LOCAL FAMILY RUN BUSINESS THE PROOF IS ON THE ROOF n ISSUE 129 SEPTEMBER 2022 RELIABLY DELIVERED BY ROYAL MAIL • EVENTS • ATTRACTIONS • LOCAL BUSINESSES DELIVERED INTO ALL 45,038 HOMES AND BUSINESSES IN SCARBOROUGH, FILEY, SCALBY, EASTFIELD, CAYTON, FLIXTON, GANTON, SEAMER, RAVENSCAR, HACKNESS, CLOUGHTON & SURROUNDING VILLAGES BY ROYAL MAIL Freephone 0800 5999 309 Or call our mobile 07796 773 364 ECCO BLINDS 3 FOR £99* *Roller blinds max width and height 40 inches. *Verticle blinds max width and height 50 inches. ROLLER BLINDS & VERTICLE BLINDS 0% APR* finance available with iDeal 4 Finance *Subject to status, terms and conditions apply


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These days most home own e rs s uffe r from a lac k of storage space. So many precious ite ms that need to be kept but whe re to store it all? T hat’s whe re York shire Loft Ladde rs come in.
So, if you wa nt to make use of your loft space, however big or small, call Warren on 0800 612 8359 and he’ll be happy to pop round and give you a no obligation quote so you too can make use of your loft!
At the end of the day the old adage that happy customers lead to more happy cust omers is true and we work hard to make that happen for every installation we carry out !”
The company, based locally, offers homeowners the oppor tunity to maxi mi se their storage space with a loft ladder, 50 sqft of boarding and a light all fully fitted in less than a day from just £277 + VAT But it’s not just the affordability of the package the company offers that makes Yorkshire Loft Ladders stand out as manager Warren Ingleson explains:
“Our watchwords are Quality, Integrity and Value. Quality in the materials that we use for all our installations and the fact that all our loft packages are fitted by time served trades men so our customers are assured of the best job. Integ rity in that we will turn up at the time we sa y and make sure the house is spotless when we leave, and Value in that we offer our services at a price people can afford Our busi ness relies on referrals and we got a huge a mount of our calls from people who have been referred to us by our exi sting custome rs that si mply would n’t happen if we didn’t adhere to our overriding principles

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40 “A barn full of everything gorgeous” High Farm, Newholm, Whitby, YO21 3QY Off A171 Whitby to Guisborough Road. Open Monday-Saturday: 10am-5pm. 01947www.pennyclare.co.uk600371Follow us on Facebook furtherInstagramandforupdates “A tea room full of mouth-watering treats” Don’t forget to include a visit to the tea rooms when you visit Penny Clare. Choose from delicious homemade food and treats for breakfast, lunch or afternoon tea. Look out for the daily specials board and our extensive range of vegan, gluten and dairy free options all served in cosy surroundings accompanied by Italian coffee and Yorkshire tea! Newholm Tea Rooms Furniture, Crafts and PennyClareGifts Look no further if you need that finishing touch to a room renovation or project. You will be spoilt for choice with lots of unique items from mirrors to beautiful accessories and one off pieces of furniture to style your room perfectly. If you are looking for a gift for that special someone, we also have gorgeous items in stock, perfect for all occasions and celebrations.

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Scarborough Spa, South Bay, 12.30-8.30pm. Back for its 19th edition, the annual Scarborough Jazz Festival is a great way to enjoy a weekend on the coast. With a wide mix of established and lesser-known performers, there’s something for everyone. Visit scarboroughspa.co.ukwww.for more information.
// 25TH COLLECTORS’ANTIQUESEPTEMBERANDFAIR, Driffield Showground, YO25 9DN, 9am3.30pm. As well as exploring three halls full of quality collectables and antiques, you can also see if you’ve got any hidden treasures by attending the valuation table between 10am-1pm. Call 01377 254768 for more information.
// 4TH BRIDLINGTONSEPTEMBERCOMIC CON, Bridlington Spa, South Marine Drive, 11am-6pm. Enjoy a funpacked, geeky day out for all the family. There will be special guests from TV and movie including photo opportunities and there’s even a cosplay contest you can enter! moreVisit www.bridcomiccon.com forinformation.
*Information correct at time of printing. Please check with individual venues ahead of your visit. on on
44 We’ve rounded up the best ways to enjoy North and East Yorkshire this month.
// 16TH-18TH SEPTEMBER THE STEVE HENSHAW GOLD CUP, Oliver’s Mount Road Race Circuit. Marking the return to action at Oliver’s Mount, this three-day event features thrilling bike racing in a stunning setting. The 2.43-mile track certainly tests the racers’ skills, with a challenging, tight, and twisty circuit. For more 2022.searchvisit www.dukevideo.cominformation,andOliver’sMountGoldCup
// 4TH DOWNSEPTEMBERONTHEFARM, Sledmere House, Driffield YO25 3XG, 10am-5pm. The Sledmere House Conservation Farm are holding a fun-filled day for all the family. There will be demonstrations in the main ring plus family-fun craft classes with prizes to be won. forwww.sledmerehouse.com/eventsVisitmoreinformation.
10TH-11TH SEPTEMBER CRAFT FAIR, Bridlington Spa, South Marine Drive, 10am4:30pm. Two fun-packed days filled with arts and crafts. Run by Dippy Designs, they will be joined by a range of talented and varied makers offering a range of items.
// 10TH-11TH SEPTEMBER EARLY CHRYSANTHEMUM & DAHLIA SHOW, Crossgates Community Centre, Seamer, various times. Held by the Scarborough & District Horticultural Association. On Saturday at 1-4.30pm and Sunday at 11am-4.30pm. For more details, find Scarborough & District Horticultural gmail.com.emailgroups/785724081760177www.facebook.com/Associationorscarboroughhorticultural@
// UNTIL 4TH SEPTEMBER PLANET CIRCUS, Filey Road, Scarborough. The Planet Circus family is one of the oldest circus families in Europe. An entertaining show with a special atmosphere, this magical production brings traditional circus entertainment for all the family, full of fun and plenty of laughter! Featuring the thrilling Globe of Death, the captivating Gemini Sisters, Martti with his terrifying crossbow act, and much, much more. For more visit https://planetcircusomg.com. information,

Local Scarborough Author
Seven characters. One life. Whose line was it anyway? Don’t let your circumstances defeat you. Keep dreaming, keep moving, keep making plans. Where would we be without a dream? We all have our health to consider, whether physical, mental, emotional, financial, or spiritual. Seize the day, look out of every window, life is a journey, live your dreams, dwell in the Lord’s Wisdom. Isaiah 40:31? But those who look to the Lord will win new strength, they will grow wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary, they will march on and never grow faint!? ‘Squirrels of Destiny’ is the sequel to ‘Plan 103f’, forming the first two parts of a Trilogy Project. Here, ‘The Crew’ are a close-knit group of intrepid associates and friends. Charting their tumultuous and adventurous lives in the modern era 2010-2020. We explore their philosophy, psychology, theology, enterprise, Olympic sport, music, relationships, food and drink, popular culture, and life experiences. Available to buy online at Amazon or Waterstones
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62 INDEX Listing highlighted? Find out more about these businesses online at www.thebestpages.co.uk We check all advertisements carefully prior to publication but occasionally mistakes do occur. We therefore ask advertisers to help by checking their own advertisements carefully and letting us know immediately if there are any errors. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than one incorrect insertion and that no re-publication or refund will be given in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. AERIALS Dale Comm Aerials Ltd 60 Stewart Pickard Aerials 55 1010 Aerials 53 Aerius 56 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Market Vacs 56 Newlove Repair Services 25 ATTRACTIONS & EVENTS Sledmere House 45 BATHROOMS & KITCHENS Dream Doors 2 Howdens Scarborough 22 MKM Building Supplies 26 BLINDS Shades of Blinds 9 Blinds Valley 1 Ecco Blinds 1 Shutters R Us ltd 42 Yorkshire Coast 7, 13 MAINTENANCEBUILDING/PROPERTY CA Wharton & Son Ltd 30 Home Maintenance 36 Better Drives 12 Chris Coletta 59 Chris Duck Construction 51 DNA Property Solutions 39 Encompass Building 58 Greystone Property 53 Olea Repointing 6 PRO GRP Roofing 33 Supply Services 53 CAR VALETING RJ Valeting 10 CARE & MOBILITY Promenade ScarboroughMobilityLtd 34 Scarborough Mobility 23 CARPET & CLEANINGUPHOLSTERY R Nightingale Ltd 60 CARPETS/FLOORING Best Flooring 64 Monster Cleaning 29 Yorkshire Coast Flooring 7 CHIMNEY SWEEPS Gordons Chimney Sweep 55 Johnsons Chimney Sweep 36 Sooty Sweep 55 CLEANING/IRONING R Nightingale Ltd 55 Monster Cleaning 29 DESIGNCOMPUTERS/WEB Coywood Computers 29 KS Computer Services 25 New Wave IT 43 FURNISHINGSCURTAINS/SOFT Yorkshire Coast Flooring 13 DAMP PROOFING Damp Tech Ltd 60 DECORATORS B.L Sprayers 54 Andrew Ellenor 56 D Maw 58 Eddy MacKenzie 60 Paul Rowe Decorating 56 Paul Simpson 60 PB & S Decorators 60 Steve Clayton 54 Whiterose Decorators 57 DENTISTS Scarborough Denture 11 DENTURES The Denture Clinic 8 ELECTRICAL GOODS Dixons Discount 16 Walkers Euronics 33 ELECTRICIANS BJH Electrical 6 Elect-Rick 54 M.G Maltby Electrical 57 NB Electrical Installations 9 Walker & Hutton 57 Mark Watson Electrical 53 MY Electrical 3 Valley Electrics 56 ENTERTAINMENT James Kershaw 45 FINANCIAL ADVISORS IP Wealth Management 53 FIREPLACES/MULTI FUEL STOVES Stovemaster 14 FOOT CARE NLF Chiropody 43 Helen The Foot Lady 43 FUNERAL SERVICES FA Stockill and Son 25 Falsgrave Funeral Services 18 GARAGE DOORS Clic Garage Doors 55 Doortec 58 Garage Door Repairs 5 GARDENING Peter Wannop Surfacing 47 Pinders Landscaping 49 SPD Tree Surgery 49 Budget Tree Services 52 Curtis Garden Design 42 Eastfield Garden Centre 46 I.C.M Handyman 48 IC Landscaping & Fencing 47 Inside’n’Out 47 Just Trees 47 Lawns & Hedges Cut 49 M&B Gardening Services 47 Mark Hesp Paving 50 Mundaka Tree Care 51 Philip Crooks Design 48 RCD fencing 47 SBS Removals 48 Scarbattan Trees 48 Scarborough Garden 51 Seston Fencing & Decking 48 Stonegate Gardening 49 STS Tree Surgeons 46 Tiger Resin Drives 52 Little Lawns 48 GATES/RAILINGS PVC UK 15 SA Fabrications 51 HANDYPEOPLE Bryan The Handyman 59 DP Handyman Services 53 Seaden Design 57 HEALTH & BEAUTY Body & Sole Healthcare 14 Clear Ear 6 JJ Footcare 43 Scarford Earwax Removal 43 Stuart C. Moore 43 JOINERY MCR Joinery 54 Adam Harvey Joinery 36 Eastfield Joinery 19 M.S. Joinery 57 Nick Turner Joinery 56 KITCHENS Gibson’s Cabinet Makers 20 KITCHENS/BEDROOMS Rooms Design Studio 19 Stephen Greaves Designs 31 ALARMSLOCKS/SECURITY/ Intruder Alarm Services 33 A1 Flint Locksmiths 39 Scarborough Locksmith 30 WY Locksmiths 32 LOFT CONVERSIONS Yorkshire Loft Ladders 28 LOGS/FUEL JTW Contracts 50 Snainton Woodworking 49 MOTOR SERVICESPARTS/ Bumps and Scrapes 61 North Street Garage 61 St John’s Garage 61 We Buy Vehicles 32 OVEN CLEANING Oven Wizard Dave 55 PEST CONTROL East Coast Pest Control 51 East Riding Group 50, 52 Evict Pest Control 30 PET CARE S & J Pet Foods 36 PICTURE FRAMING Picturesque Framing 53 PLASTERING Elite Plastering 6 JH Plastering 32 SR Plastering 57 TJ Plastering 6 PLUMBING/HEATING Boilers Direct 4 Gary Oseland Plumbing 58 J Wheatleys 24 A Crosier Bathroom Fitter 3 BLM Plumbing & Heating 25 Boiler Doctor 6 Combi Services 3 Dave Adams Plumbing 10 David Eblet Plumbing 58 DPB plumbing 14 East Coast Boilers 5 Fossil Heating & Plumbing 39 Little Als 10 Mark’s Plumbing Service 54 Q Plumbing 55 SR Lambert 31 Steve Mitchinson 31 Total 24 2 PRESSURE WASHING East Coast Jet Washing 51 Jet n Vac Exteriors 4 Kandy Kleen 60 PROPERTY SERVICES Flatpack Builders 61 REMOVALS/STORAGE Stephenson Park 32 A2B Removals & Storage 25 Coastal Removals 29 Man with a Van 56 Rob...The Van Man 57 Thompson Property 63 RENEWABLE ENERGY Peak Power Systems 54 ROOFING Binks Roofing 54 East Coast Roofing 1 Able Roofing 10 Churchill & Firth 58 D Brown Roofing 59 First Call GRP 31 PRO GRP Roofing 30, 37 S W Roofing & Building 45 SHOPS/STORES Community Furniture 38 Johnsons Furniture 36 Marcus Anthony 17 Penny Clare 40 Picturesque Framing 53 Scoop & Save 27 SOLICITORS Mount Park Legal 7 TILE SHOPS Direct Tile & Stone 10 TRAVEL/HOLIDAYS Goulden Accomodation 41 Original Cottages 29 Pass The Keys 41 REPAIRSWINDOW/DOOR Window Fixer 4 Gekoglass 13 CONSWINDOWS/DOORS/ Andy Vasey Glazing Ltd 61 Bosomworth Glass 37 EYG 41 Oceansafe Ltd 5 Scarborough Building Plastics 21
63 Unit 1500 sq ft 3 phase Unit 2 1500 sq ft 3 phase Unit 3 1500 sq ft 3 phase Unit 4 1500 sq ft 3 phase Unit 5 2000 sq ft 3 phase Unit 10 ft 3 phase Unit 538 sq ft Unit 2 645 sq ft Unit 3 645 sq ft Unit 4 645 sq ft Unit 5 645 sq ft Unit 6 645 sq ft Unit 645 sq ft Unit 8 645 sq ft Unit 9 538 sq ft Unit 18 538 sq ft Unit 17 645 sq ft Unit 16 645 sq ft Unit 15 645 sq ft Unit 14 645 sq ft Unit 13 645 sq ft Unit 12 645 sq ft Unit 11 645 sq ft Unit 10 645 sq ftBOWLINGGREENCHILDREN’S NURSERY sq ft 3 phase 1000 sq ft 3 phase 1000 sq ft 3 phase 1000 sq ft 3 phase Unit 6 1000 sq ft phasesingle Unit 7 1000 sq ft phasesingle Unit 8 1000 sq ft phasesingle Unit 9 1000 sq ft phasesingle TOWNCENTRE MANORROAD PHASE 1 PHASE 2 SITE PLAN Units Square Feet Rent p.a. Unit 1500 sq ft. 3 Parking spaces, three phase electric £15,000 p.a. Unit 2 1500 sq ft, 3 Parking spaces, three phase electric £15,000 p.a. Unit 3 1500 sq ft, 3 Parking spaces, three phase electric £15,000 p.a. Unit 4 1500 sq ft, 3 Parking spaces, three phase electric £15,000 p.a. Unit 5 2000 sq ft, 3 Parking spaces, three phase electric £10,000 p.a. Unit 6 1000 sq ft, 3 Parking spaces, single phase electric £10,000 p.a. Unit 7 1000 sq ft, 3 Parking spaces, single phase electric £10,000 p.a. Unit 8 1000 sq ft, 3 Parking spaces, single phase electric £10,000 p.a. Unit 9 1000 sq ft, 3 Parking spaces, single phase electric £10,000 p.a. Unit 10 2000 sq ft, 3 Parking spaces, three phase electric £20,000 p.a. Unit 11 Reserved Unit 12 Reserved Unit 13 Reserved Unit 14 Reserved Units Square Feet Rent p.a. Unit 1 538 sq ft, parking space £5,918 p.a. Unit 2 645 sq ft, parking space £7,095 p.a. Unit 3 645 sq ft, parking space £7,095 p.a. Unit 4 645 sq ft, parking space £7,095 p.a. Unit 5 645 sq ft, parking space £7,095 p.a. Unit 6 645 sq ft, parking space £7,095 p.a. Unit 7 645 sq ft, parking space £7,095 p.a. Unit 8 645 sq ft, parking space £5,918 p.a. Unit 9 538 sq ft, parking space £7,095 p.a. Unit 10 538 sq ft, parking space £7,095 p.a. Unit 11 645 sq ft, parking space £7,095 p.a. Unit 12 645 sq ft, parking space £7,095 p.a. Unit 13 645 sq ft, parking space £7,095 p.a. Unit 14 645 sq ft, parking space £7,095 p.a. Unit 15 645 sq ft, parking space £7,095 p.a. Unit 16 645 sq ft, parking space £7,095 p.a. Unit 17 645 sq ft, parking space £7,095 p.a. Unit 18 538 sq ft, parking space £5,918 p.a. PHASE 1 - UNIT SPECIFICATIONS PHASE 2 - UNIT SPECIFICATIONS We have made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this brochure is accurate at time of going to print. However, the information is released as 'preliminary' prior to construction and can be used as a guide only. We therefore reserve the right to amend the plot layouts and specifications as necessary and without notice. The room size dimensions are approximate and should not be used for purposes such as carpet sizing and furniture/appliance sizing and positioning. If more accurate dimensions are required see the Sales Negotiator to carry out a measure on site. Beacon Works, Barmoor Lane, Scalby, Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO13 0PQ Tel: 01723 870345 | Email: info@thompsonproperty.co.uk | www.thompsonhomes.co.uk
The Manor Road development is in Scarborough, which is an established commercial, tourist and retail centre. Laying approximately 40 miles east of York and 57 miles from the centre of Leeds. The town is adjacent to the North Yorkshire Moors National Park and is one of the principal resorts on the North East Coast. With excellent linking roads such as the A64, A165 and A170, and the train station in the town centre, Scarborough is easily accessible and attracts on estimate 7 million visitors a year.