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VOL. 88, NO. 5



Gold Medalist, 2009 Columbia Scholastic Press Association • First Place General Excellence, 2010 NJPA

“It’s all storytelling, you know. That’s what journalism is all about” -Tom Brokaw

CCM student speaks out I got the

money if you got the time

Raises awareness about bullying said. “But it was when I became accepting of myself that I overcame the pain that I felt; Have you ever been bul- it was then when I persevered.” lied or witnessed it firsthand? After the film was aired, Most of you probably have. MTV contacted McLaughlin Student James McLaughlin and asked him to write an aris raising his voice on this ticle on his experiences about epidemic that is sweeping the being bullied and his contribunation. tion to the documentary. The James McLaughlin, 20, a article was voted number one 2010 graduate of Mount Ol- by readers in several countries ive High School and current where it was featured on the student at CCM has become corresponding MTV site. an activist against bullying. McLaughlin has also been McLaughlin was bullied all featured in other bullying-rethroughout his years of middle lated media. and high school for being a With the help of Brian homosexual. Kearney, McLaughlin has apLast August, McLaughlin peared in the following media was contacted by a producer outlets: the LGBT radio show from Firecracker Films to be RAW TALK LIVE, Peera part of a documentary about, OvercomeBullybullying. The producer found, Out in NJ Magazine, McLaughlin on YouTube after,, viewing his “It Gets Better”, the Ranvideos--a campaign started dolph Reporter, and the front to promote confidence in gay page of The Mount Olive youths. In January, “Bullied,” Chronicle, just to name a few. a documentary produced by Brian Kearney, 21, a CCM Firecracker Films for MTV Alum who is now furthering was aired in almost every his education at Rowan Unicountry around the world. versity, has started his own “Bullied” is made com- public relations agency, Drivpletely by contributors like ing Force PR. “Being gay myself and McLaughlin from countries relating to what James had to across the globe. “I became the victim of say, I knew I had to help spread bullying because of my per- his message and his experiencceived sexual orientation at a es,” Kearney said. “We need very young age,” McLaughlin more people like him to step up RACHEL TAMBURELLI Contributor

LAUREN BOZZI Entertainment editor


James McLaughlin and Brian Kearney posing together to the plate and address these issues.” Kearney has helped McLaughlin create a platform to promote his views and messages that strive to influence and inform bullying victims and bullies. Kearney received a 2011 Gold MarCom Award for pro-bono public relations work done for McLaughlin. “I choose not to let the children and teens whom have taken their lives in vain, I chose and choose today to allow their

deaths to validate the pain that I once felt as real,” McLaughlin said. “I choose to share the value of their stories to show and inspire strength in others.” McLaughlin plans to continue to spread his concerns and messages to prevent the pain of being bullied. If you are interested in the “Bullied” documentary contact James McLaughlin at He can be followed on Twitter @jimmymac1191 and can be found on Facebook.

Summer courses not a terrible idea class takes more dedication than a regular course because you will not be interacting with a professor face to face. It is midway through the semester and Although the class is online, students many students are excited for spring break. should be prepared for an in person midNow is an ideal time to begin looking at term and final. An online course can be a summer courses. There are four summer way to keep your vacation schedule intact sessions that start on May 21, 2012 and while still earning college credits. run through Aug. 8, 2012. Students who are looking to transfer Some students may dread the thought need not be concerned with how online of coming to school during the summer, courses show up on their transcript. An but online classes make it possible to do online course will be listed as a standard work from anywhere that has Internet course. The same course requirements are access. fulfilled online as with on campus. If you are considering signing up for Summer courses can be an excellent an online class, it is important to consider solution for filling in those oddball classes your personality type and scheduling situ- in your program evaluation. If you have ation for the summer. Taking an online a class or subject that gives you trouble, JACOB WINTERFIELD

Opinions 2 Entertainment 3

Roving Reporter 2 Sports 8

Today’s Headlines



think about taking it during the summer. It can be a way to focus all of your attention on that course. Driving to campus for one course multiple times a week can be a financial burden, but carpooling has been a solution for some students. Talk some friends from your neighborhood into taking summer classes so everyone doesn’t go broke from rising gas prices. For more information regarding online courses you can access the school website at and click on the “Quicklinks” drop down from the left side of the home page and choose Distance Learning.

Cool off with The Snowball Effect

CCM student part of punk rock band page 3

We’ve all been there--low on cash, a job that doesn’t pay enough and a world where everything costs an exorbitant amount of money. It’s no secret that the life of a college student is usually a broke one. That’s where the website SeekingArrangment comes in. This site is designed around the idea that younger people need money and older people are willing to give it in exchange for “companionship.” The site claims to arrange “mutually beneficial relationships” and includes what is expected of Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies. A sugar daddy is described as a man who is “brutally honest about what he wants” and “always generous.” A Sugar Baby is, in order of importance, “Attractive, intelligent, and goal oriented.” Basically a rich older man is paying a young, beautiful woman to date him. Although there are older women who take on the role of a Sugar Mommy, it is far more common for the relationship to be between an older man and a younger woman. In fact, the opening page of has a photo of an older man with a young woman, but the site doesn’t advertise any photos of older women with young men. Many people against this site attribute their negative feelings about it to that fact that it could be considered prostitution. The site, however, claims that the encounters are legal because it is an arrangement between two consenting adults. “I think it’s a relationship between two adults so I don’t think anyone can tell them what is right or wrong,” said Kyle, a freshman at CCM. Depending on which way you look at it, SeekingArrangment could either be a really great or really degrading idea. Would you take part in a mutually beneficial relationship to help get you through school? Some feel that it is ethical, some don’t. “It’s literally glorified prostitution. It’s the reason women are looked at as less than men,” said Cassie, a sophomore at CCM. Need some cash? Maybe you’ll meet someone willing to shell out on Seeking Arrangment.

Trekking CCM at night

Some tips to help keep safe when the sun goes down page 2


Page 2 The Youngtown Edition


March 21, 2012

Kony 2012: A critical view photographer

What really grinds your gears? Daniel Chardon 28 Journalism “Irresponisible people”

Eddie Villabon 26 Journalism “Facebook”

Hugo Tejada 22 International Studies “The economic crises bothers matter what level of education you work to achieve, there’s still an uncanny amount of competition” Joseph Pohl 26 Journalism “People who talk on their cell phones while food shopping and hold everybody up. Talking on your phone in the car is bad enough, give us a break and get out of my way.” Mindy Drexel 29 Advisor “Peter Griffin”

Ricki Sanchez 19 Journalism “People who say the word ‘like’ a lot in their sentences.”

The Youngtown Edition The Student Newspaper of the County College of Morris County College of Morris • Mail Station SCC 226 214 Center Grove Rd., Randolph, NJ 07869-2086 Phone #: (973) 328-5224 Fax #: (973) 361-4031 E-mail: Editor in Chief....................................................................... Joseph Pohl Managing Editor..................................... Eddie Villabon, Alice Peterson Business Manager................................................................ Jenna Sopko News Editor......................................................................................Open Features Editor.................................................................................Open Entertainment Editor.........................................................Lauren Bozzi Sports Editor................................................................... Daniel Chardon Photography Editor.........................................................................Open Layout Editor...................................................................................Open Copy Editor.........................................................................Chelsea Ryan Communications Manager................................................... Cori Powell Technical Adviser...............................................................Wilma Martin


Ricki Sanchez, Zach Stavis, Rachel Tamburelli, Jacob Winterfield, Necole Gambino, Emily Staab, Kristy Flannery Adviser: Mindy Drexel The Youngtown Edition is printed every other Wednesday during the fall and spring semester. Unless specified, the opinions of the editorial page are those of the editorial board. Signed letters to the editor of 250 words of fewer are welcome and should be dropped off on a disk in the Youngtown mailbox in SCC 226 or e-mailed to All students are welcome to contribute articles to The Youngtown Edition either in person or via e-mail. However, students cannot receive a byline if they belong to the organization on which they are reporting. Writers must include a telephone number where they can be reached. The deadline for submission is the Wednesday prior to the date of publication.

CHELSEA RYAN Copy editor

Another video has gone viral, but this time it’s not about a boy still loopy from anesthesia after a dentist visit or a little English boy’s reaction to his brother biting his finger. No, this time the situation is much more serious and much more urgent. The Kony 2012 film has taken the Internet by storm. Whether it has popped up on your Facebook news feed or you’ve visited the Twitter feed of a number of celebrities, the Kony project is linked everywhere. Created by Invisible Children, Inc., the film’s purpose is to induce widespread awareness about Joseph Kony, a Ugandan war criminal and head of the guerilla group, Lord’s Resistance Army. After abducting children, he turns them into sex slaves and soldiers. The young soldiers are then ordered to kill, often times their own families. The video, which has racked up close to 100 million views, illustrates the organizations plans to find and arrest Kony. It is easy to be captivated and moved by the film. Emotionally directed by one of the founders of Invisible Children, Jason Russell, the film is powerful enough to have even the coldest of people sobbing like a baby. However, just as quickly as this campaign became known, it also received backlash and criticism. You might be thinking, “How could anyone oppose an effort to arrest an evil, murderous criminal?” As usual, it is not that simple. It is also not what I am advocating, nor are most of the critics. I urge you to visit visiblechil- This website provides an alternative look at the Kony 2012 video and a closer look at how Invisible Children operates. It provides numbers of revenue generated by the organization and what that money is spent on. One of the website’s main issues with the San-Diego based nonprofit organization is how most of its funds are spent on promoting awareness, travel fees, film production and staff salaries than on direct services to Ugandans. It also criticizes the groups involvement with the Ugandan army and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army, both accused of doing their own share of rape and looting. I have gone back and forth

that he is an evil man. Invisible Children succeeded in their efforts to make him infamous and inform people of his wicked actions. That is a good thing, but the organization has its flaws. I don’t judge people who support the organization because I believe it is better to do something than nothing. I also understand those who don’t feel morally right donating to this cause, but feel frustrated and want to do something to help. Jason Russell and Grant Oyston, the moderator of the Visible Children blog, have been in communication. Hopefully, they can meet somewhere in the middle and make improvements to purify Invisible Children. If they don’t, why don’t you? In the film, Russell asks a group

with how to feel about this organization and their efforts. Do I support the Kony 2012 movement? Do I purchase the action kit for 30 dollars, and if I do, what exactly will my money be going to? All of these are important questions to ask yourself. Still, you might remain confused. Some parts are black and white, while others are gray. After much deliberation, here is what I have come up with. Before the Kony 2012 video went viral, I had no idea who Joseph Kony was. Now, we know

of people, “Who are you to end a war? I’m here to tell you, who are you not to?” That is one thing Russell and I are in total agreement about. If you are not happy with your options, create new ones. Create an organization or start a movement that is pure. Kony and his organization must be stopped. As of right now, the Kony 2012 video and Invisible Children are the most powerful efforts, but they once started out as just an idea. That is all it takes.

Trekking CCM at night

Even if a security officer is not in sight, students should be aware that there are 20 emergency call boxes on campus. These are located outside the Although Mother Nature seems confused about buildings, and at least one is posted in each parking what season it is, the winter sun still sets early on the lot. These boxes are connected directly to the secucampus. Dark evening hours can be troublesome for rity office on campus. For students walking alone at students who attend night classes. night, knowing where the call box Students have found themselves is located can save precious time in taking certain precautions in order an emergency. to feel safe while walking to their There are some other tips that cars in the dimly lit parking lot and can help a nighttime student feel pathways. safe: Kelsey Alpaugh, a sophomore Know where your car is parked studying Early Childhood Educaand take the quickest route to get tion, has bought a small can of pepthere. per spray to keep by her side. This Personal protection, like a can eases her mind during that long of pepper spray that latches onto walk to lot 7. Alpaugh believes your key ring, can give students there is not enough lighting on reassurance. campus at night. Students can hold onto their “I think they should have secuphones while walking across camrity cars in the lots, but they’re nevpus—this allows you easy access in er there,” Alpaugh said. The sophocase you need to call for help. EDDIE VILLABON more admitted that the absence of Remember the buddy system security cars makes her wonder if In the next month, the exterior from third grade? It still works security would be there to help her lighting replacement project in college. Find a friend to walk will be complete. in an emergency. across campus with. If you can’t Chelsea Benavides, a sophofind a friend in-person, a “call budmore attending her third semester dy” can work, too. This is someone you can talk on at CCM echoed those concerns. “By the time it’s 9:15 p.m. and I'm walking out, the phone with while you walk to your car. I generally don't see them anywhere, although I'm Lastly, stay calm. Most experts agree that staysure they're there,” Benavides said. ing calm helps you think clearly in an emergency. Both students said that the visible presence of Next time you are taking that long walk to your security on campus at night would make them feel car when the stars are out, it may help to keep these safer. tips in mind. RICKI SANCHEZ Contributor

March 21, 2012


The Youngtown Edition Page 3

Cool off with The Snowball Effect CCM student part of punk rock band DANIEL CHARDON Sports editor

By day Mark Spelker is just a regular student like any of us. When the sun goes down, he transforms into superhero drummer Doc Hottie of the band The Snowball Effect. In a world where everything revolves around the almighty dollar, it’s refreshing to come across a band that actually plays music just because they love playing music. With The Snowball Effect, what you see is what you get, just a group of guys who love music and love entertaining people. The band’s vibe is a throwback to 90s punk, as in their own words “you were more worried about missing your favorite cartoon than traffic.” The Snowball Effect is a punk pop band that is rooted in the Ska punk genre. Ska punk combines elements of ska, which


From left to right: Captain Joshkovitz, Professor Greggles, Admiral Angar and Doc Hottie. is a combination of Caribbean rhythm and American jazz, fused with punk rock. Although the band has only been together for a couple of months, they already have enough songs to perform a half-hour set. Guitarist Capt. Joshkovitz, who moonlights as the bands songwriter, even has enough material written to layout an entire album. Members Doc Hottie, bassist

Professor Greggles and Captain Joshkovitz were all members of a different band before forming The Snowball Effect. The three of them felt the group they were with before took the fun out of playing music so they decided to leave and do their own thing. Enter guitarist Admiral Angar and The Snowball Effect is born. Streetlight Manifesto, Lucky Boys Confusion, Operation Ivy

and The Ataris are cited as some of the bands inspirations and favorite music groups. By getting to know what type of music they listen to one can get a feel for what The Snowball Effect’s sound is like. The group possesses a fun, throw caution-to-the-wind type of feel and it resonates through their music. The song “Nothing Left to Lose” captures this care-

free spirit. Joshkovitz describes it as a fun song that is about saying whatever is on your mind because there is nothing left to lose. While The Snowball Effect is mostly feel good music, they do show a serious side on the track Small Fry. Joshkovitz wrote the song about a friend of his who passed away at a young age. The way that these guys see things for their band is pretty simple. In a perfect world they would all be major artists and touring the nation. But if it doesn’t happen they accept that scenario, too. It is that mentality that makes their music so fun and uplifting to listen to. Signing a record deal isn’t the most important goal for them; making good music is. Listening to their music brings you back to a time when the trials of growing up were difficult, but life was fun regardless. Check out The Snowball Effect on Facebook at facebook. com/thesnowballeffectnj where videos of their jamming sessions can be found. You can also follow them on Twitter at #snoweffectnj.

Adele makes big comeback at Grammys after throat surgery NECOLE GAMBINO Contributor

Adele has not performed live since her surgery in November. The 23-year-old underwent vocal cord microsurgery to stop recurrent bleeding from a benign polyp, a problem that had even caused her to cancel tour dates. Therefore performing at the Grammy Awards last month was a huge test for Adele and her soulful, bluesy voice. Adele’s polyp was the type one would see in a singer who puts massive stress on his or her vocal chords. The risk is when someone develops a large polyp like this, it makes it difficult to sing properly. The issue needed to be addressed quickly so the singer could return to mak-

ing songs that touch people on a personal level. Adele’s surgery took place at Massachusetts General Hospital and was conducted by Dr. Steven Zeitels of the Center for Laryngeal Surgery at the hospital, according to CBS news. Zeitels said her surgery was an “outpatient procedure that can be done in a clinic rather than a hospital, and that patients can usually go home the same day.” Adele even quit smoking, an attribute she became notoriously known for, in order to regain her iconic voice as close to as it was before. For those who watched the Grammys, Adele’s post-surgery voice was just as amazing. She performed her hit “Rolling in the Deep” acapella, and the performance

Spring 2012 fashion EMILY STAAB Contributor

As seasons change, the weather is not the only thing we must adjust to. With each season comes new trends, styles and colors in the world of fashion. For spring 2012, designers are invigorated by various inspirations, which represent a wide range of styles. According to, spring lines are signified with vivid bright colors and pastels, paired with soft muted tones, which demonstrate free and playful moods as well as contemporary classics. Spring brings forth the idea of rebirth, regrowth and renewal. Spring colors help illustrate the seasons meaning. This season returns shades of orange, yellow, hot pink, lavender, turquoise, lime green as well as royal and baby blues. The returns of two great eras are represented throughout spring 2012 fashion: the 1920s and 1960s. The 1920’s fashion brings back the era of Great Gatsby and Coco Chanel. Elements of this era that will be seen are flapper headbands, beading, fringing and drop-waists.

The swinging ‘60s are also inspirational to spring 2012 lines with bright block colors, graphic prints and colorful abstract geometric patterns. Anything made out of lace will make an appearance as well as the flat, round-cornered peter-pan collar. This spring is the rebirth of cropped pants with high waists, full circle skirts, and slim pencil skirts. Cuts that draw in the waist will be evident, and there will be plenty of monochrome white, cream and black. Additionally, runways showed elements of apron style articles this season. Vintage housewife connotation with a touch of traditional and folk references, apron styles in 2012 are crisp, elegant and simply represented in apron back dresses and apron back skirts. As for the men, spring 2012 fashion is simply cut, loose and relaxed tailoring. While there are still elements of slim and skinny cuts, relaxed tailoring will be dominant. However, it is important to note that this relaxed tailoring is different than baggy jeans and loose layering that we have seen in the past. Furthermore, pleated pants and loose cut jackets will make a comeback.

was simply moving. Throughout the performance she exuded a certain confidence while singing. Adele went on to win six out of the six Grammys that she was nominated for including “Record of the Year,” for her

sophomore album “21”. Adele has a voice that has made an impact in pop culture society by singing about, in Adele’s own words, “something everyone’s been through -- a rubbish relationship.”

Page 4 The Youngtown Edition

March 21, 2012

March 21,2012


The Youngtown Edition Page 5

The Creative Corner The Creative Corner is a segment in The Youngtown Edition designed for CCM students to submit their creative works either for class or recreationally. This is a segment dedicated to the ideas of the student body. It is designed for CCM students to show off their creative side. Everyone is unique in their own way, whether or not you draw, write, or blog. If you enjoy writing short stories or poems on your own time, or even if you wrote a poem for class and want others to read it, send it in to the Creative Corner.

Welcome back! We all hope you had a great spring break! The year isn’t over yet though, and the SGA has a lot planned for the next few months. Phi Theta Kappa will be hosting a Community College Completion Corps Summit along with SGA on March 23 to help promote degree completion amongst community college students. The event will include members of PTK and student government associations from nine different community colleges from all over New Jersey. The Second Annual Volleyball Tournament will be held on April 21 so get your friends, coworkers, or anyone you like together and make a team of

about six or eight people! We will also have a voter registration table located in the student center weekly for students to come and register to vote. Also on the topic of elections, April 13 is the deadline to submit a petition to run for a position in the Student Government Association. We encourage anyone who is interested in the position of president, vice president, senator, or any of our other positions to run. The voting will take place online from April 24-26. Also coming up in April, we will be hosting an Autism Awareness walk from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on the 14 at Horseshoe Lake in Roxbury.

And don’t forget on April 24, at the spring picnic, we will be shooting our lip dub! And as always, SGA is committed to making campus life better. We’re happy to report that since the new camera system has been installed, security has reported that theft rates are down. Also, to address traffic issues, signs will be added to crosswalks to make pedestrian activity safer. If you have any questions or comments, we are always available at -Peter Peliotis, Senator

The option to submit poems or stories anonymously also stands. Maybe you are a jock and you feel too embarrassed to share your poetry or stories with your friends, but you still want to share it with the world; the best place to start is at your own school. Show CCM what you’ve got and get recognition in the newspaper. To send your piece of creativity to the Creative Corner all you have to do is attach the .doc file to an e-mail and send it to Someone will get back to you in a matter of days and let you know when your work will be featured in the school newspaper. The Creative Corner is for blogs, poems, stories, essays, drawings, and more. It’s what the student body makes it!

Page 6 The Youngtown Edition

March 21, 2012

March 21, 2012

The Youngtown Edition Page 7

The 2012 County College of Morris Peace Prize Students may apply now for the 2012 County College of Morris Peace Prize. The recipient will receive an engraved plaque and an award of $1,000, both provided by the generosity of the County College of Morris Foundation. Established in 2002, The Peace Prize competition is intended to inspire students to use their imagination and creativity in the design and production of a work that both commemorates the events of September 11, 2001 and makes a positive statement about the importance and pursuit of world peace. The work may take any number of forms, including, but not limited to, expository or creative writing, video production, musical composition or other visual or performing art. Students who wish to participate must file an application by April 6, 2012 with Professor Peter Maguire. By April 20, 2012, all projects must be submitted to him for referral to a distinguished panel of judges. The recipient will be announced in early May. Presentation of the award will take place during Commencement on May 24. In addition, the recipient will have his/her name inscribed on the permanent Peace Prize plaque in the Student Community Center so that future students will know the legacy they have inherited. Questions may be directed to, and applications obtained from, Professor Peter Maguire at

Page 8 The Youngtown Edition


March 21, 2012

Breaking down bracketology consist of high seeded teams that will have early exits in the Big Dance. Kentucky, Louisville and Florida fall into this Some see March Madness as the most intense category. Kentucky is currently the top ranked team event in sports; others see it as an opportunity for a in the country and went to the Final Four last year. big payday. Their expectations are to win a national championThe tournament is a golden opportunity to ship, which their coach, John Calipari, has never make some big bucks. The more you know about done. the teams involved, the better chance you have of Louisville has the look of a top 25 team, but winning. they are the type of team to be the casualty of an Before you start filling out your brackets, here upset. Last year, Louisville was the fourth seed and are some things you can do to put yourself in posi- lost in the first round to Morehead State. Expect a lot tion to win some money. of the same from this team. First, pick the favorites. Predicting an accuFlorida is ranked high in the tournament as well rate Final Four and champion are crucial towards and has only one bad loss, but they are not a good winning your pool. The further into the tournament team away from home. Unfortunately for them, these teams go, the more points you are awarded. Florida will not be at home during the tournament. This year, the best bets are Syracuse, Lastly, look for sleepers. The popular Kansas and North Carolina. Syrapicks are always the top seeded cuse is the most balanced team in teams, but only once in NCAA college basketball. Its only loss history have all four number one seeds made the Final Four. came on the road against Last year, none did. Notre Dame. Marquette, Kansas and Wichita State and North Carolina Michigan all fall on have lost a few this list. Marquette games, but both can hang with any team in teams have an outstandthe country and are a good bet ing starting five and have to reach the Elite Eight. historically been great postWichita State could be this season teams. Experience goes a year’s version of Butler. Wichita has long way, and these three teams have WWW.THEDETROITBUREAU.COM made splashes in the tournament in plenty of it. years past, but this team could be Second, look for upsets. First round games are often tricky to predict because the best it has ever had. Michigan nearly upset Duke in the second some teams seeded lower than 10 can actually be round last year and have an even better team this better than their opponent. Look for teams such as Long Beach State, year, so Michigan would not be a bad bet either. Iona and Belmont to turn some heads in the tournaThe idea of filling out your bracket is just to ment. All three teams are very experienced and have have fun, but if you decide to join a pool hoping played exceptionally well against top 25 talent. for some extra money, knowledge of the tournament Third, look for the pretenders. The pretenders field can prove vital. ZACH STAVIS Contributor

Almost time to tee off for the Titans


CCM golfers prepare for the 2012 season DANIEL CHARDON Sports editor

Only one smell can match the freshness of a newly cut lawn: a fresh cut golf course. When the world blooms around us for spring it means golf season is back. Matt Mugavero is entering his 11th year as the head coach. He is not only the coach, he is also a member of the PGA which brings credibility to CCM. Mugavero is also the main contact for the golf course at Picatinny Arsenal where the team practices. Whenever possible, he schedules the team a home match at the Arsenal. Mugavero and assistant coach Jim Chegwidden are both expecting a solid season from the team. The team is heavy on freshman team members, so bumps in the road are expected. Returning sophomores Matthew Rawding and Mike Raffanello bring leadership while providing guidance for incoming freshman led by Robert Houston. So far, the pecking order for the team reads Houston slotted number one followed by Raffanello and Rawding. The rest of the roster will be filled out by the remaining freshman. The coaches are anticipating big things from Houston. In describing Houston’s style of play, Chegwidden says he can do it all. He hits for power and is accurate

on the green. The team swings into their season March 26 at the Bergen Invitational at Valley Brook golf course. Their next match is the Burlington Invitational at Deerwood. The match will be the first of two that the whole region will tee off against one another. The next time the whole region squares off is at the GSAC Tournament at High Bridge. This is the last big match before the 2012 Regionals start in May. The team’s ultimate goal is to qualify for the national tournament. Chegwidden believes that last year’s team didn’t live up to their potential, finishing third. He also knows that this year’s team is going to have rough patches as well but expects a decent year. CCM promotes a co-ed golf team, although there are no women on the team. That’s something Mugavero wants to change. He encourages all to come and play. If you don’t feel that you’re skilled enough, he’s more than willing to help guide you any way he can. Mugavero understands recruiting student-athletes at a two year school is difficult; he just wants to help the kids with their future through golf. “If I could get a couple of kids junior and senior years [of school] paid for, that would be awesome.” Mugavero said.

County College of Morris

Golf Team Is Looking for Players Matches are on Mondays Please see Jim Chegwidden (HPE125) Or call 973-328-5255 Email:

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