 344 ‘On ‘On the the terror terror list: Mohammed Mohammed Jassim Jassim al-Sulaiti, aall-Sulaiti, aan n al-Qaeda al-Qa Qaeda aassociate’, ssociate’, Al Al-Arabiya l--Ar Araabiya, 1122 June June 2017, available avvailable at: at: htttps://engllish.alarabiya.net/en/News/ggul ulf/2017/06/12/W Who W ho Jas! sim-al-Sulaiti-.html, la st vvisited: https://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/gulf/2017/06/12/Who-is-Mohammed-Jassim-al-Sulaiti-.html, ho-is-Mohammed--Jas last isited: 8 N November ovember 22017. 01 7 .

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Hawali, Ha awalli, a Saudi Saudi cleric cleric and an nd leader leader of of the the Sahwa Sahwa movement movement that that combined combined political politicall Islam Islaam wi th W ahhabism – one of the the building building blocks blocks of the the jihadi-salafist with Wahhabism jihadi di-saalafist movement. m o v e m e n t. Khalid 52. Abdullah Abdullah bin bin Kh alid al-Thani al-Thani (Qatari): (Qattari): a fformer ormer Qatari Qatari interior interior minister minister and and a prominent prominent me mb e r o f t h e Q a t a r a l f a mi l y , A b d u l l a h a l Th a n i i s kn k n o wn n c o l l a b wiitht member of the Qatari royal family, Abdullah al-Thani is a known collaborator i r o y o rator with 5 ext tremists. It suggestion in wh he was was the the minister fo r It was was at al-Thani’s al-Thani’s suggestion in 1993, 1993, when when he minister for extremists. en dowm ments and and Islamic Islamic affairs, afffaairs, that that Khalid Kh K halid Shaykh Shayk kh h Muhammad moved to to Qatar. Qatar. AlAlMuhammad moved endowments Th ani is is accused accused of of tipping tipping off off KSM KSM when wh hen U.S. U.S. authorities authorities tried tried to to seize seize him him in in Qatar Qatar in in Thani earrly 1990s, 1990s, and and al-Thani al-Thani allegedly allegedly bankrolled bankkrrolled KSM KSM when in when he he moved moved on on to to jihad jihad in the the early also supposedly met Usama Usama bin bin Ladin Lad din himself, himself, twice, ttw wiice, between bettw ween 1996 Bosnia. Al-Thani Al-Thani also supposedly met 1996 Bosnia. ni was was known kkn nown n to to shelter shelter and and facilitate facilitatte other other jihadists jihadists passing passing through th ro u g h an d 22000. 000. Al-Thani Al-Than and Qa tar. Al-Thani Al-Than ni nominally nominally remained remained in in place place at the the head head of of the the interior interior ministry ministry until u n til Qatar. Ju 013, but but he he had had been contained and and marginalised marggiinallised long long before before that; that; the th he failure fai ailure to June been contained tol Q ne 22013, remove him him related relatted to sensitive sensitive matters matters of of tribal triball politics politics among among the the Qatari Qataari elite. elite. formally formallly remove 345


Mubarak Muhammad al-Ajji functioned barak k Mu ham mmad alAjjjji ((Qatari): Qattaari): fu nctioned as as the the Qatari Qataari wing wiing of of Hajjaj Hajjjjaj al-Ajmi’s al-Ajmi’s 53. Mu operation, made ope ratiion, which wh hich funded funded Islamists Islam mists in al-Nusra. Al-Ajji Al-Ajjjji m ade no in Syria, Syria, including including Jabhat Jab abhat al-Nusra. secret his affinity affinity for for Usama Usama bin bin Ladin, Lad din, nor nor his his hatred hattred of Shi Shi’is. ’is. cret of of his se Alii b bin in Abdullah Eid bin Abdullah aal-Suwaydi l-Su uwaydi ((Qatari): Qattarri): the the managing managgin ing director director of of the the Shaykh Shayykkh h Eid bin 54. Al Mohammed Mo hammed al-Thani all-Thani Charitable Charitable Foundation, Foundation, which wh hich has has been been accused acccused of of supporting s u p p o r tin g r r o r is m a n Su u w a y di r e j e c t e d a n y l i n k s be ttw ween the theg terrorism and extremism, including in Europe. Al-Suwaydi rejected any links between te d e x tr e m is m , in c lu d in g E u r o p e . A l M h Ei d ccharity harity and an nd terrorism, terrorism, noting noting that that Abdurrahman Abdurrahman n al-Nuaymi al Nuayymi had alhad not not been been on on the th e Eid bo arrd ssince ince 1999. 1999. board 347

Hashim Abdullah Eid Charity Charity shim Saleh Salleh A bdullah h al-Awadhi all-Awad dhi (Qatari): (Qatari): a board board member member of of the the Eid 55. Ha Foundation and a businessman in control contrrol of of the the Retaj Retaj Hotels Hotels and and Hospitality Hospitalittyy real real estate businessman in es ta te Foundation and dhi’s son, Muhammad bin bin Hashim Hashim al-Awadhi, all-Awadhi, was was killed kkiilled fighting ffiighting for fo r company. Al-Awadhi’s co mpany. A l-Awad son, Muhammad Islamist iinsurgents nsurgents in in Syria. Syria. Islamist 56. Hamad Haamad Abdullah Abdullah h al-Fattis aall-Fatttis aal-Mari l-Maari (Qatari) (Q a ta ri) 5 ) 57. Abdallah Abdaallah llah Muhammad Muhaammad Sulayman Sulaymaan al-Muhaysini al-Muhaysini (S audi): a senior senior of fffiicial fo ng time time in (Saudi): official forr a lo long al Qaeda in Sy abhat al-Nu al-Muhaysini ha hass le left al-Nusra since evolution lution in into alria, Ja Nusra, al-Muhaysini ft alNusra si nce its evo al-Qaeda Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, e to Haayat Tahrir Taahrir alSham m. Al-Mu Al-Muhaysini Muhaysini has has issued issued genocidal genocidall incitements incitements against against Alawites. Alaw wiites. Hayat al-Sham. outtbreak of the the crisis, did put out a me ssagge in support support of At the the public public outbreak crisis, al-Muhaysini al-Muhayysini did message Qatar, and and it is conceivable conceivable th that al-Muhaysini Muhaysini wa wass one channel attion at alchannel of communication communicat Qatar, bettw ween Do ha an d al-Nusra/HTS. al-Nusra/HTS. between Doha and 348




: 345 at: We Weinberg, inberg, D.A., D.A., ‘Qatar ‘Qatar and and Terror Terror Finance, Finance, Part Part I: I: Negligence’, Negligence’, Fo Foundation uun ndation for for the the Defense Deffense off Democracies Dem mocracies, December December 2014, 2014, pp. pp. 11-12, 11-12, available available at: htttps://www.defenddemocracy.org/contentt//u uploads/p publications/Qatar_Part_I.pdff, last last visited: visited: 8 November November 2017. https://www.defenddemocracy.org/content/uploads/publications/Qatar_Part_I.pdf, 346 October 2017 2017 Author Au uthor interview, interview, October 347 ‘Ali ‘A Alili A All S Suwaidi: uwaidi: E Eid id C Charity harity F Foundation oundation is a h humanitarian umanitaarian organization, orgaanization, and it it condemns condemns terrorism terrorism in in all all its its forms’, forms’, Sha Shaykh aykh Eid Eiid d bin biin Mohammed Moham mm med alal-l Than nii Charitable Charriittablee Foundation Fouun ndation, June June 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://www.eidcharity.net/en/site/web/index.php?page=article&id=2302#.WgOuCsZl9PY, https://w ww ww w.eidcharity.net/en/site/web/index.php?page=article&id=2302#.W WgOuCsZ Zl9PY, last last Thani visited: vi sited: 8 November November 2017. 348 Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘‘Analysis: Analysis: Ame America rica Escalates Escalates the the War War Against Against Al-Qaeda Al-Qaeda iin nS Syria’, yria’, Th Thee Henry Henry Jackson Jackson Society Society, 1111 November November 2016, 2016, available available at: at: he nryjacksonsociety.org/2016/11/11/america-escalates-the--wa warwa r against-al-qaeda-in-syriaa/, la st vvisited: isited: 3 N ovember 22017. 0 1 7. henryjacksonsociety.org/2016/11/11/america-escalates-the-war-against-al-qaeda-in-syria/, last November 349 l Group in in Syria’, Syria’, Th Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘The ‘The Campaign Caampaiggn n to to Weaken Weaken An Al-Qaeda-Affiliated Al-Qaeda-Afffiliated Group Thee Syrian Syyrriian Intifada Intifada, 1122 September September 2017, 2017, available available at: at: https://kyleorton1991.wordpress.com/2017/09/12/the-campaign-to-weaken-an-al-qaeda-affiliated-group-in-syria/, in-syriaa/, last last visited: visited: 3 November htttps://kyleorrton1991.wordpress.com m/2017/09/12//the-campaign-to - -weaken-an-al-qaeda-afffiliated-group-in November 2017. 2 0 1 7. 350 Heller, Heller, S S.,., ‘‘Abdullah Abdullah aal-Muheisini Weighs in in on on Killing Killing of of Alawite Alawite Women and Children’, Jihadology ihadology gyy, 1122 May May 2015, 2015, available av availaable at: at: l-Muheisini Weighs Women and Children’, Ji jihadology.net/2015/05/12/guest-post-abdullah-al-muheisini-weighs-in-on-killing-of-alawite-women-and-children/, jihadology.net/2015/05/12/guest-post-abdullah-al-muheisini-weighs-in-on-killing-off--alawite-women-and-ch last November children/, la st vvisited: isited: 3 N ovember 22017. 017. 351 Gulf Crisis’, Crisis’,! Th Orton, Orton, K., K., ‘Al-Qaeda-Linked ‘Al-Qaeda-Linked Jihadi Jihadi in in Syria Syria Comments Comments on on the the Gulf Thee Syrian Syyrriian Intifada Intifada, 6 June June 2017, 2017, available av available at: at: ht ttps://kyleorrton1991.wordpress.com m/2017/06/06/al-qaeda jihadi-in-syria-comments-on--the-gulff--crisis/, llast ast visited: visited: 13 October https://kyleorton1991.wordpress.com/2017/06/06/al-qaeda-linked-jihadi-in-syria-comments-on-the-gulf-crisis/, da-linked--jih October 2017.

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58. Hassan Hassan Ahmed Ahmed Hassan Hassan Muhammad Muham mmad al-Doqi al-Doqi alal-Houti Houtii (E (Emirati): mirati): ac accused ccused by by the the Quartet Quartet forming a secret Brottherhood organisation organ nisattion within within the the U.A.E. and being being of forming secret Muslim Muslim Brotherhood U.A.E. and involved in recruitment recruitment for, for, and and the the commission commission of, of, terrorist terrorist attacks. atttaccks. Any Any Qatar Qattaarr link link is is involved not evident. evident. 352

in dulwaah hhab b Muhammad Muhammad Abdurrahman Abdurraahmaan n alHumaayyqaani (Y emeni): ra an a charity charrity in 59. Ab Abdulwahhab al-Humayqani (Yemeni): ran Ye men that thatt supported facilitating financial financial transfers tran nsfers to to AQAP AQAP wi th in Y emen and an nd supported AQAP, AQAP, facilitating Yemen within Yemen om neighbouring neigghbouring Saudi Saudi Arabia. ni was was sanctioned sanctioned by by the the US Arabia. Al-Humayqani Al-Humayqan US Treasury T re a su ry fr from Nuayymi, ffrom rom whom wh hom he he also also received ongside Abdurrahman Abdurrahman al-Nuaymi, al-Nu received money. money. Al-Humayqani Al-Humayyqani al alongside cupied a senior senior post post within wiithin AQAP AQAP and and acted spokesman n. acted as as a public public spokesman. oc occupied 353

Si multaneously, the the Qu artet de siggn natted tw elve en tities it claimed claimed we re associated associated wi th Qat ta r. Simultaneously, Quartet designated twelve entities were with Qatar. entities were were in Qa tar its Five of th ese entities elf: Five these Qatar itself: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Volunteer Ce nter, Qatar Qatar Qatar Volunteer Qatar Center, Compan ny (Internet (Internet and Technology Support Support Company), Company), Qatar Qattaar Apple Company and Technology Doha Apple Doha Charityy, Qatar Qatar Qatar Charity, Qatar Sheik kh h Eid Eid Al Thani Thani Charity Charity Foundation, Foundattion, Qatar Qatar Sheikh Sheik kh h Thani Thani bin bin Abdullah Abdullah h Foundation Foundation for for Humanitarian Humanitarrian n Services, Services, Qatar Qattar Sheikh

One was was in Libya, Libya, and and as the the report report makes maakes clear clear has has some some co connections nnect cttions to Qatar: Qattar: One Saarayya al-Dafa al-Daffa alBenghazi (T nghazi De fence Br igaad des), Li bya 6. Saraya al-Benghazi (The he Be Benghazi Defence Brigades), Libya the entities d th dence of a Qatari entities were were in Bah hrain, n an Qatari connection connectiion is lac ckkin ing: And six six of the And Bahrain, and thee evi evidence lacking: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

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Saarayya Al-Ashtar, Al-Ashtar, Bahrain Baahrain Saraya Februarry 14 Coalition, Coallition, Bahrain Bah hrai a in February The Resistance Resistance Brigades, Brigad des, Bahrain Baahrain The Baahrain, Bahrain Baahraiin Hezbollah Bahrain, Hezbollah Saarayya Al-Mukhtar, Al-Muk kh htarr, Bahrain Baahrain Saraya Haarakat Ahrar Ahrar Bahrain, Baahrain, Bahrain Baahraiin Harakat

‘Your ‘Your guide guide to Qatari-linked Qataari-linked terrorist terrorist list revealed revealed on on Friday’, Frid F ri ay’, Eg rid Egypt gypt Today Today,!9 June Ju un ne 2017. 20 1 7 . ‘Treasury ‘T Treasury Designates Designates Al-Qa’ida Supporters upporters in in Qatar Qaatar and and Yemen’, Yemen’, US De Department epartme men nt of of Treasury Treasuurry, 1188 D December ecember 2013. 20 1 3 . Al-Qa’ida S

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Acknowledgements I am grateful for the research assistance of Jordan Auburn, Jack Wright, and Sasha Rosshandler. I am also grateful to those who contributed in some manner, but must remain nameless.

About the Author Kyle Orton is a Research Fellow in the Centre for Response to Radicalisation and Terrorism at The Henry Jackson Society. He has a Master’s in social science from the University of Liverpool, and did his thesis on the effectiveness of the systems and policies dealing with Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Working as an analyst of the Middle East, focused on Syria, Iraq, and Sunni jihadism, Mr. Orton has been involved in a number of conferences about counterterrorism policy at NATO forums and contributed to the writing of the United States Department of Defence’s official history of the Iraq War. Mr. Orton has been published in numerous outlets, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Foreign Policy, The Telegraph, and The Independent.

About The Henry Jackson Society

The Henry Jackson Society is a think-tank and policy-shaping force that fights for the principles and alliances which keep societies free, working across borders and party lines to combat extremism, advance democracy and real human rights, and make a stand in an increasingly uncertain world.

About the Centre for the New Middle East

The Henry Jackson Society Centre for the New Middle East is a one-stop shop designed to provide opinion-leaders and policy-makers with the fresh thinking, analytical research and policy solutions required to make geopolitical progress in one of the world’s most complicated and fluid regions. Established following the fallout from the “Arab Spring,” the Centre is dedicated to monitoring political, ideological, and military and security developments across the Middle East and providing informed assessments of their long and wide-ranging implications to key decision makers. 52

HJS 'Qatar and the Gulf Crisis' Report_HJS 'Qatar and the Gulf Crisis' Report.qxd 27/11/2017 11:31 Page 56

Qatar and the Gulf Crisis ISBN: 978-1-909035-39-3 £7.95 where sold © The Henry Jackson Society, 2017

The Henry Jackson Society Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank London SW1P 4QP UK

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