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ELECTION DAY - OCTOBER 26th www.baggettward4.com
Paid for by Patrick Baggett for Ward 4 Alderman. Candy Sullivan Treasurer.

BRENTWOOD IS FINALIST IN NATIONAL COMMUNICATION AWARD FOR COVID-19 PUBLIC RELATIONS CAMPAIGN The City of Brentwood recently won an Award of Excellence at the City-County Communications and Marketing Association (3CMA) Conference. The Savvy Awards, held in conjunction with 3CMA’s Annual Conference, recognize outstanding local government achievements in communications, public-sector marketing, and citizen-government relationships. The award was presented to Brentwood’s Community Relations Department for a new category for 2020 that focused specifically on digital interactive communication efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic for cities up to 45,000 in population. You can learn more about the City of Brentwood at BrentwoodTN.gov.
BATTLE GROUND ACADEMY APPOINTS NEW BOARD MEMBERS Bill Armistead III ‘69, Cedric Coco, Mike Hammontree, Greg Herman ‘84 and Camille Sherry Small ‘91 have been named to Battle Ground Academy’s Board of Trustees, announced Board Chairman Mark Puryear ‘85. Established in 1889, Battle Ground Academy is a coeducational, college preparatory school for K-12. More information on the school can be found at battlegroundacademy.org.
CITY OF FRANKLIN’S 2020 VIRTUAL CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING EVENT The City of Franklin announced its 2020 Virtual Christmas Tree Lighting Program had won a Silver Telly for General Virtual Events & Experiences in the 42nd Annual Telly Awards. The Telly Awards honors excellence in video and television across all screens and is judged by leaders from video platforms, television, streaming networks, and production companies, including Netflix, Dow Jones, A&E Networks, Hearst Media, Nickelodeon, ESPN Films, Vimeo and more. dispersed teams. To see the winning 2020 Franklin Virtual Christmas Tree Lighting featuring the Shindellas go to. facebook.com/ CityOfFranklin/videos/1706543826177089 .
FRANKLIN RECEIVES MUNICIPAL LEAGUE AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN HISTORIC PRESERVATION The Tennessee Municipal League (TML) is pleased to present Franklin with an award for Excellence in Historic Preservation. Three local pastors, the city battlefield historian, City Administrator Eric Stuckey and Mayor Ken Moore, presented to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen the concept of the Fuller Story Initiative. This project would include the stories of the African American experience before, during and after the Battle of Franklin and the story already being told on the square. Beginning in 2019, the City unveiled five markers near the Confederate monument at the square that detail the African American experience in Franklin. A statue honoring the roughly 180,000 black men who served in the U.S. Army and Navy as part of the U.S. Colored Troops – including 300 from Williamson County – will also be erected in downtown Franklin.

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