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Socially Yours
If 2020 thus far could be summed up in a few words, I think we could all agree that quarantine, pandemic and social distancing are just a few that come to mind. If you’re any sort of introvert, you might already consider yourself an expert on social distancing, but for a lot of us, this is a new normal we could use some help with. While the term social distancing can be used ambiguously, in our current climate, it’s defined by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as “ keeping space between yourself and other people outside of your home.” It seems simple enough, but in order for this to effectively decrease the spread of Covid-19, we all have to participate and do it properly.
SIX FEET APART The “distance” in social distancing is six feet apart. From what we know so far about the virus, it can travel through particles in the air from person to person. By remaining six feet apart from others, you severely decrease your chances of coming into contact with germs carrying the virus. If you’re in the grocery store, stay six feet behind your fellow shoppers while browsing and while in line for checkout. If you’re going to a park or even for a walk through the neighborhood, spread out and keep a safe distance between you and others. Following this rule will not only help keep you healthy and safe, but others as well.
AVOID LARGE CROWDS WHEN POSSIBLE Currently, both the CDC and state and local governments are advising families and individuals to avoid mass gatherings. While many large summer festivities have been canceled, the good news is that previous restrictions of gatherings over ten people have been lifted. However, it’s still important to limit prolonged, close interaction that could potentially be harmful, especially if you or someone in your household fall in a higher risk category. If you find yourself in a larger group, six feet between each person is still highly recommended.
LIMIT TRIPS It’s very exciting that places such as restaurants, parks, malls and outdoor attractions are starting to open back up. We’re all ready to get out of the house for a bit of fresh air! However, the CDC still warns that there are infection risks while being out and about. For that reason, they are recommending that you limit your trips to and time in public places. If you’re going to the mall, know ahead of time what you’re going in for. If you’re dining out, don’t linger for too long after your meal. Supporting local businesses while staying healthy is a win-win!

DON’T GO OUT IF YOU AREN’T FEELING WELL If you or someone in your household isn’t feeling well, stay home. Now is the time to be abundantly cautious. If you aren’t afraid of getting the virus yourself, at least be gracious enough to those who are to not risk passing it on.
TAKE PROPER PRECAUTIONS If you do have to be out and about or even if you don’t, always take proper sanitary precautions when coming into contact with others or after being in public places. Try not to touch products you aren’t buying at the store, don’t cough or sneeze into open air and wear a face-mask in public to contain germs. Most importantly, wash your hands well and often! The CDC recommends using soap and warm water for at least twenty seconds, but if that’s not available, hand sanitizer will hold you over.