YIA- Summer Camp 2021

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SUMMER CAMP 2021 - Young Innovators Academy 1


7:00am – 6:00pm

ADMISSION AND REGISTRATION The Young Innovators Summer Camp is available for children K – 5 grade. To be eligible to register for camp, children must have completed Kindergarten. Please contact Young Innovators to request a summer camp registration package at 407-2780210 or email to domi@younginnovatorsccn. com / misticastner@younginnovatorsccn.com We will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have. If you are a new student to Young Innovators you will need to submit a complete new student registration packet. If you are an existing student with Young Innovators please complete only the Summer Camp packet. You may pick and choose all the weeks that your child will attend Young Innovators Camp. Spaces are limited. IMPORTANT: All paperwork needs to be completed and received 2 weeks prior to attending camp. SUMMER CAMP 2021 - Young Innovators Academy 2

CHANGES TO YOUR REGISTRATION: At the time of registration, you will pick and choose all the weeks that your child will attend Young Innovators Camp. You will be held financially responsible for each week that you choose.

2 weeks ahead of time in order to not be charged for a registered week that you are canceling.

If you need to add a week, you must submit it in writing and Domi will email you back if If you choose to alter your child’s registered there are openings that week. weeks, it may be done in writing and at least

PRICING 2020 - 2021 Registration fee $25

(includes YIA sling bag, YIA water bottle and one YIA camp shirt)

Weekly Tuition $190

(includes morning and afternoon snack, lunch, and field trip fees)

PAYMENTS Payments can be made by completing the Tuition Express Form with your banking information or credit card information. There will be a 3% credit card fee if you choose to pay by card. Full payment is due the Friday prior to your child’s attendance at Young Innovators Academy Summer Camp for the following week. The balance must be completed as one payment. SUMMER CAMP 2021 - Young Innovators Academy 3

UNIFORM While on field trips children are required to wear: YIA camp shirt every time they go on a field trip. Shirts can be purchased in the Front Office or in advance prior to the month of attendance from http:// younginnovators.deco-apparel.com/ Orders placed by the 15th of each month will be delivered and distributed at the school on or around the 1st of the following month. The price per shirt is $15.00 A face mask that fully covers the nose and mouth, fits snugly but comfortably against the side of the face and is secured by ties, ear loops, or headbands. if field trip with regards to water and water play days on Fridays: The child must come into Young Innovators Academy in their bathing suit Please be appropriate with bathing suits, female child must wear a T-shirt overtop if the bathing suit is a two-piece Apply sunscreen before child comes to school Bring a bag for wet clothes Closed-toed water shoes only must be worn Please bring in a labeled towel for your child

*Please refer to the notes and requirements for each individual field trip regarding shoes, bathing suits, socks, etc.

SUMMER CAMP 2021 - Young Innovators Academy 4

DISCIPLINE POLICY: Behavior We believe that proper behavior can be maintained by rewarding positive actions and using appropriate consequences for improper behavior. Children will be advised of the group rules and expectations. Rewards include verbal praise, hugs, stamps, and stickers. Inappropriate behaviors are handled through redirection. If redirection fails, the inappropriate behavior could result in: 1. Conference with the teacher 2. Conference with Parent, Teacher, & Director If the child’s behavior proves dangerous or disruptive to him/herself or others and the above alternates have failed, dismissal will result. We believe each child deserves the optimal care and attention. This is not possible if one or two children are allowed to disrupt the group. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter in order that we

maintain quality care, not only for the group but also for your child. The following procedures will be followed for behavior of intentionally hurting other children. This is implemented to protect the entire class. FIRST OFFENSE: Parent Notified after first “Intentionally hurting other children” - Child will need to be picked up for the remainder of the day, and suspended for the following day. SECOND OFFENSE: Parent Notified after second “Intentionally hurting other children” - Child will need to be picked up for the remainder of the day, and suspended for the following day. Up to the Director’s discretion on the next action to be taken, after meeting with the parent. THIRD OFFENSE: The child will be dismissed from the program.

SUMMER CAMP 2021 - Young Innovators Academy 5

FIELD TRIP MANNERS: Children Expectations and Guidelines: Be respectful to each other and other guests around you during your field trip. Use walking feet in the exhibit halls and when traveling from one location to the next. Use indoor voices inside the building. Stay with the assigned teacher or chaperone and use the buddy system. When participating in an educational activity or show listen to the instructor and follow directions. Please use all materials correctly and be sure to follow safety procedures. Respect exhibits and displays around you and we ask that you not climb on exhibits, fences, or trees and respect live animals. Take turns on the exhibits so other children and guests may enjoy the experience as well. The use of electronic devices such as games or cell phones is highly discouraged while on a field trip. We encourage leaving these items at school. HAVE FUN! Children that don’t follow these rules will not be allowed to participate in future field trips. Field trip departures are at different times. Please check the Summer Camp Calendar for the time the bus is scheduled to leave. Children that participate in field trips need to arrive 15 minutes prior to the bus departure time. There is no care for the children that arrive late. Parents may not drop off or pick up children at the field trip destination. All children will depart together from YIA and return together to YIA.

SUMMER CAMP 2021 - Young Innovators Academy 6

BUS ETIQUETTE: All children should wear a mask. Children must sit in their assigned seats while on the bus. Children may use inside voices while on the bus. Children must buckle their seat belt while on the bus. Children must treat others with respect Children must follow directions given by the bus driver, teacher, or chaperone

EDUCATION: In an age dependent on innovation and creativity, our program provides children with a platform for cultivating their interests while working collaboratively with their peers to develop lifelong skills that will enrich their lives and future community. YIA Summer curriculum is full of hands-on experiences and STEAM learning. Children have access to different clubs to explore different interests. In addition to that, children work in classroom projects to solve real world problems. From construction, arts, STEM, gardening projects to coding, students pursue their interests.

approach to learning, moving ideas from conception to fruition to educate the next generation of innovators. Our curriculum is passion-based learning, igniting the passion to motivate the problem solvers of tomorrow. Give your child the Innovation Advantage!

Our summer curriculum themes are Water, Water Everywhere, Under the Sea, Be an Inventor, Jurassic World, Mad Science, Archaeology, Criminology, Engineering, Animal Planet, Space is the Place, and more. The weekly clubs we offer are Origami, Robotics, Slime and Potions, Minecraft, Cooking, Drama, Animal Rescue, Mining, Everyone is born an innovator. We want to and Astronomy. keep that mindset for life. We have a modern SUMMER CAMP 2021 - Young Innovators Academy 7

2021 YIA Summer Camp Calendar Week 0 May 23-28


Water, Water Everywhere

The children will be challenged to think and wonder how important water is and all the ways we can manipulate it - such as the different phases and states. This week they will create a rain gauge to measure precipitation and understand the water cycle.


No activity



No activity

No activity

THU 27 Activity Make a Rain Gauge Children must wear face mask


FRI 28

Water Day

Water Balloon Activity: Balloon roll Children must wear face mask Bring: bathing suit, sunscreen, water shoes, towel, and change of clothes

2021 YIA Summer Camp Calendar Week 1 May 30 - June 5


Under the Sea

Dive into under the sea discovery! Explore water, sea creatures, and more through crafts, games, science activities, and more! With their knowledge of marine animals and sea creatures, they will expand their experience by a trip to Sea Life Orlando Aquarium. There are a variety of areas to work in this field including marine biology and marine chemistry.

MON 31 YIA closed Memorial Day









Sea Life Orlando Aquarium

Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail

Island H2O

Water Day

Children must wear face mask

Econ River Wilderness Area

Children must wear face mask

Children must wear face mask Water Balloon Activity: Water balloon dodgeball Bring: bathing suit, sunscreen, water shoes, towel, and change of clothes Bring a face mask

Children must wear face mask

MYSTERY SCAVENGER HUNT, PARK OR TRAIL Dive into a magical underwater forest to discover iconic sea creatures. In this scavenger hunt on a trail in Econ River Wilderness Area, Young Innovators will search for hidden stations and clues while learning more about the magnificent residents of the ocean, no swimming required.

FIELD TRIP INFORMATION: Please arrive prior to the bus departure time. Destination Sea Life Orlando Aquarium June 1, 2021 Departure 10: 00 am What You Need YIA shirt, face mask, sneakers, disposable water bottle

Destination Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail - Econ River Wilderness Area June 2, 2021 Departure 10: 00 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, water bottle

Destination Island H2O June 3, 2021 Departure 9: 00 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sunscreen, bathing suit, towel, change of clothes, water bottle

SUMMER CAMP 2021 - Young Innovators Academy 9

2021 YIA Summer Camp Calendar Week 2 - June 6-12


Be an Inventor

Tinkering, creating, and reusing materials through our maker spaces will allow children to become innovators. Throughout the week, children will be in charge of their curiosity and creativity to complete engineering tasks and challenges. Through learning and experiencing different challenges, the children will reinforce their knowledge.


Activity Marble Track Race



Children must wear face mask

UCF Arboretum Children must wear face mask

Congo River Mini Golf




Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail



Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Children must wear face mask

Children must wear face mask


Water Day

Children must wear face mask Water Balloon Activity: Water balloon relay race Bring: bathing suit, sunscreen, water shoes, towel, and change of clothes.


Robotics Club: This week the students will use Vex Robotics to create a functioning robot. The children will work in teams as they assemble a robot. At the end of the week, the students will create a working robot.

MYSTERY SCAVENGER HUNT, PARK OR TRAIL Turn an experiment gone wrong into a genius discovery. In this scavenger hunt on a trail in Geneva Wilderness Area, Young Innovators will search for hidden stations and clues while sparking their curiosity of scientific achievements.

FIELD TRIP INFORMATION: Please arrive prior to the bus departure time. Destination Congo River Mini Golf June 8, 2021 Departure 10: 00 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, disposable water bottle

Destination Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail - UCF Arboretum June 9, 2021 Departure 10: 00 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, water bottle

Destination Ripley’s Believe It or Not! June 10, 2021 Departure 11: 00 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, disposable water bottle

2021 YIA Summer Camp Calendar Week 3 - June 13-19


Jurassic World

If your child is an investigator or an explorer, this week will be such a trill. The children will be exploring with hands-on, real tools through a dinosaur pit to find all the pieces of a rare Dinosaur! They will use different mediums to expand their knowledge about types of dinosaurs and fossils from the Jurassic era. Children will visit Gatorland to learn more about the living dinosaurs of today: turtles, alligators, crocodiles, and tortoises.


14 Brevard Zoo Children must wear face mask

15 Activity Hatching Dinosaur Eggs - Egg Hunt Children must wear face mask







Little Big Econ State Forest

Children must wear face mask

Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail


Water Day


Children must wear face mask

Children must wear face mask

Water Balloon Activity: Water balloon spoon races Bring: bathing suit, sunscreen, water shoes, towel, and change of clothes.


Origami Club This week the students will learn how to create beautiful origami. Paper-folding is a wonderful hobby, and a wonderful group activity... and for kids, it has so many benefits socially and for the developing mind, but we love it because you get to make cool stuff - with only a sheet of paper!


Step back in time and explore a prehistoric world. In this scavenger hunt on a trail in Little Big Econ State Forest, Young Innovators will search for hidden stations and clues while learning more about dinosaurs that walked the earth long ago.

FIELD TRIP INFORMATION: Please arrive prior to the bus departure time. Destination Brevard Zoo June 14, 2021 Departure 9: 00 am What You Need

YIA camp shirt, sunscreen, face mask, sneakers, disposable water bottle Splash park: labeled towel, change of clothes, bathing suit, labeled bag for wet clothing

Destination Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail - Little Big Econ State Forest June 16, 2021 Departure 10: 00 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, water bottle

Destination Gatorland June 17, 2021 Departure 9: 00 am What You Need

YIA camp shirt, sunscreen, face mask, sneakers, water bottleSplash park: labeled towel, change of clothes, bathing suit, labeled bag for wet clothing.

2021 YIA Summer Camp Calendar Week 4- June 20-26


Mad Science

Aiming to foster curious minds and use logical thinking while collaborating with their peers, the children will be put to the test to follow instructions, perform tasks and observe. The children will go to the Orlando Science Center where they will explore a multitude of exhibits and participate in many science activities.

MON 21 Activity Create your own blob of “Mad Mucus”

22 Semoran Skateway Children must wear face mask

Children must wear face mask



TUE 23

Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail Geneva Wilderness Area

Children must wear face mask




Orlando Science Center

Children must wear face mask

Water Day

Children must wear face mask Water Balloon Activity: How far can you go? Bring: bathing suit, sunscreen, water shoes, towel, and change of clothes


Slime and Potions Club: This week the students will discover slime! The Children will use different materials to see what kind of slime they can make. At the end of the week, the students will have knowledge of multiple ways to create slime.

MYSTERY SCAVENGER HUNT, PARK OR TRAIL Turn an experiment gone wrong into a genius discovery. In this scavenger hunt on a trail in Geneva Wilderness Area, Young Innovators will search for hidden stations and clues while sparking their curiosity of scientific achievements

FIELD TRIP INFORMATION: Please arrive prior to the bus departure time. Destination Semoran Skateway June 22, 2021

Destination Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail - Geneva Wilderness Area June 23,2021

Departure 1: 00 pm

Departure 10: 00 am

What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, socks, water bottle

What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, water bottle

Destination Orlando Science Center June 24, 2021 Departure 11: 00 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, disposable water bottle

2021 YIA Summer Camp Calendar Week 5 - June 27- July 3



Being an archeologist is a lot like putting together a big puzzle, almost like a treasure hunter. To give children robust, hands-on, experimental learning opportunities. The children will visit the Jungle Adventures where they will go deeper into Native American & Florida’s First Settlers culture.

MON 28


Jungle Adventures


Children must wear face mask

Excavating from Ice Children must wear face mask








Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail

Aloma Cinema Grill

Water Day

Children must wear face mask

Children must wear face mask Water Balloon Activity: Fill the bucket

Econ River Wilderness Area Children must wear face mask

Bring: bathing suit, sunscreen, water shoes, towel, and change of clothes


Mining Club: This week the students will discover different types of rocks, crystals, and fossils. Grab a bag of mining materials and sift through it in the sluice. Be amazed as the dirt washes away and reveals gems and stones. You’re guaranteed to find one-of-a-kind treasures.


Explore the forest and uncover the secrets of the past. In this scavenger hunt on a trail in Econ River Wilderness Area, Young Innovators will search for hidden stations and clues while connecting the pieces of a lost civilization.

FIELD TRIP INFORMATION: Please arrive prior to the bus departure time. Destination Jungle Adventures June 28, 2021 Departure 9: 15 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, water bottle

Destination Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail - Econ River Wilderness Area June 30, 2021 Departure 10: 00 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, water bottle

Destination Aloma Cinema Grill July 1, 2021 Departure 9: 00 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers

2021 YIA Summer Camp Calendar Week 6- July 4-10



Look for clues and work diligently to solve the crime! The children will learn how Forensic scientists compose together different evidence and tools to help them in solving crimes. Forensics is a lot like putting together a puzzle; you have to find all the missing pieces to complete the puzzle. Crime prevention is also very important. Children will be going to the Children’s Safety Experience to learn more about internet safety and how to safely surf the net.

MON 5 Independence Day observed Children must wear face mask




Children’s Safety Experience Children must wear face mask



Econ River Wilderness Area

CSI Case Studies: Evaluate Evidence and Solve Crime

Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail



Water Day

Children must wear face mask Children must wear face mask

Children must wear face mask Water Balloon Activity: Water balloon toss Bring: bathing suit, sunscreen, water shoes, towel, and change of clothes


Cooking Club: This week the students will get to learn about cooking and safety. The children will use mathematics and science to discover tasty foods. At the end of the week, the students will apply their discoveries and create a delicious snack.

MYSTERY SCAVENGER HUNT, PARK OR TRAIL Investigate the mystery of a stolen artifact and find the owner. In this scavenger hunt on a trail in Econ River Wilderness Area, Young Innovators will search for hidden stations and clues while testing their detective skills.

FIELD TRIP INFORMATION: Please arrive prior to the bus departure time. Destination Children’s Safety Experience July 6, 2021

Destination Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail - Econ River Wilderness Area July 7, 2021

Departure 9: 00 am

Departure 10: 00 am

What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, water bottle

What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, water bottle

2021 YIA Summer Camp Calendar Week 7 - July 11-17



Building, observing, creating, and problem solving, just to name a few, will be everything the children are doing! They will be learning how to create their own catapult and learn the physics behind how it works. We will have the children learn about product development.



Wonderworks Children must wear face mask








Oviedo Bowling Alley

UCF Arboretum

Children must wear face mask

Children must wear face mask

Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail Children must wear face mask


Water Day

Catapult Craft

Children must wear face mask Water Balloon Activity: Musical water balloons Bring: bathing suit, sunscreen, water shoes, towel, and change of clothes


Minecraft Club: You can make your Minecraft creations more exciting with modifications, or modes. Using ScripCraft, you can create new blocks, change the way the game functions, and make your own games. Create new dye colors like navy, blue and pink. You can craft hats and sneakers for your characters instead of just armor.


Construct the components and activate the mysterious device. In this scavenger hunt on a trail in the UCF Arboretum, Young Innovators will search for hidden stations and clues while learning how to design working machines.

FIELD TRIP INFORMATION: Please arrive prior to the bus departure time. Destination Wonderworks July 12, 2021 Departure 9: 00 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, water bottle

Destination Oviedo Bowling Alley July 13, 2021 Departure 10: 00 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, water bottle

Destination Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail -UCF Arboretum July 14, 2021 Departure 10: 00 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers

2021 YIA Summer Camp Calendar 2021 YIA Summer Camp Calendar Week 8- July 18-24


Animal Planet

This week the children will be introduced to animal environments. Through hands-on activities, students will use their knowledge to apply it throughout the week. They will visit Wild Florida Airboats and Gator Park where they will experience the beautiful wetlands and see natural Florida first-hand. The children will get an in-depth look at Florida’s wildlife in their native habitat and see animals like alligators, ospreys, eagles, trees, and plants that make up Florida’s beautiful wetlands along with animal encounters. But their experiences will not end there. They will also visit the Central Florida Zoo to learn more about education and conservation regarding wildlife.

MON 19


Leaf Art

Wild Florida Airboats & Gator Park

Children must wear face mask

Children must wear face mask




TUE 21

Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail Little Big Econ State Forest




Central Florida Zoo

Children must wear face mask

Children must wear face mask

Children must wear face mask

Water Day

Water Balloon Activity: Hot potato Bring: bathing suit, sunscreen, water shoes, towel, and change of clothes


Animal Rescue Club: This week the students will learn about animals and how to help them in their environment. Children will help collect food and supplies for animal shelters.

MYSTERY SCAVENGER HUNT, PARK OR TRAIL IEnter a lush forest to find creatures of all kinds. In this scavenger hunt on a trail in Little Big Econ State Forest, Young Innovators will search for hidden stations and clues while learning about animals and their ecosystems.

FIELD TRIP INFORMATION: Please arrive prior to the bus departure time. Destination Wild Florida Airboats & Gator Park July 20, 2021

Destination Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail - Little Big Econ State Forest July 21, 2021

Departure 9: 00 am

Departure 10: 00 am

What You Need YIA shirt, face mask, sneakers, disposable water bottle

What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, water bottle

Destination Central Florida Zoo July 22, 2021 Departure 9: 30 am What You Need

YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, water bottle, Splash park: labeled towel, change of clothes, bathing suit, labeled bag for wet clothing


Learning and Innovating

2021 YIA Summer Camp Calendar Week 9- July 25-31


Space is the Place

To infinity and beyond, as we search for the components and pieces that make up our space. The children will apply their scientific knowledge, problem-solving skills, and creativity to create their very own spaceship out of nothing but recyclables. This week the children will get to experience and learn more about space exploration, and our solar system with a visit to the Kennedy Space Center.

MON 26 Activity Make Your Own Glow in Dark Bouncy Balls

27 Planet Obstacle Children must wear face mask



TUE 28

Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail Econ River Wilderness Area



Kennedy Space Center


Children must wear face mask

Children must wear face mask

Children must wear face mask


Create Space Ships with Recyclables Children must wear face mask


Astronomy Club: Ever find yourself looking at the shimmering, starry night sky wanting to learn more about what cosmos and constellations are above you? This week the students will use star finder apps and star maps to learn to navigate the night sky. At the end of the week, the students will create a telescope.

MYSTERY SCAVENGER HUNT, PARK OR TRAIL Blast off into space and explore another planet. In this scavenger hunt on a trail in Econ River Wilderness Area, Young Innovators will search for hidden stations and clues while discovering the secrets of the galaxy.

FIELD TRIP INFORMATION: Please arrive prior to the bus departure time. Destination Planet Obstacle July 27, 2021

Destination Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail - Econ River Wilderness Area July 28,2021

Departure 10: 00 am

Departure 10: 00 am

What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, socks, water bottle

What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, water bottle

Destination Kennedy Space Center July 29, 2021 Departure 8: 00 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, disposable water bottle

2021 YIA Summer Camp Calendar Week 10 - August 1-7


Summer Wrap-Up

Summer camp helps improve interpersonal skills and form lasting friendships. They learn to communicate, collaborate w Children must wear face mask ell with others. Don’t miss out on our summer camp next year!



Activity Make Tye-dye shirts Children must wear face mask

3 Activity Movie Day! Children must wear face mask






Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail

Crayola Experience

Geneva Wilderness Area

Children must wear face mask



Activity Summer Goodbye Party Children must wear face mask

Children must wear face mask


Drama Club: This week the children will put on their own original play. The children will collaborate with others to create their own play, and at the end of the week, they will perform!


Take a vacation to a tropical oasis of endless summer. In this scavenger hunt on a trail in Geneva Wilderness Area, Young Innovators will search for hidden stations and clues while reflecting on the fun of the season.

FIELD TRIP INFORMATION: Please arrive prior to the bus departure time. Destination Mystery Scavenger Hunt Park and Trail - Geneva Wilderness Area August 4, 2021 Departure 10: 00 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers, water bottle

Destination Crayola Experience August 5, 2021 Departure 9: 30 am What You Need YIA camp shirt, face mask, sneakers


First Name: Birth Date:


Main Hours of Care: From


Allergies, Prescribed Medications, Medical Conditions, or Concerns


Both Parents





First Name

Relation to Student

Cell Phone

Home Phone

Employer Name

Work Phone


Child’s Physical Address



Marital Status

Emergency Contact Allowed to Pick Up

Last Name

First Name

Relation to Student

Cell Phone

Home Phone

Employer Name

Work Phone


Home Address



Marital Status

EmergencyContact Allowed to Pick Up

SUMMER CAMP 2021 - Young Innovators Academy 20

STUDENTS MEDICAL INFORMATION I hereby give permission for the staff of this facility to contact the following medical personnel to obtain emergency medical care if warranted. Doctor:






Hospital Preference: Child’s Health Insurance: Insurance Provider:

ID #:

Subscriber name on card: Parent/Guardian Signature:


As parent/legal guardian, I give consent to have my child receive first aid by Young Innovators Academies staff. I understand that I will be responsible for all charges not covered by insurance. If I cannot be reached, I agree to have emergency medical team called if necessary. I agree to have emergency medical team transport my child to the hospital if necessary. I agree to hold harmless and release Young Innovators Academies and its employees from all liability. I give consent for the emergency contact person listed above to act on my behalf until I am available. I agree to review and update this information whenever changes occur.


First Name

Relation to Student

Cell Phone

Work Phone

Other Phone

Emergency Contact

Allowed to Pick Up

Young Innovators Academies , its owners, directors, and employees or associated companies are NOT responsible for reimbursement of any medical expenses incurred as a result of accidental incidents to a child or incidents between children resulting in injuries that occur to a child or children during attendance at Young Innovators Academies, whether or not under the supervision of any Young Innovators Academies employee. Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the Child Care Facility Handbook, require a current physical examination (Form 3040) and immunization records (Form 680 or 681) within 30 days of enrollment. Sections 7.3, of the Child Care Facility Handbook, requires that parents receive a copy of the Child Care Facility Brochure, “Know Your Child Care Facility” (CF/PI 175-24) or Section 8.3 of the Child Care Facility Handbook, requires that parents receive a copy of the family day care home brochure, “Selecting A Family Day Care Home Provider” (CF/PI 175-28).DCF also requires signature of distracted driver signed twice a year January and October and influenzas form signed once a year in August/September . Section 2.8, of the Child Care Facility Handbook, requires that parents are notified in writing of the disciplinary and expulsion policies used by the child care facility or Section 2.3, of the Family Day Care Home/Large Family Child Care Home Handbook , requires that parents are notified in writing of the disciplinary and expulsion policies used by the family day care provider. Your signature below indicates that you have received the above items and that the information on this enrollment form is complete and accurate. I hereby grant permission for the staff of this facility to have access to my child’s records.

Parent/Guardian Signature:


SUMMER CAMP 2021 - Young Innovators Academy 21

Tuition and Withdrawal Tuition is due on Friday by 6:00 p.m. for the upcoming week. Failure to pay on time will result in your child’s non admittance on Monday morning until payment is made in full including any late fees. Late payment fee is $30.00. Tuition is accepted through Tuition Express. Tuition Express is an automated payment processing system that allows you to pay tuition and fees. You will need to enroll in our electronic funds transfer authorization ACH. Our payment processing system allows secure, on time tuition and fee payments to be made via your bank account. ACH is a way to move money between banks without using paper check, wire transfers, credit card networks, or cash. Please see form to sign up. Credit card payment is available at a additional cost to the parent. Additional fees may be applied for field trips and additional events but this will be clearly stated in timely manner. Tuition is late when paid after 6:00 p.m. on Fridays. The late fee is $30.00 and is not negotiable. After one year of attendance, full time children only, are eligible to one free week of vacation. Subsequent vacations will be earned annually on the child’s anniversary date. Notification must be given to the front desk one week prior to using the vacation time. School age year is from the first day of county school until the last day of county school. Tuition is paid weekly during this time with adjustments for school holidays. There are NO FREE weeks for vacation during this time. However, during the summer school break, tuition is based on services used. Please pick your designated weeks. There is no credit given for vacations, scheduled school days, child illness, or for closing due to emergency situations, inclement weather or acts of God. Non-payment of tuition is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program. Timely payments are essentials for continued enrollment at Young Innovators Academies , however, if you anticipate difficulty with paying on time, please discuss the matter with the Center Director immediately. If alternative arrangements for payment are approved, you will be notified by the center director. 1. I agree to pay the full weekly tuition fee even if my child is absent for one or more days during the calendar week 2. I agree to pay a per child late pickup fee, for each period of time after the center’s closing. 3. I agree to pay a return check fee for returned checks or refused ACH transactions.

Withdrawal Two weeks written notice is required when withdrawing a child for any reason. If the proper notice is given, any unused tuition will be refunded within thirty days of the withdrawal. If the required notice is not given, parents will be charged tuition for two additional weeks. The parents and child, following their last day of enrollment, are not permitted to re-enter agency property.

Parent Name: Parent Signature: Date: SUMMER CAMP 2021 - Young Innovators Academy 22

Water Play Dates This summer the children will be attending a few field trips with regards to water and water play days on Fridays. The following dates will take place:

May 28

June 14*

July 2

June 3

June 17*

July 9

June 4

June 18

July 16

June 11

June 25

July 22*

July 23

* Splash Park available during a field trip.

On these dates, please pay attention to the following policies: The child must come into Young Innovators Academy in their bathing suit Please be appropriate with bathing suits, female child must wear a T-shirt overtop if the bathing suit is a two-piece Apply sunscreen before child comes to school Bring a bag for wet clothes Closed-toed water shoes only must be worn Please bring in a labeled towel for your child You may bring in a labeled water bottle for your child as well

I have read, understood, and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the above policies regarding swimming and water field trips and will abide by these rules

Parent Name: Parent Signature: Date: SUMMER CAMP 2021 - Young Innovators Academy 23

Field Trip General Permission Slip I, _________________________, agree for my child(ren), _____________________________, to ride the bus provided by Young Innovators Academy to attend field trips. The dates, times, and locations of the field trips will be posted at the Young Innovators Academy front desk. Young Innovators Academy reserves the right to change dates, times, and locations of field trips based on weather conditions or availability of space at the destination. I also give Young Innovators Academy permission to seek medical attention for my child in the event of any emergency if I cannot be reached. Parent Signature: _______________________ Phone: _________________________________

Date: ______________________________ Email: _____________________________

Field Trip General Permission Agreement Please select the weeks your child(ren) WILL BE ATTENDING our Summer Camp

Child’s Name: __________________________

May 27 - 28

June 6 - 12

May 30 - June 5 June 13 - 19 Circle grade entering in 2021 school year Child’s Name: __________________________

May 27 - 28

June 6 - 12

May 30 - June 5 June 13 - 19 Circle grade entering in 2021 school year

Age: ____ K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th June 20 - 26 June 27 - July 2

July 4 - 10 July 11 - 17

July 18 - 24

August 1 - 7

July 25 - 31

August 9

Age: ____ K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th June 20 - 26

July 4 - 10

July 18 - 24

August 1 - 7

June 27 - July 2

July 11 - 17

July 25 - 31

August 9

Child’s Name: __________________________

Age: ____ K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

June 20 - 26

May 27 - 28

June 6 - 12

May 30 - June 5 June 13 - 19 Circle grade entering in 2021 school year

June 27 - July 2

July 4 - 10 July 11 - 17

July 18 - 24

August 1 - 7

July 25 - 31

August 9

SUMMER CAMP 2021 - Young Innovators Academy 24

*Tuition for Summer Camp is $190 per week with a one-time $25 registration fee. **We are allowing parents to select which weeks their child(ren) is attending this year. No tuition will be charged for the week that your child(ren) is not registered. However, if you select a week and don’t show up without a written 2 weeks notification, you will still pay the full week tuition of $190.

To cancel a week, please email us at

domi@younginnovatorsccn.com misticastner@younginnovatorsccn.com with a note indicating the week you would like to change (at least 2 weeks in advance).

SUMMER CAMP 2021 - Young Innovators Academy 25

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