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Your Real Estate

Coming Soon: 6011 Leipers Fork PRV | Franklin Offered at $599,000

12.62 acres offered at $599,000, 3.5 miles from Leipers Fork Village. Approved for two dwellings - a 5 bedroom and a 4 bedroom. Beautiful views and utilities are on property. Platted and recorded with Williamson County. Ready for buildingpermit.


o Lula Lane | Franklin Under Contract

Offered at $199,900 Approximately 5 minutes to Downtown Franklin and to the Village of Leiper’s Fork.Rare 2 Acres near Downtown, approved for a 4 bedroom home. Platted and recorded, ready to pull a building permit.

5040 John Hager Rd | Hermitage SOLD at $349,000!

Lauren Sullivan Cell: 615.289.8610 PARKS Realty 198 East Main Street, Suite 200 Franklin, Tennessee



The Williamson County Association of REALTORS® is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer, Michael (Mike) Dvorak. After several months of searching and combing through numerous qualified applicants, WCAR could not be more confident in their choice. "His experience, authenticity and drive were apparent from the start. This new partnership and the vision of the future of the association is inspiring and full of hope," said Jordan Vaughn, board president.

The CEO manages WCAR's 2,500+ member organization and is responsible for all administration and management of the association, based on member needs, with a focus on community relations and advocacy.

Michael comes to WCAR with twenty-seven years of experience in the Association and Nonprofit sector. He began his career with the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners in his hometown of Chicago. He has previously served as the executive director of the Atlantic Coast Dental Association in West Palm Beach, Florida, and most recently as executive director and lobbyist for the Tennessee Dental Association. Dvorak currently serves on the board of directors of the Tennessee Society of Association Executives and is involved in many professional organizations.

"Mike is ready to get to know each of our members and to continue to share the value WCAR brings to its REALTORS® and affiliates alike. With Mike's considerable experience in association management, there is no doubt we are poised for great accomplishments together!" said Jordan.

"I look forward to working hard for our members along with our dedicated board and great staff, to serve our membership. We will accomplish our goal to be a valuable resource for REALTORS® and to grow the organization. The energy of the association will be harnessed and directed to allow us to accomplish new and amazing things. I embrace the fact that there is much work to do, and the future for WCAR begins now!" said Michael.

If you have any questions about WCAR or becoming a REALTOR®, please do not hesitate to give us a call or stop by our office.


Communications & Marketing Director Your Real Estate | wcartn.org

With more than 2,800 members, the Williamson County Association of REALTORS® provides support and services for area real estate professionals and is the leading voice in the community for its members, as well as residential and commercial property owners. REALTOR® is a registered trademark which may be used only by real estate professionals who are members of the National Association of REALTORS® and subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics.

Your Real Estate Professionals of Middle Tennessee Your Real Estate Professionals of Middle Tennessee

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