Your Croydon 75 - December-February 2017

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Croydon remembers



Croydon Together Highlights As we enter the festive season, our thoughts in Croydon remain first and foremost with all the victims of the dreadful Sandilands tram crash, both those who so tragically lost their lives and those who are, hopefully, beginning to recover from some very serious injuries. In the face of this tragedy, it has, at times, been inspiring to see how the borough’s communities – from places such as New Addington to Purley, and in the stands at Selhurst Park – have stood together in solidarity to support those affected and give so generously to our JustGiving page, (click here). Thank you. The role of the emergency services and their life-saving response to the tram crash also serves as a reminder that, as many take a well-deserved rest this Christmas, our emergency and public services will, in many cases, be out there working hard, as will many who work in the retail sector, where the Christmas break seems to get shorter year on year. Across Croydon, our economy has continued to grow to the point where, at one point in the summer, Croydon had the fastest economic growth figures of anywhere in the country. That is good news in terms of increasing the number of local jobs and amount of investment into our borough, something to which, as a Labour council, we are committed to ensure remains a priority. It has been great news this year to welcome Body Shop, Superdrug and the tax office; all moving thousands of jobs here as they have relocated to Croydon. Croydon is changing rapidly, and our role as a council is to ensure everyone benefits from the change and new investment we are seeing, in terms of those new jobs, building local homes for local people, continuing our campaign to ensure everyone in Croydon is paid at least the London Living Wage and investing in our own local priorities, such as the refurbishment of the Fairfield Halls or the new swimming pool in New Addington. Let me take this chance to wish you and your family a peaceful Christmas.

Meet the new top cop..............................3 Chief Superintendent Jeff Boothe takes the big seat at Croydon police station this month. Read about his plans.

Dark day for Croydon................... 4/5 The borough’s worst tram incident left seven dead and more than 50 injured.

Mayor Khan backs Croydon................... 6/7 The Mayor of London and the capital’s new night czar address the annual Croydon Economic Summit.

What’s on where..............................9 Links to all the hot spots and buzzing venues to keep you, and the family, occupied and entertained.

Boxing very clever................... 10/11 A two-day music festival to kick things off, and an unbeatable selection of food and drink, are working to make Boxpark the place to visit.

Christmas schedules...................... 12/13 All you need to know regarding when your bins will be emptied, when your local library is open and where you can recycle your Christmas tree.

Cllr Tony Newman Leader of the council @cllrtony

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Looking after his home patch Croydon has a new police borough commander, and, living locally, he is determined to see a drop in crime figures. Boosting residents’ and businesses’ confidence in the local police service, and protection of the vulnerable are top of the to-do list of Croydon’s new borough commander. Chief Superintendent Jeff Boothe, who takes the top seat at Croydon police station in the run-up to Christmas, comes to the borough from Bexley – the London borough with the lowest crime rate – and, in the longer term, he wants to emulate the record he helped set on his previous patch. Among his first aims is to ensure there are effective plans in place to prevent rises in domestic abuse and burglary that often increase during the festive period. He said: “My priority is to protect vulnerable people – whether they be victims of domestic abuse, potential victims of child sexual exploitation, or supporting people with mental health concerns. “My aim is to boost the public’s confidence in the police and satisfaction levels with the service we provide.” The new borough commander has had close ties to Croydon for the past 40 years – he moved here with his family when he was 11, and attended Norbury Manor and Selhurst schools. Family and many close friends still live in the borough. As a youngster, he was a keen sportsman, playing basketball for England schools before spending time in the States on a basketball scholarship. Back in the UK, he started a successful police career, spending 24 years with the British Transport Police, 12 of those with the CID, working in a variety of roles including deputy senior investigating officer on the Hatfield train crash. He has led on a number of major projects, including the introduction of

police community support officers into the BTP, and the formation of a neighbourhood policing approach on the Channel Tunnel Rail Link at St Pancras International. “The St Pancras redevelopment has similarities to the redevelopment plans currently proposed and ongoing in Croydon,” he said. “It’s vital that – amid all of this change and regeneration – people feel safe and have confidence in their local police. “Community safety is everyone’s concern, and has a key role to play in any area’s redevelopment. “We need to take a holistic approach, engaging everyone – from the business community, the council, community groups, schools and the public – to make Croydon a place where people want to live and visit.”

Jeff has extensive public order and events experience, performing key leadership roles for a range of events including the Olympics, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, Notting Hill Carnival and New Years’ celebrations, not to mention numerous football matches. So what attracts our new top cop to Croydon? “Policing is a vocation, and I am 100% committed to the borough commander’s role, and where better to do it than within the borough I live, and where I have a real connection? “Croydon is a vibrant place with one of the fastest economic growth areas in the country, so who wouldn’t want to be the borough commander of Croydon during these exciting times?”

test economic “Croydon is a vibrant place with one of the fas ’t want to be the growth areas in the country, so who wouldn exciting times?” borough commander of Croydon during these



A borough mourns Nobody who boarded that tram on the morning of 9 November could have had any idea that their journey would end in such dreadful circumstances as it approached the Sandilands stop. They, and all Croydon residents, will never forget what happened on that fateful day. As the news of a tram derailment broke on a seemingly ordinary November Wednesday morning, the enormity of the situation was yet to be realised. The hours passed with a steady trickle of details of what had happened until, eventually, the first hint of what many had feared was made with the announcement that there had probably been loss of life. Sadly, that probability came to be, and over the course of the following couple of days, the number of those who had lost their lives grew until the final toll of seven deaths was confirmed. Without doubt, one of the darkest days of recent Croydon history, and the feeling around the borough was one of stunned shock and disbelief. Disbelief that a trusted and reliable mode of transport used by thousands of people every day of the week could be hit by such a devastating accident. It simply couldn’t happen. But it did happen, and it has affected many people. As ever, though, the resilience, fortitude and community spirit of Croydon residents has come to the fore, rallying in support of all those touched by the events of that morning.

In Sandilands itself, residents offered tea, coffee, snacks, even their loos, to the emergency service teams who rushed to the scene and did such a brilliant job rescuing those trapped in the toppled tram. In the community assistance centre set up by the council in New Addington, volunteers were on hand to offer support and a shoulder to lean on for anybody who needed it. And, on a wider footing, many dug deep to boost the JustGiving page, (click here). fund that was launched to ease the financial burden that victims and their families will be experiencing. While, on the face of things, normal service has been resumed with the reopening of the track and surrounding roads, it will be a very long time before the distressing events of 9 November 2016 fade from the memory. If they ever do.

SELHURST SILENCE Fans and players observed a minute’s silence before the kick-off of the Palace vs Manchester City game at Selhurst Park on the Saturday following the tram derailment.

LASTING MEMORIALS PLANNED The seven who lost their lives in the Croydon tram derailment are to be honoured with lasting tributes to be placed at two sites in the borough. Permanent memorials will be created which families and friends of those involved, and members of the public, will be able to visit, to reflect and pay their respects. One will be near the incident site in Sandilands, and the second will be in New Addington, from where some of the victims came. Councillor Alison Butler, deputy leader and cabinet member for homes, regeneration and planning, said: “The council is committed to ensuring a permanent memorial is put in place at each location to remember those who, sadly, died.”

Councillor Oliver Lewis lays seven white roses in memory of those who lost their lives.

MAYOR OF LONDON PAYS TRIBUTE Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, remembered those who lost lives and family members in the tram derailment, and paid tribute to all those who responded to the incident. Addressing the London Assembly, he described the day of the derailment as one of the toughest he has faced since taking office. Naming each of the dead, he said: “Our thoughts and prayers remain with the friends and families of those who lost loved ones.” Watch the video: status/798882331843035137

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Seven die in borough’s worst tram incident Sandilands tram derailment on 9 November results in loss of life and severe injury to more than 50. Seven borough residents who set off toward East Croydon on that morning, as they had so many times before, not imagining for a moment that they would never reach their destination.





The fiancée of Mark Smith, Indre Novikovaite, said: "Mark was my lover, my best friend, my everything. "He was, and still is, an amazing dad to our little boy. "We would give up everything to hold and kiss him again. "We love you to the moon and back, you are the best thing that happened in our lives." Mr Smith’s family said: "Our son Mark was a loving, caring, kind, loyal and popular young man known to many. A devoted father and husband-to-be and loving brother to his sister. "He touched many lives through the passage of his too-short life. His loss has devastated us all. "As a family we ask for privacy in what is a soul-destroying event in our lives. "A star that shines twice as bright only shines for half its life – that was our Mark, he was a son we were all very proud of."



The husband of Dorota Rynkiewicz, said: "Words cannot heal the pain of losing someone so dear. “Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure, you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. Love you forever, Andrzej and girls." The family of Robert Huxley, said: “Early on Wednesday morning, Bob left his home for work and travelled by tram up to East Croydon, a journey he has made a thousand times. Sadly and tragically he didn’t return. “As you can appreciate, for his loved ones it’s been a difficult and uncertain time. “Bob was a larger than life character and very hardworking. A loving husband, devoted father and grandfather, brother, uncle and dear friend to many. “He was also a life-long Chelsea supporter and a season ticket holder. “This tragedy will have far-reaching



consequences and impact many people for a significant time. We’re all heartbroken.” The family and friends of Donald Collett paid tribute by saying:` "Don was a well-loved, funny and generous man, who could light up a room. “He is tragically leaving behind a loving family, partner, adored friends and work colleagues. "Please rest in peace and know you’re truly loved and greatly missed." The family of Philip Logan, 52, said: "Philip, known to all who knew him as Loag, a loving husband to Marilyn, brother to Susan, father to Lee, Tracy, Lisa and Adele, grandfather and greatgrandfather. “He was a true family man and generous friend to all, with a magnificently dry sense of humour. "Phil was a man with more love, compassion and zest for life than words can express. He’ll be immensely missed by all that knew him."

Public generosity helps ease strain In addition to the emotional distress caused by injury and loss of life, there is often the worry of meeting the costs of everyday life when, perhaps, the main source of family income is no longer there. Mindful of the possibility that many residents might be finding themselves in this position following the Sandilands tram derailment, Croydon Council, supported by Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, and the Croydon Advertiser, launched an online fundraising page. As Your Croydon went to press about 900 people had generously contributed more than £25,000 that will assure all

affected by the tragedy that their situation is at the forefront of people’s thoughts. Council leader Tony Newman said: “I’d like to thank everyone who has already donated to the JustGiving page, (click here). “I’m incredibly proud of how Croydon is standing together and supporting each other. If you can spare some money and have yet to donate, please do so via our JustGiving page, (click here), which will ensure care, help and support is given to those most in need as we go forward.” Donations can be made by visiting crowdfunding/croydon-council-tram-incident-fund



Mayor hails Croydon A


in future success of London

The Mayor of London and the capital’s first night czar voiced their support for Croydon as they addressed this year’s influential Croydon Economic Summit.

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan declared Croydon crucial to the capital’s economic and cultural success, when he spoke at the Croydon Economic Summit 2016. Delivering the keynote speech, the Mayor spoke of his confidence in Croydon’s ability to become a key hub for tech, culture and development, and pledged his support to the borough’s bold regeneration plans. The theme of this year’s seminar was regeneration and economic growth in Croydon, with a particular focus on the evening and night-time economy in the borough and in wider London. The recently opened Boxpark Croydon, the creation of a new cultural

quarter which includes the £30m refurbishment of Fairfield Halls and the Croydon Partnership’s £1.4bn redevelopment of the Whitgift Shopping Centre into a world-class retail and leisure facility are exciting signs of Croydon’s evening and night-time scene’s diverse and cultural offerings for residents and visitors alike. Describing Croydon as a ‘significant cog’ in the success of London, the Mayor said: “There is no question the regeneration of Croydon and the knock-on contribution this will make to London’s wider economy will play a significant role in ensuring our city continues to flourish in the years and decades to come.”

“Croydon has a huge opportunity to make the night-time economy a central part of its economic development and is absolutely crucial to the development of skills of London’s future music workforce.” – Amy Lamé, London’s night czar

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Applauding the council’s ambition and vision for the borough, the Mayor also commended culture being at the heart of new developments in Croydon, a sentiment echoed by the capital’s first night czar Amy Lamé. Speaking publicly for the first time since being appointed to the role, she praised Croydon’s commitment to supporting local culture and arts and spoke of the borough’s significant contribution to the British music scene. She said: “Croydon is absolutely crucial to the development of skills of London’s future music workforce. “I’m dedicated to making London’s night scene diverse and dynamic, and Croydon can lead the way by telling the world we’re open for business,” she said. The bi-annual conference, which took place at Croydon College, focused on regeneration and the borough’s economic growth, with panel sessions held on improving Croydon’s night-time and evening economy and how the council and local stakeholders can work together

to ensure local people reap the benefits of major businesses moving to Croydon. The conference brought together delegates from the community, business, faith and voluntary sectors, all essential in shaping Croydon’s future success Councillor Tony Newman, leader of the council, said: “It was fantastic to


have the Mayor of London and the new night czar attend Croydon Economic Summit and emphasise the significant contribution regeneration in Croydon will have not only for those who live and work here, but also for London as whole. “As a council, we will make sure everyone benefits from the investment.”




Play Street

named best in London

A council scheme that sees residential roads closed so that families can play safely outdoors has been voted the best in London. Residents of Love Lane had a night to remember in October when they went along to a ceremony in Leicester Square where their project was named Play Street of the Year. The adventure started back in September 2015, when more than 50 children from the Woodside street, and their parents, began their first Play Street event, enabling residents to enjoy games in the sunshine while the council kept their road temporarily traffic-free. The council introduced Play Streets by making it easier for

residents to apply for temporary road closures. Love Lane resident and organiser Emma Hope-Fitch said: "It was just the icing on the cake. We've had an amazing year of Play Streets. This award is going to fund a festive Play Street celebration. And we're looking forward to the next year of play." Councillor Stuart King, cabinet member for transport and the environment, said: “We now have several successful Play Streets in the borough, but it’s great that one of them is officially the best in London.” For more information on setting up a Play Street in Croydon, visit: ccfpartnership/playstreets

X Factor and PALACE OPEN town’s

n o s a e s e iv t s fe

The Croydon Christmas lights switch-on welcomed in the festive season in glittering style as thousands enjoyed a star-studded evening of entertainment. The festive season got off to a star-studded start in mid-November as X Factor finalists Reggie‘n’Bollie were joined on stage by Crystal Palace FC manager Alan Pardew and club captain, Scott Dann, to officially turn on the Croydon Christmas lights with Mayor Councillor Wayne Trakas-Lawlor. Thousands of spectators joined the celebration in North End to watch the glittering finale which transformed over 16 major streets throughout Croydon town centre into a twinkling wonderland. The ceremony was the climax to an afternoon of lively entertainment, featuring stunning performances from street entertainers, dancers and local musicians.

The younger generation were thrilled following a guest appearance by children’s cartoon favourites PAW Patrol. Croydon Business Improvement District has delivered the Christmas lights and switch-on event for over ten years, creating a community atmosphere that Croydon can be proud of.

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What to do – where to go Aladdin – 7-31 December

Young musicians in concert

Waddon Leisure Centre and Theatre, Purley Way CR0 4RG Aladdin, packed full of side-splitting comedy comes to town.

11 December, 3pm – Sanderstead United Reformed Church, Sanderstead Hill, South Croydon CR2 0HB Talented young musicians present an hour or so of music. Followed by tea and stollen cake for all.

Purley Oaks Primary School Christmas fayre

Surrey Opera presents A Red and Green Christmas Soiree

10 December, 11am Purley Oaks Primary School Bynes Road Croydon CR2 0PR Gifts, crafts, entertainment, refreshments, face painting, tombola and, of course, a visit from the very busy man himself.

11 December, 7.30pm – St John the Evangelist Church, Shirley Church Road, Shirley, Croydon CR0 5EF A potpourri of Christmas music, readings and more.

Charity Music Concert by Frankie & Jonny

The Muppet Christmas Carol @ Stanley’s Junior Film Club

10 December, 4pm – Café Adagio 227 Lower Addiscombe Road Addiscombe Croydon CR0 6RB Talented acoustic duo Frankie & Jonny will be performing their own material as well as covers of wellknown songs to celebrate music and to use the opportunity to help raise funds for the tram incident JustGiving fund.

17 December, 10am – Stanley's Film Club Stanley Halls SE25 6AB A wonderful festive adaptation for the whole family.

Create Your Own Christmas Cards 17 December, 11-1pm and 2-4pm

– Museum of Croydon, Croydon Clocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon CR9 1ET Step out of the cold and design your own Christmas cards. Drop-in, free, family fun!

Stanley’s Christmas Extravaganza 17 December, 6pm – Stanley's Film Club Stanley Halls SE25 6AB Head to Stanley Halls for a day-long celebration of community, film and festivity.

Miracle on 34th Street (1947) 21 December, 7pm – Stanley's Film Club Stanley Halls SE25 6AB Embrace the magic of Christmas and warm your heart with our special festive screening.

Belshazzar's Feast 21 December, 7.30pm – The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road, Croydon CR0 6BR The Feastie Boys in Croydon for Christmas. It's as traditional as, erm, well, Christmas itself!

Surrey Street Market Christmas isn’t Christmas without a visit to Croydon’s Surrey Street market. On Sunday 11 and Sunday 18 December there will be festive fun and games with live music and entertainment alongside craft and street food stalls to get you in the mood for the season of good cheer.

But remember, Surrey Street is the perfect antidote to big supermarkets and chain stores every day of the week. • If you live nearby, it’s the ideal place to pick up your real Christmas tree. • You can cut those big Christmas grocery bills by loading up the larder with all the fresh fruit and veg you’ll need to feed hungry family and friends. • Fresh flowers and plants are great gifts, and they help no end to brighten up a Christmas lunch table. • If you want a change from shop-bought bread but don’t have the time to bake, why not try some of the amazing artisan loaves and pastries on offer throughout the week. It now also has free WiFi available, so you can browse the web or check your emails free of charge on your phone, laptop or tablet.



A WARM WELCOME FOR BOXPARK CROYDON It is still early days, but after opening with a successful two-day music festival and going on to attract a growing customer base, Boxpark has already made its mark on central Croydon’s social scene. A sold out two-day music festival marked the opening of Croydon’s new Boxpark pop-up food and drink mall. The festival, which featured performances from some of the biggest names in grime, followed a party to introduce the 34 new traders to Croydon, ahead of the mall opening its doors to customers for the first time. The impressive development which is constructed from stripped and refitted shipping containers, arranged around a covered courtyard, is the first of its kind to offer only food and drink. Conveniently located next to East Croydon station – the main gateway to Croydon – the space has a capacity of 2,000 and will host regular events and performances. Boxpark teamed up with the council and developers Stanhope and Schroders to bring the exciting venture to Croydon as a meanwhile-use scheme which will see it occupy Ruskin Square for five years.

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FIVE WITH ROGER WADE, FOUNDER BOXPARK Your Croydon put five questions to the Boxpark boss Why did you choose Croydon as the location for the newest Boxpark?

CROYDON WORKS FOR BOXPARK JOB SEEKERS An event staged by Croydon Council and partners saw dozens of local people recruited to work in the lively new surroundings of Boxpark. More than 50 local people landed jobs at Boxpark following a council-led recruitment drive. From staff at franchise restaurants to 14 direct Boxpark employees, 52 Croydon residents secured new jobs at the pop-up mall as the direct result of a recruitment fair run by Croydon Works. The partnership between Croydon Council, Croydon College and Job Centre Plus, saw 98 people interviewed for kitchen, tablewaiting and customer services roles at Boxpark. Modelled on the technique used at a speed-dating session, employers sat at rows of tables with applicants able to move between interviews in quick succession. Prior to the event, Croydon Works also ran advance training sessions for applicants wanting extra industry-recognised certificates in customer service and food preparation. Melanie Eburne from Woodside (pictured), received three job offers on the spot during the recruitment event. The 20-year-old will combine waitressing at Boxpark’s Donde tapas bar with studying for an NVQ in travel and tourism. She said: “I have nothing but amazing things to say about the recruitment fair, it was handy to take your CV and apply to whichever employers you wanted to work for.” André Golding, 26, from South Norwood, who has become a security manager for Boxpark, added: “In my previous managerial roles I’ve never had access to the directors, but after my first meeting at the recruitment fair I realised it was a very different ball game. It’s very exciting to be part of Boxpark Croydon.”


Why not? Croydon is the largest London borough by population. It has suffered an image problem, as coined famously by David Bowie once quoting “I think it’s the most derogatory thing I can say about somebody or something: ‘God, it’s so f**king Croydon!’ ”. The concept that an entire borough was regarded as boring and grey is ridiculous and insulting! I was born and bred in south London. I’m proud of my roots and I wanted to bring a world-class development to Croydon. What benefits does Boxpark Croydon bring to the borough?

You can’t regenerate an entire borough by just building new houses and offices. You need to give the community a place to hang out, and enjoy. Both the Fairfield and Whitgift centre will undergo major new development over the next five years. Boxpark Croydon gives the local community somewhere to eat, drink and play. Apart from that, we have also created hundreds of jobs for young people, and we hope that the local office workers and residents of Croydon will enjoy their Boxpark. What can residents expect from Boxpark Croydon?

We hope that local residents and office workers will enjoy a fantastic array of new food and drink outlets, and enjoy 200-plus free events at Boxpark every year. We’re not just building in Croydon, we’re building for Croydon. Without the support of the local community, we won’t exist. What developers can you name that build a development and actually stay around to run the development? We’re fully committed to the people of Croydon, and we want to create a truly special place, they will call their own. #YourBoxpark How did you find working with the council to get Boxpark Croydon off the ground?

If it was not for the support of Tony Newman, the leader of the council, and Jo Negrini, CEO, Boxpark would not have been able to come to Croydon. The council understands that if you need to regenerate a borough and create new jobs, you need to invest in attracting new businesses to Croydon. What reaction did you have from others when you said Croydon would be the new location?

Overall the reaction from the general public has been overwhelmingly supportive. People have come up to me and thanked us for bringing Boxpark to Croydon.



FESTIVE SEASON OPENING HOURS Access Croydon, Bernard Weatherill House Monday 26 December Tuesday 27 December Wednesday 28 December Thursday 29 December Friday 30 December Monday 2 January Tuesday 3 January

Closed Closed 9am to 4pm 9am to 4pm 9am to 4pm Closed 9am to 4pm

Croydon Council call centre Monday 26 December Tuesday 27 December Wednesday 28 December Thursday 29 December Friday 30 December Monday 2 January Tuesday 3 January

Closed Closed 9am to 4pm 9am to 4pm 9am to 4pm Closed 9am to 4pm

Croydon libraries Saturday 24 December Monday 26 December Tuesday 27 December Wednesday 28 December Thursday 29 December Friday 30 December Saturday 31 December Monday 2 January Tuesday 3 January

9am to 1pm Closed Closed Open as normal Open as normal Open as normal 9am to 4pm Closed Open as normal

Croydon leisure centres Saturday 24 December Check local times Sunday 25 December Closed Monday 26 December Closed Tuesday 27 December Closed Wednesday 28 December Check local times Thursday 29 December Check local times Friday 30 December Check local times Saturday 31 December Check local times Sunday 1 January Closed Monday 2 January Check local times Tuesday 3 January Open as normal To check your local leisure centre’s opening times, go to

BIN COLLECTION TIMETABLE Refuse and recycling collection date changes Over the Christmas holiday period, the council’s refuse and recycling services will be operating to a slightly revised collection schedule. The table below shows the alternative days on which bins and boxes should be left out. There are no collections on MONDAY 26 DECEMBER 2016. Calendars with further details of the date changes and which containers need to be put out for collection can be found by clicking www.croydon. NORMAL COLLECTION DATE Monday 26 December 2016 Tuesday 27 December 2016 Wednesday 28 December 2016 Thursday 29 December 2016 Friday 30 December 2016

REVISED COLLECTION DATE Tuesday 27 December 2016 Wednesday 28 December 2016 Thursday 29 December 2016 Friday 30 December 2016 Saturday 31 December 2016

Missed collections can be reported via your MyAccount at or by calling 020 8726 6200.

CHRISTMAS PARKING IN CROYDON Council spreads a little festive cheer for motorists with relaxation of rules. The practice of recent years is being followed once again with the council easing the regulations in its car parks, and on-street bays, on specific days over the Christmas and New Year period. Helping to spread a little festive cheer, the relaxation of parking regulations will help people visiting shops, enjoying the displays of festive illuminations or simply dropping in on relatives to share the seasonal cheer. The whole borough will be free of parking enforcement in council-run car parks and on-street bays on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Yellow-line, footway and bus lane restrictions, however, will remain in place on these days, and motorists are advised to park in a reasonable manner, showing consideration for other road users and pedestrians. Restricted enforcement activities will be in place on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve; this will see parking enforcement officers providing a visible presence but not enforcing parking bay offences. Instead, they will focus on providing advice and guidance, and responding to specific enforcement requests, such as inconsiderate parking across driveways, access points and the like. NORMAL PARKING ENFORCEMENT WILL BE IN PLACE FROM 27 TO 30 DECEMBER, AND RESUME ON MONDAY 2 JANUARY.

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Real tree?

Be sure to recycle it

If your Christmas demands a real tree, think about what will happen to it after the holiday. With almost one million Christmas trees thrown away each year in London alone – and fewer than 10% of those being recycled – it is important that we remember to recycle our tree. If you opt for a real Christmas tree this year, do not forget to take it to one of the council’s designated recycling collection points between Monday 2 and Friday 13 January 2017. At other times, Christmas trees can be taken to any of the council’s household reuse and recycling centres – but please remember to remove all tinsel and decorations before taking it to be recycled.

CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLING COLLECTION POINTS Ashburton Coulsdon East Fairfield Heathfield Kenley New Addington New Addington Purley Purley Selsdon Shirley Shirley South Norwood Upper Norwood Waddon Waddon

Ashburton Park, access from Tenterden Road Grange Park, Canon’s Hill Oaks Road/Coombe Road car park Addington Park car park, Gravel Hill Kenley Residents’ Association, Oaks Road green Central Parade car park Fisher’s Farm household reuse and recycling centre, North Downs Road Upper Woodcote Village RA, Woodcote Village green Purley Oaks household reuse and recycling centre, Brighton Road Selsdon Recreation Ground, access from Woodlands Gardens Monks Orchard green Shirley Park RA, Green Court Gardens green Whitehorse Meadow, Parry Road Secret Garden, Westow Street Wyevale Garden Centre, Waddon Way Factory Lane household reuse and recycling centre, Factory Lane

CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLING COLLECTIONS There will be collections from the listed points between Saturday 2 January and Friday 13 January – so please do not leave Christmas trees at the collection points after Friday 13 January. Trees needing to be disposed of after this date can be taken to one of the borough’s three household reuse and recycling centres. Only real Christmas trees should be disposed of at these collection points, any other waste disposed of will be treated as fly tipping.

CLEARING THE WAY As ever, with winter upon us, the council’s team of gritters is tooled up and ready to go if a wave of Arctic-like weather descends on the borough. The workers tasked with keeping Croydon moving during the winter weather are in the middle of their busiest period. To make sure the borough is kept moving in the event of snowfall, the council has been putting the necessary systems and resources in place, and has already stockpiled 3,549 tonnes ready for the coming winter. The stock will be closely monitored and further orders made if necessary The 570 roadside salt bins have been checked, and will be replenished at the earliest opportunity in the event highways staff and contractors have had to grit roads and pavements according to a priority plan. On an ongoing basis, the council works closely with the emergency and voluntary services, utility companies and other London boroughs, to plan for a coordinated response to major emergencies. In preparation for possible bad weather conditions this winter, the council has made robust plans to ensure the road network is kept as free as possible, continues to provide services to the most vulnerable, and carries on gritting roads and, where necessary, footpaths. But the council cannot do everything. It needs the support of residents and businesses to keep the borough moving by promoting community resilience. Whether it is looking out for elderly and vulnerable neighbours or helping in other ways, if people get involved, this winter will be easier for everyone. For further information and advice, visit During an emergency, the latest information will be broadcast on local radio and TV.



y a w e t a g w e n A to Croydon A major milestone in the multimillion pound redevelopment of West Croydon transport interchange has been reached with the opening of the new bus station. As Croydon undergoes a £5.25bn regeneration, the council has been transforming this important gateway to the town centre with a major package of improvements to the public realm. More than £6m has been invested into the area around West Croydon transport hub, upgrading it to meet the needs of Croydon’s growing population and making it easier for residents and visitors to get around. Streets have been improved by changing the road layout around the bus station and upgrading the traffic lights at the Station Road, North End and Tamworth Road junction to improve traffic flow. The pavements have been widened in London Road and North End, making it easier for pedestrians to travel through the area. Around the corner, West Croydon tram station has been refurbished and widened and architectural lighting and features installed at St Michael and All Angels grade 1 listed church. The area has been revitalised with public art and new planting, with further building front improvements and public art planned for the coming months.

Residents and visitors can feel the full benefit of these improvements – funded by the Mayor’s Regeneration Fund and TfL in partnership with Croydon Council – with the new West Croydon bus station now at the heart of the transport hub. Transport for London (TfL) has invested £4.5m in rebuilding and modernising of West Croydon bus station, giving it significantly increased capacity and a much-improved pedestrian-friendly layout. The new bus station, which will serve 25 bus routes and accommodate 23,000 passengers a day, was recently officially opened by London’s Deputy Mayor for Transport, Val Shawcross. Councillor Stuart King, cabinet member for transport and environment, said: “It’s fantastic to see West Croydon bus station rebuilt, modernised and given the makeover it deserves as it is a major transport hub and gateway to our town centre. This is a really important milestone in the regeneration of Croydon. “We’re revitalising and transforming the streets around the West Croydon transport interchange with a £6m

package of improvements and the new bus station is right at the heart of this.” The new bus station facilities include fully accessible bus stops, a large sheltered waiting area, real-time travel information, improved lighting and security and an information office that is staffed daily between 6.30am and 9.30pm.

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Fairfield – busy behind the scenes The £30m makeover of Fairfield Halls is on track – with the stunning new state-of-the-art venue set to open in 2018. It’s been a hive of activity behind the purple hoardings in Park Lane since the cherished but dated 1960s Fairfield complex was closed temporarily in July. Drilling rigs are on site to check foundations, while the interior is completely stripped ahead of the major overhaul in May. Lighting and sound equipment – including Fairfield’s organ – has been safely stored.

Councillor Timothy Godfrey, cabinet member for culture, said: “It’s hugely exciting to see this well-loved but neglected Croydon landmark being restored to its rightful position as our cultural flagship and a major destination for the arts in south London. “The exceptional design will ensure Fairfield retains its unique character while becoming a modern, flexible and sustainable venue fit for the 21st century.” The refurbishment is part of the first phase of the wider regeneration of College Green as a vibrant new cultural quarter for Croydon. Plans include a high-quality landscaped

public space, a new college, a stunning 2,000 sq m art gallery, as well as shops, offices and 2,000 much-needed homes – all with the new Fairfield Halls at its heart. Croydon Council’s planning committee is due to consider the plans in January, with a new operator due to be announced in May. Councillor Godfrey said: “We want a sustainable model that can deliver the high-quality arts, the community and locally driven events, and the welcoming environment this fantastic new Fairfield and its customers deserve.” Visit https://fairfieldcroydon. for updates.

The changing face of New Addington While the £1m improvements in Central Parade are now completed, work on the adjacent community and leisure centre is under way. New Addington’s new community and leisure centre is a step closer with the completion, during November, of comprehensive site surveys. This exciting new development will transform Central Parade into one of the most thriving and vibrant district centres in the borough. Demolition works to the former housing office, parts of the community centre and the library building are due to start early in the new year and should take about four weeks. Following this period, parts of the community centre, including the sports hall and main hall, will reopen for use. The community centre building, currently run by Addington Community Centre Association, will remain open until the first week of January, with all activities in the centre running as usual. Construction work on the new leisure and community centre will begin in the spring, with the new centre scheduled for completion in summer 2018

For more information, email Ward councillor Oliver Lewis said: “It's great to see these much-needed improvements. “The new leisure centre is going to be a fantastic facility we can all be proud of.” Anyone who has recently visited Central Parade, just a few steps from the location of the community and leisure centre, will have seen how all of the council's public realm works are now complete. This £1million scheme has included street lighting, new paving, drainage improvements, and road resurfacing.



LANDLORD LICENSING SCHEME – ONE YEAR ON In its first year, the council’s landlord licensing scheme has been welcomed by private tenants and landlords alike. More than 28,000 private rented properties are now covered by Croydon Council’s landlord licensing scheme a year after the scheme went live. The council launched the scheme in October 2015 in response to a rise in privately rented properties with negative consequences, including antisocial behaviour and poor-quality homes. Private landlords in Croydon are permitted to keep a licence to let their properties only if they meet certain standards set out by the council. Most landlords pay a one-off £750 licence fee per property that helps to pay for the scheme’s five-year running costs. Since launching the scheme, council landlord licensing staff have: • carried out almost 500 priority inspections as a result of complaints; • issued 352 improvement notices for landlords to upgrade their tenants’ properties or face enforcement action; • begun preparing over 25 cases for prosecution; and

• launched the i-Latch online database for estate agents or prospective tenants to search if properties they are interested in are unlicensed or being illegally sub-let. The council’s public protection manager, Shayne Coulter, who oversees the scheme’s operation, says the main focus so far has been on properties that have either been complained about or are suspected of being run illegally, such as homes without a gas safety certificate. She said: “The overwhelming majority of landlords have complied with the scheme and many have appreciated the support they get from us – one even gave us a box of chocolates for sorting out a property that their tenants were illegally sub-letting. “The scheme is also protecting tenants from illegal eviction; there have been a few civil court cases rejected because the judge knew the landlord should have held a proper Croydon licence.”

Councillor Alison Butler, deputy leader and cabinet member for homes, regeneration and planning, said: “This scheme is about ensuring homes are fit for people to live in, and working with landlords to make that happen. “We’ve made a great start on raising standards in private housing in Croydon, and next April a new law will allow councils to issue fixed-penalty notices to landlords and tenants caught breaking the terms of the property’s licence.” For more information on the scheme or to apply for a licence, visit: betterplacetorent

CO M M UN IT Y CL EA N- UP IN RI DD LE SD OW N Residents of all ages donned their gloves to clear an amazing 40 bags of rubbish at another successful Don’t Mess with Croydon community clean-up. Around 40 adults, children, councillors and the 19th Purley Beaver scouts braved the elements and came together for the autumn rubbish clearance event in Riddlesdown. Armed with litter picks and sacks, they cleared farmland,

woodland and footpaths in Mitchley Hill, Dunmail Drive, Rectory Park, Mitchley Avenue and Footpath 24, making it home just before a huge downpour. As well as the 40 sacks of rubbish they also removed plastic and an old chair that had been dumped. For more information on Croydon’s network of 309 clean and green champions, or for help organising a clean-up in your community, visit dontmess/green-champions

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prosecutions on the UP

The list of fly-tippers and litter louts convicted as part of the council’s Don’t Mess with Croydon – Take Pride campaign has grown by 12. Fly-tipping pieces of furniture, dumping black bags of household waste and dropping cigarette butts landed offenders with fines and costs totalling £3,895 at Croydon Magistrates’ Court in October. The council has now prosecuted 126 people in the two years since launching its Don’t Mess campaign, (click here), which also focuses on recycling and changing behaviour. The campaign has also encouraged more than 300 locals to lead 100-plus community litter picks, increased recycling by tightening waste collection rules outside shops in West Croydon, Thornton Heath and Norbury, and installed 80 more dual rubbish and recycling bins along streets across the borough.

The list of offenders is: • Enoch Antwi of Queenswood Avenue, Thornton Heath: pleaded guilty to flytipping multiple large items including chairs, onto the pavement at Monks Orchard recycling centre on 13 April; ordered to pay a total of £310. • Pedro De Silva, 43, of Bensham Manor Road, Thornton Heath: ordered to pay a total of £350 for fly-tipping cardboard boxes and refuse sacks on Ecclesbourne Road, Thornton Heath, on 19 April.

• Jendayi-Natasha Pennie of Lodge Lane, New Addington: ordered to pay £350 for fly-tipping refuse bags of household waste and items of furniture in the communal area of flats on Lodge Lane on 11 March. • Sonia Yiadom-Hut, 34, of Norwich Road, Thornton Heath: ordered to pay £360 for fly-tipping a refuse sack containing household waste on the pavement in Norwich Road on 18 April. • Leanne Moore of Warbank Crescent, New Addington: ordered to pay £350 for leaving bags of refuse on the walkway to properties' front doors on 17 March. • Mubin Abdul, 44, of Portland Road, South Norwood: ordered to pay a total of £350 for dropping a cigarette butt in High Street, Thornton Heath on 17 March. • Aziz Ul Anjum, 56, of Sandy Lane South, Wallington: ordered to pay a total of £350 for dropping a cigarette butt in High Street, Croydon, on 25 March. • Samiel Brhane, 24, of Cheltenham Place, Acton: pleaded guilty to dropping a cigarette butt in Park Street, Croydon, on 23 March; ordered to pay £95 in costs, conditionally discharged for six months.

• Christina Gavae of Church Road, Crystal Palace: ordered to pay £350 for dropping a cigarette butt in North End, Croydon, on 21 March. • Sadek Benamore, c/o Dylans Barbers, Central Parade, New Addington: ordered to pay £310 for dropping a cigarette in Central Parade on 15 May. • Arun Krishnaswamy Rao, of Lime Tree Court, Haling Park Road, South Croydon: ordered to pay £310 for dropping a cigarette in High Street, Croydon, on 23 April. • Raitan Rostas, of Bensham Manor Road, Thornton Heath: ordered to pay a total of £410 for fly-tipping a shopping trolley filled with multiple sacks of refuse in Swain Road on 18 April.

For more information on how to get involved in the Don’t Mess with Croydon – Take Pride campaign, visit the council website. You can also report dumped waste via the council’s dedicated fly-tipping hotline on 020 8604 7000, the council’s My Croydon smartphone app, (click here), or by emailing

Council expands shopfront rubbish clampdown A council project that has seen 70 tonnes less rubbish dumped outside shopfronts on one of the borough’s main roads is expanding into South Norwood. The council’s ongoing campaign against fly-tipping and littering has resulted in tidier streets and savings of thousands of pounds. As part of its Don’t Mess with Croydon – Take Pride campaign (click here), earlier this year the council restricted the time of day that businesses in London Road were allowed to leave their commercial rubbish out for private waste collectors. Unrestricted, the practice had attracted fly-tippers and made the area look untidy. The success of the pilot saw the time-banded waste collection scheme expanded in August through Thornton Heath to past Norbury station, resulting in almost 35 tonnes less rubbish left in

front of shops on the Thornton Heath stretch of London Road, over 20 tonnes in West Croydon and another 20 tonnes in Norbury. Now, Croydon Council is expanding the scheme to Portland Road in South Norwood, and other areas will be considered over the coming months. Emma Conroy, who works at Steve’s Flowers in London Road, Norbury, said: “There aren’t piles of stuff by street bins, and there aren’t boxes and rubbish piled up as much as we used to notice. It shows it’s working.” Councillor Stuart Collins, cabinet member for Clean & Green Croydon, said: “Commercial waste left on the pavement is ugly and encourages fly-tipping, so I’m

really pleased we’re getting businesses to be more responsible and help make their areas tidier.” The council’s time-banded waste collection scheme was trialled in April with 100 businesses along High Street, Thornton Heath, and resulting in savings of more than £6,000 in fly-tip disposal costs. Business owners reported the high street as being tidier as a result of the trial, which is now also permanent.



Power to the People Communities are to be given more responsibility for the things that matter most to them as part of a new scheme aimed at devolving town hall powers to residents. Residents in three borough districts are being given the chance to work alongside the council to shape how projects and services are delivered locally. As part of the six-month pilot, communities in South Norwood, Purley and New Addington will be asked to identify key issues, needs and priorities in their neighbourhoods and to put forward suggestions to deal with them.

The initiative follows the success of a similar scheme in Thornton Heath which saw residents, business owners and other stakeholders work together with councillors to identify key issues in the area. Feedback from the community was used to specifically shape a number of projects, such as the cleaning of the clock tower along with 9000 sq m of paving along High Street. Last year, more power was handed to residents across Croydon when the council introduced the community budget programme. The initiative gives each area in the borough its own budget to spend on

local projects. The council’s commitment to devolution has seen funding for this year’s community ward budgets double to £288,000. Councillor Tony Newman, leader of the council, said: “This council is committed to entrusting more powers from the town hall to local communities, and the pilot scheme will enable residents in South Norwood, Purley and New Addington to be at the heart of decisions made about their local area. “Most importantly, it will give those living and working in these areas a strong voice in the delivery of local services and projects planned for their communities.”

We must never forget A ceremony in the Town Hall will remember those who perished during the Nazi Holocaust and more recent atrocities. All are invited to attend a ceremony that, every year, remembers and pays tribute to the many thousands of victims of the Holocaust and other 20th-century genocides. Holocaust Memorial Day will be marked in traditional manner with a public candle-lighting ceremony in the foyer of Croydon Town Hall at noon on Friday 27 January. That will be followed by presentations in the council chamber, including a keynote address by Eve Kugler, who was a child survivor of the Holocaust. Read more at

The day is an international event marking the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp AuschwitzBirkenau in 1945, and is a time to: • remember those murdered in the Holocaust and under Nazi persecution, and during subsequent genocides, including Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur; and • hope for a safer, inclusive society where the differences between us are respected as reality today and in the future. This year’s theme – “How can life go on?” – asks audiences to think

about what happens after genocide, and of our own responsibilities in the wake of such a crime. To support schools with classroombased projects, an activity pack is available at order-or-download-activity-pack In addition, visit www.cferinfo. to find resources for schools and the wider community. For further information about Holocaust Memorial Day 2017 or Croydon’s candle-lighting ceremony, email uk or call 020 8726 6000 extn 61623.

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Plan revealed to stamp out burden of loneliness Tips to combat the social ills of isolation and loneliness are at the heart of the first annual report from Croydon’s director of public health. Croydon has an estimated 9,860 older people who are lonely and 5,423 older people who experience intense loneliness. This is alongside more than 17,000 people aged 18 to 64 who are socially isolated. These worrying figures are behind this year’s public health report from Rachel Flowers, the borough’s director of public health publichealthreport Ms Flowers, who took the post at the beginning of the year, has provided a steer to progress pledges made at the 2016 Croydon Congress and act on recommendations in the Opportunity and

Fairness Commission report, to prevent residents feeling excluded from family, friends and social networks. The report focuses on how individuals and communities can play their part to support each other. And it contains examples of best practice in the borough already making a difference to vulnerable groups, such as Bump Dance Fitness, an initiative founded by New Addington residents to support local mums in making new friends. The director of public health advocates this approach of simple, effective tips for communities and the council, health service providers and the voluntary sector to tackle loneliness and social isolation.


Social Isolation and Loneliness

Annual report of the director of public health 2016

Ms Flowers said: “There’s so much we can do as individuals and as a community to address loneliness and social isolation. “It’s not always grand gestures that are required; a smile, a meal shared, or asking for, or offering, help can make a real difference. “My report for Croydon provides a few ideas of some simple things we all can do for ourselves, friends and community to reduce social isolation and loneliness and help reduce the health harm it can bring – there are many other things that I’m sure people can think of and I’d encourage them to go and do their bit across Croydon.”

Don’t worry, JustBe happy and healthy Aimed at getting local people to adopt healthier lifestyles, a new website offers a raft of tips and pointers. Happier and healthier – that’s how visitors to a website recently launched by the council will feel after following its lifestyle recommendations. The JustBe Croydon online health programme at www.JustBeCroydon. org focuses on six key health and well-being concerns to tackle and improve local inequalities that exist in these areas. It is designed to be a go-to resource for residents for help and support with eating a more nutritious diet and keeping to a healthy weight, drinking less alcohol, being more active, improving mental health and well-being,

cutting out smoking and maintaining healthy sexual relationships. JustBe Croydon features a health MoT, inviting residents to complete an online assessment to get started on their journey to better health. Next year, services available on JustBe Croydon will expand to deliver one-to-one support from experts, lasting up to 52 weeks, based on current best practice around behaviour change. Councillor Louisa Woodley, cabinet member for families, health and social care, said: “Croydon Council is increasing its digital offer to residents, providing online services

to meet the growing needs of a mobile and online community. “The new JustBe Croydon website means residents are just a click away to self-help and encouragement to lead happier and healthier lives.” JustBe Croydon can be followed on Twitter @JustBeCroydon #justbecroydon and Facebook/ JustBeCroydon



Legacy gets our vote! Record number take part in vote for youth centre name. Croydon’s young people have already shown their excitement and enthusiasm for the new Youth Zone project, due to open in Whitehorse Road in 2018. Earlier this year a record number of votes were cast in a project to design and agree on a brand for the centre. As a result, the £6m youth facility, run by the Onside charity, will be named Legacy. Young people from Croydon and across London worked hard to host and present a launch evening for the new brand name. Introducing the event was 18-year-old Chinelo Chizea, who talked about how a group of 40 local youngstes and volunteers had worked for weeks on developing ideas. They had also visited the Wigan Youth Zone to see how it operated. Chinelo said: “It was really amazing, we took part in loads of activities, and the staff were totally committed to helping the young

people who use the centre.” The process of naming the new centre included a series of workshops led by a team of marketing professionals from London-based SEA Design. With their expert help young people tried out a range of ideas.

When put to the public vote, nearly 3,000 people took part. This was more than in any of OnSide’s previous projects. Legacy will provide 20 different activities every evening for up to 200 young people for just 50p per visit.

Legacy cash boost Young people in Croydon have more cause to celebrate because their soonto-be-built Legacy Youth Zone has received a generous £500,000 toward construction costs from the Stone Family Foundation.

Councillor Alisa Flemming, cabinet member for children, young people and learning, said: “I’d like to thank the Stone Foundation for their support for the young people of Croydon.

The council has invested £3m in the building work and will pay a further £300,000 annually toward running costs.

"I’m really pleased that the council’s investment is already being added to by others.”

Get your child on the path to education A child going to school for the first time is often as fraut for the parents as the child – ensuring the application is made in a correct and timely fashion can ease the stress. For families with boys or girls who are four years old, or approaching their fourth birthday, now is the time for a decision that will have a major impact on their little one’s life. Those families should now be starting to apply for primary school places in 2017. The closing date for applications is 15 January. If your child was born between 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013, your application must be completed by this date. Details of the application process, with step-by-step instruction, can be found on the council’s website, and in the Admissions to primary schools 2017/18 brochure.

Be sure to use all six preferences, and consider them carefully before submitting your form. To be offered a place, your child must meet the admissions criteria of the school. If you do not get your first or second choices the council needs to know which schools would be your other choices. Without this information, you could be offered a school that you would not have selected. Barbara Peacock, the council’s executive director of people, said: “For most children, primary school is their first experience of full-time education and it’s important they get all they can from it.

“We want to provide children with the best opportunities in life through a great start to their education. Parents can play a huge role in achieving this by making sure that their application is properly completed, reasonable in its expectations and submitted on time.” For further information, visit www.

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P R O U D TO B E H E R E I am extremely proud to have been appointed borough commander of Croydon; but the hard work now begins. I would first like to take time to pass on my thoughts and sympathy to the families and friends of those who tragically died and were injured in the fatal accident involving the tram derailment at Sandilands Junction on 9 November. It is at times like this that the role of policing and our emergency service partners is called in to action. I would like to acknowledge the efforts of those officers who performed their duties professionally in extremely challenging circumstances.

One of my initial aims, already begun, is to meet as many people as possible, hear their thoughts, views, concerns and ideas. I have had the pleasure of meeting the Independent Advisory Group, which I hope to call upon to help shape the borough’s policing. A meeting with David Lindridge, the London Fire Brigade borough commander, looked at opportunities for joint working; and I have been in contact with Croydon’s MPs – Steve Reed, Gavin Barwell and Chris Philp – each of whom highlighted their areas of concern and a willingness to work with me for the benefit of their constituents. Initial discussions with council leader Tony Newman,

Take part to have your say on what matters to you in Croydon. Since the council’s Get involved customer engagement portal launched in July, more than 11,500 responses have been received to the online questionnaires and over 1,700 votes cast in the polls. The Get Involved site brings together all the ways people of Croydon can have their say with their council. Your voice is important, and your opinions welcomed when making decisions about the future of the borough. Have your say and take part in Croydon's consultations and engagements that focus on a wide range of council themes. Check out the calendar for events that may be linked to these consultations and engagements that interest you. Thank you to everyone who has taken part in the consultations, engagements, and polls so far. Visit for the current poll and to take a peek at current consultation and engagement activities.

chief executive Jo Negrini and community safety lead Hamida Ali, have provided me with an insight into the ambitious plans they have for Croydon. I was invited to the Croydon Economic Summit Meeting, which discussed the potential impact of the future evening and night-time economy in Croydon. This is an exciting development with the potential to bring more people to the borough. It will be my role to work with key partners to ensure we have a policing service that is capable of meeting the challenges of the future. My immediate focus is ensuring that effective policing plans are in place for the festive period and into the New Year; when offences

such as burglary, domestic abuse and violence with injury are historically known to increase. Our priority needs to be protecting vulnerable people, such as victims of domestic abuse, and safeguarding children and missing persons and others in crisis. The focus must remain on protecting the lives and property of the public, preventing crime and maintaining the peace. The people of Croydon have the right to expect a quality service and it is my job to ensure we strive to achieve these aims.

Jeff Boothe

Chief Supt Jeff Boothe Croydon borough commander



Communities reap benefits of old laptops Residents across the borough are becoming computer literate with the help of recycled laptops from Croydon Council. Hundreds of laptops are being offered to local community groups by the council in a bid to get more residents online. The Go On Croydon Community Computers scheme provides low-cost computer equipment to help community organisations support their clients, and local residents, to gain digital skills. The council is recycling more than 500 old computers and laptops, equipment that would otherwise have been disposed of, and giving them

a second life for the benefit of local residents in a scheme believed to be the first of its kind in the country. Eligible community, voluntary and charity groups can apply to set up a Go On Croydon Community Digital Zone. Community digital zones are already successfully up and running in areas including Norbury, Shirley, Purley and Broad Green. The Asian Resource Centre of Croydon has set up a Community Digital Zone after applying for and receiving low-cost computer equipment under the Go On Croydon scheme and runs IT classes every week. Mamun Khan of ARCC said “We wouldn’t have been able to purchase these laptops had it not been for the recycled computer scheme.

“Due to financial constraints, we couldn’t afford IT equipment at the retail price, but under the scheme we were able to buy the laptops and now we have over 13 people using them. “We teach people from the very basics of how to switch on a PC to how to use the mouse and keyboard as well as accessing of various online resources.” Anybody interested in setting up a Go On Croydon community digital zone, should email gocroydon@ For more information visit

Saving – it’s not just for Christmas Croydon Plus is your local credit union, and it’s there to help you get into the habit of saving. Christmas is fun – and it can also be expensive. Some people, unaware of a more affordable alternative, opt for taking out payday loans, and for them the festive season can end up being a financial headache. Croydon Plus is the local credit union, offering a safe place for savings that are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. We encourage members to save

regularly, building up funds for a rainy day. But if you need some help, our loans are among the cheapest available because we’re a cooperative owned by our members and working for our members. Most of those members come through recommendations from family or friends. Sharon, 48, from central Croydon, was one such, and she remembers: “When I was younger I was always running out of money – I’ve never saved in my life. “My niece was encouraging me to save, so I opened an account and started saving; £5 a month at first, then £10, and more. “I realised I could actually do this.” Membership is open to anybody aged

over 18 who lives or works in Croydon, Merton or Sutton, and costs just £10 (covering administration and a minimum £5 balance requirement). Once you’re a member, you can open a junior account for anyone you know under 16 and help them on the road to a financially stable future. So, if you’re struggling for cash this Christmas, make a resolution now to make next year different – open a Croydon Plus credit union savings account. You can join and manage your account online at or phone for a chat on 020 8760 5711. It simply makes sense.

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Council meeting dates

Useful contacts

Deadlines for public questions for the forthcoming full council meeting (starting at 6.30pm) – noon on the relevant deadline date.

For police, fire brigade, ambulance, call: 999 or 112, Text phone 1800

Meetings: Monday 30 Jan

Deadlines: Monday 16 Jan

Monday 27 Feb

Monday 13 Feb

Croydon Council general enquiries

Questions (maximum number of words: 50) for consideration at a full council meeting, can be emailed to council.questions@; alternatively, write to Questions for the council, Legal and democratic services, 7C Bernard Weatherill House, 8 Mint Walk, Croydon CR0 1EA; or call 020 8726 6000 extn 63876.

020 8726 6000

Unless otherwise stated, cabinet meetings start at 6.30pm, in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall. Meetings: 12 Dec 23 Jan 20 Feb For information on meetings, minutes and agendas, go to For information on cabinet and shadow cabinet members, go to

Non-emergency urgent care - 111

Unless otherwise stated, scrutiny meetings start at 6.30pm, in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall. Meetings: 6 Dec 8 Dec 13 Dec 10 Jan 17 Jan 31 Jan 7 Feb

Children and young people scrutiny sub-committee Health and social care scrutiny sub-committee Scrutiny and overview committee Scrutiny and overview committee Health and social care scrutiny sub-committee Streets, environmental and homes scrutiny sub-committee Children and young people scrutiny sub-committee

28 Feb

Streets and environmental scrutiny sub-committee

For information on scrutiny, go to or email Meetings of the Safer Neighbourhood Board are held in the venues indicated. For further information, look safer-neighbourhood-board/ Forthcoming public meeting dates are: Meeting: Wednesday 18 January at 6.30pm – Community Space, 8 Mint Walk, Croydon CR0 1EA


Croydon NHS Walk-in Centre 020 3040 0800

Croydon University Hospital 020 8401 3000

Get in touch To get in touch with the Your Croydon editorial team, email: or call 020 8760 5644 If anybody you know isn't receiving the online Your Croydon weekly, tell them that they can ensure delivery by subscribing at www.croydon.

Central Library and Museum of Croydon Katharine Street, Croydon CR9 1ET Open: Monday to Saturday (see website for daily hours) Library – Telephone: 020 8726 6900 Email: Museum –

Details of all Croydon Council meetings can be found on the council website

Telephone: 020 8253 1022 Email:

Guided Walks

For full details, visit: leisure/parksandopenspaces/walks


Saturday 3 December Winter trees in Beaulieu Heights The wood is a remnant of the once Great North Wood, explore the history of the site and take a closer look at trees without their leaves. Family event. Meet the community partnership officer at 10am at the noticeboard by the main entrance off South Norwood Hill.

Sunday 11 December Christmas crafts at Whyteleafe Recreation Ground Come and try your hand at making yourself a Christmas Wreath. £3 per place. Please call the warden on 07771 715812 for information and to book a place. Sunday 11 December St Nicholas in Haling Grove Join the Friends of Haling Grove from 2pm to 4pm for mince pies, mulled wine

and carol singing. For more information contact the Friends of Haling Grove via the Facebook page. Sunday 18 December Happy Valley winter tree ID and folklore Wrap up warm to discover the myths and folklore behind our native trees and learn how to name them from their bark, buds and twigs. Meet at the Farthing Downs car park at 2pm.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION about the 2017 walks programme, friends of park groups, natural play and forest school, or how to get involved in caring for Croydon’s green environment, contact the community partnership officer. Tel 020 8726 6000 or email



Your A to Z of council services The council provides a comprehensive range of services designed to offer help and advice to residents. Below is only a small selection of those services – for the full list, visit and follow the “A-Z” link at the top of the home page. Adult education Information on the courses available to older students. Blocked drains Information on how to deal with drain problems. Bulky waste collection What it is, how to book it and how much it will cost. Croydon Careline Providing a home safety and personal security system, helping people to live independently within their own homes. Complaints procedure We will try to provide a high standard of service and rely on you to tell us how we are doing.

Dog fouling It is an offence if the person in charge of a dog fails to clean up their animal's faeces from designated land. Education Providing a range of services and activities to help meet the needs of pupils, their families and the wider community. Emergency planning Keeping Croydon running in the event of serious incidents. Fly-tipping How to report it, your responsibilities as a landowner, and how the council prosecutes fly-tippers. Gambling The different types of licences – and how to apply for them.

Disabled parking

Disabled parking Providing parking bays throughout Croydon for vehicles used by the holders of blue badges.

Home safety advice See if you are eligible for a free home safety check. Instrument tuition Service for children and young people.

Leisure centres Links and information on all the borough’s leisure centres. Recycling

Lottery registration Running a lottery to raise funds for a charity or an organisation such as a sports club, church or school, requires registration.


Marriage Information on the various services offered by the council.

Safer Croydon Partnership Working to make the borough safer for all who live, work and visit here.

What to recycle, how to recycle and where to recycle.

My Croydon Download the council’s app for easy reporting of a number of issues. Neighbourhood wardens Offering help and support to local communities. On-street parking Maps, tables and information on the borough’s on-street parking bays and pay-and-display parking machines. Planning applications Advice on all aspects of the planning process.

Trading Standards

Trading standards Dealing with doorstep crime and rogue traders, and offering advice to residents and businesses. Voluntary organisations Details on available funding. Welfare benefit advice Know what you’re entitled to and claim it. Youth projects All you need to know about Croydon’s youth provision.


Zoo licence You need to apply for a licence to run a zoo – should you really want to!


www.cro ydon.

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