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Muslim Student Association

About the ConStellAtion AWARD



The Constellation Award recognizes an outstanding university-wide event sponsored by a registered YSU student organization. Programs winning this award are distinguished by their inclusion of the university community and contribution to the quality of student life.


• Nominated program will have occurred during the past academic year.

• The program will have been sponsored by a registered student organization.

• The program will have been distinguished by its quality and inclusion of the university community.

• The program will contribute to the cultural or social awareness of the community.


The winner of the Constellation Award is selected by the Student Awards Committee based upon the submitted applications.

“The premise of this event was that each member of the MSA would sponsor a non‐Muslim student for the day, and they would fast together. The Muslim student would hold the non‐Muslim student accountable for the day, and from sunrise to sunset, they had to put their feet in our shoes for a day. Water and food were prohibited. We wanted the non‐Muslim students to understand why Muslims fast for a whole month and what we go through just for one day. It’s about control and abstaining from one’s desires and becoming closer to God in that way. The event was hosted in the DeBartolo Stadium Club, and at 7:45 pm, it started. We had an Imam (Muslim who leads prayer) come and give the non‐Muslims a little speech about Ramadan and its importance, and then we broke our fast together.”

How did this event contribute to the cultural or social awareness of the university and/or community?

“The entire Islamic Awareness week was centered around increasing the awareness of Ramadan on campus. The Fast‐a‐thon was only one part of it. Every day, we had a different event on campus that would raise awareness about Islam and Ramadan. On Monday, we created tasbih beads (which are prayer beads), and we had a slideshow about what they are and how Muslims use them. The next day was the Fast‐a‐thon. On Wednesday, we had a hijab booth up in the Kilcawley Center. A few MSA members kindly donated their hijabs for the table. We had female students come up and try on the hijab if they wanted. The hijabi students would place the veil on them while explaining the importance of the hijab and why Muslim women choose to wear it. They were able to answer questions people had and were able to clear up any misconceptions they had surrounding the hijab. This event week was very enlightening for many students because they were able to have questions answered about Ramadan and, in general, about Muslims that they didn’t have before.”

Muslim Student Association Officers:

President: Layali Kusuni

Vice President: Nora Habo

Secretary: Zainab Khanzada

Treasurer: Dean Esmail

Sisters Coordinator: Yara Habo

Brothers Coordinator: Aymen Kotb

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Taci Turel

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