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About the CARDinAl neWMAn SeRviCe AWARD

One of the principal purposes of the Newman Center’s Catholic Campus Ministry is to promote the spiritual welfare of its members.


The motto of John Henry Newman, the English theologian and educator for whom Newman Centers throughout the world are named, was Cor ad Cor Loquitor - HEART SPEAKING TO HEART!

The Cardinal Newman Service Award is given to a graduating senior who, through service to the Newman Center, Catholic Penguins, Youngstown State University as a whole and to the wider community, has embodied Cardinal Newman’s motto, thus allowing their own feats to be spoken to others in service and in recognition of the responsibility we each have to care for our neighbor.

HOMETOWN: Mt. Pleasant, PA

MAJOR: Business Administration (Marketing and Sales)

Madison Kirshner is a graduating senior who has generously given her time and talents in marketing to advance the Catholic Penguins organization presence on campus and took the lead in coordinating the senior class gift. Madison states, “The Catholic Penguins have helped strengthen my relationship with my religion. I am so grateful for the welcome I received in attending mass and events, especially as a senior. I am regretful I did not become involved with Catholic Penguins earlier, but the time I have spent within this group has been uplifting.”

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