Young Nation Magazine 02 July 2011

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Dear friends, How are you all? There was a mail send to us by a regular reader requesting to publish the poet’s corner each week. So what you say, write few lines about the summer and send to us. Enjoy your vacations! Best, edi

Designed by Sohail Abbas





10 13


Hey kids, kindly send us letters, stories, poems and events detail on the following address: Or Editor Young Nation 4- Shaarey Fatima Jinnah, Lahore.


ing. In the previous maga-

behaviours. article

zine I saw that you say to

was by Muhammad

send you father’s day cele-

Omar Iftikhar titled

brating things. To mark this

“Is money really im-

day, I bought a card and a

portant?” was a little

wallet. We made custard

bit mature but was

and jelly and also make pop

digestible by all readers.

corns. Please increase the

For criticism I believe the

number of pages of your

Dear Edi,

mag has no critics so far.


What is going on with po-

For this you must do some-

Please start publishing sto-

ets’ corner? It’s not there

thing otherwise it will not

ry competition and colour-

Don’t you get poems from

make progress.

ing competitions. Please



Warm regards

send information

days or there is some other

A. K. Rasheed

animals. My holidays have

change the YN is undergo-






started, now I want to contribute my writings in

ing? Though most of the

the magazine. Take care of

magazines of our country

Dear Edi,

are silent nowadays for po-

How are you and your team

etry maybe it’s because of

going? I hope that you and

holiday’s season in Pakistan

your team are fine. This

that most of the contribu-

is my third letter to you. I

tors are out of city. Anyhow

am sending you a drawing

the article on June 4, 2011

Dear Edi,

and a story. Please publish

by Rabia Siddiqui was quite

I just want you to know

them. I am a regular reader

that you are doing a fan-

interesting but the vocabu-

of your magazine. I like the

tastic job. So keep it up

lary she used was quite full

poster of Selena Gomez..

and increase the number of

of multi meanings that is

The stories of Syeda Far-


why I made out a little bit

heen Javed, Saher Saqlain,

Your fan,

despite it, but it was car-

Namna Shahid and Simra

Eisha Glee

rying good information of

Hassan were very interest-


Young Nation-July 2, 2011


yourself. Regards Momina Nadeem APSACS

Breakfast-Meal of the day

ADVICE Breakfast provides the energy needed to start off the day right! A healthy breakfast consists of milk , bread, egg, fruits and cereals. Children who eat good breakfast perform better in school, pay more attention, are more creative, think and focus better and score higher on tests. Children who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight. Studies show that kids who skip breakfast lose up to a quarter of their daily intake of essential vitamins and minerals. WHAT HAPPENS TO OUR BODIES WHEN WE SKIP BREAKFAST? When you skip breakfast, you condition yourself to feel fine but a close examination of

your fasting mood would reveal that your level of energy is low. What happens is that you still need the energy after you wake up. Your body does not stop just after you go to sleep. It goes on breathing, digesting and pumping blood in your body. It constantly needs food and even if you not hungry early in the morning your body will still need the extra energy contained in a breakfast meal. Breakfast is more than an energy source. Breakfast is good for you because it provides glucose to your brain making you mentally efficient and alert. Breakfast gives you vital nutrients and vitamins, makes you slimmer by jump-starting your metabolism (how quickly your

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body burns energy) which is slow after relative inactivity at night. WHY BREAKFAST IS GOOD FOR YOU? Almost everybody knows that ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day.’ If it’s so good then how come many people skip breakfast? Fresh fruits and cereals are a healthier choice for breakfast, but you have to be mindful of the sugar contained in cereals. If you want to do something for yourself, you do it, and you can condition yourself to the habit of having breakfast a part of your life . Help children plan ahead. But whatever you do... Do have breakfast!


By Komal Ata

Google and its services are liked by many people and it is better than many other search engines and Internet companies like Yahoo and Microsoft. Google puts out creative, interesting and beautiful logos on its site from time to time, to celebrate the day and make people aware about the event. This usually happens on a special occasion,

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commemoration, to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists and scientists. Whether it is the beginning of Spring Season, Albert Einstein’s birthday, Fifa World Cup, Olympic games or Cricket World Cup etc. These Google Logos are known as Google Doodle. The concept of doodle was


evolved in 1998, when the founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin played with the logo to signify their presence at the Burning Man festival. The revised logo was intended as a comical message to Google users that the founders were “out of office” by drawing a stick figure behind the second O in the word “Google”. Since then the demand for doodles become instantly high not only in US but internationally. The doodle team has created over 300 doodles for in the United States and over 700 have been designed internationally. Google doing fun with the corporate logo by redesigning it from time to time is a part of the brand. Doodle symbolizes the creative and innovative personality of the company. It is a unique way adopted by the company to recognize events and eminent personali-


ties. Sometimes the logos appear so randomly that by reloading the page, there will be a different one. Making doodle is a team work of talented designers. For them, creating doodles is an effort to juice up the Google homepage and bring smiles to Google users worldwide. Nowadays, many users excitedly look forward to the release of each new doodle and some even collect them. Google runs a competition from Grade K to 12 students in the U.S to design logos around a theme each year. Like this year theme was “What I’d like to do someday…”. the award for the winner was the logo showing up on the homepage, a $15,000 scholarship and a $25,000 technology grant for school. The winning doodle was featured on 20th May, 2011 Doodle is a platform from where human emotions, feelings and

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ideas are conveyed to the world. The internet community is unified through these doodles as everyone has shared experience which is uncommon these days because of fragmented society. Not only this but google also presents the videos on its logo like on Charlie Chapplin’s birthday, they puts the video of Charlie Chapplin to pay tribute to the legend. Similarly Google has made a doodle video of dance animation in order to celebrate Martha Graham who was a renowned dancer and choreographer of modern dance. Another example to video doodle was the celebration of 30th anniversary of Pac-Man. The logo was the playable Pac-Man game. People are expecting to see more interactive and animated logos in the future. Google doodle indirectly develop a level of trust and understanding among people.

Google is the site from where users can search any information related to any subject. Users can also search different games of their choice. Not only this, but they can also download any software. Google has gained much importance in our lives that we don’t even bother to go to library or consult any book. We are very much addicted to click a button and have a lot of information in front of us. We are very fond of it that we blindly trust the information which it provides. It is not only helpful for the adults or

youngsters but for kids as well. Kids can search for any answer for which they have any sort of confusion. Not only about Pakistan but it gives the information about any group, any community or any country all over the world. Its main purpose is to make the information universally accessible and useful and to organize it. Stanford University graduate students Larry Page and Sergey Brin built a search engine “Back rub” in 1996. By 1998 they formalised their work and create a company you know today as

Google. Google has no doubt revolutionized the web services provided to users. Now working in many countries, Google once was a small little seed in the minds of two students, which now has become a stern tree & millions of people around the world are benefiting from it. As mentioned above people tend to blindly believe in the information provided by Google search engine, that is so because, Google provides the links of the key words used by the user, when the user types a name it will put millions of


Cover Story

Young Nation-July 2, 2011


links, pictures and information about the people or about the things that they have done or are related to. Interesting thing to know is that its services are completely free for use, if anyone knows how to access the internet, and then you can find million or trillions of stories on the internet that you have never heard about in your life. Google has the vast variety of network like: GOOGLE EARTH Google earth allows users to see things like cities, streets and houses. It displays satellite images of varying resolution. Google earth is very useful in our daily lives like you can have up to date images of any disaster. One can’t deny the importance to Google earth in educating student’s geographical themes (location, culture, characteristics, human interaction and movement). More over one can get directions such as street names, cities and es-

tablishment. GOOGLE WEB Google web allows users to browse and search different websites. It is very helpful to get any information regarding anything. Every company or industry has its own website to guide or inform the people about their working. Google is a website from where you can get relevant web pages which contains the images, videos. GOOGLE IMAGES It is a search engine which allows users to search and save the images. One can find thousands of pictures or images of a particular thing. Not only the images but users also get the links of the web page of that thing. GOOGLE TRANSLATE Google translate is a wonderful type of Google. It translates more than 50 languages like English, Urdu, Chinese, Arabic, French, Persian, Japanese etc. It is a translation service which is free of cost. And users can translate anything you want in seconds. Moreover it also provides the service of hearing the translation. GOOGLE BOOKS With the help of Google books users can search and download different books from worldwide web. Moreover users can also make their bookshelf by creating an account on Google. And

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can also share them with their friends. Over 15 million books have been scanned by Google. It does not require any specific device (such as iPad, etc.) GOOGLE GMAIL It is a web based email service that allows users to send, receive and store mails. Gmail has a storage memory of more than 7 GB. Once a user marks the mail as a spam, this provides information to help the system identify similar future messages for all Gmail users. It also provides gmail users to access their accounts from mobile. GOOGLE CHROME Google chrome is a web browser. It loads websites and applications immediately. Users can search the website by writing it in the address bar. GOOGLE VIDEO With the help of Google video users can search and download thousands of videos. Users can also search movies, songs, dramas etc. it’s a free sharing website and user can also upload any video. GOOGLE TALK Google talk is a messenger that allows user to chat online with friends and relatives. It enables users to communicate with others regardless of the distance between the two. Not only text chat but video and voice chat can also be done.

Young Nation-April 30, 2011


Young Nation-April 30, 2011


Honey Bee, the Wondeful Insect BEE

(Com (Compiled o pi pile led d by Usman U W Waqar) Honeybees are social insects. In the wild, they create elaborate nests called hives containing up to 20,000 individuals during the summer months. (Domestic hives may have over 80,000 bees.) They work together in a highly structured social order. Each bee belongs to one of three specialized groups called castes. The different castes are: queens, drones and workers. There is only one queen in a hive and her main purpose in life is to make more bees. She can lay over 1,500 eggs per day and will usually live less than two years, although there are a few records of queens living longer than that. She is larger (up to 20mm) and has a longer abdomen than the workers or drones. She has chewing mouthparts. Her stinger is curved with no barbs on it and she can use it many times. Honey bees obtain nectar (for honey production) and pollen from flowers. As the female worker bee sucks nectar from flowers, it is stored in her special honey stomach which she uses as a “nectar backpack”. This is completely separate from her digestive stomach although there is a valve connecting the two which she can open when hungry. This allows her to pass through some honey to be converted to energy for her own needs. After visiting between 150 to 1500 flowers, the honey stomach is full and almost equal in weight to bee herself Abee returning to the hive with a load of nectar is almost immediately greeted by other workers ready to relieve her of the load. A mouth to mouth transfer is normally done beYoung Nation-July 2,2011

tween a field bee and one of the hive bees as the adjacent photo shows. The recipient bee processes the honey in its mouth and honey stomach by the addition of enzymes that break the complex sugars in the nectar into simple sugars that is both more digestible by the bees and ultimately gives the honey its characteristic long “shelf life”. Nectar returned to the hive at this point is barely recognizable as honey. The nectar initially is nearly 80% water with the remainder consisting primarily of complex sugars. After processing the honey with enzymes, small droplets are typically deposited on the upper side of a cell wall awaiting its final conversion into viscous honey with which we humans are acquainted. This conversion is largely an evaporation process which, in turn, is hastened by the warm temperature (95 degrees F) maintained in the hive and the movement of air across the honey combs. Leaving nothing to chance, the bees actually control the movement of air by fanning their wings in a coordinated effort. The buzzing sound coming from a hive (even at night when there is no flying) is due to this “forced evaporation” process. The end result is thick, viscous honey with a 17% - 18% moisture content. In the peak summer months a worker bee literally works herself to death visiting flow-


ers and transporting the precious cargo back to the hive. During this frenzied time of activity in preparation for the coming winter, a worker bee only lives approximately 35 days. At the end of her days, her wings become so frayed that her usefulness is over and she is rejected by the colony. Qur’an and Hadith refer to Honey as a Healer of Disease ‘And thy Lord taught the bee to build its cells in hills, on trees and in (men’s) habitations..... there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for

mankind. Verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought’. (Translation of Quran 16:68-69) In addition, the Prophet (PBUH) said: ‘Honey is a remedy for every illness and the Qur’an is a remedy for all illness of the mind, therefore I recommend to you both remedies, the Qur’an and honey.’(Bukhari) The reader may be surprised to learn that the above quotation from the Qur’an is mentioned in a well known encyclopedia on honey. In recent years, scientific support is beginning to emerge confirming the beneficial effects of honey on certain medical and surgical conditions. These effects may be summarised as follows: Antibacterial and antifungal properties These properties of honey are well established. Undiluted honey inhibits the growth of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, certain gut pathogens and fungi such as Candida albicans. At a concentration of 30-50%, honey has been shown to be superior to certain conventional antibiotics in treating urinary tract infections. The exact mechanism of the anti-microbial effect of honey remains obscure. Low pH, osmotic disruption of pathogens and the presence of bactericidal substances, collectively called inhibine may all play a part. Anti-diarrhoeal properties At a concentration of 40%, honey has a bactericidal effect on various gut bacteria known to cause diarrhoea and dysentery such as Salmonella, Shigella, enteropathogenic E. coli and Vibrio cholera. In one study, honey given with oral rehydration fluid was shown to reduce the duration of bacterial diarrhoea in infants and children. Wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties Honey is of value in treating burns, infected surgical wounds and decubitus ulcers. Honey is very viscous, enabling it to absorb water from surrounding inflamed tissue. For example, a study in West Africa showed that skin grafting, surgical debridement and even amputation were avoided when local Young Nation-July 2,2011

application of honey to wound promoted healing, whereas conventional treatment failed. In another study, wound healing was accelerated by application of honey in women who had undergone radical vulvectomy for vulval cancer. Also, it has been suggested that honey may be useful in the treatment of chronic, foul smelling ulcers seen in leprosy. Nutritional properties Uncontaminated honey is a healthy, easily digestible, natural and energy rich food. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, enzymes and vitamins. One tablespoon of honey provides 60 calories and contains


11g of carbohydrates, 1mg of calcium, 0.2mg of iron, 0.lmg of vitamin B and 1mg of vitamin C. Honey is widely available in most communities but its medical potential remains grossly underutilised. Its mode of action remains incompletely understood and the healing properties of honey in other clinical and laboratory situations requires further evaluation. The miraculous beneficial properties of honey, so beautifully expressed in the holy Qur’an and Sunnah 14 centuries ago expose the reluctance of modern science to accept and exploit this ‘traditional remedy’.

Young Nation-July 2, 2011


Once upon a time, there was a boy who was maltreated by a stepmother and a stepbrother. He used to work in the house the whole day. He slept in the stable on the hay at night. This pain never let his optimism drained away and thus always looked forward that one day he would be a rich and an independent man. His mother had given him a beautiful lamp as a gift and said “look son, be like this lamp which does not put out even in windstorms through flickers, and in this way shows the path to the way. Farers who otherwise should go astray.” The boy listened to her advice carefully and in his hearts of heart promised to his mother that he would

act upon it. From that day he lit the lamp every night as he had promised with his mother that he would never loose heart even in bad circumstances. He again and again mustered up his courage. That day also came when he completed his studies and went to a bigger city in order to find a job. Here he met a man who worked in a company which sent the people abroad. He got the chance and went abroad. There he earned a lot of money. And after some years when he returned to his country he became a rich man. First of all he went to his village when he reached to his house he was a suited-booted man with big suit cases. His stepmother and stepbrother at once

Never lose heart

Young Nation-July 2, 2011


rushed towards him and served him. He loved them. Then he went to his father’ room. He embraced his father. His father became very happy to see his son in such an elegant appearance. In the night when everybody went to their rooms he went to his room and was all alone. He suddenly saw a light. He came near to it. It was the same lamp which his mother gave him as a gift. It was fluttering very briskly today. Tears welled out into his eyes. But these were the tears of happiness as he kept the promise which he had made with his mother that “never loose heart”. By Fouzia Abbas Story Time

Young Nation-July 2, 2011


Young Nation-July 2, 2011


Young Nation-July 2, 2011


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