5 minute read
From the Director:
I am filled with gratitude and pride. Since my arrival in late August, I have been immersed in an institution and constituencies that are strong, open-minded, generous, and innovative. While navigating through a life-threatening pandemic the Speed continued being an invaluable destination for Louisvillians and Kentuckians and offered a safe and healthy environment for visitors from near and far, in addition to hosting virtual programs. While still in the interview process for the coveted position of Director of the Speed, I was deeply moved and inspired by the museum’s Promise Witness and Remembrance exhibition. It seems almost impossible to react to a tragedy as profound as Breonna Taylor’s killing, however the Speed thoughtfully and courageously reflected upon this unjust death through works of art reflecting the African American experience in this country and the loving words of a Black mother and community shaken by grief and an inexplicable sense of loss. Furthermore, the Speed under the leadership of former director Stephen Reily, guest curator Allison Glenn and our community engagement strategist Toya Northington, assured that the narratives of the works of art by black artists living and working in the US were connected and brought to life through Louisville’s experience, myriad conversations, and the wisdom of a local steering committee. the mysterious, haunted, and deeply spiritual in American culture. In addition, the poignant, beautiful exhibition The Unforeseen Wilderness by Eugene Meatyard of photographs of the Red River Gorge taken in the 1960’s corroborated the importance of environmental protection and stewardship Meatyard together with Wendell Berry advocated for already back then.
In continuation of this important work, in early 2022 we will hire our first Director of Equity and Inclusion as an important step in the Museum’s ongoing commitment to being a more equitable, inclusive, and welcoming place for its staff and audiences.

It is paramount that the Speed as a leading cultural institution continues this important journey. An inclusive, diverse vision for our collection and exhibition development, our educational and public programs, community engagement, and an inclusive internal environment is pivotal moving forward.
We have acquired important works of art by diverse artists from all walks of life that share unique and unparalleled stories of world experiences and perspectives and are currently working on different ideas to bring our collections to you in new and illuminating ways.
Since my arrival we have opened an ambitious, unparalleled exhibition with Supernatural America that investigates new colleagues and to learn through and from them about their unique contribution to your museum. We have a deeply committed, passionate, and highly capable staff and it is a pleasure to be working with all of them. We have the great privilege to be overseen by two capable boards, our Board of Trustees and Board of Governors, composed of civic minded, extraordinary individuals from all walks of life who volunteer so much of their resources, knowledge, and expertise to our organization. Without their invaluable contributions we would not be the institution we are. The Speed is a thought leader in so many ways and as a staff and boards we are poised to continue leading the way in the future. It is our role to help shape more inclusive, healthier, and joyous communities by inviting everyone to celebrate art forever. While there is plenty to celebrate, we are still navigating our way through an ever-evolving pandemic that continues to throw new challenges our way. The Omicron variant will certainly continue to complicate our daily lives. At the Speed we remain committed to providing one of the safest and most inspiring museum experiences in the region.
In the past year, the Speed invested in our communities through virtual learning programs and community workshops, hosted virtual artist talks, and presented an ambitious roster of virtual and in person art-house films. In the fall of 2021, we opened a beautiful exhibition by our first Community Connections artist in resident, Shauntrice Martin whose work is informed by the many workshops she hosted for us in the Russell neighborhood. We are committed not only to bringing art and the creative process to all people in our communities but also to support our local artists and creatives.
Please visit us often and know, we are here for you!
It has been a true joy to get to know my
Programming | by Abby Shue, Deputy Director of External Relations and Advancement

Like our entire community and the world, the Speed’s motto for most of 2020 and 2021 was “pivot, pivot, pivot,” especially when it came to our Museum programs. Not only did we navigate changing COVID landscapes, but we welcomed new audiences for the historic Promise, Witness, Remembrance exhibition, many of whom were attending a program at the Speed for the first time. More than ever, we were tasked with living out our mission of inviting everyone to celebrate art forever. Through that responsibility, we learned so much about the capabilities of virtual programming, the immeasurable value of welcoming people back in-person, and the versatility of our local, national, and sometimes even international partners. Thanks to the wonder of video communication and streaming, we were able to offer some of our most beloved programs safely in a virtual format. Through the Global Speed lecture series, we have traveled the world from Austria to Mexico to Italy and beyond, all without leaving the Museum! This year, we were able to “travel” to Egypt with famed Egyptologist, “Mr. Mummy” himself, Bob Brier, historian, archeologist, and professor Dr. Salima Ikram, and UCLA professor of Egyptian Art and Architecture and resident Hatshepsut expert Dr. Kara Cooney. While we knew how beloved Global Speed is here in Louisville, we underestimated just how many people across the world still have what Brier calls “Egyptomania.” Over 300 people from 19 different countries tuned in live for Global Speed, connecting audiences both at home and abroad with the Speed Art Museum.
We continued to offer After Hours at the Speed virtually, through our social media platforms. Recognizing that part of the fun of After Hours was getting to experience a wide variety of programming, we embraced a “variety show” format, working with partners from Louisville and across the country to tell the stories of our exhibitions.
From a “Queer Eye” tour of Andy Warhol: Revelation with Curator José Diaz and Dr. Jongwoo Kim of Carnegie Mellon University to a performance of selections from the Ballet Russes by Louisville Orchestra Music Director Teddy Abrams in Isabelle de Borchgrave: Fashioning Art from Paper, there was something for everyone to enjoy. And because we were able to record these programs, they now live on our YouTube channel for people to enjoy long after the event has passed!
In the spring of 2021, Promise, Witness, Remembrance set forth a change not only in how we approach exhibition creation and design, but in how we engage community in our programming—from planning to execution. The Speed’s programming group worked closely with Community Engagement Strategist Toya Northington and the Steering Committee (formed in early 2021) as well as exhibition curator Allison Glenn to develop meaningful programs exploring the themes of the exhibition. The end results were programs embracing the national reach of the exhibition, such as a conversation with the National Panel of artists and activists who advised Allison in her curatorial work, to the hyper-local, with a block-party Community Day bringing in local artists, DJs, food vendors, and more to celebrate what would have been Breonna Taylor’s 27th birthday on June 5.
2021 was about pivoting, and while it came with its frustrations and fumbles, the chance to try something in a new way proved to be a gift. This past year, we expanded our reach with programming through the virtual space, making the work we do here accessible to a widerthan-ever audience. We welcomed the Steering Committee into the program planning process, bringing their ideas and connections to the table alongside those from our curators, staff, and Boards of Governors and Trustees for all upcoming exhibitions. The challenges we faced this year brought us closer than ever to our mission: At the Speed, We invite everyone to celebrate art forever.