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NKC Equestrian
Educating on Equine Health
Over the past two decades of caring for horses and helping horse owners, I have come across a number of myths about horse care that need to be busted.
Here are the top 5 myths I regularly encounter from the Horse First Aid Courses I run:
Myth #1- One vaccination can cover all your horses
BUSTED: Vaccinating one horse doesn’t provide immunity to all your horses. Each horse should get Equine Influenza and Tetanus vaccinations.
Myth #2- Cold tea (or any eye med) will work to remedy any eye condition
BUSTED: Eye conditions should be taken as seriously as colic. Horses sometimes suffer from corneal ulcers or uveitis and require different medical treatments.
Myth #3- Sudocrem antiseptic cream is like duct tape for horses
BUSTED: Sudocrem isn’t a cure-all, and it can have a place for minor grazes. However it’s not always a sensible choice because it clogs up the wound, stopping the wound from breathing and delays wound healing.
Myth #4- The more Hibiscrub, the better
BUSTED: I don’t recommend owners use Hibiscrub on everyday cuts and scrapes because it’s too strong. It kills good and bad cells, which delays healing. Keep it for cleaning your own hands and try saline solution for wound cleaning instead.
Myth #5- You must keep a horse with colic walking BUSTED: It can be helpful to gently hand walk a horse with colic, but human and horse safety must be considered. ‘Forced walking’ is no longer recommended. Instead put your horse somewhere safe where they can roll or lie down and you can keep out of the way - like an arena.
Remember, your love for horses deserves to be accompanied by the power of first aid expertise. Dive into the basics of Horse First Aid and discover how you can be your horse’s hero when they need it the most by downloading my free checklist today!
Equine First Aid
Both equine first aid courses are jam packed with valuable and practical knowledge to help you know when to call the vet or the right course of action.
Knowing normal for your horse
First Aid kit - dos and dont’s
Wounds, emergencies and colic
Infectious diseases
Understand hormonal conditions (PSSM, EMS & PPID )
Skin conditions
Respiratory diseases
Plus bonus training from Dr Sue Dyson!
You feel extremely supported on a NKC course and not ‘on your own’ with it, even though you can do it in your own time and pace.