Zapper products LLC Copyright 2011. All rights are reserved No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the express written permission of the author. This electronic book is optimized for viewing on a computer screen, but is optimally organized so that it can be printed out and assembled in a traditional book form. Since this material is viewer optimized, the type may appear larger than that which is traditionally used in printed books.
Table of Contents: Introduction: The Last Resort; but YOU Can Stop It Section 1: Why the Breakdown? Section 2: A Disastrous Future? Section 3: Is There Hope of a Real Solution? Section 4: So How Is This System Different?
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Divorce Is the Last Resort; But YOU Can Stop It. Whether you are a husband or a wife, if you are reading this report, you are to be commended for taking this initiative and having the COURAGE to admit your marriage is in trouble, and that you need relationship advice before it is too late!
You have now set yourself apart from other folks that see their marriage problems occurring all around them, but sit there and just watch it happen! There IS a light at the end of the tunnel; there is hope for your marriage.
Getting a divorce sucks. There are so many things you need to consider before giving up and watching your family dissolve in front of your eyes. Since almost fifty percent of marriages end in divorce, there must be some common ground or issues that affect every marriage adversely. This report will discuss just a few of the “reasons� couples are willing to separate, and ultimately suffer the awful consequences of divorce. Many of you will relate to the issues that will be discussed within this report.
Wives, if you want to do all you can to save your marriage, finish reading this and pass it along to your husbands. Husbands, if you have resolved to fight tooth and nail for your marriage, please read on, because help is on the way!
Section ONE:
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Why the Breakdown? Some Common Marriage Complaints I’m not getting what I want out of the relationship. Haven’t you heard that marriage is a “give and take” relationship? Guys often joke, “Yeah, I give and she takes” or vice versa. But the truth of the matter is, both partners need to give – and not necessarily equally! If you are primarily concerned with what you are getting from the relationship, your marriage will never truly be happy. Marriage only works when each partner focuses on giving more than they are receiving. If both partners strive to follow this, think how enjoyable your days will be!
My spouse and I are growing apart. This is a very common complaint and often results in divorce, particularly when couples have married at a very young age, or have conflicting career paths. Our lives are so very busy, especially if you have children, it is easy to let life’s necessities or situations pull you apart. But, your marriage is one of the most important things in your life, and it deserves priority! Make time for each other and for your marriage. Perhaps limit the things you have control over, like outside hobbies or time spent with friends or away from each other. If you catch yourself intentionally taking on extra work or hobbies, just so that you don’t have to be together, you are not “growing apart” you are running away. It is vital to share your life with each other; that’s why you got married. Try you can identify the true underlying issues that may be causing your problems.
My spouse doesn’t live up to his/her obligations.
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Without a doubt, marriage will not function at its best if only one mate contributes to its success. But it makes things even worse if both partners are negligent, and each begins to blame the other. If you dwell on what your spouse should be doing, your days will be miserable. Especially if you use your mate’s laziness or unwillingness to help as an excuse for you to abandon your own responsibility.
Maybe your wife stops talking to you for some unknown reason, and then complains that you don’t understand her. Then you think, “Why should I share my feelings with her, when she doesn’t even try to understand?” Don’t focus on the injustice of the situation, or what she is or isn’t doing. Try not to get upset; let everyone cool down and you take the initiative in trying to resolve the issue and make peace. It takes a strong person to remain calm and walk away from a fight, until both partners have cooled off!
I can’t stand my mate’s annoying habits When you were first dating, you were so focused on your spouse’s great qualities, you probably didn’t even notice his or her icky little habits. Some of the very behaviors he/she had before you were married were quite possibly some of the things that you found cute or endearing. Now, after years of marriage, those habits have gotten to you and are driving you nuts! Ask yourself, which qualities am I going to focus on; the awesome things that my mate brings to the marriage and to our family, or the annoying little quirks that we all have? Why not try to focus on your spouse’s good qualities? I can assure you, you have annoying habits that your mate has to overlook also, so please, cut each other a break!
My husband/wife doesn’t show any initiative
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Both partners need to take an active role in managing the house, raising the children, and strengthening the marriage. Often one of the partners becomes lazy or reticent about their responsibilities, and shows little or no initiative in daily chores, planning or spending quality time with the children, or romancing their spouse. This is a tough situation, since it leaves one of you struggling to get through every day, seemingly on your own. Women are nesters, planners, and nurturers by nature. Most women are driven to care for their home, her children, and very importantly, her husband. However, many women that have been raised by very strong mothers (especially a single parent) end up adopting her strong and independent traits. They find themselves butting heads with their husbands, and eventually these husbands will just “give up” and fade into the background or literally fade (go) away. Many men value respect, even more than love. Is that surprising to hear? If you never include your husband in the decision-making process for the family, whether it is financial matters, how to raise the children, or other issues that arise on a regular basis, your husband will feel that you don’t respect him and will become uncooperative, or even worse may eventually give up on the relationship.
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A Disastrous Future? The Results of Divorce Divorce is a heart-breaking event and a tragedy. Many divorces are long, ugly legal battles. Battles over child support, alimony, custody, who gets what from the marriage, etc. The family is broken, the children are devastated, and even the in-laws are affected. You never imagined that two people who used to be head-over-heels in love are now in court, battling it out. What a wear and tear on everyone concerned! Think of the financial burden divorce puts on the family. Thousands of dollars for attorney fees, not to mention the time you have to miss work or pay for day care, all while you are fighting the one you used to love more than anyone, ever! When the smoke clears, the pain of a love gone wrong still hurts for a long, long time. You remember your vows, your promises to each other, and you weren’t able to make it work. If there is a special skill or secret for making marriage work, you didn’t have it, so you feel like a relationship failure. If everything above sounds gruesome, think about an even bigger heart-breaker. WHO GETS CUSTODY OF THE CHILDREN? It’s horrible to see the judge tell kind and loving parents where the children will live, or decide where and when the other parent can or can’t see their own children. What about forcing the children into an emotional choice between parents? They just can’t, and shouldn’t have to handle that. I can’t stress it enough: A bad divorce is a huge expense on several levels. Not just financially, but also emotional turmoil, heartbreak, and the crushed feelings of your innocent children.
I do NOT want that for you!
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Is There Hope of a Real Solution to Save YOUR Marriage? And is that really enough? Well, I came across this program that is different than anything I’ve ever seen or heard about. It was developed by Michael Cross. Over the years he developed this system that is totally unlike anything else out there, both in its approach to saving marriages AND its amazing effectiveness. He can give you the tools to save your marriage, just as he has helped THOUSANDS of students all over the world. By downloading the free report you’re reading now, you’re even closer to finding the solution that can save your marriage. But is that really enough? I think you want to do more than just save your marriage. Yeah, it keeps you in the same house with the kids and out of divorce court, but don’t you want your relationship and situation WAY better? There is a way to totally and completely renew your relationship. You can have more passion and more love and more devotion than ever before! If you don’t take immediate and MASSIVE action, the problems are going to continue to get worse and worse. Ignoring the situation and hoping that things will get better isn’t good enough. Take the bull by the horns and do whatever it takes to SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. On a personal level, I don’t know how bad things are right now. Your divorce could be just around the corner, or you could just live in MISERY for the next fifty years! All I DO know is this – the longer you wait, the HARDER IT WILL BE to turn things around. So please, seriously consider getting this program. Matter of fact, you should get it right now. Your marriage needs it, and it works! Please read on to see how….
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So How Is This System Different? This is an Attraction-Based Solution As of this writing… This system has a stunning 91.2% customer satisfaction rate! I challenge you to find a marriage counselor who gets those kinds of results! Let me save you the time…..there isn’t one. In fact, this system is so powerful that it comes with a FULL 60 day 100%money-back guarantee! Have you EVER tried to get a refund from a marriage counselor? They’d laugh in your face! As far as they’re concerned, there ARE no refunds! They expect you to walk into their office, pay $200 an hour or more, and then just SIT BACK AND TAKE IT when all their advice fails horribly! “Yeah, real SORRY about your marriage...We did our best...” A mistake that many marriage counselors make is that they fail to teach the rules of ATTRACTION. Psychologists like to THINK we’re these intelligent, rational, stable creatures. They believe that all their weird “conflict resolution strategies” are REALLY effective in the heat of the moment. But none of those strategies work, because they don’t take into account what’s REALLY driving things here - our primal SEX DRIVE. No matter how evolved we might THINK we are, all people (especially WOMEN!) are EMOTIONAL CREATURES. Have you ever noticed that women just seem to go for the guys who TURN THEM ON THE MOST? Even when these guys are TOTALLY WRONG for them? Women are emotional creatures. Most women don’t make decisions based logic. They go after what they are attracted to, and that’s all! If they have reasons for WHY
they’re doing what they’re doing, those reasons come AFTER the fact, not before. If she divorces you, she may give you a MILLION reasons why she left, but the truth is that there is only ONE real reason. Her attraction for you has DIED. And the reason THAT happened is because you didn’t have the SKILLS to keep her ultra-attracted to you! It’s not your fault. It’s not her fault. It’s just the way guys are built. So, all those “conflict resolution strategies” that you learned from the marriage counselor might get you out of an argument or two...usually by YOU apologizing...but they can’t do the ONE THING that really matters: MAKE YOUR WIFE INSANELY, THIGH-SHAKINGLY, BREATHLESSLY ATTRACTED AND DEVOTED TO YOU! If you could wave a “magic wand” and fix anything about your marriage, wouldn’t that be the first thing you would change? See, if there isn’t MASSIVE ATTRACTION and PASSION in your marriage, all those “strategies” for fixing things won’t work! Without that powerful, sexual drive that makes your wife LONG for your touch, she has no real MOTIVATION to fix things! After all, why would you want to “make it work” with someone who you’re not totally crazy about anymore? Her LOGIC might tell her to stay with you and work things out, but if her SEX DRIVE and ATTRACTION isn’t making her LONG for you, she’s gonna LEAVE YOU eventually, and that’s NOT what you want! Hopefully you’ve accepted the need to make some major changes. You’ve learned that there is a better way to work at saving your precious marriage. Every day these problems go on, you and your wife are getting more and more unhappy. So, one more time, don’t put this off any longer. Click on the rings (or Here), & learn how you can change your marriage and your life!