Young Nation

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Dear friends, How are you all? Those who have few friends and want to make more friends then read our cover story section and learn how to be friendlier. Showing confidence, and give a good presentation is the most important in the competitive environment, so also read about how to polish up yourself in our advice section. Take care, edi

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Hey kids, kindly send us letters, stories, poems and events detail on the following address: Or Editor Young Nation 4- Shaarey Fatima Jinnah, Lahore.


Proverbs A leopard can’t change his spots - you cannot change someone’s basic human nature The supervisor tried to have a good relationship with his staff but a leopard can’t change his spots and he still had problems with those around him Let bygones be bygones - to forget the problems of the past My aunt decided to let bygones be bygones and she finally decided to talk to my mother again. Let sleeping dogs lie - to not make trouble if you do not need to “You should let sleeping dogs lie and not ask your friend for the money that he owes you.” Let the buyer beware - the buyer of something is responsible to research the quality of the purchase before buying it (this expression is from the Latin - caveat emptor) The idea to let the buyer beware is important when you buy something. Let the dead bury their dead - to think about the present and try not to remember and think about past events and people It would be better for the woman to let the dead bury their dead and stop thinking about what happened with her sister many years ago. Lightning never strikes twice (in the same place) - the same type of misfortune does not occur twice to the same person Lightning never strikes twice and I do not think that our house will be flooded again.

Young Nation-January

14, 2012


Blinding me By Mahnoor Naseer I can’t look , and I can’t see Their tears, are blinding me Searching in the dark Trying to make their own mark Somehow getting though the night Eyes telling me that we wont give up without a fight Wearing tread clothes in winter Every night searching for a another shelter Mouths begging for burger Stomach drowning in hunger Huge innocent eyes searching for answer Why should we suffer? What’s our fault, why are we punish? every night they wish take away my tears take away these dreadful years take away my dreams that way my world might seem…easier it’s a cruel world out there that I fear so, god are you hearing me listen to my pleas why make the rich become richer and why make the poor become poorer it isn’t fair, it isn’t right

so let me warn you I will not give up with a final fight a fight for survival I don’t care if everyone in this world is my rival I will make someone out of me I will work for I what I believe Don’t ask me how? Because I’m raising now And I’ll find my own destiny And my life will no longer be a mystery Because right now, I can’t look and I can’t see Theses tear of joy are blinding me… My New year Resolutions! By Amna Riaz These are not mere illusions! These are my solid resolutions! In this year i won’t fight! And take care of my diet! I won’t tease anyone ! And will help everyone ! I will always obey ! And won’t even dare to disobey ! I will say my prayers ! And will not cut my hair ! I won’t tell a lie ! And will fly high ! won’t create a mess ! And it would be a great success !

Young Nation-January 14, 2012


I would be more honest n fair ! So failure would confront me rare ! I won’t shout and cry ! And will always laugh and enjoy ! I will keep my clothes neat and clean! And will never be dishonest and mean! These are not mere illusions ! These are my solid resolutions! New Year By Ahmed Mansoor As New Year is around the corner I’m again obeying my mother By making a list That I won’t use my fist I’ll check thoroughly my assignment page And won’t shiver on the stage I would mind my language And try not to eat peanut sandwich I’ll try to be a hero By not getting a zero I won’t reach school late And try to lose my weight I’ll decrease my food rate Or I’ll be worse than my present state I won’t go out in a mist Let’s see how long I can follow this list


MAKINGFRIENDS Being an introvert is far away from being antisocial. The stark difference between the two is many a time shadowed by their similar social behavior. The only way of helping your child to make friends at school is to understand the nature of introverts. An introvert is often misunderstood to be an antisocial. Although the terms ‘introvert’ and ‘antisocial’ are used synonymously, they differ in their Young Nation-January

meaning. In order to help your introverted child make friends at school, it is important to understand their basic nature. Some children find it extremely easy to make friends, please crowds and find company in any kind of social gathering. These extroverts do not need much effort. On the contrary, some children choose to read books, play by themselves, watch TV and play solitary games over socializing with

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others. The latter are not being shy, but they simply have different social preferences. The act of voluntary isolation becomes the greatest challenge for introverts while making friends. However, if these traits are altered at a younger age, it will help your child at the later stages of life. Aiding Introverted Children to Make Friends at School

Pioneering a Small Talk

The starting point of any kind

of socialization is a small talk. It is a way of going beyond that initial moment of awkwardness and striking a conversation. With kids, all it takes is a simple ‘hi’ to initiate a small talk. However, for an introverted child, making the first move is supremely dreadful. Teaching your child a few simple tricks of small talk is a good start at helping him find friends at a new school. Greeting a classmate with a smile, a simple ‘hello’ or wishing the teacher are good ways of making small talks.

Role Play and Practice

Once you’ve introduced your child to the idea of small talk, it is important to show its application too. Practicing it with your neighbors, friends, at home an and with relatives is a good start at making your child speak p up p in public. Role play is a great ide idea to coax your child to come out o of the shell. Create a scena scenario of the ‘first day of school’ at home, wherein family members must the other fa pretend to be new classmates Give your child and teachers. teache time to assess ass the situation and assimilate tthe idea of approaching strangers. Practicing the act in a simulation helps in grasping techniques and building

Young Nation-January


friends, who can be understand-

Curiosity of your child to explore, learn and perfect new things is your biggest asset in helping him make new friends at school. Encouraging introverted children to be a part of extracurricular activities at school such as dance competitions, choirs, painting classes, fancy dress shows, annual days and sports will expose your child to several children from different backgrounds and of varying ages. The constant company of other children who share similar interests as your child, will definitely change your little one’s perspective of socializing.

circle of friends is more important for an introverted child, than to have a horde of friends and acquaintances around him/ her. Once your child finds a few friends, do not push further. Give your child time and allow him the liberty of being his own judge while making friendships. Helping your introverted child make friends at school can seem like a tough nut to crack. It takes a great deal of patience and understanding as a parent to encourage your child to fit into the social circles. Despite having friends, an introvert would pick a solitary activity over playing outdoors. While helping your child make friends, it is imperative that you seem encouraging and not pushy. Being empathetic towards your child’s innate tendencies, is the only way of molding your child for a better tomorrow.

Encouraging Hobbies and ing and patient about their inInterests nate nature. Having a close-knit

Making Good Friends

Some children tend to make a lot of friends, while some are selective about their company. An introverted child is likely to be the latter, as they prefer the company of just a few friends. Introverts prefer a few close

14, 2012


You can speak with confidence, clarity and conviction when you polish your presentation skills. The power of public speaking is a key leadership skill. Your ability to communicate will take you farther than any other skill. Communicate well. Communicate effectively and communicate your message so that others listen, understand and act. You will be amazed at what you can do when you hone your presentation skills and you present your message

with impact. A great presentation does not just happen. It is planned, rehearsed then delivered with flair. A good presenter is one who learns the skills of presentations - not one who hopes for talent to carry them. Public speaking is a set of skills not a talent. You can be a good presenter if you learn the skills for presentation success. You will be a great speaker if you learn from every presentation you deliver. Great presenters start

as poor speakers – then they get better. Look your best Smile. You look your best when you smile. You look most trustworthy, friendly and confident when you smile. We do not want to listen to a speaker who is frowning. Don’t grin like a fool all the way through your speech. Instead smile before you start. Smile when you say something important. Smile when you end. Make it a warm

ADVICE By Priya Aijaz

BRACE YOUR SKILLS Young Nation-January

14, 2012


friendly smile. When you smile you look confident and help to improve the confidence of your audience. Smile. Sounding your best Drinking water before you speak will lubricate your vocal chords. Breathing deeply and slowly will allow you to project your voice and pause when you want to – not when you need to. Speak slower that you normally speak. The audience needs to hear you, think about it and internalize it. Try these simple exercises to get your voice in shape before you speak. Yawn. Yes, yawning relaxes your vocal chords and opens the voice channel. The second trick is to hum. Humming seems to set up a resonance within your vocal cavity. Telling Stories Tell stories. Paint word pictures that create images in the listeners’ minds. If they can see it they are more likely to understand and remember your mes-

Young Nation-January

sage. The best public speakers are storytellers Use stories and anecdotes to illustrate and reinforce the main points of your presentation. Learn to master the skill of storytelling. Listen to newscasters, entertainers and other speakers. The best stories are personal. Because they are yours - they are easier to remember and they make your presentation unique. We listen to stories. We hate lectures. If you forgot that lesson - just ask your kids. The way to find personal stories that can be used in your presentations is to write them down. Make a list of significant things that happened to you and those around you; the first time… the best, the worst, the biggest mistake, the best break, the greatest ah-ha, the funniest moment, the most frustrating incident, the dumbest thing you did, the most embarrassing moment. Researching your presentation Get your facts straight. Don’t stand there saying, “I think so”

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or “I’m not sure.” Don’t lie and pretend to know something you do not. So spend time collecting and confirming your information. Too many public speakers are quick to present their opinions without providing clear substance. Avoid that trap. The fear of public speaking Studies show that our number one fear is the fear of public speaking. Hard to believe but it is more prevalent than the fear of death. If you have a fear of public speaking or feel some anxiety you are not alone. Even great speakers like Churchill experienced this fear. But he worked on his delivery skills so he could deliver even when he was nervous. You might feel terrified but your audience doesn’t know. There are several ways to get past speech anxiety. Focus on the success of your presentation. Before you step up to speak take a couple of slow deep breaths. Speak slowly. Don’t let it run away from you.

Young Nation-August 13, 2011


Young Nation-August 13, 2011



SONS A RAT By Abdul Fattah Solangi


Young Nation-January

14, 2012



Once a king was sitting dejected and disappointed outside of his abode. A beggar passed by. While giving the beggar a piece of meal he said to him, “Pray for me so that I may have offspring. I have seven wives but no children.” The beggar suggested him to take a stone and pelt at the mango tree. “If mangoes fell, you will have sons. If the leaves fell, you will have daughters. Remember, the number of mangoes and leaves which may fall will determine the number of your offspring.” As it is said that in the olden days the beggars were considered to have made successful predictions. People believed beggars and astrologers very much. So, the king followed what the beggar said to him. He went to the orchard and found a mango tree that was rich with the mangoes. He pelted a stone at the tree. To the surprise of the king, seven mangoes fell. The king felt excited. He takes all the fallen items and goes home. He joyously called his wives and narrated the whole story. All the wives became very happy. All the wives ate the mangoes quickly except one who was busy in completing the chores. She decided to have the mango when she is free. She places it in the shelf. Unfortunately, a rat bit the mango. When she sees this, she decides to throw it away. But the king prohibits her as it was a fortunate mango. Therefore, she ate the mango. After a year, the six wives gave birth to sons. Interestingly, the seventh one mothered a rate. Of course she was the one who had eaten the mango bit by a

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14, 2012


rat. The other wives laughed at her. She was feeling extremely embarrassed. She decided to take the rat into jungle and abandon it there. The king consulted with the same beggar about that. The beggar suggested that the well-being of the entire family lies in the unity and cohabitation of all the members of the family. The king agreed reluctantly. No one was happy but they had to obey the beggar. After all, the beggar ensured the well-being only in the cohabitation and unity of all the members of family. Thus, they all grew together. When the children came of age, they very often went to visit far-off places. The rat used to accompany them. All disliked the rat. They left no stone unturned to stop the rat but to no avail. The rat kept stuck to the brothers as a security. At last, the rat did prove to be a great security and worth accompanying. On a long journey, the boys were tired and hungry. They wanted to relax and have some food. They happened to go to a place of a strange old woman who readily welcomed them. Actually, she was witch. She poisoned the food but the rat exposed her conspiracy in its own curious way. The rat teased the cat and attracted towards himself. Then he pushed the food from the hands of the brothers. When the cat tasted the food, she died. All the brothers stood up and appreciated the rat. For the first time, they acknowledged the rat to be their brother and recognized the significance of the rat’s company.

Young Nation-January

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Young Nation-January

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Young Nation-January

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Young Nation-January

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Maria Gilani

Zainab Zafar Shahjahan Shafqat

Esha Farooq

Artist’s Corner

Sameer Khan

NOTE: NO OTE TE: Kindly send us your drawings on white paper.

Mumtaz Mir

Young Nation-January

14, 2012



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