9 minute read

continue to flourish.”

It is with tremendous pride that I step back into the role of the Parents’ Organization of STS (POSTS) President for the next academic year. I had originally anticipated I serving as Past President to newly-elected POSTS President
Jennifer Dalton; however, due to unexpected circumstances,
Jennifer has had to say goodbye to the STS community after five incredible years as a parent volunteer - the last two of which were in the role of Vice
President. In her stead, I look forward to bridging the gap, ensuring that my successor is trained and ready to assume the role of President, and helping our school and community thrive as we enter this exciting new era in
Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School’s history.
One of POSTS’ primary goals for the 2022-2023 school year, whether you’re a new member or have been here for years, is to connect and reconnect with each other. We want to provide opportunities and encourage everyone to come back together and get involved; whether that means signing up to volunteer at the School, cheering at sports events, or even meeting other parents for a quick chat in the parking lot. Zoom meetings have proven to be a valuable tool, but the warmth and belonging one feels when we are able to be involved with the School community in-person cannot be duplicated.
I’m excited for the opportunity to reconnect with parents and build our community back up.
I encourage parents to come to the Welcome Coffee, Fall Fair, parent socials, and musicals, and to cheer for our children at athletic events — Go Spartans! When children know that there are people in their community who support them, it does wonders for a student’s self-esteem and well-being. Also, as a parent, having that network of support can mean the world. As the timeless African proverb states, it really does take a village to raise a child. It’s a very special feeling to know that someone has your back, and being part of a dedicated group of people that you can call upon for help in any situation — Who is my emergency contact? How can I reschedule a pickup? Is it casual day tomorrow? — has made my time with STS an unforgettable experience.

Parents and guardians of STS students, you are the reason why the Parents’ Organization of STS has and will continue to flourish. Every contribution you make on a daily basis, whether it is one hour in a classroom, helping with our special events, donating to our fundraising efforts, being on hand to help at a track meet or field day to simply ensuring that an important message or update is shared with the community, creates ripples of generosity that have helped shape our School into the iconic institution it is today.
I look forward to connecting and reconnecting with you soon!
For more information on how you can get involved with POSTS, visit CREATIVE CONNECTIONS
Time, heart, and energy; POSTS President Amy Meyer has contributed all of this and more. She has led us through the myriad of challenges of the past two years with tremendous grace and endless enthusiasm, and she has truly set the gold standard for excellence in everything she does for STS.
From the outset, as it became clear that we had entered a wholly unique era in our history, Amy has stepped up to make sure POSTS was able to assess, adapt, and continue its mission of cultivating and encouraging a strong sense of connection between families and our School. When pandemic protocols prevented inperson meet and greets, Amy hosted virtual functions, created videos to welcome new families, and provided reassurance to current STS families through a number of resources and activities. Treat week was able to proceed with updated safety protocols and, with her guidance, the POSTS team was able to find many other new and creative ways to engage our community.
The lifting of restrictions during the latter half of this school year may have helped us breathe a bit easier — and Amy was determined to make the most of her time as President. Under her leadership, Amy spearheaded the very successful 50th Anniversary 50 for 50 online auction, supported our parent socials, contributed to legacy projects on campus with funds raised through Tweeds and More, and so much more.
Amy’s boundless optimism, organization, glowing smile, and focus on going above and beyond to bring joy and make others feel valued are so appreciated.
Parent volunteers Jen Dalton, Jen Browning, Alida Lalani and Amy Meyer handing out Amy's homemade caramels during Random Acts of Kindness Day.

““Like the bricks and

HHeard. Smith. Ditchburn. Cross. Atkinson. Waterous. Chernoff. Rose. Kirker. Anderson. Buchan. Burns. Dover. Howard…
These names will no doubt be very familiar to every student, parent or guardian, teacher and staff member of
Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School (STS). In fact, it would not be an overstatement to say that the buildings, facilities, and traditions by which we honour these individuals and families have provided our literal foundations, and shaped our legacy, for over 50 years. As we celebrate our golden anniversary, I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the lasting impact that these momentous contributions have made on our School.

STS is an academic institution built on the vision, passion, and generosity of our community. This dedication to providing an outstanding education for exceptional students has been a hallmark of our School from the very beginning, starting with the donation of land by the Cross family for our campus. Donald Cross ’47, David Dover ’48, and Sandy Heard ’46, all alumni of Strathcona School for Boys, recognized the blessing they had been given and were committed to making sure future generations would share that same opportunity.
One of the pivotal moments in STS’s early history was a donation made in the interest of education by the estate of W.H. Atkinson. It was, at that time, the largest donation made in Calgary’s history, and it helped pave the way for the founders and administrators of STS to begin initial construction. Nearly five decades later, a significant and timely contribution by the Rose family has helped to make our new Rose Elementary Wing a reality; allowing our youngest students to set off on their academic journey with the best possible facilities, programs, and resources at their fingertips.

While tuition and government grants do cover our year-to-year operating expenses, we rely on fundraising to drive individual programs and all campus enhancements. The phenomenal financial support of our STS family has, to date, helped us to expand and upgrade our athletics, fine and performing arts, speech and debate, outdoor education, and Round Square facilities and programs, along with many others. As Director of Community Engagement, my role is to cultivate relationships between people who want to make a difference, and our Annual Fund is the fundamental realization of that goal. This comprehensive effort is the only ongoing annual fundraising initiative that touches every single member of our community, and ensures our strong financial health, the maintenance and improvement of our campus, and a rewarding educational experience for all students. I’m pleased to share that our 2021-2022 Annual Fund campaign was the most successful in our School’s history raising more than $700,000, with donors stepping forward to provide much-needed support as we moved through the COVID-19 pandemic. Our third annual STS Giving Day, held last November, also broke the record for our largest ever single-day fundraising achievement.
Once again, I would like to express a heartfelt and resounding “Thank you” for the overwhelming generosity shown by our STS community. Like the bricks and mortar that form our buildings, or the trees and pathways that provide our connection to the natural world, every donation you make not only shapes our campus, but upholds our legacy of creating good humans, thoughtleaders, and global citizens.

Ways to Give Back
Annual Giving campaign STS Giving Day Endowment Legacy Giving Capital Initiatives Registered Assets Atkinson Society (planned giving) And others (we are always happy to work with individuals to give in a way that is most impactful for them) The Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School (STS) Foundation, which is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, was established as an independent charitable entity approximately 20 years ago. The Foundation serves to advance the long-term interests of the School and supports the School's mission by stewarding the land, buildings, and endowments, and with philanthropic programs, rejuvenates campus facilities, and supporting students through scholarships and bursaries.

The Chernoff Commons

L to R: Nyah ’20, Bruce, Stella ’22, Dina, and Lucas ’19 Chernoff
Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School (STS) is pleased to recognize the extraordinary contributions of Bruce and Dina Chernoff, whose foresight and immense generosity played a significant role in the building of our new Arts and Innovation facilities — now officially named Chernoff S
Active STS community members, Bruce is a former member of the STS Board of Governors, and Dina has a long history of giving her time and attending school events. As the proud parents of STS alumni Lucas ’19, Nyah ’20, and
Stella ’22, Bruce and Dina’s donation will ensure that tomorrow’s students will have access to a state-of-the-art learning facility in which to create, build, express themselves and flourish every single day.
Long before the first shovel broke ground on our campus in 1970, a group of visionaries shared a bold idea — and made a commitment to see it become a reality. The Chernoff’s incredible donation, made as part of our Inspiring
Possibilities campaign (2013-2018), is a beautiful reflection of these same values. On behalf of the entire STS community, past, present and future, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Chernoff family for their vision, faith, and support. You have left a legacy that will bring joy and inspiration for generations to come.

Students gathering in the Chernoff Commons