Young Nation Magazine 24 March 2012

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Dear friends, We present to you another exc iting issue of your very own Young Nation. We always try to present the magazine the way you like it. This week take a tour with us to Lahore Zoo. Meet the wonderful mammals that live there. There is no let up in providing you with exciting new activities. Please send us your suggestions for improvement. Best wishes, edi

Designed by Sohail Abbas


Book fair

Story time




Story time

Hey kids, kindly send us letters, stories, poems and events detail on the following address: Or Editor Young Nation 23- Shaarey Fatima Jinnah, Lahore.


On February 10, 2012, after school, I visited a marvelous Book fair. It was held in ExpoCentre Johar Town Lahore, Pakistan. I was very excited. When I entered with my mother on the left holding my sister Samans Hand, We saw a bright Book stall on our right, named: Liberty Books, On our left was the map of whole place and on our front were other colorful books stalls. The book were neatly piled on the shelves and cases (mostly thick ones and for 18+). There were two huge tables in-between, which were hidden by comic and fairy tale story books. There were also books of the famous authors; Rool Dhal, Enid Blydion, Jeff Kenny and the other part was full of Allama Iqbafs Poetry and lots of other Urdu Books. At the most left was the payment Counter, So, we got out of Book stall and a very interesting, small, little, blue stall caught

sight of my mother and me. We came to know that in this stall we can buy books online anytime on our computers. I took one brochure of it. Next to it was a dictionary shop, it wasn’t any simple dictionary shop, it was a magical shop. There was a device in which you put on the Quran and it “Dictates” it for you. There was another new digital “Dictionary” which dictates all the words in every language which you spoke. I found it a fascinating stall. The best stall was on corner labeled: Readings. It had all sort of hooks, like; fairy tales hooks, Adventures books, true life time books, all in English and Urdu. Opposite to it was a huge, big stall labeled: Ferozesons. It was the most “Bright”, “Colourfull” and “Beautiful” stall. The books were Brand new, unique and acknowledgeable. It had tongue twisters, Jokes, riddles, Eng-

lish for mis-spellers and best of all spoken English. It was the most crowded stall. The second crowded stall was Maqbool Books stall, It had Barbies books, Colouring books, some toys, stories of leaders, cyryons and all series of diary of wimpy kid, Harry Potter, The famous five, all Rool Dhan book and all set of Allama Iqbals Poetry in English. Well, after going to this “Book Fair”, I learned that it was held because everybody is getting away from the habit of Reading. Computer and electronics have snatched this habit so as called (Reading). We have betrayed our best friends “the Books”. Now everybody is getting obsessed because they are using screens. This was the best exhibition I have ever visited and it gives us lesson to love books because books are not only our best Teacher but our best Friends also.

Book fair



24, 2012


Separate roads of life By Asma Iftikhar Two roads are diverging in yellow wood. One road leads to my father, One road leads to my mother. Don’t know where to go? I don’t know what is mother? What is the taste of her love? What is the charm of her lap? What is her guidance? How she kisses? Don’t know where to go? I don’t know what is father? What is the shadow of his love? What is the charm of his company? What’s his guidance? And how he scolds? I don’t know where to go? I am the one without name Having parents but no one to claim Always a question pinch my mind, When a storm of aches sink my heart Why my mother gave me birth? Why they tied me in the chains of their relationship? Why they made me a prey of their omission? Why they left me alone in this grim society? But I know

They are like the stones, hard and rough. No love is there in the bosom of my mother. No love is there in the heart of my father. My road of life is barren But Why I miss them? Why I care them? Why I love them? They never think of me. Still I think and love them. Who is better I cannot show? So I don’t know where to go? Grammar Behind Word By A. K. Rasheed


The least educated Create debate While the educated Have difference of opinions among them The least educated Search words in books The educated Look up books in a single word Find different worlds in that word They realize just one thing That what they know is “Nothing” But when they research in the “Nothing” They come to know that it has different universes So the word “Nothing” they know Has some different mean-

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ing that they knew Then again a new world born So they retrospect about the past And decide to realize by resuming from zero What they know What they don’t know They pray to God To let them realize at least this difference If the pray is granted Then they realize A very petty but significant truth That what they know Is “They don’t know” The least educated Learn the word shape by heart And reckon it as noun, adjective and so on They divide the tenses in sentences Taking these things as linguistics The educated Believe in the uses of word Not in shape They do not segregate tenses in strict sentence structure Rather get out the tenses from sentences They learn a single rule by heart Which proclaims “You must contemplate all the time” So they are right to claim that grammar has no rules But one, that is, “The useage of word is prevailing rule

MAMMALS IN LAHORE ZOO If you want to walk through the world of wonder, then let’s pay a visit to the zoo. I visited Zoo with my friends to see the animals. It was exciting and enjoyable. The best section that I found was the

mammals section. Well now I will tell you interesting facts about mammals. Lahore Zoo, established in 1872, is one of the largest zoos in South Asia. It is currently managed by

the Wildlife and Parks department of the Government of Pakistan. Lahore zoo houses a collection of about 1380 animals of 136 species.

Mammals Mammals are one of the 6 main classes of animals. Animal classes are groups of animals that scientists consider to be alike in some important ways. Mammals are the animal class that people belong to. There are only about 4,000 kinds of mammals. This sounds like a lot, but when you consider there are 21,000 kinds of fish and a whopping 800,000 kinds of insects you’ll realize mammals are a pretty small class!


PRIMATES Primates are omnivores like us which means that they eat both plants and animals. It can be generally divided into two groups; those with a tail and those without a tail. Two species of Apes, chimpanzee and white handed gibbon and eight species of monkey in Lahore zoo, chimpanzees are the most intelligent species of primates and are considered to be the closest relative of humans. Gibbons live in family units. Their long arms and fingers are adopted to swing in the trees and the light bodies give agility. Monkeys from South America use their tales in grasping. This helps them in moving rapidly among the trees they are referred to as the new world monkeys in Young Nation-March

Lahore zoo are black faced spider monkey, brown capuchin monkey. Old world monkeys are Rhesus monkey, Himalayan Grey languor, Vervet monkey. The baboons are the largest member of the monkey family. They eat fruit, tubers, shoots, grass, insects, and egg and sometimes hunt hares and young deer. Hamadryads’ baboon and Mandrill baboon are found in Lahore zoo.

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HERBIVORES The group ‘Herbivores’ constitute of those animals that eats plant, shrubs, grasses, fruits etc. There are many species of the Herbivores, however Lahore zoo, keeps about 235 species. Nilgai and Chinkara are found in Lahore zoo. Nilgai means blue cow. The hair covering their bodies short and they graze grass as well browse on trees. Chinkara is very adoptable animal able to exist in sand dune area down to sea level and life

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span is about 15 years. Black Bulk is primarily grazing animals. Life span is about 15 years. Hog Deer is a small deer with short delicate legs and bulky heavy body. Spotted Deer is slender, graceful and of medium body builds, Red Deer is larger and life span is about 16 years. Fallow Deer food consists of grass and herbs. Mouflan sheep are found in upland areas. Their coat is thick in winter to keep them warm and long horns. Wild Boar is a large bulky animal with a very short thick neck. Urail is smaller in size with shorter less massive horns.

CARNIVORS The mammals that only eat meat, such animals are called the carnivores. Lahore zoo have presently eleven species of carnivores. Common red fox and sand fox are found in Lahore zoo. It prefers to live alone and active at night. Eat mice and rats followed by fruit. Sand fox lives in pair and feeds on insects, small

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mammals and fruit. Asiatic Wolf lives in groups and hunt large hoofed mammals. Oriental Jackal also called common jackal. Life span is about 18 years. Himalayan black bear and brown bear also found in Lahore zoo. Tiger, each tiger has a distinct pattern of stripes. It sleeps for about 6 hours in a day and hunt at down. African Lion is the only social cat species .Lion is inactive for about 20 hours.

Story time

THINGS ARENT ALWAYS WHAT THEY SEEM Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in mansion’s guest room. Instead they made their bed on the hard floor. The older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied, “Things aren’t always what they seem.” The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could

have a good night’s rest. When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field. The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this happen? The first man had everything, yet you helped him, she accused. The second family had little but was willing to share everything that they had. “Things aren’t always what they seem,” the older angel replied. “When we stayed in the

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basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in the hole in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldn’t find it. Last night as we slept in the farmer’s bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead. “ Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don’t turn out the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to trust that every outcome is always to your advantage. You might not know it until sometime later.

Young Nation-August 13, 2011


Young Nation-August 13, 2011


Tim had to stay late after school and he was walking home. He wasn’t paying attention to anything in particular. He kicked a rock, ran up to it and kicked it in a different direction several times. It was becoming dark and stormy; large black clouds filled the sky, hiding the round yellowish moon. Tim noticed evening was coming and thought he better get home. The boy turned around to the left and then to the right. This wasn’t his block; where was his house? He scratched his head. Tim ran to

the end of the block but nothing looked familiar. He decided to try to retrace his steps. He was walking backwards. No! That wasn’t right. It was dark now, so he walked quickly down the block. Suddenly there was his house, but it appeared that no one was home since there were no lights on. Skipping up the walk, Tim unlocked the door, and slowly tiptoed inside. But there were still no lights - the switches didn’t work. This was spooky! The boy began to shake. What should he


Young Nation-March 24, 2012


Story time By Zuhaa Fayyaz

do? First Tim needed some light and he remembered a flashlight in the kitchen. Slowly he felt his way, arms outstretched, feeling for furniture. He fell and slowly got up, rubbing his knees and he bent over to rub his sore toes. In the kitchen, he stretched on tiptoes to reach the top shelf . Tim climbed on the counter to reach higher yet. There it was! He jumped down. The boy decided to investigate the house further. He heard a noise upstairs. Slowly he climbed the stairs and peeked around the corner, dropping the flashlight. It

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rolled under a bed. Tim got down on his hands and knees and crawled under the bed. He heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. Thud! Thud! Tim froze. He was so scared he didn’t know what to do. Tim huddled in a ball to make himself as small as possible. Thud! Thud! The footsteps walked into the room. Thud! Thud! They turned and went into the next room. Tim crawled out from under the bed and bent down to grab the flashlight. He quietly tiptoed down the stairs and raced to the door. It was locked! He skipped to the back door. It was locked! He


was trapped! Tim went to a window and lifted up the heavy glass. He squeezed through the opening and jumped to the ground. He landed in some thick bushes, so to get out he had to slide sideways, and squat down, walking like a duck. Reaching the sidewalk, Tim ran to the end of the block where a street light was located. He sat down in the grass to catch his breath. “Tim! Tim!” Someone was calling his name. It was his sister. Tim had been on the wrong block and his sister came to find him. He wouldn’t forget this spooky Halloween Eve.

CAREER COUNSELLING “If you choose the job you love, you don’t have to work a single day in your life,” a famous adage that says it all. To choose the career is imperative in one’s life because it can either make you or break you. One wrong decision can leave you wishing that you had selected a different path; therefore it is very important to make the right choice. Exams are around the corner and after that many students will be seeking admission in colleges or universities. There are some students who want to pursue their education in their fields of interest but they are forced by their parents to choose the career according to their wish. As a result, they fail to deliver the desired results which affect them psychologically; these students not only lose their self-esteem but a change in their personality is

also observed. Even there are scopes in these careers but as they have no interest in this particular field so they find it useless. Whereas there are few who survive and produce good results; they also get an appropriate job yet they have no job satisfaction. They feel restless and want to do something else in their life but have no clue of how to deal with it and what to do next? The demands of modern age rise with each passing day. Hence in order to keep pace with the recent times by securing right jobs at right time; the career choice is the foremost in the minds of freshly graduates or the job seekers having no professional qualifications. For this reason, Career guidance helps the students to select the career according to their choice and interest. However our stu-

Young Nation-March 24, 2012


ADVICE By Madiha Akhtar

dents are tentative for their future, they are ill-informed regarding the selection of the job for instance, many students who have completed their education but they have no idea where to apply and what will be good for their profession. Having said that, it is true that our Pakistani students do not know how to plan their future and what is best choice of profession that will lead them to the path of success. Mostly Pakistani students are aware of just few study fields and don’t know the choices of subjects they have. When Pakistani students get admission in colleges or universities they do not even know about scope of their study and job; it is all due to lack of counselling and career guidance. At this time, Career counselling is the need of time; re-

cently it is an emerging field which helps a person to make correct choice that suits their personality as well as their objective. It helps an individual to gain self-awareness in areas such as interests, values, abilities and personality. Furthermore, connect students to resources so that they can become more knowledgeable about jobs and occupations as well as engage students in the decision-making process to opt a career path that is well suited to them. In Pakistan, the concept of ca-

reer counselling is very much limited; our government also does not advocate for its progression. However, the rise of unemployment as well as ineffective education system has made the situation worse due to which it seems hard to survive in times of competitive environment. Although when you know your direction and focus regarding your goal; everything becomes secondary. In order to achieve this direction, a proper guidance is needed. Therefore students can take

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advantage while making decision for their profession through different career counselling workshops. The students/participants are assessed by these counsellors during the session according to which they are evaluated their area of interest, their own motivations and desires more thoroughly. On the basis of their interest, a counsellor helps these participants/students to overcome their shortcoming by making the right decision for their future.

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Young Nation-March 24, 2012 Young Nation-March 10, 2012

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Young Nation-March 24, 2012


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