Your child in monash november 2017

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Monash Your Local Family Magazine

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The Joy of Giving? It’s Cool to be Kind Starting a Home-Based Business Top Five Tips for Water Safety

Volume 3

November 2017

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From the Editor

♥ Your Child in Monash is Overview monthly for the published mums, dads and grandparents of the Monash and surrounding areas. ♥ 5000 copies monthly are distributed in the Monash and surrounding areas. ♥ Estimated readership of 15,000. ♥ If you would like to contribute an article or products for competitions feel free to contact us. ♥ For advertising enquiries please email or give us a call.

I have fallen in love with bread making, with a bread machine of course. To say the least, I am not a kitchen person which according to some traditions disqualifies me from being an all-rounded mum. That's fine, I have never aim to be one. However, having made a few loafs of bread I do enjoy that sense of achievement. It is amazing to see how a few ingredients like flour, sugar, salt and butter turns into golden soft bread. What's more when you taste that beautiful warm bread knowing you made it today and it is fresh and healthy because all the ingredients are picked, measured and handled by you. This sense of achievement is equivalent to any triumph you get from work I would say! I am still improving. Some little things are not falling into place. So, I have investigated and discussed with friends and researched online. I feel like a student again, plus young again. Who says baking is a characteristic of middle age? I believe you can start today and gain that sense of positivity by adding another skill to your life. Rachel and Kirill

Thank you for taking Your Child into your home and please support local business Editor Rachel Blake Call 0425 30 1986 Design & Layout Kirill Blake Email Ad Sales Rachel Blake and visit our Facebook page Your Child Areas Available for Advertising in VIC: Banyule & Nillumbik l Boroondara l Casey & Cardinia l Manningham l Monash l Whitehorse l Whittlesea l Yarra Ranges 4

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h s a What’s o in M on n 14.11 9.30-11.30am

Coffee with a Cop Aliza’s Café, 1/53 Batesford Rd, Chadstone 3148 Call Monash Council on 03 9518 3555


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Enrolments Now Open For 2018, 3 and 4 Year Old Program

Visit our new website with lots of surprise:

Bring your child with you to have a look at our kindergarten. 1 Milan Ct Dandenong Nth VIC 3175 or give us a call on SHALIMAR PARK 03 9795 5226 PRE SCHOOL

● English-as-a Second language program ● Mul -Cultural educators ● Completely inclusive and halal-friendly Qualified chef cooks with FRESH ingredients

Call 9504 3668 for a tour at 3 Bees Early Learning Centre 22-24 Fentree Gully Rd, Oakleigh East 3166

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Where everyone is a

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Enrol now for 2018


Congratulations to all students who are working professionally within the industry.

Doncaster Mt Waverley Box Hill Enrol Now! Limited Vacancies PH: 0408 581 943 To advertise in Your Child in Monash call 0425 301 986


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Maria Montessori Preschool Member of the Montessori Australia

751 - 755 Ferntree Gully Road, Wheelers Hill, 3150

Give your child the best foundation for future learning and living. Maria Montessori Preschool provides firstclass care and education for children from 3 to 6 years of age in a stimulating environment. With over 30 years experience the qualified Montessori teachers will give your child the opportunity to experience enjoyment in learning and achieve a strong educational background. “The most important period of life is not the age of university studies but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. The more fully the needs of one period are met the greater will be the success of the next”. Dr. Maria Montessori (1870 - 1952)

“I can do it myself”

To secure a place for your child call us on

9545 0764 or send an email to: To advertise in Your Child in Monash call 0425 301 986

I love Montessori!!!


KIDS CORNER Each different shape represents a different number. The sum of each row and column is given. You will need to calculate the one with ‘?’ mark.

= 30 = 30 = 30 = ? = = = = 30 20 32 37

Answer is 29

Spot the difference and colour.


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your t e to g e m ON Ti VE O O GR

hey dee ho

Little Groover's Concerts

Family Concerts for Babies, Toddlers & Pre-Schoolers Oct 19 - Fairies & Superheroes Nov 16 - Old MacDonald Hootenanny $5.oo per person, redeemable off the price of an adult meal at the Bistro if you stay for lunch! FREE for children under 12 months

11.00am Mulgrave Country Club


9582 4600

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Ambulance Fire Police


DIAL 000

Hospitals Monash Hospital................................................. Austin Hospital...................................................... Royal Children’s Hospital (Parkville).......................

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Crisis Centres Poisons.................................................................... Kids Help Line.......................................................... Lifeline..................................................................... Suicide Helpline - (Victoria only)............................. Nurse-on-Call.......................................................... Child Protection - (After Hours Service).................. Domestic Violence Crisis Centre............................. Sexual Assault Service (After Hours)....................... Centres Against Sexual Assault................................ Victims of Crime Helpline....................................... LifeCircle - HOPELINE.............................................. SANDS* Vic...*Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline Compassionate Friends Helpline GriefLine

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9518 3555

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$75* per month *Conditions Apply

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TABLE OF CONTENTS It’s Cool to be Kind

The Joy of Giving?

Star ng a Home-Based Business Accep ng Death

Top Five Tips for Water Safety

衔环结草 礼物

8 10 14 18 20

29 30

Cafes / Club / Restaurants Mulgrave Country Club Education / Early Learning / Schools 3Bees Early Learning Centre Heatherton Christian College Karen Margaret’s Studio Maria Montessori Pre-School Oakleigh Occasional Care Platypus Junctions Sharlimar Park Pre School St Peter’s Primary School Starfish ELC Super Speak Waverley Meadows Primary School Wheelers Hill ELC Events Carols by Candlelight Family Fun Day Health & Care / Sport Monash Link Health & Community Waverley Gymnastic Centre Photography / Talent Photobook Australia Play / Care Centre / Museum Crocs Playcentre Clayton Lollipop’s Playland & Café Noble Park RushHQ UpUnlimited Services / Agencies Bendigo Bank Betttina Fletcher’s Work From Home

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这句成语是由“结草”和“衔环”两个典故结合而来的。“结草” 见于《左传·宣公十五年》。据《左传》记载:春秋时,晋国的魏武子 在生病时,曾嘱咐他的儿子魏颗,在他死后,把一个没有生过儿子的妾 嫁出去。后来武子病重了,又告诉魏颗,在自己死后让他这个妾陪葬。 武子死了以后,魏颗觉得父亲病危时的语言可能是神志不清时的胡言乱 语,便依照他以前的吩咐把武子的爱妾嫁出去了。后来,魏颗领兵和秦 国打仗,看见战场上有个老人把遍地的草都打成了结子,缠住秦军的战 马,使秦军兵将纷纷坠马,魏颗因此获胜并俘虏了秦将杜回。当夜,魏 颗做了个梦,梦见在战场上结草的老人自称是那位出嫁妾的父亲,是用 此来报答魏颗不把自己女儿拿来陪葬之恩的。 据古代神怪小说载:东汉杨宝 在9岁时,从华阴山北捉了一只受伤 的黄雀,杨宝把它带回家饲养,等 伤好后把黄雀放了。过后,杨宝梦 见黄雀化作一个黄衣童子回来报 恩,自称是西王母的使者,并口衔 4枚白环,说杨宝的子孙将来都会像 白环一样珍贵。后来,杨宝的儿子 杨震、孙子杨秉、曾孙杨赐和玄孙 杨彪果然都飞黄腾达。

最好的 聚会和玩乐 场所!

这是两个很荒诞的故事,可能 是作者杜撰出来的。因为这两个故 事都含有知恩必报的意思,所以后 人把它们结合成一句成语“结草衔 环”,形容感恩图报。



1924 Princes Hwy, Clayton VIC 3168 Ph. 9544 5990

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以前听说外国人最自我,以个人为中心,再考虑周 围的人。来到澳洲后才发现,外国人的自我更多是体现 在个人追求和隐私方面,而不是在待人处世方面。外国 人讲究以礼待人,比如有朋友到家里玩,一定要提前把 屋子打扫干净,买好鲜花,装扮家里,以此体现对朋友 来访的重视。而且诸如圣诞节之类的节日,礼物少不 了,无论是不是贵重的礼物,一定仔细包装,体现自己 对收礼的人的用心;还有“谢谢”更是一句口头禅。 但是很多以为自己很西化的年轻人,却邯郸学步, 只是变得越来越自私,不讲礼貌,还连国人为他人着想 的谦逊也丢失了。在他们看来,自己享受最重要,所以 给自己买东西绝不客气,但是该表达自己的感激之情的 时候,却一毛不拔。 很长一段时间,国人是看不起礼物的,我对你的感 激放在心里就是了,送礼物反倒显得庸俗。之于朋友, 君子贵在相知相敬,这段情谊不能用有价的东西去衡 量;之于父母和老师,自己有出息便是对他们最好的报 答,不然送多少的礼物长者也不会开心;之于另一半, 相濡以沫就是了,甚至爱也不必说出口,天长地久才是 真爱。 可是,时代变了。 我们接触到西方文化,西方节日里有感恩节,也喜 欢送礼物,而且关系越好礼物越贵重。难道他们就物化 了自己的友情亲情师生情爱情吗?我觉得不是。他们只 是更明显地表达了出来。在现代社会这其实更有益身心 健康,往深里说,体现了一个人的修养,往宿命论说, 这种人会有更好的人际关系网,人生更容易成功。 毕竟,有爱就应该说出来,感谢就应该体现出 来。口头说说,甚至深藏心里,谁知道呢? 常常可见越富裕的人越慷慨,当 然也有富裕却吝啬的人,也有一般家 庭却舍得的人,这些其实更多是父 母的教导。很多父母给孩子辅导各 种各样的课,却没有给孩子上过怎么 为人处世的课;很多父母给孩子富裕 的物质生活,却没有教孩子怎么 “给予”。情商情商,如何感恩, 以什么样的实际行动去表示,才 是决胜千里的品质。

听力治疗 不用排队 马上预订!

好听力 好日子 孩子身上的听力问题很容易被忽 视,却容易导致说话延迟和行为 问题。 我们的听力专家为8个月及以上的 孩子提供全方位的听力测试和建 议。

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