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my Last night in Boston...

“I’ll be spending all the time I can with my roommates. is is the last time we will all be together in Boston since two of us are graduating. I hope it involves Mario Kart and maybe one last cooked meal. Also maybe some outside time if the weather is nice.” — MaryCatherine Neal, Living Editor

“A homemade pot pie and glasses of champagne to celebrate graduating from college!” — Lillian Cohen, Editor-in0Chief

“Probably spend the night walking around the city with my friends before I have to move back home across the country.” — Anne O’Leary, Contributing Writer

“Probably playing Bang! and Mario Kart with my roommates to celebrate/mourn the end of another year.” — Madelyn Mulreaney, Contributing Writer

“I’ll de nitely be spending it at my favorite jazz bar, e Beehive, hopefully locking eyes with a mysterious man in a leather jacket from across the room, marking the start of a beautifully chaotic romance … I’m clearly a hopeless romantic.” — Soleil Easton, Contributing Writer

“Probably out celebrating my birthday since it falls right as we leave, taking one nal walk to the Esplanade with my friends.” — Mary Grace Purser, Contributing Writer

“I’ll probably be sitting and laughing in the Garden with my friends, procrastinating packing for as long as I possibly can.” — Jess Ferguson, Co-Copy Chief

“Panic-packing and tting in last minute quality time with my roommates and boyfriend.” — Katie Powers, Head Proofreader

Some of the members of our editorial team and magazine contributors give an insight of what their last night in boston will look like

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