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Styling Your Everyday
Stop to Smell Your... Home!
I love candles. They make a home smell great and feel inviting - which are two things high on my check list whether I'm entertaining or simply having a nice evening to myself. As my process of attempting to eliminate harmful chemicals from the household evolves, I realize that my love affair with these potent pretties is coming to an end...or at least becoming more complicated.
In my college days, you could definitely find a slew of cheap, highly fragrant candles adorning basically every room. Nowadays, I tend to be much more picky with my brand, but I still can't say with confidence what it is that makes that flaming wax so fragrant. Also, as my use of essential oils is increasing, I find myself not enjoying the more synthetic smell that's put out by most air fresheners and candles. A trip into Bath and Body Works used to be heavenly, now I often leave fairly quickly with a headache brought on by the potent melting pot of scents.
The problem is, I still crave the ambiance that a nice candle brings into a room. I can't say that I will give up my habit completely, but I am definitely using them less and less. Luckily, I have some alternatives that are healthier and offer an assortment of scents. Here are a few ideas of chemical free ways to get your home to smell lovely and more spalike than synthetic.
Simmering Potpourri. I daresay that 99% of your store-bought potpourri packs are chemical laden with some nasty ingredients. Fortunately, bowls full of this stuff aren't terribly trendy in home decor right now, so this probably isn't on your regular shopping list. As an alternative, I love having simmering, stove-top versions that are completely natural. There are a million recipes out there, but my favorite is one that's supposedly the scent used at Williams Sonoma stores. It combines two sliced lemons, two sprigs of Rosemary and one tablespoon of vanilla extract. Put it all in a pot, fill it with water and let it simmer. Keep an eye out to see if you need to add more water periodically.
Essential Oil Diffuser. I literally use my diffusers every single day. You can find them online and I have bought several inexpensive ones before investing in my doTERRA ones. I change my "recipe" of oils depending on my mood. Obviously, I've been using tons of immune boosting and seasonal threat blends as of late. For normal times, blends of citrus oils with peppermint are a go-to for an afternoon pick me up. Bedtime is a blend of lavender and cedarwood.
Cook a Crock-Pot Dinner. I love my slow cooker. It was great when I worked out of the home, but even now being homebound most days, I still use mine at least once a week. The convenience is unmatched and there is really nothing that makes a home feel cozier than a great smelling meal. Try a potroast, hearty soup or roasting a whole chicken to really bring a punch of nostalgia.
Use Bars of Soap. After years of buying seasonal scented pump soaps, I now use what was good enough for all households for many, many decades...bars of soap. Not only do they last longer and (usually) contain fewer ingredients, they can make your smaller bathrooms smell great just by sitting there! Make sure to still pay attention to ingredients and purchase from natural and responsible companies.
Create a DIY Linen Spray. In 1998, there was no better way to quickly make a room smell nice than a good dousing of
Febreze. Nowadays, I'd sooner spray my couch with the water hose than that "fresh air" in a can. Still, there are moments when a quick spritz comes in handy. Luckily, (thanks, once again, to essential oils) they are so easy and inexpensive to DIY. Try this “Spring Fling” blend that combines twenty drops each of lemon, grapefruit and lime into a small glass spray bottle with distilled water. Shake and spritz. A bedtime blend with lavender and lemon is perfect to spray your pillow with before bed.
Make Homemade Candles. Alas, if all other scented options just can't take the place of a flickering glow, you can make your own. It's like with food - the only way to truly know what's in it is to prepare it yourself. I have not tackled this project yet, but plan to make a day out of it sometime soon and will let you know how it goes. In the meantime, I purchase only soy or beeswax candles and use them sparingly.
Change Your Idea of What Clean Smells Like. I feel like we're brought up to recognize the smell of Lysol and bleach as being "clean." While I appreciate these hardhitters when I'm staying at a hotel or in a public restroom of any kind, you won't find my house smelling like this ever. I use a few store bought natural options, but DIY most things. When all else fails, baking soda and vinegar can do wonders.

Daniel-Christian Real Estate has moved to 203 2nd Avenue South in Downtown Franklin. Dianne Christian and Matt Daniel, a mother and son real estate team with deep roots in Williamson County, had an opportunity to purchase another property in the downtown area and decided to turn that purchase into a warm and inviting office space for clients as well as agents affiliated with their company. Dianne and Matt hope you will stop by sometime when you are in the neighborhood!
MATT DANIEL Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist Managing Broker, ABR o: 615.790.6107 c: 615.498.6129 Matt@Daniel-Christian.com
DIANNE CHRISTIAN Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist
Broker, ABR, CRS, GRI, PNM o: 615.790.6107 c: 615.260.3313 Dianne@Daniel-Christian.com
203 2nd Avenue South in Historic Downtown Franklin Daniel-Christian.com
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