1 minute read
Launching into collaboration
Subtotal: $.5M
“The depth of formation and study that I received from this class was fantastic! We highlighted the best of each other and grieved our shortcomings in the hope of understanding our common goal of reaching more kids for Christ.”
— Dustin Bailey, Young Life Area Director in Webster, New York
$25K x 10 (1 new Cape rnaum/year x 10 years) = $250K
$25K x 10 = $250K
Reaching disinterested kids with the gospel today is no easy task. The question in youth ministry is, “Does it work?” The movement of Catholic Relations replies with a resounding “Yes!” showing the world that Young Life and the Catholic Church are truly “better together.”
Our Catholic Leadership Development Project and Catholic Adult Guest Programs introduce Catholics to a whole new vision at Young Life camps throughout the country. Nationwide initiatives like the Young Life Catholic Summit and our “Better Together” training cohorts educate and equip youth workers to reach kids together.
And our vision doesn’t stop there. We’re preparing to launch a multi-pronged strategy that will reach kids in Catholic middle schools, high schools, and universities through WyldLife, Young Life, and Young Life College. Our YoungLives and Capernaum ministries also offer dynamic ways for Catholics to make a difference and celebrate the dignity of every human life.
Invest in what works. Invest in the time-tested models that have successfully reached kids for over 80 years. Our time is now.