D E S I G N In Naru, We believe that the visual language is the most comprehensive and universal language. That’s why we are challenging ourselves everyday to understand every user’s needs and expectations. We are aiming to provide a full pleasent experience for everyone in any circumstances, and we are building with graphic design an intelligent way to reach people’s minds and feelings.
EV ERY DETAIL CO UNTS Computer science and Mathematics taught us the sense of rigor ; Every character, every number, every sign and every comma counts. At Naru, we follow this philosophy in every project and every step. Every design follows a whole process of research, planning, developing and test. Besides the idea’s creation step, there is no place for improvisations. In Naru, We believe that graphic design is the most precise form of art.
LO GO Our logo tells a lot about our philosophy. At Naru we chose to be precise and consistant. We love to Tell stories through lines , colors, and motions.
Naru. From the punic word “Naro” which is the birth place of the company on the shores of the Mediterranean sea, and from the Japanese word “Naru” which means “to become” and “to move forward”. In Naru we connect our roots to our ambitions throught words and also shapers and motions. We opted for the curves that better reflect the sensation of movement and motion. This is highlited more by the actual shape of the logo which is the combination of the four letters.
Orange is the color of adventure and social communication.
It is a combination of red and yellow. Red is filled with energy and stimulation, and yellow is responsible for the happiness and cheerfulness.
TYPOGRAPHY Starting from our logo, we built the naru font, preserving its unique specifity which is the combination of all the letters. Every character takes origin from the official logo and obeys some strict mathematical rules to create an appealing and functionnal look.