Youth and an Economically Sustainable Trajectory in Greece, A Utopia?

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Written by Olga Papadopoulou Country: Greece Words: 1508

Youth and an Economically Sustainable Trajectory in Greece A Utopia?

Introduction Nowadays, there is a variety of discussions and news about the crisis that shakes Greece and the Eurozone since May 2010, when it became obvious that Greece was unable to service its growing debt. In summer 2010 the European Central Bank, European Commission and the International Monetary Fund managed to cover the borrowing needs of Greece. In July 2011, a half rescue package offered to Greece under the condition of structural reforms that the Greek government pledged to implement and the story continues till today, together with a high unemployment rate for youth and with efforts by a coalition government to guide the country through its financial troubles. The present essay focuses on the opening of discussion regarding the increasing attention devoted to development in Greece. The revival of interest is supported by the fact that development is a great challenge, which is strengthened by the awareness of the position of all countries and their desire for future improvement. A great challenge especially for youth, whose focus on development issues is required and is essential for the efforts to be effective and progressive on a long term basis.

The Vital Role of Youth One of the crucial questions that needs to be addressed is which actions should be taken and by who, in order to turn the current crisis into an opportunity for the construction of a new economically sustainable development model. A model in which development would be seen as a multidimensional process that will meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs and goals. This


can only be achieved through proper planning, organization, direction and control of all operations. Simultaneously, society should have in mind that sustainability should not be based only on the notion of integration, but also has to capture the worth - living development, together with the notion of growth with equity. Answering also, whose concern is sustainable development and which are those factors that define the needs of each generation, culture and society, with which criteria and how. More specifically, Greek society has to establish a common code, with main elements the reduction of competitiveness and desire of maximum profiteering in the areas of production, education and technology. However, technology used by society for improving the living standards of the worlds growing population in a sustainable way, has to be compatible with local, social and economical circumstances or identity of the particular society. Moreover, regional or local stock in hand and resources should be used properly, together with processes and techniques that can be preserved, improved and regulated by each society. And in this point, it is highlighted the vital role of youth that can play, since young people are unique with a real vision to the future, full of imagination and with no feasibilities. All in all, youth should be the key part of New Greece, thus reflecting a high priority, in order to achieve and follow a sustainable economic trajectory. Only, with the involvement of youth will be a real improvement in human well – being and social equity, together with a significant reduction of risks and scarcities, since youth can provide an excellent basis upon which a sustainable strategy may be modeled.

Actions Taken by Youth The next question we do have to answer is how we as youth can achieve an economically sustainable development in Greece. The first initiative taken is simply the youth engagement to the whole development process, because youth are central to overcome the existing barriers. The key word is partnership of state and private initiative taken by the local youth population. The involvement of local communities in decision making process about strategic issues related to production will result in high success rates,


because the members of the community have greater familiarity and understanding of their area, as opposed to external factors. Additionally, youth with the increased positive mood that characterized them should begin the foundation of new industries and enterprises, which will provide them with dignity and security, than consistently waiting and relying on jobs announcements of the Greek public sector. It is no coincidence that until recently the dream of each family in the country was the ensuring of a job position in the public sector of the economy, with a fixed salary and diminished responsibilities. So, a behavioral change of Greek society and youth that will combine imagination and practice together can make a great contribution for an effective development. In this point, essential is the role of Social Economy that youth should follow in Greece, especially after the resolution of the law for Social Economy and Entrepreneurship, by the Greek Parliament in 2011. Specifically, Social Economy or Co-operative Movement1 is understood not just as an entity beyond and outside the other two traditional forms of economy, namely the private and the public sector, but as the median, through which the economy and society produces and reproduces the conditions of their existence. According to the notion of Social Economy, society and economy cannot be understood as two separate poles, even if we accept that these poles interact externally, but as concepts that coexist. The modus operandi of businesses and organizations that follow the Social Economy can be summarized in the following points: a) Activities and motivations in order to serve the needs of their members and the collective benefit, b) Autonomy in the management, c) Democratic procedures in their decision-making process and d) Development accompanied







of people



The vital part of Social Economy is that the profits derived from the economic activity of social enterprises are used to improve their activities. Consequently, the profits aren’t the basic incentive of enterprises. Therefore, essential is the democratic process within the institutions, since the decision-making process refers to the principle of “one person - one vote�.


Information taken from the Greek site


Last, but not least social economy can function as an active intervention between market and society, since it is based on a broad social base and promotes social cohesion and solidarity, meaning the integration of work groups that are excluded from the labor market. Youth in Greece might make a step forward, when walking the Social Economy path, especially after the United Nations declaration that the year of 2012 will be the International Year of Co-operatives. However, the next generation in order to sustain development should not only develop actions, but also should inspire and mobilize other young people through leadership, training and awareness rising. As young people, we are familiar with the concept of globalization as a process of unlimited exchange of ideas. So, social media would be an excellent device for strengthening the relationship among young people in the country. Young people use the Internet more and more not only for their entertainment, but also to voice their opinions about issues that surround them, together with their own backgrounds. Concerning all the above, the launch of “virtual� communities that will be truly comparable in impact and cohesion to physically face - to - face communities could be a real asset. In other words, the establishment of an online community that really encompasses young people can lead to the formation of social capital, which is essential for both to come close. Consequently, scholars and government officials should recognize the great contribution of social capital to the economic and social well – being of individuals. Moreover, an e - platform aims to offer as well a suitable framework for researchers to exchange ideas, research findings and views on present and future challenges about sustainable development. The platform will host also a forum, in which wishes and concerns will be expressed by young people. Forum will seek to contribute to the development of mutually accepted policy responses to the pressing challenges faced in the country. More specifically, it should aim at building a strong consensus on a long term basis in favor of regional integration and stability.

Conclusion We should have in our minds that development is important. However, trying to find and evaluate actions is extremely difficult and complicated. Then, at all levels the Greek


youth and the state have to discover and maintain the balance of economic growth, human well – being and sustainable development. But through the years of economic crisis we are experiencing, only knowledge that comes from inspiration and with no fear of failure will find the pattern. With no doubt, Greece as a country and as a nation is encountering its modern “Symplegades”, with the question to remain, namely if the country will manage to navigate without crush the rocks and exit the Eurozone. But, the new balances in the Greek economy can be catalysts for new investment opportunities in the future. As the 35th U.S. president J.F. Kennedy stated in April 1959 during his speech in Indianapolis, for the crisis “The Chinese use two symbols to write the word crisis: one represents danger, the other opportunity. In a crisis we are aware of the danger but recognize the opportunity”.


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