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Over the years, our school has benefited from the foresight and generosity of STS community members who have left a planned gift to our School. In fact, our current campus was seed funded through a $250,000 bequest from W.H. Atkinson in 1968. In tribute to this monumental gift, which today would be worth $16 million, we named our planned giving program the Atkinson Society.

Anonymous (3) JC Anderson* William Atkinson* Gregory Borm ‘81 Courtland “Tubby” Chapman* Donald ’47 and Shirley Ann Cross Brock Dundas* Anne Evamy M. Patricia Fischer Jason ’03 and Vivien Fong Graham Gilley ’82 Pam Heard ’73 Bonnie Hewson Joni Hughes Stephanie Jackman ’90 We are grateful to the following donors who have supported the School through a planned gift, both future and realized. The vision these donors bring to our School will continue to benefit future generations of STS students.

Mike and Sally Jackson Darrel Kemp and Patrizia Mazzolani-Kemp ’79 Richard Lindseth ’73 Dana Lougheed ’90 Bruce McFarlane and Janice Heard ’75 Frank McKay* Cheryl Pirie-Jacobs Alexander Purdy ’02 Jonathan and Val Robins Jack Schneider ’90 Llewellyn Turnquist ’86 Mark and Gabrielle Wood Reg Worsley Todd Worsley

*Indicates donors who are deceased and whose gifts have been realized

We are grateful to the families who have planned a legacy gift to STS. If you would like to learn more about planned giving or have included STS in your estate planning, please let us know as we wish to steward your giving and ensure your wishes are fulfilled. Contact Caroline Banadar, Director of Advancement at 403-938-8344 or caroline.banadar@sts.ab.ca.

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