Young Living Product Guide UK

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Product Guide 1

Mary Young (Executive Vice President) and Gary Young (Founder and President) 2

Product Guide


Contents Welcome....................................................................................................................... 2 Farms around the World...................................................................................... 6 Essential Oils.............................................................................................................. 8 Singles........................................................................................................................... 9 Using Essential Oils..............................................................................................19 Blends..........................................................................................................................20 Roll-Ons......................................................................................................................30 Start Living Kits......................................................................................................32 Essential Rewards Autoships...........................................................................34 Accessories & Collections.................................................................................36 Diffusers.....................................................................................................................40 Essential Nutrition................................................................................................44 NingXia Red..............................................................................................................50 Essential Personal Care.......................................................................................54 Massage Oils.............................................................................................................60 A.R.T Skin Care.......................................................................................................62 Thieves/Oral Care..................................................................................................64 Essential Education..............................................................................................68 The Vita Flex Chart...............................................................................................74 The Raindrop Technique....................................................................................76 Index............................................................................................................................78

Welcome to Young Living Europe Essential Oils As a global leader in the development of nature’s purest products, Young Living offers unique solutions for cultivating lifestyles of wellness, purpose, and abundance. With formulations based on the wisdom of ancient traditions and the best of modern science, our YLTG quality essential oils and oilenhanced nutritional supplements represent one of the most effective wellness products on the market. This guide is your key to taking advantage of the vast product line Young Living offers. From our essential oils and oil blends to nutritional supplements and lifestyle enhancements, there’s a solution for each concern. There are many ways to take advantage of Young Living’s unique approach to wellness and a place for everyone in the Young Living community. Some choose to purchase our products from our Independent Distributors at retail prices, while others opt to join us as preferred customers or become representatives themselves. You will notice that each level of participation is rewarded with substantial price savings. Whether you’re interested in simply trying our natural products or would like the benefits of purchasing at wholesale, we welcome you to the family!


Who we are

What we stand for

Young Living Essential Oils is an internationally established company that is world renowned for its exceptionally high-quality products, which include essential oils, dietary supplements, personal care products, and other unique solutions for healthy lifestyles.

Young Living Essential Oils is dedicated to uniting ancient traditions and modern science to produce the highest-quality essential oils and oil-enhanced products in the world. We empower individuals and families to achieve their highest potential and enjoy increased physical, mental, emotional, and financial health.

Recognised as a global leader in natural health products, Young Living has perfected the art and science of essential oils and continues to be the foremost leader in aromatherapy. For well over a decade, Young Living has been leading the way in unlocking the health secrets of antiquity. The most advanced civilisations of the ancient world—the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Chinese—relied upon the vast power of pure plant essential oils to increase and maintain a healthy body and a strong mind.

Our products Young Living’s exceptional products are helping people live healthier, more balanced lives. Based upon cutting-edge scientific research, Young Living has combined the health secrets of the ages with state-of-the-art technology to produce ground-breaking new products.

D. Gary Young is the Founder and President of Young Living Essential Oils. He has spent over twenty-five years researching natural ways to preserve health and has travelled extensively throughout Europe, the Middle East, India, and Pakistan in pursuit of that quest. He has become one of the foremost authorities on the medicinal use of essential oils in North America.

The essential oils in Young Living’s collection, which are freshly cultivated and steam distilled, are life-enhancing gifts from the plant kingdom. Essential oils have been revered for centuries for their beneficial properties to body, mind, and spirit and are now re-emerging as a key solution to the wellness challenges facing our modern lifestyles.

Over the years, Gary’s knowledge of natural medicine and essential oils has become enormously valuable to countless people throughout the world. “Essential oils have already transformed the way we deal with illness and aging, and they are continuing to revolutionise natural medicine,” states Gary Young.

One of the greatest threats to health care in our fast-paced society is the highly processed, chemical, fat, and sugar-laden foods eaten on a daily basis. To meet today’s dietary needs, Young Living manufactures and sells the highest-quality food and dietary supplements, which are enriched with our pure essential oils. All Young Living food products contain nutrient-dense, natural, whole ingredients and are free of artificial sweeteners. Our company prides itself on the quality and performance of its products.


What we do As a global leader in the research and development of innovative essential oil products, Young Living continues to set the pace for the alternative health care industry. Using the highest-quality essential oils and cutting-edge technology, Young Living has developed new lines of products designed to help people of every age live healthier and happier lives. Our high-tech laboratory and production facility ensure that every Young Living product consistently leads the industry in purity, quality, and effectiveness.

What this means to you After enjoying Young Living’s products and becoming convinced of their unique and powerful benefits, you will naturally be motivated to share the products with others. Your shared enthusiasm and product success stories will encourage and enable others to join you in achieving far greater personal health and fitness. Founded on a base of Independent Distributors, Young Living is bringing longevity and prosperity into perfect harmony through life-enhancing products of unrivaled quality and a business opportunity based upon helping people succeed. Ideally, all independent network marketing businesses have three basic phases of development: getting started, growing and expanding, and leading a vibrant organisation toward increased success. Young Living has developed a generous Compensation Plan that makes it possible for all its distributors, regardless of the phase their individual businesses are in, to succeed and flourish.


Young Living is: 1. A solid, international company guided by a team of seasoned executives; 2. A global leader in the cultivation, distillation, and production of pure YLTG essential oils; 3. Selling products in different foreign markets; 4. Poised and prepared for tremendous additional international growth; 5. Producer of the proprietary blend NingXia Red™ — A great antioxidant packed drink; 6. Firmly based with more than 125,000 Independent Distributors worldwide; 7. Owner of several thousand acres of herbal farmland in France, Idaho, Utah and Ecuador; 8. The first company to combine essential oils with dietary supplements; and 9. Endorsed by medical professionals.

Young Living’s compensation plan benefits: 1. No inventory requirements. 2. Payouts are structured to maximise income at every level and facilitate the growth and stability of everyone’s organisation, regardless of rank. 3. New distributors are quickly rewarded for their efforts. Now is the time to jump on board and join a rapidly expanding international company with enormous growth potential. With unparalleled products and a universal business opportunity, Young Living Essential Oils will give you the freedom to enjoy more of life! Achieve your dreams of health and prosperity with Young Living Essential Oils.

Welcome to the exciting world of Young Living! 7

Farms around the World At Young Living, we believe that the earth has provided everything mankind needs for healthy living. The essential ingredients for maintaining a healthy physical condition and mental state are right before our eyes. We can see them blowing in the breeze and shining brilliantly in the distance; some of Mother Nature’s most powerful remedies are born from the plant kingdom. Within certain “aromatic” plants flow essential oils, the embodiment of nature’s living energy and the reason our company exists. As stewards of nature’s living energy, Young Living assumes responsibility for the proper cultivation, guidance, handling, and instruction of essential oils. This includes maintaining strict standards of quality, promoting worldwide awareness, and providing ongoing educational opportunities for our distributors and the community at large. Our dedication comes from the early vision of Young Living’s founder, D. Gary Young.

SIMIANE LA ROTONDE, FRANCE Young Living’s European farm is in Simiane-la-Rotonde, France. Simiane-la-Rotonde is located in Provence, a region of France renowned for its beauty, fresh-food crops, fragrant lavender fields, and summer-long festivals. Some of the natives believe that the scent of lavender exerts its calming, uplifting effects on the villages and people of the area, encouraging feelings of joyful celebration.





Located near the small logging town of St. Maries, Idaho, Gary discovered a pristine valley that had never been plowed or subjected to harsh chemicals, pesticides, or fertilizers. In 1992, Gary purchased 160 acres and began harvesting lavender, peppermint, and tansy. In the town named after the biblical Marys, canonized as saints, there is minimal risk of contamination from aerial pesticide spraying and irrigation runoff from neighboring farms; it’s an idyllic place to produce therapeutic-grade essential oils.

In 1995, Gary purchased an additional 138 acres of farmland in Mona, Utah. Nestled between Mt. Nebo and the Mona Reservoir in the central part of the state, the farm currently boasts approximately 1,600 acres, 120 of which showcase vibrant lavender fields during the months of June and July. The Young Living Lavender Farm in Mona also highlights fields of chamomile, peppermint, hyssop, helichrysum, and clary sage, all used in distilling oils for Young Living Essential Oils’ health and wellness products.

As stewards of nature’s living energy, Young Living assumes the responsibility of maintaining an ample supply of plants and suitable farmland to sustain the long-term production of essential oils. We are constantly looking to the future in search of new plants for the development of new oils that will benefit mankind. With its extremely fertile ground and yearround growing season, Guayaquil, Ecuador, is the newest location where Gary is currently cultivating a farm. Our Guayaquil farm, in tandem with those in the US and France, will provide Young Living with an ongoing source for oils that are in critically short supply around the world.


Essential Oils Throughout history essential oils have been used for their healthpromoting properties. Young Living has devoted nearly twenty years to rediscovering and sharing nature’s living energy, and the fruit of these labors can be found on the following pages. Distilled from only the purest, most potent sources, Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils are revered for their restorative properties to the mind, body, and spirit. Cleansing, calming, stimulating, and soothing, oils can be used for aromatherapy and massage.


Essential oils | Pure, potent plant remedies

Singles Carefully cultivated, steam distilled, and always 100% pure, the essential oils in our extensive collection are life-enhancing gifts from the plant kingdom, revered for centuries for their restorative properties to body, mind, and spirit. Under Young Living’s stewardship, pure essential oils are now re-emerging as a key solution to the challenges facing modern lifestyles. Cleansing, calming, stimulating, and soothing, Young Living’s therapeutic-grade essential oils deliver positive benefits to the body as aromatherapy and through massage.


Essential oils | Singles Balsam Fir (Idaho) Abies balsamea Balsam Fir (Idaho) is a conifer oil distilled in northern Idaho that has a refreshing and uplifting scent. Used in massage, it has a soothing effect on muscle and body discomfort associated with exercise. Code 331608 15 ml

Clary Sage Salvia sclarea Clary sage essential oil contains natural phytoestrogens. It has a mellow, warm, herbal scent that is uplifting and relaxing, making it a perfect choice for supporting a normal, healthy attitude during PMS. It is also supportive for menopausal women. Code 352108 15 ml

Clove Syzygium aromaticum Basil Ocimum basilicum Basil has a strong, spicy aroma that is invigorating to both body and spirit. Used topically, it can help refresh the mind and restore mental alertness. In massage, it can be relaxing to aching muscles. Code 350008 15 ml

Clove is a sweet, spicy fragrance that is stimulating and revitalising. An important ingredient in our Thieves blend due to its wonderful immune-enhancing features, clove’s principal constituent is eugenol, an element that is used in the dental industry to numb gums. Clove is the highest-scoring single ingredient ever tested for its antioxidant capacity on the ORAC scale. Caution: Check with a physician before using if taking blood-thinning medication.

Code 352408 15 ml

Copaiba Copaifera Reticulata Cedarwood Cedrus atlantica Cedarwood has a warm cedar aroma. It is relaxing and soothing when used for massage. Cedarwood has a long history of use as a beneficial ingredient in cosmetic preparations for oily skin. Code 350908 15 ml

Copaiba is the only essential oil extracted through tapping, similar to how rubber and maple are obtained. Once tapped, the copaiba resin is distilled to produce a clear essential oil that has a rich, uplifting, woody scent. Historically copaiba was used to help relieve joint discomfort and help support the body’s natural response to irritation and injury. Caution: Check with a physician before using if taking blood-thinning medication.

Code: 343108 15 ml


Essential oils | Singles Cypress Cupressus sempervirens Cypress is a fresh, herbaceous, slightly evergreen aroma which refreshes, restores, and tones. Comforting during the cold season, it also supports the digestive and respiratory systems and is good for oily or troubled skin. Code 353008 15 ml

Elemi Canarium luzonicum Elemi has a spicy, incense-like scent that is soft and somewhat balsamic. A member of the same botanical family as frankincense and myrrh, it has been used traditionally in Europe for the skin. Elemi is highly regarded for reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles, skin support, and for soothing muscles after exercise. Code 354008 15 ml

Eucalyptus Globulus Eucalyptus globulus has a fresh, penetrating scent. It contains a high percentage of the constituent eucalyptol, a key ingredient in many mouth rinses. Applied to the skin, it is often used to support the respiratory system and to soothe muscles after exercise. Code 353908 15 ml

Eucalyptus Radiata Eucalyptus radiata is cooling, refreshing, and energising. Lighter in smell than Eucalyptus globulus, it has many of the same supportive properties. Because it is relatively gentle and non-irritating, it is the preferred choice for children. This variety is one of the most versatile of the eucalyptus oils and is suitable for topical use, diffusing, and even direct inhalation. It has long been an ingredient in some of Young Living’s most popular blends. Code 353808 15 ml

Frankincense Boswellia carteri Eucalyptus Blue Eucalyptus Blue™ has a fresh, invigorating aroma that supports normal breathing and soothes tense muscles. This essential oil is grown and harvested in Ecuador. This essential oil contains high levels of the powerful constituents eucalyptol and alpha-pinene. Code 359708 5 ml

Frankincense is a sweet, warm, balsamic aroma that is stimulating and elevating to the mind. Useful for visualising, improving one’s spiritual connection, and centring, it has comforting properties that help with focusing the mind and overcoming stress and despair. Frankincense is considered a holy anointing oil in the Middle East, where it has been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years. More recently, it has been used in European and American hospitals and is the subject of substantial research. Frankincense is also a valuable ingredient in skin care products for aging and dry skin. The ancient Egyptians used it in rejuvenation face masks. Code 354808 15 ml


Essential oils | Singles Geranium Pelargonium graveolens Geranium has a wonderfully uplifting, calming, flowery scent. It is excellent for the skin, and its aromatic influence helps release negative memories. Used traditionally to support the circulatory and nervous systems, a great deal of its strength lies in its ability to revitalise body tissues. Code 355408 15 ml

Ginger Zingiber officinale Ginger has a warm, spicy fragrance that is energising. Supportive of the digestive system, ginger is commonly used to soothe, comfort, and balance digestive discomfort. It may also be used to enhance the flavour of foods. Code 355708 5 ml

Helichrysum Helichrysum italicum Helichrysum has a fresh, earthy, herbaceous scent that lifts the spirit. Helichrysum flowers are commonly called Everlasting or Immortelle. While the reference to long life made by these names may have come about because the flowers dry without losing their colour and beauty, it could just as well refer to the amazing properties of the oil, which has a wide range of applications. Code 356308 5 ml

Jasmine Jasminum officinale Jasmine has a warm, exotic, floral fragrance that relaxes, soothes, uplifts, and enhances self-confidence. Jasmine is beneficial for the skin. It has been used throughout history for romance and attraction and for balancing the feminine energy of the body. Code 356908 5 ml

Grapefruit Citrus paradisi Grapefruit has a fresh, citrusy aroma that is energising and uplifting. Rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene, it is good for skin, and like many cold-pressed citrus oils, it has unique fat-impacting characteristics. Caution: Citrus oils should not be applied to skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light within 48 hours.

Code 356008 15 ml


Juniper Juniperus osteosperma and scopulorum Juniper has a clean, mildly penetrating, woody scent that has a cleansing effect on the mind, spirit, and body. It is beneficial to the skin and the urinary system. Code 357208 15 ml

Essential oils | Singles Lavender Lavandula angustifolia Lavender has a fresh, sweet, floral, herbaceous aroma that is soothing and refreshing. Because it is the most versatile of all essential oils, no home should be without it. It is great for winding down before bedtime, yet has balancing properties that make it just as beneficial for boosting stamina and energy. Lavender is highly regarded for skin and beauty. Code 357508 15 ml

Lemon Citrus limon Lemon has a strong, clean, purifying citrus scent that is revitalising and uplifting. It consists of 68 percent d-limonene, a powerful antioxidant. It is delightfully refreshing in water and may be beneficial for the skin. Caution: Citrus oils should not be applied to skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light within 48 hours.

Myrrh Commipihora myrrha Myrrh has a rich, smoky, balsamic aroma that is purifying, restorative, revitalising, and uplifting. It is a helpful aid for meditation, having one of the highest levels of sesquiterpenes available. Sesquiterpenes are a class of compounds that have a direct effect on the seat of our emotions. Myrrh is referenced throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. The Arabian people used it for wrinkled, chapped, and cracked skin. Today, myrrh is widely used in oral hygiene products. Code 359308 15 ml

Marjoram Origanum majorana Marjoram has a woody, spicy, camphoraceous aroma. A calming oil, it has a warming effect on both mind and body. It soothes tense muscles after exercise and is beneficial for occasional simple nervous tension. Code 358408 15 ml

Code 357808 15 ml

Lemongrass Cymbopogon flexuosus Lemongrass has a light, fresh, citrus aroma with earthy undertones. Refreshing, rejuvenating, stimulating, and balancing, it inspires and improves mental clarity. Lemongrass has a high score of 17,765 on the antioxidant ORAC scale developed at Tufts University. Research was published in Phytotherapy Research regarding the powerful properties of topically applied lemongrass.

Melaleuca Alternifolia Melaleuca alternifolia is highly regarded as an essential oil with a wide range of uses. It is beneficial for the skin. Code 358708 15 ml

Code 358108 15 ml


Essential oils | Singles Melissa Melissa officinalis Melissa has a light, fresh, lemony scent that is strengthening and revitalising, yet soothing and calming. It was an important ingredient in Carmelite water (distilled in France since 1611 by members of the Carmelite Order). Several studies report that Melissa may benefit the skin. It is also comforting during the winter season.

Oregano Origanum compactum Oregano has a heavy, spicy, pungent aroma that creates feelings of security. Code 360508 15 ml

Code 358908 5 ml

Ocotea Ocotea quixos

Palo Santo Bursera graveolens

Extracted from an Ecuadorian tree, ocotea has high levels of alpha humulene of any YLTG, which is a compound that helps aid the body’s natural response to irritation and discomfort. Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of the reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition please consult a health care practitioner prior to use.

Palo santo (Bursera graveolens) comes from the same botanical family (Burseraceae) as frankincense, although it is found in South America rather than the Middle East. Like frankincense, palo santo is known as a spiritual oil, traditionally used by the Incas to purify and cleanse the spirit from negative energies. Even its Spanish name reflects how highly this oil is regarded: Palo santo means “holy wood” or “sacred wood.”

Code: 355608 5 ml

Code 360708 5 ml

Orange Citrus sinensis Orange has a rich, citrusy scent that lifts the spirit while providing a calming influence. Orange brings peace and happiness to the mind; it is rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene. Caution: Citrus oils should not be applied to skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light within 48 hours.

Code 360208 15 ml


Patchouli Pogostemon cablin Patchouli, sometimes called “the scent of the sixties,” has a musky, earthy, exotic aroma. In Eastern cultures, it is commonly used around the house to provide general support for health and to help release negative emotions. It is very beneficial for the skin, helping to reduce a wrinkled or chapped appearance. Patchouli is a general tonic that supports the digestive system and soothes occasional queasiness. Code 360808 15 ml

Essential oils | Singles Peppermint Mentha piperita Peppermint has a strong, clean, fresh, minty aroma and is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs. Jean Valnet, M.D., studied peppermint’s effect on the liver and respiratory systems. Other scientists have also researched peppermint’s role in improving taste and smell when inhaled. Dr. William N. Dember of the University of Cincinnati studied peppermint’s ability to improve concentration and mental activity. Alan Hirsch, M.D., studied peppermint’s ability to directly affect the brain’s satiety centre, which triggers a sensation of fullness after meals.

Rose Rosa damascena Rose has a beautiful, strong floral and sweet fragrance that is intoxicating and highly romantic. It helps bring balance and harmony with stimulating and uplifting properties that create a sense of well-being and self-confidence. Used for skin care for thousands of years, it is perfect for dry or aging skin. Code 362308 5 ml

Code 361408 15 ml

Pine Pinus sylvestris Pine has a refreshing, invigorating aroma. First investigated by Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, pine is used in massage for stressed muscles and joints. It shares many of the same properties as Eucalyptus Globulus, and the action of both oils is enhanced when they are blended. Avoid oil adulterated with turpentine, a low-cost but potentially hazardous filler. Code 361808 15 ml

Roman Chamomile Chamaemelum nobile Roman chamomile has a warm, sweet, herbaceous scent that is relaxing and calming for both mind and body. Its gentleness makes it especially valuable for restless children. Soothing to all types of skin, it is used extensively in Europe in skin preparations. Roman chamomile is also beneficial when added to massage oil for relief of muscle discomfort after exercise. Roman chamomile was one of the Saxons nine sacred herbs.

Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary has a fresh, herbaceous, sweet, slightly medicinal aroma. An energising oil, it may be beneficial for helping to restore mental alertness when experiencing fatigue. It is also a popular ingredient in skin and hair care products. Caution: Do not use on children under 4 years of age.

Code 362608 15 ml

Sage Salvia officinalis Sage has a spicy, herbaceous aroma. It has been recognised for its ability to strengthen the senses and vital centres of the body. Sage may help in coping with despair and mental fatigue. It is used traditionally in Europe for the skin and to cleanse and purify the home from negative influences. Code 363208 15 ml

Code 351208 5 ml


Essential oils | Singles Sandalwood Santalum album Sandalwood has a rich, sweet, warm, and woody aroma that is sensual and romantic. Used traditionally as incense in religious ceremonies and for meditation, it is uplifting and relaxing. It is valued in skin care for its moisturising and normalising properties. Code 363408 5 ml

Valerian Valeriana officinalis Valerian root has been used for thousands of years for its calming, grounding, and emotionally balancing influences. During the last three decades, it has been clinically investigated for its relaxing properties. Researchers have pinpointed the sesquiterpenes, valerenic acid, and valerone as the active constituents that exert a calming and restorative effect on the central nervous system. German health authorities have pronounced valerian to be an effective aid for the body’s needs. Code 364808 5 ml

Tangerine Citrus reticulata Tangerine is a calming essential oil with a sweet, tangy aroma, similar to orange. It helps with occasional nervous irritability. An excellent oil to help uplift the spirit and bring about a sense of security, tangerine is also rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene. Tangerine may also be used to enhance the flavour of food. Caution: Tangerine should not be applied to skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light within twelve hours.

Code 364408 15 ml


Vetiver Vetiveria zizanoides Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides) has a heavy, earthy fragrance similar to patchouli with a touch of lemon. Vetiver oil is psychologically grounding, calming, and stabilising. One of the oils that is highest in sesquiterpenes, vetiver was studied by Dr. Terry Friedmann for improving children’s behaviour. Vetiver may help when coping with stress and to recover from emotional trauma and shock. Code 365108 5 ml

Thyme Thymus vulgaris

Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens

Thyme has a spicy, warm, herbaceous aroma that is both powerful and penetrating. Known since ancient times, thyme contains large amounts of thymol. It is one of the strongest antioxidants known.

Wintergreen has a sweet, minty scent. It contains the same active ingredient (methyl salicylate) as birch and is beneficial in massage for soothing head tension and muscles after exercising.

Code 365008 15 ml

Code 365808 15 ml

Ylang Ylang Cananga odorata Ylang Ylang is a sweet, soft, flowery fragrance that has made it a romantic favourite. In Indonesia, the petals are often strewn across a marriage bed. Ylang Ylang is extremely effective in calming and bringing about a sense of relaxation, and it may help with releasing feelings of anger, tension, and nervous irritability. It has a long history in skin and hair care products, particularly in Asia, where it is used to promote luxuriant hair. Code 365908 15 ml



Using Essential Oils Essential oils have been used throughout time dating back to 4500 BC. From perfumes and pleasant aromas to medicinal purposes, essential oils were used in everyday life for centuries. In modern days, research shows that pure essential oils can provide similar benefits to humans and animals that they give to plants.

Aromatherapy Direct inhalation: Directly inhale the oil from the bottle. Diffusion: Use Young Living’s Essential Oil Diffuser to disperse oil in a micro-fine vapor into the air. Humidifier: Fill a humidifier with water then place a tissue or cloth, sprinkled with a few drops of oil, in front of the escaping vapor. Steam: Place a few drops of oil in hot water, cover your head and the container with a towel, and breathe deeply and slowly.

On skin application Direct: Essential oils can be applied directly to the crown of the head, to the temples, behind the ears, over vital organs, to the feet, and on many other locations. Dilution may be required. Massage: Essential oils can be used before, during, and after therapeutic massage. Perfume: With natural, earthy, and exotic aromas, essential oils can also be worn as perfume.


Essential Oil Blends Drawing on the wisdom of ancient traditions and the best of modern science, Young Living Founder and President, Gary Young, has spent decades formulating our 100% pure YLTG essential oil blends. Carefully combined to address an array of health concerns and emotional challenges, our essential oil blends are unique to Young Living Essential Oils窶馬owhere else will you find such effective wellness solutions. With their exclusive formulations, these blends are a key foundation for individuals pursuing a healthy lifestyle.


Essential oils | Pure, potent plant remedies

Blends Carefully cultivated, steam distilled, and always 100% pure, the essential oils in our extensive collection are life-enhancing gifts from the plant kingdom, revered for centuries for their restorative properties to body, mind, and spirit. Under Young Living’s stewardship, pure essential oils are now re-emerging as a key solution to the challenges facing modern lifestyles. Cleansing, calming, stimulating, and soothing, Young Living’s therapeutic-grade essential oils deliver positive benefits to the body as aromatherapy and through massage.


Essential oils | Blends Abundance Abundance™ was created to enhance the frequency of the harmonic magnetic energy field that surrounds us. This higher frequency creates what is called “the law of attraction”, which refers to the things we attract to ourselves. Abundance opens us to a wealth of possibilities.

Aroma Siez

Essential oils: Orange, frankincense, patchouli, clove, ginger, myrrh, cinnamon bark, spruce

Essential oils: Basil, cypress, peppermint, lavender, marjoram

Aroma Siez™ was designed for massaging away muscle and body discomfort associated with exercise. It also provides soothing comfort for head, neck, and tired feet. Code 330908 15 ml

Code 330008 15 ml

Acceptance Acceptance™ stimulates the mind with oils specially blended to promote feelings of accepting ourselves and others, regardless of perceived barriers. This blend also helps overcome procrastination and denial. Essential oils: Rosewood, frankincense, sandalwood, geranium, blue tansy, neroli* Code 330308 5 ml

Awaken Awaken™ is an inspiring combination of several essential oil blends that helps bring about inner awareness and awakening. True understanding of one’s self is the first step toward making successful changes and desirable transitions. This blend may help you progress toward your highest potential. Essential oils: Joy, present time, harmony, forgiveness, dream catcher Code 331208 15 ml


Essential oils: Cypress, ylang ylang, helichrysum, marjoram

Believe™ is an uplifting blend of essential oils that have a steadying, balancing effect on emotions, helping you to overcome feelings of despair and move beyond them to a higher level of awareness. It helps release the unlimited potential everyone possesses, making it possible to experience health, happiness, and vitality more fully.

Code 330608 15 ml

Essential oils: Balsam fir (Idaho), rosewood, frankincense

Aroma Life Aroma Life™ provides soothing support for the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. It contains essential oils that help to relax the body.

Code 333108 15 ml


Essential oils | Blends Brain Power Brain Power™ contains essential oils that are high in sesquiterpenes, natural oxygenating compounds, to give your brain a boost. Use it to clarify thought and support concentration. Essential oils: Sandalwood, melissa, helichrysum, cedarwood, blue cypress, frankincense, lavender Code 330908 5 ml

Common Sense Common Sense™ essential oil is a proprietary blend of Young Living essential oils formulated to enhance rational decision-making abilities leading to increased wellness, purpose, and abundance. Essential oils: Frankincense, ylang ylang, ocotea, golden rod, ruta, dorado azul, lime Code 309108 5 ml

Citrus Fresh Citrus Fresh™ is a relaxing, calming blend loved by children and adults alike. Rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene, it brings about a sense of well -being, creativity and feelings of joy. It also works as an air purifier.

Di-Gize Di-Gize™ is a food supplement that helps support a healthy digestive system.

Caution: Citrus oils should not be applied to skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light within 48 hours.

Essential oils: Tarragon, ginger, peppermint, juniper, fennel, lemongrass, anise, patchouli

Essential oils: Orange, grapefruit, mandarin, tangerine, lemon, spearmint

Code 332408 15 ml

Code 331808 15 ml

Clarity Clarity™ promotes a clear mind and alertness. It contains stimulating oils, including peppermint and rosemary, which have been used for many years to promote mental activity. A study performed by Dr. William N. Dember of the University of Cincinnati found that inhaling peppermint oil increased the mental accuracy of students by 28 percent. Clarity can also be used to help restore mental alertness or wakefulness when you are experiencing fatigue or drowsiness. Essential oils: Basil, rosewood, roman chamomile, cardamom, geranium, jasmine*, rosemary, lemon, palmarosa, peppermint, bergamot, ylang ylang

Dragon Time Dragon Time™ is a blend of calming and soothing essential oils, including clary sage, which contains natural phytoestrogens. Its balancing properties make it a perfect choice for supporting a normal, healthy attitude. Dragon Time is recommended for teenagers and young women. Essential oils: Clary sage, lavender, yarrow, fennel, marjoram, jasmine* Code 332708 15 ml

code 332108 15 ml


Essential oils | Blends Gentle Baby EndoFlex EndoFlex™ helps maintain overall vitality through a combination of essential oils. Essential oils: Spearmint, myrtle, german chamomile, geranium, sage, nutmeg Code 333308 15 ml

Gentle Baby™ is a soft, fragrant combination of essential oils designed specifically for mothers and babies. It helps calm emotions during pregnancy and is useful for quieting troubled little ones. It is also soothing to tender skin. Many of the essential oils in this blend are used in elite cosmetics to enhance a youthful appearance. Caution: This blend contains bergamot and lemon, which are photosensitive; do not apply to skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light within forty-eight hours.

Essential oils: Geranium, jasmine*, ylang ylang, rosewood, rose, roman chamomile lemon, bergamot, lavender, palmarosa Code 334508 15 ml

En-R-Gee En-R-Gee™ revitalises with a blend of stimulating oils that have been used traditionally to help restore mental alertness. Uplifting and strengthening as the name suggests, it boosts energy. Essential oils: Rosemary, nutmeg, pepper, juniper, clove, balsam fir (idaho), lemongrass Code 333608 15 ml

Gratitude Gratitude™ is a soothing blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils designed to elevate the spirit, calm emotions, and bring relief to the body while helping to foster a grateful attitude. Essential oils: Rosewood, galbanum, balsam fir (Idaho), frankincense, myrrh, ylang ylang Code 334608 5 ml

Forgiveness Forgiveness™ contains a synergistic blend of soothing and uplifting essential oils that may enhance the ability to release hurtful memories and move beyond emotional barriers. The process of growth can only proceed when we have the ability to forgive and let go of negative emotions. Essential oils: Melissa, angelica, bergamot, geranium, lavender, ylang ylang, frankincense, lemon, palmarosa, rosewood, jasmine*, helichrysum, sandalwood, rose, roman chamomile Code 333908 5 ml


Grounding Grounding™ is a relaxing and balancing blend of essential oils that provides a stabilizing influence. Emotional chaos can lead to poor decisions. Grounding helps you cope with reality in a positive manner. Essential oils: White fir, pine, angelica, spruce, cedarwood, juniper, ylang ylang Code 334808 5 ml

Essential oils | Blends Harmony

Inner Child

Harmony™ is an exquisite blend that promotes physical and emotional well-being by bringing harmonic balance to the energy centres of the body. This allows energy to flow more efficiently. Emotional blockages are the source of many problems. The liberating, balancing, and calming essential oils in this blend open us to new possibilities while contributing to an overall feeling of well-being. As a bonus, they are also beneficial for reducing stress.

Inner Child™ opens the pathway to connecting with the inner self that may have been damaged through childhood misuse or abuse. When children have been abused, they become disconnected from their natural identity, or inner child. This causes confusion and can contribute to undesirable personality traits. The sweet fragrance of this blend may stimulate memory response and help reconnect with the authentic self, which is one of the first steps toward finding emotional balance.

Essential oils: Lavender, geranium, roman chamomile, sandalwood, spruce, bergamot, ylang ylang, hyssop, palmarosa, frankincense, spanish sage, rose, orange, rosewood, angelica, jasmine*

Caution: Possible sun/skin sensitivity.

Code 335108 15 ml

Code 336008 5 ml

Essential oils: Orange, jasmine, spruce, tangerine, sandalwood, neroli, ylang ylang, lemongrass

Highest Potential Highest Potential™ is an exotic blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils designed to increase your capacity to achieve your highest potential. It combines the uplifting and inspirational qualities of Australian Blue, with the power of Gathering to help bring greater unity of purpose. Jasmine is added to enhance self-confidence, while ylang ylang calms, soothes, and helps release feelings that might otherwise get in the way. Essential oils: Australian blue, gathering, jasmine*, blue cypress, lavender, ylang ylang, geranium, cedarwood, galbanum, blue tansy, frankincense, white fir, sandalwood, spruce, rose, cinnamon

Joy Joy™ is a luxuriously exotic blend with uplifting overtones that bring joy to the heart. When worn as cologne or perfume, Joy exudes an alluring and irresistible fragrance that inspires romance and togetherness. When diffused, it can be refreshing and uplifting. Essential oils: Geranium, jasmine*, roman chamomile, rosewood, palmarosa, rose, lemon, bergamot, mandarin, ylang ylang Code 337208 15 ml

Code 337308 5 ml

ImmuPower ImmuPower™ is a powerful blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils that create a fragrant and protective haven while increasing positive energy. Essential oils: Hyssop, ravensara, mountain savory, cumin, clove, frankincense, cistus, oregano, idaho tansy Code 336308 15 ml

Juva Cleanse Juva Cleanse® provides support for the liver through a carefully formulated blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils that supports normal liver function. Essential oils: Helichrysum, celery seed, ledum Code 339508 15 ml


Essential oils | Blends JuvaFlex JuvaFlex™ is a combination of oils that have been studied for their supportive effects on the liver and the digestive and lymphatic systems. It may also support healthy cell function. JuvaFlex works well with JuvaTone tablets and Di-Gize essential oil blend. Essential oils: Fennel, rosemary, blue tansy, geranium, helichrysum, roman chamomile

Melrose Melrose™ provides a protective barrier against skin challenges. When diffused, Melrose can help dispel odours. Essential oils: Rosemary, clove, niaouli, melaleuca alternifolia Code 337808 15 ml

Code 337508 15 ml

Lady Sclareol Lady Sclareol™ was designed as an exquisite fragrance. A seductive blend of nature’s most aromatic and skin-pampering essential oils, Lady Sclareol creates a beguiling and alluring perfume. Essential oils: Rosewood, clary sage, jasmine*, vetiver,ylang ylang, idaho tansy, geranium, sandalwood, orange, sage, lavender

M-Grain M-Grain™ helps contribute to the relief of stress while promoting a sense of wellbeing, particularly in the head and neck areas. Essential oils: Basil, lavender, roman chamomile, marjoram, peppermint, helichrysum Code 338708 15 ml

Code 337608 15 ml

Longevity Longevity™ contains oils that rank among the most powerful antioxidants known. Antioxidants are elements that help to neutralise free radicals and lessen the dayto-day oxidative damage everyone is subject to. Antioxidants are thought to protect the skin by attaching themselves to free radicals, which minimises the harm they do and is important for youthful-looking skin. Longevity contains ingredients that score a very high 1,500,000 on the ORAC scale. Caution: Possible sun/skin sensitivity.

Essential oils: Thyme, clove, orange, frankincense Code 339408 10 ml


Mister Mister™ is beneficial to men. It also helps promote greater inner-body balance and many have found it soothing when stressed. Mister is recommended for men age thirty and over. Essential oils: Sage, lavender, peppermint, fennel, myrtle, blue yarrow Code 338108 15 ml

Essential oils | Blends PanAway PanAway® was created by Gary Young following a severe injury to the ligaments in his leg. It also aids in maintaining normal cellular function.

Raven Raven™ is a combination of deeply soothing therapeutic-grade essential oils.

Essential oils: Wintergreen, helichrysum, clove, peppermint

Essential oils: Ravensara, wintergreen, eucalyptus radiata, lemon, peppermint

Code 339108 5 ml Code 339008 15 ml

Code 340208 15 ml

Peace & Calming Peace & Calming® is a gentle, fragrant blend. When diffused, it helps calm tensions and uplift the spirit, promoting relaxation and a deep sense of peace. When massaged on the bottom of the feet, it can be a wonderful prelude to a peaceful night’s rest. Peace & Calming may be especially calming and comforting to young children after an overactive and stressful day. Essential oils: Tangerine, blue tansy, patchouli, ylang ylang, orange

R.C. R.C.™ contains the powerful essential oils Eucalyptus globulus and E. radiata to create an exhilarating blend. Essential oils: Marjoram, eucalyptus globulus, e. citriodora, e. radiata, peppermint, cypress, spruce, pine, myrtle, lavender Code 340508 15 ml

Code 339308 15 ml

Purification Purification® can be used directly on the skin. When diffused, it helps to purify and cleanse the air from cigarette smoke, and disagreeable odours. Essential oils: Citronella, lavandin, melaleuca alternifolia, rosemary, lemongrass, myrtle Code 339908 15 ml

Release Release™ combines uplifting, calming oils that stimulate a sense of peace and emotional well-being, which in turn facilitate the ability to release anger and frustration. Repressed negative emotions lie at the root of many health concerns. Release promotes harmony and balance in the mind and body. Essential oils: Ylang ylang, geranium, blue tansy, lavandin, sandalwood Code 340808 15 ml


Essential oils | Blends SARA Relieve It Relieve It™ is a deeply relaxing, warming blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils that feels soothing and comforting to muscles and joints following exercise. Essential oils: Spruce, hyssop, black pepper, peppermint Code 341108 15 ml

SARA™ is an empowering blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils designed to help soothe deep emotional wounds. It may help individuals release and begin recovery from the traumatic memory of sexual or ritual torment and other forms of physical or emotional abuse. Essential oils: Ylang ylang, geranium, lavender, orange, blue tansy, cedarwood, rose and white lotus in a base of almond oil. Code 342608 5 ml

RutaVala RutaVala™ is a calming blend that promotes relaxation of the body and mind. It helps ease tension and relieve stress. The blend enhances the ability to overcome negative feelings while encouraging a postitive attitude. Essential oils: Lavender, valerian, ruta graveolens Code 341908 5 ml

Sacred Mountain Sacred Mountain™ promotes feelings of strength, empowerment, grounding, and protection that are a result of being close to nature. This blend of conifer essential oils, including spruce, fir, and cedarwood, evokes the sacred feelings found in the mountains. Essential oils: Spruce, ylang ylang, balsam fir (Idaho), cedarwood Code 341408 15 ml


SclarEssence SclarEssence™ combines the soothing effects of peppermint with the balancing power of fennel and clary sage and the gentle, calming action of Spanish sage. Essential oils: Clary sage, spanish sage, fennel, peppermint Code 341808 15 ml

Thieves Thieves® was created based on research about four thieves in France who protected themselves with cloves, rosemary, and other aromatics while robbing plague victims. This proprietary blend was university tested. Essential oils: Clove, rosemary, eucalyptus radiata, cinnamon, lemon Code 342308 15 ml

Essential oils | Blends Transformation Transformation™ helps empower and uphold changes you want to make in your belief system. By replacing negative beliefs with revitalising new thought patterns, a transformation in behaviour is possible. Essential oils: Lemon, frankincense, rosemary, sandalwood, peppermint, cardamom, clary sage, balsam fir (Idaho) Code 364608 15 ml

Trauma Life Trauma Life™ is a calming, grounding blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils formulated to help release buried emotional trauma resulting from accidents, neglect, the death of a loved one, assault, or abuse. Left unchecked, emotionally draining episodes may be at the root of fatigue, anger, and restlessness. Essential oils: Frankincense, davana, citrus hystrix, sandalwood, spruce rose, valerian geranium, lavender, helichrysum Code 635008 5 ml

White Angelica White Angelica™ is a calming and soothing blend that encourages feelings of protection and security. It combines oils used during ancient times to enhance the body’s aura, which brings about a sense of strength and endurance. Many people use it as protection against negative energy. Essential oils: Bergamot, rosewood, melissa, geranium, ylang ylang, rose, myrrh, spruce, sandalwood, hyssop Code 343208 15 ml

3 Wise Men 3 Wise Men™ promotes feelings of reverence and spiritual awareness with a blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils formulated to open the subconscious. This blend, considered a gift by many, enhances emotional equilibrium as it soothes and uplifts the heart. Essential oils: Sandalwood, frankincense, myrrh, juniper, spruce Code 342608 15 ml

Valor Valor®, an empowering combination of essential oils, works with both the physical and spiritual aspects of the body to increase feelings of strength, courage, and self-esteem in the face of adversity. Renowned for its protective qualities, Valor enhances an individual’s internal resources. It has also been found to help the body self-correct its balance and alignment. Essential oils: Spruce, blue tansy, rosewood, frankincense Code 342908 15 ml

*Jasmine and Neroli are absolutes, or essences, rather than essential oils.


Essential oils | Roll-Ons Breathe Again Roll-On Valor Roll-On Valor® essential oil roll on is an empowering combination of Spruce, Rosewood, Frankincense, and Blue Tansy essential oils that work to increase feelings of strength, courage, and self esteem. Renowned for its strengthening qualities, Valor enhances an individual’s internal resources. Code 3529500 10ml

Breathe Again™ Essential Oil Roll-on is a proprietary blend of oils specially formulated to support respiratory wellness. Breathe Again contains four powerful eucalyptus oils: Eucalyptus Staigeriana, Eucalyptus Globulus, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Young Living’s original Ecuador single, Eucalyptus Blue. Eucalyptus oils contain high amounts of cineole, which has been studied for its potential to support normal lung function. The essential oils Peppermint, Myrtle, and Copaiba also play an integral part in this blend. Breathe Again is available in a portable rollon applicator, making natural relief available anywhere. Code 3528500 10ml

Tranquil Roll-On Tranquil™ Essential Oil Roll-On is a proprietary blend of Lavender, Cedarwood and Roman Chamomile essential oils formulated to calm and relax the body and mind. Using the new roll-on application. tranquil provides convenient and portable relaxation. Code 3533500 10ml

Deep Relief Roll-On Deep Relief™ Essential Oil Roll-On is a proprietary blend of oils specially formulated to relieve muscle soreness and tension with a blend of Peppermint, Wintergreen, Copal, and Palo Santo essential oils. Code 3534500 10ml


Stress Away Roll-On This unique YLTG blend of Vanilla, Lime, Copaiba and other pure essential oils relieves daily stress, encourages relaxation, and reduces nervous tension. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, please consult a health care practitioner prior to use. Possible skin sensitivity. Do not apply to sensitive tissues. Not intended for children.

Code 4472500 10ml

Start Living Enrollment Kits Excited about what Young Living has to offer? Then now is the time to become a distributor—and it’s as easy as picking up the phone or going online. As a distributor, you can take advantage of wholesale pricing on all Young Living products, get exclusive access to a wealth of training materials, and begin to earn extra money as you share Young Living with others. When you enroll as a distributor, you will have the opportunity to select the enrollment kit that best suits your needs. Our basic Start Living Kit is designed to familiarise you with Young Living’s products, services, sales aids, and training materials. If you choose to upgrade your Start Living Enrollment Kit, you can choose from four additional kits: 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse/Core Essentials Complete, Start Living with Everyday Oils, Start Living with NingXia Red, and Start Living with Thieves. By upgrading your kit, you will not only receive the benefit of our supporting collateral, but also get to experience more of the finest quality all-natural products available. Whether you love NingXia Red or want to discover the power of Thieves, there is a Start Living Enrollment Kit for you. And when you upgrade, you will enjoy significant discounts on the products in your Start Living Kit.


Start Living™ Kit 1 x Start Living Kit Box 1 x Covering Letter 3 x Distributor Agreement Form 1 x Autoship Product Info Sheet 1 x StartLiving Product Info Sheet 1 x Policies and Procedures Booklet 1 x UK/EU Price List 1 x Product Guide 1 x Essential 7 Brochure 1 x Restore Your Core Brochure 1 x 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse Brochure

1 x Thieves Booklet 1 x Everyday Oils Booklet 1 x Essential Oils User’s Guide 1 x NingXia Red Booklet 1 x Abundance DVD 1 x NingXia DVD 1 x Lavender (5 ml) 1 x Peppermint (5 ml) 3 x NingXia Red Singles

Code 369308

Essential oils | Kits Start Living™ with Everyday Oils™

Start Living™ with NingXia Red®

Includes Start Living Kit

Includes Start Living Kit

1 x Lavender (5 ml) 1 x Peppermint (5 ml) 1 x Lemon (5 ml) 1 x Thieves (5 ml) 1 x Frankincense (5 ml) 1 x Valor (5 ml) 1 x PanAway (5 ml) 1 x Peace & Calming (5 ml) 1 x Purification (5 ml) 1 x Everyday Oils Booklet

4 x NingXia Red (1 litre) 10 x NingXia Red Singles (29.5 ml) 1 x NingXia Red Booklet CODE 369608

Code 370008

Start Living™ with Thieves® Includes Start Living Kit

Start Living™ with 5-day Nutritive Cleanse™ + Core Essentials Complete™ Includes Start Living Kit

1 x Thieves Essential Oil Blend (15 ml) 1 x Thieves Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste (120 ml) 1 x Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash (235 ml) 2 x Thieves Household Cleaner (426 ml) 2 x Thieves Foaming Hand Soap (235 ml) 2 x Thieves Spray (30 ml) 2 x Waterless Hand Purifiers 1 x Thieves Booklet Code 369408

5-Day Nutritive Cleanse: 1 x NingXia Red (1 litre) 1 x Balance Complete (750g) 1 x Digest + Cleanse (30 softgels) 1 x 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse Brochure Core Essentials: 1 x NingXia Red (1 litre) 2 x Balance Complete (750g) 1 x Omega Blue (30 softgels) Longevity Softgels (30 softgels) 1 x Restore Your Core Brochure Code 368508 35

Essential Rewards Autoships Autoship is an easy order process and an easy way to secure your monthly PV requirements. Choose products totalling at least 50 PV that you love best, pick a day of the month that you wish the order to be sent, and you will earn credits on each monthly Autoship despatched.


Essential oils | Autoships Core Essentials Complete™ Autoship Pack

Thieves® Autoship Pack

1x NingXia Red (1 litre) 2x Balance Complete (740 g) 1x Omega Blue (30 softgels) 1x Longevity Softgels (30 softgels) 1x Restore Your Core Brochure

1x Thieves Essential Oil Blend (15 ml) 1x Thieves Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste (120 ml) 1x Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash (236 ml) 2x Thieves Household Cleaner (426 ml) 2x Thieves Foaming Hand Soap (236 ml) 2x Thieves Spray (29.5 ml) 2x Thieves Waterless Hand Purifiers (29.5 ml) 1x Thieves Booklet

Code 329708

Code 369708

Everyday Oils™ Autoship Pack

NingXia Red® Autoship Pack

1x Lavender (5 ml) 1x Peppermint (5 ml) 1x Lemon (5 ml) 1x Thieves (5 ml) 1x Frankincense (5 ml) 1x Valor (5 ml) 1x PanAway (5 ml) 1x Peace & Calming (5 ml) 1x Purification (5 ml) 1x Everyday Oils Booklet

4x NingXia Red (1 litre) 10x NingXia Red Singles (29.5 ml) 1x NingXia Red Booklet Code 369908

Code 369508


Accessories & Collections Essential Oil Carrying Case The Essential Oil carrying case is a convenient way to transport your essential oils. The cases are made of durable cloth with zipper close and a handle. Code 3819 - Holds 130 oils, foam insert included Code 384708 - Holds 30 oils, foam insert included

Essential Oil Carrying Bag This attractive oil carrying bag has space for five 15 ml oils, fifteen 5 ml oils, and five essential oil Roll-ons. Code 497508


Essential oils | Accessories

Essential Oil Sample Bottles Essential oil sample bottles are a convenient, simple way to pass out essential oil samples to friends, family, and prospective customers and distributors. Take these empty 2 ml bottles on the go to fill with your choice of essential oil. All twenty-five bottles come with lids and drop reducers. Code 319408 25 pk

Clear Vegetable Capsules Clear vegetable capsules are an excellent way to get your daily dose of essential oils. These NPcaps邃「 are all-natural and ideal for those with vegetarian, diabetic, or other restrictive, dietary needs. They are made from pullulan, a safe, water-soluble polysaccharide, which has been used commercially for over twenty-five years, particularly for food and pharmaceutical purposes. Code 3193 250 capsules

Oil Bottle Labels Oil bottle labels are small, circular labels that fit perfectly on the tops of essential oil bottles, 5 or 15 ml. The blends are gold foil labels while the singles are silver foil labels to help keep your oil bottles organised. Code 3939

Blender Bottle A perfect companion for people on the go, the YL blender bottle helps you maintain your health and wellness regimen wherever your busy life takes you. With our portable blender bottle, you can shake up a delicious glass of Balance Complete or Pure Protein Complete any time窶馬o need to worry about clean up or leakage. Best of all, its convenient design allows you to mix Young Living products easily, without clumps. (Colours may vary). Code 4622


Essential oils | Accessories & Collections Essential 7™ Kit The Essential 7 Kit was created so that anyone could immediately use and appreciate the benefits of our most popular essential oils and blends. All of these oils may be diffused, applied over the Vita Flex points on the feet, added to bath water in Bath & Shower Gel Base™ or Epsom salts, applied topically, or used for body and foot massage. Refer to individual oils for specific benefits. Essential oils: Joy, panaway, purification, lavender, peace & calming, lemon, peppermint code 312008

Feelings™ Kit Feelings features six essential oil blends formulated by D. Gary Young to promote emotional clearance and self renewal. This collection includes Valor®, Harmony™, Forgiveness™, Inner Child™, Release™, and Present Time™. Get rid of your emotional baggage and make Young Living’s Feelings Collection a part of your daily routine. Code 3125

Raindrop Technique® Kit Raindrop Technique Kit combines the art of aromatherapy with the techniques of Vita Flex and massage in the application of essential oils to various areas of the body. This kit provides a revolutionary means of bringing balance and harmony to the body— physically, mentally, and emotionally. Refer to individual oils for specific benefits. Nine 5 ml bottles. Two 114 ml bottles (Ortho Ease™ Massage Oil and V-6™ Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex) Essential oils: Aroma siez, marjoram, thyme, basil, oregano, valor, cypress, peppermint, wintergreen code 313708


Essential oils | Accessories & Collections Golden Touch 1™ Golden Touch 1™ provides protection around the year. These essential oil blend formulas have been specifically created to take advantage of essential oil constituents that support many functions of the body. A growing number of today’s professionals consider essential oils to be the missing link in health care. Contains seven blends (5ml bottles): di-gize, endoflex, juvaflex, melrose, raven, r.c, thieves Code 3130

Twelve Oils of Ancient Scripture™ Contains the twelve most significant oils found in the Bible. Young Living’s wish in bringing them to you is that you will savor and enjoy the beautiful fragrances and intriguing histories of these precious pure essential oils. Gary Young draws on his travels to biblical lands and explains the twelve oils on an audio CD, also included in this collection. Refer to individual oils for specific benefits. Essential oils: Cassia, cedarwood, frankincense, cypress, galbanum, hyssop, myrrh, myrtle, onycha, spikenard, rose of sharon/cistus, aloes/ sandalwood Code 3143


Diffusers Get rid of synthetic air fresheners and liven up your home with Young Living’s new Home Diffuser. This versatile diffuser will purify the air of germs and odors, or create an inviting ambiance for family and friends. It quietly emits a fine mist of essential oils that stays suspended in the air using ultrasonic technology. You can use any Young Living single essential oil or blend, regardless of thickness, plus the Home Diffuser doesn’t heat the oils so you can enjoy the full therapeutic benefits. The Home Diffuser also has an aesthetic appeal, with built-in optional colour LED lights that gently glow and add to the mood.


Essential oils | Diffusers

Home Diffuser Young Living’s Home Diffuser emits essential oils into the air using ultrasonic technology to safely eliminate odors. The Home Diffuser is an ideal alternative to synthetic air fresheners. The Ultrasonic Diffuser includes one lavender essential oil (5 ml) and one Citrus Fresh™ essential oil blend (5 ml). Code 446808


Essential Oil Diffuser Young Living’s Essential Oil Diffuser gives you the benefit of diffusing essential oils throughout your home or office. Diffusing is a simple and effective way to use essential oils. With Young Living’s innovative air pump, oils are dispersed in a micro-fine vapour, allowing them to remain suspended in the air for extended periods of time. The diffuser disperses the oils without heating them so they retain their therapeutic benefits. When inhaled, the oils are easily absorbed through the lungs. Depending on the oil used, diffusing can cleanse the air of odour, calm overactive children, and support respiration. Note: Essential oil blends that contain vegetable oils may diffuse slower than other oils. We do not recommend diffusing blends that have a carrier

Glass Nebuliser Code 381208


Diffuser complete with Bronze well Code 366008

Diffuser complete with Green well


Code 382808

Code 381508

Diffuser complete with Silver well Code 366108

Glass Droppers Tubing for Diffuser Code 380108

The Young Living glass droppers are a convenient way to get just the right amount of essential oil that you need. They also come in handy if you want to remove any excess oil from your diffuser well. Code 381008 6 pk


Essential Nutrition The modern daily flood of environmental toxins, stress, and highly processed foods laden with chemicals, trans fats, and sugar, damages our health and leaves us deficient of vital nutrients. In r足 esponse, Young Living offers a full range of convenient food supplements and foods enriched with our therapeutic-grade essential oils. The essential oils in our supplements positively i足 nfluence 足nutrient absorption, aid in detoxification, and provide unique nutrients and potency not available in common nutritional products.


Essential oils | Nutrition Balance Complete Balance Complete™ is both a powerful nutritive energiser and a cleanser. Offering the benefits of NingXia wolfberry powder, brown rice bran, barley grass, extra virgin coconut oil, aloe vera, cinnamon powder, and our premium whey protein blend, Balance Complete is high in fibre, high in protein, and contains the good fats, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals needed for a nutritionally dynamic meal. Balance Complete also features Young Living’s proprietary V-Fibre™ blend, which supplies an incredible 11 grams of fibre per serving, and satisfies the appetite while balancing the body’s essential requirements.

BLM BLM™ makes it possible to support normal bone and joint health with a nutritional supplement. This formula combines powerful all-natural ingredients, such as type II collagen, MSM, glucosamine sulfate, and manganese citrate, enhanced with therapeutic-grade essential oils. Essential oils: Wintergreen, clove, balsam fir (Idaho) Code 323408 90 Capsules

Essential oils: Orange Code 329208 750g powder

ComforTone Blue Agave Blue Agave nectar is a delicious, natural sweetener preferred by healthconscious people for use in foods and beverages. It has a low glycemic index rating, making it ideal for those with special dietary needs and those who wish to avoid sucrose or artificial sweeteners. Substitute sugar or honey with Blue Agave at a ratio of approximately 1:3/4. Code 3224 946 ml liquid Code 322108 237ml

ComforTone® is an effective combination of herbs and essential oils that support the digestive system by binding, eliminating, and “scouring” residues from the colon and enhancing its natural ability to function optimally. Because it supports normal peristalsis (the wavelike contractions that move food through the intestines), ComforTone is an ideal product for strengthening the system that is ultimately responsible for delivering nutrients to all other areas of the body. Beyond this, ComforTone contains ingredients that are beneficial to liver, gall bladder, and stomach health. Essential oils: Tarragon, anise, ginger, peppermint, tangerine, rosemary, mugwort, german chamomile Code 320408 150 Capsules


Essential oils | Nutrition

Detoxzyme Detoxzyme® combines powerful enzymes that complete digestion, detoxify, and promote cleansing. Detoxzyme works with the body to support normal functioning of the digestive system, which is essential for maintaining and building health. Essential oils: Cumin, anise, fennel Code 320308 180 Vegetarian Capsules

JuvaPower JuvaPower® is a high-antioxidant vegetable powder complex and is one of the richest sources of acid-binding foods. JuvaPower is rich in liversupporting nutrients. Essential oils: Fennel, anise Code 327608 226g

Digest + Cleanse Digest + Cleanse™ soothes gastrointestinal upset and supports healthy digestion. Stress, overeating, and toxins can irritate the gastrointestinal system and cause cramps, gas, and nausea that interfere with the body’s natural digestive and detox functions. Supplementing with Digest + Cleanse will aid digestion. Precision Delivery softgels release in the intestines for optimal absorption and targeted relief and to help prevent aftertaste. This product can also be used in conjunction with any cleansing program, such as Young Living’s 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse. Digest + Cleanse is part of the new Purely Oils line of premium essential oil supplements. Essential oils: Peppermint, lemon, ginger, caraway, fennel, anise Code 329308 30 softgels


Longevity softgels Longevity™ softgels are a potent, proprietary blend of fat-soluble antioxidants. Longevity blend should be taken daily to strengthen the body’s systems and prevent the damaging effects of aging, diet, and the environment. Enriched with the pure essential oils thyme, orange, and now frankincense, Longevity protects DHA levels, Longevity is part of the new Purely Oils™ line of premium essential oil supplements. Essential oils: Thyme, clove, orange, frankincense Code 328908 30 softgels

Essential oils | Nutrition

Omega Blue MegaCal

Essential oils: Lemon

Omega Blue™ is a clinically proven dose of omega-3 (EPA, DHA) fatty acid nutrients. Young Living’s Omega Blue pure fish oil is free of heavy metals, PCBs, and dioxins, and offers the benefits of our Omega Enhance™ essential oil blend to ensure freshness and stability. Omega Enhance combines legendary blue chamomile and myrrh oils. lemongrass oil and clove and myrrh for added antioxidant support.

Code 328008 450g Powder

Essential oils: Lemongrass, myrrh, clove, german chamomile

MegaCal™ is a wonderful source of calcium, magnesium, manganese, and vitamin C. MegaCal supports normal bone vascular and nerve function.

Code 319008 90 softgels


Power Meal

MultiGreens™ is a nutritious chlorophyll formula designed to boost vitality, nervous and circulatory systems to relieve stress, and promote energy metabolism and glucose utilisation. MultiGreens is made with spirulina, alfalfa sprouts, barley grass, bee pollen, eleuthero, Pacific kelp, and therapeutic-grade essential oils. Essential oils: Rosemary, lemongrass, lemon, melissa

Power Meal™ is a vegetarian protein supplement formulated without soy, dairy, or animal products. Combining wolfberries with concentrated rice protein and bee pollen, Power Meal is rich in the branched-chain amino acids L-leucine, L-isoleucine, and L-valine, which are crucial for building healthy muscles. In addition, Power Meal contains choline, inositol, MSM, L-carnitine, zeaxanthin, and chromium.

Code 324808 120 capsules

Code 6300


Essential oils | Nutrition

True Source

Inner Defence Total System Protection

True Source™ with dried superfood powders, whole food vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients. The result is an impressive formulation that will change the way you look at daily multivitamins. True Source supplies a broad spectrum of what you’ve come to expect in a multivitamin - B vitamins, vitamins A, C, D , E and K, folic acid, selenium, zinc, potassium, iodine, and magnesium.

Young Living’s Inner Defense™ softgels contain potent essential oils including oregano, thyme, and Thieves®. Designed to support well-being, Inner Defense strengthens the immune system, protects bioterrain, and energizes systemic defense. Rich in thymol, carvacrol, and eugenol

Code 350208

Code 329508

Essential oils: Oregano, thyme, clove, cinnamon, rosemary, eucalyptus radiata lemon, citronella

5-Day Nutritive Cleanse The 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse™ facilitates gentle and effective cleansing to improve overall health and well-being. A minimum of four, easy cleanses a year with our 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse and continued nutritional maintenance will help balance the extremes of the modern diet. This nutritive cleanse includes the following: NingXia Red an energising, replenishing, whole wolfberry nutrient infusion (1 litre) Balance Complete a super-food-based, daily, superfood energiser and nutritive cleanse (26.4 oz.) Digest + Cleanse which soothes gastrointestinal discomfort and supports healthy digestion (30 softgels) Code 329608


Manna Bars A healthy and delicious snack, Manna Bars™ are full of natural flavours and nutrient-rich whole foods like juicy apples, wolfberries, crunchy almonds, seven whole grains, pumpkin and sesame seeds, and essential oils. Available in apple-cinnamon and apricot flavours. Apple-Cinnamon Code 3076 Apricot Code 3075

NingXia Red NingXia Red速 is a naturally delicious, nutrient-infused wolfberry drink that will energise, fortify, and replenish your body. Rich in widespectrum antioxidant activity, NingXia Red has the highest levels of naturally occurring, S-ORAC activity NingXia Red also contains lemon and orange essential oils rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene. NingXia wolfberry, the primary ingredient in NingXia Red, has been cherished for centuries for its health, energy, and longevity benefits. Whole NingXia wolfberries and other nutrient-dense fruit juices, like blueberry and pomegranate, make NingXia Red the perfect choice for optimising wellness and stepping up to a whole new level of health.


Essential oils | Nutrition NingXia Red Energise, fortify, and replenish with NingXia Red®, the naturally delicious, nutrient-infused wolfberry drink. With a big boost in antioxidant activity, Enjoy vital nutrition that feeds important energy systems. Step up to a whole new level of health with NingXia Red. Code 300308 (1-litre bottle) Code 302308 2 pk (Two 1-litre bottles) Code 304308 4 pk (Four 1-litre bottles)

Wolfberry Crisp bars Wolfberry Crisp™ bars are naturally sweetened, high-protein bars that contain 16 grams of protein from almonds, soy, wolfberries, and pumpkin seeds. These delicious bars will satisfy your appetite and supply high-quality protein for muscle building. Code 631508 6 pk

NingXia Wolfberries NingXia Red Combo Pack NingXia Red® Combo Pack is perfect for NingXia Red lovers. It contains one bottle of NingXia Red plus ten singles so you can enjoy a naturally delicious nutrient infusion anywhere. Code 470008 1 bottle; 10 singles

You’ve benefited from the juice of the NingXia wolfberry, now experience the power of the actual dried berry. NingXia wolfberries are powerful antioxidants and provide an array of nutrients and protein as one of nature’s most nutritious fruits. Slightly tart in flavour, add Young Living’s whole, dried NingXia wolfberries to baked goods, cereal, salad, trail mix, and more. Code 636008 453g

NingXia Red Singles Attractive, 1-ounce packets are ideal for introducing the naturally delicious NingXia Red®. Tough, small pouches protect the powerful benefits of the NingXia wolfberry. Throw them in your purse or backpack, or give them as samples to friends, family, and interested consumers.

NingXia Red Booklet The NingXia Red® booklet informs and delights with the latest research information about the power of NingXia Red. Great for displaying or handing out, this booklet is sure to attract attention. Code 410808 25 pk

Code 316808 30 pk


Essential oils | Nutrition NingXia Red DVD NingXia Red—the natural alternative to our toxic and fast-paced world—is explored in this insightful and informative DVD. Packed with hard-hitting information from doctors, scientists, and everyday users, this DVD explains why NingXia Red is in a class above all other available juices. Code 3790 Single



Lycium barbarum

Called “goji” by native Chinese, NingXia wolfberries have a long tradition in folk medicine. Ancient Chinese medical texts extolled wolfberries for strengthening the eyes, liver, and kidneys as well as fortifying the “qi” (chi) or life force. Today, the NingXia wolfberry is valued as being a vital source for maintaining health and wellness with its high levels of antioxidants, complete protein profile, and vast array of vitamins and minerals. At Young Living we use wolfberries that are hand-picked, cleaned, and processed within twenty-four hours of harvesting.

NingXia Red 363


250 200 150


100 250 200


300 S-ORAC testing measures a product’s ability to destroy the most dangerous and abundant free-radical-Superoxide.

Via Viente™



Himalayan Goji™





These popular “functional drinks” don’t compare to NingXia Red’s activity. This third-party S-ORAC comparison is one of many ORAC comparisons that prove NingXia Red is in a class of its own.† †S-ORAC tested by Brunswick Laboratories * For more information about NingXia Red’s S-ORAC activity, nutrient listing and nutritional research, visit


Essential Personal Care All of Young Living’s lifestyle products are infused with the highestgrade essential oils and contain only pure, natural, safe, and effective ingredients. Now you can regain a sense of balance and renew your feelings of well-being with these formulas you can trust.


Essential oils | Personal Care Sandalwood Moisture Cream Sandalwood Moisture Cream is an ultra-hydrating moisturiser infused with pure Young Living essential oils. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) a naturally occuring, plant based chemical, softens skin and promotes elasticity.

Acne-Prone Skin

Essential oils: Rosewood, lavender, rosemary, sandalwood, myrrh

Code 378308 15 ml

Soothes blemished skin and discourages future breakouts. Essential oils: Cedarwood, eucalyptus stageriana, manuka, red thyme, melaleuca alternifolia

Code 5148 113 g

Wolfberry Eye Cream Wolfberry Eye Cream™ may be applied morning and evening to ease the appearance of puffiness and dark circles around the eyes, and to promote skin tightening. Wolfberry Eye Cream is formulated from oil that is carefully extracted from the seeds of the NingXia wolfberry. Rich in vitamin E and linoleic acids, wolfberry oil has unusual chemistry that makes it ideal for nourishing and hydrating skin. It is highly regarded by Asian women for its regenerative properties and its ability to protect aging skin and add lustre to skin tone. Essential oils: Lavender, geranium, roman chamomile, rosewood, frankincense

Cinnamint Lip Balm Cinnamint Lip Balm is rich in botanicals that quench dry, parched lips while protecting from climatic extremes. It contains nourishing essential oils, wolfberry seed oil, and antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E. Essential oils: Peppermint, spearmint, orange, cinnamon bark Code 5150 4.5 g

Code 5145 14.1 g

Oily Skin The oily skin formula controls surface oils and minimises shine. Essential oils: Orange, spearmint, nutmeg, wolfberry seed oil Code 3781 15 ml

Grapefruit Lip Balm A light and refreshing addition to daily lip care, Grapefruit Lip Balm assists in the prevention of dryness. Essential oils: Grapefruit essential oil, wolfberry seed oil Code: 5178 4.5 g


Essential oils | Personal Care Genesis Hand & Body Lotion Genesis™ Hand & Body Lotion blends coconut oil and lecithin with fragrant essential oils and MSM to promote soft, healthy skin. It moisturises, normalises, and protects your skin against harsh weather, rough work, chemicals, household cleaners, etc. Essential oils penetrate and improve absorption, leaving skin feeling smooth and wonderfully fragrant, while additional antioxidant vitamins and botanicals provide protection from free radical damage. Essential oils: Rosewood, jasmine*, bergamot, palmarosa, lemon, ylang ylang, geranium, roman chamomile

Morning Start Bath & Shower Gel Morning Start™ Bath & Shower Gel gets your day started right with an invigorating blend of the finest essential oils added to naturally cleansing and moisturising botanicals. Essential oils: Lemongrass, juniper, rosemary, peppermint Code 3745500 236 ml

Code 3706500 245 g

Dragon Time Bath & Shower Gel Dragon Time™ Bath & Shower Gel combines the soothing and calming properties of essential oils with naturally moisturising botanicals for a luxurious gel that leaves you feeling clean, relaxed, and uplifted. Perfect for those times of the month when nothing seems to go your way. Essential oils: Mandarin, lavender, roman chamomile, geranium, sage, bergamot, rosewood, clary sage, ylang ylang, fennel, lemon, palmarosa, marjoram, jasmine*, blue tansy

Sensation Bath & Shower Gel Sensation™ Bath & Shower Gel combines an enchantingly ragrant mix of oils used by Cleopatra to enhance love and increase desire with the finest natural ingredients to create a bathtime experience you’ll want to repeat often. Essential oils: Rosewood, ylang ylang, jasmine* Code 3748500 236 ml

Code 3739500 236 ml

Evening Peace Bath & Shower Gel Evening Peace™ Bath & Shower Gel blends the most natural botanical ingredients with therapeutic-grade essential oils to relax tired muscles and help soothe away stress and tension. An ideal way to end the day. Essential oils: Sandalwood, blue tansy, ylang ylang, geranium, jasmine*, palmarosa, rosewood, clary sage, lemon, bergamot, roman chamomile Code 3742500 236 ml


KidScents Shampoo KidScents™ Shampoo has a safe, mild formula designed to provide the perfect pH balance for children’s delicate skin. It contains MSM, a natural sulfur compound with a reputation for strengthening hair, along with aloe vera, chamomile, and other nourishing herbs and vitamins. Pure essential oils are added to make this shampoo a special experience for your children. Essential oils: Tangerine, lemon, blue tansy Code 3686 214 ml

Essential oils | Personal Care Lavender Volume Shampoo Lavender Volume Shampoo gently cleanses and volumises fine hair while nourishing and restoring balance. Long known for its ability to improve the appearance of hair and skin, lavender oil works its fragrant magic to enhance the natural beauty of your hair. Added botanical extracts, vitamins, and essential oils remove build-up that comes from commercially sold hair products while maximising body. Renewing and invigorating, Lavender Volume Shampoo contains MSM, a sulfur compound that has a reputation for strengthening hair.

LemonSage Clarifying Conditioner

Essential oils: Lavender, lemon, clary sage, jasmine*

Code 5123500 236 ml

LemonSage™ Clarifying Conditioner nourishes without weighing down the hair. This rich, creamy conditioner provides proprietary vitamin complexes and proteins and is great for oily hair. Use LemonSage Clarifying Shampoo with Lemon Sage Clarifying Conditioner for clean, fortified hair. Essential oils: Lemon, geranium, sage, lime, pine, roman chamomile, ylang ylang

Code 5100500 236 ml

Lavender Volume Conditioner Lavender Volume Conditioner gently conditions and volumises fine hair. A fabulous follow-up to Lavender Volume Shampoo, it is formulated with MSM, milk protein, and vitamins to strengthen limp and weak hair. Essential oils are added to ensure that nutrients penetrate the hair follicle and leave the hair clean and perfumed. It conditions and aids hair in rejuvenating itself and restoring essential nutrients.

Rosewood Moisturising Shampoo

Essential oils: Lavender, lemon, clary sage, jasmine*

Code 5109500 236 ml

Rosewood™ Moisturising Shampoo gently cleanses dry or damaged hair. The botanical herbal extracts, vitamins, and essential oils remove build-up from commercial hair products while maximising body and supplementing moisture. Essential oils: Clary sage, rosewood, bergamot, geranium, sandalwood, wintergreen

Code 5102500 236 ml

LemonSage Clarifying Shampoo LemonSage™ Clarifying Shampoo is fortified with botanical extracts, vitamins, and essential oils to remove the harsh effects of hard water, chlorine, trace metals, medications, environmental pollutants, and product build-up. Hair is left shiny, healthy, and utterly manageable. Follow the use of LemonSage Clarifying Shampoo with the LemonSage Clarifying Conditioner for truly clean, fortified hair. Designed for all hair types. Essential oils: Lemon, geranium, sagelime, pine, ylang ylang, roman chamomile Code 5119500 236 ml

Rosewood Moisturising Conditioner Rosewood™ Moisturising Conditioner deeply moisturises, protects, and de-frizzes hair with natural vegetable fatty acids, MSM, and milk protein. Designed specifically to complement Rosewood moisturising Shampoo, this rinse nourishes damaged and over-processed hair. Essential oils: Clary sage, rosewood, bergamot, geranium, sandalwood, wintergreen Code 5113500 236 ml

*Jasmine and Neroli are absolutes, or essences, rather than essential oils.


Essential oils | Personal Care Lavender Bath & Shower Gel

LavaDerm Cooling Mist

A soothing mix of plant-based ingredients and Young Living’s lavender essential oil, our Lavender Bath & Shower Gel is free of toxic ingredients like synthetics, parabens, or chemicals found in other bath and body products. Instead we use ingredients such as the emollients found in coconut and palm, and the preservatives from star anise and lavender.

LavaDerm™ Cooling Mist is specially formulated with two of nature’s most soothing substances, lavender essential oil and aloe vera. Use it to cool and rejuvenate stressed skin.

Code 5202 236 ml

Code 3249

Lavender Hand & Body Lotion Lavender Hand & Body Lotion is a natural way to moisturise your skin without harming the environment. This certified Eco-Friendly lotion has unique features you won’t find in most store-bought products, like our botanical extract blend which moisturises and protects skin from overexposure. Part of the Lavender Signature Series, Lavender Hand & Body Lotion is infused with lavender essential oil and other plant-based ingredients to fortify your skin’s moisture barrier and maintain long-lasting hydration. Code 5201 236 ml

Lavender-Rosewood Moisturising Soap Offering all the benefits of 100 percent natural ingredients to soothe and soften skin, Lavender-Rosewood™ Moisturising Soap is a great addition to any hand care regimen. This bar won’t dry your skin like commercial, synthetically-based soaps, and is free of perfumes, chemicals, and artificial colours. Essential oils: Lavender, rosewood Code 3673


Essential oils: Lavender

Lavender Lip Balm Lavender Lip Balm offers a soothing solution to dry, irritated lips. Young Living lip balm is a natural way to pamper your lips. Lavender Lip Balm harnesses the calming, revitalising power of lavender oil and the moisturising benefits of jojoba oil and vitamin E. Essential oils: Lavender Code 5203


Massage Oils Researchers continue to show that touch can be beneficial in treating a wide array of ailments ranging from chronic diseases to the tensions of a modern lifestyle. As part of your health regime, regular massage can play a huge part in your wellness with each passing year.


Essential oils | Massage

Cel-lite Magic Massage Oil

V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex

Cel-Lite Magic™ Massage Oil combines the healthful benefits of specially selected vegetable oils with vitamin E and therapeutic-grade essential oils to tone and nourish the skin. Grapefruit essential oil is beneficial for improving skin texture, and juniper oil works as a detoxifier and cleanser that is also beneficial to the skin.

V-6™ Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex can be mixed with essential oils to create custom blends, formulas, and massage oils. This oil complex nourishes the skin, has a long shelf life, doesn’t clog pores, and will not stain clothes.

Essential oils: Grapefruit, cedarwood, clary sage, cypress, juniper Code 303508 236 ml

Ortho Ease™ Massage Oil A soothing massage oil that warms tired or stressed bodies. Essential oils: Wintergreen, thyme, eucalyptus globulus, juniper, lemongrass, eucalyptus radiata, peppermint, marjoram, vetiver Code 303308 236 ml

Code 303108 236 ml Code 3030500 944 ml

Ortho Sport Massage Oil Ortho Sport™ Massage Oil provides soothing relief for tired, over-worked muscles after exercise and sports. This blend combines pure vegetable oils eith YLTG oils such as Wintergreen, Peppermint, Thyme, Oregano, Vetiver. Essential oils: Wintergreen, thyme, eucalyptus globulus, lemongrass, eucalyptus radiata, elemi, oregano, peppermint, marjoram, vetiver Code 303208 236 ml


Essential Living - A.R.T All of Young Living’s lifestyle products are infused with the highestgrade essential oils and contain only pure, natural, safe, and effective ingredients. Now you can regain a sense of balance and renew your feelings of well-being with these formulas you can trust.


Essential oils | A.R.T Collection A.R.T® Skin Care System This system contains the Day Activator (30 ml), Night Reconstructor (30 ml), Gentle Foaming Cleanser (100 ml), and A.R.T booklet in a presentation box. Code 3131500

A.R.T® Night Reconstructor A powerful night recovery moisturiser, Young Living’s Night Reconstructor contains the unique endonuclease enzyme. This face and neck cream contains enhanced moisturisers for maximum hydration while you sleep. Essential oils: Sandalwood, frankincense, german chamomile Code 5171500 30 ml

A.R.T® Day Activator

A.R.T® Purifying Toner

Young Living’s Day Activator contains the superior Photolyase enzyme that uses visible light to maximise its effects. This face and neck cream absorbs quickly and is perfect for wearing underneath makeup and sunscreen.

A.R.T Purifying Toner helps support cleansing by removing unwanted oil, dirt and impurities that can accumulate on skin. This remarkable formula will purify and rejuvenate the skin’s surface restoring a firm and healthy-looking complexion.

Essential oils: Sandalwood, frankincense, german chamomile

Essential oils: Frankincense, lemon, lavender, sandalwood, peppermint, melissa

Code 5170500 30 ml

Code 5174500 118 ml

A.R.T® Gentle Foaming Cleanser This foaming cleanser was designed to thoroughly clean the skin by gently removing impurities. A proprietary blend of pure essential oils helps revitalise your complexion and support recovery. Essential oils: Frankincense, lavender, melissa, sandalwood, lemon Code 5172500 100 ml

A.R.T® Booklet The A.R.T booklet full-colour product booklet that enables you to learn more about Age Refining Technology including the key selling points and benefits of using the system. Code 3166 25 pk


Thieves All of Young Living’s lifestyle products are infused with the highestgrade essential oils and contain only pure, natural, safe, and effective ingredients. Now you can regain a sense of balance and renew your feelings of well-being with these formulas you can trust.


Essential oils | Oral care + Thieves Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier Thieves Fresh Essence plus Mouthwash Thieves® Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash contains a special formulation of essential oils that gives you incredibly fresh breath. The unique liposome technology (using soy-derived lecithin) binds the essential oils to the mucous membrane inside the mouth for longer-lasting effects on teeth and gums. Essential oils: Thieves, spearmint, peppermint, vetiver Code 368308 236 ml

As an all-natural product, Thieves® Waterless Hand Purifier promotes good hygiene by cleaning and refreshing the hands without the use of water any time, anywhere. Contains Thieves essential oil blend, which purifies long after application. Made with active skin-moisturizing ingredients including natural aloe and vegetable glycerin. Essential oils: Clove. cinnamon, rosemary, lemon, peppermint, eucalyptus radiata Code 362108 29.35 g Code 362208 x 3

Thieves Household Cleaner

Essential oils: Clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, eucalyptus radiata

Experience the wonder of Thieves® Household Cleaner, as tough stains and problem areas in your home become simple and easy to clean without using harsh or abrasive chemicals. While bacteria can be dangerous, some industrial cleaners on the market pose an even larger threat to your health. Thieves Household Cleaner is a natural all-purpose concentrate that can be used in every room in your home, without the harsh chemicals. Dilute in a spray bottle or bucket, or use straight for extra strength. Dilution ratios are listed on the label for your convenience.

Code 367908 99.25 g

Essential oils: Thieves

Thieves Cleansing Soap Thieves® Cleansing Soap is fragrant with the rich aroma of naturally antiseptic Thieves essential oil blend. Moisturising plant oils and botanical extracts help promote healthy, smooth skin.

Code 374308 426 ml

Thieves Foaming Hand Soap Thieves® Foaming Hand Soap will cleanse, defend, and condition the skin with the therapeutic-grade essential oil blend Thieves, pure lemon and orange essential oils, aloe, Ginkgo biloba, and vitamin E. Dispensed as a rich foam, Thieves Foaming Hand Soap contains gentle ingredients so it can be used often without drying or stripping the skin. Essential oils: Thieves Code 367408 Code 364308

236 ml 3 pk

Thieves Household Cleaner Refill Experience the wonder of Thieves® Household Cleaner, as tough stains and problem areas in your home become simple and easy to clean without using harsh or abrasive chemicals. While bacteria can be dangerous, some industrial cleaners on the market pose an even larger threat to your health. Thieves Household Cleaner is a natural all-purpose concentrate that can be used in every room in your home, without the harsh chemicals. Dilute in a spray bottle or bucket, or use straight for extra strength. Dilution ratios are listed on the label for your convenience. Essential oils: Thieves Code 447508 1.8 l


Essential oils | Oral care + Thieves Thieves Spray Thieves® Spray is ideal for use on door handles, toilet seats, and any surface that needs cleansing. Essential oils: Thieves Caution: Not for use on infants or on sensitive areas of the body.

Code 326508 29.5 ml Code 326608 3 pk

KidScents Toothpaste KidScents™ Toothpaste is a 100% safe and natural alternative to commercial brands of toothpaste. KidScents Toothpaste is fluoride free and contains no synthetic dyes or flavours. Perfect for children of all ages, KidScents Toothpaste makes a great training toothpaste for children during the crucial first years while they develop their primary teeth. Essential oils: Peppermint, lemon, rosemary, clove, cinnamon, orange, spearmint, eucalyptus radiata Code 3687 113.4 g

Thieves Dental Floss Take advantage of dental floss infused with Thieves® and Peppermint essential oil. Code 446308 Code 446808 3 pk

Thieves Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste Thieves® Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste is an advanced formula of all-natural ingredients that gently cleans your teeth while harnessing the power of pure Thieves essential oil blend for fresh breath. Essential oils: Peppermint, clove, eucalyptus globulus, thieves, thyme, wintergreen Code 374408 118 g


Essential Education One of the most exciting aspects of being involved with Young Living is the opportunity you will have to share the benefits of therapeutic-grade essential oils and oil-enhanced products with others. Whether you’re a Young Living Independent Distributor or are looking for information to share with friends and family about the wellness solutions you’ve discovered, the products in the following section will fulfill any need. From specific product information and training to audio/visual materials designed to support a home-based business, Young Living’s education essentials are key.


Essential oils | Education

Product Guide Search our selection of premium essential oils as well as our other exceptional wellness products in the most recent Product Guide. With beautiful photographs and detailed descriptions, the Product Guide makes it easy for you to share Young Living’s products with others. Learn about all our fantastic products and build your business with this vital piece of literature.

Policies and Procedures Booklet Code 385508 Singles

Code 384908 Single Code 385008 10 pk

Distributor Agreement The Distributor Agreement is the ticket to save on products, improve your health, and join the best home-based business opportunity available. Sign up other people as Young Living Independent Distributors by filling out this document, and help them become eligible to receive wholesale pricing, earn commissions, and much more.

Essential Rewards Brochure The Essential Rewards brochure explains the features and benefits of Young Living’s popular Essential Rewards autoship program. Keep your customers and distributors informed with this handy brochure. Code 430008 25 pk

Code 386408 25 pk


Essential oils | Education

Raindrop Technique DVD Now you can learn the powerful Raindrop Technique® as taught by the master, Gary Young. Step-by-step instructions will carefully guide you through each of the massage techniques and provide you with the essential knowledge needed to perform a successful Raindrop Technique.

Raindrop Technique Leaflet A leaflet including diagrams on how to perform The Raindrop Technique®. Code 441008 Singles

Code 3998


Creating Abundance Booklet

Everyday Oils Booklet

A comprehensive guide to understanding Young living’s compensation plan and bonus structure. Learn how to increase your earning potential and take advantage of lucrative business opportunities.

The Everyday oils booklet introduces beginners to the world of essential oils and explains how to make essential oils part of your day, every day. Natural solutions for home and body.

Code 348508 25 pk

Code 349308 25 pk

Essential oils | Education

Essential 7 Brochure Restore your Core Booklet Young Living’s Restore Your Core booklet provides and in-depth overview of our Core Essentials Complete nutritional program. Code 390808 25 pk

This useful brochure explains how to use the Essential 7 Kit, which is Young Living’s most successful essential oil package. The Essential 7 Kit contains seven of our most popular oils and oil blends and is among the first products purchased by new customers and distributors. These kits make great samples for potential new members, they are wonderful for product demonstrations, and they are fantastic rewards for members of your sales team who reach a new rank or production level. Be sure to include this informational brochure with every kit. Code 389908 25 pk

Essential Oils User’s Guide 5 Day Nutritive Cleanse Booklet The 5 Day Nutritive Cleanse booklet is the companion piece to Young Living’s 5 Day Nutritive Cleanse program. Code 398708 25 pk

The Essential Oils User’s Guide is an attractive booklet that is a brief yet highly informative introduction to the practical use of therapeuticgrade essential oils. This concise booklet contains helpful hints about different ways to use essential oils in everyday life, an application chart, and safety guidelines and tips. Code 318208 25 pk


Essential oils | Education

Thieves Booklet

NingXia Red DVD

The Thieves® booklet is a comprehensive in-depth look at Young Living’s Thieves line. Complete with history, descriptions, and how-tos, this booklet makes it simple to introduce Thieves products to a new prospect, or acts as a simple guide when using the Thieves products yourself.

NingXia Red®—the natural alternative to our toxic and fast-paced world—is explored in this insightful and informative DVD. Packed with hard-hitting information from doctors, scientists, and everyday users, this DVD explains why NingXia Red is in a class above all other available juices.

Code 349008 25 pk

Code 3790 Single

NingXia Red Booklet The NingXia Red® booklet informs and delights with the latest research information about the power of NingXia Red. Great for displaying or handing out, this booklet is sure to attract attention. Code 410808 25 pk



Essential oils | The VitaFlex Chart 3

3 2

2 4

4 1

1 5








12 11









19 21






Essential oils | The VitaFlex Chart 1 Ears

11 Liver


JuvaFlex, Spearmint, or Juva Cleanse

2 Sinus R.C

12 Adrenal EndoFlex

3 Eyes Thyme

13 Stomach Di-Gize

4 Brain/Pineal/Pituitary Brain Power, M-Grain, or Melissa

14 Kidney Cypress

5 Thyroid EndoFlex, Myrtle, or Myrrh

15 Gallbladder 16

8 Thymus Frankincense 9 Lung R.C or Raven 10 Spine Oregano, Thyme, or Valor

23 Spleen Roman Chamomile or Citrus Fresh 24

Ascending Colon Di-Gize


Descending Colon Release or Wintergreen

Trans. Colon Di-Gize

7 Heart Aroma Life or Joy

22 Pancreas EndoFlex with Coriander, Dill, or Fennel

JuvaFlex or Juva Cleanse

6 Shoulder Wintergreen or Marjoram

21 Sciatica Panaway or Aroma Siez


Small Intestine Di-Gize or Peppermint

18 Rectum 19 Coccyx Wintergreen 20 Appendix Ledum or Clove


The Raindrop Technique For thousands of years, medical practitioners have been using essential oils to heal and balance the body. D. Gary Young has combined his vast knowledge of essential oils with the ancient energy techniques of the Lakota Indians to create the ‘raindrop’ massage technique. Because of its wide success and non-invasive application, Gary’s Raindrop Technique® has been adopted by many chiropractors, massage therapists and other practitioners. You will discover that it is a joyful experience for the giver and receiver.


Essential oils | The Raindrop Technique Raindrop Technique® combines the art of aromatherapy with the techniques of Vita Flex and massage in the application of essential oils to various areas of the body. This collection provides a revolutionary means of bringing balance and harmony to the body, physically, mentally, and emotionally. This collection also includes Ortho Ease and V-6 Massage Oils and an instructional DVD and brochure. Refer to individual oils for specific benefits. The Raindrop Technique is one of Young Living’s most popular essential oil collections. The Lakota legend it is based on tells of a tribal journey far north into Canada to witness the aurora borealis, or the northern lights. When they arrived, tribal members reached upward into the night sky while deeply inhaling the healing power from the dancing lights. The story is told that many were healed of various sicknesses and afflictions that night. When borders were established between Canada and the United States, the Lakota could no longer travel north. Restricted to their reservations, they envisioned the healing lights while their bodies were lightly brushed or stroked. This action, combined with the memory of their previous healing experiences, served as a substitute to the restorative energy that they once enjoyed. This beautiful tradition is the inspiration for Young Living’s popular Raindrop Technique.

Raindrop Technique DVD Code 3998

Raindrop Technique Leaflet Code 441008 Singles


Index Symbols 3 Wise Men.................................................................................. 29 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse......................................................... 48 5 Day Nutritive Cleanse Booklet........................................ 71

A Abundance................................................................................... Acceptance.................................................................................. Acne-Prone Skin........................................................................ Aroma Life.................................................................................... Aroma Siez................................................................................... A.R.T® Booklet............................................................................. A.R.T® Day Activator................................................................ A.R.T® Gentle Foaming Cleanser........................................ A.R.T® Night Reconstructor.................................................. A.R.T® Purifying Toner............................................................ A.R.T® Skin Care System........................................................ Awaken...........................................................................................

22 22 55 22 22 63 63 63 63 63 63 22

B Balance Complete..................................................................... Balsam Fir (Idaho).................................................................... Basil................................................................................................. Believe............................................................................................ Blender Bottle............................................................................. BLM................................................................................................. Blue Agave.................................................................................... Brain Power................................................................................. Breathe Again Roll-On............................................................

C 80

45 10 10 22 37 45 45 23 30

Cedarwood................................................................................... Cel-lite Magic Massage Oil................................................... Cinnamint Lip Balm................................................................ Citrus Fresh................................................................................. Clarity............................................................................................. Clary Sage..................................................................................... Clear Vegetable Capsules...................................................... Clove................................................................................................ ComforTone................................................................................. Common Sense.......................................................................... Copaiba.......................................................................................... Core Essentials Complete™ Autoship Pack................... Creating Abundance Booklet.............................................. Cypress...........................................................................................

10 61 55 23 23 10 37 10 45 23 10 35 70 11

D Deep Relief Roll-On.................................................................. Detoxzyme................................................................................... Diffuser complete with Bronze well................................ Diffuser complete with Green well................................... Diffuser complete with Silver well.................................... Digest + Cleanse........................................................................ Di-Gize........................................................................................... Distributor Agreement........................................................... Dragon Time............................................................................... Dragon Time Bath & Shower Gel...................................... Dry Skin.........................................................................................

En-R-Gee....................................................................................... 24 Essential 7 Brochure................................................................ 71 Essential 7™ Kit........................................................................... 38 Essential Oil Carrying Case.................................................. 36 Esential Oil Carrying Bag...................................................... .36 Essential Oil Sample Bottles................................................ 37 Essential Oils User’s Guide................................................... 71 Essential Rewards Brochure................................................ 69 Eucalyptus Blue......................................................................... 11 Eucalyptus Globulus................................................................ 11 Eucalyptus Radiata.................................................................. 11 Evening Peace Bath & Shower Gel................................... 56 Everyday Oils Booklet............................................................. 70 Everyday Oils™ Autoship Pack............................................. 35

F 30 46 43 43 43 46 23 69 23 56 55

E Elemi............................................................................................... 11 EndoFlex....................................................................................... 24

Feelings™ Kit................................................................................. 38 Forgiveness................................................................................... 24 Frankincense............................................................................... 11

G Genesis Hand & Body Lotion.............................................. Gentle Baby.................................................................................. Geranium...................................................................................... Ginger............................................................................................. Glass Droppers........................................................................... Glass Nebuliser.......................................................................... Golden Touch 1™........................................................................ Grapefruit..................................................................................... Grapefruit Lip Balm................................................................. Gratitude.......................................................................................

56 24 12 12 43 42 39 12 55 24

Index Grounding.................................................................................... 24

H Harmony....................................................................................... Helichrysum................................................................................ Highest Potential...................................................................... Home Diffuser............................................................................

25 12 25 41

I ImmuPower................................................................................. 25 Inner Child................................................................................... 25 Inner Defence Total System Protection......................... 48

J Jasmine........................................................................................... Joy..................................................................................................... Juniper............................................................................................ Juva Cleanse................................................................................. JuvaFlex.......................................................................................... JuvaPower.....................................................................................

12 25 12 25 26 46

K KidScents Shampoo................................................................ 56 KidScents Toothpaste............................................................. 66

L Lady Sclareol............................................................................... LavaDerm Cooling Mist......................................................... Lavender........................................................................................ Lavender Bath & Shower Gel.............................................. Lavender Hand & Body Lotion..........................................

26 58 13 58 58

Lavender Lip Balm................................................................... Lavender-Rosewood Moisturising Soap........................ Lavender Volume Conditioner........................................... Lavender Volume Shampoo................................................ Lemon............................................................................................ Lemongrass................................................................................. LemonSage Clarifying Conditioner.................................. LemonSage Clarifying Shampoo....................................... Longevity...................................................................................... Longevity softgels.....................................................................

58 58 57 57 13 13 57 57 26 46

M Manna Bars.................................................................................. Marjoram...................................................................................... MegaCal......................................................................................... Melaleuca Alternifolia............................................................ Melissa........................................................................................... Melrose.......................................................................................... M-Grain......................................................................................... Mister.............................................................................................. Morning Start Bath & Shower Gel.................................... MultiGreens................................................................................. Myrrh..............................................................................................

NingXia Wolfberries................................................................ 51

O Ocotea............................................................................................ Oil Bottle Labels........................................................................ Omega Blue.................................................................................. Orange............................................................................................ Oregano......................................................................................... Ortho Ease™ Massage Oil....................................................... Ortho Sport Massage Oil.......................................................

14 37 47 14 14 61 61

P 48 13 47 13 14 26 26 26 56 47 13

Palo Santo..................................................................................... PanAway........................................................................................ Patchouli....................................................................................... Peace & Calming....................................................................... Peppermint.................................................................................. Pine.................................................................................................. Policies and Procedures Booklet....................................... Power Meal.................................................................................. Product Guide............................................................................ Pump............................................................................................... Purification..................................................................................

14 27 14 27 15 15 69 47 69 43 27



NingXia Red................................................................................. 51 NingXia Red® Autoship Pack................................................ 35 NingXia Red Booklet....................................................... 51, 72 NingXia Red Combo Pack..................................................... 51 NingXia Red DVD............................................................. 52, 72 NingXia Red Singles................................................................. 51

Raindrop Technique DVD............................................ 70, 77 Raindrop Technique® Kit....................................................... 38 Raindrop Technique Leaflet........................................ 70, 77 Raven.............................................................................................. 27 R.C.................................................................................................... 27 Release........................................................................................... 27 81


Relieve It........................................................................................ Restore your Core Booklet.................................................... Roman Chamomile.................................................................. Rose................................................................................................. Rosemary...................................................................................... Rosewood Moisturising Conditioner.............................. Rosewood Moisturising Shampoo.................................... RutaVala........................................................................................

28 71 15 15 15 57 57 28

S Sacred Mountain....................................................................... Sage.................................................................................................. Sandalwood................................................................................. Sandalwood Moisture Cream.............................................. SARA............................................................................................... SclarEssence................................................................................ Sensation Bath & Shower Gel............................................. Start Living™ Kit......................................................................... Start Living™ with 5-day Nutritive Cleanse™ + Core Essentials Complete™............................................... Start Living™ with Everyday Oils™...................................... Start Living™ with NingXia Red®......................................... Start Living™ with Thieves®.................................................... Stress Away Roll-On.................................................................

28 15 16 55 28 28 56 32 33 33 33 33 30

T Tangerine...................................................................................... 16 The VitaFlex Chart................................................................... 74 82

Thieves........................................................................................... Thieves® Autoship Pack.......................................................... Thieves Booklet.......................................................................... Thieves Cleansing Soap.......................................................... Thieves Dental Floss................................................................ Thieves Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste............................. Thieves Foaming Hand Soap............................................... Thieves Fresh Essence plus Mouthwash........................ Thieves Household Cleaner................................................. Thieves Spray.............................................................................. Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier....................................... Thyme............................................................................................. Tranquil Roll-On........................................................................ Transformation.......................................................................... Trauma Life.................................................................................. True Source.................................................................................. Tubing for Diffuser................................................................... Twelve Oils of Ancient Scripture™.....................................

28 35 72 65 66 66 65 65 65 66 65 16 30 29 29 48 43 39

V V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex............................ Valerian.......................................................................................... Valor................................................................................................ Valor Roll-On............................................................................... Vetiver.............................................................................................

61 16 29 30 16

W White Angelica........................................................................... 29

Wintergreen................................................................................. 16 Wolfberry Crisp bars............................................................... 51 Wolfberry Eye Cream.............................................................. 55

Y Ylang Ylang.................................................................................. 17

How to order



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UK Code 384908

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