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J U LY 2 0 1 5 | S I NG A P OR E


GET READY TO LIGHT THE FIRE 2015 International Grand Convention

FOUNDER’S MESSAGE THE COUNTDOWN IS on for the b i g g e s t International Grand Convention—and party—in Young Living history! I am so excited to be with you in Dallas and to feel your love and passion for our unique message. The convention is one of my favorite weeks— or two, this time—of the year because I get to look into your eyes and see how Young Living has changed your life. For many members who pursue our rewarding lifestyle, there is a defining gift: the opportunity for real freedom. Young Living—through our world-class products and opportunity—can help so many people and change so many lives. This month we in the United States celebrate freedom! We celebrate being able to worship, love, and live as we choose. We can dream as big as we dare, and we can go forward into the future with determined hope. We owe so much of this hope in the U.S. to the brave men and women of the armed forces who have sacrificed so much—many of them having paid the ultimate sacrifice—to protect the freedom that we claim. Freedom, however, is accessible to Young Living members everywhere. We are free to dream and passionately pursue our dreams. We are free to make choices—positively or negatively—that will lead us to our destiny, and we choose our destiny. Young Living is a remarkable avenue to pursue and realize your biggest dreams. Imagine your life with the financial freedom, time freedom, and wellness freedom you’ve only dreamed of. That’s the Young Living lifestyle.

ARE YOU READY for the biggest Young Living International Grand Convention ever? This August members from all over the world will “Light the Fire” in the great city of Dallas, Texas, for an experience unlike anything you’ve had before. With exciting educational and networking opportunities, the International Grand Convention is your best opportunity to learn and live the Young Living lifestyle! Get ready to party in true Texas style, where everything is bigger and better! What to Expect: The International Grand Convention is an unforgettable, immersive learning and networking event; and this year we’re blowing away every expectation. Leaders in essential oil research, health, and personal development will share their insights and discoveries; you’ll hear from Young Living founders D. Gary and Mary Young and be inspired by motivational speaker and athlete Kyle Maynard; you’ll have access to top Young Living leaders during high-energy workshops; and you’ll be the first to experience many new breakthrough products being added to our nutrition, personal care, and essential oil offerings! And because we’re doing it all in Dallas, we’re getting the party started with the concert event of the year and rocking with country music star and American Idol winner Scotty McCreery! Convention at Your Fingertips: Are you excited yet? From keynotes and workshops to fun-


runs and concerts, this year’s convention is a huge deal—just right for Texas! We’re in a new location, far from the familiar mountains of Salt Lake City. So to help you get around and make the most of your convention experience, we’re happy to announce we’ve built a 2015 Young Living International Grand Convention app! For the first time ever, you’ll be able to access a fully interactive app on your mobile device complete with intuitive maps, workshop surveys, custom schedules, social media engagement, and everything else you need to know to make this your best convention yet! Look for more information soon about this exciting new app! Young Living Spa: The Young Living Spa is the perfect place to take a break from the fast pace of the convention. Our professional massage therapists are trained in the Raindrop Technique® and will help you discover relaxation and rejuvenation using Young Living essential oils. Appointments are available at YoungLiving. com/Convention. Get ready to light the fire and make this convention the next big step in your own inspiring, passionate journey toward living the Young Living lifestyle more fully than ever!

For more details about convention events and workshops, visit YoungLiving.com/Convention today!

FULL CIRCLE: FROM FRANCE TO IDAHO AND BACK AGAIN tilled in several tons of nutrients,

In addition, the workers at the Simiane-la-

gradually bringing the soil pH to

Rotonde farm have responded to changes

7.5—the desired level for lavender.

in climate by irrigating the lavender fields.

From 1985–1991, Gary traveled

This approach has yielded such tremendous

to the lavender capital of the

success that other farmers in the region are

world in Provence, France, and

now following suit.


At the Simiane-la-Rotonde farm, true Young Living lavender flourishes next to struggling native French lavender. ONE OF THE most unique aspects of the Young Living brand is our proprietary Seed to Seal® process, which guides how we cultivate and distill our botanicals to produce our essential oils. It all starts with the botanicals we carefully select to cultivate, from Idaho blue spruce trees growing in pristine Idaho wilderness to our signature lavender from France. When Gary started his St. Maries farm in 1992, he wanted to ensure that this pristine Idaho farmland would offer the best conditions for growing our botanicals; so he aggressively


The reintroduction of St. Maries lavender

Landel, Gary’s partner and the



seeds and the introduction of irrigation have

now-manager of Young Living’s

created a remarkable success. Traditionally, the



lavender planted in Simiane-la-Rotonde would

time he traveled back to the United

bloom and be harvested mid-July. However,

States, he brought back with him Lavandula

the irrigated St. Maries lavender has bloomed

angustifolia—true lavender—seeds. By 1992-1994, he had enough lavender seed to plant 45 acres in St. Maries and excitedly waited to see how well it would grow. Since that time, this lavender crop has been thriving in our picturesque fields in Idaho. 2013 brought a challenging situation in Provence. Due to a drought, the lavender crop throughout the region wasn’t thriving. When Gary visited the farm and saw the struggling fields of lavender, he decided to bring the lavender seeds from the St. Maries farm back to the Simiane-la-Rotonde farm, creating a full circle from where this heirloom seed began its journey.

at least one month earlier and continues to


grow back stronger than ever after harvesting. Jean-Noël says, “Everyone looks up and sees the multiple lavender farms on the hill. What is amazing is right now all you see is one field of lavender in bloom, and it’s ours. People will stop and ask questions; it’s kind of an attraction now.” From Provence, France, to St. Maries, Idaho, and now back to France, our uncompromised true lavender plants continue to be a pure source of our signature Lavender essential oil.

Read the July 2014 story about our true lavender’s journey: bit.ly/lavender2014

Building Your Business


Madison and Tyler Vining are creating their own destiny, realizing their dreams, and loving the Diamond life. This fun, energetic couple from Oklahoma shares their best insights into building a rewarding and lasting legacy with Young Living. to connect with each other. These are the

understanding of the products and their uses

people we will be travelling with for retreats,

is critical when leading others to pursue a

conventions, farm visits, and more; and they

Young Living lifestyle. Attending educational

are with us on this journey for the long haul.

events as often as possible and studying

We are in a social business. We’ve found that the best way to attract people is to be

essential oil reference books are great ways to increase your knowledge.

vulnerable and real with them. As a result of

These ideas make for a great foundation,

the financial blessings of being Young Living

but they have to easily duplicate throughout

members, the adoption of our third and fourth

your team to really work. We strive to ensure

children in one calendar year was possible.

that our members understand the products,

OUR JOURNEY OF pursuing the Young

When we tell this story—and we do often—

the compensation plan, and the right ways to

Living lifestyle and leading our team is changing

people listen. They start thinking about what

share. We also do our best to empower them

our lives, and we’ve done it by focusing on

might be possible for them. We can’t contain

as leaders who are in charge of their success.


our genuine excitement about Young Living

Watching our leaders take ownership of their

and what it has made possible for us, and we

journey has been one of the most satisfying

don’t hold back on our social media platforms.

parts of leading our team.




duplication, and education. The key that unlocks the door to success in network marketing is relationships. It’s

The results have been amazing!

important to pick up the phone and talk,

Before we can really share, though, we have

meet with other members in the comfort of

to have knowledge. We constantly stress to

their homes, and attend Young Living events

our team the importance of education. True


Bold = Newly Qualified


June 2015


CROWN DIAMOND Patricia Gwee (SG)


Tan Kai Hiang (SG) Fee Boey & Nigel Pendrigh (MY) Bonawi, Yonie Yohaini (SG)


Chan Chin Yee (MY) Applied Metaphysics Pte Ltd (SG) Claudia Hofmaier (SG) Constance Marie Aw (SG) Cynthia Teo (SG) Daniel Tze Hui Tan (SG) Faith Teo/Teo Choun Hwee (SG) Ho Chee Hong (SG) Huang Hsiu Keen Geene (SG) Reymond Hartono, Anita Hartono (INDO) Jennifer Sy Lim (MY) Jihan Saleh Kinnear/Ong Kok Loon (SG) Khairul Ariffin (SG) Kim Choo Pang (SG) Linda Siok Lin Poh (SG) Ma Pau Lin (MY) Precious Oils Pte Ltd (SG) Shamala Tan (SG) Sheena Ling (SG) The Light Goes On (SG) Toh Sue Hwa (SG) Yoon Yung Chen (MY) Tseng, Cherie (SG) Zuraida Bte Neti (SG) Yvonne Zee (SG)

GOLD Abu Bakar Tasha/Azlina Bte Abdul Samat (SG) Alice Tze Chiat Soo (MY) Bee Hoon Eng (MY) Chang Lee San (MY) Charlene Tan Yan Jun (SG) Chin Foong Teng (MY) Chin Siew Ling (MY) Chong Han Yen (MY) Chu Sui Lee (MY) Chua Hong Ling (SG) Elke Wollschon (MY) Evariny Andriana (INDO) Fazlina Mansor (SG) Foong Pooi Yee (MY) Alsree Hafiz/Sharifah Samira Salim Alhadi (SG) Ho Sok Ha (MY) Hoi Kok Wai (MY) Liang Lee Choon (MY) Lim Phaik Hoon (MY) Lim Seok Buay Helena (SG) Linda Sia Jia Yen (MY) Luana Navarro (SG) Leung Peggun Hoi Cheuk (SG) Jayesh Parekh (SG) Jelyn Chew (SG) Magdalene Matilda Kline (SG) Marissa Loh (SG) Marlin Widjaja (INDO) Munirah Hanim/Ahmad Jahudi (MY) Nasrullah Amin (SG) Ng Wei Suan (MY) Noorsaadah Noordin/ Roslan Sarpin (SG) Norlizah Ali/ Noor Azhar Parnen (SG) Ow Leonard/Mardiana Ismail (SG) Sarine Rajagukguk (SG) Sie Hun Sim (MY) Siti Zubaidah Mohd Efran (SG) Soh Ai Choo Helena (MY) Stephanie Choo (SG) Susan Toh (SG) The San San (INDO) Teo Sek Jen (SG) Toh Chui Hong (SG) Wan Ab Aziz, Wan Normajidah (MY) Wilson Heng (SG) Yanni Tan (SG) Yuniaty Daun (INDO)

SILVER Abdul Hamid, Sabariyah (SG) Adelene Koh Wei Dee (SG) Adeline Tan Mei Lin (SG) Agustini Putri Wijaya (SG) Alamsja Farida (SG) Alberto Obenza (PH) Andrew Tirtha (INDO) Anita Ramdas (MY) Annie Bee Ling Tan/ Doris Ming Lai Chia (SG) Appuduray Rajanayaki (MY) Audrey Connie Ming Li (SG) Audrey Koh (SG) Aw Hwee Yee Serena (SG) Boey Cai Wei (MY) Boh Yimin Tania (SG) Boon Ling Choy (MY) Chai Chee Ong (MY) Chai Pow Lim (MY) Chai Teck Hoo (MY) Chan, Chin Yee (MY) Chan Hung Ming (MY) Chan, Siew Sin (SG) Chan, Ying Ping (MY) Chandrasekar, Swetha (SG) Chang Gek Noi (SG) Chang Lee Xuan (MY) Cheah Wye Hoong (SG) Chen Siew Kim (MY) Cheng Lee Shiang (SG) Cheng Pei Pei (MY) Chia Puay Hoon (SG) Chia Wan Zhen (SG) Chiang Mei Lan (MY) Chin Pamela Sze-Juen (MY) Chin, Siew Keat (MY) Chin Yee Yeng (MY) Ch’ng, Joanne Sue Imm (MY) Chng Bee Ling (SG) Chong Chee Kwong (MY) Chong Jin Lee (SG) Chong Yee Kwan (MY) Choon Thai Cheong (MY) Christina Wan Huey San (SG) Christine Koh (SG) Chua, Bee Cheng Phyllis (SG) Chua Binte Muhamad Hadi, Amanina Zafirah (SG) Classic Concierge (SG) Cleo Teo Mei Mei (SG) Dadlani Thrishna (SG) David Liew Kian Yuen/Daniel Loke Kuo Chuan (SG) David Lim (INDO) Deanna Koh (SG) Deny Sentosa (SG) Diah Sri Rahayu (SG) Donna Lim (SG) Donna Tan (SG) Dumasi Samosir (INDO) Eileen Gan (SG) Eileen Wong (MY) Elaine Zee (SG) Eleen Tong Yan Ngoh (SG) Elissa Gandakusuma (SG) Elize Tay (SG) Ellen Chan (SG) Elly Yovita Ruslim (SG) Ellyna Tan Lee Hiang (SG) Esmund Chua (SG) Esther Tan Puay Kiang (SG) Ewe Hin Lim (MY) Evelina Camilleri (SG) Fannon, Robert (SG) Fatimah Osman (MY) Fiona Mei Xuan Chin (MY) Fiona Ng Sock Hui (SG) Fiona Sim (SG) Florence Ho (SG) Foh Siew Ching (MY) Foo Kon Kiow (MY) Foo Kwee Hiong (MY) Foo Kwee Chin (MY) Foo Siow Huei (SG) Francis Poon Ngo Lai/Quek Sze Puay (SG) Franziska Redomske (SG) Gabriella Tan (SG) Gan Kuew Lin (MY) Gek Ling Tan-Gledhill (SG) Goh Boon Theng (SG) Goh Chong Lu (SG) Goh, Janice Pei Pei (SG) Goh, Rachel (SG) Goh Siew Kee (MY) Goh Teck Kwee (MY) Goh Yee Ling (MY) Grace Lim Hui Khim (SG) Grace Suriadi (SG) Hairiah Bte Mahmot (SG) Halinah Halil (SG) Hamir, Sharifah Amirah (SG) Hartono, Leo (INDO) Hawa Ahmad (SG) Henny, Linawati Tanu (INDO) Henry Syarifuddin (SG) H R, Budi Santosa (INDO) Ho Ka Sing (MY) Ho Wun Ching (SG) Ho Lai Chan (SG) Hor Lai Kuen (SG) Hwee Boon Koh (SG) Hwei Leng Pang (MY) Hu Jiatao (SG) Inosha, Jayewardene (MY) Jee, Yih Ted (SG) Jessie Meng Lai, Choong (MY) Jessie Neo (SG) Jia Ang Ying (MY) Jiang Jie (SG) Joanna Seah (SG) Joanne Marie Nabonne (SG) Joannie Hoi Peng Chee (SG)

Jocelyn Wei-Lyn Mah (MY) Joelle Teo Ee Pin (SG) Joliene Bridget Chen (SG) Joo Hon Shing (MY) Juak Lai Teo (SG) Judy Ng Ching Jea (MY) Juliet Tan (SG) Juna Poh Siok Chun (SG) Justin Chan Tai Han (MY) Kam Lee Kim (MY) Kam, Shaun (SG) Katherine Baclay (PH) Khong, Heng Weng (SG) Kiew Cha Moi (SG) Kin Chor Hwee, Jackie Beatrix (SG) Kin Peishan (SG) Kirupanithi Pooranavelu (MY) Koh, Sheng Loong Brian (SG) Koh Swee Ming (MY) Koh Zhi Yong (SG) Kooi Lin Chye (MY) Keuk, Chuan Guan (SG) Kui Ai Ngoh (SG) Kun Yam Thong Temple (MY) Kusumodjojo, Cynthia Vitriana (INDO) Kwek, Guek Eng (SG) Lai Wah Kuan (MY) Lai Wei Ling (MY) Laila Bte Mohd Kapi (SG) Latifah Bte Daud (SG) Lau Ngee Boon (MY) Law Chun Hwee Jean (SG) Lee Hock Seng (SG) Lee Hock Soon (SG) Lee Lian Leng Dowin (SG) Lee, Pauline Miin Jiun (SG) Lee Siang Chang (SG) Lee Wai Ching (SG) Lek Chor Sheng (SG) Lena Vincent (SG) Leng, Ng Seow (SG) Leong Fai Kew Amanda/Foo Seck Tuan Ben (SG) Leong Jiun Haur (MY) Leong Kum Gheng (MY) Leong Sau Hoong (MY) Leong Swee Chin (SG) Leung, Pak Hin Anthony (SG) Lew, Ee Wen (SG) Lew, Mei Lin (SG) Li Wong Yah (SG) Lilian Yue Yuen Ng (SG) Lim Chao Feng (MY) Lim, Chiu Lian (SG) Lim, Ee Khim, Evelyn (SG) Lim, Felicia (MY) Lim Hwee Keng (SG) Lim Jean Keng Khoon (SG) Lim Liew Cheok, Christina (MY) Lim Mei Chun (SG) Lim Poh Tin (SG) Lim Tsui Yin, Michele (MY) Lindy Cheong (SG) Ling Ai Teng (MY) Lisa Wijaya (SG) Lisa Ling Siew Fong (MY) Lise Gay Parapak (INDO) Lobaton, Teresa (SG) Loh Li Li (MY) Loh, Mandy (SG) Loh, Wendy (SG) Loo Chai Hoeng (MY) Loo Lee See (MY) Loo Mui Kim (MY) Low Mee Fong (SG) Low, William (SG) Lau Chooi Cheng (MY) Lau Yin Mee (MY) Li Zhi Sheng Kelvin (SG) Lui Mei Chun (MY) Lum Kar Lai (MY) Lum, Kwai Hoi (SG) Margaret Christina Yudhi (INDO) Maria Sundqvist (SG) Marinee Yuprapan (INDO) Marissa Ali (MY) Martin Chua (SG) Maureen Kwek (SG) May Ong (SG) Meera Sen, Mei Li (MY) Mei Hwa Teo (SG) Melanie Chee Yu Ming (MY) Melissa Zecha (MY) Michael Soon Kian Tsan (MY) Michelle Kugan (MY) Michelle Phong Ming Kin (MY) Mindy Lim Seck Lan (SG) Miracle Movement (SG) Misliah Neti (SG) Mohamed Nasruddin Bin Roslan (SG) Mohd Yusman, Muhammad Farhan Bin (SG) Muljadi, Sianne (INDO) Nana Lim Hwee Yong (SG) Nah Lay Geok (SG) Neo Tien Chuan (SG) Ng Geok Siang (MY) Ng Ker Yew (SG) Ng Li Keng (MY) Ng Ooi Wah (MY) Ng Pei Ling (MY) Ng Shooi Hong (MY) Nicole Lynn McCully (SG) Noor Azimah Abu Bakar (SG) Noor Balkis MD Arpan (BN) Nora, Neo Chiu Luan (SG) Noraisha Binte Mohammad Anwar (SG) Norasyikin Binte Roslan (SG) Norazah Binte Abd Aziz (SG) Norizan Roslan (SG) Nur Jannah, Tayib (SG) Nurshida Mohamed (SG)


Nurdian Hamzah (SG) Nurul Hayati Hassan (MY) Nyit Kiew Leong (MY) Omay M George (MY) Ong Cheng Cheng (SG) Ong Jean Wei (MY) Ong Jinghui Clarissa (SG) Ong, Melissa (SG) Ong Poh Suan (SG) Ong Su Sin (MY) Ong Wei Tyug (MY) Pang Sek Yen (MY) Pang Sook Yam (MY) Patrick Lee Kuan Yan (MY) Pian Pian Lim (MY) Png Bee, Nee (SG) Pui Chee Low/Patricia Aevon Yue (SG) Putri, Norce Ika Ayu (SG) Quek Chee Nam (MY) Raja Rahmah Raja Idris (SG) Ratana Yuprapan (INDO) Ratna Mishra (SG) Resources, Abundant Living (MY) Rimba, Yanti (SG) Rita Teo Siok Gek/Henry Pang Kim Leong (SG) Rivina Gianchand (SG) Rosy Tam (MY) Rozitta Ramli (MY) Salim Linda (SG) Sam See Wan Stephanie (SG) Seah Lee Lian (SG) Seet Mei, Leo (SG) Serene Seah (SG) Selena Cheng (SG) Setiabudi, Linda Hartini (INDO) Shahida Binte Johari (SG) Sharifah Filya Izdihar (BN) Sheryl Arun Murthy (SG) Shariffah Syed Ibrahim (SG) Shi Siew Yin (MY) Shiqin Jamie Wong (SG) Shirley Goh (SG) Sim Chong Yan (SG) Siti Nurhidah Sariff (SG) Siti Shyamira Binte Abdul Samat/ Mohammad Shahid (SG) Siti Syariati Binte Sulaiman (SG) Soh Fiona May Leng (SG) Soon Chew Lian (SG) Sri Mulyadi (SG) Su Wei Siong (MY) Sulistyorini, Ita Rahayu (SG) Sum Tong Ng (SG) Syan Yung En (MY) Tai Mui How (SG) Tan Ah Kiat (SG) Tan Ah Pang (SG) Tan Bee Lian (SG) Tan Hwee San (SG) Tan Pwei Kwoon (MY) Tan Seow Teng (SG) Tan Suan Bee (MY) Tan Sze Shuan (MY) Tan Yen-Lyn (SG) Tan Yi Ling Elaine (SG) Tan, Yoong Haw (SG) Tania Kuswandi (SG) Tay Huey Huey (MY) Teh Susy (MY) Teng, Shermagne Sha May (MY) Teo Ai Lin Grace (SG) Teo Keng Huat William (SG) Teo Lee Ming (MY) Teo Teng Hiang (SG) Teoh Phaik Khee (MY) Teoh See See (MY) Teoh Siew Ean (MY) Teoh Sin Pay Shirley (MY) Tham Huey Chi (MY) Theresia Inggrid Manangka (INDO) Thia Woon Ling (SG) Thng Wan Chyi (SG) Ting Tai Yen (MY) Tiow Suw Lian (SG) Tjong Ciu Mei (SG) Toh Chui Ling, Anne (SG) Tok, Cheng (SG) Tona Tuominen (SG) Tshin, See Yun (MY) Tze Ching Soo Alenna (MY) Vi, Tracy (SG) Vivi Natalia (SG) Vivisha Doshi (SG) Voo Lee Fong (MY) Wendy Lee (SG) Wijaya, Merry (SG) Winawati, Husman (INDO) Wong Chen Tong (MY) Wong Chuo Ding (MY) Wong, Clare (SG) Wong Guat Kin (MY) Wong Hup Lee (MY) Wong Kim Chen (MY) Wong Seaw Lian (SG) Wong Siew Yen (MY) Wong Yeong Shyuan (MY) Wong Yet Chin (MY) Wu Ruby Yu Ru (SG) Yao Yap Shwu (MY) Yap Swee Sim (MY) Yeo Khoon Leong (SG) Yeo Tynny Yoke Chir (SG) Yeoh Kim Geng (MY) Yeong Bee Bee (MY) Yurita Pohan (SG) Zhang, Yuyin (SG) Zurainee Kula (MY)

In your community


Region Update

Guest writer Kaitlin Burke is codirector of the Junior Youth Ambassador Program for the World Peace Caravan. She is a devoted wife, sister, and daughter and loves serving others, spending time outdoors, laughing, and educating others about essential oils. DO YOU REMEMBER being a child, when no matter what your faith, ethnicity, or background was, you had the ability to quickly make new friends and joyfully play games with them? The World Peace Caravan (WPC) offers an opportunity for people from around the world to come together and be like children—playing together on the playground of life in peace, not preoccupied by our differences. Now, even if you can’t physically be with us at the caravan in December, you can still play an important role in bringing peace to the world. As a passionate member of the Young Living community, you are invited to bring the ideals of the World Peace Caravan into your local community with the Junior Youth Ambassador Program, codirected by Jacob Young and me. Designed to educate, equip, and empower young people, the Junior Youth Ambassador Program brings the youth of the world together to be a part of the peace solution. This program was created to show young people that they have the power to be the pebble in a pool of water, creating a ripple that changes their community—and the world. The Junior Youth Ambassadors will have the opportunity to join youth from around the world in leading coordinated, local community service projects. The premise of this program is that to inspire global change, individuals must first initiate change in his or her local community. Join us, one loving action and one community at a time. We are looking for youth up to the age of 17, as well as mentors for the Junior Youth Ambassador Program. For more information on how to get involved, please go to WorldPeaceCaravan.org and click on the “Youth Ambassador Program” tab.

Young Living


NORT H E R N L IG H TS : Black spruce harvesting and distilling is moving forward rapidly, providing plenty of Black Spruce essential oil for some of our popular essential oil blends. Some crew members are also out in the fields cutting and distilling the naturally growing ledum.The construction of many onsite facilities is continuing, as crews work tirelessly to complete the entire infrastructure at the beautiful farm in British Columbia. H IGH L A ND F L ATS: The crew at the Highland Flats farm has finished operations for the summer, and most will be moving down to St. Marie’s to help with the melissa and lavender harvests.


72 percent growth in the first quarter of 2015

10 percent membership growth since the last quarter of 2014, with 115 percent growth in leadership (Silver and above)

Top Five Faves: Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense, Thieves, and Purification

Located in the heart of the South China Sea, Malaysia is surrounded by other countries, including Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia. A melting pot of many ethnicities, Malaysia is well known for its diverse cultures and traditions.Young Living Malaysia, which opened in October 2014, is the youngest Young Living office in Southeast Asia, yet already offers a large range of fantastic products. Every quarter, international speakers and leaders like Dr. Peter Minke, Michael McDanel, Kai Tan, and Dr. Lindsey Elmore visit Malaysia to train members and give insightful education. Dr. Dan Purser, Dr. Olivier Wenker, and Dr. David Stewart are all set to visit later this year. In between these major events, the region welcomes other speakers to visit. Just recently, Frances Fuller, the first Royal Crown Diamond in Southeast Asia, shared her experience, knowledge, and business tips with excited members. Young Living Malaysia recognized its first Diamonds, Fee Boey and Nigel Pendrigh, only seven months after the region opened for business! Additionally, there’s an emergence of three new Platinums and a fast-paced rise in the number of Gold and Silver members. Malaysia is definitely a place of extraordinary opportunities!

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The annual Lavender Day celebration in June was a huge hit! With a 5K race, games, entertainment, and food, it was the perfect event for everyone to experience the Young Living farm. Throughout July, both lavender and clary sage will be harvested and distilled.

ST. M A R I E S : Gold-ranking members spent July 9–10 at the St. Marie's farm harvesting melissa. During the end of July, the acres of beautiful lavender will also be harvested and distilled. EC UA D OR : The crew at the Ecuador farm continues to distill ylang ylang and palo santo daily, as well as ocotea on a recurring basis (around 10 days). The harvest has begun on dorado azul and mastrante. Additionally, our Ecuador farm recently exported over 1,700 lbs. of Dorado Azul, Palo Santo, Lemongrass, Eucalyptus Blue, and Ylang Ylang essential oil.


Singapore July 2015 Issue



It was a Saturday of wellness wisdom as Dr. Dan Purser shared his insights on women’s and men’s wellness from his decades of medical experience. Held at Peridot Rooms 202-205 at Max Atria @ Singapore Expo on the 11th of July, the talking point of Young Living’s Q3 Southeast Asia tour were hormones and how Young Living essential oils can help to support women’s and men’s wellness issues. The 400-strong audience certainly got their worth of medical insights as Dr. Dan Purser encouraged everyone to go deeper into their wellness issues and to not be afraid to ask the hard questions pertaining to their health. Also a Medical Consultant of Young Living, Dr. Purser was instrumental in the development of one of Young Living’s bestselling products - Progessence Phyto Plus, and everyone were presented with an in-depth view of how the product helps with women’s wellness

Dr. Purser takes the stage

The men were also not forgotten - Dr. Purser explained details about the male hormone testosterone and its vital links in ensuring the wellness of men. Dr. Purser’s belief in natural replacements for certain therapies was prevalent during the enriching talk, and it was a wonderful reminder to our members on the effectiveness and benefits of Young Living products in supporting overall wellness and balance to the human body. Like the Young Living Facebook page (www.facebook.com/youngliving.sg) to view the event photos and follow the latest updates.

Q&A session with the audience

Answering audience questions

Sharing stories about favourite oils

Our youngest audience members!

Our latest Diamond - Yonie Bonawi!

Recognizing our newly-promoted Platinums

“Say cheese!” A fun shot for Dr. Purser’s scrapbook

General Manager Will Halterman handing out gifts


Dr. Purser with two audience members

Singapore July 2015 Issue

As Silver in Six Year 4 continues, we are happy to congratulate the region’s newest achievers who have reached their goals in less than six months! Each of them has qualified to receive their very own Aroma Complete Kit. Congratulations to our latest Silver in Six Qualifiers:

As of June 2015 Jee, Yih Ted, Silver in Six Achiever (SG) Advanced to the rank of Silver within 2 months of becoming Executive Kin Peishan, Silver in Six Achiever (SG) Advanced to the rank of Silver within 3 months of becoming Executive Lek Chor Sheng, Silver in Six Achiever (SG) Advanced to the rank of Silver within 4 months of becoming Executive Lim Ee Khim Evelyn, Silver in Six Achiever (SG) Advanced to the rank of Silver within 5 months of becoming Executive Eileen Wong, Silver in Six Achiever (MY) Advanced to the rank of Silver within 4 months of becoming Executive Inosha, Jayewardene, Silver in Six Achiever (MY) Advanced to the rank of Silver within 2 months of becoming Executive Meera Sen, Mei Li, Silver in Six Achiever (MY) Advanced to the rank of Silver within 2 months of becoming Executive Tshin, See Yun, Silver in Six Achiever (MY) Advanced to the rank of Silver within 1 month of becoming Executive


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