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Feeding Facts
Whether or not you need a supplement or balancer depends on your horse’s diet, as most compound feeds are fortified to provide a complete nutritional ration, if fed at the recommended levels.
As an example, “good doers” fed just forage would benefit from a balancer, perhaps with a handful of chaff for palatability, to increase their nutritional uptake, but horses fed a branded, fortified feed are unlikely to need extra supplements for general health.
However, if there’s an extra need for further nutrients for wellness elements like calming, hoof health, joint mobility, digestive health, breeding and coat health, then a targeted supplement may be worthwhile. The choice is incredibly large with hundreds of products available, so do speak with your local feed store or a feed and supplement manufacturer, to discuss your horse or pony’s needs. Here, Kathy Carter answers some frequently asked questions.
People used to limit haylage, perhaps because in its early development it was higher in energy. Giving insufficient haylage results in an (undesirable) comparable drop in the animal’s fibre intake.
Today’s branded haylage is still very palatable, so horses may eat it more quickly, potentially leading to boredom and stereotypical behaviours.
Haylage contains considerably more water than hay, so in fact we need to feed about one and a quarter times as much haylage as hay. In fact, haylage can be seen as preferable to hay, as the quality is consistent and it’s less dusty.
An Unbalanced Diet
There are so many factors which affect a horse’s requirements including age, breed, weight, exercise, forage. All of these can “unbalance” their diet, and an unbalanced diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies which, over time, can cause problems. Supplementation helps bridge the gap and ensures that your horse’s daily nutritional needs are catered for.

Without a fully functioning digestive system, your horse can’t absorb other nutrients to their full availability. Stabling and domestication cause further issues as your horse’s gut is naturally much better when he is moving and foraging. Concentrated feeds and stress can lead to problems, particularly gastric ulcers.
Lowering Acidity
Lower acidity levels, by feeding a supplement such as Equine 74’s Gastric Conditioner which promotes a healthy stomach, and is an effective acid buffer, along with including a live yeast which supports the hind gut digestion.
Protecting Joints
If your horse is ridden on a variety of surfaces the chances, are you will subject his joints to heavy forces, hacking on roads, fields and preforming in a school can all add extra strain.
There are a variety of joint supplements on the market that come in many forms such as, liquid, powder and feed.
If horses are limited to little or no turnout, feeding a calmer can become an essential part of their diet to help ease their “fight or flight” reaction.

Calmers have been formulated to contain nutrients which are required for the nervous system, such as magnesium, or which have calming properties, such as chamomile.
Some calmers are fed daily, whereas others are for ad hoc use, and are perfect for one-off stressful situations, such as travelling, clipping or farrier visits.
A jute haynet called the Crofton has been launched by Elico Equestrian. The natural, rustic-coloured net is robust enough for the most enthusiastic equine eater, yet it’s completely biodegradable at the end of its life.
Just as jute or cotton bags win out over plastic carriers for shopping, now your customers can make an environmentally friendly choice about haynets too. Jute haynets were commonplace 40 years ago. But this new product is an improvement on the traditional design … Its square bottom makes it tidy in the stable and easy to fill.
The Elico Crofton Jute Haynet is a conventional 40” long and has a standard mesh size.
Jute is widely considered to be a sustainable crop, grown with minimal use of fertilizers or pesticides. On disposal, it decomposes within one to two years leaving no threat to the earth.
The Crofton Jute Haynet is made with no plastic, nylon or metal attachments – just jute.
The degradation of jute is accelerated by wet conditions, therefore these haynets are best suited for long-term indoor use.
Warning! The Elico Crofton Jute Haynet has a subtle but wonderful earthy smell which may cause some horse owners to reminisce.

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