5 minute read

Leadership Town Hall: After-Action Report


Dear Global Leaders in Young Life,


Thank you for making time and space in your calendars for the Leadership Town Hall: Standing Together on June 24 and 25 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. MDT. We believe this time will be critical to the mission of Young Life as we lean into the pain of the moment and the realities of the many communities we serve.

Please register for this time with the email address you use for Zoom meetings. This registration will serve as your RSVP and help us assign you to a breakout group.


We are working quickly and thoughtfully to help you prepare ahead of time for our call. We plan to have pre-work and questions to you by Wednesday, June 16, to help you think deeply around this important issue. Please set aside time in your calendars to digest and consider the articles we share. During our meeting, there will be breakout group times where you will have a chance to discuss the material presented and the pre-work. These small group sessions will help us listen, lament and process together as a community.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Arthur L. Satterwhite III (asatterwhite@sc.younglife.org). Thank you, again, for making this time a priority.



Dear <NAME>,

Thank you for saying yes to join us for the upcoming Leadership Town Hall. This is a pivotal moment in our history. We believe that God is calling us to stand together against racial injustice and for the most marginal among us.

As such, during this gathering together, we will work to further our efforts to increasingly reflect the kids we are called to reach and teach with the gospel by becoming better agents of redemption and reconciliation for our Lord Jesus. To that end, here are the goals we have set for this town hall:

Build missional capability and cultural intelligence with an emphasis on a commitment to action.

Invite participants to assess their journey and commit to learning and growing individually and as a community.

Over the course of two days, we will listen, lament and process together around:

1. Racial injustice, prejudice and discrimination.

2. Dominant cultural realities (e.g., white privilege, power, supremacy, normalcy, colonialism).

Together, we will work to identify:

Places in our culture and mission where experiences vary and changes are needed.

Our responsibility to be agents of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:11-21) in kids’ lives and communities.

Continued on next page...

To help you prepare for this time, we want to share a few things with each of you:

1. Event Agenda: Here is an overview of what you can expect throughout this time.



4. Pre-reads: Please log in to the LTH learning module using the blue Single Sign On button and the enrollment key: LTH2020. Read the articles in the ‘Pre-Town Hall Prep’ section and use the accompanying prompt questions to begin processing. Allow yourself 60-90 minutes to read and process. Please complete this no later than Tuesday, June 23. If you have any trouble logging in to the Training Online platform, please contact Matt Wolford.

Pre-Survey: Please take a few minutes to answer these questions about how you are entering this conversation. Answers are anonymous.

Register: If you have not done so yet, please take two minutes to register for next week’s Leadership Town Hall.

In closing, we realize that many of you have had to move meetings and adjust calendars to take part in this event. We are grateful for your commitment to the mission. We leave you with these words from our Savior in the hopes that they help us all keep our eyes on Jesus as we move forward together:

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” — John 13:34-35, ESV

In Christ for all kids,


After-Action Report


As Newt shared during the town hall, the aims of the Leadership Town Hall: Standing Together gathering were as follows:



3. To model a courageous conversation;

Give space for leaders to practice what they have witnessed; and

Send leaders out equipped to lead these important discussions in their context.

To that end, we want to know how things went as you leaned into this opportunity with your community. As such, here is a convenient, easy-tocomplete After Action Report cognito form (“AAR”) that will help us capture the story and impact of your local experience.

Additionally, we want to celebrate you and the work your community is doing as you engage in this courageous conversation. Our plan is to take over a Monday Morning in October. As such, please be sure to plan, complete and submit the AAR for your courageous conversation by September 30, 2020.

Should you have any questions or need support, please know that the Learning and Diversity Offices are here to help. Feel free to reach out at any time to your divisional training coordinator or directly to the Diversity Office:

Mandy Adkins — madkins@sc.younglife.org; Arthur Satterwhite — asatterwhite@sc.younglife.org

In closing, thank you. Thank you for your leadership. Thank you for your willingness to lean into the moment. Thank you for being obedient to hearing the voice of God and working to help Young Life reach and teach a diverse world about Jesus by being agents of redemption and reconciliation in the lives of kids.

Contact Us

We are here to help, be a thought partner and/or answer any questions that you may have. We look forward to hearing from and supporting you.

Learning Office

Eastern Division

Mike Cramer Divisional Training Coordinator mikecramer67@gmail.com

Southeast Division

Tom Combes Divisional Training Coordinator tcombes@mindspring.com

Midwest Division

Lindsey Osborne Divisional Training Coordinator Lindsey@af89.younglife.org

South Central Division

Brad Banks Divisional Training Coordinator bradbanks40@gmail.com

Northwest Division

Jacque Abadie Divisional Training Coordinator jacqueabadie@gmail.com

Southwest Division

Marisa Avramovich Divisional Training Coordinator marisa@southwest.younglife.org

Diversity Office

Arthur L. Satterwhite III, D.S.L.

Vice President, Multiethnic asatterwhite@sc.younglife.org

Mandy Adkins

Multiethnic Initiatives Coordinator madkins@sc.younglife.org

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