Youssef Kabbaj can catalyze quick gain for your company in special situation Youssef Kabbaj Goldman Sachs former head of strategic coverage has been in the business of providing advisory to the companies on their alternative financing options including special situations, strategy, mergers & acquisitions and strategy. He is currently the managing partner at the Whitestones Partners, a merchant boutique bank with branches in Dubai, London and Rabat. Special situation for a business has the potential to alter its future course and leave an impact on its value. Special situation covers all or some of the following points:
Corporate restructuring Share purchases Corporate transactions Asset sales Spin-offs, and Other catalyst oriented situations.
Detailed analysis of special situation Youssef Kabbaj Goldman Sachs former banker can help the distressed middle size companies with their alternative lending when they are in special and distressed situations as it’s one of his key forte areas of advisory services. He develops strategy aimed at making the investments that drive current income from the debt consolidation. He and his teammates at the Whitestones Partners carry out a detailed bottomup and top-down analysis that they combine with credit judgment to bring out the best outcomes for the clients. To take the full advantage of special situation, Youssef Kabbaj Goldman Sachs former banker identifies the upcoming events that could increase or decrease a company’s equity and equity-related instruments. Types of equities In the world of finance, equity refers to a group of assets after deducting the value of liabilities. It signifies the value of ownership interest in a business, such as the shares of stocks that the business holds. In a company’s balance sheet, the equity is described as the sum of assets minus loans and liabilities. There are six types of equities: 1. If equity represents ownership interest in a company as represented by securities, it is known as private equity.
2. For a company, equity means the sum of common stock, paid-in capital, preferred stock and retained earnings. 3. For those in margin trading, equity means the value of securities in a margin account minus borrowings from the brokerage house. 4. For investors, equity means principal assets, such as stocks. 5. For bankrupt businesses, the amount of money left with the business after it pays to the creditors is known as ownership equity or risk capital. 6. In real estate, equity is the difference between the fair market value of the property and the balance owned on the mortgage. Calculating a company’s equity Shareholder’s equity, when used in tandem with the analysis of all financial statements, cash flows, balance sheet and income statement provides an effective metric for determining the net worth of a business. Shareholder’s equity represents amount left over for shareholders if all the assets were liquidated and all debt repaid by the company. If shareholder’s equity is positive, it means the company has enough assets to cover its liabilities and if it is negative, it means its liabilities exceed its assets. A company’s equity can alternatively be calculated by combining the value of share capital and retained earnings, and deducting treasury shares from it. Profit from rise in valuation during special situations If you are a business facing special situations, you can approach Youssef Kabbaj Goldman Sachs former employee who can help you get the necessary lending and investments that you so badly need. He and his teammates at the Whitestones Partners can make attempt for your business to make profit from potential rise in valuation presented by the special situation. There could be a near-term catalyst that Youssef Kabbaj can find for you based on his deep insight and expertise to quickly gain from the special situation your company currently is in.
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