Once upon a time, in the beautiful Castle Howard, there was an enchanting display for all to see. Full of magic and mystery, check out the Into the Woods: A Fairytale Christmas display, new for 2022!
Front cover image by Charlotte Graham.

Once upon a time, in the beautiful Castle Howard, there was an enchanting display for all to see. Full of magic and mystery, check out the Into the Woods: A Fairytale Christmas display, new for 2022!
Front cover image by Charlotte Graham.
Here we are! We’ve reached the end of 2022. Mad, that. First off, we promised you the lowdown of our spooky, office cook-off last month…and what a delicious spread it turned out to be! Yes, we may have had cake coming out of our ears by the end, and in case you were wondering, we can also now officially confirm that Gary’s mum DOES make one of the best steak pies we’ve ever tasted. All proceeds raised were donated to charity, and everyone did a fantastic job. Go team!
Asides from stuffing our faces (which continues to be a theme for December…) we’re excited about all the festive markets and events that are coming to York this month. Whether you fancy trying something new with a wreathmaking workshop, showing off your best figure-of-eight at the Ice Factor, browsing the much anticipated St Nicholas’ Fair, or listening to one of the many amazing carol concerts in the city, there’s plenty to get involved with this month.
It is of course panto season and the stages of York will be occupied for the next couple of weeks with plenty of colourful costumes, comedy, and classic tunes. If you fancy bagging yourself some family tickets, we have a few giveaways in this mag that you can enter on P.10. Also in this issue of the Link, we’ve got a Christmas message from the Archbishop of York and a lovely feature for the Special Care Baby Unit and the Children’s Ward, from P.32. Whether you’re an avid reader of our mag, one of our fantastic advertisers, or even if you’re picking up an issue of YLL for the first time, we want to wish you a very Merry Christmas, with plenty of happiness and health for 2023. See you on the other side!
The YLL Team x
In association with:
5 Wyre Court, Haxby. Tel. 01904 768439.
Fancy winning a beautiful bouquet of flowers, courtesy of Dutch Nurseries in Haxby?
Simply find all 10 words in our Christmas Film themed word search!
Send your completed puzzle, marked ‘December Puzzle Competition’ along with your address and telephone number to Unit 3a Kettlestring Lane, Clifton Moor, York, YO30 4XF, to reach us no later than 31st December 2022. The first entry picked out of the hat will win the prize. Good luck!
Co-produced with Evolution Productions, the talented cast and crew bring the magical All New Adventures of Peter Pan to York Theatre Royal. Starring CBeebies’ Maddie Moate as Tinkerbell, this familyfriendly production is set to be a fun adventure, with plenty of magic, music, and a little bit of mayhem.
To be in with a chance to win tickets for a family of four (two adults, two children) to see this panto on Friday 16th December, simply answer this question:
Which CBeebies star plays Tinkerbell in this year’s All New Adventures of Peter Pan panto?:
1. Maddie Moore
2. Maddie Moate
3. Maddie Mood
Send your answer (along with your name, address, and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘York Theatre Royal Panto Competition’ to the address on page six or to competitions@ yourlocallink.co.uk. The closing date is Friday 9th December. Terms and conditions apply.
Two pairs of tickets to the ABBA Party Night
Grab your flares and platform boots and get ready to boogie on down to the York Barbican for a night of pure ABBA. Featuring all of the classic hits, including ‘The Winner Takes It All’, 'Mamma Mia’, ‘Money, Money, Money’ and of course, ‘Dancing Queen’, this fantastic ABBA tribute and a full live band bring you the ultimate party to see 2022 off in style.
There are two pairs of tickets for the performance on the 2nd December that are up for grabs, so to be in with a chance to win a pair for yourself, simply answer this question:
Which of the following, is not an ABBA hit?
1. Mamma Mia
2. Money, Money, Money
3. Dancing King
Send your answer (along with your name, address, and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘York Barbican ABBA Competition’ to the address on page six or to competitions@yourlocallink. co.uk. The closing date is Monday 28th December. Terms and conditions apply.
To be in with a chance of winning a set of tickets for a family of four (two adults, two children) to watch Adventures of Old Granny Goose at the Grand Opera House, simply answer this question:
After more than 40 years of pantomiming, Berwick Kaler is back with a brand-new show for Christmas 2022! A unique and hilarious take on the Mother Goose theme, join Berwick and a fantastic cast for this season's Adventures of Old Granny Goose for what is sure to be a performance filled with plenty of fun, music, and laughter.
Pantomime favourite, Berwick Kaler has been performing the best of panto for over how many years?
1. 45 2. 40 3. 14
Send your answer (along with your name, address, and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘Grand Opera House Panto Competition’ to the address on page six or to competitions@yourlocallink. co.uk. The closing date is Monday 19th December. Terms and conditions apply.
A cheerful and positive month with most energies directed towards family and family relationships. Although there may be some last-minute changes to Christmas plans and timetables, the festive season should bring you most of what you’re looking for, with a bonus of a bit more besides. There will be plenty of evidence to indicate that romantic and emotional unions are very solid at this time.
Quite an easy and routine month on the work scene, although one colleague may prove to be more bother than they’re worth. Plans
made for a ‘modest’ Christmas bring about a better time than expected, and there is some fun to be found in some of the simple things in life. Relationships are secure, as is finance, but you, being you, will worry anyway. There is no need. Just relax and enjoy the time ahead.
In some ways quite a strange month as you find yourself adapting to new domestic routines, and for a few of you, new work routines as well. Finances are secure, but you’ll be doing your sums and thinking about changing budget priorities. Family aspects are strong, and if you’re looking forward to a warm family Christmas you won’t be disappointed.
A bit of a wind-down month after
a busy and surprisingly eventful year. There’s a chance here to assess your progress, and make a few plans for 2023. Other people have more confidence in you than you sometimes have in yourself, so build on this energy and enjoy the goodwill which is being directed toward you. A fun Christmas with lots of laughs.
Despite the fact that Christmas is just around the corner, in many respects, December is a bit of a flat month and you’ll find you have more enthusiasm for New Year projects rather than anything happening in the here and now. Relationships and finances are stable, but there’s not a lot of excitement in the wind, and the whole “Christmas thing” might be a bit wearying this year round.
Free advice and helpline, email: jcp@magepublishing.co.uk
A relatively calm month in which there are few dramas and you find yourself able to take things in your stride. Relationships, especially mature relationships, enjoy a new bond of closeness and you can expect a minor boost to finances around the 20th and 21st. Some exciting plans in the wind for the new year, but Christmas looks more like being restive than festive.
Quite a bright and busy month as you find yourself working toward Christmas and the festive season with rather more enthusiasm than usual. Social aspects are exciting, especially between the 17th and 22nd when you’ll make contact with someone you haven’t seen or heard from in years. A nice romantic buzz throughout the month, with epicentres around the 7th, 8th,16th, and 17th.
We will beat any genuine like-for-like quote
Traditionally December is a family month with most thoughts geared towards Christmas, and this year will be no different, except that on too many occasions you’ll be remembering past Christmasses with a mixture of conflicting emotions. While things should go smoothly enough for you, there are times when you’ll be putting on a bit of an act, and although other people won’t know it, you most definitely will.
A bright and busy month filled with enthusiasm for new projects and new friendships. Social outlook is great, and as well as the usual round of Christmas parties, there should be some epicentres of energy on the 5th, 6th, 12th, 13th, and 14th all of which boost your ego and put a smile on your face. Some good money vibes, especially for those Leos who decide to work over the Christmas period.
A laid-back and relatively easy month, and despite the usual Christmas rush, time to relax and count your blessings. Wild
Christmas adventures are unlikely, but close family unions are a certainty. Some interesting plans are being made for the New Year and there should be lots of support and cooperation from lovers and partners.
Sometimes a bit of an awkward month. Especially if you take on too many commitments and try to please everyone by being in two places at once. Back off, calm down, take each day as it comes and if there is any worrying to be done, let someone else do it. Potentially a romantic Christmas for many younger Librans, albeit it is private and quiet in ways.
Some early-month conflict on the subject of Christmas. Do you work towards what you want or what is expected of you? At best it’s a Christmas of compromise, but there’s nothing new in that! It’s a busy time work-wise until the 19th or 20th after which things fall as flat as a pancake. There are no financial threats at this time, but you’ll be determined to watch the pennies.
Starting in the town centre, this walk from Harrogate has three distinct sections. The first is an easy stroll, much of it through parkland towards the Royal Horticultural Society’s Harlow Carr gardens. The next section traverses woodlands and crags while the shorter final stretch wends its way back into central Harrogate along a green corridor.
The second section of the walk (mainly Direction Points 5 and 6) is surprisingly rugged with uneven, stony paths and lots of ups and downs. It also passes close to exposed drops. This shouldn’t be attempted if unconfident on rough ground or in icy conditions. By contrast, the section to Harlow Carr is very easy, if a little bit uphill. This could be done as a ‘there and back’ route.
The recommended start point is Harrogate station. Trains run regularly from York taking just over 30 minutes. If driving, Harrogate is 21 miles via the A59. There are various car parks near the station. An alternative is roadside parking on suburban roads near the walk route.
There are numerous options in Harrogate. Betty’s café/ restaurant at Harlow Carr is accessible without entering the gardens.
The route passes some of central Harrogate’s main attractions and covers the full length of the Valley Gardens. Harlow Carr garden (fee) is well worth a visit at any time of year. The full walk then traverses atmospheric valley woodland and craggy, moor-like, landscape. Part of the return route is alongside a tranquil wooded stream.
Time: 2 3/4 hours Distance: 5 1/2 miles
1. From the front of Harrogate station, cross at the pedestrian crossing and go left through the garden area opposite then right into James Street. Just beyond the war memorial, cross the pedestrian crossing and head downhill to the left of Bettys. Keep on the pavement as it bears right. At the roundabout, take the exit left of The Crown hotel. Pass the Pump Room and cross the road at the zebra to enter Valley Gardens.
2. Take the lower path paralleling the stream. At the domed café, round the grass circle taking the path almost opposite its centre to pass close to the Old Magnesia Well. Keep ahead (wall with Dales Way board) going uphill. After the tarmac way bends slightly left, veer right onto an earth path (signed Harlow Carr). Walk through pine trees to reach a road.
3. Cross straight over and continue on the now tarmacked path opposite, initially through trees. Soon pass a grassy area on the left then a viewpoint on the right. The path then heads downhill to approach a road.
4. To visit Harlow Carr Gardens, turn left just before the road as signed. To continue the walk turn right on the road (if visiting the gardens turn left when exiting to return to the point where the path reaches the road). After about 200
metres turn left onto the tarmac drive of a defunct pub (to become a café). Go towards the left corner of the forecourt to find a footpath right of the metal gates. Keep on this path with a wooded gully to the right until a Harrogate Ringway footpath sign.
5. Here, go right downhill to cross a wooden footbridge. Climb away from the stream going right at a fork to approach a wire-topped wall. Remain close to this, then pass through a wall gap continuing with crags on the left. Keep going to climb the obvious steps on the right. Here, go left as signed (Ringway footpath) passing a house right then crags left. At a path, divide immediately after some steps keep right along the top of the slope. Continue in the same direction over a shallow gully keeping a fence visible on the right until the path trends downhill to reach a road.
6. Cross with care and turn left downhill on pavement for 150 metres to double back right on a roughly surfaced track. Keep ahead where this becomes tarmacked, but at an easily missed footpath sign on the right after no. 72, take the narrow path between gardens. Where this opens out initially keep along the top of the slope but then drop down into the valley bottom. Turn right and continue close to the stream going up and down to eventually arrive at a
area. Here,
a handrail
Reaching a road, turn left downhill but in 100 metres go right following the Ringway footpath. In a further 50 metres veer right (not down steps). Arriving at a road, go left passing a barrier then quickly turn right on a roadside cycle track. Cross at a traffic island continuing on the cycle track which soon bends left to reach pedestrian lights. 8. Cross to the right turning almost immediately left and right following
Coppice Gate. At a road junction take the tarmac track opposite leading through a grassy area. Remain on the curving main track to a road. Here, turn left uphill.
9. At the crossroads turn right soon passing the Conference Centre. Go left at traffic lights (Cheltenham Crescent), then keep ahead to pass Harrogate Theatre to the right. Remain with the main traffic thoroughfare turning right at Station Parade to walk through the bus stands to the railway station.
Well, if there is one thing just about everyone knows about stars and the Christmas story, it’s that the Wise Men followed a star, and for them, the star signified the birth of a new king.
We see the Three Magi illustrated on Christmas cards, their story is retold in nativity plays and a king’s costume can be readily made at home. We can all recite a few lines of the carol ‘We Three Kings’. But I wonder if we might look at this Christmas story in a bit more detail. We actually don’t know how many Wise Men travelled to Bethlehem. We assume it was three, from their three gifts of frankincense, gold and myrrh, but there might have been many more. We understand that they travelled from the East, but have no real knowledge of the length or distance of their journey taken. We are told also that they stopped following the star. They chose a slightly different route to visit King Herod and to tell him of the birth of the new King of the Jews with devastating consequences. The Wise Men had no sat nav to programme in their final destination and neither did they have the
amazing images that we have seen from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. The observatory launched into space is right now finding the first galaxies formed in the early Universe and as it peers through dusty clouds we see stars forming into planetary systems. How awesome is that?
So, reflecting on the epic journey of the Wise Men, I wonder what stars we choose to follow and what do we hope for? Whether we choose to follow a footballer or a favourite contestant on Strictly Come Dancing, we are choosing to follow them because we admire who they are. We might dare to hope to meet them one day in person. We might even think this is someone who can help us to make the right choices in our lives.
Faith is a wonderful unexplainable gift but it is also a choice. I chose to become a priest because I wanted the world to change. The song of the angels on Christmas night was a song of peace. Sadly we’ll celebrate this Christmas in Europe with a war going on, and that’s a very sobering thought. For me, a big part of being a Christian means continuing to
believe, and carrying on however tough things seem. The end of the story isn’t actually the manger in Bethlehem that the Wise Men visited. It is the hope that this child brings to the world. I think we all need something and someone to follow, someone who can help us make the right choices - for ourselves, for our nation, for our world and for the common good, as hearts and lives are transformed one by one and therefore the world. Christmas is the truly lifechanging story of the birth of Jesus Christ, the gift of God. Have a blessed Christmas.
Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of YorkThe Highway Code is set in place to protect drivers, motorists and pedestrians as much as possible when out and about on the roads. Whilst there are plenty of rules for motorists that are especially relevant for the winter months, there are also a few myths that need clarifying…
It’s illegal to drive in wellies or heavy boots.
Whilst there’s no straight-up ban for your wellies or chunky boots, Rule 97 of the Highway Code does clarify that drivers should make sure that their footwear doesn’t prevent them from using the controls of said vehicle correctly. It’s your responsibility to ensure you’re wearing appropriate and non-restrictive footwear, for practicality and better control when driving.
It’s illegal to drive with ice covering your windscreen.
According to Rule 229 of the Highway Code, windscreen visibility must be clear at all times before setting off. Make sure your windows are completely free of ice before setting out on your journey because if you don’t, you could face a fine as well as a potentially hazardous situation on the road.
Remember to remove the snow off your roof
as well to prevent it from dropping onto your windscreen as you drive.
Pouring hit water to deter ice from your windscreen can cause it to crack.
It may seem like a quick way to melt the ice on your screen but in reality, a quick change in temperature can cause cracks in the glass of your windscreen. Although a little less likely, the same is true for warm water. Using the heat from the engine and air conditioning to gradually melt the ice before driving is the safest method for defrosting your windscreen.
If you have an accident on an icy road, Insurers will always pay out.
Every time you get behind the wheel, you have a responsibility as the driver to proceed as mindfully and as safely as possible. Although accidents can happen, it’s important to bear in mind that stopping distances when driving in icy or wet conditions can be much longer in comparison to driving in drier conditions. Even if it is icy in the event of an accident, all the usual factors will be taken into account, especially if the incident involves a second party.
Rocketbook Mini £15.99 | getrocketbook.co.uk
Don’t let the size of this handy little gadget deceive you. It may look like a regular notebook, but the Mini can be used time and time again, so you needn’t be buying a pad every other month. Simply download the Pocketbook app to your smartphone, scan the page you’ve written on using any Pilot Frixion pen (available in most stationary shops) and, when you’re done just add a drop of water to the page, give it a wipe with the included microfibre cloth and it's ready to reuse all over again. Simple. If you’re looking for stocking fillers this season, this excellent little gadget will certainly make a great gift for any tech fanatic. Happy scribbling!
It’s time to make those Christmas connections!
Christmas First Thursday
Thursday 1st December, Manhatta, 12pm
This much anticipated, sell-out Christmas event returns and with limited spaces! Whether you’re a trader, business owner, manager or self-starter, come along for this First Thursday lunchtime networking gettogether (with a festive twist, of course!) An excellent opportunity to meet other professionals from York and the surrounding area in an informal and relaxed environment. Come along with your Christmas jumper and festive spirit and enjoy some refreshments and a good ol’ chat. Search for First Thursday on eventbrite.co.uk.
Monthly Social Friday 2nd December, SPARK, 6pm
A monthly social for York's creative community. Come for a drink, and some delicious food
and take the opportunity to meet like-minded creatives in the upstairs events space at the back of SPARK. Whether you’re a young professional or a retiree, all are welcome! Search for York Creatives on eventbrite.co.uk.
MPWR York Networking and Christmas
Monday 12th December, Doubletree by Hilton, 7pm
Join the MPWR Business Club for an all-in-one networking event and Christmas Party, complete with welcome drinks, nibbles and a special Secret Santa exchange. Simply bring along a gift (valued between £10-£20), wrapped and labelled from your business ready for adding onto the Christmas pile on arrival. Dress to impress or throw on your festive jumper and get ready for a brilliant evening with like-minded businesswomen. Search for MPWR Business Club on eventbrite.co.uk , or email headoffice@ mpwrbusinessclub.com.
Following a successful application for government funding, York College has announced exciting plans for an upgraded construction facility, worth over £5 million.
The Yorkshire Centre for Advanced Building Services and Engineering Skills which will be constructed on the Sim Balk Lane site is set to include a practical workshop for teaching brickwork and carpentry, as well
as integrated IT and teaching space.
With an additional focus on sustainability, this multi-million investment is also set to feature energy-generating solar panels and air source heat pumps for heating.
Subject to granted planning permission, construction is due to begin in spring next year. To keep up to date with the latest news, visit www.yorkcollege.ac.uk.
Intended to inspire and support creatives around the city, the fantastic York Creatives Podcast features interviews with members of the local creative community, from artists, designers and filmmakers, to photographers and poets. With several episodes to get stuck into, you can also
use the show note links to get in touch with the interviewed guests if you’re looking for advice if or connections in a specific sector. Available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, go on… give em’ a listen! Visit www.yorkcreatives. com for more information.
Well, it is already nearly Christmas and I'd firstly like to wish you all well for the Christmas period and hopefully, it'll all go very well results-wise for our respective sides during this time. I don't know about you but it has been difficult to get my head around having a World Cup during the winter months. Somehow it has not felt quite the
same has it? Or is that just me?
As it comes to what feels like the halfway point of the season, there couldn't have been a better start for us this season. I'll say time and again that we were always going to struggle with the lack of another centre- forward in the squad. I'd said so, even in the summer, that attacking options were not the
best they could be and it has certainly been our Achilles heel up to this point. Could we be higher in the table because of this? Absolutely. The other side of this is that others have slowly stepped up to the plate in their fair share of goals, but also there needs to be more from the rest of the squad too as well as set plays being a guaranteed goal for the opposition every time. That's how it's felt at times in a number of games. The ‘boost the budget’ scheme launched by the Supporters Trust has been a brilliant initiative that I'm sure will help Sir John Askey in his need of adding players to the squad. It has worked well for the Knights in rugby league and other clubs in the national league to really help the squads and I'm sure this will do the same. I do believe the new regime has and is listening to the fans in improving every aspect of the club that they possibly can but I know all fans
have been concerned with some comments in recent weeks and whatever happens this season that there is no better manager for the long term future of the club than John Askey and of course Kingsley James by his side. If it wasn't for them we would be far worse off and it is best to remind chairman Glen Henderson of this. In terms of the second half of the season, the hope is for City to continue to improve, score more goals and finish the season as high as possible. Let's enjoy the ride.
Both the World Cup and hosting games at the LNER has shown what a platform this can be for sport in this city. It may be that this could have been advertised better for shining more of a spotlight on rugby in the city with the rise of York City Knights It is all very exciting and hopefully, this is something that will continue to grow from all our clubs as a sporting city with more success in 2023.
In this month’s property news, Herbert Todd has something a little different to announce. Perhaps you’re on the lookout for a new job or looking for a new opportunity ready for the New Year. If this sounds like you, Matt Todd might just have the thing… What would you like for Christmas this year? The latest 8k TV? Neff Slide and Hide oven? Maybe a gorgeous new kitchen or bathroom? Or perhaps all you want for Christmas is a great new job role? For all these gifts we’ve got you covered! Are you, or do you know anyone, who would like to work with an award-winning, close-knit, and friendly sales team in our fabulous city of York? We are looking for a
positive-minded person who enjoys helping others and working in a team environment. We will provide hands-on help and full training to make sure the lucky candidate will make quick progress to fulfil their potential.
As part of our sales and customer service team based at Monks Cross we can offer flexible working hours and days of the week so please get in touch if you are looking for a new challenge and would like to learn more about the fabulous work we do. You can email John@htodd.co.uk or call us on 01904 628676.
Wishing all our customers and Your Local Link readers the best time this Christmas, we hope to see you all in 2023.
With tariffs soaring and the thought of a cold winter ahead, we’re having to consider all sorts of ways that we can keep costs at a minimum whilst also surviving the cold. So, we’ve popped down a few ways you can help to reduce energy usage this season, by keeping an eye on these main culprits within your home: WINDOWS: Probably one of the most obvious problems is window draughts. If you have windows that open, try and get some draught-proofing strips to fill the gap between the window and the frame - either selfadhesive foam strips or metal ones will do the trick. Also, where you can, choose curtains and blinds that keep the warmth in as these can help to retain the heat.
DOORS: It sounds obvious, but keeping doors closed to prevent
room in your home. Gaps at the bottom of the door can also be covered with a stuffed draught excluder to prevent airflow.
KEYHOLES AND LETTERBOXES: They may be small areas, but they’re a nightmare for letting heat escape. For keyholes, you can buy a custom-made metal disc cover and for letterboxes, a letterbox brush or flap can help.
FLOORS: Cracks and gaps in the floor can often be tackled with hard-setting fillers. Otherwise, investing in a thick rug can make all the difference in helping to make your home feel that bit cosier!
DISCLAIMER: If you’re in rented accommodation, just doublecheck with your landlord before making any structural adjustments…or you could end up with an even bigger bill!
The Christmas tree is a timeless festive tradition and is an important homely centrepiece every December. If you’re looking to get a real evergreen this year, here are a few things to consider before you deck the halls!
Make sure you know the measurements of the space where you want to put your Christmas tree so that it all fits. Corners are perfect as your tree is less likely to get knocked over and remember to find somewhere near a socket is you can plug in those Christmas lights!
Which to choose? There are various types of Christmas trees that you can buy.
Freshly cut trees, such as the Nordmann Fir are great if you like that real tree smell and they also serve as a cosy space for wildlife in your garden to shelter in the New Year when you’ve finished with it indoors. Other variations, such as the potted Blue Spruce can be planted in the garden after use.
Once you’ve chosen your tree and brought it home, keep it outside in a sheltered area. Be sure to cut an inch or so off the trunk and pop it into a bucket with water, until you are ready to bring it inside for decorating. When you’ve put your tree in the desired place, pop it in its water-holding stand and make sure you keep the tree well-fed to keep it in the best condition.
For life, not just for Christmas Did you know, in some places you can actually rent Christmas trees, or buy potted types that are suitable for replanting and using the following year? A sentimental and eco-friendly way to celebrate the festive season.
Feeling inspired? Visit www. dobbies.com.
As we approach the end of the calendar year the dark days of December are a good time to look back at the year’s successes and failures. Every growing season is different, it’s what makes gardening interesting after all, but 2022 was more than ‘different’: difficult would be a more apt word. And it was, of course, the weather that made it so. Or to be more specific, the prolonged summer drought and the bouts of extremely hot
weather. Meteorological Office records show 2022 was the joint warmest summer on record and the driest since the legendary parched year of 1976. Although difficult, the year certainly hasn’t been disastrous. Far from it, some of the crops have been fantastic. Perhaps most outstanding has been the tree fruit. With some exceptions, most apples and pears have cropped abundantly with often large fruit that has a degree of ripeness seldom seen in the north of England. More exotic fruit, in my case especially quince, has also produced an exceptional crop. Many vegetables have also fared well. Yields have sometimes been down, but the quality has generally been good. This is in part due to the almost total absence of fungal diseases such as potato blight and the inactivity of moisture-loving molluscs. What’s more, because the growing season has been warm and long (it's 15 degrees as I write in late October and is forecast to nudge higher in the next few days), some crops have continued producing over a longer period than normal.
While these are some of the many positives, it’s impossible to ignore the negatives that made for a difficult year. It’s from these that we can draw lessons and prepare for what is likely to be similar hot and dry seasons ahead. For me, and I suspect many other home growers, the main difficulty has been watering. Even where and when using a sprinkler was possible this was time-consuming and not always effective. This underlines the importance of conserving soil moisture. Don’t disturb soil during summer unless unavoidable. Do mulch if suitable materials are available. And, most of all, hold water by adding lots of humusrich material in winter and spring. When watering directly it to where it’s needed, preferably using a can so less is wasted. Crops that need water most are those that are ‘thirsty’ like courgettes, runner beans, sweetcorn, and salads, plus anything recently transplanted. This leads to a bigger question: which crops are most likely to face difficulties in the next hot and dry summer? It isn’t necessarily thirsty ones such as those mentioned above. Instead, it’ll probably be
those that prefer cool summers. Berries suffered particularly with me this year, especially raspberries, blackcurrants, gooseberries, and blueberries. In some cases, berries are simply cooked on the bush. Vegetables that struggled included lettuce, beetroot, and some brassicas (cabbage family plants). A particular difficulty was transplanting or sowing when the weather was scorching. Young leeks set out in July flagged with some failing to establish. Latesown crops like turnips or August transplanted ones such as French beans intended for an autumn harvest also fared poorly.
All this may mean we need to rethink what we grow and the way and timing of how we sow and plant it. What we shouldn’t do though is overreact. Trying to grow aubergines or sweet potatoes outdoors next year would be rash. One thing is for sure: as the climate heats up being able to reliably and sustainably grow your own is going to be more important than ever.
Throughout Christmas, the fantastic heroes at the Children’s Ward and Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) will be working hard to help bring joy to their little patients and families alike. With new projects on the go, awards
A six-year dream to bring a specialist postnatal service to York Hospital, where mothers can stay with their small or premature babies, has been brought to life with the opening of a Neonatal Transitional Care Unit.
The new four-bed unit, based on the postnatal ward, provides an additional service where mothers can care for their babies in the hospital, instead of being separated and admitted to the neonatal unit. The neonatal and maternity teams have been working together on the longawaited project to keep mums and babies together wherever possible.
Transitional care has been nationally recognised to provide significant benefits to both mother and baby, by improving bonding and infant feeding, while reducing postnatal depression and the length of time the baby needs to remain in the hospital.
Vikki Smith, Neonatal Unit Manager at York Hospital, said: “The neonatal and maternity teams have been working for many years
to develop the best service possible for mothers and babies who come into York Hospital and we are extremely proud to be able to offer transitional care. Through this service, as long as the baby and mother are medically stable, they will be able to remain together at all times.”
Speaking of the benefits of the service, Vikki continued: “It is always difficult for a mother to give birth and then have their baby admitted to the neonatal unit while they are nursed in the postnatal ward. We often see mothers not being able to see their babies for several hours, especially if they have had a surgical delivery, due to their own care needs. This can cause emotional issues at a later date. Having this service means the mother can continue to have their maternity care while the neonatal team assists them with the care of their baby. This might involve babies being nursed in an incubator or have nasogastric tube feeds until they grow and develop the strength to keep warm and feed for themselves.”
that have been won, and fundraising initiatives to shout about, it's been a busy year for SCBU. In this festive issue of Your Local Link, we catch up with the wonderful SCBU team and find out all the latest…
The investment by York and Scarborough Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has included recruiting a team of neonatal support workers who now work alongside a registered, experienced neonatal nurse to care for infants who need additional care while the mother continues to be cared for by the midwives on the postnatal ward. It provides dedicated care for both mother and baby at the same time, in the same area.
Ashley Shaw was the first patient to go straight from the labour ward to transitional care, without being separated from baby Florence.
Ashley said: “I don’t think anyone prepares you to have a premature baby, but to find out about the new facility which allows mums to be with their babies during the precious first days into the world is invaluable. The nurses and midwives were kind and helpful and I felt a sense of community on the ward. What an amazing initiative.”
The children’s ward at York Hospital hosted a fantastic programme of activities for this year’s 'Play in Hospitals' Week with the theme, ‘Play for Resilience and Good Mental Health’. The main focus of the week was to show the importance of play in hospital for all children and how such a positive experience helps their emotional wellbeing and mental health. The play team helps make a child’s stay in hospital fun by providing them with activities, toys, and equipment. Part of their role is to prepare children for hospital life and distract them during medical procedures.
Lynda Robson, Play Specialist Team Leader, said: “Our role as registered hospital play specialists and qualified nursery nurses is to help provide a child-friendly and welcoming environment that helps bridge the gap between home and hospital. This helps the nursing team and doctors to get on with their jobs.” Lynda continued: “For Play Week we encouraged as many children as possible to join in with the fun, providing activities and
sessions for all ages. It ranged from singing and dancing, painting, stories, and water play. Play in hospital is very important for children, as it helps alleviate anxiety, speeds up recovery, and provides an outlet for expressing emotion. It makes hospital visits more positive and boosts children’s self-esteem.”
The children’s ward at York Hospital goes all out at Christmas to keep up the festive spirit with the help of the play team who help make a child’s stay in hospital fun by providing them with activities, toys, and equipment.
Every Christmas, the play team ‘elves’ prepare for gifts arriving from local companies for children who need to be in hospital or who visit over the festive period. Thanks to these generous donations, every child receives a Christmas gift, including the children who visit for outpatient appointments, helping to make each experience a more positive one.
Every year, York and Scarborough Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust hold an awards ceremony to publicly recognise staff for their hard work and dedication. It highlights some of the fantastic work done by teams and departments. This year the Play Team from York Hospital were finalists for the Patient’s Choice Award, demonstrating their special role in supporting families and clinical teams. Every year the Trust asks patients and their families to nominate their local hero – the individual or team who has made a real difference in their experience and created a positive, enduring, impression. It allows the general public to tell their story and say 'thank you' by publicly recognising the outstanding care, treatment, and kindness freely given when they needed it the most.
The Play Team was nominated for the lasting impression they left on the Rekik family - of compassionate care, not only for their son who was the patient but also for his sister who was really struggling with her brother
being in hospital. When their little boy was admitted with a virus and to have an NG feeding tube fitted, the team played with him, providing an array of toys to welcome him. More importantly, they noticed that his big sister, aged seven, was struggling. Having previously lost a family member in hospital, it was very unsettling, and she was also worried about the longer-term impact of the tube.
Mum, Kim Rekik, said: “My daughter was taken to the playroom where she talked about her worries and concerns to a member of the play team who helped her see her role in the situation. They even prepared a special craft box for when she visits her brother. Since then she is included on every visit and provided with a safe and compassionate independent space that has been invaluable to her wellbeing.”
Well done team!
Every week at York Hospital, a family will learn that their baby is unlikely to survive birth. Nothing can take away the pain for these families following a late pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or death of their baby soon after birth. Currently, the hospital has a designated room for parents to use and stay in with their babies for those precious few hours or days before they have to say their final goodbyes. However, the area is quite small and functional and has the potential to be much better.
York and Scarborough Hospitals Charity launched an appeal to raise £250,000 to build a new unit and the project to create a spacious new en-suite bedroom, with room for family to visit and sit comfortably is almost complete. It includes space for the medical and bereavement teams to work without feeling intrusive to the
family during their quiet time and a cot for the baby to stay with them in the room. There are also plans for outdoor access to a refurbished private garden space.
Sarah Ayre, Associate Director of Midwifery, said: “We know from talking to families who have used our existing space how important these facilities are and that having a new maternity bereavement suite will give them the best possible experience at one of the worst times of their lives. We want these families to have somewhere they feel safe and cared for.”
If you would like to make a donation, please contact the charity on 01904 724521 or charity.fundraising@york. nhs.uk or visit www.york.nhs.uk/ donate.
Or, why not join the charity’s lottery? You could win £25,000 each week and support your local hospital in the process. Every week members have the chance to win a £25,000 jackpot plus many other fantastic cash prizes to support patient care at York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The more people that play, the more money York and Scarborough Hospitals Charity receive, and they need your support. For every £1 entry, at least 50p goes directly to the charity to make a positive difference for patients. To find out more visit www.york.nhs.uk/lottery.
1. Parachute colour has changed. 2. Moon disappeared.
3. Bobble on Santa's hat smaller (right). 4. Santas beard is bigger (right). 5. White present disappeared. 6. Santa's hat colour changed (front right). 7. Santa now smiling (front centre). 8. Present appeared. 9. Patch on Santa's sack disappeared. 10. Santa changed direction (back left).
07770 736890
Now celebrating its sixth year, York Disability Week (26th November3rd December) offers a mix of online and in person events- and most events are free!
From an inclusive poetry evening, an intriguingly named ‘Can-doDisco’', and a social session for people with learning disabilities, to talks on disability and ‘green’ issues, techniques, and resources for living with hearing loss, and finding fulfilment when living with fatigue, and more. During the week there will also be two organised walks suitable for anyone using wheelchairs or mobility aids, and sessions on driving with a medical condition.
Additionally, art exhibitions are
running at York Hospital and at York Explore Library plus a York Explore exhibition celebrating 20 years of York People First, an organisation for people with learning difficulties. Throughout the week, extra sessions aimed at businesses and services will provide information on subjects such as making websites more accessible for those with disabilities, improving staff awareness, and lowering the barriers to employing disabled people.
If anyone needs additional support to take part, do get in touch and the organisers will do their best to help. For more information, visit www.yorkdisabilityweek.org, call 01904 702060, or search @ YorkDisabilityWeek on Facebook.
Was your child born between 1st September 2002 and 2nd January 2011? If so, they may have savings waiting for them worth an average of £2,100.
HMRC is encouraging thousands of teens in the UK who have not yet
claimed their matured Child Trust Funds investments to do so. Around 6.3 million accounts were initially opened, holding an estimated £9 billion. HMRC may have also opened a savings account on behalf of the youngster if a parent or guardian was unable to open one for them.
For further information, teenagers and their guardians can get in touch with their Child Trust Fund provider directly or visit GOV.UK for further information.
Clifton Green Primary School has gone eco! With a drive to reduce the school’s energy costs, the site has now had 380 solar panels installed on its roof, courtesy of its partners, York Community Energy and Solar for Schools. Commenting on the recent installation, headteacher, Nicola Jones said, “Having solar panels installed across our roof will naturally provide financial savings to the school but most importantly we are now able to use this resource to educate our children and the wider community.” Jones continued: "We look forward to continuing our partnership with Solar for Schools and City of York Council and providing educational opportunities exploring the benefits of renewable energy and the positive environmental impact.”
With enough electricity to power 40 houses, the solar panels will supply roughly half the school’s total energy each year.
Also hoping that the steps taken to reduce energy consumption will not only save on bills but also further motivate youngsters to become more climateconscious, Richard Lane, a director of York Community Energy added: “We think lots of schools all across York can benefit from solar panels. We’re already in discussion with eight more schools, so we hope that this beautiful new solar roof will be the first of many.”
With small but influential changes like this, the city of York is headed toward a greener future.
Watch this space!
Whilst Christmas can be a wonderful occasion and a time for sharing with family and friends, it’s not always the case. The festive season can be a very lonely time for many. Did you know that according to Age UK, around 1.5 million elderly people feel more lonely at Christmas than at any other time of year?
Recognising the need for the issue of isolation to be addressed, the organisation and partnering charity, The Silver Line offers a successful telephone friendship service that has proved to be vital for the wellbeing of older people across the entire UK, including our city of York. What is telephone friendship? Whether you’d like to speak to someone weekly, or just want to talk when you’re feeling low, Age UK’s free telephone friendship services offer the opportunity for you to enjoy chatting with someone over the phone, from the comfort of your own home. Last
year, Age UK supported a whopping 28,345 calls to older people over the festive period!
Fancy giving a helping hand?
The main idea of being a friendship service volunteer is that you’d spend half an hour of dedicated time each week on the phone with someone over the age of 60. It's a fun, safe, easy way to get to know someone new and you never know what difference you could be making in their life!
For more information, visit www. ageuk.org.uk/york.
Aromatic Mango, Male, 8 years
Anyone can experience loneliness and isolation regardless of age. So, if you are feeling lonely this December, or you know someone who might find the festive season severely challenging, there is always someone on hand to reach out to:
Samaritans: Call 116 123 or visit samaritans.org
British Red Cross: Call 0808 196 3651 or visit redcross.org.uk
Mind: Call 0300 123 3393 or visit www.mind.org.uk
Shout: Text SHOUT to 85258
This big, handsome boy had been living as a 'stray' before he came to the Adoption Centre. We use the term stray very loosely as he had managed to find himself a lovely pair of humans who were keeping an eye on him. This discerning character was a little shy for the first week that he arrived to the Centre, but he soon became a big bundle of love and is very partial to a chin tickle and an ear rub. Whilst in our care, Aromatic Mango has had an operation to sort out his hyperthyrodism. Now that he is neutered, vaccinated and microchipped he is ready to go back out into the world.
Giddy Twinkleton, Female, 4 years
With her dazzling eyes and foxy fur coat, Giddy is certainly a head-turner. This sweet and quiet young cat was brought into the Centre after her last owner had some changes to her working life. When Giddy first came to the Adoption Centre she was a little shy but would happily accept a gentle fuss. Unfortunately, now after nearly three months at the Adoption Centre, she is quite stressed. The best thing for Giddy Twinkleton now is to be out of the Adoption Centre and in a quiet home where she can learn to feel safe, secure and relaxed.
If you could give one of these cutie pies a home, contact York Cats Protection on 01904 760356 or via www.cats.org.uk/york.
The perfect gift for anyone who loves a good pamper! With beautiful floral notes of rose petals, floral citrus, and hints of Arran’s very own woods, this superpopular set will leave you smelling gorgeous. Wrapped in a lovely, recyclable ARRAN gift box with a design inspired by the beautiful Scottish island, this set features a full-sized bath and shower gel and body lotion.
POLISHED LONDON TEETH WHITENING AND ORAL CARE COLLECTION £49.99 from polishedlondon.com, Harrods and John Bell & Croyden Worth over £110, this teeth and
gum-care set gives you everything you need to achieve a smile that will compete with that of Simon Cowell (well…close to it at least!) Featuring a best-selling charcoal mouthwash with natural ingredients, whitening powder to tackle stains, whitening strips, and a whitening pen to enhance whiteness, a bamboo toothbrush, and a luxury gift bag to hold it all in.
£15.90 from annabelle minerals.com/ en_gb/ Doll yourself up with this trial set of gorgeous mineral blushes, highlighters, powders, and eyeshadows. This cute set features 16 little containers and a mini catalogue, all packed in an elegant box. Making for the perfect stocking filler, this set is great for those who like to play around with makeup or for those who like to travel light!
CREATE YOUR OWN BATH BOMB KIT £10.99 from www.miniu. co.uk
The perfect gift for a little one with a lot of imagination! This fun little gift, featuring Fizzy Phil the Pufferfish, contains all you need to create two bath bombs. Simply follow the instructions and watch it fizz away! Plus, all of the ingredients are stainfree and mild for sensitive skin.
Products individually priced at £10 each from www.wilkinson sword.com
For those who like a clean shave, this kit (items sold separately) provides you with all you need to keep your skin soft and smooth, especially in the winter when problematic skin often occurs.
The gel-based Wilkinson Sword Barber's Style Face Wash works to softly clean the face without irritation, whilst the niacinamide, apple extract, and Centella Asiatica nutrients in the Barber's Style Face Moisturiser work to make the skin stronger and healthier.
ECO HAIR CARE BUNDLE £25.00 from www.etsy. com/uk/shop/ beautydotltd/
This lovely gift set is not only vegan but it comes in 100% eco-friendly packaging. You receive a full size volumising dry shampoo, bursting with notes of tea tree and lavender, a floral hair conditioning bar and a shampoo bar - choose between rose and pink clay or detoxing charcoal. These products contain only natural ingredients, are palm oil free and bound to keep your scalp and hair and scalp feeling happy and healthy.
Information is correct at the time of printing but subject to change. Please check with venues ahead of your visit.
INTO THE WOODS: A FAIRYTALE CHRISTMAS, Castle Howard. Come along and feel the spirit of festive magic right here in the heart of North Yorkshire! With a special fairytale Christmas theme, the stately home will be transformed into a magic woodland wonderland. This year’s festive experience also includes a special appearance by St.Nicholas himself, a storytelling grotto, plenty of shopping, a deliciously tempting festive afternoon tea, and an afterdark experience featuring beautiful light displays, plus much more. To discover the magic of Christmas at Castle Howard this winter, visit www.castlehoward.co.uk.
WORKSHOPS, Middletons Hotel. Get creative this Christmas and make your own wreath for your home with the talented florists at Fleuradamo York.
// 3RD DECEMBER, 6-8pm. Mulled wine and mince pies included. Tickets priced at £50 per person.
// 4TH DECEMBER, 12-4pm. Including a glass of Champagne on arrival followed by a three course Sunday Lunch. £70 per person. To book or for more information contact the Events Manager on 01904 611570 or email events@middletonsyork.co.uk.
MALTON CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL, Malton Town Centre, 9am-3.30pm. Calling all foodies! Yorkshire’s food capital is back with a huge two day Christmas shopping event. With plenty of seasonal food (and non-food!) stalls, live music and family entertainment, this event is completely free. Come and join the festivities! For more information, go to www.visitmalton.com.
admission is £40 per person, and £19.95 per person for children. To make a booking call our Events Manager on 01904 611570 or email events@middletonsyork.co.uk.
CHRISTMAS PARTY, Holiday Inn, Tadcaster Road, from 7pm. Come and join the York Irish Association for their annual Christmas party. There will be a welcome drink, a three-course meal, their famous raffle and music by the Flying Donkeys!
THE BAR CONVENT AT CHRISTMAS, 17 Blossom Street, York. Come and see the Georgian parlour all dressed and ready for Christmas! This winter, the Bar Convent are offering traditional Christmas lunches as well as a special family trail and peace dove display in the 18th Century Hidden Chapel. For more information, please visit bar-convent.org.uk.
CHRISTMAS MARKET AND LIGHT SWITCH ON, Selby Marketplace, 10am-5pm. With food stalls and local crafts, Selby Town Council and York Mix bring you the much anticipated Christmas Market and Light Switch On. With live entertainment, Santa’s sleigh, gift stalls, food and beverages and much more, this is sure to be a festive delight for all of the family!
FESTIVAL OF VINTAGE: A VINTAGE CHRISTMAS, York Racecourse, 10.30am- 4.30pm. Immerse yourself in a fun day of vintage shopping, live music, and nostalgic displays, plus a special visit from Father Christmas himself. Free car parking and refreshments are available. For information on tickets, please visit https:// festivalofvintage.co.uk/.
MIDDLETONS' SANTA SUNDAY LUNCH, Middletons Hotel. Join Middletons for a three course Sunday Lunch with a visit from Santa along with a gift for children under 12 years of age. Adults will receive their own treat with a glass of Champagne on arrival. Adults
CAROL CONCERT, York Barbican, 2pm. A family-friendly musical event in aid of The Lord Mayor and Sheriff of York’s Christmas Cheer Fund and The Press-nominated charity, Martin House Children’s Hospice. Featuring music from the York Railway Institute Brass Band, Osbaldwick Primary Academy Choir, St Oswald’s CE Primary School Choir, Stamford Bridge Community Choir and Steve Cassidy. For tickets and more information, email ticketing@ yorkbarbican.co.uk or visit yorkbarbican.co.uk.
SANTA SLEIGH VISIT, Various locations. Want to catch Santa on the streets of York? Here are the dates and times this December that he’ll be passing by!
1st Poppleton Park and Station Road
2nd The Revival
3rd Front Street Acomb*
4th Green Hammerton School*
5th Upper Poppleton
6th Beckfield Lane
7th Middlethorpe
8th Woodthorpe
9th Beckfield Lane
10th Morrisons Foss Island*
12th Nether Poppleton
13th Bishopthorpe
14th Woodthorpe
16th Bishopthorpe
17th Morrisons Acomb*
17th Copmanthorpe Scouts
18th Folk Hall New Earswick*
19th Tesco Clifton Moor*
20th Copmanthorpe*
*Static trips
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL, Haxby Sports and Social Club, 8pm. Playing a mix of country, ballads and rock music, Steve Cassidy Band are back and bringing festive cheer this December. Free entry.
of music, sponsored by the Vale of York Oddfellows. The Oddfellows are one of the oldest non-profit societies in the UK. Through social events, members gain support, advice and develop lasting friendships.With a select number of complimentary tickets available for members and free transport to the venue from York. For further details contact Sarah on 07762352847.
FAIR, York Racecourse from 10.30am-4.30pm. Calling all bookworms! With around 100 exhibitors, come along to purchase various second-hand books, maps, and collectables. There will also be a convenient bus service running to and from the Memorial Gardens coach stop by the railway station. Admission to the fair is £1 per person.For more information, please visit yorkbookfair.com.
// EVERY TUESDAY STOCKTON FORESTERS DRAMA GROUP, Stockton on the Forest Village Hall, 7.30pm. A friendly, fun local amateur theatre group, producing two plays a year. Whether you fancy being on stage or helping behind the scenes, they would love to hear from you! For more information, email Holly at dramastockton@gmail.com or find us on Facebook.
// EVERY WEDNESDAY YOGA WITH NESTOR, Stockton on the Forest Village Hall, 10am. A mixed ability yoga class, beginners welcome. Email nestorportnoy@ yahoo.com.
// EVERY SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH ACOMB LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY, Acomb Church Hall, 10am. Enjoy a guest speaker’s presentation followed by refreshments. Admission is £2 and £1 for members.
// EVERY FIRST AND THIRD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH STRICTLY FUN BARN DANCING, Acomb Methodist Church Hall. 2.15pm - 4.30pm. An afternoon of barn and ceilidh-style social dancing. Admission is £3. For more information call Phil on 01904 783029.
// EVERY THURSDAY YOGA WITH NESTOR, 29 Maple Grove, Fulford. A mixed ability yoga class, beginners welcome. Email nestorportnoy@yahoo.com
PURELY BALLROOM, Huntington Working Men's Club, 7-8.30pm. Join this friendly beginners' ballroom and Latin dance lesson. Tuition will be focused on the jive, cha cha cha, and waltz up to the Christmas break. Call 07939 336315 or email andy.k.gant@gmail.com for more information.
// EVERY THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SILVER SWANS BALLET, for over 55s (under 55s also welcome)
Huntington Memorial Hall (Thursdays) and St. Mary’s Church Hall, Haxby (Fridays). This gentle ballet class is adapted and ageappropriate. Get fit, have fun and meet people with a passion for life! Taught by RAD Silver Swans Licensee and director of Jorvik Dance. Call 07725 478479 or visit www.jorvikdance.com for more information.
DARK TALES OF YORK, Book a private tour to explore the narrow streets and alleyways of York and learn about the rich and haunting history that the city has amassed over hundreds and thousands of years. Call 07530 378176 or visit www.darktalesofyork.com.
GHOST TRAIL OF YORK, West Doors of York Minster, 7.30pm. Dare you cross the centuries and discover York's spine-chilling history? Visit www.ghosttrail.co.uk or call 01904 633276.
JORVIK VIKING CENTRE, Coppergate. Discover the Original Viking Encounter! Enjoy the world-famous ride experience with the sights, sounds and smells of the Viking Age, as well as get up close to the ancient artefacts and interact with their friendly real-life Vikings. Visit www. jorvikvikingcentre.co.uk.
To book, visit www.yorktheatreroyal.co.uk, or call 01904 623568.
//29th November- 20th December GHOST STORIES FOR CHRISTMAS
Featuring three of Charles Dickens’ ghost stories from the holiday season: The Chimes, The Haunted Man, and A Christmas Carol, this production promises to be a holiday delight unlike any other. Set at Christmas time, these gripping tales of goblins, ghouls, and shadows, will have you sitting at the edge of your seats in anticipation.
To book, visit atgtickets.com, or call 0333 009 6690
To book, visit www. josephrowntreetheatre.co.uk or call 01904501935
To book, visit tickets.41monkgate. co.uk
It’s panto season…oh, yes it is! Co-produced with Evolution Productions, join the talented cast and crew for this year's magical All New Adventures of Peter Pan. Starring CBeebies’ Maddie Moate as Tinkerbell, this production is set to be a fun family adventure, with plenty of magic, music, and a little bit of mayhem, of course!
Totally hilarious and bringing plenty of the feel-good factor, Pick Me Up Theatre is set to perform their musical adaptation of the wellloved festive film, Nativity! The Musical. Featuring all of the fun sing-a-long hits, including 'Sparkle and Shine’, ‘Nazareth’, ‘One Night One Moment’, ‘She’s the Brightest Star’ and a whole host of new songs, it’s the perfect show to get you and your family in the Christmas mood.
A unique and hilarious take on the Mother Goose, join Berwick Kaler (and a Wagon Wheel or two), with the wicked David Leonard, sidekick Martin Barrass, principal Suzy Cooper and loveable AJ Powell for this season's Adventures of Old Granny Goose. Sure to be a performance filled with plenty of fun, music and laughter, this is a panto not to be missed.
A musical take on one of the most well-loved Victorian novels, Oliver tells the tale of an orphan navigating the darkest streets of London, searching for a home and a loving family whilst learning of the criminal underworld of theft and violence. With music and lyrics by Lionel Bart and based on the traditional novel by Charles Dickens, this is certainly a captivating show that will leave you wanting more!
A spectacular performance of numerous winter favourites, introduced by Don Pears. With plenty of festive solos, duets, trios, and group songs to make you feel cosy and Christmas-ready, prepare to be wowed by the vocal talents of the members of local music group, Singphonia.
A musical that captured the hearts of audiences across the globe with its inspirational story, based on the memoir of Maria Augusta Trapp during the height of the Second World War. Featuring a trove of cherished songs, including ‘Climb Ev'ry Mountain,’ ‘My Favourite Things’, ‘Do- Re-Mi, ‘Sixteen Going on Seventeen’, join Pick Me Up Theatre in this musical masterpiece, this December.
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Full of a range of festive goodies, who doesn’t love a good foodie hamper?
FESTIVE FUN HAMPER £50.00 from lovecocoa. com.
FULL of chocolatey goodness, this Festive Fun Hamper is perfect for any foodie with a sweet tooth. Inside, are a load of goodies including a Gingerbread Dark Chocolate Bar, a Peppermint Bark White Chocolate Bar, and a Christmas Pudding Milk Chocolate Bar. This chocolovers hamper also features tasty Gingerbread and Champagne Snowball Truffles, as well as a pack of delicious, Salted Caramel Biscuits - perfect for dunking! Great for the planet, this hamper is also palm oil-free, made from ethically sourced chocolate, and comes in eco-friendly packaging with a beautiful festive design.
£20.70 from www. tracklements.co.uk. This brand-new box of goodies from Tracklements will not disappoint. Including a delicious Sticky Fig Relish, which is perfect with soft cheeses and a Cranberry, Port, and Orange Sauce to have with your turkey sarnies or marinade your meat in. Also to be enjoyed is the ever-so-popular Caramelised Onion Marmalade that’s perfectly paired with pâté and pork pies and finally, the delicious Spiced Honey Mustard can be devoured with your Boxing Day ham. All relishes are vegan and gluten-free too so there is something for everyone!
THE FESTIVE FAVOURITES HAMPER £49 from www.hampers.com.
From sweet to savoury, this delicious provides a range of after-dinner goodies, from a mini box of Amaretti Virginia Traditional Panettone, Grandma Wild's Luxury Mince Pies to Joe & Seph's Gingerbread Latte Popcorn, complete with a box of New English Teas Afternoon Tea Bags and Edinburgh Tea and Coffee Company’s Breakfast Ground Coffee to wash it all down with. For those with a particularly sweet tooth, the Red Hamlet Chocolates and the Mini Salted Caramel Bar from The Cambridge Confectionary Company will also go down a treat. Why not slather your breakfast toast with the award-winning Thursday Cottage Gingerbread and Caramel Spread or enjoy an evening nightcap with the elite Yorkshire Cheddar and Caramelised Onion Crisps?
THE CHRISTMAS CHEESE SELECTION £45 from www.lovecheese.co.uk.
Sweet dreams are made of cheese! Local legends, Love Cheese providing York with a beautiful selection of Christmas treats, including two Seasonal Cheeses, a piece of scrummy Smoked Cheese, flavoursome Stilton, a jar of special Tracklements Christmas Chutney and two boxes of delicious Crackers to enjoy it all with. Buy online or pop into their friendly store on Gillygate and fill ya’ boots.
£12 from Waitrose and Belazu.com
If you’re a savoury fan or fancy something a little different, this hamper is an excellent little find and makes for a great stocking filler. Featuring delicious Oak Smoked Paprika Pesto, Truffle and Artichoke Pesto, and Genovese Pesto, this gift set is rich in authentic flavour, using only fresh ingredients. Enjoy this trio of delicious pestos on pasta, pizza, or add some flavour to a hot, melty panini.
As 2022 draws to a close, the past few weeks we have been busy working on some great itineraries for 2023 and one of the most popular destinations recently has been Canada. We have enjoyed creating some great trips, each one different and tailored to each client. This month we thought we would share just some of the things this great country has to offer that may inspire your future travels. For amazing opportunities to spot grizzly bears in their natural habitat, head for the west coast to the remote islands of British Colombia from late August to October when the salmon run takes place. Just eight hours of direct flight time from the UK and you will be in the capital of Ontario, Toronto. Enjoy the sites and sounds of the city from the CN Tower, a cruise through the Toronto Harbour, canals, and lagoons of the islands, before saying goodbye to the city
and taking a short drive to Niagara on the Lake. Visit Niagara Falls by taking a boat trip into the falls, if you are seeking something a little more of an adrenalin rush you can even zip-line to the falls. Hire e-bikes and head to the Old Town, known for its charming streets lined with B&Bs, independent boutiques, restaurants, and ice cream shops. You can even experience one of the local vineyards and sample some of the local produce.
Journey through the clouds on the famous Rocky Mountaineer. This classic rail journey is easily combinable with the city of Vancouver, home of the Capilano Suspension Bridge and the stunning scenery of Banff & Lake Louise. Ride the Banff Gondola, and take a guided walking tour of the Icefields Parkway before you check in at the famous Fairmont Chateau at Lake Louise. Head off in search of the aurora borealis in the remote
region of Churchill, Manitoba - also known as the ’polar bear capital' of the world.
Home to quaint fishing villages, beautiful beaches, and pictureperfect towns are the Atlantic Coast provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Québec and Prince Edward Island.
Between May and October, up to 13 species of cetaceans can be seen in the salty waters of the St. Lawrence River, including blue whales, the largest animals on the planet, and impressive humpbacks. Stroll along the boardwalk in Miramichi, New Brunswick, or see the old town of Lunenburg, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the vibrant fishing village of Peggy’s Cove in Nova Scotia. With so much to offer, there is something for every traveller in Canada. To start planning your trip call us on 01904 623444 to discuss your requirements.
D Inglis Accountancy 5
CJ Ramsay 21
EborAcumen 21
RS Accountants 21
Aerial Services 51
ABC Aerials 50
Aerial Solutions 50
Aerial Solutions 50
Aerius 50
Dale Comm Aerials Ltd 50
Lanes Aerials 50
Appliance Services 9
Aspire Repairs 51
Clyde Electrical 53
Buywell Interiors Ltd 15
Dream Doors 17
Instyle Kitchens 11
Kitchen Revive 10
Blind Image 24
Blinds For Less Yorkshire 25
Blinds Valley 1
Hillarys 5
Inspired Blinds 25
Yorkshire Blinds 25
Direct Factory Blinds 25
CA Architectural Services 25
APM Contracts 51
Justin Higginson 51
L. Walton Building 51
Paul Bell Plastering 51
C&R Landscapes Ltd 51
Jp Property Services 51
Ladderworks Property 51
MB Builders 51
Mill Build 51
Moores Property 51
Nick Stannard Property 51
MV Mobility 41
Age UK 40
Ideal Carehomes 39
Joseph Rowntree Care 64
Radfield Home Care 41
St Johns House 41
York Mind 61
Ocay 41
Abel Carpet Cleaning 51
Clifton Carpet Cleaning 52
Ewen Carpets Fitted 25
Flooring For Less 24
Kings Carpets & Flooring 9
Fully Furnished 7
Gemini Flooring 19
JS Woodcraft 25
Fully Furnished 14
Hey Presto 52
ADream Clean 51
Aldwark Computers 21
Nycom Ltd 21
York PC Solutions 21
Bic’s Decorating 52
Alan Fawcett Painter 52
Barker Brown Decorating52
C.K.W. Decorators 52
Chapple Painting 52
Gary Roe Painter 52
K Walton Painting 52
Mr & Mrs Painting 52
Paul Masiak Decorators 52
Richard Driscoll 52
Samantha Storr Painter 52
SDS Decorator 52
Dss Drainage Solutions 54
Mick Lambert 29
Adult & Community Education 64
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs
Catholic Primary School 41
MH Electrical 53
Nfinnerty Electrical Ltd 3
Active Electrical Solution 53
Court Electrical Services 53
HC Engineering 52
Herbert Todd 52
Judge Electrical Ltd 53
Keith Brown Electrical 53
Martin Clancy 53
Michael Castle Electrician 53
SP1 electrical 53
STN Electrical 53
Plasti-Fit 53
Mark Leslie Roofline 53
Pen-Life Associates Ltd 21
Stonehouse Fireplaces 11
Drakes Fish and Chip Shop 47
Haxby Fortune Inn 45 Malmaison York 48
Middletons Hotel 48 No.1 GuestHouse York 49
The Parvin 4
Thompson Fish Restaurant 47 Fowlers of York 49
Dales of Thirsk Ltd 7
JG Fielder & Sons 40
Darleys Funeral 41
Classic Upholstery 15
Clic Garage Doors (york) 11
First Garage Doors 53
Garolla Garage Doors 4
Country Gardens 29
J Farrow 31
K&S Paving 28
Lewis Tree Surgery 31
Michael Readman 27
SSB Landscapes 28
Vertigrow Garden Buildings 29
White Rose Gardening 28
AAA Driveways & Patios 27
Acaster Forge 31
Brunswick Shop 29
Castle Tree & Landscape 31
Circle Gardening 29
Colourfence 27
DT Garden Services 31
Future Landscapes 29
Groundwork UK 29
Horse Manure 4 Sale 29
HPL Tree Surgeons 29
Inside Out 27
JR Landscaping 31
Logs 4 Sale 25
Mick Lambert 29
On the Fence 31
Orchard Nurseries 28
RD Tree Services 27
Rufforth Plants 28
Toby H Johnson LTD 4
Top Soil 4 Sale 15
York Gardens 29
York Groundwork 31
Yorkshire Fencing 27
Yorkshire Garden Building 31 Your Local Garden Svs 31
Guttering Of York 53 Rawcliffe Guttering 53 HANDYPEOPLE
Can-Be-Asked 53 DIY Guy 53
RMB Building 53
York Flatpack & Handyman 53
Beautycare 42
Earwax Away 42
Shabby to Chic 42
The Orthotic Works 10
TS Personal Training 42
Sarah Todd Foot Health 42
CGP Short Courses 38
Embrace England 38
Lavelle Joinery 13
Lewis Joinery 54
Matt Hodgson Joinery 54
Paul Meillam Joinery 54
Afford a Lock 54
Cookerburra 51
Dr Locks Ltd 54 GC Electronics 54
Laurel Bank Locksmiths 54 Lockline Locksmiths 54
Yorkshire Loft Ladders 17
Oakmoor Logs 17
Andy’s Autos 18
Barkers Garage 19
Birch Park 19
Blacksmiths Garage 18 HP Maintenance 19
Ivinson Autos 1 JR Motor Services 19
Westmoor Cars 19 Chips Away 18 OLC Autos 19
R S Auto Bodyshop 18
Oven Clean 9 Yorkshire Oven Cleaning 52
Huntcatchkill 27
MA Pest Control York 9 Pest tec 28
Southbank Pest Control 28
Acomb Pets & Aquatics 41
Thrumming Heart 43
JM Plastering 54
S.P.S Plastering 62
J Robinson Plumbing 55
Nunthorpe Services 55
All Cisterns Go 55
AT Plumbing & Heating 54
BS Plumbing & Heating 55
DJC Plumbing 55
Fensome Plumbing 55
Gas Man Neil 54
Haxby Plumbing 55
HC Engineering 52
Joe Dallin Gas Fitting 54
John Hayton Plumbing 55 Kenson Gas Ltd 55
Plumbing & Heating by Jamie 55
RJB Plumbing 55 York Gas Engineering 55
Driver Hire York 61
First York 61
Gear4music Ltd 60
Streamline Taxis 60
Thompson Fish Restaurant 60 University Of York 61
M.W.V. Van Services 55 Mr Shifter 55
All Aspects Roofing 58
JR Property 58 Roofs Above 56
Advanced Roofing 56
AWS Roofing 57
FJ Roofing 57
Future Roofs 2 Guardian Roof 57 Haxby Roofline 58
K.A Roofing Ltd 58 MJS Roofing 58 N Malarkey Roofing 58
NLS Roofline 58 Phil Summerbell 58
Robert Emmett Roofing 55
S W Roofing & Building 57 Safeway Roofing 58 Thompson Roofing 57
The Conservatory Insulation Company 63
Barnitts 8, 23
Elcocks 25
Herbert Todd 2
Little Shambles Jewellers 4 Make Your Mark 9
Monkbar Model Shop 9 Vinyl Eddie 9 York Against Cancer 16
Ebor Skip Hire 29
A - Z Waste 29 D Boswell 27
Hethertons Solicitors 13
York Sport Village 22
York Cars 64
Cheeky Chicken Cottage 21
Paul Wilson Airport Travel 15 Savannah Travel 49
Classic Upholstery 15
Family Wills York 40
All DG Repairs 59
Darren Mark Gray 54 Kevin Lea UPVC 59
Eliments 12
Vision PVC Ltd 59
Cloud9 Windows 6
D.G.M.S Windows 20
JG Windows York Ltd 15 Kevin Lea UPVC 59
Secondary Glazing 24 York Trade Windows 9
Dales of Thirsk Ltd 7
Kitchen Makeovers 26
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