Your West End

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Events | Watches | Fashion | Beauty | Travel | Food & Drink | Motoring | Property




CONTENTS 18 The Art of Watchmaking esp te t e n ent on o eaper uart o e ents t ere s st a ro n ar et or t e e an a 22 Best of Britain at SalonQP pre e on t s ears e ent at t e aat r n r ta n to t e ore

a er set to

27 Holding on to the Sun ere’s no reason to stop oo n at t e s et nter sun s ust around t e orner

ear ust

32 Luxurious Beauty Releases e o e t ons ro t e es o o ane a on t t e e us e at on

ord and aun

Joseph Walsh Enignum II Dining Table, 2010. Olive Ash and Burr Olive Ash. Courtesy of Sarah Myerscough

10 BFI London Film Festival e rts e ent o t e ear s a nsta ent t p ent to ta e n 12 The Finest Art Fairs s ont r n s r e e and London

or t e 0t

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16 The Other Art Fair a ro t e usua ro ds e t er a n ts o n ar on t e art s ene


rt a r s

35 Breast Cancer Awareness op rands step up n t e t a a nst reast an er and na t e en an e p 36 Liz Earle Wow Factor Facial e per e t stop or an nstant et er ou are ead n to an e ent or s p oo n to rep en s 41 Travel - Granada a ed a ter t e o p e po e ranate t ere s p ent eneat t e sur a e n t s ntr u n t



46 Travel - Cambridge est ed n t e eart o t e t ars t ote s t e per e t o at on or o e e tours and punt n do n t e r er 50 Perfect for Your Palate o t e atest open n s offer n s and trends o o ate and o ta ee s to en o

57 Review - Zuma Knightsbridge e rst n t e u a a and st ead n t e a t appet s n ood and appea n at osp ere


61 Preparing the Wine Cellar for Winter arrods’ d ard erard e ps to se e t t e per e t nes to e p ou t rou t e o der ont s

51 WIN TICKETS - BBC Good Food Show e ood ood o s o n to London and ou ou d e t ere or ree 54 Your Society a ano r n e e rate 0 ears n st e and L’ den opens t a e e r t neup

65 Bentley - Bentayga e r atest ta es t e t ne p a e u ur

or d to anot er p anet

77 New Build Gardening ate ou d offers up so e deas or our ne arden

u d

92 Could Trump Bring Opportunity? s t ere a poss t t at ona d ru p ou d n a t e use u n t e nan a ar ets



Lu ur o es n a s apes and s es ro t e nest at a n to t e ost u ur ous t ree tonne t e or d as e er seen and e’ e ot t a rapped up or ou ent e ’s enta a ta es off road tra e to a o e ne e e espe a ou are n to s n ead to pa e 5 to nd out ore t s not on ned to t e ater a t e ter u ur and one p a e t at pro des t t e u et oad s u a ro t e ser e to t e ood t e e per en e ep to ses u ur tret n to e er orner o t e o e t e restaurant na e s re o n sed t e or d o er and t’s not ust reputat on e are ortunate ere n London to ouse t e er rst restaurant out o t e u a sta e and ou s ou d u p on

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VISIT 78-80 CRANBROOK ROAD, ILFORD IG1 4NH CLICK WWW.PRCDIRECT.CO.UK /prcdirect @prcdirect CALL 020 8911 0311 All trademarks are acknowledged. E&OE. Images are for illustration purposes only. Prices correct at time of going to press. Offers available while stocks last and subject to change.

A United Kingdon | Amma Asante


60th BFI London Film Festival 5 - 16 October 2016 pro ess

e re p ent o t e a ard re e e 50 000 ro aff ausen at a tter n d nner on t e t to er t e e en n e ore t e L ’s pen n t e a ard s en t no str n s and nstead s des ned to pro de t e osen a er t t e reedo to de e op ot t e se es and t e r pro e ts ensur n t e r uture su ess t er ts o t e ant pated est a n ude post s reen n s or s ops and aster asses

Free Fire 2016 | Ben Wheatley

o ood stars and nd e a ers ro around t e o e o e to London t s to er or t e return o t e London est a e e e ent pro ra e n udes an or d pre eres and o ood o usters t s ear n udes o e d an’s ne L on’ s o n at t e a ous Le ester uare ne as as e as ore nt ate s reen n s o ndependent and ore n an ua e s s o n at t e out an and se e ted ne as a ross London s ear e e rat n ts 0t ann ersar ed t on t e e ent a so see t e aun t t e and London est a ’s L o a e artner aff ausen o a s n ant ne ursar a ard to support e ept ona ne and e er n a ers e aff ausen a ers ursar ard n asso at on t t e s a 50 000 a ard to ene t an outstand n r t s r ter d re tor or r ter d re tor ose rst or se ond t on eature pre eres at t e London est a e ursar a ard s des ned to e t e ’s r test and est up and o n a ers t e t o t e a ru a e e ent n t e reat e

BFI London Film Festival, 5-16 October |


VISIT 78-80 CRANBROOK ROAD, ILFORD IG1 4NH CLICK WWW.PRCDIRECT.CO.UK /prcdirect @prcdirect CALL 020 8911 0311 All trademarks are acknowledged. E&OE. Images are for illustration purposes only. Prices correct at time of going to press. Offers available while stocks last and subject to change.


Frieze Art Fair 6 - 9 October

London’s est no n onte porar art a r r e e returns to e ent’s ar or ts t ed t on t o er 0 o t e ost prest ous onte porar art a er es n t e or d rou t to et er n t e a est sett n o e ents ar e ree to e u pture ar ound n t e n s ardens o e ent’s ar as e tended to t ree ont s ast ear and as so popu ar t s e to appen a a n er or an e art ta s spe a o ss oned art or s and urated e t ons a ta e p a e n t e te porar stru ture n t e par a on t or around 000 onte porar art sts n 0 t e ar de ut a ne a er se t on e net es re reat n se na e t ons ro t e de ade a on s de t e return o se t ons o us and L e t e de n t e p at or s or e er n a er es and per or an e art respe t e re e London o n des t r e e asters and t e r e e u pture ar on en n art o t e est ua t ro a spe tru o per ods and ountr es and offer n o e tors s o ars and art ent us asts an unpara e ed u tura e per en e o ned t et a so a o ou nto t e s ster a r r e e asters a s o ase o d asters and art up to t e 0t entur and ou an et a d s ounted t et ou s t et een 5p and p

Top: Seung-taek Lee, Earth Play (1979-89), Gallery Hyundai, Frieze Sculpture Park 2015 | Photograph by Mark Crick, courtesy of Mark Crick/ The Art Fund/Frieze Above: Photograph by Graham Carlow, courtesy of Graham Carlow/Frieze

Frieze Art Fair, Inner Circle, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4NR |



Maisie Broadhead Alice 2016 Courtesy of Sarah Myerscough

PAD London Art Fair

The Big Draw

5 - 9 October

1 - 31 October

eturn n to t e prest ous er e e uare n a a r or ts tent ear t e London rt a r a on o rt es n London r n s to et er e ept ona or s o odern art des n de orat e arts p oto rap e e er and tr a art ro 0 to toda e ar ta es p a e at t e sa e t e as t e r e e and r e e asters art a rs e ps to attra t t e or d’s ost n uent a art u ers to London o ar t e 0 ear estone t e a r p t a a n ent te tent on er e e uare rea n a a ro ts on a pa on er 5 nternat ona e tors on er e at t e s uare to s o ase t e r ost e t n d s o er es to date

o pr s n o en e e no o n neer n rt and at s tea s t e t e e or e ra n 0 a n p a e nat on de t rou out to er useu s a er es er ta e s tes rar es s oo s and par s a p a ost to a ar et o e ents en oura n peop e o a a es to d s o er o dra n an onne t t e t t e r surround n s and o un t es London nst tut ons su as t e r t s useu at ona a er and tor a and ert useu a ta e part so a e sure ou et to an e ent near ou The Big Draw 2016, V&A Museum, Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2RL |

PAD London Art Fair, Berkeley Square, Mayfair, London W1J 5AX |



Spirit of Christmas Fair 31 October - 6 November

prt o r st as a r s t e ’s est u ur r st as ar et t t ousands o un ue present deas a under one roo a ross se en da s o st s s opp n resent n a o e t on o 5 ndependent out ues t s t e per e t p a e to s op n t e rst ee o o e er pa s trans or ed nto a u e a t ts ro a u e ran e o rands p us an ree ntera t e or s ops ere ou an o ta n e pert ad e on a t n s r st as su as o er arran n or part p ann n so on and e e Lu ur ra e a r a n p a e ro o e er d s o er t e de n t e o e t on o end o da s and un ue tra e e per en es eet e perts ro a orners o t e o e reate our o n espo e tra e t nerar or our drea eta a and d s o er t e atest tra e trends ro ead n u ur rands Spirit of Christmas Fair, Olympia London, Hammersmith Road, Kensington, London W14 8UX |


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e o e o e ent treet e osed to tra en t e e ent treet otor o returns t s o e er e ree ar est a es Londoners t e an e to see 00 ars up ose and persona on one o London’s us est s opp n streets offer n a un ue and nterest n d sp a o otor n ro t e t entur to t e present da e street s sp t nto ones t around 00 per od e es 0t and st entur d sp a s and a uture on ept d sp a ro so e o toda ’s ead n anu a turers ro n sta e s o s presentat ons and o pet t ons and ou a e t e per e t da out or ar ent us asts Regent Street Motor Show, Soho, London W1B 5SJ

Show-stopping seafoodseafood bar andbar luxurious all-day dining in an elegant Show-stopping and luxurious all-day dining Twenties Kaspar’ s festive set menu available and in a setting. dazzling Twenties setting. Open from for 7amlunch to 11pm. pre/post theatre. £28 for three-courses. To make a booking, please contact +44 (0)20 7420 2111. To book a table please call +44 (0)20 7420 2111. SEAFOOD BAR AND GRILL

The Other Art Fair 6 - 9 October

Anna Š Carolina Mizrahi

Vanessa Š Carolina Mizrahi

eturn n to e d ru an re er or ts 5t ed t on t e t er rt a r ta es p a e dur n r e e ee t e us est ee n t e nat on’s art a endar and a o s s tors to d s o er and u art d re t ro t e er est e er n art st ta ent t out rea n t e an ar et o andp ed or s e on s o spann n a ed u s 0 onte porar art sts osen a o ttee o art ndustr e perts e e rated or ts un ue and ers e s tor e per en e e t er rt a r’s 5t ed t on ont nue to nsp re t appearan es ro a d st n u s ed uest rt st ntera t e t eatre per or an es e us a out ater n restaurant and ar area and u ore The Other Art Fair, The Old Truman Brewery, 91 Brick Lane, Spitalfields, London E1 6QL


Watchmaking Ken Kessler


COLUMN ter 0 ears t e e an a at re a n t e a e o uart s no on er a ere u t t as rea ed a po nt ere t e a ue o e an a at es s so portant to t e ss and er an at ndustr es t at t e est ana o ou d e t at o at en o s t ars t a se o os and o s and p s t e ons ut t e o pan ’s prest e s n La or n ors e ent e and u att n ortunate t e at us ness s eset t n or ed e perts and op n on a ers o a e sadd ed t e ndustr t so et n a ed anu a ture status t e ord anu a ture pronoun ed t a ren a ent t s not t e sa e as t e n s er t eans a at o pan t at produ es ts o n o e ents n ouse t as t e ra tas and aut or t o a er o o es an o ser at on en n rea t t s ou d arr no ore e t t an one ro nspe tor ouseau s s ere ana o es t auto o es a apart e ause ost ar o pan es do a e t e r o n en nes n t e at or d ost rands u n o e ents ro supp ers su as t e at roup’s d s on e ta oprod or ot er o e ent spe a sts as to a erta n sort o o e tor or r t anu a ture status s a s t at separates t e en ro t e o s t s o ourse utter o o s e on t e t e e o en o s and en ta a t as not n to do t s e t ere are anu a ture rands a n ess t an 00 at es per annu e ot ers a n 500 000 a ear t at don’t produ e a s n e n ouse o e ent n et een are ar n de rees o anu a tur n and t e app at on o art san s s o ten o pan es t at u n ra un n s ed o e ents a ed e au es and add e tra un t ons a separate odu es t e a re n s to a er standard t an s t e nor or t e a s p re u ate t e t reater are n an nstan es so t e a ua as rono eters s or t e o o s e e ent e t e no t a s tru understood t e sp r t o t e at ndustr t e ’d stop arp n on a out anu a ture status and or t o reasons e a a e or otten t at t e at or d as on e a ant u o utua support e s a anu a turers t t e se ond r and pro a st s toda e nd t e s enes e an operate n a a uu t ou o pan es su as ate ppe o e and a e ot ers pro a are se susta n n rst o t e t o reasons s t at so e o t e ost a ua e at es so d n au t on and

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KEN KESSLER their histories in centuries rather than decades. Unlike equally famed and venerated fashion brands, which range from the serious to the risible when it comes to watches, companies including Patek Philippe, Vacheron Constantin, Audemars Piguet, Lange & Söhne, Girard-Perregaux, Chopard and others may seem too large to indulge in purism, but all have not only maintained their connections with their pasts: they celebrate them. None of these companies ever abandoned mechanical watches, though they may have addressed quartz for a certain type of customer. All have remained inventive, creative and adventurous. All may have huge investments in automated machinery, but all, too, employ skilled individuals whom no machine will ever be able to emulate. Indeed, A. Lange & Söhne is proud to point out - in a world where uniformity and precision matter - that no two of its watches are identical because the engravings on the movements’ bridges are applied by hand manually. Here is where the loupe reveals all: the decorations may seem similar, but the execution will have its own “signature”, revealing which artisan handled the engraving. And this is where the pride of ownership moves from cost or rarity to something almost impossible to rate or value with an objective score: the touch of a human hand.

What all have in common, even watches as disparate as a radical tourbillon from Thomas Prescher and a classic manualwind beauty from Kari Voutilainen, is that they are imbued with the ethos of hand-craftsmanship, the preservation of traditional watchmaking skills and a deep understanding of and respect for all aspects of horology. As Philippe Dufour, the éminence grise in this community, said in an interview, every time a watchmaker retires, we lose skills that will never be replaced. It is why he and others, including Messrs Greubel and Forsey, are doing their best to educate watchmakers born in the era of the computer. Larger in size and of greater visibility, but smaller than the mass-market corporations, are the grand houses who measure




Hamilton flicks the switch for Broadway

British watchmaking has begun somewhat of a renaissance over recent years with news brands, models and ideas coming out and this year’s SalonQP will prove to be further evidence of the charge.

After a successful inaugural showing at SalonQP last year, Garrick returns t a se e t on o ne t ep e es n ud n t e or o e u ator and ne Portsmouth models. At the heart of the new Portsmouth is a new hand-wound, exclusive Garrick movement, designed by British watchmaker Simon Michlmayr and the legendary movement specialist, Andreas Strehler. The movement parts are manufactured both in the UK and Switzerland. Thereafter, movement n s n asse and re u at on ta es p a e t n arr s o n or o workshop. The British watch company has decided to launch its latest timepiece at t s ear s annua at a r ea er t at s tors see t s e ept ona at rst hand in its home nation. Owner David Brailsford was eager to point out why it was so important to launch at SalonQP - “We announced the creation of a new Garrick movement at SalonQP last year and purposely waited until November 2016 to launch it. SalonQP is attended by collectors with a real passion for mechanical timepieces and is a must for every independent watch brand!”. e e u ator s and ra ted n t e arr or s ops and ted to ust 15 pieces. Its 42mm stainless steel case is available in a choice of frosted, po s ed a L or ra ned n s es and t e o e ent n orporates t e Garrick in-house free-sprung balance. The watchmakers at Garrick have also added a new gear train to the existing Shaftesbury movement. This exclusive timepiece is available for a reserved £6,995.


no n or ts su ess u on o n career, Hamilton completes its portfolio with a sporty urban line that’s headed for Broadway. Thoroughly modern and released at Baselworld 2016, the new collection is a tip of the hat to the brand’s American roots, conjuring up the spirit of New York’s legendary theatre district. s s not a ton’s rst foray in to one of the world’s most famous avenues. The rand’s rst ser es o po et watches, released in the 1890s, was known as the “Broadway Limited.” In 2016, Hamilton has taken from New York’s city skyline to create a distinctly modern and sporty timepiece. ffer n t ree d st n t versions: a 40 mm Day Date Quartz option, a 42 mm Day Date Automatic option and a 43 mm Auto Chrono. The new automatic models feature comfortable power reserves ranging between 60 and 80 hours. Each of the unique case designs and architecture centres around powerful lines. The clean, sleek black dial faces are built along vertical lines contributing to an attra t e up ard oo n effe t ese nes are also reprised on the decorative ring below the bezel and crown, forming a recurrent leitmotif that gives these models their unique character. This unmistakably urban ethos is further accentuated by a central line on the dial, reminiscent of the fabled New York street running between skyscrapers. This motif extends all the way along the smooth leather strap with its visible stitching, and s e oed n t e ontrast n n s es o t e tr p e ro ra e et Enthusiasts can choose between the Auto Chrono option with its extra-sporty bezel tachymeter scale; the Day Date Auto with its modern 6 o ‘clock calendar position providing a user-friendly display of the day of the week and the date; or the Day Date Quartz with solid back giving a cheeky nod to New York drain covers. Hamilton Broadway’s range of detail is power-packed to suit the youthful urban travellers with a taste for an outdoor, sporty existence to whom it is bound to appeal.



The Ultimate Watch Club This year marks the 20th Anniversary of The Watch Club and they are set to e e rate n st e t n at a on or t e rst t e this year, the Mayfair based company will present just a handful of pieces from their catalogue. Since 1996, The Watch Club has been sour n and de er n so e o t e nest at es e er reated through the secondary market and will be unveiling the next step of their journey which includes an all-new website. e ne s te offers ents at onno sseurs and o e tors a res and captivating experience, with access to more than 250 rare investment watches, revealed through cutting-edge photography conducted in-house. Each timepiece is accompanied by a detailed description informing the user of important relevant features, provenance, technical information, and just as portant offers transparen o pr e urt er ore t s ne e s te as been built around a unique ‘explore’ feature, which allows the user to search the collection by watch style, material, special function, size, or indeed birth year. So whether you are looking to buy, collect, or simply want to marvel at the exquisite photography, it really is worth a visit.

Christopher Ward has continued its propensity for producing high-quality, aviation-inspired timepieces, with the release o t e o er eser e rono eter e o er eser e rono eter effort ess marries classic aviation design with horological ingenuity to create a timepiece that excels on both a mechanical and a visual level. The new timepiece showcases the innovation and complications promised by master watchmaker Johannes Jahnke when he rst reated r stop er ard’s o n n ouse movement, Calibre SH21, in 2014. The watch is powered by a hand-wound version of SH21, complete with a power reser e o p at on or t e rst t e ot on does t de er e da s o t e eep n on one full wind, but it’s also a COSCert ed rono eter putt n t n t e top s per cent of Swiss-made watches for accuracy. The twin barrels of SH21 (both of which are engraved with impressions of wind turbine blades) are shown through an exhibition caseback, while the exquisitely designed new bridge frames the ensemble beautifully. This timepiece combines the readability of a traditional pilot watch with the horological sophistication that characterises the work of Jahnke. Its 44mm DLC black case and dial, highly legible indexes and Arabic numerals take design cues from famous aviation timepieces like the Smith’s Mk II A clock ound n t e p t re uper ar ne

Laurent Ferrier has created a special 18k rose-gold and platinum limited edition of the new Galet Traveller Night Blue, applying red gold-leaf to highlight the n ted n do s pos t on n t e ena e d a for their exclusive UK retailer William & Son. The UK-only edition is based on the Galet ra e er o e ent L 0 offers 0 hours of power reserve and functions with a so called "natural" escapement - and is visible through the sapphire case back on which the name William & Son has been engraved in a unique blue lacquer displayed at o o The centre of this dial is adorned with a convex p an sp ere dep t n t e e ont nents n te o d surrounded by a blue enamel sea. This stunning piece is worth the visit alone with spectacular 3-dimensional detailing at its heart, not to mention the exquisite movement. |

British by Design



Your New Timepiece with Jitesh Shah

Jitesh Shah is a Director at New Cavendish Jewellers, Marylebone High Street’s exclusive destination for Haute Horology & Exquisite eweller O ficial agents or man o the world s leading watch Brands alongside independently curated jewellery focusing on iamonds recious stones stablished in ew avendish Jewellers is one of Marylebone’s oldest & still independent retailers.

n t e ast e ears odern at a n as seen a u p towards super complications matched with eye watering price points. This era has been pioneered by Brands like Greubel Forsey and ard e o are ere n ants en o pared to t e historic houses like Cartier or even Harry Winston, both of whom won acclaim and cemented their reputations in eras that continue to be considered style sign posts. Perhaps these newer marques are setting the new standard; developing new alloys, complications and even how one may read the time. Everything appears to be moving forward so quickly in this digital age that the continued success of mechanical timepieces is a beautiful thing but it does also mean virtually constant evolution is absolutely necessary to ensure the industry mirrors its competitors. In this medium, the fresh faced but ground breaking upstarts gained higher ground but there is also a reason why some watch brands can boast centuries of history as with that tenure comes the foundation to react but also the experience to act correctly. I could easily use examples from a number of Brands, from Cartier’s resurgence in High Complications to the somewhat under appreciated marvels that Jaeger LeCoultre produce year after year, even Breguet are taking on the challenge of a movement that requires no lubrication head on. However, I have chosen to focus on IWC n t s art e ore spe a the Ingenieur Constant force Tourbillon. IWC is no stranger to high complications, their Perpetual Calendars can safely lay claim to n orporat n or d rst e e ents

and the “Il Destriero Scafusia” Grand Complication is politely trans ated as e ar orse o auff ausen t ood reason o e er n t e odern ar et t ese stunn n efforts ou d e considered somewhat tame in light of the provocative designs of their current peers. Essentially putting Hirst’s formaldehyde Shark next to a Monet! Therefore, this model is particularly important in their line up as it goes well against their typical design grain. The Portugieser Siderale Scafusia could have been an easier option, starting at half a million pounds for bespoke orders only, t e at offers t e sa e onstant or e our on ut t an accurate star chart on the reverse carrying both a Perpetual Calendar and Equation of Time complication that gives the owner orre t sunr se and sunset t es e er da s s de n te on e of the most complicated models they have ever created especially in terms of exclusivity with no two pieces ever likely to be created dent a o e er ee t e n en eur ode as t e rst ora into this style of design and complication thus should get the attention it deserves. The Ingenieur is perhaps the most unloved of all the IWC families. It has Genta in its DNA, which should carry an intrinsic appreciation as bestowed upon the aut us and o a a t as originally designed by engineers for engineers, incorporating antimagnetic elements without too much fanfare before it has become cool to do so! Perhaps IWC’s subtle delivery of their product, quietly offer n ua t t at s p does what it says on box rather than

New Cavendish Jewellers, 2 Marylebone High Street, London, W1U 4NF

s out n ro t e roo tops eant t s o e t on e under t e radar and did not build the fan base it deserves. Simple updates and attempts to rebrand it will ensure it does not disappear but the onstant or e es ape ent s t e rst t e t e a e osen to simply ignore the masses and focus on their own aggressive design coupled with state of the art horology resulting in a futuristic but very attractive creation. o n ere n era and ed o d t e d a eter case is quite large but this space allows for a quite mesmerising da n a urate oonp ase at o’ o offers t e oon in both Northern and Southern hemispheres with a chapter ring highlighting how many days until the next full moon. An o ers ed o er eser e su d a at 5 o’ o arr es an nd at on of the potential for a full ninety six hours worth of reserve, all powered by IWC’s own in-house hand wound calibre. Some may as su a reat on s not auto at ut t e pur sts a r that the Tourbillon was created to help alleviates any potential time discrepancies in manually wound pocket watches as they gained no additional wind whilst moving around; an automatic movement negates this thus rendering the complication pretty and e er ut u t ate a t o an e onstant or e part of the complication requires the hand wound escapement to illustrate why it is such an accomplished piece of craftsmanship. All mechanical watches require power and it is the application of this power that determines how accurate the timepiece can be. The best movements on the market always carry a higher amplitude than the lesser ones. An automatic movement, as long as actively worn, enjoys a constant supply of power but a hand wound one requires winding usually once every day to ensure successful time keeping. Imagine a bow string; the power generated when the string is pulled back and taut is the movement is when fully wound as opposed to the power generated if the string is only pulled back a few inches, which equates to the the po er offered on e t e spr n as e un to nd do n reat n poorer time keeping. Therein lies the key to the Constant Force mechanism. If a manually wound movement can only guarantee a constant

amount of power for a limited time whilst the spring is taut, how can the remaining time keeping be trusted? The solution is to create a source of constant power or Constant Force. Mechanical movements are often distinguished by the sweeping motion of the se onds and n a t s t n ut usua at e to se en seconds at a time creating a sweeping impression) but in this case, like other True Beat or Dead Beat escapements, the frequency s a p ed t us ou a tua see t e se onds and t o the Tourbillon, oversized and beautifully constructed will usually balance out any time keeping disturbances but the guaranteed power of the Constant Force mechanism creates an environment for perfect time keeping. Please note IWC have voluntarily offered t at t e onstant or e part o t e po er reser e s on app a e to t e rst ours a ter t e po er output reverts to a normal but still very high 2.5Hz level. As with everything, there are always likes & dislikes to innovation. One might ask why IWC is venturing out of tried and tested waters or putting emphasis on a mechanism that can only be guaranteed for a short part of its very long power reserve. On the other hand, IWC have always pushed things forward, from using ceramic cases to creating their unique take on Perpetual Calendars, these platforms gave way for new creations. Therefore, even if this particular Ingenieur isn’t to everyones taste, something may come of it that is perfectly suited for the masses. A perfect example is Jaeger LeCoultre’s current Geophysic collection that incorporates a True Beat escapement but at a very competitive price point. This movement was borne of their Extreme Lab on ept ode as de n te an a u red taste ut as n turn birthed a quite brilliant and easily marketable new family for the Brand. The Urwerk’s and MB&F’s of this world have pulled this industry kicking and screaming into the new world and though they may not get it right immediately, it is a beautiful thing as a consumer and fan to see older houses come out of their comfort zones and create new history as those that built these brands did many years before, with audacity and skill. IWC’s Ingenieur Constant Force Tourbillon is a good and progressive start.

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Seducing The Winter Sun

San Diego, Blue Ruched Bandeau Control One Piece £210.00

Santa Barbara, Sky Blue Layered Midi Dress ÂŁ180.00

Left: Greater Palm Springs, Print U Bar One Piece £195.00 Above: Santa Barbara, Sky Blue Padded Bandeau Top £85.00 and Sky Blue Bows Hipster Bottom £85.00

Beauty Buys

Hot new products and a couple of fresh fragrances to keep your senses alive as we move towards Autumn

t’s na


at on ’s ant pated a e up ne aun es n store at e en a s ord treet t s ont and it’s sure to be a sell-out. One of the fastest-growing beauty brands worldwide, the line is inspired by Kat’s own desire for colour, products, formulations and tools that don’t exist in the marketplace currently. Vegan wherever possible, high performance and cruelty free; must tries include the Tattoo Liner and Everlasting Liquid Lipstick. Lolita is a huge fan fave!

Inspired by Japanese nter o ers t at our s through snow covered grass, SUQQU’s new UK Exclusive Christmas Colour Collection contains an array of sumptuous colours created to showcase delicate beauty. We love the three limited edition Creamy Glow Lipstick Moists, perfect for the change in weather.

We are so excited for Tom Ford’s latest Soleil 2016 Collection. Launching at the end of the month featuring lip foils, a Soleil Blanc Dry Oil Spray and brush kit. We are lusting after the stunning Soleil eye and cheek palate! The re e t e or and o d o oured clutch contains a colour palette for eyes and cheeks to create an array of luxurious looks. Each feature four Eye Shadows, Highlighter and Blush in two colour waves; sultry, bronzed warmth and sweet, incandescent cool.

With 8 shades, Chanel’s ne ou e ure n s your make up bag’s new est r end e o ed applicator makes it easy to app e t e u tra ne n dries comfortably matte with lips left soft and nourished thanks to a mix of polymers, waxes and non-volatile oils including jojoba oil, reen tea s eet a ond o and a ta n der at e ffer n a six-hour hold, we want every colour!

Wonderlust, the new fragrance for women by Michael Kors is romantic, sensual and exotic. A blend of luxurious blossoms mingled with delectably spiced notes, Wonderlust awakens the senses with the freshness of Italian Bergamot and tantalizing Pink Pepper soothed by cooling Almond Milk. At its heart, heady notes of blushed Dianthus, pure Jasmine Sambac Absolute and buttery Heliotrope melt into a ar e ot ns o as eran ood Benzoin Siam and Sri Lanka Sandalwood.

Minimalistic in packaging, utterly modern and wonderfully fresh, Chanel N°5 L’EAU boasts top notes of lemon, andar n and oran e e ore so t ora notes of rose melds with airy jasmine and balancing ylang-ylang. More modern than ever before, heady vetiver and cedar impart a novel dynamism, softened by white musk notes at the end. You know it, but not as before.

Kat Von D, available exclusively at Debenhams Oxford Street. | Creamy Glow Lipstick Moist £27.00 from SUQQU. Available at Selfridges | o ord o e 0 o e t on a a a e ro e r d es ar e o s and arrods ro st to er ou e ure n atte L u d L p o our 00 from Chanel. Stockist 020 7493 3836 | Wonderlust, 30ml £42.00 from Michael Kors. Stockist 0370 034 2566 | Chanel N°5 L’Eau Spray, 50ml £68.00.

Yes To has launched three exciting masks! Single use, the paper sheet masks are 96% natural and contain key ingredients from Coconut and Guava to Green Tea and Ginger. We love the Yes To Tomatoes Detoxifying Charcoal Paper Masks! Yes to™ Tomatoes Detoxifying Charcoal Paper Mask £3.49 available from ASOS, Amazon and Feel Unique.

Designed to deliver younger looking eyes in an instant, the Eye Lift Firming reat ent s t e rst n t e urad Professional collection - a range of professional-strength formulas, traditionally used by Dr. Murad in his world-renowned dermatology practice, now available for at-home use for immediate and long-term results without any downtime. Eye Lift Firming Treatment £45.00 from Murad Professional. Available from leading spas and salons nationwide plus selected John Lewis, House of Fraser and Debenhams department stores.

Created and developed in Korea, Too Cool For School is a new beauty brand that’s exclusive to Selfridges. With a range of artistic and unusual products, one of our favourite is the Egg Mousse Pack. Enriched with egg white and yolk extracts, the whipped mousse deeply pur es o stur ses and r tens t e appearance of dull skin leaving a more radiant complexion. Too Cool For School Egg Mousse Pack £14.50 available at

New from Clarins, this relaxing anti-ageing mask contains banana leaf and lemon thyme to help visibly smooth facial features and erase signs of stress and fatigue, working to restore r ness Extra-Firming Facial Mask, 45ml £46.00 from Clarins.

Beauty Picks This month’s latest beauty buys

Shiseido’s latest research as part of the BioPerformance range looks deeply into the causes of signs of ageing using TruStructiv™ technology to help harness the skin’s natural restorative powers to t and r en oura n t e o e ent o ste e s and re onstru t t e der s et e absorbed by the skin, the cream leaves s n r er and ore supp e restoring elasticity. Shiseido Bio-Performance Lift Dynamic Cream, 50ml £90.00.

bkr, the luxury beauty essential has now launched in Harvey Nichols in London. Available in four colours, the new Teeny edition 250ml bottles have just launched online and in stores, perfect to t nto our and a or bag, so you can have extra room for those other little essentials. bkr, Teeny Edition £20.00 available in The Beauty Lounge and

Neom Organics London presents their new range of skin-loving Bath & Shower Drops that work to nourish and hydrate, whilst supporting your wellbeing needs. Available in 4 blends, they help to de-stress, improve sleep, boost your energy or lift your mood. Use the handy pipette to add drops of the precious oils to a warm bath, or apply to your décolletage pre-shower. Bath and Shower Drops £40.00 from Neon Organics.

Nearly 300 years ago, monks created a powerful natural remedy called “Aqua ra s t at ou d e drun or app ed to t e s n or nu erous ene a propert es t t e eart o t e re ed e d st ed o na p ants o o er a et a e reated a ran e us n t s powerful natural anti-aging elixir, where you can detoxify, re ne restore and rene t e s n ea n a s oot er softer and a more radiant complexion. We love the ExtraFine Cleansing mask and bi-phase Double Extract. Extra-Fine Cleansing Mask £15.00, and Double-Extract £40.00 from Roger and Gallet, available at Marks and Spencer.

The Fight Against Breast Cancer

Every ten minutes someone in the UK gets the devastating news that they have breast cancer, the news not only changes their lives forever, but also the lives of their family and friends. Breast Cancer Care understands the emotions, challenges and hard decisions they a e and offer t e r support n or at on and campaign for better care. | 080 8800 6000

Elemis has pledged to donate £10,000 to Breast Cancer Care from sales of its Pink Limited Edition, ‘The Hero Collection’. Created for total face and body nourishment and great value for money, the collection comes housed in a clear pink case and contains a Pink Edition Pro-Collagen Neck and Décolleté Balm, Frangipani Monoi Body Oil, Pro-Collagen Marine Cream, and Cellular e o er n ss apsu es The Hero Collection £55.00 (worth £95.00) from Elemis.

Over the past two decades, The Estée Lauder Companies’ Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Campaign has brought together women, men and families in more than 70 countries to help defeat breast cancer in their own unique ways - from sharing their powerful stories about their experiences with the disease to participating in fundraising and awareness activities. Together, these actions have sparked a global movement, enhancing awareness and raising more than £49 million to support global research, education and medical services. The 2016 BCA Campaign celebrates all the things we do, big or small, in the t a a nst reast an er and un tes and empowers the global community to take action throughout the year with products including: d an ed t epa r n ron ed e o er o pe t n on Pin, 50ml £72.00 (20% onat on to n Perfection Colour Collection £38.00 (20% Donation to /

Xtend Barre London is pleased to announce its Plié for Pink fundraising programme for 2016, which will take place during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. On Saturday 15th October, Xtend Barre will host special ar t asses t rou out t e da at t e r ne a s p studio on Marylebone High Street. Each attendee will be encouraged to purchase and wear a pair of £12 limited edition hot pink ‘grippy socks’ to the class, with the proceeds going to The Estée Lauder Companies’ Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Campaign. Clients will also be welcomed to make a further donation for participating in the class (regular drop-in price: £25).

Hair guru Philip Kingsley has created two products - No Scent, No Colour Shampoo & Conditioner to help men and women who are undergoing treatment for cancer, nd a produ t t at s ent e enou to use on t e r s a p et a so or s e s spe formula is hypoallergenic and contains no parabens, sulfates, scents, added colours or lathering agents. A percentage of each bottle sold goes to Look Good Feel Better, a charity dedicated to pro n t e e e n and se on den e of people undergoing treatment for any type of cancer. 25p is donated to the charity for every 75ml bottle (£7.50/£9.00) and 50p from every 250ml (£18.00/£21.00) bottle of No Scent, No Colour Shampoo and Conditioner.

Men can join in too as Lab Series will be donating £10 from e er e es ue ater ar ed Gel cream sold on Age Rescue Water Charged Gel £45.00.


Wow Factor Facial eno ned or t e r use o p ant o s and e tra ts and respons e sourcing, British brand Liz Earle has long been commended for their high quality products and ingredients. Their Duke of York store o ated ust off o e sea s n s oad s a onder u s o ase o t s n t e a t as een des ned offer n a a en of peace and tranquility in the heart of the capital where you can learn, and be treated to the power of beautiful botanical ingredients. Decorated in the brand’s signature calming colours of duck egg blue and cream, here you can enjoy skincare and colour consultations, a hand and arm massage, and even pick up one of Liz’s many books detailing how to live a better life and achieve better skin from within. The Duke of York store is also home to the brand’s six London treatment rooms. Inspired by the serenity of Liz Earle’s island home on the Isle of Wight, the treatment rooms create a truly soothing environment where you can fully relax and let go in the apa e ands o t e ua ed t erap sts en o n a ran e of restorative massages and facials using Liz Earle’s most iconic products allowing you to even learn of some new favourites along the way. On hand on a number of days at the store is super facialist Abigail James. A favourite among top beauty editors, Abigail specialises in 00% espo e treat ents t at are des ned spe a to su t our skin’s individual needs. This unique approach, along with practical, honest advice really a o s t ose oo n to tar et spe s n are pro e s t ease Abigail provides you with priceless information on how to care for your skin for much longer than the sparkly glow you leave the treatment rooms with. As it is completely bespoke it is hard to describe the treatment as e er one s d fferent o e er a s so r end no ed ea e and ost portant understand n e er one an rea ene t from the treatment. Using a range of products to suit your own individual skin needs as well as her highly acclaimed sculpting massage techniques, and a number of advanced aesthetic technologies such as LED, gentle peels, CACI micro-current

technology, Venus Viva Diamond Lift/ Firm FX where necessary, the treatment is both informative and relaxing. The Wow Factor Facial is a must-have treatment for bridesto-be or pre-event. You leave the treatment room with a glowing complexion and a wealth of knowledge on how to make it last from both products and within. The Hero Facial is also another similar bespoke treatment that provides instant skin clarity and radiance through steaming and extraction, making it a great all-rounder for cleaning out city-tired skin. You can also book a skin consultation with Abigail for 30 minutes to discuss your skin’s concerns, needs and potential treatments to achieve your best complexion yet.

Skin Consultation - 30 minutes with Abigail £60.00 The Hero Facial - 60 minutes with Abigail £175.00 Wow Factor Facial - 75 minutes with Abigail £295.00

Liz Earle, 38-39 Duke of York Square, London SW3 4LY | For full treatment menus and bookings call 020 7881 7750 |



Endurance, Elevation and Endorphins with Alex Castro

Alex Castro is one of London’s top personal trainers ith over ten ears e erience within the fitness industr le trains his clients in the it alongside working at arr s ootcam as an instructor at both their uston and oorgate branches

t n a arat on tra n n a e een us n pa e use t e a u pa e ou t n ou an susta n or around nutes and a e a ed to susta n t s pa e or sets o nute nter a s t e a ee anne n nner au a ad ffe n ot er a s a so too up t e e at on a en e set rd pa e London a r ant o ated n o o t s ont t a too p a e n a po a er rep at n an a t tude o 000 au a o and a t e reats a a s n ude a t tude tra n n n t e r re e so as to oost produ t on o o en arr n red ood e s and e no no o reat o en s or t e od o pet tors ere re u red to o p ete a 000 ro 50 a s on an assau t e 000 on a tread at a % n ne and 0 urpees ana ed a o t s n ns se s ut at an n red tou or out and super a en e t ro n do n rd pa e na a ne re e at on ro oderate pa ed on er d stan e runs t e runner’s ’ or enera endorp n produ t on t at as resu ted ne er t ou t ou d nd r runs e arat n ut t e te po pa e and eaut u t o London as erta n pro ed e ron ust a e to a e sure ’ runn n n par s ot er se an suffer ro ra e a a nst a ot er pedestr ans and tra ts

This month has been a bit of a change of direction for me in o n persona tness ourne ’ e ad a e n n n ur es and t s o ned t a ee ent o s ned e up or t e o a ar s a arat on as resu ted n a tota d fferent pa e and o us o tra n n ’ e a so een read n nduran e Rick Broadbent (recommended by the same client) and am now or d as nated t ese nsp rat ona enduran e at etes o see to e a e to pus t e r od es and n ar a t e r nds to t e a so ute t o u an to eran e ra at a e e tt n t e dea a e to per or e at on er d stan e runn n a o e ost o stud es a e s o n that for men of my age, marathons, iron-man competitions and e en u tra runn n a e our per e t d stan e st no one as de n t e e p a ned t s t e and no t s not s p t at on peop e a n d e r ses o pete n on d stan e e ents t s su ested t at t e a or t o o pet tors a e run t e r o e at et es at a oderate pa e susta n n ess n ur es and a n a reater ase tness e e o n ro a spr nt n a round re u res on s ort ursts o ntens t t as a a s a a ed e to t n au a ad ffe ran er ent re or d re ord arat on at 5 p 5 p o d d s e susta n t at pa e or o er ours s de ro an ot er a tors e pe t t at er od uses o en er effe t e a a so no n as a a o en onsu pt on as e o e an area o tra n n t at peop e are n reas n o used on and not on t ose underta n enduran e e ents en s used to rea do n ar s ats and prote n n our od so t at t e o es ue or our us es ere ore o us n on a s n our o en onsu pt on a e ou ore e ono a n an sport ot a n enou o en eans t at t e od as to oo e se ere or ue and a onse uen e o t s e orr e a t a d t e ee n o e a ate

Alex Castro London based personal trainer and Barry’s Bootcamp instructor. Follow Alex on Twitter and Instagram @AlexcastroPT


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The Pomegranate City tt n at t e oot o t e erra e ada ounta ns ranada oasts as press e a e oo n out o t e t as t does oo n n t an n red r stor stret n a to at east 5500 t ere s no uest on t at ranada possesses a un ue and ntr u n ar te tura a eup The neighborhood called the Albaicín commonly referred to as t e o d to n’ eatures ne e a p es o oor s and or s o onstru t on as ar e o p eted t e end o t e t entur o o n a o e ro t e o er arder to prote t area ere t e t on e stood a n offers a un ue ns t nto t e stor o t e t and eatures t e u nat on o nu erous n uen es enture to t e an ent oor s uarter and ou o e a ross one o t e ost de t u p a es to eat er e t or a spot o un t so e r sp te ne to es ape t e dda eat rador de ora a possesses not on an n t n enu ut an n red e e o one o t e ost on p a es n t e ountr ranada’s oor s stor an e seen t rou out t e t from the narrow streets complete with instantly recognisable ar a s and ar te ture to t e sou st e s ops t at adorn t e a a s ere s a d st n t u tapos t on ro one orner to t e ne t t ar et pa at o des n adorn n ount ess u d n s yet the two work seamlessly together and demonstrate so perfectly t e de e op ent o t s n red e t n e ost ot er p a es n t e or d ranada as ana ed to a nta n e er step o ts ar te tura er ta e and pro des t e ost stunn n e a p e o oor s n uen e n urope ere s o ourse one p a e t at stands out and a o e t e rest and s an a so ute ust en s t n t s antast t La a ra s not on t e ost on u d n n ranada and one o t e ost s ted s tes n pa n ut t a so p a ed a a or ro e n t e stor o t e ountr and t e or d e nn n ts ustr ous e n t e t entur as t e ast e o t e a ra a tar stron o d o er oo n t e t t as ater n t e t entur t t e arr a o t e asr d d nast t at t s reat ta n pa a e e an to ta e s ape e o n a pa a e tade and ortress La a ra oused t e asr d su tans t rou out t e t and t entur es ur n t at t e t e onstru t on o t e pa a e a on t t e enera e pa a e and gardens - which were positioned away from the main, formal




u d n s as a re reat ona retreat or t e ranadan us n s too on t e dra at n uen es o s a ar te ture nd t e resu ts are tru astound n n ortunate su u n to natura de radat on a on t on per ods o ne e t t e pa a e no on er possesses t e rant o ours t on e d d ut t e stru tura des n or s st er u e dent onstru ted us n ou ds t e nter or de orat on s er ar re o ed ro t e s p e p a n des n o t e e ter or at a es t s ore as nat n s t at o o n t e e on u sta t e r st an pan s a a nst t e us s n t e 5t entur t e palace was kept in its original style with only small additions to the de orat e or ade to su t t e r needs

e surrender o t e s a rate o ranada to t e at o onar s ou d pro e to e one o t e ost s n ant po nts n o a stor t out t s s t n ontro r stop er o u us a e a e ne er rea ed t e e or d a ne t at or ust a nute s s not ust an on u d n or ranada ut one t at as su stant a ean n or a ast nternat ona popu at on n e e o n a or d er ta e te n La a ra as een pa nsta n restored a nta n n t e orn’ appearan e o t e nter or de orat e or t ust s a se t ons re a n n t at re ea t e o ours t at on e ere ust e nutes a ro La a ra s ts ote a ra a a e t e per e t p a e to sta ou are een to o us our



attent ons on t e pa a es o e er t ere s so u ore to see and do t n t e t t at ou a ant to ons der a s orted sta ere and a on er one n t e eart o t e a t on anta au a ote part o t e arr ot roups uto rap o e t on s s tuated r t n entre o t e a a n t t n a n d stan e o t e p et ora o tapas ars ou not e e t ant n or ne pan s u s ne eer and ne e t es d n n s ene o es a e n t e e en n t ount ess tapas ars n or our usto an d sp a n t e r ua t a s a ross t e e n s a an s a trad t on orn ro ranada’s r stor d sp a ed to t t e a t t at t e o up er ate por and as t ere ore r st an e u tura s e dent n not on t e ar te ture ut t e

u s ne and t e enterta n ent a en o dan n s sa d to a e or nated n t e s surround n ranada and t e n uen e re a ns stron t a en o u s a ross t e t to en o s s an n red e t t at s e to surpr se e en t e ost tra e ed e p orer n e a r e t n pot o u tures re ons u s nes and ar te ture t s no s p ranada t e po e ranate t e e n ts na e dur n t e oor s per od t e po e ranate s n a t used e tens e n r st an ot s and o ou d a e no n ts s n an e e r ou dn’t e a ore su ted na e e o nat on and u nat on o er d fferent or ds as reated a re ar a e p a e t at s ort o an od ’s t e e en t’s ust or t e ee end



The Varsity Hotel & Spa er oo n t e eaut u er a n t e entre o ust n a rd e e ars t ote and pa s o ated t n 5 nutes’ a o a da ene esus r n t and t o n’s o e es a n t t e per e t ase to e p ore and tour t s stor t e ote entran e s tu ed a a on a u et street ut appens to e unsuspe t n ose to e er t n ou ou d poss ant to see and do odern and onte porar ea o t e roo s eature ard ood oors at s reen te e s ons ree od do s en su te at roo s t eated oors and u ur e s to etr es t ost roo s a so eatur n a r ond t on n s t e na e o t e ote su ests t ere s an aspe t o o e e e runn n t rou out t ea roo ta n t e na e o a d fferent o e e t s dea s tuated or t e ass a r d e past t e o punt n an e arran ed t rou t e ote s opp n s t see n and n t e n a r d e pro d n uests to t e out ue ote t t e opportun t o see n t e est o t s u ntessent a n s t e en on sta n or one n t e ote does offers a et par n or 50 o ern t up to 5p t e o o n da es ou p ent o t e to t n a t e s ts and eans ou don’t a e to orr a out na at n t e poss e streets an o t e near un ers t es a o ou to enter t e a pus or a s a ee o e er t o n’s s a ust or t e a ous r d e o s’ as u t n u o stor t s s not to e ssed and a es or a reat stro e ore re a n on t e r er not er t o t e popu ar ote s t at uests a e a ess to t e ea t u and spa ne t door t ree use o t e sauna and a u and a enu o treat ents a a a e as opt ona e tras t e d n n opt ons to s t on t e r er tse t e ote as ed u te t e ap n t e ar et pro d n a a n ent roo top ar n uests antast e s a ross t e t ost n ers t

o e es an e e ed ro t e roo arden and t’s a reat spot to en o a ass o a pa ne or spe a ade o ta ars t a so offers a nu er o d n n opt ons ro a ternoon tea to a rust stea ouse e r a s p restaurant ’ oasts 0 de ree e s a ross t e t s ne to ont nue on ro our aper t on t e roo pen a da ser n d s es ro a ood stone o en r and rot sser e ts o t e e pans e enu n ude a ran e o s a p ate starters su as r ed sp or o t nted peas and dress n ea eat a s t or on o a and e on and urrata t ap e roasted s and rus etta or a ns t e p as are an e e ent o e t te pt n topp n s su as rot sser e en aesar ro et and par esan and sp t roast a to ato and nt ou an a so oose ro a nu er o s de d s es n ud n a aron eese ar us roo s and roasted ro o t o anda se e p n ou to en o t e ood e en ore s an e e ent ne st a o pan ent a on t a se e t on o o er 0 ns pa red t d fferent ton s

The Varsity Hotel and Spa, Thompsons Lane, Cambridge CB5 8AQ | 01223 306030 |

The Great British Club...

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Zuma’s Global Domination Since the London opening back in 2002, Zuma has taken the world by storm. Now stretching to Hong Kong, Istanbul, Dubai, Bangkok and Miami amongst others, the company has recently opened a stunning new location in the Palazzo Fendi, Rome with a further addition to launch in Las Vegas.


London Cocktail Week 3 - 9 October

Bluebird Takes Flight Following Revamp on e sea restaurant and ar ue rd as returned a ter an e t n re ur s ent a n o a e to t e u d n ’s er ta e as t e rst ara e o t e ue rd otor o pan n t e or na stee ra e o t e atr u as een o n re res ed t o d red a ent n e restaurant’s r ues and use o ed ater a s reate an n t n en ron ent and d ners an ta e a seat at one o t e an rant usto ade e et and eat er a ed a rs ro e a rt e u red ar stoo s ne t e entra u nated ur ed eta ar and t e ne d n n roo as een o p eted t ea drapes offer a tou o pr a or an nt ate date or a u et us ness eet n t a ne e ut e ead e t e re res ed ood offer n at ue rd s ust as ent n as t e nter ors e La t La n ’s enus eature s p e res and onest d s es nsp red t e est o odern uropean oo n ade us n t e nest n red ents

London o ta ee s a or 0 t o er 00 ars a ross t e ap ta ser n a 5 o ta or an one ear n a spe a London o ta ee ’ r st and reat opportun t to tr ne t pp es t e est a s a so a antast t e to e out ne enues pop up e ents part es aster asses and tast n sess ons e atr n o ta La at t e a n L u n p ta e ds ar et see se en artenders ro se en o t e or d’s est ars urat n o ta s nsp red t e r t es s e a un ue opportun t to e per en e t e ra t o t ese a a ed o o sts o are at t e top o t e r a e t out a n to tra e a ross t e or d to t e es o t e an attan ar n n apore or L antour n e o t so or t ose o are een to e p ore urt er t an p ta e ds t o espo e atr n o ta s a e een reated espe a at a er de and e o er or t e spe a offer o 5 or L r st and o ders

Bluebird Chelsea, 350 King's Rd, London SW3 5UU 020 7559 1000 |

Sipsmith at the Cinnamon Club o n e nna on u t s utu n or a ser es o one off sp r t tast n e ents sa p n pre u and un ue sp r ts pa red t ead e a es a ndran a r’s odern nd an p ates et t n t e d L rar ar n t e rade sted d est nster L rar ea e en n edu ate and enterta n t an a assador ro ea rand on and to ta t rou t e stor u ture and taste o ea t pp e a n p a e on to er a p ons n t e art o trad t ona n produ t on ps t e ser ed t ured sa on a ur ’ and s a op and tuna e e e a ous a er un per er roo n an e sa p ed a on s de roast sadd e o a on on and ro oss sau e t p au r e and to n s a ste n er t ra su and o o ate and oran e sp ere e e pert at ed to ps t ’s ar re tea n used London up a es are ted and t ets are pr ed et een 5 5 n ude a e o e o ta sp r t tast n s and d s es e e ent start at 0p and n s around 0p o oo p ease s t nna on u o sp r t tast n e ents The Cinnamon Club, Old Westminster Library, 30 - 32 Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BU | 020 7222 2555 |


Chocolate Week o o ate ee returns or a t onse ut e ear e e rat n t e or d o ne o o ate ro 0t to t to er e ee u nates t e o o ate o London at pa at ona a ro t to t to er r n n t e est o t e ndustr to et er a under one roo ents are e pe ted a ross London t s o o ate ee t t e ountr ’s top o o at ers and o o ate o pan es as e as ote s ars and restaurants e e rat n t e us e produ ts ne aun es offers o o ate ea s o ta s and re pes us n so e o t e est o o ate rands ro around t e or d od a a e aun ed t e r or eous s n e or n o o ate ta ets t s onder u e a p es o t e art o a n u ur o o ate to en o dur n t e ee and e ond osen or ts pur t s oot ness and onder u dept o a ours t e ne pre u ’ ta ets use o o ate sour ed ro e o ‘G’ by Godiva £6 available in stores and online at


Tickets to the BBC Good Food Show London

Harrods Announces Tom Kitchin as Chef of the Season ro t o e er o t n o n arrods’ e e rated ood a s as uest e or t e store’s on o n est e ood e n t at e e o t e eason t n e propr etor and ounder o d n ur ’s ead n e n starred a ard nn n restaurant e t n and popu ar astro pu e ran a e reate a ran e o d s es to o or t e ood a s to en o at our e sure As well as the to-go range, Harrods will also collaborate with Tom t n to offer d s ern n ood es t e an e to d ne n s rst e er pop up restaurant n London apt na ed t n at arrods’ Laun n or one ee on ro t to 0t o e er n e onser ator at e eor an on t e ourt oor London ood es e a e to e per en e a taste o s restaurant and en o t e ott s e ’s seasona enu nsp red s ro ature to ate’ et os and o t ent to or n t t e ott s seasons ere e one un s tt n and t o d nner s tt n s ree ourse un set enu osts 55 per person t ourse d nner tast n enu osts 0 per person To register interest and to receive further booking information for Kitchin at Harrods, please email |

e ap ta ’s ar est ood s o returns to pa t e oo er de onstrat ons e t n s opp n areas and p ent o re pe nsp rat on s tors an see t e r u nar do s reat n e n a e n t e upert eatre n ud n o err d e and e ou r or en o t e reat r t s a e ff nner ad a ussa n oo n e us s tors an en o ts ro t e r a our te ee end ood s o n t e aturda t en L e sess ons our ed a a e tea ed up t t s ear’s ood ood o London to offer 5 u readers t e opportun t to en o t e s o or ree on e t er t e r da or unda o t e e ent p e a our na e and address to competitions@ or t eet us a p ture o our s nature d s ’ @YourMediaLondon dn t on unda 0t to er 0 or our an e to n BBC Good Food Show London, 11-13 November, Olympia London, Hammersmith Road, Kensington, London W14 8UX 0844 581 1361 |

Terms and conditions; Winners will be selected at random; Any entries received after the closing date will not be included in the draw. All tickets are general admission excluding Saturday; Tickets are non refundable and nonexchangeable; Ticket terms and conditions apply; Tickets do not include a seat in the Supertheatre.


The Four Sisters Townhouse

Aubaine Deli e e rated ren rasser e t ts o n pat sser e and ou an er e u a ne as re ent aun ed t e r rst de r t n t e eart o o ent arden t a eaut u outdoor seat n area t at t r es off t e u surround n s and a ass a ren d n n roo t e ne u a ne e ’s a da d n n enu an es seasona offer n a ran e o res a ed produ ts ade n u a ne’s a er e e t n t e o pan ’s ro en a roots t e ne e s a reat spot or a asua rea ast un and d nner oast n ren ot and o d d s es a on s de an arra o res sa ads su as u er ne and eet otato and e r oo o ato and ater e on s ar n oards ausa e o s e etar an u e du our and trad t ona Le ro sand es su as a onne a and ru ere eese t a e sau e easona pr ed uests an a so en o a pa ne and ara es o ne a on s de tea offee and res u es ere’s e en a ta e a a opt on or t ose on t e run ust tr as to e t e de se e t on o desserts ro e a rs and oo es to arrot a e and e eu e ou’ ant t e a ust and re a ed t e ne de s a e o e add t on to t e rant o ent arden area t er u a ne restaurants an e ound at ro pton ross e ent treet ens n ton a ar edon e r d es ar e one road ate r e and de ar Aubaine Deli, 22 The Market Building, Covent Garden, London WC2E 8RD

u ed a a do n a narro o ed street ust a stone’s t ro ro t au ’s at edra e our sters o n ouse s t e t o London at ts est aptur n London n a d fferent era o ou a a ne t n tor an t es ut sta n o p ete odern t rou ts enus and e e t nter or n s n tou es t s dden e s o e to a de ar et o n ent e and ee an n o ta s eers sp r ts nes and antast ood oards a n use o t e spa e to ee a ot ar er t an t s t e u ur ous nter or eatures t ra ed rrors tor an oor t es dar oa pane n or na tor an ast ron deta n and stunn n spe a ade ornate a paper ne a oasts a sop st ated rar sto ed t ass s a o e p us an uette seat n t at’s per e t or a ter or dr n s et er t e t o ea ues or e en a date t er at osp er ts n ude nta e pa nt n s anterns and p nned eet es and utter es n ra es t an a to r n seasona o a produ e to t e enu t an s to t e ar et to ass’ on ept t e dr n s ade at t e press e reen ar e ar eature an arra o and ade tters de drated ru ts oa s s rups and sodas o p e ent n t e an sp r ts on offer ur a our tes on our s t n uded t e e o pades a a u r end app e an a e d and n er eer and t e prett up a e ee eater n e on rape ru t nt and stra err oa t er on o t ons on t e enu ere t e ar ean d Fashioned - Tiki blend, Amaro Ramazotti, Black pepper, demerara su ar and tters and ro t e e a e ass and or otten st t e apanese o ta arte o na a ond or eat aro at tter ro err o as artender’s u de’ and t e ron ee eater n s eet er out dr er out oran e tr a d ro 0 o nn o on o ta s are 50 and a selection of wines and champagnes, as well as Camden o n re er eer on drau t s a so a a a e e t ere s a er un enu t artisan sandwiches and main dishes of steak and por e n t e e en n s ou an en o s ar n oards and ar sna s su as o es s ot e s and por p es e o n ouse ra n atter n part u ar o nes a de range of cheeses, cold meats, seafood, peppers, o es and p es e our sters o n ouse s t e se ond add t on to o ners ndre reen and on asta e’s e our sters’ port o o a read n udes e our sters ar n s n ton The Four Sisters Townhouse, 5 Groveland Court, Bow Lane, London EC4M 9EH | townhouse@ |



Trader Vic’s

Halloween at Sky Garden ead up to t e 5t oor ro p a on aturda to er to e e rate a o een t e op at t e arden and et ear ead t e a t edon st s s ares ress n up s en oura ed and t e o der and more bizarre the look the better, as the most shocking getup e n t a an e to n a antast pr e ets are pr ed ro 5 per person and n ude n t on a ess to London’s ost e us e a o s s nd and a dar de ous o ta on arr a ost t e ed o ta s e a a a e t rou out t e e en n to sat s our e er reep ra n a r ra s n e us off t e rea s un ourtes o u e o nts and p e e and e ou ets a ed or t e r sou u sp ne t n n ta es on d as e ne ouse as e as rea un oor ers ro a es ro n runo ars and ase ent a eep n t n s o n e past t e t n our London s ta e to t e de s ensur n t s paranor a part pro eeds nto t e dead o t e n t or so et n a tt e ore ndu ent treat ourse to one o t s ear’s rand ne d n n pa a es r es start ro 0 per person or a de e ta e ourse d nner at ar n rasser e and a n t a ess to t e part or 0 or d nner o o ed a pr ate ta e oo n n od a e t ets are a a a e on ne no e ent r te o u t

Lo ated n t e ton on ar Lane rader ’s as London’s rst o nes an t e ed restaurant n nst tut on n ts o n r t t e nsp red restaurant rst opened n and re uented stars e ar e ap n and ton o n o e to t e a ous a a rader ’s oasts an arra o ren o nes an nsp red u s ne t at s reated us n usto ade ood red nese o ens an e tra ed a o er t o t ousand ears to t e an nast e reno ned t ar ed nter or eatures a tote po e ra ed ar t ood a oo t es eart o ours and trad t ona out s and tapa ot endant nese anterns pro de so t nt ate t n a a nst t e t at ed roo e n e e ot o e ts su as ar ed ood statues and ean a art or are doted around t e restaurant rader er eron’s or na pupu p atter t r sp pra ns ra an oon ar u por and spare r s or t o s a east n tse and a antast p a e to start e perus n t e enu dd so e e t eese a s and prepare or t e east t at a a ts e una o e t res una and a o ado tossed n a s nature so dress n ser ed t aro ps s a ust tr o n on to t e a ns t ere rea s so et n or e er one and t’s press e e e e uted ro ee and ee o ’d ee tender o n pra ns t ar a pepper s a ons red on on as at r e and a ada a ut o n or to o ent e d a ’ and t e ndones an a o La ro t e ood red en ser ed t n apore st e urr ed r e nood es p neapp e an o utne and peanut utter sau e ou’ stru e to oose des n ude ’s r e s r p en e s ed saut ed us roo s and a e nood es t toasted sesa e seeds essert ou a e roo s an e ua de adent affa r t rader ’s o nes an no a ass a our te o t e raders o onut e rea ro ed n toasted o onut t o o ate sau e and r ed anana r tters e enu an see daunt n at rst espe a t t e restaurant’s e tens e o ta st too ut r end staff o are ore t an app to ta a out t e ustr ous stor o t e p a e are on and to e p e o ta s an o are e us e to rader ’s are a ed as so e o t e est n to n and n ude t e a ous a a rader ’s reated n and ser ed to a usto er o upon tast n t sa d a a oa e’ eans ut o t s or d’ n a t an t’s no t e ost a ous ru dr n n t e or d and ou ust tr t e at rader ’s t er ts on t e en t st n ude uffer n astard a end o ru s e ueurs and u u er and rader ’s ass on o ta t n pass on ru t ne tar ro do n under’ and e s tors an a so en o e us n t e ar e er r da and aturda n t Trader Vic’s restaurant is open daily from 6pm - 11.30pm. For Trader Vic’s, call 020 7208 4113 or email

Sky Garden, 1 Sky Garden Walk, London EC3M 8AF



L’Eden by PerrierJouët Launch Party



Gaziano & Girling Celebrate 10 Years Savile Row Flagship Store


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Innovation Meets Japanese Cuisine Brain child of chef Rainer Becker, the Zuma concept is now a globally renowned experience enjoyed from London to Hong Kong serving up the most sophisticated and elegant Izakaya cuisine. and california maki with fresh crab, avocado and tobiko from the sushi bar; seabass with burnt tomato and ginger relish and spicy beef tenderloin with sesame, red chilli and sweet soy from the robata grill and; barley miso marinated baby chicken, oven roasted on cedar wood and roasted lobster with green chilli and garlic hojiso butter from the Zuma dish selection. You can enjoy any of the dishes at the sushi bar or in the main dining area, so there’s no need to stress if you don’t manage to get one of the limited front row seats! Thanks to such an impressive and ar ed enu ou undou ted nd it hard to choose, so the team at Zuma have very kindly created a tasting menu which packs the very best into one easy to order option allowing you to spend more time enjoying the view and extensive sake menu. Once you have managed to work your way through the expansive tasting menu or dishes of choice, you can indulge in one of their showstopping desserts. What can only be described as a re ned trop a part on a p ate t e r dessert p atter s enou to bring anyone back for more, not that you will have to wait until then to make up your mind.

As the origin of Zuma’s success, the Knightsbridge establishment remains at the top of the restaurant scene in London. Featuring three areas in which to enjoy the ambiance, including the main dining area, sushi counter and robata grill and lounge and bar, the restaurant possesses the perfect balance between a relaxed atmosphere and sophisticated dining. Secure a spot at the sushi bar - no reservations are available - and you can indulge in some o t e res est s n to n presented beautifully right in front of you. This more informal setting provides the ideal spot for lunch to break up a days shopping and gives you the opportunity to rea e per en e u a rst and with a view of the kitchens and robata grill. The idea behind this dining experience is executed equisitely, combining what is essentially a casual cuisine with the most elegant of presentat ons and t e nest n red ents prepared to perfection. And this is the secret to Zuma’s global success, appealing to both connoisseurs and casual diners alike. n t e enu ou nd d s es su as t e ass sp tuna roll made with fresh tuna, homemade chilli miso and yuzu tobiko

Zuma, 5 Raphael Street, Knightsbridge, London SW7 1DL | 020 7584 1010 |



Zoran’s Mixology Masterclass

with Zoran Peric

Zoran Peric is a cocktails and spirits expert with a background in launching and managing some of London’s top bars such as the Soho Hotel. He has also worked with some of the country’s leading drinks brands, working with them to develop their brand and drinks conce ts

One of the biggest focuses in the drink’s calendar this month is London Cocktail Week. London Cocktail Week is the biggest, most vibrant celebration of the cities cocktail culture and 2016 sees the event in its seventh year. The fact that this great event is going from strength to strength is proof that there is thirst for people to increase their cocktail no ed e e ee s ed t aster asses tutored tastings, supper clubs, meet the maker evenings, parties and pop ups osted n d fferent o at ons a ross t e capital. London Cocktail Week is making its mark on the world and now attracting award-winning bartenders from some of the best bars from around the globe, with the likes of Jose Louis of Limantour e o ar s ar L tt e ed oor’s e a a e and p s off o Singapore’s Manhattan Bar who will all be hosting guest takeovers at the Patrón Cocktail Lab, showcasing their skills in a carefully crafted masterclass and devising unique city-inspired cocktails from around the world. London is renowned for its fun and vibrant cocktail scene, and has n reas n e o e o e to so e o t e or d’s ost a ous ars e e t e of the nature of the city itself, London’s bars are diverse and exciting, attracting bartenders from across Europe and beyond. I myself moved to London in 1996 from Serbia and since then, I have had the chance to be part of this city’s vibrant bar scene and worked alongside key players in the industry. With over 200 partner bars, London Cocktail Week promises to give guests a taste o t e t ’s nest r st ands e ou a ess to 5 o ta s n ea of the partner bars along with access to The Cocktail Village which returns to d p ta e ds ar et or t e se ond ear ost n pop up ars ro t e biggest drink names such as Bombay Sapphire, Drambuie, and Jim Beam in collaboration with leading London venues including The Rum Kitchen, ROKA and u a e If you aren’t able to make it there in person, you can experiment from the comfort of your own home via Patrón Cocktail Lab at cocktails Patrón Cocktail Lab online is set to inspire people with new and interesting a s to en o atr n te u a t o ta re o endat ons ased on t e a ours they like, in serves that can be easily recreated at home. @zoran_peric07


First Edition Proudly serving Canary Wharf fresh food cooked to order for over 20 years. With winter upon us, the time has come for some serious eating and drinking. Whether organising a lunch, dinner or drinks event – with our newly renovated heated terrace and seasonal menu choices, here at First Edition we are as ready as ever to offer flexibility and attentive service that can only be found in a family establishment.

First Edition Wine Bar & Seafood Brasserie à la carte menu Soups - Soup de Poisson, served with Aioli, Bisque of Langoustine, Bisque of Crab Salads - Warm Salad of Scallops, Rocket Salad, Caeser Salad; Traditional, Chicken, Salmon or King Prawn Starters - Triple Spiced Cajun Squid, Warm Crispy Duck Rolls, Breaded Goats Cheese, Sashimi of Fresh Salmon Main Course - Fish & Chips, Homemade Fresh Sea Bass Ravioli, Swordfish Tandoori, Confit of Duck, Bavette d’Aloyau, First Edition Tofu-Cakes, Homemade Fresh Ravioli, First Edition Teriyaki; Chicken Breast, Fresh Salmon Steak, Fresh Sea Bass Fillet, Sirloin Steak, Fresh Swordfish Steak, Fresh Tuna Steak

Wine Corner Perfect Pairing - Givry 1er Cru ‘’Domaine Joblot’’ 2012 It’s just not Christmas without a fine Burgundy to enhance your game bird. The Joblot is a perfect match for our roasted Guinea fowl from the special Christmas menu £64.95 Treat yourself - Taurasi DOC ‘Di Prisco 2007 ‘’The Godfather’’ of the list, robust yet smooth with well tamed tannins, the Taurasi is the epitome of indulgence; particularly when matched with our luxury cheeseboard £79.95 First Edition, 25 Cabot Square, London E14 4QA For Reservations: 020 7513 0300

Royal China

Royal China Canary Riverside, 30 West Ferry Circus, London E14 8RR Telephone: 020 7719 0888


The Oenophilist

with Edward Gerard, Wine Buyer for Harrods

dward erard started his career c cling cases o fine wine round the SW1 and SW3 postcodes. Some 13 years later after a stint in the USA, and having extensively traveled and tasted his way around the wine world he finds himsel with the enviable ob o selecting the vast range available in the Wine Rooms at Harrods.

As the Indian summer draws to an end and the leaves begin to turn a o den ro n nd nd ander n a to d ood o s o aging horse chestnuts in the airing cupboard. What has this got to do with wine I hear you ask, well this was t e rst t e eard t e e press on nter wine”, as my father emerged from the pantry triumphantly brandishing a Bulgarian table wine, all the rage in t e 0’s pro a n t at t as t e perfect winter wine” as he sat down or our a ea ast or ard 5 years and I’m the one searching for that perfect partner wine for the chilly winter nights ahead. October sees the launch of the Harrods Winter Wines range which the team and I have searched high and low to select the perfect wines for The Wine Rooms, to partner all the occasions winter brings. The full range can be found on but here are just a few of my favourites. It might be an obvious choice but for me, a winter wine rack would not be complete without a great Rhone Valley red and my pick for this year is the delightful Cotes du Rhone from Domaine de la

Maurelle. With rich aromas of berry fruits, herbs and spices, this full bodied red is perfect for warming winter stews. If you, like me, are a fan of roasted chestnuts then I have a brilliant Garntxa Blanca (Grenache Blanc in France) that will elevate this festive snack to another level. The wine is the delicious La Serra Blanca from Herencia Altes, unlike anything you a e tr ed e ore t s starts off with a subtle lychee fruit note then moves quickly though to brazil nuts, chestnuts and almonds there is also an alluring salinity to this and a brilliant textured mouthfeel. Just when you think the wine has revealed all, there emerges hints of fennel and Mediterranean herbs on t e on and sat s n n s This truly is a memorable wine and one we hope you like discovering as much as we did. If you like seeking out new and exciting wines t en t e n o ue country right now is Portugal and we have selected the brilliant red wine Prazo de Roriz from Prats & Symington, it is the perfect companion during and after a sumptuous Sunday roast. | @Harrods | #HarrodsFood


Brunch at Oblix Located high in the sky, in the iconic Shard building, awarding winning restaurant Oblix has recently introduced a new brunch menu serving a variety of classics each with a luxurious twist. Taking inspiration from the breadth of ingredients from Oblix’s open t en t e run enu offers ot an arra o de ounter favourites alongside at-table service. After being welcomed with a glass of champagne and admiring the fantastic views across the capital, guests are invited to start their meal from the impressive deli counter. ffer n a antast and unr a ed a ount o o e or meat-eaters and vegetarians alike, well-presented dishes include tru ed de ed e s ar a a art o e rus etta pra n cocktail, Asian slaw with Chinese cabbage, asparagus salad with parmesan and jalapeno, Cornish mackerel, honey roasted ham, house sausage rolls, salmon gravlax, quinoa and feta cheese salad, and the list goes on. A range of artisan breads and a huge cheese board also sits on the counter. n e ou a e ad our o starters t’s t en onto t e main course which again is very impressive in terms of selection. While the brunch may not be bottomless like many others, you are certainly getting more than your money’s worth in terms of selection, quality and of course, view. There is a huge sense of occasion when brunching at Oblix, which is only enhanced more thanks to the fantastic live acoustic music sessions that run between 1pm and 3pm. Those looking for an extra tipple can enjoy a glass off t e e tens e ne st or a are u reated o ta e Expresso Martini in particular goes down very well as an after dinner aperitif. Highlights of the main course menu include the large king crab o e ette ar n n s u ns ser ed e s ro a e ened t and Florentine; grilled sourdough, scrambled duck eggs & smoked duck ham; Oblix burger and chips; and half lobster and lemon served with verbena butter. If that isn’t enough, there are also a number of tempting side d s es su as tru ed a eese and tenderste ro o Make sure you leave room for dessert though as the dessert counter is not to be missed with treats including homemade t ra su s eet potato p e and our ess o o ate a e a on t a lighter, classic fresh fruit salad and passion fruit choux. The Oblix Weekend Brunch will be available on Saturday and unda e run s pr ed at per person t t ree courses and a glass of champagne served on arrival. Oblix, Level 32, The Shard, 31 St. Thomas Street, London SE1 9RY | 020 7268 6700 |



Dirty Bones Shoreditch With popular restaurants and bars in Soho and Kensington, Dirty Bones has recently opened in a brand new area - Shoreditch. Located in an iconic, Grade II listed heritage building in the heart of Shoreditch, the new restaurant serves up the famed New York inspired comfort food dishes and cocktails for which the venues are renowned. rt ones ored t s a so t e rst o t e roup to ouse a da dining throughout the week, as well as the new East-exclusive weekday breakfast menu and the ‘Dirty Roast’ every Sunday. The exclusive Dirty Roast is available from 12pm every Sunday, offer n uests a o e o r s et ee p ed utter r ed Chicken; or Beet & Portobello Melt, served with homemade gravy and all the trimmings. Groups of four or more can also share the spectacular Table Roast, that includes all three Dirty Roasts, three homemade gravies and a platter of sides to share. e r run offer n s per e t or t ose n sear o so et n a tt e ore su stant a t an t e usua offer n s ound urt er est t choices such as The Mac Daddy which features a 6oz house burger topped with pulled beef short rib, mac & cheese and homemade BBQ sauce in a brioche bun. And for the ultimate indulgence, pair with the breakfast fries which are delicate yet crisp french fries topped with two

fried eggs and their homemade smoked ketchup. If you can manage it, t e a e a antast se e t on o desserts to oose ro e a s p anana o erone e a a es are erta n ort a tr e en ou can’t manage it all, otherwise there are the slightly more reserved milk and cookies - milk gelato and soft baked chocolate ganache cookie, or offee and donuts offee e ato t a res su ared donut Whatever you choose, you will need something to wash it all down and they have a spectacular drinks menu to help you out. You can choose from the designated brunch drinks menu which features their key tipples such as the Dirty Mary - Finlandia vodka, tomato, lemon and pickle juices, hot sauce and a sour cream Pringle rim, and the boozy run t offers our asses ro a se e t on o t ree d fferent o ta s or prose o or ust ternat e ou an en o an o their other drinks from the main menu including some draught ales and shakes - Shadow boasts double chocolate ice cream, Oreo and chocolate sau e and an e rt ed t a s ot o t e de ous ood ord Reserve bourbon on request! The atmosphere is that of any bustling Shoreditch eatery with the added bonus of a spectacular interior. Certainly one to try if you are in the area and even worth the journey if you’re not.

Dirty Bones Shoreditch, 1 Club Row, Shoreditch, London E1 6JX | 020 7920 6434 |




Representative example

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Branches also in: Buckhurst Hill, Romford Chelmsford, Ipswich, Bishop’s Stortford Milton Keynes, St Albans & Cambridge Search Glyn Hopkin Group

One of the UK’s largest Fiat dealer groups with 9 dealerships

Fuel consumption figures for new Fiat 500 range in mpg (l/100km): Urban 51.4 (5.5) – 65.7 (4.3); Extra Urban 65.7 (4.3) – 83.1 (3.4); Combined 60.1 (4.7) – 74.3 (3.8). CO2 emissions 110 – 88 g/km. Fuel consumption and CO2 figures based on standard EU tests for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. Information correct at time of going to print. Fiat Deposit Contribution only available in conjunction with Fiat i-Deal PCP. With Fiat i-Deal you have the option to return the vehicle and not pay the final payment, subject to the vehicle not having exceeded an agreed annual mileage (a charge of 6p per mile for exceeding 5,000 miles per annum in this example) and being in good condition. Finance subject to status. Guarantees may be required. Terms and Conditions apply. At participating dealers only. Fiat Financial Services, PO BOX 4465, Slough, SL1 0RW. We work with a number of creditors including Fiat Financial Services. Offers correct at time of going to print and are subject to manufacturer campaign changes without prior notice.




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020 8003 8463

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Branches also in: North London, Waltham Abbey, Buckhurst Hill, Romford, Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich, Bishop’s Stortford, Watford, Milton Keynes, St Albans, Bedford & Cambridge Search Glyn Hopkin Group

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Qashqai Range: URBAN 37.2-67.3mpg (7.6-4.2L/100km); EXTRA URBAN 52.3-78.5mpg (5.4-3.6L/100km); COMBINED 47.1-74.3mpg (6.0-3.8L/100km); CO2 emissions 138-99g/km.

Information correct at time of going to print. Guarantees and Indemnities may be required. Finance subject to status. Written details available on request. You must be at least 18 and a UK resident (excluding Isle of Man and Channel Islands) to apply. Finance provided by RCI Financial Services Limited, PO Box 149, Watford WD17 1FJ. *Contract hire, excludes maintenance, based on agreed annual mileage, excess mileage charges apply. >T&C’s apply, ask for full details. Model shots shown are for illustration purposes only. Models subject to availability. MPG figures are obtained from laboratory testing, in accordance with 2004/3/EC and intended for comparisons between vehicles and may not reflect real driving results (Optional equipment, maintenance, driving behaviour, road and weather conditions may affect the official results). Calls may be monitored to ensure quality of service. Offers correct at time of going to print and are subject to manufacturer campaign changes without prior notice.

your Luxury Ventures Off-Road Synonymous with the term luxury, Bentley have for many years been reserved for the road and more recently returning to the track. Now, they set their sights on, well, everywhere else. The new Bentayga doesn’t just bring a new dimension to the marque, but delivers all-new technology with it.

Bentley Bentayga


Ultimate Angling Accessory


1960 MGA




e g n e l l a h C e th

The luxury British marque have joined the ever expanding and

highly competitive SUV market but soar high above the rest.

u ant pated ent e ’s rst enture nto t e ar et na t roads t s ear and t t ard r n n an ent re ne offer n to t e se tor t e r t s ar ue a e r e ented t e r p a e at t e top o t e p e e pre u ar et as been, for many years, reserved for the iconic Range Rover and multitude of German-based counterparts. Now, there is a whole new tier sitting above the rest with just one member, the Bentayga. Taking their incredible levels of style, luxury and craftsmanship from the already impressive line up, Bentley have managed to reate a tru re ar a e a ne or ot on and off road driving. Although all-wheel-drive features across the model range, you certainly wouldn’t expect to see a Continental venturing cross-country in search of game or a more picturesque viewpoint. However now there is a vehicle that Bentley owners can enjoy in equal luxury and comfort to its shorter counterparts.

You are immediately aware that this is in fact a Bentley despite being unlike anything the company has produced in the past - thanks to its imposing and instantly recognisable front end composition. Maintaining similar styling to rest of the collection, Bentayga features the large grille supported either side by the dual headlight design now synonymous with the Bentley brand. Of course this helps other road users to easily identify it as a Bentley whilst driving at night too. Each of their models utilise slight ar at ons o t e ead t des n and enta a s no d fferent sn a s ar stru ture to t e ont nenta and u sanne Bentayga’s headlights feature the larger of the two on the inside with the smaller to the exterior supporting a body-coloured centre creating a unique style against the rest. As expected, Bentayga features strong lines from the front end, over the bonnet and along the body supported by further structural

detail running from the ‘B’ vent sitting atop the front wheel arch. All of which draws the eye rearwards to the exaggerated rear arch that more than hints at the cars potent potential. However this is juxtaposed by a sweeping roof line that continues down the back of the car delivering a softer appeal. They have somehow managed to amalgamate strong lines with subtle, unaggressive curves which have created a vehicle that - despite enormous - appears deceptively sleek. On entering the car through one of its substantial doors, t does not d sappo nt e o ed a d st n t a t o ne luxurious leather, your eye is immediately taken by the stunning dash. Adorned in your personal selection of wooden inlay and choice of leather, the interface is somewhat of a joy to behold. t ou dn’t e r t t e ost u ur ous o a t e wasn’t given the Mulliner treatment, so a bespoke mechanical

u ner our on re t n o an a so e spe ed e most complex of watch mechanisms, the Mulliner Tourbillon is automatically wound periodically by a dedicated high-precision winding mechanism within the car. This masterpiece is machined in solid gold (customers can select from either rose or white gold), with a choice of either a mother-of-pearl or black ebony face and decorated with eight diamond indexes. Regardless of the key material selection, the integration of its all-new 8” touchscreen and user controls is simply sublime. And the features continue for the driver too, with a sleek start/stop button sitting in the centre console within the drive selection knob. s eatures dr e d na s ode and opt ona respons e off road sett n p to e t odes are a a a e a o n dr ers at the simple turn of a dial, to select the perfect dynamic set-up for any surface or road condition whether you are in a desert or up a


sno ounta n or poss ust stu n entra London tra This versatility is complemented by self-levelling air suspension, Bentley dynamic ride - electrically activated 48V active roll control, t e or d’s rst e e tr a t e ro ontro te no o t at ut ses an unrivalled 48V system. Inherent in larger vehicles with a higher centre of gravity, this system instantly counteracts lateral rolling forces when cornering and ensures maximum tyre contact to deliver class-leading cabin stability, ride comfort and unfathomably exceptional handling - and electric power-assisted steering (EPAS). e respons e off road sett n a o s t e user to se e t t e appropr ate e e sett n s or a de ran e o off road sur a es while the driver information panel displays information on pitch, roll, wheel articulation, steering angle, compass bearing and altitude. Bentley have integrated all of the latest technologies one ou d e pe t to nd n a ar o t s a re n ud n adapt e cruise control, park assist, electronic night vision using infra-red technology and a whopping 18 speaker sound system boasting 50 atts o pre u sound n add t on passen ers re e e entertainment from the new Bentley Entertainment Tablet, a re o a e 0 ndro d de e t and uetoot Passenger comfort is and always has been paramount to Bentley’s success and Bentayga delivers it in abundance. Plush leather covers every perceivable inch of the interior which is spacious to say the east urt er ore t e our seat on urat on osen ta es the statement of design, comfort and luxury to new heights. The t o nd dua rear seats ad ust n d fferent a s and n ude massage and ventilation functions as well as footrests. So you can be sure that your passengers will be more than happy however long they are ‘stuck’ in the back for. The veneered rear console hides additional functionality such as cup holders, generous storage areas and ar n so ets to o p ete t e odern et traditionally sophisticated interior. ent e offer a nu er o opt ona e tras or t e ast oot spa e including champagne cooler and crystal glass storage as well as the ultimate piece of kit for the angler in you (more on the next page) if you were in need of any further reason to want one. The key is t at e er t n s spe a des ned and ade or our ar so t all looks absolutely perfect and works seamlessly. All of those extras and wooden inserts do add a lot of weight. Fortunately, the engine development team at Bentley have been on hand to help with the very latest technology. An all-new 6.0-litre twin turbocharged W12 TSI engine has been designed and built to site perfectly under Bentayga’s expansive bonnet. Staking its claim

on the title of most technologically advanced 12-cylinder engine in the world, it is a truly remarkable unit. Despite carrying over three tonnes of car, this engine manages to take the Bentayga from zero to sixty miles per hour in just four seconds and continue on to 187mph. This is thanks to the mind blowing power and torque ures o 0 and 00 respe t e e n de ered t rou all four wheels. It’s not just the power that is impressive though, the new W12 uses both direct and indirect fuel injection. Switching seamlessly between the two technologies, the combination maximises re ne ent de ers o part u ate e ss ons and a ses t at power and torque delivery. n e en ure o s press e on a ar o this size with such a substantial engine, but it is made possible in part thanks to Bentley’s variable displacement system, which shuts do n a o t e en ne under de ned ond t ons re ous seen on their V8 engines, intake and exhaust valves, fuel injection and n t on are a s ut do n on de ned nders n t e t t e en ne runn n as a s nder or pro ed e en s s t e ep to e o u ur off road dr n and re a n as su or so e t e t s u te onest a t n o eaut n e an ot er on t e road ot n respe t o ts s eer ua t and in its driving ability. You could drive a W12 Flying Spur and t en one o t ese and not e a e to te t e d fferen e n t e performance both in a straight line and around corners. What the team at Bentley have managed to achieve is spectacular.

Bentley Bentayga Engine 6 . 0 -Litre Twin-Turbo W12 TSI Transmission ZF 8-Speed Automatic Power (PS) 608 Torque (Nm) 900 Acceleration 0-62mph (sec) 4.1 Maximum Speed (mph) 187 Fuel Consumption Combined (mpg) 21.6 Carbon Dioxide Emissions (g/km) 296 On the Road Price £160,200 As Driven £189,675


The Ultimate Angling Accessory The Bentayga Fly Fishing by Mulliner is the latest addition to the all-new, all-wheel-drive Bentley and brings with it the ultimate in angling accessories. Hand-crafted by Bentley’s bespoke coachbuilding division, the Bentayga Fly Fishing by Mulliner is an exquisite installation which houses all the equipment required for a successful day on the river. Four rods are stored in special tubes trimmed in Saddle leather with Linen cross-stitching and located on the underside of the parcel shelf. A pair of landing nets in matching leather bags are stored in a bespoke, carpet-trimmed hard pocket built into the side of the boot. At the heart of the Bentayga Fly Fishing by Mulliner are three individual, Saddle-leather-trimmed units: a master tackle station; a refreshment case; and waterproof wader-stowage trunk. The master tackle station and refreshment case sit on a sliding tray that allows for easy access. Inside the master tackle unit is a spe a urr a nut eneered dra er onta n n a t n e and tools, as well as a selection of cotton, hooks and feathers.

Beneath this are four machined-from-solid aluminium reel cases trimmed in Saddle leather with a Linen cross-stitching. The interior of the refreshment case is trimmed in Linen leather, and onta ns up to t ree eta as s and a set o u ner ne na tableware, as well as a separate food storage compartment. With a u ted eat er n s on top t an a so e re o ed ent re and used as additional seating. Waders and boots are conveniently stowed in a hand-crafted and Saddle-leather-wrapped wood trunk, lined with hard-wearing neoprene material to keep the items in a waterproof environment after use. Of course, all three units can be removed from the Bentayga’s boot whenever maximum luggage space is required. aterproo oot oor and rear s prote t on o ers are discreetly integrated into the rear of the Bentayga Fly Fishing by u ner as s an e e tron de u d er un t to ensure t e area remains fresh and dry.



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£13,999 +Delivery +VAT +RFL (pre-registered).

Vauxhall Vivaro Sportive L1H1 Van Diesel 2700 1.6CDTi 120 PS SPEC INCLUDES Assisted by easy ESC with hill start assist access, the generous DAB radio 1.2m width between the rear wheel arches Six-way adjustable drivers Twin passenger bench seat means New Vivaro On-board computer is able to carry wide Driver airbag loads such as 8 x 4 Power windows, front foot plywood sheets.

Toomey Vauxhall Basildon - 01268 407627

Service House, West Mayne, Basildon, Essex SS15 6RW Finance is subject to status. Terms & Conditions apply. Applicants must be 18 or over. Guarantee/Indemnity may be required. Finance provider is Vauxhall Finance PO Box 666, Cardiff CF15 7YT. Registered 31st March 2016. You will not own the vehicle until all payments are made. *At the end of the agreement there are 3 options: (1) Renew: part exchange the vehicle, (2) Retain: pay the Optional Final Payment to own the vehicle or (3) Return the vehicle. Further charges may be made subject to the condition or mileage of the vehicle. Toomey Basildon is registered with the FCA and is a credit broker, not a lender. Offer excludes all other offers. Metallic paint extra. Price doesn’t include fuel and admin fee. For full details contact us at the dealership.


Sleek Simplicity 1960 MG MGA 1600 The MGA design dates back to 1951, when MG designer Syd Enever created a streamlined body for George Philips’ TD Le Mans car. A prototype was built and shown to the BMC chairman Leonard Lord. He turned down the idea of producing the new car as he had just signed a deal with Donald Healey to produce Austin-Healey cars two weeks before. Falling sales of the traditional MG models caused a change of heart, and the car, was brought back. It was a body-on-frame design and originally used the 1489cc straight-4 “B series” engine from the MG Magnette saloon. In May 1959 the MGA received an updated engine. At 1588cc it produced 81PS and would hit 60mph in 13.3 seconds. It also received disc brakes in the front with drums remaining at the rear. The MGA convertible had no exterior door handles delivering an even sleeker line along the body. This excellent dry US, LHD example from 1960 is n s ed n te oa or t stunn n ontrast red nter or t as had a recent engine rebuild and drives beautifully. The car also comes with RHD steering rack and dash for conversion.


1960 MG A Series I. POA

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Big Brand Bathroom Sale Starts 26th September


60 - 64 Snakes Lane East Woodford Green Essex, IG8 7QQ T: 020 8504 8425 F: 020 8504 9278

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your Bespoke Kitchen Anything bespoke tends to come at a price, but now there is a new service from Wren Kitchens that will deliver a bespoke kitchen for a fraction of the cost you would expect. The perfect solution whatever your budget to create your ideal space.

Tailored Kitchens


New Build Gardens


Come Up Trumps


Moving Stories


Portfolio of 10 properties 5 Houses with off street parking 5 Apartments 5 Allocated parking spaces

● ●

7 Units currently let on AST Westferry DLR - 0.3 mile

Guide price £8,250,00.00 Leasehold For more information, call Michael Whittaker 020 3393 4653 or email

11 Westferry Circus Canary Wharf E14 4HE


3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Duplex apartment Parking

● ● ● ●

Balcony Approx. 1,429 sq ft (133 sq m) Blackwall DLR - 0.4 mile EPC: C

Price £830 per week Furnished For more information, call Charlotte Malone 020 3582 2989 or email

Potential tenants are advised that administration fees may be payable when renting a property. Please ask for details of our charges.

11 Westferry Circus Canary Wharf E14 4HE


2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 12th Floor Balcony

● ● ● ●

Approx. 850 sq ft (79 sq m) Brand new development 24 Hour concierge Stratford station - 0.3 mile


For more information, call Bernard Cully 0203 147 1500 or email

Potential tenants are advised that administration fees may be payable when renting a property. Please ask for details of our charges.

Unex Tower 5 Station Street London E15 1DA

Wren Kitchens - from here to Infinity A unique, bespoke kitchen made just for your home was a dream that only a select few could ever realise because of the high price tag. But not anymore as the largest kitchen manufacturer and retailer in the UK, Wren Kitchens, is going to make that dream come true for thousands of homeowners with the launch of its n n t o e t on t s autu n With 50 colours, 20 frontal styles, 1,650 unit sizes, 700 feature un ts or tops pro es n s es and a a n deta s n n t and n n t us offer t e poss t o ons o o nat ons n n nt o o e t at ets ou reate a espo e t en or a fraction of the price. All of Wren’s kitchens are manufactured by Wren in the UK at its state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, ensuring that quality, design, sustainable manufacturing and British values are at the heart of everything it does. And, because Wren owns its entire supply chain manufacturing in the UK, selling in its own showrooms and de er n n ts o n eet osts an e ept o or usto ers e aun o t e n n t o e t on t s autu n s a rea a e changer for the industry - and for homeowners. Wren spent a further £50 million in manufacturing facilities alone to develop t e n n t ran e reat n a t rd a tor ta n ts anu a tur n

footprint to over 1.5 million square feet, and 25,000 hours in research and development. Mark Pullan, Wren’s Managing Director, explains: “The company has experienced unprecedented sales growth in 2016 and over the next few years we will be looking to almost triple the number of retail showrooms in the UK from 55 to 150. The word is spreading about our great quality, excellent service, and above all, our beautiful kitchens. We are so excited to introduce the n n t o e t on and e our usto ers t e ost o pre ens e collection in the UK to choose from.” e n nt o e t on offers o eo ners a espo e u ur t en at a pr e t at e er one an afford ren’s popu ar ran es including favourites like the Shaker and Handleless styles, have been expanded to include new un t s es o ours n s es eature units and custom-made worktops from stunning stealth islands to pull out larder units, pet beds and dressers. One stunning new des n t e s ee odern n n t ano s nor a on ound n high-end design studios - but Wren makes it available at an entry price of a little over £1,000 for 8 units. A bespoke kitchen for everyone, whatever the budget. To see the full collection, visit or visit your local showroom.


Antill Road, Bow, E3 £1,125 per week*

We are CBRE Residential, your sales and lettings team.

An exceptional three bedroom converted house in Bow is available to rent. This former pub is now the setting for a truly unique and stunning residence.

– – – – –

Fully furnished High ceilings Summer house Courtyard and roof terrace EPC rating D

020 7205 4679 *Potential tenants should be advised that as well as rent, an administration fee of £270 including VAT and referencing fee of £50.40 including VAT per person will apply when renting a property. Please visit for more information about other fees that may apply. Prices correct at time of going to print.


Pierpoint Building, Docklands, E14 Guide price £735,000*

We are CBRE Residential, your sales and lettings team.

020 7205 4678 *Prices correct at the time of going to print.

A well presented two bedroom riverside apartment on the seventh floor offering impressive views of the River Thames, City and Canary Wharf skyline.

– – – – –

Approximately 905 sq ft South/west facing private balcony Allocated parking space Concierge, gymnasium & spa EPC rating C

CBRE Unveils Landmark New Anderson Development Carpenters Wharf, Fish Island, Hackney Wick An exciting new residential development on Fish Island, Hackney Wick, is set to be launched by the developer Anderson with CBRE appointed as selling agent. Located on one of London’s most vibrant and artistic communities, Carpenters Wharf is set to be an iconic new development for the area. The distinctive collection of apartments designed by Studio Egret West, will blend sophisticated interiors and spe at on ater a s t o d ndustr a ar te ture that is in keeping with the unique aesthetic of Fish Island’s factories and warehouses. The scheme comprises a selection of one, two and three bedroom beautifully crafted apartments, built on the former site of renowned furniture and shoe makers, the canal-side building has become a well-known landmark in an area that is rich in industrial history and heritage. Located on the Northern tip of Fish Island, arpenters ar s dea pos t oned to ene t ro a ast ran e of amenities; from the creative and cultural hub of Hackney Wick, to the sport and leisure facilities at the Olympic Park and the retail and technological epicenter of Stratford. The waterside development comprises 35 private units; each des ned and tted t t e er nest ater a s n ud n uart stone or tops and oa oor n rran ed around a entra atr u e er apart ent ene ts ro ar e oor to e n ndo s t at ood t e t ou t u des ned n spa e t natura t spe at on tures n ude e nte rated t en app an es ro e L t n and under oor eat n t rou out t s contemporary interiors, inspired by the historic legacy of the site, are integrated with the latest technologies, creating a home that is true to the area’s craft traditions yet perfect for modern day living and entertaining. Externally, Carpenters Wharf has distinctive, exposed wooden frame features, darkened timber cladding, traditional brickwork and a pitched roof, echoing the character of the canal-side

warehouses that make up the Fish Island heritage. es dents an ene t ro a o una roo top arden offer n amazing views towards the canal and Queen Elizabeth Park, as e as t a ess to a oors o pre ens e se ur t s ste s throughout and exclusive car club membership. Meanwhile, t e round oor osts an e t on spa e and a aters de a serving fresh produce, helping to establish Carpenters Wharf as an important, central site for the Fish Island community. Carpenters Wharf is ideally positioned in the center of various transport hubs, providing access to central London and beyond via London Overground access at Hackney Wick, whilst comprehensive underground, overground, national and international rail links can be found in nearby Stratford. Residents a so e a e to ene t ro a ess to rossra ro 0 at Stratford station. Joe Selby, Senior Director at CBRE, comments: “Situated in one of the most dynamic and exciting areas in East London, arpenters ar s a tru un ue offer n t at s u n eep n with the rich cultural heritage of Fish Island. The scheme occupies a prime canal-side position in a key growth area that is continuing to under o s n ant trans or at on “The development provides access to an abundance of amenities, retail facilities and transport links and will appeal to investors and owner occupiers alike.” Craig Rought, Development Director at Anderson, comments: “We are excited to be working in Fish Island and constructing a building of exceptional design and craftsmanship. Construction or s pro ress n e and e are on tar et to e o e t e rst residents in 2017” Carpenters Wharf is a new development from Anderson, one of the largest independent construction and development companies in the south-east of England. The scheme will be launched by CBRE in October 2016, with prices starting from £415,000 for a one bedroom apartment.

020 8525 8272 | |



Computer generated image shown is indicative only *Prices are correct at time of going to press

Alaska Apartments, E16 £1,450 Per Calendar Month

Warehouse W, E16 £1,950 Per Calendar Month

This lovely one bedroom apartment is well presented and offers spacious accommodation, a balcony and marina & river views. Situated on the sixth floor of a contemporary purpose-built block, the property comprises bright front-aspect reception with access to balcony, open-plan kitchen with integrated appliances, substantial bedroom with fitted storage and main bathroom.

This impressive two bedroom, two bathroom apartment is ideally located in a sought-after converted warehouse and offers stylish living space with original features and a modern finish. Set on the second floor, the property comprises spacious reception room with double height ceiling and a stunning juliet balcony.

Omega Works, E3 £525,000 Leasehold

Eddington Court, E16 £679,950 Leasehold

This spacious & beautiful first floor apartment is located within a stunning gated development in the canal side development, Omega Works. Prominent features include a fitted & integrated kitchen, an open-plan lounge with access to a private balcony, double bedrooms, en-suite & additional master bathroom. Set within a gated development and overlooking the Hertford Union Canal.

This luxurious and modern three bedroom, two bathroom top floor apartment is set within a new development, Hallsville Quarter. Located on the 8th floor and measuring approximately 1,026 sq. ft. the apartment boasts a bright and airy reception room with a modern fully fitted open-plan kitchen, from which you have access to a sizeable balcony running the entire length of the apartment.

Docklands Office, Unit B, 20 Western Gateway, London E16 1BS T 020 7474 5505 | |

Arora Tower, SE10 £1,350 Per Calendar Month

Drew House, SE8 £1,425 Per Calendar Month

This spectacular studio apartment is located on the 6th floor of Greenwich’s most wanted new development Arora Tower, SE10. Boasting 407 sq. ft. internally, located next to London’s famous O2 Arena, this property boasts large windows making the living space very bright, looking across the O2 Arena. This studio is well laid out & has a chic bathroom with underfloor heating.

This wonderful one bedroom apartment is located on the 1st floor of Drew House, forming part of the stunning waterside development; Paynes & Borthwick. The apartment consists of a large open plan living room and fully fitted high gloss kitchen, good size private balcony with partial river views, large master bedroom with built in storage space, modern bathroom and ample storage.

Arora Tower, SE10 £499,950 Leasehold

West Carriage House, SE18 £550,000 Leasehold

This stunning one bedroom, one bathroom 558 sq. ft. apartment is located on the seventh floor of Greenwich’s most desired new build development Arora Tower, SE10. Apartment features include an open-plan lounge leading onto a fully fitted & integrated kitchen which includes stone worktops and a fitted wine cooler, spacious bedroom with a chic, fully tiled and luxurious bathroom.

This beautiful first floor apartment is situated just by the Clock Tower which is positioned above the security entrance to the central courtyard of `The Armouries’, part of the original Grade II listed Royal Carriage Works buildings. Accommodation comprises: three luxury double bedrooms, family bathroom with a separate WC, well-proportioned lounge & modern fitted kitchen with built in appliances.

Greenwich Office, Unit C, 32-34 Wood Wharf, Horseferry Road, London SE10 9BB T 020 8853 8950 | |

Towerside, Wapping E1W

Burr Close, West Wapping E1W

ea2 are pleased to offer for sale this modern built 3rd floor studio apartment within this riverside development. The apartment benefits from open plan lounge and bedroom area, fitted kitchen and 3 piece bathroom suite. Laminate wood floors. Video entry-phone system. Parking space. Close to Wapping station and local bus routes.

ea2 are pleased to offer for sale this 1980’s built 2 double bedroom 2nd and 3rd floor duplex apartment. The apartment benefits from kitchen diner, reception leading to patio garden. Bathroom with separate Wc. Parking space. Located close to Tower Hill Stations and St Katharine’s Dock.

Cape Yard, West Wapping E1W

Capital Wharf, West Wapping E1W



ea2 are pleased to offer for sale this 1st floor 2 bedroom modern built apartment ea2 are pleased to offer this bright 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment with The apartment benefits from stunning River views from the balcony on the second floor within this sought after lounge, fully fitted kitchen, en-suite shower room to master bedroom and family development. The master bedrooms ensuite comprises of a 4 piece bathroom ea2 are pleased for windows. sale this stunning modern 3 bedroom, 3 storey within soughtbathroom after secure development. The fromWooden private bathroom. Floor to offer ceiling Laminate wood built floors. Video-entry phonetownhouse suite. Thethis second is also an ensuite in theproperty secondbenefits bedroom. terrace, under floorparking heating,space. modern fitted caretaker. kitchen, lounge, bathrooms and laminate floors. The has beencloak granted planning consent to extend system. Allocated On-site Close2tomodern St Katharine’s Dock, floors wood throughout and property has a separate room. 24 hour concierge and into use the loft creating further 2 bedrooms a bathroom taking the gross square footage to 1500gym sq ft. Close underground to Wapping station andClose local to bustransport routes. links to canary Wapping station aand Tower Hill stations.and Share of Freehold. of circa residents Secure parking. wharf and the city.

Prospect Place, E1W within this popular WestWapping Wapping development.


| 35a Wapping High Street | Wapping | E1W 1NR t: 020 7702 3456 |

£1,100,000 £1,400,000

Newlands Wapping The Tower,Quay, Wapping E1W E1W

The Highway, Wapping E1W Waterman Way, Wapping E1W

ea2 arepleased pleasedto to offer let this modern built 2 bedroom 2nda floor apartment ea2 are offer this toexecutive Studio apartment to rent within luxurious landmark development. This South Facing apartment comprises of modern open from plan fitted kitchen, within this secure dockside development. The apartment benefits recently recontemporary fitted bathroom & Balcony, The flat totals 382 Sq. ft. Residents of Wapping Lane fitted bathroom, lounge with separate kitchen and balcony with south facing views have the benefit of 24hr concierge facilities, exclusive residents health club, gym and enjoy close over Shadwell Basin. Parking space option. Close to Wapping and Shadwell stations. proximity to DLR and underground stations. Close to local bus routes.

ea2 are pleased to showmodern you this built 2 double bedroomapartment recently renovated modern Recently re-decorated, 1 bedroom within this quite apartment which of 2 bathrooms, this property benefitsfloors, from aseparate garden ornamental canalcomprises side development. Benefiting from wood and is close to transport modern fully fitted kitchen,links. shower room, communal front garden and views of the ornamental canal from the reception and bedroom. Tastefully re-decorated and located within easy reach of local amenities and Waitrose. Parking space option, £425 Per Week alarm and entry phone system. Would suit professional couple or individual.

£360 Per Week £520 Per week

Douthwaite Square, West Wapping E1W Cinnabar Wharf, West Wapping E1W

ea2 are pleased to offer for rent this modern built 2 bedroom ground and first floor duplex The penthouse apartment apartment benefits from lounge, kitchen, 3 piece Modern builtapartment. 6th floor sub within this fitted sought after popular bathroom suite. Double glazing. Laminate wood floors. Views over ornamental riverside development in West Wapping. Comprises of 2 double bedrooms, open canal.lounge Allocated Close to St Katharine’s and with Tower Hill stations. plan andparking kitchen,space. 3 piece bathroom suite andDock balcony views of the River Thames, Tower Bridge and the Shard. South facing floor to ceiling sliding double doors to lounge leading to balcony. Climate control. Secure underground parking space. 24 hour concierge. Close to St Katharine Docks and Per TowerWeek Hill. £425

£700 Per Week

£345 Per week

The Highway, Wapping E1W Hermitage Waterside, West Wapping E1W ea2 are pleased to offer a fantastic opportunity to rent this 2 double bedroom ea2 pleased to offer to let this modern built bedroom, bathroom houseare which has been re furbished completely to a 2high standard2 throughout. apartment within thisasecure development. Thefull apartment benefits fromtoseparate The property offers reception with bi-folding length doors leading garden. fitted kitchen, balcony. ceiling windows. Secure underground parkingCan space. Fully fitted kitchen. First Floor floor to bathroom. Utility room/ground floor cloakroom. be On-site caretaker. Close to Tower Hill stations and St Katharine Docks. furnished or unfurnished. Garden with decking. Close to Tower Hill and within easy access to the City & Canary Wharf.

£460 Per Week £525 per week

| 35a Wapping High Street | Wapping | E1W 1NR t: 020 7702 3456 |

Port East, E14

Fourth Floor master bedroom with exposed brickwork and beams, featuring shower attachment and separate shower,

Duplex Penthouse

• • • • • • •

Duplex Penthouse Apartment Freehold Two secure garage parking spaces Potential to split into two separate units

bath and integrated shower, halogen spotlights and

annum • 2 minutes from Cross Rail station

desk, exposed brickwork and beams, ceiling lighting

• Close to West India Quay, Canary

Fifth Floor windows, exposed brickwork and beams, ceiling complete with integrated appliances and metal work surface.

Guide Price OIEO £1,500,000 Freehold Contact: 01234 926322

New Build Garden Design with Kate Gould

Kate Gould is an award winning garden designer with more than a decade’s hands-on experience transforming gardens of all sizes and a regular exhibitor at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show where she has been awarded three Gold medals. If you would like to know more about our services please contact Kate at

Front and rear gardens were created around a new build propert to re e t ts trad t ona a ade o a ntenan e scheme incorporating Box hedges and structural planting surrounds the house and provides all season interest. A large clipped bonsai in the rear garden adds impact and drama while seasonal colour is provided by Hydrangea, Cornus kousa, Amelanchier, Allium and perennials (Penstemmon, Lobeila, Digitalis mertonensis, Sedum and Anemone x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’) all of which create a pretty and airy planting palette to contrast the clipped hedges. Sandstone terraces in the rear garden were created for dining and relaxing and a covered seating area combined with a bespoke shed at the rear of the garden provides peaceful shelter from the summer sun as well as storage for all furniture and cushions.


Donald could give us the next buying opportunity Our financial insider reviews the global markets It was a busy week on 19th to 23rd September with both US and Japan central bankers expressing their latest monetary policy. US Central Bank did not increase interest rate in September FOMC meeting and the market now expects a December rate hike. Japanese Central Bank made it clear about its determination to maintain their zero interest rate policy. It sent Nikkei 225 from 16,492 on 20th September to 16,809 on 21st September, 1.9% higher, and Japanese Yen actually strengthened from 101.85 to 100.39. Financial Institutes are getting used to negative interest rates in Euro, so zero interest rate is not that scary. Global stock markets have put on a great run since Brexit and further upside ro ere ou d tr er pro t ta n an spe u ators are pro a oo n or opportun t es to o oad and t e ar et friendly outcome from Japan and US central bankers meetings helped. European stock markets had a good run from no monetary tightening and FTSE 100 and Eurostoxx 50 were up 3.0% and 3.3% from close on 16th September to 23rd September. US market was actually lagging with 1.1% movement in S&P and 1.2% in Nasdaq in the same period. HSBC has put on a good run since Brexit and its share price went up from GBp 454.45 (23rd June) to 574.48 (23rd September), up 26%. HSBC shares buyback, downsizing and de-globalization helped. In the same period, Barclays, Lloyds, RBS, Deutsche Bank, Santander share prices moved -7.8%, -21.2%, -27.1%, -28.0% and -4.8% respectively. Comparing these European giants to their US competitors, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citibank and Wells Fargo share price movement were 8.6%, 5.8%, 6.4% and -3.8%. Banking stocks in general are not expensive in terms of valuation but the future is still dark. The regulatory risk and cost could be brutal. Apple share price had some luck with a better than expected iPhone 7 launch and Samsung’s nightmare with the Note 7 battery. The Samsung Note 7 disaster could mean a shift from high end Android users to Apple. As a tech stock, Apple is trading at relatively reasonable valuation. Apple Pay could actually be a wild card and it has launched in China already. User comments have been positive. Apple share price was USD 112.71 as of 23rd September, beating April high at USD 112.1, still far away from USD 133 2015 high print. Twitter announced it has put itself up for sale on 23rd September and its share price rallied 21.4%. Smart move. Better to let go while there are takers than hanging on like Yahoo. The social media space is hot but the investment in technology and competition for talents are stressful battles. Competing against Facebook and Google’s social media portfolio is more than a tall order. Twitter itself is probably at a cross road, to acquire or to be acquired. Already, market mentioned, Verizon, Microsoft and Google have shown interest in buying Twitter and Verizon has just bought Yahoo. Google could turbo charge Twitter

with its Chrome, Gmail, Google map, YouTube, Google Play, Google search and Android all with over 1 billion users. With rate hike concern out of the way until December, the spotlight moves to Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton. It looks like it is going to be a real tight race between them. Maybe as tight as George W Bush and Al Gore. If Donald Trump leads the po t e ar et a pan and post a s n ant orre t on s could be a good chance to buy. Looking at the market since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, buy on big dip has been a good trade. The US and European stock markets are at high level as global companies are still growing. The tech stocks like Amazon and ARM, the retailers like Zara and H&M, the pharmaceutical o pan es a e ade up round or t e nan a and resour es sectors. The central bankers are printing money to make up for the de e era n n t e nan a se tor o eone ust e ene ted from the low interest rates. Picking the right sector, right stock and right timing need a lot of luck. Index Funds especially Exchange Traded Funds on FTSE100, Eurostoxx 50, S&P 500, Nasdaq are convenient instruments to capture market movement. Another asset that everyone is familiar with is property. Property prices in London, Paris, Zurich, New York, San Francisco, Hong Kong and an a a e erta n re e ted t at t ere s p ent o one chasing hard assets. The Central Bankers have been using money supp as a un ersa so ut on to de at on and re ess on e at e to zero interest rate, quantitative easing, drop money from helicopter, all with the purpose to get money moving. Whether the next US president is Donald or Hillary, the tricks are the same. Obama launched Obama care, Donald may favor the construction sector as he builds a wall between US and Mexico. Hillary may ene t t e and se ur t se tor as s e needs a ore po er u email system with better encryption. The reality is that US is run a o p e s ste ons st n o d erent po t a part es t e parliament, the government, layers and layers of organization and bureaucracy. If Donald wins, US politics will surely become more entertaining and lead to more coverage in social media. The world will go on and the money printing machines are likely to continue.

Content within this column is personal opinion and does not constitute financial advice and should not be taken as such. Information correct at time of going to print. Contact Matt by email at



Computer generated image for indicative purposes only

W W W. S P I R E LO N D O N .C O M 020 3504 7117

Luxurious Suites, One, Two and Three bedroom apartments and Penthouses. Just 3 minutes’ walk from Canary Wharf Crossrail, connecting to the West End in 11 minutes. 35th floor five-star spa, cinema, club bar, pool and gym. A development by

Residential selling agents


Moving Stories with Jonathan Hewlett, Head of Savills London o n o e an nsp re a tornado o d fferent e ot ons ro excitement and adventure to, sometimes, the feeling of leaving a dear friend. In the 31 years that I’ve been helping people buy and sell, I’ve seen many feel a lack of control in something which has such a strong impact on your life. Others feel comfortable moving regularly, stepping into each chapter with an eager spring in their step. With this in mind, we have recently launched a new series of blogs, Moving Stories, on our website, inspired by our new advertising campaign. Written by Savills employees, clients, friends and family, these Moving Stories have been exploring the complex relationship et een o es and t e r o e o ners t persona re e t ons on moving out, moving in and moving on. Each week, the pre-eminent psychologist, Professor Sir Cary Cooper, CBE, also writes on a range of topics, from why we feel such a strong emotional pull to our childhood homes to exactly what it is that transforms a house to a home. He shares his thoughts, below, on how to deal with the stress of moving: As Churchill once wrote: ‘to improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often’.

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Change can be helpful, allowing us to grow as individuals and families. But it may also be shrouded in uncertainty, and fear of the unknown can be very stressful. That’s why moving is right up there on the stress scale with life-changing events such as death and divorce. What’s more, if the move is triggered by any of those other life-changing events then anxiety levels rise even higher. Naturally, the thought of leaving friends, schools, neighbours and familiar surroundings in favour of starting again in a less certain neighbourhood and environment is worrying. Will the schools be any good? Will you get on with the people next door? How easy will it be to commute? In addition, the moving process itself can be testing, working with building societies and solicitors to exchange contracts, organising re o a r s pa n up t e ouse and t e an ot er sundr tas s that have to be done, and at a time when you are trying to work, take the kids to and from school and get on with your everyday life. But there are things you can do to mitigate some of these stresses and strains of moving. It’s all about taking control. Buying and selling involves multiple parties – agents, solicitors,

COLUMN surveyors, buyers, vendors – and the feeling of being out of control is one of the main causes of stress. It’s crucial therefore to be proactive. Don’t wait for your agent or solicitor to call you; call them and do it at the beginning of the day so action can be taken immediately (dealing with problems later in the day, when everyone is tired and looking forward to going home, is never a good idea). Give them a time-scale for responding to your query (‘So I can expect you to get back to me within 48 hours’) and hold them to it. Never issue threats, but if a sale is proving particularly slow, don’t be afraid of reminding interested parties that you do have other options. If missing the beginning of the new school term is a deal-breaker, for example, say so. You need to feel that it’s you who is in charge here. Meticulous planning and research is another good way of gaining control. When you decide to buy a new house, make sure you frequently visit the neighbourhood you are considering moving to, checking out the shops, schools, transport, and so on. You might want to meet your prospective neighbours on some preten e or anot er su as nd n out a out s oo s or uses or some other local issue. They’ll also give you a sense of who else lives in the road and whether it’s the right place for you and your family. Finally, far in advance of moving day, get all your removal tasks sorted. Don’t feel you have to go it alone: ask family and friends for help with child support or other tasks so you can focus on the move

without too many immediate distractions. Just as meditation probably won’t help you with the stress of moving, so a laissez-faire attitude doesn’t work when trying to deal with ‘removal upheaval’— again, it’s all about control. Savills invite you to submit your own Moving Stories and will donate £50 to Dreams Come True for every one published on Savills UK Blog. We’ll also make a donation for every story submitted for consideration.

Savills Sloane Street | 020 7824 9018 |


walk it

work it

live it




Register your interest 020 3369 8640 Image is computer generated and indicative only. Travel times are approximate and have been obtained from Help to Buy London available on selected apartments remaining in Phase One. Terms and conditions apply.


Boxley Road, Kent

Stuart House

Walderslade Woods, Kent



Guide Price


Four Bedrooms, Garden Apartment. Superior Upgraded Property to a Bespoke Standard

Four Bedrooms, Double Garage. Stunning Detached House.

Walderslade Woods, Kent

Walderslade Woods, Kent

Abigail Crescent


Four Bedrooms, Four Bathrooms. Stunning detached House on a Fantastic Plot.

Walderslade - Kent 01634 200279

Podkin Wood

Guide Price


Five Bedrooms, Four Bathrooms. Stunning Detached House with Lower Level Accommodation

Part of the



Walderslade Woods, Kent

Walderslade Woods, Kent

Silver Tree Close


Silver Tree Close



Four Bedrooms, Three Bathrooms. Stunning Detached House.

Four Bedrooms, Three Bathrooms. Stunning Detached House.

Boxley Road, Kent

Chatham, Kent

Leybourne Close



Four Bedrooms, Three Bathrooms. Stunning detached House.

Walderslade - Kent Part of the 01634 200279



Guide Price


Two Bedrooms, Parking for Several Cars. Stunning Bungalow

Walderslade - Kent 01634 200279




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Your Docklands & City | Issue 79 | October 2016

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