Young Eight Four Five Vol.1 issue 1.

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Young Eight Four Five

Vol 1 Issue 1

What’s going on in this issue! About the Editor.

Taking off with Velous Venue of the month Summer Start Up Ghost Mall Band Watch Events for your pleasure

About the Editor Ethan Barnett is a 17 year old high school senior at Rondout Valley High School, who started Young Eight Four Five to promote all of the bands, venues, and supporters of the music scene in the area code of the 845. Young Eight Four Five is a Wise Project that is on scheduled to be printed until June 2010, but if it becomes more successful then planned it will continue for the love of the music.So thanks to all that have shown support to me on the journey to completing the first issue.

Taking off with Velous Y845:To start off what’s your name, age, and where are you from? velous: My name is velous, I’m 18 years old, and I’m from Kingston New York Y845:How did you get the name velous? Well I used to make beats for older dudes, you know local artists and I would be working on something and they would be like “oh it’s marvelous” So then I just started calling myself “mar-velous”. So then all my other friends and artist I worked with just called me “Velous” Y845;How did you get in the music business to the point where you’re at today? Well as far as my contract had a friend who I knew in high school, who had connections and I would always push my music onto him, and he was always like” Na, I’m good” .Then one time I saw him in the mall and I was like we’re going to the studio I want you to engineer for us. Then he said alright, came to the studio, saw the way I was producing, some of my songs and I was also singing and rap battling then. So he took one of my songs back to his dad and he ended up getting his own branch of his dad’s company, So right after that I signed with him. Y845:When you’re in the studio or the process of writing what starts the inspiration? Most of the time when I’m in the studio or writing, It’s usually the beat, I’ll make that first. But sometime there are circumstances were I will sit down and write then work on the beat. But most of the time it’s the beat and melody that gets me going. Y845:So you just came out with that new mix tape, what made you want to put it out there? Well the Letterman and I just got done with the “Galxyflow mix tape” and I had mix tape that I was working on so i put that on hold for are mix tape, and soon as that was done I waited about a month to put it out. Three of the songs had already been previously put out, the other songs i looked myself in the studio for about three days and didn’t come out or go anywhere and just finished twelve more tracks none stop, except for the skit. Y845:So how did you get so known on MySpace you have three songs up and they all have at least 204,000 listens, that’s pretty big for the 845? Well before I had my own stuff out on MySpace I had it on other peoples pages, so then i made my own page and the first song I had up was “Throw you some game” which was my remix to “T-Pain’s Buy you a drink”. Then like three people herd it and they were like” oh I really like that” So I started using my MySpace updating it, adding pictures. Then i just put some more remixes up, adding people from school and record labels and then somewhere along the line it just blew up and became what it is today. Y845:What’s you biggest accomplishment so far? Well i don’t have one but the two biggest accomplishments so far would be that my single “I Love you” sold in eight different countries off iTunes. Then my other one would be that I won my first award and it was the upstate independent award, It’s from Syracuse and the dude Ron Browz who came out with “Pop Champagne” was in my category, so we were both nominated and I end up getting the award. Y845:So do you have any big plans for the next year? Going back in the studio really soon, Working on two more big singles coming out, so we can hopefully start working on the album.

Y845What do you prefer rapping and doing some freestyles or song writing and singing? I like both pretty equally with singing I can really show my passion and my emotions .So when I rap it’s like there are no rules everything is fair game.

Y845:What age did you decided that the music business was going to be your career? well I’ve always been into music Started playing drums when i was three ,Piano at age seven and guitar at age 12 and when I was younger my mom was always encouraging me to sing but i just wasn’t ready yet, so when I turned 12 I started singing and taking it more seriously .I would have songs in my head and since I played all of those instruments I would just put each part together and that was also around the time when I was finding out what music producers did in the studio. I would always see pharaell Williams in everyone’s videos and I would ask myself why was he in so many videos and songs and then I realized it’s because he was producing them. After I talked to my dad and really found out what they do, I just became so interested that I would listen to every type of music and just really study it and even though at the time I hadn’t produced anybody yet I was still really into it. Then I went to my mom and I had wrote this jingle for bounty paper towels, I never submitted it but I made it will all of my instruments and really put effort into it and I was homeless at the time so I would stay with my uncle who’s a lawyer and I had him listen to it and he was just really impressed. So they were like you have a knack for this, so as I was becoming older I would make beats for older local artists and just started making a name for myself in the production department . so around the age of twelve is definitely when I decide I wanted it to be my career. So I started working with my friend Jordan Childs who’s actually up at Berklee school of music right now and we would just come together and play. Jordan plays the drums, piano and bass wile I play drums, piano and guitar so that was still at like age 12-13 and I was just like “wow this is what I want to do”. As far as the singing coming in, I just knew that it was time, and I would always come in handy with impress the girls and stuff and then with rap I would always joke around but I didn’t really start taking it serious until I was about fifth-teen.

So your family is a huge impact on your career so far? Yeah definitely, My mother used to open up for the fugues with the group she was in and she even played a Pre-Grammy Night, Also my dad plays the drums and piano. So from both parents I have music flowing through me, so it gets to the point that, music is the only thing I can think about.

Y845:What major artist are you always listening to on your iPod? Oh man! my iPod! as of know it’s Kanye West, his music and everything is really inspirational, Definitely N.E.R.D., huge N.E.R.D. fan. Also some Earth Wind and Fire, I want to keep it current so a lot of Drake, Asher Roth, Kid Cudi, Jay-Z, Trey songs, you can find anything on my IPod really. There are so many different artist an genres like for jazz there’s Marcus Miller, for rock there’s The Beatles, Chester finch, I have so much on my IPod I feel like I find a new song everyday and it will just come on and I’ll be like “oh this is tight”.

Y845:Any artist you would like to see more of that are pretty underground? Honestly I’m not really sure…First it was Drake but know he’s huge, well all witnessed that. Oh I want to see some more Cory Gunz, you know he’s young, really talented, I just feel like he’s looked over to much. Also Big Sean he’s pretty underground, he just signed with Kanye ,Definitely a lot more from Big Sean!

Alright, Let’s wrap this up…Any last shout outs? I’ma give shout outs to A&B, The lettermen, k-blaze, j-dot, end of state, Nicky Urban, Nick the cool,P-Sticky and Ethan Barnett!


The “Structure” of 20 Story Hill Rd Kerhonkson, NY, was started by two seventeen year olds Dakota and Noah Bowman with the support of their wonderful parents and good friends it’s officially a music venue for all genres of music, it opened on January 15, 2010 and since then there has been two very successful shows. Bands that play there include Ask for Lisa, Battle ave tea club, By land or sea, Max Alper, and Yarrow. ( so what’s your name, how old are you, and where are you from and what school/Grade are you in? Noah Bowman, 17, originally from brooklyn, ny. Moved to kerhonkson, ny in 4th grade. Now graduating from Rondout Valley High school. So you do the booking for the structure correct? I do booking for the structure show. for booking. - personal contact, for any specific questions. Have you gotten a lot of bands wanting to play or is it still slow? I’ve gotten emails from bands from bands in boston. The furthest away is the state of Wisconsin. Bands from purchase college, which is a school that is relatively close... Do you have any ideas in the works for the structure/ if so can you share? It’s still in the works, so if anybody has any cool ideas, let us know. Come check out the scene. how many bands do you play in and who are they? I play in 3 bands right now. Ask For Lisa, Battle Ave. Tea Club, and About Drowning. what are your hopes for the structure? I hope to make this venue a place that people will enjoy and want to come out too. A place for artists/musicians of all ages to make money for what they do every night. I hope that the idea of having a venue at my age will inspire others to take a chance at a young age. What do you feel could make the structure a better venue? food/drinks. The more creative the better... Any plans of college? College right now isn’t really in thought at the moment. I seem to have something going for me as of now and willing to stick it out and see what happens. So what made you to want start a venue? Well, being a musician of a young age playing at every venue and having kids attend was tough, if it was a 21+ venue. Also I wanted bands and artists to make some money for what they do best. No scams. I feel that being a musician is a lifestyle not just a thing to do. To survive in life, in this country, one would have to make some dollar bills. what are the rules for the structure? NO ALCOHOL.We all love it, but I just can’t be liable for it.Respect the space.Drive slow!No smoking inside. Have fun!

have there been any problems with the crowd or bands yet? No real drastic problems yet. We’ve only had 2 shows and they have both gone relatively well. Which makes me very happy. Im hoping no major problems come up. It takes one to mess it up for everybody. Because of its location does that make it better or worse? The location is on my property, so it’s not an everyday “go stop by and check it out” place. I have neighbors... I tell the day before to prepare for a bunch of crazy kids and their cars. So they either just stay in their houses or go out of town. I wouldn’t know. What’s the next for you? get some more show dates up for the summer, and more bands of course. I’m recording with Ask For Lisa beginning of April(spring break), get some new songs out to the listeners. We’re recording at Safe House studios. Gigs lined up... Battle Ave. Tea Club is also going into the studio at Marcata Studios in New Paltz, NY. Recording the first album. Been working on About Drowning material as well, making an album as well at Safe House. Last words? Call me. Email me. If you wanna play at the Bowman Structure let me know. We need to get some more recognition and fans!

so what’s your name, how old are you, and where are you from and what school/Grade are you in?Dakota Bowman I am 17 years old, Im from Brooklyn,Moved to upstate NY years ago, I go to Rondout Valley high school and i’m in 11th grade. What are you recording with? I record on a tascam mx 2424 and then dump it onto Pro Tools Mbox for the mix. How long have you been working with sound? I’ve been working with sound since my brother Noah started playing with Harry Basch years ago. How did you get to be the sound engineer you are today? Well I am interning with this awesome dude Stephen George who owns “Gimme That Sound Productions”. Every time I go there I learn something different, he also comes to the live shows that I do the sound for and teaches me some techniques. Also meeting new people and talking about live sound and recording, hearing their techniques, that really helps the most. So what made you to want start a venue? Noah and I love music ,we want people to love it as much as we do. The main reason is that people who are under a 18 can’t see shows at bars, so the structure gives them that chance and we want people to appreciate music at all ages. What are some things that you’ve mixed and recorded so far? My Brothers band “Ask For Lisa” and my dad’s band “Urban Survival”. I’ve also helped Stevo(Stephen George) on some recordings/mixes on a band from Brooklyn called “My Pet Dragon”. What are your plans with sound engineering in the next 5 years? I’m hoping to be recording with some big time bands and hopefully on my way to making a living sound engineering. What next for you? Finish high school and then Not sure yet just living and maybe having my own business in engineering. Any last words? come check us out sometime and keep loving the music.!

Ghost Mall

Ghost Mall-A Band of four Suny New Paltz college students including James Sutherland, Cody Torlincasi, Pierce Lightning and Alexander Letourneau, joined up in 2009 to play the music they love and now a year later Ghost Mall is going on their first tour down to texas and back with plans of hitting up the wonderful basements and venues of Southampton, Pennsylvania, Memphis, Tennessee, Baton Rouge, Louisiana and more. Ghost mall is doing more then just being a great source of entertainment , they’re bringing new life to the New Paltz indie scene by playing in basements and hallways with bringing a new energy and freedom to the music. Now some of you may find yourself thinking why would you want to play in such places,But you’ll never really know the experience of having sixty or more fans screaming,sweating, and pushing just so they can get close enough to the mic to scream they’re favorite lyrics Ho How

How did you come up with the name Ghost Mall? Pierce -“I was in another room and the Colbert report was on and they said ghost mall and they were just sitting around (Cody & Alex) and I was like ”Hey guys, Ghost Mall?” and they were like “Yeah Alright” So that was your first name it was never anything before that? All-Na… Alex-Cody and I would just sit in are English class just writing down different names, probably coming up with 50 names a piece Cody-And we would just show names back and forth and just be like ”oh look at this one” in the middle of are lectures So where is everyone from? Pierce -Queens! Cody-Alex and I are from Farmingdale New York…Long Island James-I’m from Rockland County How long has Ghost Mall been together…Months, Years? 11 months, it will be a year in March Cody-what are we doing for are one year? Pierce-Umm we will be on tour Alex-Yeah on our way to Texas! So how do you feel about going on tour? Pierce -F**king Terrified Alex-I kind of feel bad because people donated one thousand dollars to go on tour, and all we did was go around and play music Pierce -I only feel bad because Haiti happened, If that happened I would have been okay about getting all the money James-We didn’t know Haiti was going to happen though Alex-And we made the deadline before Haiti even happened so it’s like we are in the clear. Pierce -But yeah I’m both terrified and terribly excited as well, But well see how it goes

How many stops? Pierce -We hit Philly, Greensboro North Carolina, Some Skate Park in Memphis, and then Arkansas, then Huston and Austin for 2-3 days and rush the F**K home, Cause I have a midterm that Monday and the day we leave for tour James-What Class? Pierce -Si-fi for the day we leave and Chem and Art, the day we come back. What’s going to be your vehicle of transportation on the tour? Pierce -We got “Carbra ann”, It’s my ladies Purple Dodge Caravan! What’s your tattoo say?(Towards Cody) Cody-It says “hapiness is only real in shared”, but there is only one P in Happiness so yeah, it’s a 300 dollar mistake…I turned 18 and was like “oh I was a tattoo” should have made sure they could spell it before they put the ink down. What’s your favorite venue to play? All-Kitty city! Or are apartment it’s this tiny place poorly designed above Rhino Records. So what’s going on with the EP?, Do you have a name or anything? Pierce -No, not really James-We have a few names were thinking of. Alex-I think my favorite name that we have been thinking of is” Bruce Springsteen please listen to this”. Pierce -We figure if we put his name on it people will buy it on accident, thinking it’s one of his albums. Any Bruce fan would have to pick it up! Cody-And he will hopefully see it and listen to it and be like” Oh these guys really like me” and that’s when a beautiful friendship will start. Alex-The EP is really controversial right now because it’s being produced by a rap producer so he’s putting all this crazy effects into are music. So it’s like Ghost mall meets Hood Kitty.

So how did Ghost Mall get so many votes on my blog? Alex-My mom was actually like telling people everywhere she went to vote for my son’s band James-Yeah I didn’t even know about it until a day or two before it was over. Pierce -But really why do people even come to our shows? Cody- yeah why would they want to punish themselves? Pierce -At the Smiley show there were like 60 people who thought they might die because of lack of air and too much heat, But they were like no I want to stay for all of the bands. What’s the most attractive band you’ve played with? Cody-Umm what? James-uh Pierce - Like the sexiest? All-GODCHILLA! Print it! How often do you write songs? Pierce -Psh, Not often enough, we have been a band for a year and wrote All-Six and a half songs… Cody-The first show we played, we only had like three songs. Pierce -We got are first gig based off one song. Cody- and we were like F**k we have to write at least two more for the show. Pierce -yeah we don’t write songs nearly enough. What’s the best thing about being “Ghost Mall”? Cody-The best thing about being Ghost Mall is that one day I was walking from my dorm to go get some food, and it was after the first show we played, and I’m just walking with my friend and this group of people just scream”That’s him!” and they were like “we have to shake your hand that was such a good show man!” and I was just like “oh my god, thank you” Made me feel like a big celebrity! Pierce -I really liked when this blog gave us number 10 song of the year, and we beat out songs like daylight by Mat and Kim and just songs like that and the song we had that one was Johnny Appleseed and it was just like a bad version third time we ever played it, the drums hadn’t even been added yet. And apparently we made this eight minute long master piece. Alex-My favorite part about being in Ghost Mall is driving to shows that are really far away and just having ridicules amounts of fun in the car. We got lost in the mountains once and it was just really cool. Why do you always play at such small venues? Cody-Well it’s kind of all we get offered… Pierce - And all the kids that come see us live on campus so it also makes it easier for them, because some can’t get into bars or clubs. We would rather just play in a small space with 60 people that love every second of us, then to 100 people and only one third of people really want to see us. All these shows keep getting bigger and bigger and soon we will be playing with bigger crowds and at venues but we want to do it are way.

Pierce -I’m going to go ahead and take some credit and say that we helped get the Indie scene in New Paltz to what it is today! James-hah Take some credit, Take some more Credit! Cody-we just like everyone to join are band for are 20 minute sets and smaller venues make it easier. Are you apart of “friendly neighborhood records”? Pierce -Yes! That’s My Deal! Cody-Peirce started that sh*t! Pierce -yeah I started that with a friend of mine from the “Sunshower Orphans” back in queens Like all the places in the city like Brooklyn, Manhattan, Bronx etc. all have their scene but somehow queens is dying down so we are just starting it back up again. And it looks way more legit have a “record company “ do it then like some random band. But yeah it’s working out for everyone and it’s more for fun and will be way more legit in the feature. What do you want to happen with ghost mall? Like do you just want it to be a turkey sub you eat everyday or something bigger? Pierce -Well I would love to quit college and just take it as far as people will let me take it! Alex-Yeah and you’ll probably take it further then that! Pierce -Well jimmy is going to be a Scientist but the rest of us are banking on this So you just are looking for a good time? Pierce -Hell yeah that’s what it’s all about right now! Pierce -What do you have if you don’t have good times? James-Well then you have bad times… Do you have any ritchiucals you do before every show? Pierce -The only routines for me is getting everyone there on time Alex-We used to get like 40 nugs (nuggets) from McDonalds before every show but then they took

Summer start up: The Paper Planets

The Paper Planets are a three-piece band from Woodstock, New York, who have been pumping out music ever since the August of 2009. “Well, we should probably check back to see when we started saying ‘Band practice?’ on each other’s Facebook walls,” said Gabe Dresdale (guitar/vocals) to Eli Wolf-Christensen (bass/vocals). When sitting down with them, you can tell right away that they exude a down-to-earth vibe that could make anyone feel comfortable enough to talk with them. Unfortunately, Evan Shornstein, their drummer and backing vocalist, couldn’t make it to the interview; however the other two band members answered my questions with him in mind. By Brooke Potter Young 845: Where did you get the name “The Paper Planets” from? Eli: We were sitting around one day, and Gabe was like, “Let’s just say random words.” Gabe said planet, and Evan said paper… Gabe: And so, The Paper Planets. Y845: Have you changed the band’s name before? Gabe: Not really. There were some considerations, Eli: But let’s just go with no. Y845: What’s your music background? What instruments do you play? Eli: I started playing the drums when I was 4, and picked up the bass just as I stopped playing the drums at 5, and started to learn the guitar at 6. Gabe: Well, I started playing the cello when I was 5, and I still play it. I started to play the guitar when I was 12. Eli: And Evan’s been playing the drums for about as long as I’ve been playing the bass. Evan and Eli had met as little kids, and had been in the Kingston-based hardcore band, UTD, together (whose current status is unknown). After their former bands (UTD and The Defenders) started to fade out, they began to talk about starting a new band. They knew they wanted a guitarist willing to play reggae, and soon found Eli’s classmate at Onteora High School, Gabe Dresdale.

Y845: Who are some of your

Gabe: Tour the world.

musical influences?

Eli: No dude, change the world! Lead the youth!

Eli: Uh, a lot, actually. Sublime, Bob

Gabe: Peace on earth!

Marley, no, the whole Marley family,


RX Bandits… Gabe: And DJ Tiesto! For Evan.

When asked about how they would

goal of theirs - “That’s all Evan really wants, to be a

describe their music, they agreed that

guest with Rachel Ray,” said Gabe. “We want to be

their music was powerful, full of heavy

the guest-food tasters,” stated Eli.)

(They later explained that it was a serious

bass, and energetic. “We try to be original,” Gabe said, “And we try not

Y845: What advice do you have for people

to sound like anyone else.” “It’s a little

who want to form their own bands?

something for everyone,” added Eli.

Eli: Take something you love, and just do it. Don’t regret it later. Don’t make a living, make a life.

Y845: What are band rehearsals like?

[both look at each other and laugh]

tainly do so. It can be said that The Paper Planets

Eli: We basically just set the vibe and

dedicate their lives to music, and live for it every

play music.

day. You can tell by the way they perform that they

Y845: How has your music

love what they do, and plan on continuing it for the

evolved since you first began

rest of their lives. The energy and passion incorpo-

playing music together?

rated into their sets are vivacious and not to men-

Eli: It’s really different.

tion, very fun to watch. Every generation needs a

Gabe: It has a lot. It’s always changing,

positive band in the scene of depressing, angsty,

and we’re always writing something dif-

teen-ridden bands and The Paper Planets are just

ferent and new.

what we needed.

Eli: And now Evan sings, and he never

Y845: Any last words?

did before.

Eli: Masel tov

Y845: What are your long-term

Gabe: And goodnight.

career goals?

As for practicing what you preach, they cer-

Events! Ask For Lisa 4/7/2010 8:00 PM at Bushwick Music Studios 4/10/2010 2:00 PM at Hudson Valley Resort! 4/23/2010 8:00 PM at Bowman Structure W/Gentlemen C, YARROW Battle Ave Tea Club. 4/11/2010 7:00 PM at MEN CAN STOP RAPE @ RED HOOK HIGH 4/14/2010 9:00 PM at WHITSONS GRAND W/ TITUS ANDRONICUS 4/30/2010 9:00 PM at @ MARKET MARKET 6/11/2010 8:00 PM at NY SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF By Land or Sea 4/7/2010 8:00 PM at BUSHWICK MUSIC STUDIOS (all ages) w/ Ask For Lisa 4/10/2010 4:00 PM at ROCK THE RESORT @ THE HUDSON VALLEY RESORT w/ Ask For Lisa, more 4/22/2010 8:00 PM at THE GENERAL CLINTON PUB 4/24/2010 7:00 PM at RECORD RELEASE SHOW @ The Colony Cafe (ALL AGES) 5/7/2010 8:00 PM at BOWMAN STRUCTURE Ghost Mall 4/3/2010 8:00 PM at Kitty City 4/23/2010 8:00 PM at Cab’s w/ Sharks Roar Our Only Reason 4/11/2010 8:00 PM The Break Contest Final Round at The Chance 4/17/2010 8:00 PM at The Basement 5/16/2010 8:00 PM at The Chance

Eurydice 4/2/2010 8:00 PM at Sounds Asylum 4/10/2010 4:00 PM at The Basement The Paper Planets 4/11/2010 at The Break Contest Final Round at The Chance 4/24/2010 7:00 PM at The Colony Cafe- By Land or Sea Record Release show! 5/7/2010 8:00 PM at Bowman Structure w/ Battle Ave. Tea Club, By Land or Sea The Closers 4/11/2010 2010 at The Break Contest Final Round at The Chance 4/17/2010 7:00 PM at Sounds Asylum 4/23/2010 7:00 PM at The Tuscan Café 4/24/2010 7:00 PM at Popeye’s Pub w/ Blanks 77 5/1/2010 8:30 PM at Punk Ska Show in Albany! Taxi To Alaska 4/10/2010 4:00 PM at The Basement The Structure 4/23/2010 8:00 PM at Gentleman’s C, Yarrow, Ask For Lisa 5/7/2010 8:00 PM at The Paper Planets, Battle Ave. Tea Club, By Land or Sea

what’s to come next issue!

Dummers! Throwdowns! Guest writers! The Break Contest! Venue of the Month! Sponsors! New Albums! Break ups! and


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