3 minute read
Session 2: Brainstorm P.O.V
Purpose: For writers to quickly express things they care about.
1. Pair writers up, and remind that in this game, they ’ll each have 60 seconds to verbally list all the things they love. Direct them to page 8 in their workbooks. 2. Ask them to decide who is going to be A in their pair, and who is going to be B. 3. Your partner teacher may use you to model steps 4-7 of this game while explaining it. 4. Ask As to verbally list all the things they love while Bs write down everything As say on page 9 of A’s workbook. a. If writers are apprehensive about saying they love something, they can say “I like” . 5. Have A and B look over the list together. 6. Are any of the things listed similar? Can you group those things into one category? For example, if a writer brings up multiple family members in the game, they might decide to write down family. 7. Ask if there is there anything else that they want to add to this list, things they really care about. 8. Ask A to circle the three things they love the most. 9. Repeat step 4 - 8, ask As and Bs to switch roles.
Post-Game Questions
Were any of the things you loved or liked similar? Can you group those things into one category? Is there anything else you want to add to this list, things you really care about? Add it to your list. Circle the three things you love or like the most.
LEARN / CREATE Four Square
Your partner teacher will model this activity for the class. Then you will break off into your groups and lead this activity with your students. For each quadrant, think of 3-5 characteristics that you would use to describe yourself. Physical Descriptions Emotional Descriptions What 3-5 words would you use to describe what you look like? What 3-5 words would you use to describe the kinds of emotions you commonly feel/express?
Intellectual Descriptions
Social Descriptions What classes/subjects do you enjoy? Describe your friends/friend groups? What are you like when you are with them?
Describe your family? What are you like when you are with them?
Now list 3-5 firmly held beliefs that are important to you. They can be about: ● How you think people should treat each other. ● What you think is important. ● People, relationships, family, traditions, behavior, etc.
1. I believe that . . . 2. I believe that . . . 3. I believe that . . . 4. I believe that . . . 5. I believe that . . .
SHARE Writers Reflect Via Quick Write
● Ask writers to take a minute to look over what they wrote about in the I Love and Four
Square exercises on pages 8 and 9 in their workbooks. ● Let them know that they are looking over what they wrote to review the things they said they love/like, their key characteristics and beliefs in order to help them select three things that are important to them right now. ● They can select some of the things they wrote about today or they might come up with new ideas. ● Ask them to turn page 10 and identify the top 3 most important things to them. ● From this, they can think about how they view themselves and how they want others to see them. Remember, this is our goal, our “ want” in the narrative. ● An example is given.
3 Things That Are Really Important To Me Goal: How I view myself and want to be viewed by others
Ex: I care deeply about animals. Ex: I want others to see me as a caring person who looks after others and animals.
I want others to see me as...
I want others to see me as...
I want others to see me as...