5 minute read
Avoid leaving horses standing in wet and muddy conditions for extended periods of time. Ensure they have somewhere dry to stand for at least part of the day and consider laying hardcore in high frequency areas such as gateways and around water troughs e a l e d S t a b l e M a t t i n g , A n t i - c a s t W a l l P r o t e c t i o n , R u b b e r P a v e r s a n d T i l e s , F l e x s c r e e d S t o n e B l e n d f o r S t a b l e Y a r d s , W a l k w a y s a n d R a c e c o u r s e s
Allow feet to dry out each day. There are still huge benefits to horses being turned out in winter even in wet and muddy fields. However, do ensure that horses can be brought somewhere each day where their feet and legs can dry properly. Prolonged exposure to wet cold conditions can increase the risk of mud fever developing.
Use an iodine-based mix to dry and harden the hoof wall and sole. Other options for topical protection include barrier creams, such as Nettex Muddy Marvel Barrier Cream, to stop excessive moisture being absorbed through the sole, or tar-based products to help keep hooves dry and healthy.
Keep up to date with farrier visits and foot trims. It is tempting to allow more time between farrier visits through winter, as horse’s feet grow more slowly, and they tend to be ridden less. However regular trimming will help to maintain a well-balanced foot which is essential for coping with the varying terrain we experience in winter. Regular trimming also helps to prevent splits and cracks, which are a risk factor for abscesses.
W e h a v e b e e n i n s t a l l i n g h i g h q u a l i t y e q u e s t r i a n r u b b e r s u r f a c e s f o r o v e r 3 0 y e a r s t h e r e f o r e , w e a r e c o n f i d e n t w e c a n o f f e r t h e b e s t a d v i c e a n d h i g h e s t q u a l i t y p r o d u c t s o n t h e m a r k e t W i t h b e i n g t h e l a r g e s t i m p o r t e r a n d i n s t a l l e r s i n t h e U K t h i s a l s o a l l o w s u s t o o f f e r t h e m o s t c o m p e t i t i v e p r i c e s
R u b b e r f l o o r i n g c a n s a v e y o u t i m e a n d m o n e y o n b e d d i n g , p l u s w h e n f i t t e d t h e y r e q u i r e v e r y l i t t l e m a i n t e n a n c e a n d p r o v i d e y o u r h o r s e w i t h a m u c h w a r m e r , q u i e t e r a n d c o m f o r t a b l e e n v i r o n m e n t

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EASYFIX Equine is dedicated to providing solution led systems, that ensure an extremely comfortable and safe environment for your horse.
We are committed to remaining the World’s No.1 provider of equine matting solutions, fences & hurdles. We understand the importance of comfort & safety for your horses and we endeavour to excel in meeting the expectations of our customers. Our passion, is to protect yours!
EASYFIX Equine Rubber Matting Solutions are recognised as the best quality & highest performing products in the marketplace. They provide a complete solution for many of the world’s leading horse breeders, owners and trainers. The portfolio includes our Horse Walker System, Deluxe Stable Matting System, Walkway Matting, WetPour and Rubber Paving Solutions. Manufactured from the highest quality rubber, the extensive range provides a comfortable and safe environment for horses. Our wide range of rubber matting solutions are designed for stables, horse walkers, parade rings, wash areas, walkways and courtyards. Manufactured from the highest quality natural rubber, our products provide a safe and comfortable environment for horses.
Enhancing Safety, Comfort & Biosecurity: EASYFIX Diamond Deluxe Stable Matting
EASYFIX Equine launched a newly designed rubber matting system in early 2022. The patented design is fully sealed to allow for extra biosecurity and combines grip with enhanced comfort.
The seamless design is not only bio secure, hygienic and extremely comfortable, but it also provides the ideal environment for your horse.
It is a uniquely designed rubber matting solution which ensures maximum grip whilst remaining extremely easy to sweep and clean. Traditionally, some stable mats have offered high grip options, however have always been difficult to clean and maintain. This superbly designed mat offers the best of both worlds. Diamond Deluxe Stable Mat and Diamond Top Memory Foam are DLG Certified.
Diamond Deluxe Stable Mat is now also available with an 8mm PU Latex Foam Mattress underneath for additional comfort.
Used, Trusted & Recommended by Professionals Worldwide
Prevents Injury: When combined with our wall matting system, the Diamond Deluxe prevents cuts, grazes and capped hocks normally associated with concrete floors.
Aids Rest & Recovery: The matting system creates an optimum environment for rest and recovery from both exercising and injury.
Hygienic & Bio secure: The rubber mats are bonded to create a fully sealed, hygienic and non-porous floor. The glue used ensures that mats are permanently sealed to the floor and will not lift or move.
Excellent Grip: Provides an excellent grip under foot when lying down, getting up or rolling over.
Insulating Effect: The soft rubber provides thermal insulation and an anti-fatigue surface.
Cost Effective: Huge saving reductions on shavings and straw, as the rubber matting allows you to significantly reduce the amount of bedding that is required and the amount of labour involved.