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Distinctively Southern Wedding Experience

January 17, 2020 Robertson Media Group, LLC, Publishers of Distinctively Southern Wedding, to hold Inaugural Wedding Event for Williamson County For Immediate Release Contact: Shelly Robertson Birdsong, Publisher shelly@robertsonmediagroup.com This year, wedding publication Distinctively Southern Wedding (DSW) will coincide it’s fourth publication with the first ever Distinctively Southern Wedding Experience, a boutique type wedding/vendor event which will focus primarily on Williamson County wedding businesses and services. “There isn’t another wedding event, to our knowledge, expressly focused on Williamson County bridal offerings,” explained Shelly Robertson Birdsong, Publisher. “We felt like it was an event void we could certainly fill, based on our community based publication and bridal business advertisers already. The DSW product is continuing to grow and, although it is geared toward and represents a middle Tennessee demographic overall, our strongest representation is from the Williamson County market.” The show will reflect other subtle differences to big box shows – featuring only twenty to twenty-five vendors, who will have an opportunity to creatively display and showcase their services in a much more intimate setting. “They will actually have a chance to have a real conversation with and meet prospective brides and grooms, rather than a cattle call expo mentality where hundreds of brides/grooms come through simply grabbing brochures and moving on,” says Robertson Birdsong. “We want both our brides and our ‘Wedding Experience Experts’ to feel like they actually get to tell the story of their businesses, and brides can possibly learn about unique and special businesses they may not have had a chance to before.” allowing the hotel, opened in December, to provide guests their own unique wedding experience possibilities in this luxury hotel located in the heart of historic downtown Franklin. “It’s important we build on what has always made our publications special – that feeling of unique and local. I am much more interested in a small select group of fabulous vendors and brides looking for a specially curated show, than a huge, massive show that doesn’t allow for anyone to stand out,” expresses Robertson Birdsong. “It’s our first time to do this and there is a lot to learn, but we are excited to grow into something very special for Williamson County. We hope the wedding business community here will be equally excited to get behind it and participate year after year. “ If you are a bride or groom with a wedding coming up and wish to attend, the event is free and open to brides and grooms. Reservations are preferred and will sign you up automatically for continued updates and prizes to be awarded both onsite and after the event. Enjoy refreshments, champagne and a tour of the hotel’s facilities, stay for dinner or even book a room for the night. For more information on the hotel, go to harpethhotel. com. To make a reservation for the Distinctively Southern Wedding Experience, go to distinctivelysouthernwedding.com, call 615.428.2595 or email info@distinctivelysouthernwedding.com for more information. Walk-in’s to the event are also most welcome. Distinctively Southern Wedding Experience to be held Saturday, February 22, 2020, from 1pm to 4pm at The Harpeth Hotel in downtown Franklin, Tennessee.

The Harpeth Hotel will play host to the event, and also is a local wedding venue. Showcasing their facility and wedding services, the hotel will also be providing refreshments for the afternoon,
Distinctively Southern Wedding, Experience 2020 Preferred Wedding Experts Always In Bloom, Inc. | Belles Fleurs | Brides By Glitz Nashville | Buff City Soap | Build A Bride | The Estate at Cherokee Dock Couture by Tess Bridal | The Diamond Cellar | EBJ & Company | Franklin Travel Service/Rejuvia Travel | Luxenhaus Day Spa Pandy Cotton Candy | Rejuvenage MD Wellness & Aesthetics | Southern Events Party Rental Company Street Tuxedo | The Harpeth Hotel | The Registry Franklin

Th e H a rpeth ’ s stu n n i n g cou rtya rd offers th e perfect setti n g for a tru e Sou th ern wed d i n g cerem on y or recepti on . Every bri d e wi l l feel l i ke a storybook pri n cess a s sh e d escen d s th e m a j esti c sta i rca se wi th a l l eyes on h er.

I f you prefer a n i n d oor setti n g, th e G ra n d Ba l l room ’ s ti m el ess d esi gn wi l l serve a s th e perfect ven u e for th e wed d i n g of you r d rea m s!
CRE ATE YOU R S TORY Ou r tea m i s rea d y to crea te a m em ora bl e experi en ce for you a n d you r gu ests i n ou r el ega n t ba l l room , brea th ta ki n g cou rtya rd or pri va te d i n i n g room a n d l ou n ge.

S PE CI AL E VE N TS I n a d d i ti on to h osti n g you r wed d i n g cerem on y or recepti on a t Th e H a rpeth , l et ou r crea ti ve tea m h el p you pl a n a reh ea rsa l d i n n er, fa rewel l bru n ch or bri d a l even t i n on e of ou r u n i q u e spa ces.
CATE RI N G You r wed d i n g sh ou l d be m a gi ca l a n d u n forgetta bl e, a n d th a t feel i n g of en ch a n tm en t sh ou l d exten d to th e food you serve. At Th e H a rpeth , we pri d e ou rsel ves on provi d i n g su peri or servi ce a n d a cu stom i za bl e ca teri n g experi en ce th a t you r gu ests wi l l be ta l ki n g a bou t for yea rs to com e.
WE DDI N G ROOM S Th e H a rpeth offers d i scou n ted room ra tes a n d a va ri ety of su i te opti on s for you r wed d i n g gu ests.
Con ta ct ou r Wed d i n g Speci a l i st tod a y a t sa l es@h a rpeth h otel . com or 61 5 - 206- 75 1 0.

Vi si t H a rpeth H otel . com to sch ed u l e a n a ppoi n tm en t on l i n e.
1 30 2n d Ave N , Fra n kl i n , TN 37064
You are engaged! Now is time to start the planning and it’s never too early to begin. If you have a year before your big day, here is a starter guide for helping you check things off your list, as you prepare to tie the knot! Wedding P lanning Timeline
12 Months Out □ Determine your budget. □ Make a guest list. □ Hire a wedding planner. □ Decide formality and overall theme. □ Select the venue; while selecting your venue, throw out that pros and cons list and trust your gut—this decision is about how you feel when you’re there. □ Select the caterer.
11 Months Out □ Choose a color theme and start thinking of overall design. □ Hire vendors who book up quickly, including your photographer, band, DJ, and videographer.
10 Months Out □ Start shopping for your wedding dress. □ Book hotel-room blocks for guests. □ Create your wedding website. □ Take engagement photos. □ Start looking at invitations.
9 Months Out □ Buy your wedding dress. □ Send save the dates.
8 Months Out □ Register for gifts. □ Select the bridesmaids’ dresses and schedule fittings within the month. □ Meet with potential florists.
7 Months Out □ Book the rehearsal dinner venue. □ Hire the ceremony musicians. □ Order rental items, such as specialty chairs, linens, draping, lounge furniture, white dance floor, etc. □ Hire an officiant.
6 Months Out □ Hire a lighting technician. 5 Months Out □ Book transportation for guests, if needed. □ Book the newlyweds’ transportation (limo, specialty car, etc.). □ Book the honeymoon. □ Buy or rent the groom’s tuxedo. □ Begin premarital counseling. 4 Months Out □ Have your final tasting with the caterer. □ Choose your cake. □ Buy wedding bands. □ Select the groomsmen’s attire and schedule fittings within the month. □ Do a hair and makeup trial. 3 Months Out □ Order the invitations and hire a calligrapher. □ Create or plan your menu. □ Brainstorm guest favors and gift bags. □ Write your vows. □ Select readings with the officiant. □ Start crafting any DIY items if you haven’t already. 2 Months Out □ Send the wedding invitations; (with RSVPs due one month before the wedding). □ Send out rehearsal-dinner invitations. □ Have your first dress fitting. □ Get your marriage license. □ Buy wedding-party gifts. □ Do a floral mock-up with your florist. □ Give the song selections to your band or DJ. □ Give the song selections to your ceremony musicians.
1 Month Out □ Assemble gift bags. □ Pay your vendors in full. □ Create a seating chart. □ Order or make your escort cards and place cards. □ Have a final venue walk-through. □ Put cash in tip envelopes for your planner/delegate to distribute. □ Break in your wedding shoes. YAY! Final Week! You made it! Make sure you’re breathing and power through! □ Practice your vows out loud. □ Chase any RSVP stragglers and deliver the final head count. □ Get your eyebrows done. □ Have a manicure/pedicure. □ Pack your bags for the honeymoon; don’t forget your passport if you’re leaving the country and confirm all travel arrangements. ...Night Before... Can you believe it’s here?! It’s going to be a perfect and great day! □ Eat a healthy meal. □ Pack a clutch or small bag of personal items. □ Drink plenty of water! □ Get a good night’s sleep. □ Put any boxes, suitcases, bags, and survival kits to bring to the ceremony or reception in the car! Prep for next day madness! YOUR BIG DAY IS HERE! □ Eat breakfast. □ Drink even more water. □ Take your dress and veil out of the bag early on and have someone steam them if needed. □ Lay out all the items that you want your photographer to capture. □ Exchange notes with your partner. □ Say thank you to everyone around you.

We 've got you covered.

Housed in the upstairs space at Puckett’s Columbia is Guitar & Cadillac Hall—the perfect location for your big day! This rustic, eclectic venue can host up to 250 people in an open space. Pair the ambiance of the Hall with our award-winning food and service, and you’re sure to have the wedding of your dreams! With four Puckett’s locations in Middle Tennessee and two in East Tennessee (Chattanooga and Pigeon Forge), Scout’s Pub and Americana Taphouse in Franklin, and Deacon’s New South in Nashville, we can handle all of your events and provide something for all tastes—with off-site catering or hosting in our family of restaurants and event spaces. From bridal brunches and rehearsal dinners to corporate events, the A. Marshall Hospitality team will take care of everything so you can enjoy your special day!
connect with events @amarshallhospitality.com
What’s your wedding style?
Pinpointing ones style for their special day can sometimes be easy... And sometimes difficult. Here are some vision boards to help you determine what your style is and help you plan out your thoughts, ideas and inspiration.

Classic Traditional




Personalizing Your Wedding Day BY CASEY CANNON, EBJ & COMPANY

Planning your picture-perfect wedding is so exciting, let’s make it all about you! Adding in personal touches ensures the day is yours, and not just another wedding you can find on Pinterest. Here are a few places to consider adding in some personal details. Your Bouquet I’ve seen brides wrap their bouquet in some lace from their mother’s wedding gown or add a couple of charms honoring loved ones that have passed. My favorite detail from a recent wedding was a bride that included her grandmother’s small Bible in her bouquet. Her mother had done the same thing for her wedding. Continuing or starting a tradition is a great way to add personalization. Decor Share photos of the strong marriages that make up your family history. Collect photos starting with your parents’ wedding day going all the way back for generations and display them in unique frames. This makes for such a fun activity for your guests during cocktail hour. Not only will you be honoring those marriages, but you’ll get to see all the different wedding dresses throughout the years (which more than likely will bring some giggles).
The Cake Table Consider asking your parents, grandparents or even aunts and uncles if they have any cake plateaus that you can use to display your delicious desserts. Showcasing those family heirlooms are sure to draw your guests attention and will really enhance your photos. If you can’t find any special cake stands (or maybe they just aren’t your style), consider using an heirloom cake knife and server or champagne flutes for your toasts.
Your Dances While your first dance, father-daughter dance and mother-son dance are a sure tradition, you may want to honor another close friend or family member with a special dance. One of my couple’s got married on the bride’s grandparent’s 63rd wedding anniversary. They chose to dance to a special song next to them and then switched off so she danced with her grandfather, and he danced with her grandmother. It was such a sweet moment, and one I know they will cherish forever.
Food & Drink When creating your wedding day menu consider starting with something you shared together on your first date, or the first meal you made together. As for drinks, you could have a mixologist create a special cocktail just for you. For example, as a nod to the groom’s birth country, one couple decided to have the national drink of Brazil, the Caipirinha. Guests enjoyed this unique cocktail and loved it even more when they learned what the personal detail meant.

Adding in these special touches is a sure way to personalize the day and share more about you as a couple with your guests. Whatever comes to mind just go for it. Don’t think “Is this weird? Is it okay to do this?” If you and your future spouse like it and want to share it with your guests, then you should do it. It’s okay to break tradition sometimes and really create an experience that is totally you. After all, that is what the wedding is about, right?
CASEY CANNON // EBJ and Company

Casey Cannon is the Owner and Lead Planner of EBJ & Company based in Franklin, TN, serving Middle TN and beyond. Her passion for wedding planning comes from the desire to allow brides to enjoy the time leading up to being united with their best friend for life, instead of stressing over the logistics and details needed for her perfect day.
Distinctively SouthernWedding