DECEMBER 2, 2010
TRAVEL Dream world of Magnificence
tuck in the world of imagination is only a
short moment of dream world. My expectations are shattered into pieces. I drag my feet lethargically up the bus wondering what is going to put me down again. To be honest, I am a little regretful but I am trying to keep my hopes up. I knew that there would be something
As the bus rolls down the bare streets of the second morning in Agra, behind the misty clouds, a 17th century magni9icent architecture takes my breath away. The beauty of the white crystallized marble is aes-‐ thetic. Glistening brightly under the rising sun, the sce-‐ nic view entertains my eyes. As my 9inger tips glide across the marble, cold shivers make me grin. The sandy coated layer of white crystallized marble is clearly pal-‐
good to pay off my regretting. But I chose to visit India and I knew I had to make the most out of it.
People’s talk “As a guide who comes here every time, still is fascinated by the exotic architect.” -Guide “Wow! is all I can say, it can’t be expressed in words”Tourist
pable. The culture and heritage it holds explains the reason for millions of tourist visits. The beauty lures the attentions of visitors. It was absolutely prodigious and sacrosanct. What I was seeing was not enough to ex-‐ press in words.
DECEMBER 2, 2010
Shuf9ling around, I focus my mind on the detailed structure that allures me. From the start I realize that India holds a plethora of rich and his-‐ torical events. The skepticism I had in the begin-‐ ning proved me wrong. I was soaked into a new world of adventure and appreciation. Wandering off alone into the scenic beauty, I barely noticed the vexing ache in my leg that gradually grew. I squeeze in into the tight gaps of the tourists that have stuck their eyes towards the Taj Mahal Their gaze towards it arise me curiously of what their impressions were and decided to approach them. Their response to their 9irst sight of the Taj Mahal was no different to mine. The Taj Mahal was in-‐ deed a beauty. As I scan across the bare marbles, my eyes are fascinated by what I see laid upon me. It was nothing compared to what I had seen from magazines and movies, 17 hours of transportation is being paid off. I pull myself quickly to the main marble feels as if I am standing on a bare of cold gate for the entrance inside the Taj Mahal. Before ice skating swiftly. entering the Taj Mahal, our shoes need to be taken off or covered with cloth to maintain the cleanli-‐ ness around the architect. The slickness of the As the long tour around the Taj Mahal 9in-‐ ished, I quickly head out for the exit. The trickling rain of India is heavenly. The feel of cold wet touch cools off the burning heat percolating into the deep layers of my skin. As the guide blabbers on, he introduces The Taj Mahal why this mag-‐ ni9icent masterpiece was created by the king Shah Jhan. The Taj Mahal represents the true de-‐ votion and the expression of love for his dear queen.
East view of Taj Mahal
Through this trip, I realized the true depth in India and the experience is unforgetta-‐ ble. To try and experience the cultural aspects of India is a worthwhile memory. India is de9initely where to go and enjoy. De9initely have the highest hopes but the lowest wishes. It was an experi-‐ ence that is sensation and hard to forget. The vivid memories of the picturesque scenery of the Taj Mahal are unforgettable and wished to re-‐ member upon even if years and years pass. The feeling of sensation and excitement still tingle my bones. PAGE 2