Young Nation Magazine 28 April 2012

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Cover story

happiness with

True happiness is such a rare commodity that the whole world is continuously seeking it and failing to find it. All the people, who we consider to be the best in their fields, are seeking it too and failing to acquire it. The most brilliant of the scientists, the most gifted Young Nation-April

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of artists, the most talented of poets and authors, the wealthiest businessmen, the most powerful rulers, the greatest achievers in any field - all of them have been striving for it all their lives and failed to have it. Why is happiness such an elusive thing? Is it that it can-


not simply be achieved? Or is it that it is not where all of us have been looking for it? If you pause to give it a thought it is very easy to see that somehow we have all been missing the point. It is either that we have all been looking for happiness at the wrong places or

that it is simply not possible to achieve happiness. Sharing happiness is a great way to spread joy, but how do you do it? Well there are simple and free ways that you can share happiness each day. Be Polite In these days, it is rather uncommon for people to be polite to one another. A simple way of sharing happiness with others is to simply be polite. Remember to say please, thank you, and you’re welcome to others. When someone sneezes, says “Bless you”. Smile Sharing happiness with others can be as simple as a smile. When you pass a class fellow acknowledge them with a smile or a nice “hello”. It is exactly like that when you have tough days and someone smiles at you or says “hello” to you it really brings a sense of happiness.

Young Nation-April

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Donate We all have extra clothes and other miscellaneous items that we really do not need and that are taking space up in our homes. A great way to share happiness with others is to donate your old and unwanted items to other charities or people who can use them. This is actually a win-win situation because not only you are giving to those in need, but you are also creating a more organised and clutter free home for yourself. Listen A great way to share happiness is to be a good listener. Sometimes when a friend or family member calls, they just want someone to listen. Everyone needs to vent sometimes. Appreciation Telling someone you appreciate them is a great way to share


and spread happiness. Everyone need and wants to feel appreciated. Next time you’re significant other has a tough day at work, tell them how much you appreciate how hard they work. Volunteer Volunteering is a great way to share happiness and really helps others out. I know that not everyone has the time to volunteer, but if you do it will make you feel great knowing that you are helping a cause. You can volunteer at school, in domestic work etc. Sharing happiness is a great way to make others happy and in doing so, you will make yourself happy as well. If we each can do one nice thing for another person each day, the world would really be a much happier place. Believe it or not, happiness is contagious!


The stone cu tter Once upon a time there lived a stone cutter in a small village. All day long he worked hard, cutting the hard stones and making the shape which were needed by his customers. His hands were hard and his clothes were dirty. One day he went out to work on a big stone. It was very hard to work and the sun was very hot. After spending several hours cutting the stone, he sat down in the shade and soon fell asleep. After sometime, he heard sound of somebody coming. Walking up he saw a long procession of people. There were many soldiers and attendants and in the middle, in a palanquin, carried by strong people. How wonderful it must be to be the great king thought the stone cutter. How happy I would be if I were the king instead of a poor stone cutter. As he said these words, a strange thing happened. The stone cutter found himself dressed in silk clothes and shining jewels. His hands were soft and he was sitting in a comfortable palanquin. He looked through the curtains

Story time

and thought, how easy it is to be a king; these people are here to serve me. The procession moved on and the sun grew hot. The stone cutter, now the king, became too warm for comfort. He asked the procession to stop so that he could rest for some time. At once the chief of the soldiers bent before the king and said Your Majesty, only this morning you swore to have me hanged to death if we did not reach the palace before the sun set. The stone cutter felt sorry for him and ordered the procession to go on its way again. As the afternoon wore on, the sun grew hotter, and the king became more and more uncomfortable. I am powerful, it is true, but how more powerful the sun is, he thought I would rather be the sun than a king. At once, he became the sun, shining down on the earth. His new power was hard to control. He shone too strongly, he burned up the fields with his rays and turned the ocean into vapour

and formed a great cloud which covered the land. But no matter how hard he shone, he could not see through the clouds. It is obvious that the clouds are even stronger and more powerful than sun said the stone cutter, now the sun, I would rather be a cloud. Suddenly he found himself turned into a huge dark cloud. He started using his new power. He poured rain down on the fields and caused floods. All the trees and houses were swept away but a boulder, which once he had been cutting when he was a stone cutter was unmoved and unchanged. However much he poured down on the stone it did not move. Why that rock is more powerful than I am said the stone cutter now a cloud. Only a stone cutter could change the rock by his skill. How I wish I were a stonecutter. No sooner he said the words that he found himself sitting on a stone with hard and rough hands. He picked up his tools and set to work on a boulder, happily.


Fact file

miracles of water

Young Nation-April

28, 2012



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