October 2022 ISSUE 222 ON THE COVER WHAT'S INSIDE In the heart of this haunted city, ghoulish figures remain well hidden. Dare you brave the hunt to discover them all? From 23rd September - 7th November WIN, WIN, WIN This month there are loads of great prizes to be won!P.14 PICK OF THE PATCH Pick your own pumpkin and let the competitive carving begin…P.30 WITHOUTLEARNINGLIMITS Over 50 and looking to upskill? Pave the way to your future success withCountsExperienceYorkP.38 What’s on in York JOBS | MOTORS | HEALTH & BEAUTY | HOME & GARDEN LOCAL TRADE & SERVICES DIRECTORY Delivered to all 91,000 homes & businesses in York & surrounding villages Queen Elizabeth II - 1926-2022

2LIFEYORK 01904 777094 info@future-security.uk www.future-security.uk Nobody does it better Let us create your dream home INTRUDERALARMS CONTROLACCESSSYSTEMSCCTV SYSTEMSFIRE Protect your property 01904 777094 info@futureroof.co.uk www.futureroof.co.uk 01904 777094 info@fpyork.co.uk www.fpyork.co.uk Meadowcroft Farm, York Road, YO26 8EZ Our qualified team of have years of experience building, extending and renovating homes. We’re proud of our 5 star reputation and work hard to ensure every roof we fit is perfect. INSURANCE BACKED GUARANTEE YEAR25 01904 777094 info@future-security.uk www.future-security.uk Nobody does it better Let us create your dream home INTRUDERALARMS CONTROLACCESSSYSTEMSCCTV SYSTEMSFIRE Protect your property 01904 777094 info@futureroof.co.uk www.futureroof.co.uk 01904 777094 info@fpyork.co.uk www.fpyork.co.uk Meadowcroft Farm, York Road, YO26 8EZ Our qualified team of have years of experience building, extending and renovating homes. We’re proud of our 5 star reputation and work hard to ensure every roof we fit is perfect. INSURANCE BACKED GUARANTEE YEAR25 A family business since 1936

LIFEYORK3stleonardshospice.org.uk St. Leonard’s Hospice, York is a registered charity, no. 509294 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, no. 01451533 01904 777 777 We provide care and support for terminally ill people, and people with life-limiting illnesses. Our patients’ needs are our priority, and our care is designed to make the best of their lives. At our Hospice, at home, and in our community. We care. It’s personal. Find out how you can help support our work

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LIFEYORK5R O L LER S | R O MAN S | VE R TI C A LS | V E N E T IAN S | C U R TA I N S | SH U TTER S | W O O D E N BL IN D S Call me for a free in-home appointment: Lee Flanagan 07956249237 *Based on the same spec, size & levels of service • I provide expert advice on the best window solutions • Flexible appointment times • Blinds & curtains tailor-made here in the UK • Ask me about discountsmulti-blind • I won’t be beaten on price* • Electric blinds available Y OUR L O C A L B L INDS , CU R TAINS & SHUTT E R S SP E CIA L I S T ✓ Friendly in-home service ✓ Options for every budget ✓ Price includes measuring & fitting York Laura Jackson, customer R O LLER S | ROMAN S | VE R TI C A L S | V E N E T IA N S | CU R TA I N S | SH U TTERS | W O O DE N B LI ND S Call me for a free in-home appointment: Lee Flanagan 07956249237 • I provide expert advice on the best window solutions • Flexible appointment times • Blinds & curtains tailor-made here in the UK • Ask me about discountsmulti-blind • I won’t be beaten on price* • Electric blinds available Y OUR L O C AL B LINDS , C U R TAINS & SHUTTER S SP E CIALI S T ✓ Friendly in-home service ✓ Options for every budget ✓ Price includes measuring & fitting York “My local advisor helped me find a blind to fit my budget. The service was second to none”. Laura Jackson, customer “My local advisor helped me find a blind to fit my budget. The service was second to none.” 32 Ways To Save Tax and FromMaximumExtractValueYourBusiness FREE DOWNLOAD Ever wonder what you can take out of your business or how you can save more tax? This free guide explores 32 ways of ensuring that you’re maximising every opportunity you could be to improve your life, your families and your employees. www.dinglisaccountancy.co.uk/32-ways Download your copy by scanning the QR code or by visiting Inglis Chartered Accountants 3 Westfield House, Millfield Lane, York, YO26 6GA 01904 787 973 Inspiring businesses to provide a better world and eliminate dinglisaccountancy.co.ukpoverty.

Turning a new leaf

The YLL Team x

As the scary season finally approaches, the city’s ghostly past is brought back to life. Bringing us all the spooky feels, York BID’s popular Ghosts In The Gardens event is set to make a return and this year promises to be an even bigger and better event than ever before. With more ghoulish sculptures installed in the Museum Gardens and across the city… dare you discover them all?
and workshops planned across the city in support of York Fashion Week this month. For the greenfingered amongst you, York Environment Week will be full of inspiring and insightful events to encourage action towards a more sustainable future. The real gems of York are of course our locals and this month, we’re celebrating the achievements of award-winning hoteliers and hospital fundraising heroes. As ever, there are some great prizes to be won this month.
From fashion and fundraising to food and Mr. Fawkes, October’s mag has plenty of content to entertain you this month.
From a set of tickets for a walking tour with Dark Tales of York, a couple of unlimited film passes for the upcoming Aesthetica Film Festival, and if you’re feeling a bit nostalgic, there are a pair of tickets up for grabs to see the spectacular 90s Live at the Grand Opera House too.

Our home on the internet, www.yourlocallink.co.uk, is jam-packed with York events, stories you won’t find in the magazine, expanded horoscopes and free printable walks from our Walking Wanderer. What’s online teamMeetthe GINI SARAH TRACY DEAN CRAIG HELEN EMILYGARY ZOE SCOTTCLAIRE SIMON KAREN MIM MACKENZIE

Before reflecting on the month ahead, it seems only right to acknowledge the news that saddened the nation earlier last month with the passing of her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Having just celebrated her 70th year on the throne, the Queen was the longest of any British monarch to reign in recorded history. The Queen had visited Yorkshire on many an occasion, most recently her visit to our city during the Diamond Jubilee in 2012, and we’re sure whether you were involved in these celebrations or not, we join many in reflecting on these times of unity and excitement with great fondness. As much as September brought with it an air of sombreness, her late Majesty certainly leaves behind a lasting legacy. As we move on to autumn, York’s social calendar is still thriving and we’re all for it. If you’re interested in all things style, there’s a whole host of creative events
6LIFEYORK Cloud 9 Windows - service with a smile! Broken glass panes Faulty hinges & handles Broken mechanisms or locks Energy efficient glass A local business using local suppliers Editorial & Design: Scott, Zoe, Claire & Emily Accounts: Dean & Karen Distribution: Gary & Simon Advertising: Tracy, Mim, Sarah, Helen, Craig, Mackenzie & Gini Contributors: Tony Chalcraft, Simon Pattinson, James Christie and Kerry Lakey. Call 01904 767881 Email info@yourlocallink.co.uk Write Unit 3a Kettlestring Lane, Clifton Moor, York YO30 4XF @LocalLinkYork facebook.com/locallinkyork yourlocallink.co.uk NOVEMBER ContentsCoverDEADLINEADVERTISINGEDITION7THOCTstory10-11.GoodNews12-13.Horoscopes14-15.Puzzles16-17.TimeTravel18-19.WalkingWith The Wanderer 20-21. Motors 22-23. Business 24-33. Your Home And Garden 34. Sports 35-39. Your Family And You 40. Health And Beauty 41-49. Events 50-59. Classified 60-63. Recruitment


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LIFEYORK93 square in Chartwell Green with Flair glass and Square contemporary furniture LANTERNROOF Stratusaluminium discreetyetstylish. floodintoyourhome’s modernlanternsolution, contemporarylookswithtruly groundperformance.uparoundan brokensystem,it thermal architectualinperformancesummerandwarmdeliveringthe expectofahighend asystem.buildingnewkitchen-diner anexistinglantern redefineyourhome, spacesforyoutoenjoy. CREATELIGHT,AIRYSPACES EST. 25YRS APPLIANCE Services

Whether you’re a keen, green activist or you’re simply interested in applying small changes to your daily routine, this week will arm you with all you need to know to reduce your carbon footprint and help to create a greener environment for the Withfuture.more

There will be a raffle, bar and some fantastic live music by Robert Whitehead. All of the proceeds raised for this event will go towards this project. To purchase your ticket, email hillmamarsh@gmail.com.
YORKLUB, Various venues.

For more information, visit yorkenvironmentweek.org.uk.

Running alongside the nationwide Great Big Green Week, York Environment Week will be taking place between the 24th September- 2nd October.

YORK LIGHT ORCHESTRA, Acomb Methodist Church.
The latest fundraiser, a charity ceilidh, will take place on Saturday the 1st of October, at New Earswick Folk Hall from 7.30 - 10.30pm, with tickets priced at £15 per person.

Back for its third year running, York Environment Week sees local organisations join forces to bring the city a fresh and insightful programme for 2022.
Fundraising superstar, Hillary Marshall is taking on a monumental challenge in memory of her late husband Ian, who tragically passed away at the end of March following a long battle with kidney failure. Hoping to raise £100,000 to buy and refit a vehicle to hold a mobile dialysis unit for York Renal Unit patients, this fundraising project aims to provide patients with the opportunity to take holidays and travel further afield while maintaining their dialysis treatments.
For more information, visit york-men-s-shed-13105/home/.www.yorkmensshed.co.uk/community/
YORK MEN’S SHED, Hull Road Park, YO10 3TW.
and energy with York Energy Advice, or craft making with York Learning, there is plenty to get stuck into. All events are free to attend, however, donations are welcomed.
Are you aged over 55 and looking to get more out of life and meet likeminded people? From holiday breaks to meals out; trips to the theatre and quiz nights to country walks – there are many monthly activities to get involved with. Call 07756 322061 or visit www.yorklub.info for more information on venues and times.
Meeting every Tuesday and Saturday from 9.30am-12.30pm, come and join York Men’s Shed, an inclusive place where retired men can come together to work on projects , enhance skills and encourage craftsmanship of their own choosing in a safe and friendly venue. Now with a new and improved venue that is host to professionally led courses and exciting training events too.
For more information, visit www.ylo.org.uk.
A diverse and friendly group, YLO plays a wide variety of music to suit all tastes; popular classical pieces, songs from musicals, themes from film and television, and even pop music. Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings from 7.30 - 9.30pm. The group welcomes musicians of all ages, but children under the age of 16 years must be accompanied by an adult.

than 20 events planned, from sampling freshly cooked dishes using seasonal, locally grown food with Edible York, nature and foraging walks at St Nick's Autumn Fayre, learning how to save money

LIFEYORK11CNCI is a specialist team, based in York and operating nationally. It is part of Harrowells Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. We listen, we understand, we help. • SERIOUS INJURY • BRAIN AND SPINAL INJURY • MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE • FATAL ACCIDENTS The 0845injuryseriousclaimsspecialistsHelpingtorebuildlives6014499|www.cnci.co.ukClinical Negligence and Catastrophic Injury Solicitors The CNCI legal team specialises in supporting people who have suffered life changing injury. Our breadth of knowledge and empathetic approach provide peace of mind for the injured and their families. Call us today for an informal discussion, in complete confidence. Call Mick today for your free quote! • Ovens • Hobs • BBQs • Ranges • Extractors • Microwaves • AGAs No caustic products used during cleaning process NO JOB TOO BAD! BEFORE AFTER AS SEEN TVON 0800 ovenclean.com077650461062000076 Let us clean your oven Instyle Kitchens & Bedrooms Built on customer recommendations T: 01904 7643839a The Village, Haxby YO32 3HS InstyleKITCHENS BEDROOMS& ESTABLISHED 32 YEARS • DELIVERING SERVICE, CHOICE AND VALUE 30%OFFUPTOSALE ONKITCHENSSELECTED recommendations 764383 BEDROOMSKITCHENS ANDVALUE 30%OFFSALE SELECTED RUBBER STAMPS mym@makeyourmark.bizMAKEYOURMARK,26 GOODRAMGATE, YORK TEL.01904 637355 SAME DAY SERVICE


An easier month than many you have had to deal with this year. You get plenty of evidence that suggests that past decisions have been the right ones, and you should be on the receiving end of at least one apology from someone who has disagreed with you and caused a problem. The 7th and 11th are a bright few days for launching new initiatives and ideas, especially if there is anything artistic and creative involved.
A feeling of excitement combined with impatience is the dominant energy throughout October as you move towards specific dates, targets, and ambitions. Self-confidence should be high with no shortage of support and understanding from within the family – so don’t let your impatience get the better of you in this domain. Family reunions during the first week of the month with special celebrations in the last few days.
Who do you think you are? Are you the same person as other people see you as being or someone very different? This autumnal month presents you with a number of opportunities to see yourself as others see you. This may delight or dismay, but in the latter case, it gives you the chance to do something about it. October the 10th should be a red letter day for romance, while the rest of the month is down to self-realisation.
LIBRA 23RD SEPT - 22ND OCT STARSIGN OF THE MONTH “The latest innovative electric fires, media walls, and wood-burning stoves. Visit Focus, we’ve been trusted in York for over 35 years. With two stunning showrooms, knowledgeable staff and in-house registered fitters.” OPEN MON-SAT Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 4pm Closed Sunday & Bank Holidays 5 mins from A64 Monk’s Cross Roundabout (NEXT TO DEANS) The Bull Commercial Centre Stockton Lane, York Y032 9LE An outstanding range of stoves, fires and fireplaces. Call 01904 400525 focusfireplacesyork.co.uk 187932 STOVES & LIVING

James Christie

sit back and do nothing, but your instincts will be to nip something in the bud – and your instincts are spot on! Some things may have to be said that other people do not want to hear, but nevertheless, they must be made to listen!
Free advice and helpline, jcp@magepublishing.co.ukemail:
A very busy month for ambitious career and business-minded people with some special highlights of progress around the 9th, 10th, 23rd
and 24th. Emotional relationships seem solid enough but I would expect there to be an undercurrent of tension in relationships,professionalespeciallyaround the dates mentioned earlier. Possible changes here to the managerial hierarchy. Major expenditure is planned for 2023 but there could be arguments about financial priorities.

The family vibe is strong at this time so October could be a month where journeys tie in with reunions, especially on a north/south axis.
Arians are probably not the happiest of bunnies as they battle through October. There is either a battle with bureaucracy that will need you to be uncompromising and forceful, a battle with a lover or partner who wants you to do things you simply do not want to do, or there is a battle within yourself as to just how many compromises you’re prepared to
October sees you travelling on a relatively even keel until the 23rd or 24th when an emotional issue pops up out of the blue which will need some sorting out. You could just
A relatively carefree month for most Sagittarians. No scintillatingly high highs, but very few, if any, lows.
The 18th to the 23rd is a propitious period financially when long-term investments start to pay some dividends. Something here to do with insurance?
“Leo boys come out to play, kiss the girls, then run away!” So guys, if this is you, stop it immediately, and any Leo ladies out there, be on your guard! Apart from some flirtatious frolicking (which is the closest most Leos are going to get in their quest for true romance) October augers well for family relationships and also professional relationships, especially for the self-employed. It's not always what you can do that counts, but who you know.

LIFEYORK13Free advice and helpline email: jcp@magepublishing.co.uk

Any emotional problems or issues experienced in September should either be gone or on the way out once you’re cruising through October. This looks like being a very busy period on the work scene, probably with some long hours involved, leading to more than a bit of tiredness… So, monitor your energy levels and make sure that other people on the team are pulling their weight. Don’t be backward in coming forwards.
make – not with other people, but with life itself. Good luck!
It’s October. Summer has popped off into the sunset and now you’re left facing another long, cold winter. This does not make you happy. Taureans do not like being cold!
October seems to be a slow and steady month without any great highs or lows: one day leads into the next with steady predictability – which may be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your temperament and expectations. Noteworthy is Improve relationships with the family pantheon of generations, and you'll have the satisfaction of seeing a younger member of the family overcoming one particular problem.
boyfriends, bosses, and husbands are going to make demands on you, and if you can’t or won’t accommodate them, they will fulfil their needs from another source. This is a time for compromises to be made but Cancerian ladies are not good at making compromises. Learn!
Ladies of the sign who have become accustomed to getting their own way will meet with some serious opposition from their male counterparts throughout October –
You can’t pop off to Majorca ‘til the spring, so maybe it’s time to buy some new warmer clothes or throw some more logs onto the fire. Your challenge is to stay warm on the inside even though you may be freezing on the outside. Try hard!

Send your answer (along with your name, address and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘Aesthetica Short Film Festival Competition’ to the address on page six or to competitions@ yourlocallink.co.uk. The closing date is Friday 14th October. Terms and conditions apply.
Simply find all 10 words in our Halloween themed word search!
1. 2001 2. 2011 3. 2021
5 Wyre Court, Haxby. Tel. 01904 768439.

Calling all film buffs and budding directors! Are you ready to get your hands on a pair of unlimited film passes for one of the UK’s largest and most admired film events, the Aesthetica Short Film Festival? The York-based festival, which will take place in November this year, will connect audiences to the best of new cinema and provide upcoming filmmakers with an opportunity to showcase their works. Since its formation in 2011, this massive event has welcomed along with it some of the world’s largest directors, producers and editors and has also been host to a series of masterclasses, with previous guest speakers ranging from Dame Judi Dench, Asif Kapadia and Sally Potter, as well as members from BBC Films, Film4, British Vogue and many more.
To be in with a chance to win a pair of unlimited Aesthetica Short Film Festival passes, simply answer this question:
Send your completed puzzle, marked ‘September Puzzle Competition’ along with your address and telephone number to Unit 3a Kettlestring Lane, Clifton Moor, York, YO30 4XF, to reach us no later than 31st October 2022. The first entry picked out of the hat will win the prize. Good luck!
Fancy winning a beautiful bouquet of flowers, courtesy of Dutch Nurseries in Haxby?

In association with:
What year was the Aesthetica Short Film Festival founded?
Celebrating artists and genres with their vibrant productions, the Entertainers group is back to bring you a fantastic show full of nostalgia! Transport yourself back to the era of double denim, bold statement colours and pure pop tunes, as the fabulous 90s Live! stage show comes to York. Featuring throwback anthems from the likes of Boyzone, Britney, Oasis, The Vengaboys, Shania Twain, Aqua, Ricky Martin, Bryan Adams, and S Club 7, plus every great hit of the 90s that you can think of– get ready to
Haunted by the past, every corner of York has its own historical tale to tell. A spooky yet entertaining and well-researched tour, Dark Tales of York covers nearly two millenniums of history. Taking you around York’s iconic and hidden secret spaces, your guide will reveal all, from archaic ghost stories at the Treasurer’s House, Stonegate sightings and the spirits of the Shambles. Meeting at the Roman Baths Pub in St Sampsons Square, the private tours last for approximately 90 minutes.
Where does the Dark Tales of York tour traditionally begin?

Which production company will be bringing 90s Live! to the Grand Opera House?

1. Entertainers 2. Performers
Are you brave enough to uncover the dark tales of the city?
3. Showstoppers
3. The Norman Baths Pub
To be in with a chance to win four tickets for a Dark Tales of York tour at 5pm on the 30th of October, simply answer this question:
To be in with a chance to win a pair of tickets for 90s Live! simply answer this question:
Send your answer (along with your name, address and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘90s Live! Competition’ to the address on page six or to conditionsisyourlocallink.co.uk.competitions@TheclosingdateFriday14thOctober.Termsandapply.
2. The Roman Baths Pub

boogie on down to the ultimate party night out at the Grand Opera House.

1. The Viking Baths Pub
Send your answer (along with your name, address, and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘Dark Tales of York Competition’ to the address on page six or to co.uk.competitions@yourlocallink.TheclosingdateisFriday 14th October. Terms and conditions apply.
Petergate pub, the Guy Fawkes Inn. Raised within a Protestant family, Fawkes later turned his attention to Catholicism following the passing of his father. On his 21st birthday, Fawkes set off to Europe to fight for Catholic Spain in the Eight Years War. It was here he’d learn all there was to know about explosives and how (and we guess, how not) to use them!

With impeccable timing, an anonymous letter exposing the gruesome plan landed in the laps of the authorities. On the 5th of November, The House of Lords was searched and Fawkes was discovered in the cellars. Whilst Catesby and a few others were later shot dead, Fawkes and his surviving gang, including Thomas
During his time abroad, Fawkes’ fate took a turn when he met Thomas Wintour.
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Wintour, were sentenced to death for treason. On January the 31st 1606, they were hung, drawn and quartered. Fawkes was the last to go up the gallows. The body parts of the treasonous gang were then displayed throughout the capital city to warn civilians of the consequences of their crimes.
Turn more details.

Wintour was seeking a crew of conspiratorsCatholic to join Robertfigurehead,Catesby in

a secret murderous plan. Catesby’s plan was to blow up Parliament during its State Opening where the King, Queen and England’s next heir would be brutally murdered. In March 1605, the gang rented a ground-floor cellar, beneath the House of Lords. Over time, they filled this cellar with 36 barrels of gunpowder. Naturally, Fawkes was nominated guinea pig and was given the terrifying task of setting off the explosives underneath the Houses of Parliament.
Time Travel THIS MONTH: GUY FAWKES November the 5th is a date that has been fully engrained in our brains. What is now an evening that features a beautifully lit sky complete with sparklers, hot dogs and mulled wine, was once a notorious night in history where one of the most famous criminal ploys- The Gunpowder Plot - was uncovered.

Soon after, The Observance of 5th November Act 1605 was created, an annual decree that would involve a church service, fireworks and bonfires, which still lives on in part today. Although Guy Fawkes was technically not the brains behind the plot, he certainly leaves behind a major legacy that remains many centuries later.
You’ve probably heard bits and bobs about Guy Fawkes before, with his striking moustache and explosive skillset, but who was Mr. Fawkes, and what connection does he have to our city? Guy Fawkes was born in York in 1570 at the rumoured site of the popular High
Rumour has it, Guy Fawkes makes areturn to York (well…kinda)in a gruesome comedy atYork Theatre Royal, next month.

to Page 46 for


There are no refreshment opportunities on this route. There are pubs at Thixendale and North Grimston and a pub and café at Fridaythorpe. Check websites for opening times.
3. Reaching a ‘private’ sign, go right on a signed bridleway uphill with a hedge and trees to the left. At the end of the trees go right as signed with a hedge to the left. At a prominent mast, go left into the second of two fields with the hedge to the left. At the field end, turn right signed ‘Centenary Way’. Keep
The highlight of the walk is the site of the deserted medieval village of Wharram Percy, one of the most extensively excavated such sites in the country. English Heritage interpretation boards provide extensive information. Nearby is the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Wharram Quarry nature reserve where chalk-loving plants and butterflies can be found in late spring and summer. The walk provides far-reaching views at several points, especially near the start and approaching Wharram Percy.

From the car park entrance go right on the road, uphill. Continue to the top of the hill and a double bend. Here, go right off the road on a track signed ‘Centenary Way’. At the end of the trees on the right keep ahead with a hedge to the left on the now grassy track.
6. On the far side of the church, head to the left of the boarded-up house to pass through a kissing gate heading towards a wooden footpath sign beyond the fenced area. At the sign, turn right downhill on the track. Continue on the track to a kissing gate.
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right of the hedge ahead to arrive at a gap in a wooden fence at the right edge of a line of trees.
2. About 150 metres beyond the end of the trees take the signed bridleway to the left (for the shorter walk continue ahead for 750 metres until Direction Point 5). Walk along the field edge with the hedge on the right (this section can be overgrown) into the next field. Here continue in the same direction, still with the hedge to the right. At a wooden fence gap go right, now following a hedge right and with the sloping field left. Keep going in the next field, curving left downhill.
Is this walk for me?
This walk visits a quiet area of the Wolds. A short climb is rewarded with far-ranging views across East Yorkshire. The route then traverses typical Wolds farming country to follow a deep valley to the deserted village of Wharram Percy. There’s also an opportunity to visit Yorkshire Wildlife Trust’s Wharram Quarry nature reserve. The full walk can be shortened by omitting Direction Points 2-4 and/or returning to the car park at Direction Point 7.
What to see
the walk includes a number of climbs most of which are long rather than steep. There are no stiles to cross. Cattle may be grazing in the valley above Wharram Percy. Some of the field edge paths at Direction Point 2 may be overgrown.
5. In about 600 metres, at another gate, do not go through it but turn left (if following the shorter walk from Direction Point 2 turn right here) as signed walking near to the hedge/ fence with the valley of Deep Dale to the left. After a small dip, veer left as signed heading away from the fence downhill on a grassy path. Go through a kissing gate and keep ahead (right). Cross the pond dam and walk over grass to find the ruined church ahead.
Time 2 3/4 Hours
Getting there
The starting point is the English Heritage car park (fee requested) near Bella Farm about one mile from Wharram le Street. There are several possible routes from York varying between 23 and 26 miles. The recommended route is to take the A166 to Fridaythorpe turning left then right in the village to follow Church Lane to Burdale. At Burdale turn left. Unfortunately, there are no public transport options for this walk.
4. Through the gap, turn right with a hedge and trees to the right and a field to the left. Through a metal gate continue ahead to another gate, now with trees to the right.
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LIFEYORK19ShortcutShortcut START 12 3 4 56 7 8 ResurveNature9 WharramViewsViewsPercy Free mapprintableonourwebsite!

8. Turn right on the road heading uphill (the entrance to the nature reserve is on the right in 75 metres.) Continue on the road until houses on the right.
Disclaimer: Walks are undertaken at your own risk. Due care must be taken in following the walk, particularly after poor weather. Whilst every care is taken in compiling the description changes may have occurred since publication. Neither the walk author nor Your LocalLink can accept any responsibility for errors or omissions.
9. Just before the first house, turn right off the road on the signed ‘Wolds Way footpath’. Follow this alongside a hedge on the left to reach a road. Turn right on the road following it beyond Bella Farm to return to the car park entrance.
7. For the full walk, turn left after the gate on a track between trees (for a shorter walk returning to the car park in 600 metres go up the steps opposite). Continue on the track to pass a house on the left and arrive at a tarmac road.
will also be available online and in person during the afternoon sessions for further support. Meanwhile, Wednesday the 5th of October will target sixth form, college and university students. This day will primarily feature a mixture of stands, activities and talks with employers, STEM professionals, and event partners within The National Railway Museum itself. For more information on registering and programme availability, email railwaymuseum.org.uk.communities@
Cavaletto 3.5 Litre Grey Slow Cooker £34.99 from towerhousewares.co.uk

Railway Futures, an exciting twoday careers event is coming to York this month in conjunction with The National Railway Museum and the Trans-Pennine STEM Ambassador Hub. Covering topics of innovation, technology, and engineering, this exciting programme will also address the future of digital and sustainability matters within the sector. Railway Futures is set to introduce event-goers to the
With three heat settings to suit your recipe, this one-pot wonder is super easy to use. The tough glass lid forremovableiscrockpotserve,readyyou’reandasyoureyekeepyouensurescananonteaitcookswhentotheeasilyconvenient

tabletop service


variety of careers available in the rail industry, whilst providing the opportunity to talk with industry experts who will be leading interactive sessions, answering queries, and sharing their
ghost BUSters
Tower, York Minster, Dick Turpin’s Grave, Terry’s Chocolate Tower and Knavesmire
Meeting outside York Station (on the south side of The Principal York), the tour will then pass through some of York’s iconic buildings, including Clifford’s
Better still, any mess can be kept to a minimum as the pot can be stuck straight into the dishwasher once used…jobs a good’un.

running additional tours daily and in the final week of October, will be hosting tours right up until midnight. The tour lasts for approximately an hour and a quarter. Seats cannot be reserved and the tour operates on a firstcome-first-served basis.
Where better to celebrate Halloween than in one of the most haunted cities in the world? If you’re looking for something a little bit different this spooky season, why not give The Ghost Bus Tours a go?

As BusThecreepsHalloweencloser,GhostTourswill be

ON THE RIGHT TRACK WIGGINTON TYRES TEL: 07838 804524 Unit 3, Windmill Industrial Estate, Wigginton, York NEW AND USED TYRES SUPPLIED AND FITTED AT GREAT PRICES We also supply new tyres for all makes of car at unbeatable prices. Used and part worn tyres are inspected and pressure tested by ourselves. All tyres are fitted and balanced at no extra cost. MOTs • Servicing • Car Repairs CALL US TODAY! T: 01904 750272 Unit 5, Windmill Industrial Estate, Wigginton, York YO32 2RA MOT & SERVICE FROM NEW TYRES FITTED FROM JUST £25 FREE LOCAL COLLECTION & DROP BACK SERVICE ALL CAR REPAIRS INCLUDING AIR-CON AT GREAT PRICES!
(remember those oven gloves though!)
Any household jobs that can be especiallysimpler,made when it comes to

food, we are 100% here for. Imagine going home from a busy day at work and a delicious, hearty, warm stew is already waiting for you and your family to devour!? Well, with this smart Cavaletto Slow Cooker by Tower, you can have just that.
Along with your tour guide, ride aboard the Necrobus - a restored, classic funeral bus - that will transport you back in time and take a trip into York’s historic, haunted past. Be warned…this is not for the faint-hearted and legend has it that the haunted Necrobus has been the hub of a series of spooky sightings!
So,Gallows.whether you’re new to the area and wanting to know more or you’re a local looking to revisit York’s old haunts, prepare to be spooked on this fantastic, comedy-horror experience. Are you tempted? To book or for more information, visit york/.www.theghostbustours.com/https://
Theexperiences.firstevent held on Tuesday the 4th of October will see a blend of workshops, presentations, and Q&As for primary and secondary schools. STEM Ambassador Hub resources and event partners

GADGETS&MOTORSYOUR2101904 760020 07814 445365 Keswick Way, Huntington, YO32 9QP - www.motyork.com Servicing • Repairs Tyres • Exhausts Car Sales • MOTs V.O.S.A APPROVED MOTS BARKERSMOTs£45 GARAGE Ltd SALES SERVICE MOT £99.95

partner with whom she purchased Grays Court, Helen has since juggled singleparent life alongside successfully running the business with her fantastic team. Helen says, “I am delighted to have made the shortlist for the Independent Hotelier award. I always try and make sure my team are looked after and believe that my staff are the heart of
Helen Heraty, owner of Grays Court Hotel has been nominated for the prestigious Independent Hotelier Award 2022 at the Independent Hotel Show Awards in London this month.

prospect of home working in the last couple of years, this relaunch accommodates workers according to their needs, from offering dedicated desk space to a more flexible, collaborative workspace. York Hub has undoubtedly created a new, flexible and affordable way of working in the city centre in a contemporary atmosphere that is both relaxed and professional. Are you looking for a change of scene in your workspace? Visit www.yorkhub.co.uk for more information.
Initially set up in response to the challenges faced by York’s business community during the pandemic, Connect over Coffee forums have gone from strength to strength over the last two years, hosting over 36 meetings and drawing participation from over 130 different organisations - many of whom still regularly attend.
Photo by Lucinda Grange.
This particular award is presented to a hotel worker recognised for their commitment, and significant dedication to the industry. After sadly losing her
Each Connect over Coffee session features a guest speaker talking about a chosen support topic from marketing and social media, data protection, and skills to start-up support and investment to name a few. The meeting also includes

the business. Their care, concern and professionalism shine through and I am proud to be able to lead such an outstanding team of people.”
Most recently, Grays Court has also won the ‘Visit England Best Small Hotel’ for its third consecutive year. Good luck, Helen. Yorkshire is rooting for you!
This year, York Hub is celebrating its 14th year in business with an exciting revamp to provide workers from home with a refreshing change of Havingscene.supported hundreds of start-ups, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and project workers since its establishment in 2008, this pioneering and friendly co-working space has also featured twice on the popular BBC programme Homes Under the WithHammer.evenmore focus on the
an excellent opportunity to seek appropriate advice, network, and openly share opinions, experiences, and challenges faced with fellow Thecompanies.meetgenerally occurs twice a month, usually every second and fourth Wednesday via a mixture of Zoom and in-person events. Fancy joining? For more information about Connect over Coffee, email Louise Saw at louise.saw@york.gov.uk.

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GARDEN&HOMEYOUR 24GARDEN&HOMEYOUR COPPICE Buywellinteriors BuywellInteriors_FP_Mar18 Buywell interiors Kitchens&Bedrooms www.buywellinteriors.co.uk COPPICE GATE, HARROGATE HG1 2DR Tel: 01423 208 044 THORP ARCH RETAIL ESTATE, WETHERBY LS23 7FE Tel: 01937 844 288 LiveWellBuyWell AFRIENDLYFAMILYRUNBUSINESSFOR FAMILYFRIENDLYKITCHENSANDBEDROOMS BuywellInteriors_FP_Mar18 29/10/18 13:30 Page 1 mily busine BRITISH BRANDS Buywell interiors COPPICE GATE, HARROGATE HG1 2 D R Tel: 01423 208 044 THORP ARCH RETAIL ESTATE, WETHERBY LS23 7FE LiveWellBuyWell Buywellinteriors FittedKitchens&Bedrooms BuywellInteriors_FP_Mar18 29/10/18 13:30 Page 1 indepe ndent BRITISH BRANDS BUYWELL INTERIORS, UNIT 155, AVENUE B, THORP ARCH ESTATE, WETHERBY, LS23 7BJ Tel: 01937 844288 Fitted Kitchens, Bedrooms & Home Office Solutions Buywellinteriors BUY LOCAL! BUY BRITISH! Buywell interiors Kitchens&Bedrooms www.buywellinteriors.co.uk COPPICE GATE, HARROGATE HG1 2DR Tel: 01423 208 044 THORP ARCH RETAIL ESTATE, WETHERBY LS23 7FE Tel: 01937 844 288 LiveWellBuyWell Buywellinteriors FittedKitchens&Bedrooms AFRIENDLYFAMILYRUNBUSINESSFOR FAMILYFRIENDLYKITCHENSANDBEDROOMS BuywellInteriors_FP_Mar18 29/10/18 13:30 Page 1 indepe ndent family business BRITISH BRANDS BUY WELL! H A N D C R A F T E D O A K F L O O R S U n i q u e t o e v e r y c u s t o m e r S t i l l i n g t o n R o a d S u t t o n o n t h e F o r e s t Y O R K Y O 6 1 1 E H 0 1 9 0 4 4 7 9 9 0 0 i n f o @ j s w o o d c r a f t c o u k w w w . j s w o o d c r a f t f l o o r i n g . c o . u k V I S I T O U R 3 0 0 0 S Q F T S H O W R O O M O P E N M O N D A Y T O F R I D A Y 8 A M 5 P M * S A T U R D A Y 9 A M 1 2 P M S t i l l i n g t o n R o a d S u t t o n o n t h e F o r e s t Y O R K Y O 6 1 1 E H 0 1 9 0 4 4 7 9 9 0 0 i n f o @ j s w o o d c r a f t c o u k w w w . j s w o o d c r a f t f l o o r i n g . c o . u k V I S I T O U R 3 0 0 0 S Q F T S H O W R O O M O P E N M O N D A Y T O F R I D A Y 8 A M 5 P M * S A T U R D A Y 9 A M 1 2 P M S t i l l i n g t o n R o a d S u t t o n o n t h e F o r e s t Y O R K Y O 6 1 1 E H 0 1 9 0 4 4 7 9 9 0 0 i n f o @ j s w o o d c r a f t c o u k w w w . j s w o o d c r a f t f l o o r i n g . c o . u k V I S I T O U R 3 0 0 0 S Q F T S H O W R O O M O P E N M O N D A Y T O F R I D A Y 8 A M 5 P M * S A T U R D A Y 9 A M 1 2 P M S t i l l i n g t o n R o a d S u t t o n o n t h e F o r e s t Y O R K Y O 6 1 1 E H 0 1 9 0 4 4 7 9 9 0 0 i n f o @ j s w o o d c r a f t c o u k Our Oak Floors are produced in house, bespoke to each & every customer H A N D C R A F T E D O A K F L O O R S U n i q u e t o e v e r y c u s t o m e r w w w . j s w o o d c r a f t f l o o r i n g . c o . u k V I S I T O U R 3 0 0 0 S Q F T S H O W R O O M O P E N M O N D A Y T O F R I D A Y 8 A M 5 P M * S A T U R D A Y 9 A M 1 2 P M EHT OPTIONS AREEND L !SSE 5. 1. 2. 1. Matalan | Pumpkin Ornament | £13 2. The Range | Porcelain Pumpkin Ornament | £4.99 3. Cardfactory | My Little Book of Positivity | £3.99 4. Oliver Bonas | Dried Flower Bouquet | £34.50, Cuckooland.com | Bloomingville Halfdan Vase | £49.90 5. Cartwright & Butler | Spiced Pumpkin Drinking Chocolate, 250g | £9.50 6. Matalan | Hibernate Pumpkin Mug | £4.50 7. Primark | PS Prep And Perfect Mattifying Face Mask | £0.80 8. Primark Home | Boucle Chair | £80 9. Primark Home | Two Tone Throw | £16 10. Primark Home | Piped Waffle Cushion | £9 7. 3. 4. 6. 8. 9. 10.

GARDEN&HOMEYOUR 25GARDEN&HOMEYOUREnhanceDomestic.yourhome with our beautiful made-to-measure shading solutions. We offer an unrivalled range of blinds and curtains suitable for all domestic purposes. Choose from a huge range of styles, finishes and accessories. At Inspired Blinds we specialise in manufacturing and installing commercial blinds for offices, shops, hotels, schools, public sector buildings, factories and much more! No job is too big or Commercial.small. C A Architectural DrawingsBuilding & 01904or www.ca-architectural.co.ukinfo@ca-architectural.co.uk705704 62mm

Wild Gorse Candle £33.00 | arran.com

Think again! Beyond the fantastic attractions and incredible social scene, the city of York is also famous for its rich, historic buildings - many of which remain hidden or inaccessible to the public. But, as of the 15th and 16th of October, we’re being offered a sneak peek of over 60 of York’s unseen historic gems - free of charge- thanks to an exciting initiative, York Unlocked. Perfect for history and architecture lovers alike, this weekend event will showcase buildings old and new and also open spaces within the city, to raise awareness of York's rich heritage. Some of the buildings due to be exhibited include Herbert House, Guildhall, De Grey Rooms, Kings Manor, Duncombe Place, Masonic Hall, Hudson Quarter, Monk Bar, Bootham School, Castlegate House, Garforth House, Bar Convent, Bedern, and many of York’s churches.
Peony and Gardenia Candle £29.00 | pigletinbed.com

Subtle but beautifully fragranced, this fresh by Haxby-based wax melt company, Wax Lane will uplift any room. These special Wax & Seed Candles come with a dust cover that is embedded with wildflower seeds, that can also be planted in the ceramic candle jar once it has been used. Genius!

Thai Lime and Mango Wax Melt £3.60 | www.baysidearomas.co.uk

The full list of unlocked buildings can be found on their website. Visit yorkunlocked.org.uk for more information.

Autumn Nature Walk Candle £22.99 | yankeecandle.co.uk

Made and inspired by the Isle of Arran, this luxury candle beautifully encapsulates the smells of the enchanting Scottish coast. Featuring a unique, fresh meadow scent with hints of wood and sweet florals.
Prepare to be whisked away to paradise! Local company, Bayside Aromas specialise in handmade wax melts with a wide array of scents. Reminiscent of a luxury fragrance brand, this best-selling melt is one of our faves, featuring a beautiful tropical fragrance, including fruity notes of mango, peach, apricot and plum with musk and dry fruits.
The celebratory weekend is a local take on the successful Doors Open Days, that provides free access to buildings not normally open to the public across the UK and Europe. York Unlocked is hosted by a group of committed volunteers and is operated on a non-profit basis.
With fresh scents of bay leaf, lavender and sandalwood, this new, seasonal jar by Yankee Candle provides up to 75 hours of burning time. An earthy scent that will transport you to a time of kicking up crispy leaves and long woodland walks.
Beautifully packaged, this cosy candle will bring an air of grace and sophistication into your home. With a combination of beautiful floral jasmine, peony rose and orange blossom notes enveloped in warm sandalwood, tonka and caramel.
Too h t to candle
Flooring for less YORKSHIRE LTD

Think you’ve seen it all in York?
Earl Grey Tea and Cucumber Candle £20.00 | wax-lane.com
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GARDEN&HOMEYOUR 28GARDEN&HOMEYOUR Install the Sagars 365 conservatory roof insulation system and enjoy it 365 days a year! WITH 25% OFF THIS MONTH, insulation can be Our customers choose us to improve their ••• A FREE survey • A FREE written quotation • A 10 year full guarantee 01904 275780 www.sagars365.com Is your conservatory too cold in winter and too hot in summer? AFTERBEFORE

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as the chemicals in tap water can be harmful to them. During the growing season, be careful not to keep your plant too exposed to direct sunlight, especially when grown under glass. That said, most need good light and won’t grow well in a shady, cooler environment. And, during those colder months, these insect-catchers often prefer the compost to be kept damp. They may be fussy when it comes to their care, but if you’re a plant lover, they can also be a dead fascinating (excuse the pun) addition to your home. Dare you grow one for your own? For more information visit www.rhs.org.uk/.
Piglets' Pumpkin Festival Piglets Adventure Farm, Towthorpe. Selected weekends, starting the 8th and 9th of October. For every full-paying child, you can grab a free homegrown pumpkin. A day full of entertainment, why not lose yourself in the Mysterious Maize and enjoy some spectacular wizardry from the Magic Hatter Show? For more information, visit pigletsadventurefarm.com.
Yorkshire Pumpkins Lodge Farm, Cundall. Selected weekends, starting the 8th and 9th of October. With thousands of pumpkins to choose from, tasty refreshments, warming beverages and straw bales for picnics, why not bring the whole family along? Tickets are priced at £1 and this cost will be deducted from your pumpkin purchase. On-site parking is also available. For more information, call 01423 360203 or drop us an email at info@yorkshirepumpkins.com.
Bedern Hall Pumpkin Carving
Spilmans Pumpkin Festival

From science books to popular culture, carnivorous plants, with their iconic snappy traps and sticky leaves, have always inspired fascination. Not that we’re suggesting you should go all Seymour from Little Shop of Horrors but certain carnivorous plants are becoming increasingly available to buy for the home and garden.

If you’re interested in growing one for your own, be warned… they won’t survive if they’re planted in potting compost, or if they’re fed fertiliser. These curious plants require damp or wet conditions and special compost in order to thrive. Carnivorous plants also prefer to be watered with rainwater,
Bedern Hall. 25th October, 3-5pm. The perfect family workshop to get creative. In the spooky setting of York’s historic medieval hall, carve your pumpkin and enjoy some mulled cider or local apple juice as you do so. Tickets cost £15 per adults and £8 per child. For more information, visit www. bedernhall.co.uk.
Get your carving kits and creative stations at the ready…it’s officially pumpkin carving season. And, if you’re looking to pick your own, we’ve got you covered. Here are a few places close to York that you should check out this month:
Pick of the patch
Bedern Hall Pumpkin Carving
Humble Bee Farm Pumpkin Patch Humble Bee Farm, Flixton. From the 22nd - 29th of October. Carving gear at the ready! Once you’ve picked your pumpkin you can turn it into a masterpiece. There’s also a fantastic Halloween Trail across Piggy Back Walk, featuring interactive Halloween features, and a fun quiz for the family. To pre-book, visit humblebeefarm.co.uk.

Church Farm, Sessay. Selected weekends, starting the 1st and 2nd of October. 25 acres of over 125,000 pumpkins! Take part in a spooky walk, ride a tractor or have some fun on the fairground rides. There’s also a carving tent, corn cannon, and much more! For more information, visit www.spilmans. co.uk.
OBLIGATIONFREENOQUOTES Open to trade and public 01904 499135 | 07568 747064 info@groundsolutionservices.co.uk www.groundsolutionservices.co.uk BLOOMIN’ MARVELLOUS RESIN DRIVEWAYS & PATIOS All paving - flagwork - Indian stone, Artificial grass, Fencing, Landscaping, Groundworks & drainage We Create Domestic and commercial contracts welcome Callhuntcatchkill@btinternet.comwww.huntcatchkill.co.ukusonYork01904492535Mob07752197046 RATS, MICE, MOLES, PIGEONS Flies, Fleas, Cockroaches, Ants, Bedbugs and Wasps. WASP REMOVAL MASTER MOLE CATCHER GARDENS LTD GARDENS LTD www.yorkgardens.co.uk | E: info@yorkgardens.co.uk Winter Tidy Ups • General Gardening • Lawn Mowing Lawn Treatments • Turfing • Hedge Pruning • Tree Work Pressure Washing MAINTENANCE We can tailor any garden to your requirements and offer a full landscaping service: Paving • Fencing • Patios • Artificial Lawns • Block Paving Driveways • Raised Beds • Decking LANDSCAPING BeresfordMark M: 07734 899016 | T: 01904 862013 Before Tree surgeon in York We provide a range of tree surgery services, from tree felling and pruning to hedge reduction and removal. After GARDEN&HOMEYOUR 31


chillies, sweet peppers contain no capsaicin, the component that makes peppers hot. Sweet peppers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The best-known shape is the blocky ‘bell’ type but there are also those that grow long and pointed, sometimes called ‘ox horn’ peppers. When ripe, a sweet pepper can be red, yellow, orange, or even purple in colour depending on the variety. Very few varieties mature green: generally, a green sweet pepper has not had time to ripen. Although green peppers are perfectly edible, to my taste a coloured and ripe one is far moreespeciallyflavoursome,ifeaten raw.
Once it warms up, sweet peppers should romp away under cover. Plants can be grown either in soil or in good-sized pots and grow bags. Take care not to over-water, as wet conditions will stunt growth. A well-grown plant can get quite tall, 75cm isn’t unusual, so securing to a stake
or strong cane is necessary to avoid broken branches or toppled plants. It’s often recommended that the central growing point is pinched out at about 30cm tall to encourage bushier, more fruitful, side growth. I’ve never done this and still get plenty of peppers. More important in my experience is to harvest some of the peppers green early in the season. This’ll induce a further flush of flowers and should result in a plant with peppers at two stages of growth – one batch that’ll ripen around August and a follow on batch that should ripen intoMuchautumn.moreadvice on growing sweet peppers can be found online. A good UK-based source is 'How To Grow Sweet Peppers' at horn.anred-skinnedFavouritestendthanI’dpepper-sweet.php.gardenfocused.co.uk/vegetable/www.Asforvarieties,recommendF1hybridsrathertraditionaltypesasthesetogivemorerobustplants.includeRedStar,abelltype,andDiablo,especiallytasty,red-skinnedox
season that’s key. In Yorkshire this means, despite hotter summers, growing in a greenhouse or polytunnel remains essential for a worthwhile crop. Sweet peppers planted outside, whether in soil or a pot and even in a sunny spot or against a wall, tend to struggle to produce fewer and smaller peppers that don’t fully ripen. And because peppers take time to ripen if you choose to raise your own plants, an early start is a must. Mid-March isn’t too soon to sow. Windowsill mollycoddling will do but a heated greenhouse is better. If either is impractical another option is to buy plants. It’s important not to purchase these too early – sweet peppers will sulk if put in an unheated greenhouse before the end of April.
GARDEN&HOMEYOUR 32GARDEN&HOMEYOUR 01904 438133 07711 359620 Est. 2001 Council Accredited Find us on

Not many gardeners grow sweet peppers. I’ve always been surprised at this as they’re not especially difficult. This year the crop is better than ever, earlier, bigger and, or so it seems, tastier. Sweet peppers thrive in sun and warmth so this summer’s weather will have given the plants an extra boost. As the climate heats up peppers are likely to get easier to grow. If you’ve not tried them before it’s a crop well worth considering for next season. Sweet peppers are tropical plants of the family Capsicum annum, which also includes chillies. Unlike
When it comes to growingtherefore,them,it'swarmthplusalonggrowing


As much as we are causing teams problems, we need to be putting the ball in the back of the net more and those attacking areas need to up their game. I know I say we are doing well but I think if I look back so far, there have been so many goal-scoring opportunities squandered and that cannot happen- we need someone who can get a few more goals. They are gold dust at this level, but as always I believe in Askey to find someone who will do the job and do it well. In rugby, York City Knights
We hear from our resident sports writer and York City F. C. fan, Simon Pattinson.

Simon Pattinson
have just finished the season well against Workington and hopefully, this sort of performance sees them into the playoffs. It feels like we have been talking about them for a few months now, with the way they managed to secure their spot so early on. It’s a credit to this team that has done so well once again under James Ford, and despite the blip and injuries in some of those final league matches of the season, you can see there is a great spirit amongst them and as with the football, it really could take them
What a whirlwind of a month it has been in sport around York! York City are doing as I thought and certainly looking very at home in the National League - it has been a while since I, amongst other fans have been able to say that, I think! The biggest news is that John Askey has signed a new deal and with the positivity surrounding his management and the club at the moment, it has clearly made Askey realise, that this club is heading in the right direction. It is fair to
say that York as a football club has lacked stability for a number of years now, and what Askey is building feels like something very special- something that hasn't been achieved since Gary Mills took charge in 2012. I feel like I go on about this in a lot of the columns, but it is so vital for where the club needs to be- back in its rightful home of the football league. As I say, these things do take time but everyone is pulling in the right direction now and
On a side note, I would like to wish Joe Porter well as he has decided to retire at the end of the season. The prop has been a huge part of the recent success of the club which had finished as League One champions in 2018 and placed 3rd in the Championship last season. All the best Joe, and hopefully it will be a happy retirement with a great end to the season!
for open ing time s Please see website


this effort can be so very powerful for any club or sporting team. The next month ahead is looking like one of our toughest as the table starts to slowly take shape. We have come up against some top ex-league clubs and maybe the results haven't gone our way or missed the chance to steal a win but we've put in a performance. Let's see what happens, I guess! As I write, Askey has admitted to wanting to add a couple of players, and he could do with that backing to get those extra men in.
can't say that the Knights fans would ever have predicted this over ten years ago and it just shows how far you can go if you're all pulling in the same direction.
6RG 01904
Expect built en-suite inclusive varied programme
9 Purpose built homes with spacious, en-suite bedrooms and plenty of social areas
9 All inclusive fees for complete peace of mind
Court York, YO26 6RB 01904 606 242
Expect more ...
Feel part of a friendly community
Expect more ...
Handley House YO30 221
9 Full
Expect more Purpose built homes with spacious, en-suite plenty of inclusive fees for complete peace of and varied daily programme of
Ebor Court York, YO26 6RB 01904 606 242
9 Purpose built homes with spacious, en-suite bedrooms and plenty of social areas
activities 9 Nutritious food, daily laundry and housekeeping
With exceptional standards of 24 hour residential and dementia care and an inclusive fee, Ideal Carehomes makes a real difference to the lives of our residents, assisting them to remain independent and ensuring they enjoy an active lifestyle with likeminded people.
homes with spacious,
9 Nutritious daily laundry
and housekeeping
9 Purpose built homes with spacious, en-suite bedrooms and plenty of social areas
mind 9 Full
more ... 9 Purpose
Ebor Court YO26
Residential and dementia care

YO26 6RB 01904 606 242
hello@idealcarehomes.co.uk | idealcarehomes.co.uk

9 Full and varied daily programme of activities
bedrooms and
35 242 Clifton,Handley01904
Residential and Homes for short
With exceptional standards of 24 hour residential and dementia care and an inclusive fee, Ideal Carehomes makes a real difference to the lives of our residents, assisting them to remain independent and ensuring they enjoy an active lifestyle with likeminded people.
... 9
Feel part of a friendly community
Expect more ...
9 Full and varied daily programme of activities Nutritious food, daily laundry and housekeeping
and dementia care
Feel part of a friendly community
Ebor Court York, YO26 6RB House
Court York, YO26 6RB 01904 606 242 Handley House Clifton, YO30 6RG 01904 221 040 hello@idealcarehomes.co.uk | idealcarehomes.co.uk Residential and dementia care Luxury Care Homes In Yorkshire Welcoming new residents for short and long term placements

Feel part of a friendly community
Clifton, YO30 6RG 01904 221 040 hello@idealcarehomes.co.uk | idealcarehomes.co.uk
9 Full and varied daily programme of activities Nutritious food, daily laundry and housekeeping
bedrooms and plenty of social areas 9 All
With exceptional standards of 24 hour residential and dementia care and an inclusive fee, Ideal Carehomes makes a real difference to the lives of our residents, assisting them to remain independent and ensuring they enjoy an active lifestyle with likeminded people.
9 Purpose built homes with spacious, en-suite bedrooms and plenty of social areas All inclusive fees for complete peace of mind and varied daily programme of activities Nutritious food, daily laundry and housekeeping
With exceptional standards of 24 hour residential and dementia care and an inclusive fee, Ideal Carehomes makes a real difference to the lives of our residents, assisting them to remain independent and ensuring they enjoy an active lifestyle with likeminded people.
part of a friendly community ... exceptional standards of 24 hour residential dementia care and an inclusive fee, Ideal Carehomes makes a real difference to the lives of our residents, assisting them to remain independent and they enjoy an active lifestyle with likeminded people.

Feel part of a friendly community
040 hello@idealcarehomes.co.uk | idealcarehomes.co.uk

9 All inclusive fees for complete peace of mind
fees for complete peace of mind 9 Full and
6RB 01904 606 242 Handley House Clifton, YO30 6RG 01904 221 040 hello@idealcarehomes.co.uk | idealcarehomes.co.uk ALL INCLUSIVE FEES
YO30 6RG 01904 221 040 hello@idealcarehomes.co.uk | idealcarehomes.co.uk
01904 606 242 Handley
9 All inclusive fees for complete peace of mind
Expect more ...
Handley House Clifton, YO30 6RG 01904 221 040
Residential dementia care

social areas 9 All
of activities 9 Nutritious food, daily laundry and housekeeping
With exceptional standards of 24 hour residential and dementia care and an inclusive fee, Ideal Carehomes makes a real difference to the lives of our residents, assisting them to remain independent and ensuring they enjoy an active lifestyle with likeminded people.

Learn to say no – it can be easy to take on more work than you can manage, but over time this can lead to stress and burnout.
· Look for ways to connect with your colleagues by exploring social opportunities that might be available through your employer.
Being Mindful
We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health.
Celebrate your successes, no matter how small.
From giving a helping hand to deserving local charities, or uncovering hidden talents you didn’t even know you had, there’s no denying that volunteering offers so many benefits. If you’ve got some spare time and you’re feeling inspired this October, why not look to volunteer with a charity or local service?

Try to protect your mental health by knowing when to say no and remind yourself that a work-life balance is important.
minded people. Maybe you’d like to gain new skills to enhance your CV. Whatever your goal, there are plenty of organisations within the city that would love to take you under their wing. With opportunities, such as becoming an activities facilitator, taking on a befriending role, becoming a volunteer driver for a healthcare charity or joining as a shop worker, why not see how you can get involved in the community this month?
Maybe you’re looking to give back to a charity that is close to your heart. Perhaps you’d like to explore a fresh working environment and meet like-
Did you know that 60% of employees say they’d feel more motivated and more likely to recommend their organisation as a good place to work if their employer took action to support mental wellbeing?
below, to support those currently struggling:Raiseawareness and promote discussions of mental health and wellbeing to proactively change workplace culture.
If you’re interested in training or would like more information, contact York Mind at training@ yorkmind.org.uk.
York Mind offers mental health training to employees, line managers, and business owners that can help to develop an understanding of how to improve mental health in the workplace. In the meantime, they have popped together some helpful tips
A helping hand
Poor mental health is when we are struggling with low mood, stress, or anxiety. Sometimes the pressure of work can create workrelated stress, which has been linked to high levels of sickness, absence, and staff turnover.

School may have already started but if you’re thinking ahead of the game, Giggleswick School is hosting their Senior School Open Day on Saturday 8th October. This will be a good chance to get a feel for the place, introduce your child to teachers boarding
If you could give one of these cutie pies a home, contact York Cats Protection Adoption Centre on 01904 760356 or via www.cats.org.uk/york.
FAMILYYOUR 38FAMILYYOUR LastingFamilyWillsYorkFamilyWills&TrustsPowersofAttorney Outings & activities Household tasks Medication support DWellbeingementia care Personal care Call us on 01904 530 118 york@radfieldhomecare.co.uk | www.radfieldhomecare.co.uk/yorkExceptionalcare&supportinthecomfortofyourownhome

Welcome to
Thingimijig, Female, 1 year old. This little bobby dazzler has been having a bit of rest and recuperation during her time at the Adoption Centre. Thingimijig has cat flu and as a result, has ongoing issues with conjunctivitis. It is amazing what some decent food, basic healthcare, and a nice warm bed can do and after more than a month here she is much improved and like a different cat from the one that we first met. Not only is she looking better physically but she is much more settled and we are starting to see her lovely little personality shining through. Thingimijig is very outgoing and is always eager to greet us (particularly if we have food) and she just needs a caring new home. Please note: This cat is on medication for her conjunctivitis, this will be ongoing and will mean she requires experienced cat owners that are happy to administer medication to a wriggly cat.
Learning Without Limits
Are you over 50 years old and looking to upskill or change your career? Offering programmes that are specially designed to help build confidence, increase employment opportunities and offer advice for recruitment processes, local organisation, Experience Counts York are here to give a helping development.coaching,youreverythingtheseandDirectedhand.atbusinessesindividualsalike,programmescoverfromconstructingCV,interviews,careerresilienceandskills


Steady Anorak, Male, 4 years old. Steady Anorak was brought in by his previous owners as their circumstances were changing whereby they would be travelling more so felt they didn’t have the time to care for him. Poor Anorak has found this transition particularly difficult and has still not fully settled into adoption centre life. This has not been helped by the fact that he has had to undergo surgery and lots of discomfort shortly after his arrival, so you will often find him hiding away under his fort. As soon as that food bowl hits the floor though he’s straight out and tucking in - so there is hope yet! Steady Anorak will require new owners that are patient and preferably have had experience with nervous cats in the past. We’re confident that once he’s in a loving home and given time to readjust you will have a very contented and loving moggy sleeping at the foot of your bed.

Experience Counts York is a not-for-profit organisation with community interest at the very heart of its ethos. They believe in limitless learning no matter what age and want to encourage programme-goers to successfully move forward in their next career steps, no matter what their personal circumstances. Based in North Yorkshire, they also cover the East Riding of Yorkshire and West Yorkshire.
Looking to drive your career forward in a supportive, focused environment? For more information, visit experiencecountsyork.org.uk.www.
house staff if you are looking into boarding options. For locally based day pupils and flexi boarders, the school now also runs a handy, daily returns bus route in York. For more information, visit 01729893000.uk/open-eventsgiggleswick.org.orcall
Give a home...

Have a home? These cutie pies need one.

FAMILYYOUR FAMILYYOUR We offer courses in:

fromevents,strolling through the streets and taking in the window displays that come to life, sustainable style swaps complete with coffee and cake, independent showcases, student displays and an innovative charity fashion showcase, plus much Thismore.autumn’s YFW will take place commencing the week of the 6th of October. For more information and for tickets, please visit www. yorkfashionweek.com.
Luxury brand management agency and founders of YFW, NIMA are actively collaborating with sponsors, like York BID, The Guildhall and other organisations within York to bring this exciting event to life. Despite a rocky period during the pandemic when most events were cancelled, YFW has gone from strength to strength over the years, with well over 100 fashionthemed initiatives planned across York, since its launch in 2018.

There is certainly something for everyone in the vibrant schedule of

Calling all Celebratingfashionistas!allthings‘style’ in the city that we call home, York Fashion Week (YFW) is back this autumn. With a week’s worth of exciting runways, installations and workshops, from small start-ups and established labels to upcoming student designers, the event is set to showcase the very best of talent within York’s fashion scene.
five modes provide a gentle cleaning routine to target various dental concerns. You needn’t worry about waking the household with your morning routine either, as this brush uses WhisperClean 2.0 technology to ensure a superquiet experience. And, when you’re done, the brush comes with a magnetic wall mount to keep everything neat. With a 60 day- long standby and 3.5hour charging time, this electric toothbrush is a low-fuss but sophisticated addition to your cleaning routine!

According to research, 90% of all dental diseases are caused by incorrect tooth brushing and shockingly, many of us will spend only 60 seconds brushing our teeth on average as opposed to the recommended 180 seconds. Dental hygiene is crucial for our everyday health and so it’s important to find a brush that is going to go the extra mile. It just so happens that we have the perfect one in mind…the waterproof OCLEAN X10 Sonic Electric Toothbrush. With a smart timer that works to safeguard your pearly whites from over-brushing and ensures you don’t skimp on tooth-brushing time, the lightweight X10 features clever technology that processes your technique and offers a brushing plan (complete with emojis!) based on your performance. From polishing to plaque, the
YOUFORBEAUTY&HEALTH 40 40YOUFORBEAUTY&HEALTH SARAH TODD MCFHP MAFHP Registered Member of The British Association of Foot Health Professionals Client safety is important to me and all Call: 07415 518064 or Email: sarah.todd1@aol.com SARAH TODD MCFHP MAFHP Registered Member of The British Association of Foot Health Professionals Visiting Foot Health Practitioner By Appointment Only Call 07415 518064 or Email: sarah.todd1@aol.com Client safety is important to me and all measures are being taken to ensure this All treatments done in the comfort of your own home Registered Member of The British Association of Foot Health Professionals Client safety is important to me and all measures are being taken to ensure this. All treatments done in the comfort of your own home. By appointment only SARAH TODD MCFHP MAFHP MICHAELA TODD MCFHP MAFHP VISITING FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONERS 21 Nunnery Lane York YO23 1AB 01904 www.theorthoticworks.co.uk620120 The key to better health for your body could be right under your... feet Your feet support the weight of everything above them, so a small problem in your feet can lead to joint stress higher up in your body. Orthotics can rebalance your feet and reduce your pain! Book a FREE digital foot analysis to assess your needs. Customised orthotics and custom selected generic orthotics available! • Arthritis • Knee Pain • Shin Splints • Plantar Fasciitis • Hip Pain • Lower Back Pain • Calluses • Bunions Worth £45! OCLEAN X10 Sonic Electric Toothbrush Current RRP oclean-x10-smart-toothbrushwww.oclean.com/products/£89.99

Walk, Walk Fashion Baby Cleaning gleaming!and


Join them this month for a fantastic evening of songs from
JAGUAR ANTIQUE & VINTAGE FAIR, Wetherby Racecourse, LS22 5EL. A warm welcome is guaranteed to both dealers and buyers. An indoor and outdoor event, set in the wonderful Bramham Hall Exhibition Centre. Free parking and on-site catering are available. For more information on event timings and ticket pricing, visit jaguarfairs.com.
Folk Hall, 7:30pm-10:30pm. Live music by Robert Whitehead. Raising funds for Mobile Dialysis Vehicle on behalf of York Hospital Trust. In memory of Ian Marshall. Tickets £15. Features raffles and a bar. For more information, email hillmamarsh@gmail.com.
Various locations. It’s time to dine! York Restaurant Week is a celebration of York’s dynamic food and drink scene. Diners can choose from offers ranging from brunch, a coffee and cake, or a full three course dinner. To find details
Itching for something to do? Read on…
GHOSTSNOVEMBERINTHE GARDEN, Museum Gardens, 10.30am - 6pm. Beautiful settings for eerie figures. The jilted bride that haunts the Hospitium, a crusading knight, even a few ghastly animals. This year’s display promises to be bigger and better with more ghosts in more locations – at Treasurer’s House, The Merchant Adventurers Hall, Middletons Hotel, The Artists Garden, Barley Hall and St Anthony’s Garden. Opening times for other venues vary, so be sure to check online before visiting. Visit for8a4d-99a4d438e719/pages/detailsevents/328dc3c0-9326-4e6c-www.nationaltrust.org.uk/moreinformation.

OPEN DAY, Giggleswick School, Settle. The perfect chance to get a feel for this fantastic school, introduce your child to teachers, and meet boarding house staff if you are looking into boarding options. For more information on timings, visit giggleswick.org.uk/ open-events or call 01729893000.
// 4TH WIGGINTONOCTOBERAND HAXBY W I. , Wigginton Recreation Hall, from Welcoming7.30pm. members new and old, this meeting will feature a talk and demonstration about how to create a terrarium. Refreshments will be available and a raffle will take place. New members welcome, £4.
of all participating venues and fixed price menus of either £5, £10, £15, visit www.yorkrestaurantweek. co.uk.

A combination of five scare houses inhabited by over 100 monsters, live stage shows, street theatre, sideshows plus a food court and bar. Tickets must be booked online, visit yorkmazehallowscream.co.uk.

Information is correct at the time of printing but subject to change. Please check with venues ahead of your visit.
A MUSICAL CELEBRATION, Theatre@41, beenMusicalCelebratingPerformancesMonkgate.beginat7.30pm.its120thyear,YorkTheatreCompanyhasperformingmusicalshows in York since 1902.

// 8TH CHARITYOCTOBERAUTUMN FAIR, Huntington Methodist Church, Refreshments10am-1.30pm. including morning coffee and light lunches will be available, stalls include cakes, crafts, gifts and plants. All proceeds will go towards St Leonards Hospice, Refugee Action York and Multiple Sclerosis. For more information, visit huntingtonmethodistchurch.co.uk/.https://
Want more events in your inbox? Scan the QR code to sign up to our mailing list where you can receive our weekly event e-shot. AN EXPLOSIVE NEWTICKETSCOMEDYFROM £15 BY DAVID REED DIRECTED BY GEMMA FAIRLIE BOX OFFICE 01904 YORKTHEATREROYAL.CO.UK623568 28OCT 12NOV

shows that have been loved and performed by the company over the years. For more information on tickets and pricing, tickets.41monkgate.co.uk.visit
HALLOWTWEEN,OCTOBER York Maze. Visitors will need to keep their wits about them as they experience all the shocks and thrills of Corny’s Cornevil, Barnaggedon 3D, The Singularity and The Flesh Pot. This spooky event is great for kids aged 10+ and grownups who are of a more nervous disposition. Visit hallowtween.co.uk for more information.
// 22ND, & 23RD, 25TH- 30TH
MARC ALMOND IN CONCERT, York Barbican, 7.30pm. Back for is first live tour in over three years, Marc Almond brings York some of his biggest hits along with new tunes from his latest album, ‘Chaos and a Dancing Star’. With over 35 million records worldwide, Marc Almond has had both International singles and albums with 1980’s synth pop duo, Soft Cell and with his career as a solo artist. For more information, visit www. yorkbarbican.co.uk.
Enclosure, York Racecourse. York’s very own Oktoberfest returns with beer, bratwurst and all things Bavarian. Fill your stein, grab a tasty bite and enjoy thigh-slapping live music and hilarious drag artist
90S LIVE!, Grand Opera House, 7:30pm. The ultimate 90s night out, bringing you hits from Britney Spears to Oasis, from Shania Twain to Take That. Superb hits are combined with familiar dance moves, incredible vocals and innovative costumes to bring you a blast from the past. Don’t forget your dancing shoes! For one night, and one night only.

The Methodist Church Hall Front Street, Acomb 2pm. Malcolm Walker gives an engaging talk on 'The Irish in York.' Admission costs £1, including refreshments. Simply turn up or for more information, email js5645@ yahoo.co.uk or call 01904 798694.

YORK UNLOCKED, Various locations. An exclusive opening of some of York’s most historic buildings with the aim to engage and educate visitors about the unique urban landscape of the city. It provides visitors with free access to 60 buildings; many aren’t normally open to the public. Herbert House, De Grey Rooms, Bootham School, Kings Manor, Garforth House and Cumberland House and others will open for the weekend. Some buildings require pre-booking. Visit www.york-unlocked.org.uk for more information.
// 18TH
ART, 29-31 Coney Street, 10am5pm on Monday to Saturday and 11am-4pm on Wednesday and Sunday. A collection from 12 local artists showcasing works inspired by StreetLife’s research on the past, present and future of York’s central hub, Coney St. Featuring various mediums, including visual arts photography, 3D pieces, projections, music and poetry. No booking is necessary, but please be aware that exhibition space is accessible by one set of stairs only. For more information, visit streetlifeyork.uk.


// 20TH-23RD & 27TH-29TH
Velma Celli. Tickets from £20. For more information on tickets and timings, please visit www. yorktoberfest.co.uk.

ART GROUP, Recreation Hall, Wigginton, 10am-4pm. Calling all art lovers! Come down to the annual exhibition and paintings sale in collaboration with Haxby and Wigginton Art Group. Entrance fee is £1 and refreshments will be on offer too.
A BIG DRAW TO REMEMBER, York Army Museum. Drop in and draw or doodle poppies, memories and words of respect on a giant canvas which will
Acomb Church Hall, 10am. Enjoy a guest speaker’s presentation followed by refreshments. Admission is £2 and £1 for members.

York Barbican,
2pm. A family friendly musical event in aid of The Lord Mayor and Sheriff of York’s Christmas Cheer Fund and The Press nominated charity, Martin House Children’s hospice. Featuring music from the York Railway Institute Brass Band, Osbaldwick Primary Academy Choir, St Oswald’s CE Primary

LOST IN MUSIC, York Barbican, 7:30pm. With a talented cast, amazing vocals and a live band, Lost in Music takes you on an unforgettable journey into the very heart of disco, recreating the 1970s. With songs such as Hot Stuff, Never Can Say Goodbye and Boogie Wonderland. Dance along to Gloria Gaynor, Earth, Wind & Fire and Diana Ross to name a few, and don’t forget your costumes! Prepare for an unforgettable evening. £34.50. Visit co.uk/whats-on/lost-in-music/.yorkbarbican.
Calling all movie buffs and budding directors. The York-based film festival connects audiences to the best of new cinema and provide upcoming filmmakers with an opportunity to showcase their works. Since its formation in 2011, this massive event has welcomed along with it some of the world’s largest directors, producers and editors alike. For more information on timings and events, visit https:// www.asff.co.uk.

School Choir, Stamford Bridge Community Choir and Steve Cassidy. For tickets and more information, email yorkbarbican.co.uk.yorkbarbican.co.ukticketing@orvisit


// 1ST- 6TH
YOGA WITH NESTOR, 29 Maple Grove, Fulford. A mixed ability yoga class, beginners welcome. Email nestorportnoy@yahoo.com
HARMONY LADIES CHOIR, Acomb Methodist Church Hall, 7:30pm. A friendly group that needs no audition to join and they are looking for new members, come along and give it a try. For more information visit www. yorkharmony.co.uk.

// EVERY WEDNESDAY YOGA WITH NESTOR, Stockton on the Forest Village Hall, 10am. A mixed ability yoga class, beginners welcome. Email nestorportnoy@ yahoo.com.

THE FOSS FAIRY TRAIL, Monkbridge Gate Entrance, 4pm6pm. Come along to the lit up pumpkin trail and meet some scary characters handing out gruesome treats! The evening walks begins with a scary storytelling- please bring a torch! For more information, visit events-community.https://www.fossfairytrail.com/
// EVERY OTHER TUESDAY HEWORTH RETIRED MEN’S GROUP, This friendly social group meets fortnightly on Tuesdays from 10-11:30am, at Heworth Without Community Centre. Anyone can join, whether or not you live in Heworth! A brilliant chance to make new friends, and experience talks from excellent speakers on a wide range of topics, along with refreshments. For more information, please contact Allen Humphries on 07517661872.
DANCING, Acomb Methodist Church Hall. 2.15pm - 4.30pm. An afternoon of barn and ceilidh-style social dancing. Admission is £3. For more information call Phil on 01904 783029.

EVENTS // 44DRINK&FOOD 44DRINK&FOOD//EVENTS SENBLA PRESENTS IN CONCERT SUNDAY 11 DECEMBER 2022 at 2PM York Railway Institute Brass Band Osbaldwick Primary Academy Choir St Oswald’s CE Primary School Choir Stamford Bridge Community Choir Steve Cassidy Musical Director: Mike Pratt Co-hosts: Rev Andrew Foster and Adam Tomlinson (BBC Radio York) £8 (Adults) £6 (Over 65s and Under 14s) £25 (Family tickets 2 x adults + 2 x under 14s) In aid of: The Lord Mayor and Sheriff of York’s Christmas Cheer Fund The Press nominated charity: “Martin House Children’s Hospice” Email: ticketing@yorkbarbican.co.uk or visit www.yorkcommunitycarols.co.ukyorkbarbican.co.uk
form a piece of community art. Brough to you as part of The Big Draw. Call 01904 461016 or yamactivitiesofficer@gmail.com.email
Various venues.


// EVERY WIGGINTONSUNDAYCAR BOOT, Home Farm, Wigginton. The classic Wigginton Car Boot Sale is on every Sunday, weather permitting. Cars cost £8 and vans are £9, with additional trailers at £2 extra. Public admission is £1 with toilets and refreshments available.

JORVIK DIG, St Saviourgate. Head down to DIG on St Saviourgate where your little ones can experience a real handson archaeological adventure! Visit www.digyork.com for more information.
// EVERY DAY CITY CRUISES YORK, York's favourite water-based attraction offers sightseeing, dining, self-drive and private hire cruises on the River Ouse, and is a much-loved and highly regarded staple of York's visitor economy.

PURELY BALLROOM, Huntington Working Men's Club, 7-8.30pm. Join this friendly beginners ballroom and Latin dance lesson. Tuition will be focused on the jive, cha cha cha, and waltz up to the Christmas break. Call 07939 336315 or email andy.k.gant@ gmail.com for more information.

YORKSHIRE AIR MUSEUM, Elvington. Did you know that the first-ever aeroplane was invented in Yorkshire? Explore aircraft from throughout history as well as archive material and documentation and learn all about the world of aviation. Visitors can also enjoy a stroll on the Nature of Flight walk or take a moment to reflect in the Remembrance Garden. Visit yorkshireairmuseum. org.
ONLINE!EVENTSMOREFIND 45ONLINE!EVENTSMOREFINDTHE JOSEPH ROWNTREE THEATRE Wednesday 16th - Saturday 26th November TICKETS ON SALE NOW OLIVER!josephrowntreetheatre.co.ukCall:01904501935

Want more events in your inbox? Scan the QR code to sign up to our mailing list where you can receive our weekly event e-shot. www.yorkstage.com

YORK LEISURE CENTRE, York Leisure Centre at the York Stadium Leisure Complex at Monks Cross has a great range of activities guaranteed to turn up the fun. From the junior gym, swimming, racquet sports, and clip 'n climb, the whole family will enjoy the range of fun and affordable activities. Visit better.org.uk/york-lc.

Call 01904 768463 for more information.

Music and lyrics by Lionel Bart

SILVER SWANS BALLET, for over 55s (under 55s also welcome) Huntington Memorial Hall (Thursdays) and St. Mary’s Church Hall, Haxby (Fridays). This gentle ballet class is adapted and ageappropriate. Get fit, have fun and meet people with a passion for life! Taught by RAD Silver Swans Licensee and director of Jorvik Dance. Call 07725 478479 or visit www.jorvikdance.com for more information.

WHITE ROSE YORK TOURS, Meet at the West Entrance to York Minster, 11am and 3pm (also 1pm Friday and Saturday). Take a free history tour of the city centre. Visit www.whiteroseyork.com or call 07792 207679.

DARK TALES OF YORK, Book a private tour to explore the narrow streets and alleyways of York and learn about the rich and haunting history that the city has amassed over hundreds and thousands of years. Call 07530 378176 or visit www.darktalesofyork.com.

JORVIK VIKING CENTRE, Coppergate. Discover the Original Viking Encounter! Enjoy the worldfamous ride experience with the sights, sounds and smells of the Viking Age, as well as get up close to the ancient artefacts and interact with their friendly real-life Vikings. Visit www.jorvikvikingcentre.co.uk.
GHOST TRAIL OF YORK, West Doors of York Minster, 7.30pm. Dare you cross the centuries and discover York's spine-chilling history? Visit www.ghosttrail.co.uk or call 01904 633276.
// 20th October
// 27th CAROLE,October
// 2-5th November
// 28th October-12th November
// 4th- 8th October
Joseph Rowntree Theatre
To book, call 01904 501935 or visit josephrowntreetheatre.co.uk.

York Theatre Royal
Susie Blake (Victoria Wood’s As Seen on TV, Coronation Street, Mrs. Brown’s Boys), Sophie Ward (A Very British Scandal, Holby City, Land Girls), and Joe McFadden (Holby City, Heartbeat and Strictly Come Dancing 2017) star in JAS Theatricals' compelling production of this gripping Agatha Christie classic.
Celebrating its 20th year, Thank You for the Music combines ABBA’s unmistakable harmonies, colourful costumes, and dazzling performances- performed by an all-star cast. Join the party of the year- you can dance, you can jive, and have the time of your life as this tribute brings you all of Abba’s greatest hits.
are combined with familiar dance moves, incredible vocals and innovative costumes to bring you a blast from the past. Don’t forget your dancing shoes! For one night, and one night only.
Grand Opera House
To book, visit atgtickets.com, or call 0333 009 6690

// 16th - 19th & 22nd - 26th
Follow the career of one of the most admired songwriters in popular music, Carole King. Featuring a cast of some of the UK’s most talented performers, this nostalgic concert transports you back down memory lane to the great music of the 50s and 60s, including a plethora of Carole King’s best hits and as other tunes from musical legends, Aretha Franklin, The Drifters, The Shirelles, The Beatles and Dusty Springfield, to Little Eva, The Everly Brothers and James Taylor.
// 16th October

BRING IT ON, Written by Tony Award Winners, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Jeff Whitty and Tom Kitt, the energetic musical, Bring It On comes to York! Based on the 2000 American teen cheerleading comedy, this production features a vibrant team of characters, impressive moves and a set of stunning voices. Brought to you by the talented group who have previously staged Matilda the Musical Jr, Elf, Calendar Girls, and York Stage are back in business and ready to bring plenty of cheer to the city this November.
GUY FAWKES, We’ve all heard of York’s very own Guy Fawkes and his part in the failed, treasonous gunpowder plot… and if you haven’t…where have you been!?
An explosive new comedy by The Penny Dreadfuls very own David Reed, brings a hilarious new take on one of the most notorious tales of all time. Intertwining York’s rich history with a light twist, this comedy is sure to be a barrel of laughs!
THE MIRROR CRACK’D, Back in England in the 1960s, a horrible murder has recently occurred, and the clever Miss Marple must unravel a web of lies to solve this tragic case! An adaptation of Agatha Christie’s famous novel, The Mirror Crack’d brings about emotional depth to a psychological thriller of revenge and dark secrets.
A musical take on one of the most well-loved Victorian novels, Oliver tells the tale of an orphan navigating the darkest streets of London, searching for a home and a loving family whilst learning of the criminal underworld of theft and violence. With music and lyrics by Lionel Bart and based on the traditional novel by Charles Dickens, this is certainly a captivating show that will leave you wanting more!
OTHELLO, Calling all Shakespeare fans! An award-winning take on one of the greatest and most timeless of tragedies, Frantic Assembly explores Shakespeare’s Othello in the context of the 21st century. A true tragic tale that exposes the tension, jealousy and deeply-rooted paranoia that is planted within relationships and explores just how easily these fears can be manipulated.
// 18th- 22nd October

To book, call 01904 623568, or visit www.yorktheatreroyal.co.uk
90S LIVE, Grand Opera House, 7:30pm. The ultimate 90s night out, bringing you hits from Britney Spears to Oasis, from Shania Twain to Take That. Superb hits
A true blast from the past!
STEVE CASSIDY BAND, A threetime winner of 1970s and 80s television show, New Faces, Steve Cassidy and his band of talented musicians bring to York a fantastic selection of rock, country and classic ballads. Alongside Cassidy and his band, Stamford Bridge Choir, the children’s choir from St
George’s School and young singing star, Tess Hartley, will also make an appearance in this magnificent musical evening.


• 20g cocoa powder

5. Roll out the fondant and cut out rounds (approx. 10cm). Drape the rounds over the marshmallows on top of the cupcakes to form ghost shapes.
• 2 tsp cornstarch

2. Add the sugar and the water to a saucepan and heat until just dissolved. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate and vegan butter together until just melted.
3. Sift the flour, cocoa powder, cornstarch and baking powder into a mixing bowl. Add in the salt.
• 175g self-raising flour
• A pinch of salt
the dough into 12, scooping the cookies using an ice cream scoop or tablespoons, onto the trays. Leave a few centimetres around each cookie as they’ll spread.

6. Bake for 10-12 minutes until crispy on the edges but soft in the middle.
• 60ml water
2. In the mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, cocoa powder and bicarbonate of soda with the whisk before adding in the oil, milk and eggs. Whisk until a smooth batter is achieved.
7. Allow to cool for 10 minutes then add on the eyes and sprinkles and cool fully on a wire rack. Store the cookies in an airtight container for up to five days.


Got a sweet tooth? Visit www. divinechocolate.com for more chocolatey goodness. Recipe
Fudgy ChocolateMonsterCookies

Naturally vegan, gluten-free easy to make, give these fudgy, rich and salted dark chocolate cookies a try!
5. Working quite quickly, divide

• White fondant icing

• 50g cocoa powder
Preheat the oven to 160/ 180°C (fan) and line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
4. Pour in the sugary mix and the chocolate mix and stir to a thick batter.

To top: Sprinkles and googly eyes
• 80g plain or gluten-free flour

• 2 eggs
4. Wash the original mixing bowl and use it to melt the dark chocolate in the microwave in 30 second increments (being careful not to burn it). Dip the base of each marshmallow in the melted chocolate and affix one on top of each cupcake. Pop in the fridge/ freezer for a few minutes to set.
• 150ml milk
Makes 12
• 150g granulated sugar
• ½ tsp baking powder
• 25g vegan butter

Makes 15
Ghost Cupcakes

Preheat the oven to 160°C (fan).
6. Dip one end of the toothpick in the melted chocolate and use to dot two eyes on each ghost and enjoy!
• 70g Divine Pink Himalayan Salted Chocolate, chopped small
• 15 marshmallows
3. Divide the batter evenly between 15 cupcake/muffin cases and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes until risen and springy to touch. Allow to cool completely.
• 120g caster sugar

Time: 20 minutes plus cooling
• 100g dark chocolate
Cook up a spooky storm.

• 150ml vegetable or sunflower oil
You can find more Easy Peasy Baking recipes over on the Fab Flour website on onflourbakes/co.uk/recipe-type/easy-peasy-https://fabflour.orviatheirsocials:@fab_onInstagramor@fabflourFacebookandTwitter.
• 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
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QA Research 60
Ponderosa Caravan Park 27
ADream Clean 51
Want to get in touch? Call 01904 767881. All calls to and from the office are recorded. We check all advertisements carefully prior to publication but occasionally mistakes do occur. We therefore ask advertisers to help by checking their own advertisements carefully and letting us know immediately if there are any errors. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than one incorrect insertion and that no re-publication or refund will be given in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement.
Building Services 51
Care Homes 64
The Waggy Dog Crèche 19
Gear4music Ltd 61
JR Property Maintenance 58 Roofs Above 57
Your Local GardenSvs 33
Kenson Gas Ltd 55
Ground Solution Services 31
Clifton Carpet Cleaning 52
Home Language International60
Cowells Fencing 33
MH Electrical 53
Nfinnerty Electrical Ltd 3
LLoyd Removals 56
A1 Yorkshire Plumbing 55
Mick Lambert Landscaping 23
Haxby Plumbing 54 HC Engineering 52
Richard Driscoll
Lewis Tree Surgery 31
Matt Hodgson Joinery 54
Dr Locks Ltd 54
Andy’s Autos 20 Barkers Garage 21 Birch Park Test Centre 21 Blacksmiths Garage 21 HP Maintenance 20 Ivinson Autos 1, 64
Green Cuts/Key Safes 33
Streamline Taxis 60
Kenson Electrical Ltd 53
Gary Roe
Bic’s Decorating 52
College Guardians 39
SDS Decorator
All Aspects Roofing 58
Dementia Forward 37
Huntcatchkill 31 MA Pest Control York 29
Safeway Roofing 57
Pest tec 29 Southbank Pest Control 29
Hey Presto 51
OVEN CLEANING Oven Clean 11 Yorkshire Oven Cleaning 51 PEST CONTROL
RMB Building 53 York Flatpack & Handyman 54 HEALTH & BEAUTY
M.W.V. Van Services 56
HC Engineering 52
Chapple Painting
Darren Mark Gray Upvc Windows 54
S W Roofing & Building 58
Afford a Lock 54
Evolution Joinery 54 Lavelle Joinery 13 Lewis Joinery 54
Ideal Carehomes
JG Windows York Ltd 64
DJB Roofing 4
Sarah Todd Foot Health 40
Cookerburra 51
Dales of Thirsk Ltd 8
Ebor Carpets 19
Aldwark Computers 23
Make Your Mark 11 Vinyl Eddie 9
Alan Fawcett Painter 52
Darleys Funeral 39
LW Plumbing 56
Pen-Life Associates Ltd 23
York Groundwork Solutions 29
Garolla Garage Doors 4
Joe Dallin Gas Fitting 56
Minster Roofs York Ltd 15
Bedrooms 18 The York Bed Co. Ltd 26 BLINDS Blind Image 25 Blinds & Curtains By Mark 25 Blinds For Less Yorkshire 26 Blinds Valley 1 Direct Factory Blinds 27 Hillarys 5 Inspired Blinds 25 Yorkshire Blinds 26 BUILDING PLANS CA Architectural Services 25
Ewen Carpets Fitted 27
Flames of York Ltd 15
Acaster Forge 29
NLS Roofline 59
First Garage Doors 53
Joseph Rowntree
Neal Construction 27
JS Woodcraft 24
Dss Drainage Solutions
Your Move Anscombs 1
Top Soil 4 Sale 18
Rawcliffe Guttering 53
All Cisterns Go 56
Odds n Sods 54
Property Services 51
Hethertons Solicitors 13
D.G.M.S Windows 16
N Malarkey Roofing 58
AT Plumbing & Heating 55
York Mind 39
Beautycare 40 Earwax Away 40
Middletons Hotel 48
Advanced Roofing 56
Ocay 37
Mobility 39 Radfield Home Care 38
Future Landscapes 33
The Chocolate Works 61
The Wilberforce Trust 36 York Against Cancer 37
10 Buywell Interiors Ltd 24
Acuitis Opticians 63
Plasti-Fit 53
Country Gardens 32
Plumbing by Jamie Thackway 56 Pura Plumbing 55
J Farrow 29
Inglis Accountancy 5 CJ Ramsay 23 AERIALS Aerial Services - Yorkshire 50 Dale Comm Aerials Ltd 51 ABC Aerials 50 Aerial Solutions 50 Aerial Solutions 50 Aerius 50 Lanes Aerials 50 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Appliance Services 9 Aspire Repairs 50
Able Handyman Services 54 Can-Be-Asked 54
York PC Solutions 23
D&S Electrical Services 60
Clic Garage Doors (york) 9
Doors 17 Instyle Kitchens 11 Kitchen & Worktop Man 25 Kitchen Revive 14
C.K.W. Decorators 52
The York BID 49
Van Man York 56
Active Electrical Solutions 52
Mr & Mrs Painting
Nunthorpe Services 55
York Men’s Shed 10
JG Fielder & Sons 38
Castle Howard Estate 63
Court Electrical Services 53
Barker Brown Decorating 52
Keep Safe 54
White Rose Gardening 29
Ebor Skip Hire 32
Kevin Lea UPVC 59
John Hayton Plumbing 54
Paul Masiak Decorators
Property Maintenance 51 CARE & MOBILITY
On the Fence 31
Samantha Storr Painter
Robert Emmett Roofing 57
DT Garden Services 31
Safeway Roofing 57
Mark Leslie Roofline 53
JM Plastering 54 Paul Sellars Plastering 54
Herbert Todd 2
Nycom Ltd 22
JR Motor Services 20 Westmoor Cars 21 Chips Away 21 OLC Autos 20
Groundwork UK 33
Secondary Glazing by D.G.M.S 25 York Trade Windows 9
Mr Shifter 56
YorKlub 10
Herbert Todd 52
Daddys Plumbing 56
Fensome Plumbing 55 Gas Man Neil 55
York Gas Engineering 56
GC Electronics 27
Paul Wilson Airport Travel of York 9 Savannah Travel 49
Guttering Of York 53
AWS Roofing 57
Eliments 8
Focus Fireplaces 12
Yorkshire Fencing 29 Yorkshire Garden Building 33
Michael Readman 29
A - Z Waste 33 D Boswell 33
Logs 4 Sale 25
Flooring For Less Yorkshire 26
Classic Upholstery 9
Family Therapy 39 CARPET
Stonehouse Fireplaces 14
RD Tree Services 32
RJB Plumbing 55
Future Roofs 2 Guardian Roof 59
Laurel Bank Locksmiths 54 Lockline Locksmiths 54 York Locksmith Company 54
Yorkshire Loft Ladders 17 LOGS/FUEL Oakmoor Logs 18 S. I Atkin & Sons 32
FJ Roofing 57
Clyde Electrical 53
K Walton Painting
Vertigrow Garden Buildings27
Family Wills York 38
Martin Clancy 53
Giggleswick School 7
AAA Driveways & Patios 32
Little Shambles Jewellers 4
Judge Electrical Ltd 53
Circle Gardening Services33 Colourfence 29
J Robinson Plumbing 55
K.A Roofing Ltd 58
Sagars 365 28
Contracts (York) LTD 51 Justin Higginson 51 L. Walton Building 51 Paul Bell Plastering 51 RJ Hall 19 C&R Landscapes Ltd 51
T.P.G Electrical Services 53
DJC Plumbing 56
P James Roofing 58 Phil Summerbell 58
Elmbank Hotel 48
Rufforth Plants 33
Kevin Lea UPVC 59
S. I Atkin & Sons 29
STN Electrical 53
SSB Landscapes 29
All DG Repairs 59 Cloud9 Windows 6
Thompson Roofing 58
BS Plumbing & Heating 56
MJS Roofing 57
Age UK 37
Dales of Thirsk Ltd 8 Kitchen Makeovers 27
The Parvin 5
Castle Tree & Landscape 33
Abel Carpet Cleaning 52
Driver Hire York 60 First York 61
Lord Mayor of York 39
Classic Upholstery 9 VOLUNTEERS
Mick Lambert Landscaping 23
DIY Guy 53
HPL Tree Surgeons 33
Property 51 MB Builders Ltd 51 Mill Build 51 Moores Property 51
Blinds & Curtains By Mark 25
Kings Carpets & Flooring 9
Toby H Johnson LTD 4
Keith Brown Electrical Svs 53
SR Fabrications 32
The Orthotic Works 40
York Gardens 31
SP1 electrical 53