Why your letterhead design is important for your business

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Why your letterhead design is important for your business? A letterhead is one of the most important printing collaterals in any business. More than just a means of correspondence, it is also a physical representation of your company. It can say a great deal about your brand image and is an essential part of your Company sales and marketing communications strategy. In addition a well-designed letterhead lends to credibility and is a great means of displaying professionalism.

A company is judged by how professional the full color letterhead and other documents look. Letterhead printed in one color, two color or full color on a nice high quality paper stock will always impress your potential clients and existing customers. In comparison a poorly designed or homemade looking letterhead can make you look unprofessional or amateurish. Remember every large and established company has custom printed letterhead and you can emulate them no matter how small you may be, by making sure you have matching letterhead, envelopes, business cards, and mailing labels.

Things to Consider When Designing Your Letterhead: Company Logo:Your business has a logo for a reason. This logo will define and identify your brand and will help your customers to recognise you. So by putting your business logo on your stationery you expose your brand and what it stands for in turn giving you a far greater brand awareness in your industry and among your customers.

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Why your letterhead design is important for your business? Simple letterhead design: Finding letterhead designs that catch your breath is pretty hard, make sure that your letterhead should be easy to read, so it is important for it to be a clean and simple design. Your letterhead should consist of your logo and contact details. Use Only Two-Fonts: Make sure that your letterhead does not contain more than two fonts. Try to choose a font which reflects your brand image. Company Contact Details: It’s important that your customers can contact you by looking at your letterhead. This means ensure your contact details are relevant and up to date. Make sure letterhead shows authority and legality:Your company letterhead show who you are and helps to identify your brand, it should also be used for all official documentation.So make sure that your letter head shows the authority and legality of your company. So from above point it shows that a professional letterhead design will help establish a company as an independent and professional organization. So if you want your letterhead to reinforce your brand identity or make a strong first impression with your target market, so keep above things in your mind and execute it in according way.

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