2 minute read
I sis Poet
you are like KRYPTONITE to ME.
Maybe I am in love with you But you are like KRYPTONITE to ME. Ecstasy consuming my life. Your imperious mind disrupting my sanity. Your ideas, your presumptions, distortions and tyranny brutally disarming me.
Like a hurricane, you are ominous. Savage, tearing me apart, I am ravaged. Your presence holds me hostage, Your energy scourges my soul, I am burnt out, having to admit defeat. YOU are like kryptonite to ME. You are my prison. A prism, separating white light into a spectrum of vivid colour. You, unlike any other have the power, to make me exquisitely happy, but are the cause of my misery. I am prey, praying for release hunted, tranquillized, hazy. YOU are like Kryptonite to ME. Though you remind ME of the familiar, of a place I remember. A torrent, you drench me You are a turbulent sea, beyond my control, crushed by your wave. YOU arrived in my life and washed over me, I was drowned in your salty warmth gasped under your intensity. YOU are like kryptonite to ME. You, my metaphorical Achilles heel, it feels impossible to tell YOU what I feel. In your presence I silenced, psychologically unbalanced. Lack of certainty, lack of clarity. Miscommunication, no communication, anger and rage It’s too difficult to gauge if you my Friend or just a lover? Should I flee? YOU are like kryptonite to ME. Am I am unreasonable, I am conflicted, I see my many flaws But yours, are the cause of this ongoing WAR. Your integrity is dwindling My existence is disintegrating. I have lost interest in solving this miserable mystery. YOU are like kryptonite to ME.
Always the stranger in a strange town, raised with secrets and lies. I sought reprieve in fantasy, dreaming as escape from reality. I am weak and strong, present and here, but oft times elsewhere. "No direction home, like a rolling stone". I am blessed yet oppressed by your need to control what you can't control. Tired of your reversed vulnerability
YOU are like kryptonite to ME. You battered my foundations, exposed my roots, left me destitute. And now I am a leader who does not wish to lead, A lawyer disinterested in law, An ex-wife disillusioned by the illusion of sanguinity, suspicious of surety, shunning security.
YOU are like kryptonite to ME. I’m curious. Are you cognizant of my predicament? Are you conscious of my weakness? Are you the innocent and me the delinquent? You are enigmatic What we have is cryptic You my Kryptonite, mythical alloy, my green rock,
with the power to subjugate this "woman of steel"