Ist organisation&team management Bologna 09 03 2014

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Grundtvig In service Training Grundtvig Reference number

How to set up and manage effectively an organization/team (fundraising, HR, project design, networking‌)

This structured intense course aims to enable participants to learn how to better lead (and eventually set up) a team or an organization. It provides concrete experiences and tools to the participants in order to put them in the position to avoid the most common mistakes and better run a team/organization.

The general aim of this course is to increase the quality of lifelong learning by enabling persons working in the field of adult learning to improve their practical basic management skills together with other participants and trainers from all Europe NGO workers and volunteers, education-degrees graduates and those interested in developing European learning projects to successfully access and manage European funds.

Thanks to this training, the participants will: Develop the basics skills and acquire a toolkit to manage a team/ organization or establish a new one; Improve their Curriculum Vitae competences and their employability perspectives; Acquire knowledge and improve their skills related to financial management, fundraising, European project management and design, European funding opportunities 2014-2020 (especially Erasmus+), partnership and networking, teamworking, leadership and assertiveness, human resource management; Test concrete tools and run practical simulations thus learning effective methods and approaches to better lead a team/organization; Meet different organization from Italy (public institutions, social enterprises and non- profit organization) and learn about their success stories.

The confirmed participants will have the right to access a well-structured predeparture programme that will help them to make the most of their attendance. The core of the preparation phase will go around the E-learning portal of the course. The participants will have a personal account and a guide to access the portal. Through it they will access the relevant introduction reading materials for the course (including EU publications, programme guides, ad hoc slide).

The training will be in English


Date of Start: 09/03/2014 Date of End: 15/03/2014

Time of start: 18.00 Time of end: 10.00

DEADLINE for the application: September 17th


A city rich in art and Story, it is the most ancient university of the world. Bologna offers its visitors incredible attractions and a stunning artistic heritage. The medieval old town is full of 16th century medieval palaces, edifices and churches. Bologna is the city that has more arcades in the world: just over 40 km in the city center. It also has the longest arcade in the world: one that leads to St. Luke. It is a labyrinth made of many different architectural solutions, and that creates original and fascinating views and perspectives. With these scenes even an amateur can do a wonderful album of photos collection! Bologna is located in the center-north of Italy, the main junction for all the links in the Peninsula, from North to South, and also in a International level, thanks to its airport. The city offers funs for all needs: disco, pubs, restaurants, library and bookstores; but you can also find comfort in nature, as it is in one of the greenest regions of the c o u n t r y. So participants will enjoy tasteful and natural food, from the nearby farmers.

The methodology is a mix of theorical lectures, tools presentation and simulation, practical exercises, and success stories (in which managers from the public sector, social education enterprises and non-profit organization will share their successful experiences). The morning session lasts from 9.30 till 13.00, the afternoon one from 15.00 till 18.30 for a total of 35 hours. Free time has been planned to give to the participants time to assimilate the concepts, teamwork and exchange experiences, ask trainers for further clarifications, etc. During free time, optional ludic, cultural and networking activities may be organized according to participants’ preferences. Each afternoon at the end of the training hours an optional guided tour of Bologna will be organized for the participants. Each day the tour will be different and will create a chance for the participant to experience the Italian cultural context, to strengthen the group dynamics and to exchange ideas and experiences with the other participants.

DAY 1 Arrivals and optional tour of Bologna or other neighboring cities (Florence, Venice, …) DAY 2 Preparation phase wrap-up and course introduction Expectations and fears Teambuilding exercises Defining and sharing mission and vision Success story presentation Neuro-linguistic programming basic concepts Setting and achieving SMART goals Optional guided tour of Bologna DAY 3 Financial management basic concepts Drafting a provisional budget, writing and reading a balance sheet Financial and reporting techniques, tools and tips Fundraising approaches and opportunities Optional guided tour of Bologna DAY 4 Project design and management: Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework Approach Presentation of the new 2014-2020 funding opportunities and programmes with projects’ examples (focus on Erasmus plus) Success story presentation Partnership and networking tools Optional guided tour of Bologna DAY 5 Teamwork theory Leadership styles and team roles Teamworking in a multicultural environment Involving volunteers / motivating staff Conflict management Meeting management Optional guided tour of Bologna DAY 6 Resource management basic concepts and tools Evaluation and monitoring Success story presentation Running through the programme once more & Final evaluation Certificate award Optional guided tour of Bologna DAY 7 Departures and optional cultural tour of Bologna or other neighboring cities (Florence, Venice, …)

Both the course and accomodation fee (including accomodation and food for the whole duration of the course) and your travel expenses are fully covered by a Grundtvig grants from the LLP National Agency of your country!!!

How to apply for a Grundtvig Grants: Candidates can apply for a grant through their National Agency of “Lifelong Learning Programme”. Each candidate’s application will be individually assess by the relative National Agency. Here all LLP National Agencies websites: education/lifelong -learning-programme/ doc1208_en.htm 1. Search the application form in “Lifelong Learning Programme” - Action “Grundtvig” Subaction “In service Training”. You’ll find the application form on the national agency website. 2. Fill, stamp and send the completed application form to your National Agency. DEADLINE: 17th of September 3. Wait for approval and contact us!

For more informations: See more detail in Grundtvig database: Or search the training in our website: Direct contacts: Tel. +393284597057 Fax: +390510544845 Email:

Via dello Scalo 21/3 40131 Bologna - Italy tel. +393284597057 fax +390510544845 InServiceTrainingLlp

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